Date: 08 Aug 2021


There comes a time when you finally get done with the composition of a manuscript that you were longing to finish. It’s true; writing is never a simple task. And it feels so overwhelmingly good when you, after all the hassle, finish your writing task on your own; without any assignment help, without consulting to any academic writing company or taking help from a dissertation writer or an assignment writer.

Right when you’re free from writing your composition, your main purpose is to go through your writing before submission to correct any mistakes that you might have left. Once it’s done, you want to immediately submit the paper no matter what; this behavior is usually caused by approaching deadlines. Well, you submit your manuscript. And when you get to know the marking of your paper, you get extremely disappointed with the results.

“How could this happen?”

“I worked so hard on this one!”

“What could possibly go wrong?”

“I fulfilled all the requirements of the paper, why couldn’t I still make it?”

“Has the marking scheme changed?”

These are some of the questions and scenarios you begin to wonder in your head when the results are unbelievably bad. And you are not the only one who goes through such situations on and off.
One thing is for sure; today, you will get to know why this happens and why you are never able to get your desired grades or marks even after working so hard on something.

Editing & Proofreading – Victims of negligence

Yes, you read that right.

No, do not start thinking that you attempted this step, because you clearly missed the essence of this step while composing your essay and beyond. Editing & proofreading are not just a couple words; this is a whole process of happenings where the probabilities of higher marks are improved and increased. And it’s not just about marks or grades, it’s about the quality of the work which is refined after editing & proofreading, and it is sort of what you need for better grades.

Common mistakes associated with editing & proofreading:

There are a huge number of people that struggle with editing manuscripts, especially when they are the author or academic writer. A common mistake is to edit the manuscript just right after getting done with writing it. Seriously, this is a big NO. Why? Because after you are done writing, your mind is not as fresh as it is required to be for editing & proofreading. The second most common thing to have been observed is that the writers are very biased about their own writings. This psychologically leads them to make minimal corrections and not point out too many mistakes.

Editing & Proofreading Made Easy!

When you put so much effort in the writing, it is very disappointing and depressing to accept that it could not score you your desired grade or marks. But now that you know about us, you do not have to worry anymore. Essay Company brings you the opportunity to get your manuscript edited & proofread by professionals!

Whether it is grammar that you are worried about or the punctuation, or even if you have a fear of presence of plagiarized content in your manuscript we are here to help you get rid of all the mistakes. Our editing services are what you need to get the best from your writing.

We offer,

  • Services tailored to your needs
  • Highly qualified professional support
  • Proofreading with perfection
  • Plagiarism removal
  • Grammar checking
  • Misspellings correction
  • Appropriate punctuation & sentence structure
  • Formatting


Our experts are ready to assist you, call us to get a free quote or order now to get succeed in your academics writing.

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