Have a growth mindset and rise towards excellence

Date: 02 Oct 2021


A new wave of psychological mindset is trending in the business and education sectors. It has to do with learning and becoming more skilled and proficient through the studies and work that a person is doing. The positive or negative mindset of students and workforce play a huge role on the progress of society as a whole and it could not be neglected; instead it should be nurtured and molded to cope better for the person and the society at large.

What is growth mindset?

Professor Carol Dwek at the Princeton University coined the terms, “Growth Mindset” and “Fixed Mindset” in the early 2000’s which has gain significant attention in the recent years especially in the education sector. A professor of Psychology, Dr. Dwek presented the theories of mindset and how from the nurturing stage of the child, the environment molds one of these two mindsets within the child which impacts his whole life decisions. The growth mindset refers to the mindset that expertise can be learnt and excellence can be achieved through hard work and efforts while fixed mindset believes in the innate and natural abilities of a person which could not be changed.

The students are the most impacted individuals from fixed mindset

The impact of these mindsets on the students can be very exhaustive. The students should be reminded that they can achieve great results if they work hard and let others help him in the matters in which it is needed. Many students are shy of asking for help from teachers, colleagues or assignment help from online sources. These students must be taught about the value of hard work and humbleness in asking for help from professionals. If face to face corresponding is something that the student is not comfortable with, they can always look for help online. Many services provide essay help, paper assignment help and dissertation help to the students of such needs.



Nurture the young students to grow and increase their abilities

It must be made sure that the students are nurtured a growth mindset and are gaining help from anywhere they can. As stated above, many students are shy asking for help and internet can be very helpful in providing a safe passage for the helping such students. Many professional freelance essay writers and academic essay writers are available online to provide guidance while many essay writing companies in UK are ready to help students develop a growth mindset.

How can students be helped?

Dr. Dwek has stated in one of her lectures that the best way to develop a growth mindset is to create an environment for ourselves that is nurturing and is not a source of negativity for our minds. Failures in examinations, bad grades and overwhelming burden of assignments lead to stressful life for students and they end up embracing a fixed mindset. Because of the negativity surrounding them, students come to the false realization that they are not meant to achieve excellence and would never increase in their innate abilities that nature has frowned upon them.

A parent should be concerned about the negative impacts that recession and failure in studies bring to the child and they must make efforts in amending it. They should provide emotional support while any other professional support that the child needs for gaining positive results. In this regard, they can opt to go to top rated essay writing services and assignment writing companies for the essay help and assignment help for their child. It is never too late to bring positivity and growth mindset to the young generation as the whole society benefits from it.


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