Nucleic Acids Are The Organic Compounds

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,259 )

Nucleic acids were discovered by Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss biochemist, in 1869. He called them "nucleic" because he believed that they occurred only in the nucleus of the cell [1]. Nucleic Acids are the organic compounds found in the chromosomes of living cells and in viruses. The structure of the nucleic acids in a cell determines the structure of the proteins produced in that cell. Since proteins ...

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Functional Structure Of Skeletal Muscle

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,127 )

Muscle makes up the largest group of tissues within the body, roughly half the body's weight (Sherwood). Skeletal muscle is attached to the bones of the skeleton and through its highly developed ability contract, produces movement at joints. A controlled contraction of the muscle enables purposeful movements of the body and manipulation of objects (Sherwood). First it is important to understand the structure of the muscle and ...

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The Process Of Brewing Beer

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

6 (2,041 )

Beer is the worlds ancient and most generally consumed alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. 'The word beer comes from the Latin word bibere, meaning "to drink".' It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches, mainly derived from cereal grains predominantly malted barley, although wheat, maize (corn), and rice are widely used. Maximum beer is flavored with hops, ...

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DNA, Genes and chromosomes

23 Mar 2015 27 Apr 2017

5 (1,720 )

Introduction Assignment two will firstly explain about DNA, genes and chromosomes. It will then evaluate some pre- disposed genetic factors that affect normal human functioning and look a range of different diseases. It will then evaluate pre-disposed environmental factors that may also affect normal human functioning and discuss another range of diseases. Genetic information is contained in nucleic acids, which are the molecules that hold the information. ...

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Bio Fertilizer Industry In India

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

17 (6,595 )

Bio-fertilizers are contain live such beneficial microorganisms which on application to seed, root or soil mobilize the availability of nutrients by their biological activity in particular, and help build up the micro-flora and in turn the soil health in general. An increasing number of farmers and agriculturists are turning to the use of bio-fertilizers as these are gentler on the soil as against chemical fertilizers. It is ...

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Causes And Minimization Of Soybean Flavour Via Enzymes

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

7 (2,486 )

Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals are main food ingredients that are responsible for flavour in vegetables. These compounds may give rise to volatile and non volatile compounds that give vegetable its characteristic odour and taste (Sessa, 1979). Soybean is very popular and unique in its ability to be cholesterol free and lactose free, and also because it provides good source of nutrients at ...

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Management Of Acute Coronary Syndrome

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

9 (3,413 )

Acute coronary syndrome encompasses a collection of three acute processes related to myocardial ischemia. These include: unstable angina, non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Myocardial ischemia is caused by inadequate perfusion within the myocardial tissue due to oxygen demand exceeding oxygen supply. In a healthy person the amount of oxygen required by the myocardium (O2 demand) is determined by heart rate, myocardial ...

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Rate of Diffusion of Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and Methylene blue1

03 Oct 2016 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,576 )

1 The Effect of Molecular Weight and Time on the Rate of Diffusion of Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and Methylene blue1 scientific paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in General Biology I laboratory under Prof. Diana Rose Gonzales, 1st sem., 2013 - 2014 _ 2 ABSTRACT The effect of molecular weight and time on the rate of diffusion of potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, ...

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History Of Weibull Distribution

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

8 (2,938 )

In probability theory and statistics, the Weibull distribution is one of the most important continuous probability distributions. It was, first introduced by W. Weibull in 1939 when he was studying the issue of structural strength and life data analysis, and was formally named after him later in 1951. He proposed the "chain" model to explain the structural strength. Based on the assumption that a structure is composed ...

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What Is Atherosclerosis Disease?

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,266 )

Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory condition affecting mainly the medium sized and large muscular arteries in the vasculature. Research suggests that the role of statins as a cholesterol lowering agent is only one of their many pharmacological purposes, and that they can also be used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis. A lot of funding has gone into this area of research as it's predicted ...

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The Study Of Solubility Equilibrium

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

5 (1,827 )

The first part of this experiment aims to determine the solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate in water, and thereby determine how the enthalpy and entropy change of the dissolution reaction, according to the equilibrium KHC4H4O6 (s) ƒ› K+ (aq) + HC4H4O6- (aq) --- (1), changes with temperature. The second part of this experiment aims to examine the common ion effect through determination of the Ksp ...

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Chemical Structure Of Fructooligosaccharides

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

11 (4,091 )

Introduction Modern people are increasingly interested in their personal health, and expect the foods they eat to be tasty and attractive also healthy and safe. As interest in the link between diet and health gathers pace, many people seek ways to feel well and stay healthy by eating nutritionally foods. Non-digestible carbohydrates such as oligosaccharides, dietary fibers, and resistant starch have various physiologic functions and the promotive ...

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Co Evolution Of Humans And Disease Organisms

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

5 (1,843 )

Co-evolution is a situation where two or more species influence each other's evolution reciprocally by applying selective pressures on each other. Genetically speaking, co-evolution is the change in genetic composition of one species in response to the genetic change in another. This can lead to evolutionary 'arms races', a classic example being the interaction between plants and insects. The development of a gene for chemical defences that ...

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The Negative Effect Of Clubbing On The Body

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

14 (5,371 )

The levels of clubbing and video gaming have increased in the twenty first century; however the people that go out don't know realise that they are falling victim to the unhidden dangers of clubbing. Epilepsy and heart attacks are conditions that have been associated with stress, bad nutrition and other major triggers of the conditions without realising that even the so-called fun places and gadgets we spend ...

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Quorum Sensing And Its Importance To Biotechnology

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

8 (2,861 )

Quorum sensing offers potential to create engineered bacteria capable of invading cancer cells. It is possible to envision the creation of novel anti-cancer therapeutics by the addition of cancer-destructing modules to these microbial biosensors. Another application of QS and quorum quenching lies in the creation of transgenic plants that are able to defend themselves against common bacterial pathogens. It plays a main role in controlling a diversity ...

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Substrate On Rate Respiration In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

12 (4,456 )

The aim of this investigation is to examine what effects different substrates have on the respiration of yeast. I will investigate this by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide evolved during anaerobic respiration. The volume of CO2 gas will be collected using a gas syringe. BACKGROUND INFORMATION YEAST Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also known as yeast, is a micro organism that uses saprophytic digestion to break down substrates. This ...

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The Evidence For The Endosymbiotic Theory

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

10 (3,854 )

Abstract Modern eukaryotic cells were originally believed to have arisen directly from a single prokaryotic ancestor through serial mutation and the process of genetic drift. However, much evidence has lead scientists to believe that eukaryotes are the result of a merger between a prokaryotic cell, a relative of modern α-protebacteria, that became incorporated by a host archaeon. This is referred to as the endosymbiotic theory. Over the ...

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Effectiveness Of Antibacterial Antimicrobial Soaps

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,222 )

Antibacterial soaps and detergents and their effectiveness has been the focus of attention in recent studies. Various individuals have questioned their added advantage over washing with plain soap and water. This research was therefore carried out to determine the effectiveness of these antibacterial / antimicrobial soaps. From the past studies, washing with antibacterial soaps has been found not to be clinically different from washing with plain soap ...

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Comparing Fluid Flow Of Smooth And Rough Pipes

23 Mar 2015 25 Apr 2017

4 (1,384 )

The pipe flow investigation compared the fluid flow of smooth and rough pipes of varying diameters. The pressure drop across the pipes was recorded to find both the friction factors and Reynolds numbers. A moody diagram was plotted comparing the friction factor versus the Reynolds number. A graph of the experimental friction factor was compared to the theoretical friction factor for the transition of a pipe from ...

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The Importance Of Photosynthesis

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

4 (1,457 )

To understand the importance of photosynthesis, research is conducted to help determine which wavelength of light and light intensity the chloroplast would generate the fastest photosynthetic reaction rate of photosynthesis. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast. The chloroplast absorbs the light energy to convert to chemical energy such as ATP AND NADPH. Photosynthesis is the process of converting carbon dioxide to organic compounds, such as ...

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Analysis Of Blood Smears

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

7 (2,650 )

The aims of this experiment are to study the morphology and characteristic of blood; distinguish the disproportion of blood when suffering from different diseases and identified the differences between animal and human blood. To achieve the aims, smears of horse blood are prepared and compare with human blood. Then the prepared human blood smears are observed under electron microscope. INTRODUCTION Blood performs a lot of important functions ...

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Effect Of Temperature On Plasma Membrane Red Cabbage

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

3 (1,114 )

The major model associated with this experiment is the fluid plasma membrane structure. It is a phospholipid bilayer, where has hydrophilic (polar) head and hydrophobic (non-polar) tail (Pickering, 2000). As non-polar tail does not dissolve in water, that structure controls the function, by making a barrier between two aqueous environments and selectively controlling the materials movement into or out of the membrane. Pickering (2000) said that due ...

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The Electron Transport Chain

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

3 (966 )

In the electron transport chain, electrons flow downward in energy from coenzyme NADH and flavoprotein FADH2 to the terminal electron acceptor, molecular oxygen, O2. Electrons move spontaneously from carriers of lower reduction potential (E'o) to carriers of higher reduction potential. Molecules involved in the ETC have reduction potentials between the values for NAD+/NADH couples and oxygen/H2O couples. Energy extracted from the transfer of electrons is most efficiently ...

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Plasmodium: The Malaria Parasite

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

9 (3,417 )

An endoparasitic protozoan that causes malaria, Plasmodium, requires two hosts to complete its life cycle in; usually a mosquito and a vertebrate. Female Anopheles mosquito is responsible in the transmission of malaria in human beings. Human malaria is caused by four identified species of Plasmodia, namely Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale. Recently, in addition to these four species, the simian parasite Plasmodium knowlesi ...

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Biological Importance Of Water And Lipids

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

5 (1,811 )

Water is arguably the most "essential building block of life"; it is the most abundant molecule in cells, whole organisms, and on Earth. Every single organism contains water, typically forming 70 - 95% of the mass of a cell; a typical human being is compromised of 60% water. Without water, life cannot exist. Water also provides an environment for the organisms that need it to live, as ...

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The Effects Of Gibberellic Acid

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

4 (1,561 )

The main objective for this experiment was to examine the effects of Gibberellic Acid which is a plant hormone on different genotypes of a plant called Brasscia rapa, which included wild type, petite, elongate, and rosette. The wild type and petite have the same amount of Gibberellic Acid, but the elongate over produces it and rosette under produces it. The experiment was placed on top of a ...

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The Free Radical Theory Of Aging

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

7 (2,610 )

The process of aging is a result of increasing damage of our body's tissues which occurs over a length of time. The accumulated damage to our biological DNA is the cause by which inhibition of the cells to function and express its appropriate genes. This leads to or is responsible for the raised susceptibility of disease and death linked to the time-related changing process of aging. This ...

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Impact Of Volcanic Activity On The Environment

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

11 (4,392 )

The research examines the impact of volcanic eruption on the environment and on society. The work aims at exploring four different types of volcanic eruption, the negative and positive impact of volcanic eruption and the health and safety measures during and after volcanic eruption. A total of thirty questionnaires were sent out to friends, staff and students of Cambridge education group, twenty responded with useful information which ...

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Gel Electrophoresis In Analysis Of Sickle Cell Genes

23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2017

11 (4,216 )

This experiment was carried out in order to outline a scheme for the investigation of Sickle Cell Gene Analysis and to understand and carry out the agarose gel electrophoresis. Besides that, the importance of restriction enzyme and the mechanism of the enzyme in separating the specific amino acid sequence were completely understood. The fragment bands observed on the gel electrophoresis from the experiment results was interpreted and ...

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Genetic Mutations Result In Faulty Proteins

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

3 (1,048 )

The DNA sequence codes for a particular gene which is then copied into a protein sequence code. Protein is found in every cell in human body and has a vital role in cell growth and tissue repair. The amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are arranged in a specific order to determine the protein's shape and function. The incorrect amino acid sequence leads to ...

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The Identifying Factor Of Azotobacter

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

5 (1,691 )

It is all too easy to forget about the soil microorganisms that are so crucial to the health of the flora and fauna of an ecosystem. When speaking of soil microorganisms, this classification can be further broken down into three subcategories: fungi, protista and bacteria, with bacteria making up the largest portion of the microorganisms (Boyle et al., 2007, Pelczar et al. 1993). These soil microorganisms play ...

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Effect Of Different Concentrations Of Vitamin C

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

10 (3,761 )

This project was designed to investigate the effect of different concentrations of vitamin C solution on seed germination of Brassica parachinensis or Choy Sum. Seeds treated with vitamin C solutions of various concentrations were used and germination percentage was calculated. Seeds were soaked in vitamin C solutions of increasing concentrations for 12 hours, dried and then sown in germinating trays. The seeds were watered with the same ...

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Structure And Properties Of Ibuprofen

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

5 (1,942 )

Ibuprofen, which is a member of the propionic acid group of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen is a racemic mixture of [+]S- and [-]R-enantiomers. Ibuprofen contains contains a stereocenter in the α-position of the propionate moiety. Studies shown that [+]S -ibuprofen was the active form and it showed activity in both in-vivo and in-vitro. Ibuprofen is white to off-white in colour and occurs as a crystalline powder, with a ...

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A Review On VBNC Bacteria

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

9 (3,567 )

Viable but Non-Culturable (VBNC) state is a unique survival strategy of many bacteria in environment in response to adverse environmental conditions. VBNC bacteria can't be cultured on routine microbiological media but they remain viable and retain their virulent capacity too. VBNC bacteria can be resuscitated when provided with appropriate conditions. A good number of bacteria including many human pathogens have been reported to enter VBNC state. Though, ...

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Understanding The Chemistry Of Nickel

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

9 (3,593 )

Nickel is silvery white [1] and lustrous metal. It is the 7th most abundant transition metal and 24th most abundant element in the crust of earth. It has an atomic number of 28, atomic mass of 58.71 gmol-1 and atomic volume of 6.59 cm3mol-1 [2]. It belongs to group 10 (8B) and 4th period of modern periodic table. Nickel has electronic configuration [Ar] 4s2 3d8 [3]. It ...

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Exploring The Health Benefits Of Tea

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,379 )

Japan - the country with the world's longest life expectancy. Based on Paul Wiseman, journalist from USA TODAY reported that Japanese live longer life compared to everyone else in the world (par. 1). Frank Jordans, journalist of The Huffington Post also states that Japanese girls that are born in the year 2009 have a high chance of living to the year 2095, some may even stand the ...

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The Role Of Migratory Birds

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

6 (2,076 )

The role of migratory birds in transmitting poultry diseases is becoming a contentious issue in the whole world. The issue has even made researchers and naturalists to differ in opinion regarding their capability to disperse pathogens across continents. Recent studies that were conducted during the bird flu outbreaks found out that a migratory bird is capable of disseminating the deadly H5N1 avian influenza without themselves getting infected. ...

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Significance Of Physiotherapy Post Thoracotomy

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

10 (3,601 )

Many people who suffers from orthopedic, cardiopulmonary or neurology problems go to physical therapy seeking help. Physiotherapy is considered to be an important aspect of full recovery stages. It is an art and science which contributes to the development of heath. Physical therapy is one of the most important professions in the health care community where it can help the patients to recover through rehabilitation programs and ...

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Effect of light intensity on photosynthesis

23 Mar 2015 21 Apr 2017

3 (1,104 )

Plants which obtain energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates are the process called photosynthesis. Then plants will take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, add some water and use the energy of sunlight to form sugar. The overall equation can be summarized as below: 6CO2 + 6H2O    C6H12O6 + 6O2 In biology, the requirements for photosynthesis are chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, light and water. In fact, most ...

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Evolutionary relationships between organisms

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

3 (903 )

What makes a good character when determining evolutionary relationships between organisms? Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships and the history between species. Phylogenetic trees can be used to illustrate phylogenetics. It is important in showing the gradual changes that have occurred between organisms which has caused one species to develop into the next. Without phylogenetic trees we would not be able to trace back to common ...

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Application Of Molecular Genetics To Crops

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

8 (2,982 )

"The science of biotechnology is likely to be to the first half of the 21st century what the computer was to the second half of the 20th century. Its implications are profound, its potential benefits massive. Britain is well placed to keep our lead in Europe. I want to make it clear: we don't intend to let our leadership fall behind and are prepared to back that ...

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Symptoms And Treatments In Cystic Fibrosis

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

8 (3,164 )

Abstract Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common genetically inherited diseases which can cause premature death in western populations, with 1 in 2000-3000 new born babies being found to be affected by Cystic fibrosis in Europe [1]. The disease is caused by defective chloride ion channels along the epithelial membrane of the lungs, pancreas and other organs; although there are several hypotheses as to how ...

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Different Medicinal Plants: Use Of

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

19 (7,556 )

MEDICINAL PLANTS This section consist a list of sub-groups that gives information about Introduction, Importance, Systems of medicine, Utilization of medicinal plants. Introduction to Medicinal plants: About 250,000 higher plant species on earth, more than 80,000 species are reported to have at least some medicinal value and around 5000 species have specific therapeutic value. Herbs are staging a comeback and herbal 'renaissance' is happening all over the ...

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Methods Of Categorising Diseases

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

12 (4,496 )

Introduction At the beginning of my written assignment I have been asked to do a research about communicable and non- communicable disease and to choose one communicable and one non-communicable disease by explaining the similarities and the difference between both. My chosen diseases are malaria which is communicable and skin cancer which is non-communicable disease. However my rationale for choosing malaria is because malaria affects many people ...

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Cell membrane: Structure and purpose

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

7 (2,449 )

BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ESSAY: CELL MEMBRANE STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE Introduction Cell membrane is a biological barrier that separates the interior part of the cell (i.e. the Cytoplasm, nuclei and the other cell organelle) from the outer environment, thus permits cellular individuality and also gives shape to the cell. This membrane is a mixture of lipids, protein and carbohydrates, therefore is a complex structure. The membrane is semi-permeable and ...

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An overview of atrial fibrillation

23 Mar 2015 20 Apr 2017

10 (3,692 )

Section1: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a condition when the heart does not beat to its normal speeds or rhythm, often it beats faster than it should. This irregularity leads to an increased risk of stroke and death. The pump function of the heart deteriorates as a result of the un-coordination (due to uncoordinated excitation of muscles). The net result of impaired pump action is the upper chambers ...

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Measles, Mumps And Rubella

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

7 (2,611 )

Measles, mumps and rubella are three of the most highly and commonly acquired infectious diseases in children; however, they can affect people of all ages. These viruses occur throughout the world and are highly communicable airborne pathogens which can spread by close contact with an infected person. Although still a problem in many developing countries, thanks to immunization programs around the world these viruses are much less ...

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Gene Therapy In Genetic Engineering Applications

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

4 (1,337 )

Gene therapy is one of the applications of the genetic engineering. It is a technique which correcting defective gene that is responsible for disease development (cited Safdar, 2010). Gene therapy also involves the addition of healthy and functional copy of the faulty gene into the target cells of the body. Gene therapy generally works by inserting a normal gene into the genome to replace an abnormal gene ...

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The Structure And Function Of Antibodies

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

3 (910 )

There is a type of white blood cell called plasma cells which are produced in the bone marrow as B cells then mature into plasma cells, these produce antibodies. Antibodies are either attached to cell surface membranes or secreted as soluble glycoproteins. Antibodies are large Y-shaped proteins which the immune system uses to neutralise and lead to the elimination of foreign bodies. Antibodies are glycoproteins, due to ...

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Streak Plate And Viable Cell Count

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

10 (3,825 )

Aim and introduction should display insight into what the streak plate and viable cell count method are employed to achieve. They should also introduce MacConkey agar and how its selective and differential properties allow the characteristics of the test organism to be determined. Escherichia coli (E.coli) The aim of this experiment is to allow a certain bacterium to divide and multiply enabling us to view the bacteria ...

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Homeostasis Of Skeletal And Muscular Systems

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

4 (1,533 )

Living cells of plants and animals are only able to survive under a narrow range of certain conditions that include nutrient availability, pH concentration, temperature, ion concentration among other factors. The human body, usually called inner environment has to time and again adapt to the outside environment which is ever experiencing weather changes and great climate diversification that occurs from one hour to another, one day to ...

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Calcium In Contraction Of The Heart

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

15 (5,981 )

In cardiac muscle, excitation-contraction coupling is mediated by calcium-induced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum through ryanodine receptors that are activated by calcium entry through L-type calcium channels on the sarcolemmal membrane. Although Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release triggered by the L-typed calcium current is the primary pathway for triggering Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, there are many other mechanisms that can also activate Ca2 + release from ...

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The Fungus Rhizopus Stolonifer

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

7 (2,424 )

The fungus Rhizopus stolonifer is a widely distributed thread like mold which is commonly found upon bread surfaces and other food. This is why it has the common name of black bread mold. Due to the fact that it is so common and can easily grow upon bread substances it makes it a very appropriate fungal choice to experiment on. Rhizopus stolonifer grows rapidly when placed in ...

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Different Temperatures On Degradation

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

8 (3,079 )

Abstract: This experiment was planned to study how different temperatures can affect the loss of vitamin C in orange juice stored for a fixed period of time. Equal volume of freshly squeezed orange juices with known (initial) vitamin C concentration were stored at different temperatures i.e. 10oC, 20 oC, 30 oC, 40 oC, 50 oC and 60 oC for a constant duration of 5 days. After the ...

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Bone Growth And Remodeling

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

3 (1,159 )

Ossification and osteogenesis are two processes deemed necessary in bone. Bone growth, maintenance, repair and remodelling are a continuous process, even throughout early adulthood. Compact bone tissue provides support and protection in attempt to resists the stressors we place upon them. As we grow or encounter a traumatic experience our bones deteriorate allowing new bone tissue to be replaced (McGee-Lawrence, & Westendorf, 2010). The metaphysis (mature bone ...

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The Effect Of Processing Condition

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

8 (2,896 )

The aim of this experiment is to evaluate the effect of processing condition such as the effect of lecithin on the quality physicochemical properties and organoleptic attributes of burger. The pH for uncooked control and cooked control are 5.77 and 6.04 respectively. Meanwhile for burger with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% lecithin, the pH for uncooked are 5.86, 5.49, 5.48 while for cooked are 6.06, 6.05, and 5.80. The ...

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The Composition Of Complex Ions In Solutions

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

3 (805 )

In this experiment, we are required to determine the composition of complex ion by continuous variation method. Complex ions refer to a metal cation bonded to either one or more than one molecules. It is a stepwise process to produce the complex ion because every process has its own equilibrium constant (Gretchen E. Potts,2001). However, continuous variation method involves the continue changing of the different concentration of ...

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Difficult Intubation And Post Tonsillectomy Bleeding

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

10 (3,825 )

A six year old boy with Down's syndrome is on his way to the children's hospital by ambulance with post-tonsillectomy bleeding. He underwent adeno-tonsillectomy because of recurrent tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids under general anesthesia the day before, some 22 hours ago. Despite being overweight at 37 kilograms and enlarged adenoids he did not suffer from sleep apnea. Prior to his original surgery, the child was uncooperative necessitating ...

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Drug Discovery And Development

23 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017

6 (2,374 )

A drug is created through lots of stages. This essay provides the description of the basic concepts of drug discovery and development, and identifies the role of some medicinal chemistry, such as pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. There are lots of processes of creating new drugs, where we may mainly distinguish between drug discovery and drug development. Drug discovery comes about in several different ways. The method is to ...

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Explaining exceptions to Dollo’s Law

03 Oct 2016 13 Apr 2017

5 (1,958 )

Explaining exceptions to Dollo’s Law - a review of the concepts of constraint and contingency. In 1890 Louis Dollo a Belgian palaeontologist, came up with the theory that evolution is irreversible, expanding on the work of Edgar Quinet, a historian who had first pondered this theory (Chopra & Rogers, 2013) . Thus explaining that the constraint of evolution that it is irreversible and if certain traits are ...

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Acute Inflammation, Appendicitis In Young Adult

23 Mar 2015 13 Apr 2017

3 (1,194 )

Case Thomas is a 23-year-old graduate student that has been admitted to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain in his lower right abdomen. He has been experiencing the pain the last 2 days. Initially he experienced moderate tenderness in a general area around his lower abdomen. He has also been experiencing low appetite and nausea. Etiology The cause of appendicitis usually occurs as a result of ...

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Physiological Changes Of Aging Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015 13 Apr 2017

5 (1,758 )

Aging does not give a good feeling to most human beings because of the diseases and problems associated with it. History has it that most individuals have always tried to stave off aging and death. The affluent often seek lamb cell injection in medical centers in search of youthfulness. Many people take mega doses of vitamin E all in the hope of attaining the fountain of youth. ...

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Examining Guillain Barre Syndrome

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

6 (2,079 )

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a rare immune mediated polyneuropathy that occurs in previously healthy individuals. The purpose of this paper is to provide readers with an understanding of Guillain Barre and conflictions GBS has with other medical resources and diseases. Included in this research paper are topics on origin, symptoms, treatments, medications and conflictions of medical resources with Guillain Barre. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an acute autoimmune ...

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Factors Affecting The Anodizing Of An Aluminum Metal

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

15 (5,933 )

Anodizing is a process for producing decorative and protective films on articles made from aluminum and its alloys. It is essentially a process where a thick film of aluminum oxide is built up on the surface of the aluminum through the use of a direct current electrical supply. In the majority of anodizing plants in New Zealand it is carried out in an electrolyte bath containing sulfuric ...

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DNA Structure: DNA Replication RNA Synthesis Protein

23 Mar 2015 12 Apr 2017

3 (1,105 )

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic material of a cell. It contains information about an organism's cell structure, function, development and reproduction. DNA must be able to replicate quickly and correctly so that the daughter cells have the same genetic information as the parental cell. DNA must also be capable of change. This provides variation among different generations and was the key factor for evolution to ...

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Air Lift Fermenter

23 Feb 2017

8 (2,902 )

Keywords: fermentation, aeration, oxygen, catabolise Summary : Fermentation is a process involve microbial cells to breakdown or catabolise the organic compounds into smaller molecules. Fermentation is performed under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The end products of fermentation are our daily products such as alcohol, vitamins, enzymes rennets, antibiotics such as penicillin and lactic acid. In the fermentation process, it is very crucial to maintain optimum mixing and ...

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Normal Flora and their Benefits

03 Oct 2016 22 Feb 2017

5 (1,629 )

Normal Flora and their benefit The normal flora is a bacteria found in or on ones' bodies on a temporary basis without causing disease. In that respect are larger numbers of bacteria than cells present in ones' body. The human body contains around 1013 cells, whereas the human physical structure is home to around 1014 bacteria. One-fourth of fecal weight consists of bacteria. They ...

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the miscibility of oil and water

03 Oct 2016 18 Oct 2016

5 (1,934 )

Introduction: Colloids, of which lipids are usually found in foods in the form, produce stable homogenous state in a condition of a physical mix of different phases of matter. Colloids are important because of the existence in foods, the basis of digestion in human body and the application to the food processing. However, the one of the major concerns about colloids in food and nutrition is ...

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Concept of Homeostasis

03 Oct 2016 18 Oct 2016

4 (1,337 )

Explain the Concept of Homeostasis (P5) The main concept of homeostasis is to maintain a constant environment inside the body. It does this by controlling certain systems throughout the body, keeping it at the normal environment. Although external influences can have a negative impact on this environment, homeostasis will then make the body react to these influences by correcting it back to the norm level; this ...

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Discuss the challenges facing forensic scientists

03 Oct 2016 18 Oct 2016

9 (3,582 )

GENETICS FOR IDENTIFICATION ESSAY Discuss the challenges facing forensic scientists for DNA-based identification of the remains of the victims of war or other conflicts (both civilian and military personnel). Illustrate with a range of examples. Discuss the challenges facing forensic scientists for DNA-based identification of the remains of the victims of war or other conflicts (both civilian and military personnel). Illustrate with a range ...

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The Isolation of Bacteria from Sewage water

03 Oct 2016 13 Oct 2016

6 (2,105 )

The Isolation of Bacteria from Sewage water for the decomposition of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) plastic films Chapter I- Introduction BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Plastic is lightweight, durable and impermeable. These qualities have made plastic a preferable material for society. But the abundant production of plastic due to the great demand of society means an excessive deal of disposal as well. The use of these lightweight, ...

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The Extraction And Purification Of Paracetamol Essay

10 Jun 2016

15 (5,608 )

Analysing the Quantity and Purity of Paracetamol Present in Different Formulations of the Commercial Medicine Aim The aim of this investigation was to determine the percentage by mass of pure paracetamol in formulations of branded paracetamol in 500mg tablets. Two techniques were used so as to determine this: -Extraction and purification of tablets by filtration and recrystallisation. -Hydrolysis of the drug under reflux followed by titration ...

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Phytochemical screening

23 Mar 2015 29 Mar 2016

23 (8,944 )

Discussion 5.1. Phytochemical screening Phytochemical screening provides basic information about the medicinal importance of the plant extract. In this study phytochemical screening and quantitative estimation of the chemical constituents of S. asper and L. procumbens shows the presence of various metabolites including reducing compounds and free radicals scavenging compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, coumarins, tannins, cardiac glycosides anthraquinones, and phlobatinins. Tannins possessed spasmolytic activity in ...

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An aseptic technique

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2015

8 (2,913 )

Introduction Aseptic means to be free from microorganisms. Aseptic Technique is the procedure that is performed under sterile condition to prevent the growth of other microorganisms on the growth medium such as the Petri dishes containing the nutrient agar or the pure culture. If the growth medium or the pure culture is contaminated with microorganisms from the environment, it will results in confusion and inaccurate data. Hence, ...

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Factors That Affect Streptomyces Growth Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,647 )

The growth of a microorganism is extremely dependent upon the surrounding environmental conditions. Every organism has a range of optimum conditions at which members of its species will grow ideally. Inoculum, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration (among other factors) within the media is often carefully controlled in industrial applications as deviations from the optimal conditions often have profound effects on the growth rate and activity of ...

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Essential Uses Of Microorganisms Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,050 )

Microorganisms play an important role in our life: helps us to digest our food, decompose wastes and participate in various cycles. They are diverse and have adapted to inhabit different environments including extreme conditions, such as hot vents under the ocean to the ice caps; known as extremophiles. There are more microorganisms present in us than there are cells, and the various microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, fungi ...

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Use Of Karyotype Analysis Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,918 )

Abstract A complete set of metaphase chromosomes is called a karyotype. It is widely used to detect the chromosomal abnormalities that are related to the genetic diseases and various type of cancer. As the biomedical science advances, various kinds of techniques are introduced to analyze the human karyotype. These karyotype analyse are widely used in genetic counselling to minimize the risk of having unfortunate abnormalities that can ...

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Environmental Causes Of Cancer Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,336 )

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States. However, it is a very simple group of diseases in concept: the uncontrolled division of cells. When the division of cells becomes so rapid that the products are not fully functional, it becomes deadly. Most forms of cancer are caused by either the failure of tumor suppressor genes or the development of oncogenes. Tumor ...

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Agitation Leaching Theory And Practice Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,333 )

Agitation leaching is a chemical process where in the soil that is to be mixed or slurried is kept in contact for a certain period of time with fluid to be extracted. The metal solubility rate is reduces quite noticeably, and the extraction gets completed on the approach of equilibrium between the metal present in the solution and the metal contained on the surface of the soil ...

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The Effects Of Dehydration And Rapidly Consuming Water Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,017 )

Blood pressure measures the pressure applied against the inner walls of arteries, it differs throughout the body and is controlled by the contraction of the heart and can vary from person to person based upon their age, weight, and overall health. The two types of pressure are referred to as systolic pressure, when the ventricles contract and push blood through the body, and diastolic pressure, the ventricle ...

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The Uses Of Dna Technologies Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,404 )

Introduction DNA typing was first used in Great Britain for law enforcement purposes in the mid- 1980s and has revolutionized forensic science and the ability of law enforcement to match perpetrators with crime scenes. It wasn't employed in the United States until 1987. DNA profiling has changed forensic science. DNA technology has given police and the courts a means of identifying the suspects of rapes and murders. ...

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Ecology And Evolution Of Reproductive Strategies In Birds Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,521 )

Birds, like any other organism, constantly struggle to find a balance between the benefits of reproduction and the costs of reproductive effort expressed as adult mortality (RICKLEFS, 1977). As well as behavioural differences among species such as brood size, protection of young or the effort required for foraging, environmental factors influence avian reproductive strategies. This includes bionomics, for example; how efficiently a bird procures and utilizes available ...

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What Are Embryonic Stem Cells Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,796 )

Stem cells are cells that are obtained from organism and have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells. They divide through mitosis and can self renew into more stem cells. There are two types of stem cells namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells (also known as somatic stem cells). Embryonic stem cells are obtained from embryos. An embryo is a multi-cellular organism in early stages ...

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Wet Granulation Advantages And Disadvantages Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,866 )

In this lab three different sets of tablets were produced i.e soft, medium and hard using different processes which mainly included i.e Direct Compression Vs Wet Massing ,different excipients which included (Lactose Vs Calcium Phosphate) & and different binders which included (PVP Vs Klucel). Once all the tablets were produced by the above mentioned varying processes, excipients and binders they were studied and compared to see how ...

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UV Of Sodium Aminosalicylate Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,003 )

Specific absorbance of the sodium aminosalicylate can be determined by using the Beer-Lambert law equation with the presence of the value of concentration of the sodium aminosalicylate and the absorbance values which can be obtained through UV spectrophotometry. The concentration of 'Unknown' solutions can also be determined by getting the absorbance values through the calibration graph, absolute method and comparative method. Introduction UV spectrophotometry is a technique ...

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Biological And Biochemical Warfare Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,769 )

Biological warfare (BW), also known as germ warfare, is the use of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, other disease-causing biological agents, or the toxins produced by them as biological weapons (or bioweapons). There is a clear overlap between biological warfare and chemical warfare, as the use of toxins produced by living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the ...

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Effect Of Temperature On The Digestive Enzyme Pepsin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,936 )

In this study an experiment was carried out to determine if varied temperatures affect the rate at which enzymes function. Enzymes are biological catalysts; catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being used up (BBC, 2010), without these catalysts it would take an extremely long time for these reactions to take place. The enzyme used in this particular experiment was pepsin; pepsin is ...

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Hemolytic Disease Of The Fetus Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,322 )

Hemolytic disease of the fetus and new born is a condition in which red cells of of the fetus or neonate are destroyed by the antibodies produced by the mother. This condition occurs when Rh negative woman becomes pregnant with RH positive baby. When Rh positive baby's blood enters in to the mothers circulation due to trauma or during dilivery the mother becomes sensitized and produces anti-D ...

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Methanobacterium Are Methane Producing Archaebacteria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,794 )

INTRODUCTION Methanobacterium are methane-producing archaebacteria. They are generally known as methanogens. A genus of firmly anaerobic bacteria that reduce CO using molecular hydrogen, H2, to give methane. They demonstrate a number of features that distinguish them from other bacteria, and are now classified as a separate cluster, the Archaebacteria. Methanobacteria are found in the anaerobic sediment at the underneath of ponds and marshes (hence marsh gas is ...

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Experiment On Aqueous Solutions Solution Stoichiometry Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,072 )

The purpose of this experiment was to study the behavior of electrolytes and non-electrolytes through measuring the conductivity of different solutions. The experiment was divided into two parts. In the first part, the conductivities of seven different solutions were examined. Those solutions were HCl, CH3COOH, NaCl, CaCl2, CH3OH, distilled water and tap water. It was concluded that HCl, NaCl, and CaCl2 were strong electrolytes as they dissociate ...

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The Conditions For Running The Haber Process Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,611 )

In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum yield in the Haber process, by running simulations of the Haber process at different conditions to determine the best conditions. From the Experiment I found that the lowest temperature possible and the highest pressure possible would provide the best conditions to operate the Haber process at for the maximum ...

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A Case Of Chronic Infection Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,211 )

1. The presenting symptoms for Billy DeWitt were his consecutive infections of sinusitis, otitis media and pneumonia. All of these infections were bacterial in nature and as such they were treated successfully with antibiotics. A further physical examination revealed that the child does not have palantine tonsils. This is considered a symptom as he has not had them removed at any point surgically. This implies that he ...

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Abnormally Fertilised Embryos In Ivf Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,591 )

Normal fertilisation is characterised by the visualisation of two distinct pronuclei (2PN) 16-20 hours after conventional insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Abnormalities of fertilisation are also observed with either 1 pronucleus (1PN), ≥3 pronuclei or cleavage without observation of nuclei (0PN). Oocytes demonstrating ≥ 3PN are not transferred as they are thought to be triploid (Feenan and Herbert, 2006). However, difficulty arises when there are no normally ...

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Synthesising And Testing The Purity Of Acetylsalicylic Acid Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

35 (13,946 )

Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, dates back to 1897, when it was isolated by Felix Hoffmann, a chemist with a German company Bayer. Aspirin is a salicylate drug, often used as an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an anti-inflammatory medication (1). Acetylsalicylic acid is used in various conditions such as lower back and neck pain, the flu, common cold, burns, menstrual pain, headache, migraines, osteoarthritis, ...

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Mechanism Of Action Of Warfarin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,174 )

Warfarin is an anticoagulant medication that is used to prevent thrombosis (clots) and embolism in many disorders. Warfarin activity has to be monitored by frequent blood testing for the International Normalized Ratio (INR). Warfarin is a synthetic derivative of coumarin, a chemical found naturally in many plants -- it decreases blood coagulation by interfering with vitamin K metabolism. Mechanism of Action of Warfarin Warfarin is vitamin K ...

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The Effects Of Heat Treatment On Seed Germination Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,286 )

Introduction Seed germination has been found to be influenced by many factors. Some of these include water availability, nutrients, light, incubation, and heat shock (Masamba, 1994). In the natural Western Australian environment, heat shock is most commonly provided by bushfires. Periodic fires result in an open environment providing enhanced moisture, light, and nutrients which are conducive to the survival of germinated seeds (Bell, Plummer, & Taylor, 1993). ...

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The rice production

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,870 )

Aim of study Rice is one of the main staple foods in this world. It is particular interesting that studies be done on enhancing the rice production. There are biotic and abiotic factors that can reduce the production of rice but the aim for this study is to examine further into genes that can enhance rice tolerance towards drought as drought one of the main factors that ...

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The Identification Of Bacterial Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,454 )

According to Bacteria are simplest but complex and sophisticated organism as compare with other microorganisms. Bacteria are classified as prokaryote organisms due to lack of true nucleus and nucleus membrane, it chromosome lies freely in the cytoplasm. Morphologically, bacteria adopt variation of shape and size including irregular, circular, elevated, flat and punciform. However, bacteria are grouped in three main shapes namely rod -shaped (bacillus), spherical (coccus) and ...

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Essay on phagocytes and infection

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,328 )

1. Discuss the processes by which phagocytes are attracted to a site of infection and the mechanism by which they destroy a foreign particle (PA). The pathological state of the body that results from invasion of the host by harmful pathogenic micro-organisms such as disease causing bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and other invaders is termed as an infection. Immune system is a system that comprises of a ...

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Analysing The Chemistry Of Coke Chemistry Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,740 )

Coke is the most popular carbonated soft drink. Generally there is Phosphoric acid in all fizzy drinks including cokes. The Phosphoric acid is infused as an active ingredient in coke to provide the tangy flavour. There is variety of different types of cokes. For example diet coke which contains less sugar and calories than original coke, vanilla coke which has vanilla flavour and zero coke which contains ...

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