Functional Groups Of Lisinopril Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,216 )

The IR spectra of pure showed peaks at which are consistent with the presence of the functional groups of lisinopril ( Furthermore, the calibration curve of lisinopril obeyed Beer's law in the range of 10-60 g/ml ( An IR spectrum of the drug-polymer (methylcellulose) mixture was taken to study and check the drug- polymer interaction. The spectrum revealed that not much interaction between the drug and polymer ...

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Water And Its Function In The Human Body Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,606 )

Water mainly enters the human body through the food and drink we consume. A small proportion of water is obtained from oxidative metabolism e.g. in respiration. Human beings mainly lose water by excretion in urine and faeces. Water is also lost through evaporation e.g. as sweat (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Frederic H.M. 2006) Fig 1a ' Location of the kidney in the body Fig 1b ...

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The Growth Rate Of Mung Beans Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,900 )

Mung beans are used in several food productions, both as a whole seed and in processed form. According to sprouting expert "sprout people", mung beans are most consumed sprout on this planet and are primarily grown in major farmlands in China, Hong Kong and other countries in Asia. Mung beans are widely utilized in Chinese cuisine as well as in the cuisines of Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea ...

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Microorganisms And Biogeochemical Cycles Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,811 )

Microorganisms are known to have existed from the very beginning of life, about 3,500 millions of years ago while animals and plants have appeared only about 3000 millions of years after. Microorganisms are defined as microscopic organisms which cannot be seen with an unaided eye and they consist of bacteria, yeasts, protozoa, fungi and viruses. The first recorded observations of some of the microorganisms were made by ...

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Pediatric Case Study Of Child With Sore Throat Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,306 )

Mr. Wong is presenting with a chief complaint of a sore throat. "The goals of assessment and diagnosis are to identify those patients with group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) infection (because they are at risk for rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis), to reduce the possibility of sequelae of peritonsillar and retropharyngeal abscess, and to identify epiglottitis" (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2007, p. 22). In order to reach a ...

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Shingles Is A Debilitating Disease Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,925 )

Shingles vaccine, Zostavax, has been available since 2006, and is gaining in popularity among adults older than fifty years old. In order to alleviate any misconceptions of the vaccine or the disease process, a discussion of the disease, effectiveness of the vaccine, proper administration, safety precautions, complications, and immunity process will be highlighted by utilizing evidenced based studies and practices. It is through proper knowledge and patient ...

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Basic Pathophysiology Of Atrial Fibrillation Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,836 )

Introduction Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia; it involves the two upper chambers of the heart known as the atria. During atrial fibrillation the normal pulses generated by the sinoatrial node are overcome by the electrical pulses that are generated in the atria and pulmonary veins, which leads to irregular impulses being conducted to the ventricles, and therefore irregular heartbeats are generated. Figure ...

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Role For Nitric Oxide In The Immune System Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,519 )

Nitric oxide (NO) was discovered over twenty years ago to be a molecule that was biologically active and ever since documented as one of the most versatile components of the immune system. NO is a readily diffusible gas that mediates cell-cell communication and thus has been branded as a universal messenger. It is particularly interesting as it is part of the pathogenesis as well as the control ...

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Factors Affecting The Rate Of Enzymes Activity Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,594 )

Enzymes are catalysts made within the human body. Catalysts naturally, lower the activation energy required for reactions. The lower the activation energy is, the faster the rate of reaction is, and therefore enzymes speed up reactions in the body by lowering the activation energy required. ( There are many factors that contribute to the rate of reaction of an enzyme. Factors include: concentration of the enzyme, temperature, ...

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the importance of water in plant growth

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,208 )

Water is a vital component to the survival of every plant in the world as it is aids in the way that they obtain their food (through the process of photosynthesis), grow (cell division, mitosis), respire (cellular respiration) and how they keep their formation (rigidity). Water helps plants maintain their formation by transporting dissolved nutrients, amino acids and sugars from the soil to areas where it is ...

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A Look At Chemiluminescence In Nature Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,769 )

Bioluminescence is a scientific phenomenon that is complex in character because luminous organisms possess unique light-producing chemical reactions and have varied methods of controlling light. Luminous organisms do not fall under order of animals but are unevenly distributed across multiple animal orders. Furthermore, luminous organisms are often adapted to specialized environments and can be difficult to physically research. This paper will cover the background of bioluminescence, luminous ...

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The Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,831 )

Recently there are significant amount of research work undergoing about tissue engineering and bioreactor designing. Therefore there are so may research paper published around the world's. It may use embryonic stem cell, mesenchymal stem cell, tissue graft or other animal spaces tissues or cell for development of human and animal medicine treatment. In that case there should be some ethic and law to control the usage of ...

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Engineering A Puc18 Plasmid Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,382 )

The objective of the experiment was to engineer a pUC18 plasmid so that it contained a kanomycin resistance gene in its multiple cloning site and to transform it into cells. The kanomycin resistance gene was obtained from a pKAN plasmid. The desired plasmid was constructed by digesting pUC18 and pKAN with the same restriction enzymes,(BamHI and HindIII) and religating the products to give the engineered pUC18. The ...

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Values Of Phosphate Buffer Against Distilled Water Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,086 )

The important usage of buffer solution was showed through comparison of the change of pH using phosphate buffer and distilled water when acid and basic solution was added. A phosphate buffer was first produced by mixing 2.652 g of KH2PO4 and 5.307 g of K2HPO4. The initial pH of the solution was measured at 7.00 which is 5.41% lower than the theoretical pH. When 25ml of the ...

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Health Benefits Of Probiotics Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,601 )

During the past two decades probiotic micro-organisms have been widely applied in different types of products either as pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements or foods. Among the latter group fermented dairy products such as probiotic yoghurt are becoming popular in the market and the range of such products continues to expand commercially (Manojlovi , Nedovi , Kailasapathy & Zuidam, 2010). An increasing demand for probiotic functional foods is mainly ...

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The Central Dogma Of Molecular Biology Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,869 )

The molecule we know today as deoxyribonucleic acid was first observed in 1869 by Swiss biologist Friedrich Miescher, who stumbled upon a substance which was resistant to protein digestion. At the time he referred to the molecule as ``nuclein'' \cite{Pray2008}. Though Miescher remained in obscurity, Russian biochemist Phoebus Levene continued work with this substance and in 1919 discovered the three major components of a nucleotide: phosphate, sugar, ...

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Blood Diseases Polycythemia Vera Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,271 )

From the ancient times to the modern era of today where everything is said to be changed irrespective the good or bad, not only mankind had undergone an evolution but so as the diseases which is why new medical innovations are highly needed to counteract such dilemma. Diseases do not only invade a person externally but also can spread internally as well such as blood diseases. Blood ...

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Follicular Lymphoma Case Study Identifying Stages And Classifications Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,146 )

The clinical condition given was a 33 year old patient diagnosed with chemotherapy resistant advance follicular lymphoma. Lymphoma is a type of cancer of the lymphocytes, which belongs to the white blood cell family of the body.1 White blood cells circulate the body through an extensive network of lymphatic systems, illustrated in figure 1, which includes the bone marrows, spleen, thymus and the lymph nodes.1, 2 Figure ...

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Using Gel Filtration To Study Ligand Protein Interactions Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,504 )

In this experiment our purpose was to observe the ligand binding of the serum albumin and phenol red and observe it by using the gel filtration chromatography. Ligand is a substance, usually a small molecule that is able to bind to a biomolecule. This binding produces a complex and serve as a biological purpose; activation, inhibition or act as a neurotransmitter. It binds to a site of ...

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Using Recombinase Based In Vivo Expression Technology Rivet Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,912 )

Introduction: Pathogenic bacteria utilise a number of genetic mechanisms to cause disease and thus, infections in the host. These mechanisms contribute to virulence, a term referring to the degree of production of an infectious disease in a host organism. An infection generally begins with adhesion to and colonisation of the host and leads to invasion of host tissues, or cells, in the case of some pathogens. Thus, ...

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Overview Of Mammography And Its Importance Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,671 )

Mammography is the radiographic imaging of the breasts. It is a special diagnostic and screening tool of the human breasts. A mammography is done with specific x-ray equipment which is able to find tumors too small to be felt. Mammography examination's ultimate goal is the early detection of breast cancer, typically through detection of characteristics masses and / or micro calcifications. A mammogram is the best radiographic ...

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Ecosistemas Marinos

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,404 )

Ecosistemas Marinos Tomado de: EcoCiencia. 2001. Biodiverciudad, un recorrido por la megadiversidad del Ecuador [CD-ROM]. Quito: EcoCiencia El mar es un lugar asombroso que alberga una diversidad de especies y ambientes quizá mayor que la terrestre. Sin embargo es aún bastante desconocido sobre todo en la zonas más profundas. En todo el mundo existen 14 tipos de ambientes oceánicos, de estos, 10 están presentes en ...

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Detection Of Low Level Sex Chromosome Mosaicism Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,900 )

Turner syndrome (TS) is most commonly due to a 45,X chromosome defect, but is also seen in patients with a variety of X-chromosome abnormalities or 45,X/46,XY mosaicism. The phenotype of TS patients is highly variable, and depends largely on the karyotype. Patients are at an increased risk of gonadoblastoma when a Y derived chromosome or chromosome fragment is present. Since constitutional mosaicism is present in approximately 50% ...

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The Bears Take On Hibernation Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,283 )

Bears are members of the family Ursidae, there are eight species alive today, with a large geographical range. They are found in North America, South America, Asia and Europe; they occupy a large range of habitats, from the Arctic tundra to temperate forests (Craighead Institute 2010). During winter, bears enter a state of dormancy. Most animal species become dormant to some extent during their lives, as an ...

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Synthesis Polylactic Acid By Lipase Catalyzed Polymerization Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,866 )

Polylactic acid (PLA), the biodegradable polymer, has received increasing attention as alternative materials in packaging and biomedical applications. The general method for synthesis of PLA using chemical-catalyzed polymerization produces the catalysts residues which are toxicity. Therefore, the enzymatic polymerization is a green alternative method to decrease this problem. Several researches attempt to improve the optimal condition for synthesis of PLA by using lipase as enzymatic-catalyzed. For an ...

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Should Xenotransplants Be Allowed Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,011 )

Xenotransplants have a long history in modern medicine. In late 1963 and early 1964, a team from Tulane University led by Keith Reemtsma, MD, did kidney transplants from chimpanzees into six patients, and one of them survived for nine months subsequent to the transplant. By 1974, including investigational surgeries performed by Thomas Starzl, MD, of University of Pittsburgh, around 20 patients had received xenotransplants. As can be ...

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Determination Of Atrazine In Contaminated Water Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,040 )

The objective of this study is to develop a simple and economic spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of atrazine. This method is based on the complexation of atrazine derivatization ( dechlorinated atrazine [DA] ) with a mixture of formaldehyde and ketone compound, as described by Mannich reaction. The complex was determined by UV-Vis absorption measurement and the ketone compound used was the uranine due to its ...

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Occurrences During The Process Of Fertilization Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,896 )

Fertilization is an essential process in sexual reproduction which involves the union of two specialized cells called the gametes to form a zygote. This then develops to form the new organism. During the process of fertilization innumerable number of sperms hit the surface of the eggs. But only one sperm succeeds in fertilizing it and the rest are repelled from the surface of the egg. This is ...

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Investigating The Effect Of Temperature On Membrane Permeability Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,812 )

The purpose of this practical is to investigate the effect that an increase in the surrounding temperature has on the selectively permeability of a plant membrane Introduction The cell membrane is crucial for the cell's interaction such as protection and regulation of materials passage. According to Plantcellstructures (2008), the cell membrane consists of primarily phospholipids, proteins and other biological molecules such as carbohydrates. Providing structural support for ...

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The Purity Of Prepared Of Aspirin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,096 )

To synthesize the drug aspirin, the purity of prepared of aspirin is determined by a chemical test. In addition, the percentages of aspirin made are determined (CHM 1024 Organic Chemistry, practical manual). Introduction Aspirin also know as acetylsalicylic acid, in the history of medicine, aspirin is the first drugs that ever come into common usage which as medical treatments worldwide. It is known as a pain killer, ...

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Crop Improvement Plan For Barley Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,620 )

Barley represents one of the major crops grown worldwide. It is the fourth largest grown crop in the world. Barley is a short season ,early maturing grain with high yield potential which is utilized in the production of both human and animal feed. The production of 2005 was estimated to be 138 million metric tons (UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO). Because of its true diploidy Barley ...

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Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Bph Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,821 )

As a man matures, the prostate goes through two main periods of growth. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. Around of the age 25, the gland begins to grow again. This second growth phase often results, years later, in BPH. Though the prostate continues to grow during most of a man's life, the enlargement doesn't usually cause problems until late in ...

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The evolution of complex multi-host life cycles in trophically transmitted helminth parasites

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,931 )

Introduction: Parasitism is an extremely common strategy in nature and has evolved separately at least fifty times (Poulin, 1998, Palm and Klimpel, 2007). Recent studies have shown that parasitic species make up a far greater proportion of life on Earth than had previously been presumed, some 40% of known species are parasitic at some stage in their lives and up to 75% of all food web ...

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Lassa Viruse Fever Analysis Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,644 )

Lassa virus fever is a disease that is very common and endemic in West Africa which according to the CDC infects 100,000-300,000 per year with approximately 5,000 deaths [1]. This highly contagious and extremely virulent viral disease was first discovered in a town in the Yedseram river valley called Lassa (which is where it got its name from) in Borno state, Nigeria. Its first case was recorded ...

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The Catalyst Potassium Iodide Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,350 )

This experiment is revolves around the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. There were several objectives for this experiment: Monitor the rate of a chemical reaction, determine the kinetic order, find the energy activation and understand how molecular components function in a rate limiting step of the reaction. Two reagents were examined were , and KI. 8 trials were carried out with 4 differing concentrations for each reagent and ...

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Asthma Is A Chronic Inflammatory Disorder Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,411 )

Introduction Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the bronchial tubes that causes constriction and inflammation of the airways. This results in narrowing of the airways. Airways' narrowing in asthma is caused by three major processes that act on bronchi. These are: inflammation, bronchospasm and hyperreactivity. As a result, symptoms of wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath occur. (Womenfitness, 2004) This essay will aim to discuss the ...

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Use Of Radioactive Elements In Medicine Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,153 )

A radioactive element is an element with an unstable nucleus, which radiates alpha, beta or gamma radiation and gets converted to a stable element. Both radioisotopes and enriched stable isotopes are essential to a wide variety of applications in medicine, where they are used in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. In addition, extensive applications of isotopes in biomedical research finds wide parallel uses in research chemistry, ...

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Uses Of Morphine And Aspirin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,904 )

Morphine is class of drugs called opioid which potentially cause change in mood, physical dependence, tolerance and rewarding effects which would eventually cause drug dependence. Oipoid drugs have effect on both the central and peripheral nervous systems. In central nervous systm opioids have effects on spinal cord and other parts of CNS. In peripheral nervous system opioid have effects of nerve tissue under lining muscles within oesophagus ...

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Body defends itself

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,213 )

Introduction Immunology is the study of methods of how the body defends itself from infections and foreign substances in the environment. The immune system is an adaptable and complex system which has evolved in humans to protect the body against invading pathogenic micro-organisms. An infectious organism which can cause a disease is known as a pathogen and the person or animal infected is called the host. The ...

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The Concept Of Captive Breeding Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,651 )

At a time when species extinction has become a serious global issue, conservation tools, such as captive breeding, play an essential role. The use of captive breeding for species conservation and recovery has become an integral part of the global conservation plan, but with too much emphasis. Its limitations far outweigh their benefits. Such limitations include domestication, loss of genetic diversity, increased transfer of diseases, bias of ...

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The Aim Of The Homogenisation Process Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,004 )

Introduction: Eukaryotic cells such as liver cells enclose a variety of different types of membrane bound structures called organelles (nuclei, mitochondria) as well as macromolecules (ribosomes) (Padh, 1992). Subcellular fractionation is an invaluable technique allowing scientists and researchers alike to successfully isolate and separate specific subcellular components within the cell (Becker et al, 2009). This allows researchers to study the different organelles (using biochemical techniques) in a ...

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Pharmaceutical Analysis Is Otherwise Called Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,006 )

Pharmaceutical Analysis may be defined as the application of analytical procedures used to determine the purity, safety and quality of drugs and chemicals. The term "Pharmaceutical analysis" is otherwise called quantitative pharmaceutical chemistry. Pharmaceutical analysis includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs and pharmaceutical substances starts from bulk drugs to the finished dosage forms. In the modern practice of medicine, the analytical methods are used in ...

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Spectrophotometric Assays To Compare Lipase Activity In Bacteria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,595 )

Decomposition of human and animals bodies depends on numbers of factors. One of these factors is the presence of bacteria, both endogenous and exogenous of the body. They use the environmental factors to drive the decomposition of the tissues in the body. The various tissues are degraded at different rates by different bacterial cells. As it was seen in the model burial of a pig that is ...

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In The Human Skull Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,333 )

In the human skull and at the base of the brain, are the locations of the pituitary gland which is small gland that look like a bean shaped. It's sits behind the bridge of the nose. (Mayfield clinic, 2009) These glands are divided into three sections which are known as anterior lobe, intermediate lobe and the last one is posterior lobe. These entire three lobes secreted different ...

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Culture Of Hepg2 Cells Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,210 )

Hep G2 cell line was purchased from American Type Culture Collection (ACTT) (VA, USA). Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), 0.5% Trypsin-EDTA 10x, and Penicillin-Streptomycin (PS) were obtained from Invitrogen Corporation (NY, USA). Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) was gotten from Welgene Inc. (Daegu, South Korea). Fatty acids (Palmitic, Oleic and Dedocanoic acid), Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and Tween 20 came from Sigma (MO, USA). Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was ...

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Are Disposable Chopsticks Safe To Use Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,276 )

I heard some stories about disposable chopsticks being dangerous and poisonous. And I wanted to find out myself whether it was true or not. I found out that certain types of disposable chopsticks have greater risks to be acidic and non-disposable chopsticks are much safer. My results were important because I could help raise the awareness of the risk of using disposable chopsticks. This awareness not only ...

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Weather Impact On Dengue Fever Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,686 )

Dengue is the most tropical infectious disease that is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The dengue disease incidence rises as a serious public health problem with 2.1 billion people at risk. In Malaysia, the dengue disease over the last 40 years has become worst epidemic in the country's history. This study aimed to analyses relationship between weather parameters and increase of dengue incidence among university Putra ...

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Measuring The Concentration C3 Complement Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,918 )

Complement system is a vital part of the immune system and its function can be determined by measuring the concentrations of the complement components. The term complement refers to a group of cell membrane proteins and plasma that plays a major role in the defence process of the host. One of the major proteins involved in the complement system is the C3 which along with other proteins ...

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The Nutritional Disease Goiter Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,729 )

A nutrient is a substance in food used by the body to endorse standard maintenance, repair and growth. Nutrients are attained from food and throughout digestion, these nutrients are then broken down to proportions that can be absorbed by the body and then are transported in the blood. Within these sets of nutrients, are precise nutrients that are designated as the essential nutrients. Essential nutrients are fundamentally ...

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Escherichia Coli Is More Resistant Towards Antimicrobial Agents Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,559 )

Antimicrobial agents which include antiseptics, disinfectants and antibiotics are used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. It has been acknowledged that gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli is more resistant towards antimicrobial agents compared to gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aurous. This was assessed through two experiments which involved looking at the effectiveness of antiseptics and disinfectants on Staphylococcus aurous and Escherichia coli. The second experiment involved ...

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Beta Lactam Antibiotics Examples And Uses Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (978 )

The beta-lactam antibiotics for their extensive scale of actions are preferred most among antimicrobial factors. The penicillins and cephalosporins are the two categories of this β - lactam antibodies that are extraordinarily less toxic to organisms.(1) At present ,the β-lactam groups of antibiotics are the highest frequently used universal antibiotics .(2) Cellular membrane of most bacteria enclosed by a cell wall but an extra outermost layer seen ...

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Quantitative Tests For Aminoacids And Proteins Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,454 )

The purpose of this experiment is to obtain information about structural of a compound with some tests these are biuret ,ninhydrine ,xanthoprotic and heavy metal group by observing colour changes or not. Casein is a protein that is found in milk and used as a binding agent. Technically, phosphoproteins, collections of proteins bound to something containing phosphoric acid.[1] Albumin is an umbrella term for a type of ...

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The Introduction To Hypothyroidism Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,965 )

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by abnormally low amount of the thyroid hormone synthesis. This may be due to a thyroid problem or any other reason. Thyroid hormone affects growth, development, and many cellular processes. Inadequate thyroid hormone has many consequences for the body (1, 2, 3). Thyroid gland and thyroid hormone synthesis Thyroid gland has two lobes connected by an isthmus. It attaches to the thyroid ...

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Genomics Of The Enterococcus Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,876 )

Genomic sequencing of E. faecalis V583 and the recent E. faecium Aus0004 showed presence of multiple mobile genetic elements in the genomes. Mobile genetic elements present in the strains are prophages, insertion sequence elements, transposons and plasmids. For this chapter, plasmids of the Incompatibility group 18 and pheromone-responsive plasmids are described alongside with transposons of the Tn3-family, composite and conjugative classes. Some of the plasmids and transposons ...

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Examining The Blood Disorder Of Haemophilia Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,864 )

Haemophilia, or hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly. Known as a rare disease to individuals, Haemophilia has two main inheritable types, Haemophilia and Haemophilia B. Haemophilia is due in part to defective blood vessels, coagulation mechanisms or blood platelets. An affected individual may bleed spontaneously or for longer than a healthy person after injury or surgery. The ...

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False Positives In Presumptive Blood Testing Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,153 )

Blood is a fluid medium that is found within the cardiovascular system-which comprises of the heart and blood vessels (Jackson and Jackson 2008). It consists of 55% blood plasma and 45% cellular material (Jackson and Jackson 2008). Blood plasma consists of dissolved materials such as antibodies, hormones, waste products and nutrients, whereas the cellular material consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leucocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes ...

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A Natural Stimulator That Complements Sujok Therapy

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,063 )

Seed Therapy deals with the application of seeds or other parts of plants and attaching it with a tape at a corresponding point in the hand or foot of a person feeling pain. Seed Therapy is based on Sujok Therapy, when broken down, means Su = hand and Jok = foot. These Korean words rely solely on a therapy that makes use of the hands and feet as ...

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Salt Fractionation Of Plasma Proteins Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,651 )

Most enzymes are protein in nature and it is useful to be used for understanding the basic aspects in determining structure and physiochemical properties of proteins. Solubility of proteins determine on the salt concentration in the solution. At low concentrations, the presence of salt stabilizes the various charged groups on a protein molecule, thus attracting protein into the solution and enhancing the solubility of protein. This is ...

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Well Differentiated Thyroid Tumor Of Unknown Malignant Potential Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,805 )

literature, there is no specific information regarding the prognosis and outcome of the patients having this diagnosis. The data is lacking in terms of case repots and series reporting the long term outcome of these tumors. We report a patient with WDT-UP found to have pulmonary metastasis. Summary: A 40 year old woman presented with a history of progressively increasing multinodular goiter since 2006. Despite of benign ...

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Effects that plants growing in overcrowded conditions

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,642 )

This report is examining the effects that plants growing in overcrowded conditions go through and what affects overcrowding has on seedlings making comparisons to plants which have been grown in normal/ideal special conditions. It also includes literature research into the different methods which are used for the growth of plants in both commercial settings and private setting and which method suits this investigation s purposes best. It ...

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Crystalline Modifications And The Solubility Of Prepared Crystals Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,597 )

Tejal Prajapati, (2010) 23 Investigated different crystal forms of carbamazepine was prepared from various solvents. Crystalline modifications and the solubility of prepared crystals and immediate release tablet dissolution rate profile of carbamazepine studied by using in vitro dissolution studies. These obtained crystal forms of carbamazepine and pure drug was characterized by SEM, FTIR, PXRD and DSC. Highest solubility profile shown by Crystals obtained from ethanol at ...

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The Issues Of Flu Vaccines Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,803 )

Flu also known as Influenza is a contagious viral disease that affects the respiratory system. It is caused by influenza viruses. It is highly infectious unpredictable disease that spreads though secretions of nose and lungs. Flu causes mild to severe illness and sometimes even leads to death. "According to U.S. CDC, in an average year, 5 to 20 percent of the U.S. population gets the flu, more ...

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Osmosis And Diffusion In The Cell Membrane Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,413 )

Currently, the accepted model of the structure of the cell membrane is the fluid mosaic model. The model explains how the membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell. The main component of the membrane is the phospholipid bilayer. This bilayer acts like a gate, allowing nonpolar molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide to cross over with ease but limits the passage of polar molecules like ...

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Suspending Agent For Extemporaneous Formulations Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,921 )

An oral suspension is sometimes used in situations where a normal solid oral tablet or capsule cannot be administered by the patient due to certain conditions or preferences. Also patients in the medical environment often present problems in swallowing medicines in solid dosage forms. Examples of a group of patients who have problems include patients who are very young or the elderly. Also some patients have diseases ...

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Role Of Chromosome 21 In Alzheimers Disease Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,678 )

Down syndrome is a genetic disease that caused by trisomy of Human chromosome 21. Down syndrome is common chromosomal disorder of mental retardation in humans. It is caused by the three types of chromosomal abnormalities namely, free trisomy 21, translocation Down syndrome and mosaic Down syndrome. Most of the Down syndrome individuals experience Alzheimer-like neuropathology like dementia, neurofibrillary tangles and many others. Genes that are in Chromosome ...

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Extraction Of Essential Oil Using Steam Distillation Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,073 )

Acknowledging about the importance of plants and its medicinal value research work is being done on the plant material. There are also over 200 references to aromatics, incense and ointments in the Old and New Testaments; Frankincense, Myrrh, Galbanum, Cinnamon, Cassia, Rosemary, Hyssop and Spikenard are noted for being used for anointing rituals and healing of the sick. Research has confirmed centuries of practical use of essential ...

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Identification Of Unknown Microorganisms Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,043 )

Identification of Unknown Microorganisms. For years and years, we have been trying to classify and understand microorganisms, and in doing so, we learned of certain techniques to identify them based on what they look like, where they live, and what they eat. We used this knowledge to derive simple tests to run, and we used a key to narrow down our choices, all in an effort to ...

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Biological Weapons Impact On Humans And Environment Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,172 )

The usage of Biological weapons is a thorny issue, especially during the twentieth and twenty-atheist. And it has caused much controversy in political and of human rights purview. Biological weapon is a virus and bacteria are used to cause a serious injuries and death to others in wars. After using some of these biological weapons in the last two centuries; during the First World War, the Second ...

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Analysis Of Carbon Nanofoam Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,642 )

Carbon nanofoam is the fifth allotrope of Carbon after graphite, diamond, fullerene (e.g., C-60 molecules), and Carbon nanotubes. It was discovered in 1997 by Andrei V. Rode and his team at the Australian National University in Canberra, in collaboration with Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St Petersburg. The molecular structure of Carbon nanofoam consists of Carbon tendrils bonded together in a low-density, mist like arrangement. This paper talks ...

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Effect Of Cystic Fibrosis On Epithelial Cells Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,211 )

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) is a glycoprotein found in the plasma membrane of exocrine organ cells, and is composed of about ~1500 amino acids1,2. Identified as an ion channel, the CFTR is composed of five domains: 2 transmembrane domains, 2 nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) and an R domain1,5. Transmembrane domains have 6 alpha helixes each, and are embedded in the plasma membrane as a transmembrane protein ...

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Comparison Of Ampicillin And Kanamycin Resistant Bacteria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,829 )

Antibiotic use throughout the world has increased tremendously over the decades. In the past, antibiotic resistance was most prevalent in areas of frequent antibiotic use, such as in medical or laboratory settings. However, the increasing use of antibiotics and antibacterial products outside of hospitals, such as in homes and schools, echoes the expansion of antibiotic resistant bacteria (LBC Biology Staff, 2010). One major source of the growing ...

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Inherited Traits And Gene Flow Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,451 )

Variation of inherited traits in the section of individual organisms over a period of time is referred as evolution. The major renowned sources of variation are gene flow, genetic recombination and mutation. Gene flow that is also acknowledged as gene migrations is the genetic allele's exchange within populations by migration of gametes, spores and individuals of the same species. This is common in species through crossbreeding, migration ...

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Ginger As Medicinal Herbs Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,808 )

The cultivation of herbs are broaden in Malaysia for its many uses. Herbal is used as daily supplement and also alternative medicine. Alternative medicine, while having an ever growing trend in our society, is not intended to replace modern medical. More than that, the Malay society used the herbs as delicacy and spice in their cook. Ginger or its scientific name Zingiber officinale, is one of the ...

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Mitochondria, The Energy Supplement Factory For Cells

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,698 )

Mitochondria are double membrane enclosed cell organelles found in the cell cytoplasm. It has many functions but by far the most important role that it possesses is as the cells power plant. It provides energy in the form of ATP from the breaking down of sugar molecules. Within the mitochondria lie compartments separated by membranes. These compartments and membranes each have their own unique role in the ...

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Comparative Drug Review Gastrointestinal Therapies Tagamet And Nexium Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,233 )

Tagamet and Nexium have been two of the many common drugs these days, both of which are widely used in the medical treatment of major gastric acid-related disorders like peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), with their respective active ingredient being cimetidine and esomerprazole. In view of their similar uses in gastrointestinal therapies, this review addresses various major characteristics possessed by the two drugs ...

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Discovery And Development Of Pantoprazole Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,046 )

Pantoprazole is an proton pump inhibitor, which inhibits the gastric acid secretion by blocking the proton pump or the H+K+ATPase in the gastric parietal cells of stomach. Pantoprazole was synthesized in the year 1987 and was launched in the year 1994 after development and clinical trials. Development of the lead compound timoprazole and the discovery of H+K+ATPase as an target, were the two most important discoveries which ...

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Measurement Of Responses In Human Skin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,561 )

The aim of this experiment is to compare the dose-related inflammatory response demonstrated by the skin following injection of histamine and bradykinin - two inflammatory mediators. Methods used will demonstrate a non-invasive, quantitative way to measure blood flow and vascular permeability in the skin. INTRODUCTION The acute inflammatory reaction occurs to protect the body in response to a pathogen or other noxious substance. There are two components: ...

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Yeast Two Hybrid Analysis Of Protein-Protein Interactions

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,916 )

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a unicellular eukaryotic fungus (Clark 2010). Investigating protein-protein interactions involved in the activation of GAL4 genes in yeast that regulate the metabolic breakdown of carbon energy sources is the purpose of this project. In the yeast two hybrid system the binding domain is supposed to bind to the UAS of the GAL4 gene in the yeast (BIOL 466). The bait is bound to the ...

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Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,424 )

Progeria is a rare,fatal, sporadic, autosomal dominant syndrome that involves premature aging, generally leading to death at approximately 13 years of age due to myocardial infarction or stroke. The genetic basis of most cases of this syndrome is a change from glycine GGC to glycine GGT in codon 608 of the lamin A (LMNA) gene, which activates a cryptic splice donor site to produce abnormal lamin A; ...

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Efficiency Of Step Down Transformer Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,306 )

This extended essay deals with the efficiency of step down transformers in relation the current drawn in the secondary coil. Transformers are one of the most widely used components in electronic devices. Due to its ability to effectively convert voltages to a desired EMF (electro motive force), I thought that analyzing the efficiency of such a device could provide valuable insights for in order to cut power ...

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Vitamin C Deterioration In Orange Juice Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,390 )

This experimental investigation was designed to examine the deterioration of vitamin c (ascorbic acid) content when placed in conditions with different oxidization and temperature exposure. Home brand orange juice was placed in different temperatures, such as room temperature, freezer, and fridge. Also with different oxidization as one beaker from each temperature was covered with glad wrap. Over 6 weeks, mold, smells, fungi, bacteria and evaporation where just ...

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Plant species on the affects of microwave water

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,904 )

Test the affect of microwave water and boiled water on plants. No major difference of the plants growth between boiled and microwave water, shown in the results. 2.0 Introduction The following experiment was conducted over a period of 5 weeks testing 2different plant species on the affects of microwave water, behind the theory of microwave radiation altering the chemical composition of water. Based upon this theory the ...

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Anatomy And Physiology Of The Stomach Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,894 )

The stomach is a hollow,muscular organ just below the diaphragm that stores the food during eating, secretes digestive juice, mixes food with these juices, and propels partially digested food , called chime into the duodenum of the small intestine. Its major anatomic boundaries are the lower esophageal sphincter where food passess through the cardiac orifice into the stomach, greater and lesser curvatures, and the pyloric sphincter, which ...

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Normal And Malignant Lung Cell Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,147 )

In this Lab report I will be discussing about a patient who is 64 years of age and a heavy smoker. He presents with these symptoms of difficulty in breathing and blood when he coughs. The G.P made a provisional diagnosis of tuberculosis or cancer but this case is forwarded to the Biomedical Scientist for the conformation of the diagnosis Cancer is a disease characterised by uncontrollable ...

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The Hallmarks Of Cancer Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,135 )

D. Hanahan and Robert A. Weinberg supposed that the genotype of cancer cells is the manifestation of eight fundamental changes in cellular physiology (The hallmarks of cancer[1], The hallmarks of cancer - The next generation[2]): self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, evading apoptosis, limitless replicative potential, sustained angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastasis, reprogramming energy metabolism and avoiding immune destruction. Each of these physiologic changes, new ...

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An Overview Of Infrared Spectroscopy Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,742 )

Infrared spectroscopy is the most powerful technique use in the analytical laboratory. Infrared spectroscopy is associated with the infrared region. There are number of compounds (organic and inorganic), which absorbed various frequency of electromagnetic radiation. Infrared region divided into three types; near- IR, mid- IR, far- IR. In terms of the wave length near-IR region extends from 1400cm-1-4000cm-1, mid-IR from 4000cm-1-400cm-1 and far -IR from 400-10cm-1 . ...

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Cell Membrane Structure And Function Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,351 )

A cell is a dynamic and a complex structure surrounded by a membrane known as the plasma membrane. This acts like a barrier between the inside of the cell and the outside resulting in different chemical environments on the two sides. The cell membrane is not restricted to the outer surface but is also present inside surrounding the organelles. These biological membranes have played a crucial role ...

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The use of Mammalian Cells in Antibody production

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,415 )

Mammalian cells as the name suggests are found in mammals. Unlike plant cells they do not have cell wall and hence they are very sensitive to osmotic pressure [1]. Mammalian cell cultures have been in use for the last 100 years when it was initially used for making human viral vaccines. Only in the last few decades has there been an increase in the use of mammalian ...

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Osmosis Potential In Potatoes Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,261 )

The purpose of this investigation is to examine the effect of varying the concentration of a sugar solution (sucrose) on the amount of osmotic activity between a potato piece and the solution. Introduction Osmosis is a special type of diffusion which involves the movement of water molecules through a partially permeable membrane. Osmosis occurs when water moves from an area of a higher concentration (distilled water) to ...

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Creatine Supplementation Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,485 )

Creatine is a nitrogen based organic compound that is naturally synthesised in the body by the kidney, liver and pancreas. Over the past 2 decades creatine, usually in the form of creatine monohydrate, has become one of the most popular ergogenic aids used by amateur and professional athletes alike. A 2001 study involving over 600 high school students completing who completed surveys regarding the use of creatine. ...

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The Sumatran Orang Utan Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,439 )

The Sumatran orang utan is widely considered as the most threatened species of great ape Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust 2006. It is estimated that there are approximately 6,500 individuals remaining in Sumatra (Wich et al 2008), and the species is listed as Critically Endangered under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List (Singleton et al 2008). This is due not only to the small ...

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Treatment and effects of sickle cell anemia

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,207 )

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited genetic blood disorder characterized by bouts of intense pain, organ damage, infection, depleted oxygen levels and at times premature death. Although it has come to be known as a disease that affects mainly people of African decent; affliction with sickle cell anemia has also been observed in those individuals with ancestry stemming from parts of the Middle East, India, Latin America, ...

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The Antibiotics In Poultry Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,628 )

The worldwide increase the use of antibiotics as an important part of poultry production industry to treat and save from infectious bacterial diseases and as growth performance increases at subtherapeutic levels in poultry feed has caused the problem of the development of bacterial antibiotic resistance.The use for antibiotic in poultry feed which will effect growth efficiency and effects on intestinal microflora and effects on the host animal. ...

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Life Cycle Of Plasmodium Falciparum Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

25 (9,815 )

Malaria is one of the world leading causes of death, especially among people living in sub-Sahara Africa and other tropical regions. Of the five species of the genus Plasmodium, the malaria protozoan parasite, known to infect Man, Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the most virulent, severe and dangerous form of human malaria. Over the years, chemotherapy has played central role in the strategies towards the eradication of ...

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The role of enzymes in metabolism

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,826 )

1. Most organisms are active within a limited temperature range: (9.1.1) •Identify the role of enzymes in metabolism, describe their chemical composition and use a simple model to describe their specificity in substrates: Role of enzymes in metabolism: Metabolism is chemical reactions occurring in organisms. Without enzymes metabolism wouldn't be fast enough to support life. Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions occurring in organisms Chemical composition: ...

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The Endosymbiotic Theory Of Eukaryotic Cells

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,408 )

Abstract The defining feature of eukaryotic cells is that they contain membrane-bound organelles and a 'true' nucleus. The endosymbiotic theory is based upon the idea that eukaryotic cells evolved in steps beginning with the stable incorporation of chemo-organotrophic and phototrophic symbionts from the domain bacteria. This essay reviewed the evidence that supports this theory. After investigating the molecular, physiological and morphological evidence, it is almost certain that ...

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Using Recrystallisation Improve The Purity Of Aspirin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,520 )

In this experiment I have investigated the research question - How does the process of recrystallisation improve the purity of Aspirin. I used a well documented method of preparing Aspirin. Having obtained the Aspirin I performed several recrystallisation processes on it. I then determined accurately the quantity of Aspirin in each of my sample by volumetric analysis. I was then able to determine purity and percentage yield ...

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Analysing Effective Microorganism Technology Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,867 )

EM (Effective Microorganism). The principle of EM is the conversion of a degraded ecosystem full of harmful microbes to one that is productive and contains useful microorganisms. Microorganisms have been have been known for its abilities for decades to enhance the effect of medical technology, human and animal health. EM (a.k.a EM Technology) contains principally 3 positive (beneficial and naturally-occurring) microorganisms which are: Lactic acid bacteria Photosynthetic ...

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The Structure And The Function Of Major Organs Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,434 )

There are a number of major organs in any animal's body that will have a different structure and function. Each of the major organs belongs to a different system to allow the animal to live. For example the lungs are part of the respiratory system. My chosen animal is a dog's. Respiratory system A dog's respiratory system will need to have a trachea, bronchioles, bronchus, and the ...

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Viable But Non Culturable Bacteria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,623 )

Viable but Non-Culturable state is a unique survival strategy of many bacteria in environment in response to adverse environmental conditions. VBNC bacteria can't be cultured on routine microbiological media but they remain viable and retain their virulent capacity too. VBNC bacteria can be resuscitated when provided with appropriate conditions. A good number of bacteria including many human pathogens have been reported to enter VBNC state. Though, there ...

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