Date: 08 Aug 2021


A lot of people like work. It fascinates them. They can spend hours looking at it. But do you know when this feeling intensifies? It intensifies as the deadline gets nearer. Procrastination, delaying the work, being lazy about work; all of it is directly proportional to the length of the deadline. However, if you are working in a group or in a team, then things get better. It helps to put the blame on someone else.


We all have at least once missed the deadline, and interestingly have believed that it was not our fault. But seriously, there’s nothing wrong in believing it. After all, when you are given more work than a normal person can manage, there is no way you would want to even consider doing it more than your resistance.

It all starts with school, when all of us are so naïve about everything. Tension-free days, nights full of deep sleep and sweet dreams are what we live with. Studies, homework, assignments, academic writing; all of it becomes a genuine part of our lives where we are directed about each and everything by our teachers and instructors. How carefree we are during our school stage. And the time passes and passes. Eventually, the glories of college life begin to unveil once we graduate from school.


College and university lives, while bringing you independence and freedom, bring a lot of things along that are never attractive. Responsibilities, student loans, part time jobs, eating ramen noodles all month long, sleepless nights, savings; all of it just gets too much! But wait, it just doesn’t stop here. It’s something like this; in college life, anything that could possibly go wrong often does – as well as a thing or two that couldn’t possibly. At this stage, some of us learn from the mistakes of others; the rest of us have to be the others.


The question is why do things go drastically wrong in college or university but not in school? Why are you never able to finish the work on time? That‘s simply because the overload of work and short deadlines, because if it wasn’t so, no assignment writing company would’ve been prospering at all nowadays. Really, I don’t blame students if they look for essay a dissertation writer or assignment help or essay help, the point is why do they even think that they need it? This is simply because teachers often assign too much work to students and that too for short deadlines. They say; the farther away the future is, the better it looks. Same thing is with the deadlines. But usually the deadline are not just short, but overlapping as well. Overlapping deadlines? Hmm, that is fishy. It looks like a conspiracy put together by all the teachers collectively.



Deadlines. They keep buzzing like a stubborn fly near your ear which just won’t go away no matter what you do. The fly that is immune to any flycatcher or killer. Deadlines give you a rough go with the work. But no matter how much we curse the deadline,   there is one thing about them; they get the work done, because no work gets done until it is for the sake of the last minute. Even if you start working on a project you were assigned to 8 weeks ago, 2 days before the deadline, you strive to complete it by the time and it results in remarkably creative work. Sure, many people think that deadlines are a negative inspiration, but certainly they are better than no inspiration at all!


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