The Recombinant Dna Technology Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,389 )

Recombinant DNA technology, popularly called genetic engineering, began around 1973 in the effort of Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer Cohen et al. 1973. In their study, they made use of Escherechia coli plasmid pSC101 to clone DNA from Salmonella typhimurium streptomycin resistance plasmid RSF1010. A few years later, the technique has advanced through Genentech, a biotechnology company, when they started to produce a human recombinant protein. Their ...

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Causes And Effects Of Sepsis Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,068 )

Sepsis affects 18 million people worldwide each year (Slade et al 2003).Sepsis remains life threatening and mortality rate remains high approximately 40-50 % (Opport et al2005). We, nurses in all areas of practice, will care for septic patients during our professional carreer.Many nurses receive little training in how to identify sepsis or how important early and aggressive treatment to help prevent the condition. I am very interested ...

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Amylase And Catalase Enzyme Catalysts Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,947 )

An enzyme is a catalyst that speeds up the rate of reactions by lowering the activation energy. Each enzyme works better under optimal conditions, which favor the most active shape for the enzyme molecule. Enzyme and substrate concentration, temperature, and pH are environmental factors important by producing the most reaction rate. Also, the different of factors are used to examine the effects of catalase and human amylase. ...

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Liver Function Tests And Bilirubin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,340 )

The human body is made up of various organs and one of the most important homeostatic organs is the liver. However, despite its very active role, is mostly underemphasised and although most of its functions are not as regulatory as the brain, the liver is involved in important processes. These include biochemical, excretory and synthetic functions, therefore, to detect deviations in its function, several tests must be ...

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Alopecia Areata An Autoimmune Disease Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

34 (13,278 )

Alopecia areata can affect any hair-bearing area and can also involve nails. A peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrate in a 'swarm of bees' pattern is characteristic of the acute stage of the disease leading to a dystrophic anagen phase. There may also be increased psychiatric morbidity in patients with alopecia areata. Ikeda (2) classified alopecia areata into four types including the common type (81%), the atopic type (10%), the ...

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Mhc Class I Deficiency Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,256 )

The biological process which protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens is known as Immune system which is divided into innate and adaptive immune system. The innate or natural non specific immune system that provides first line of immune system whereas adaptive immune system is very specific with immunological memory and consists functions such as recognition of antigen, generation of responses and resulting immunological memory cells ...

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Natural Antiseptics Vs Medical Antiseptics Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,810 )

Abstract This extended experimental investigation was commenced to see how natural antiseptics compared to man-made medical antiseptics, on Serratia marcescens bacteria culture. The results showed that the natural product Manuka honey UMF 30+ worked better then the man-made antiseptic cream. Introduction Bacteria Bacteria are single celled microorganisms, that don't have a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Bacteria cells have many properties. They ...

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Introduction To Spectroscopy Ir Ms And Proton Nmr Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,686 )

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy is an extremely powerful and useful tool in performing experiments on the nuclei of atoms. NMR is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as "The absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a specific frequency by an atomic nucleus that is placed in a strong magnetic field, used especially in spectroscopic studies of molecular structure and in medicine to measure rates of metabolism." NMR is ...

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Use Of Karyotype Analysis In Genetic Counseling Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,907 )

Complete set of metaphase chromosome is called karyotype. It is widely used to detect the chromosomal abnormalities that are related to the genetic diseases and various type of cancer. As the biomedical science advances, various kinds of techniques are used to analyze the human karyotype. These karyotype analysis are widely used in genetic counseling to minimize the risk of having unfortunate. By doing so, individual and families ...

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Cardiac Muscle Excitation Contraction Mediated From Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,766 )

In cardiac muscle, excitation-contraction coupling is mediated by calcium-induced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum through ryanodine receptors that are activated by calcium entry through L-type calcium channels on the sarcolemmal membrane. Although Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release triggered by the L-typed calcium current is the primary pathway for triggering Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, there are many other mechanisms that can also activate Ca2 + release from ...

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How Can The Environment Effect Smooth Muscles Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,592 )

Smooth muscle is one of three muscle fiber types found in animals. Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells are not striated, and have single nuclei. Smooth muscles are typically under control of the autonomic nervous system, and do not contract voluntarily. Smooth muscle contracts slowly, and does not exhibit the characteristic twitch seen in skeletal muscle. In addition, smooth muscle is not prone to ...

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An Insight Into Machine Vibration And Its Effects Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,421 )

To discuss the significance of Equation (1) with respect to frequency and its implications for the design of system. Give an overview of the type of system which can be adversely affected by the presence of rotating imbalance and what measures can be adopted to eliminate them. INTRODUCTION: In simplest terms, vibration in motorized equipment is merely the back and forth movement or oscillation of machines and ...

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Positive And Negative Contrast Media Types Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,423 )

After one year the x-ray were discovered,inspired air became the first recognized contrast agent in radiographic examinations of the chest. The first contrast studies were carried out the upper gastrointestinal tract using bismuth salts on a animal. Barium sulphate and bismuth solutions were being used in conjunction with the fluoroscope, barium sulphate having been used different additives ever since for imaging of gastrointestinal tract. First iodine based ...

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Types Of Stem Cells And Their Medical Uses Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,638 )

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell found in the developing embryos of all multicellular organisms. They have the ability to turn into any type of cell. Stem cells can also be found in adults but do not have the same versatility that embryotic stem cells have. Stem cells mostly remain in bone marrow in an adult's body. Stem cells are almost like seeds that your body ...

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The History Of Listeria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,659 )

Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Yersinosis and many other infectious diseases were named after the one who discovered them unlike Listeriosis. Once the causative agent was discovered by Murray, Webb and Swann, generic names such as bacterium monocytogenes was used and finally Listeria (Pirie) to honor Dr. Lister, the discoverer of antisepsis. Hence, in the past the disease was known as Listeriosis until, Listeria came into the general usage. Listeria ...

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The Base Catalysed Transesterification Mechanism Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,217 )

The transesterification reaction is base catalyzed. Any strong base capable of deprotonating the alcohol will do (e.g. NaOH, KOH, Sodium methoxide, etc.). Commonly the base (KOH, NaOH) is dissolved in the alcohol to make a convenient method of dispersing the otherwise solid catalyst into the oil. The ROH needs to be very dry. Any water in the process promotes the saponification reaction, thereby producing salts of fatty acids ...

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The Digital Dice Game Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,439 )

A traditional dice is a small polyhedral object, usually cubic in shape. It generates a random number in the range of one to six. There are also non - cubical dice with different number of faces such as tetrahedrons (four faces), octahedrons (eight faces) or dodecahedrons (twelve faces). A digital dice is an alternative device that can be used to replace the traditional device with the help ...

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Entomotoxicology Insects As Toxicological Indicators Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,244 )

Careful analyses of the community of insects encountered on a decomposing body, combined with knowledge of insect biology, ecology, and local environmental conditions, can often provide valuable forensic insights. These can include the estimation of time since death, movement of the remains after death, indication of antemortem injuries, and the presence of drugs or toxins. Over the past two decades, there has been an apparent increase in ...

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Cell Science Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,764 )

The body has the extraordinary ability to maintain the blood glucose levels in a specific range, using a feedback system. The failure for physiological systems to maintain blood glucose level could results in homeostatic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. The Oral glucose tolerance test is a method of checking if one has diabetes. A solution consisting of 250ml of water and 75g glucose is given to patients ...

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Kidney Transplantation Is A Surgical Process Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,675 )

Kidney transplantation is a surgical process transferring a kidney from one persons body to another persons body. It may involve the transfer of a kidney from a healthy person or the deceased to the recipients who are suffering from end stage chronic kidney disease or more commonly known as kidney dysfunction.1, 2 There are many causes which lead to kidney dysfunction, and thus the necessity of kidney ...

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The Importance Of Blood Glucose Monitoring Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,295 )

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when insulin is not effectively used. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar level. This leads to an imbalance in concentration of glucose within the blood; causing either hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia. This over a period of time leads to serious damage to the nerves and blood vessels. It has ...

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Amylase Activity In Germinating Seeds

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,158 )

Amylase is an enzyme found in the germinating seeds. Imbibition process causes the release of growth plant (gibberelin) which stimulates the synthesis of amylase. Amylase activity is affected by many factors such as temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators. [1] Amylase enzyme in the green bean seeds works best at specific range of temperature. The cotyledons store food for the use ...

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The Positive And Negative Consequences Of Genetic Manipulation Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,720 )

Science on the other hand, fills my brain with questions and answers the knowledge that I crave. The theory of evolution does not dismiss there is a God. It is a theory trying to explain the beginning of life, how we evolved. The Old Testament professes to do the same thing, however, the stories are symbolic in their meaning. I am a Roman Catholic, and our dear ...

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Production Of Propylene Glycol From Glycerol Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,039 )

Glycerol is a by-product obtained during the production of biodiesel. As the biodiesel production is increasing rapidly, the crude glycerol generated from the transesterification of vegetables oils has been generated in a great quantity. About 10% of crude glycerol will be formed during the synthesis of biodiesel from triglycerides. Products obtained from glycerol can be used in food, pharmaceuticals, polymer, agricultural, cosmetics, resins functional fluid plastics etc. ...

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Proteins Lipids Or Carbohydrates Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,544 )

Whichever essay topic macromolecule you pick, you will need to outline the variety of structures in that family of macromolecules it may be useful to use diagrams for this, you will then need to explain how and where they are used in the cell and, where appropriate link macromolecule structure to function. You will also need to briefly outline where the molecules come from e.g. are they ...

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Experiment Of Flow Meter Measurement Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,150 )

The experiment of flow meter measurement is conducted to introduce the students to the three different types of commonly used flow meter in the industry. The three flow meters involved in the experiment are Orifice flow meter, Magnetic flow meter, and Coriolis flow meter. It is aimed to help the students to understand the typical methods of flow measurements of an incompressible liquid, in which in this ...

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Total Consumption Burner And Premix Chamber Burner Comparison Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,941 )

Atomic emission is a process that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is emitted by excited atoms or ions. In atomic emission spectrometry the sample is subjected to temperatures high enough to cause not only dissociation into atoms, but also to cause significant amounts of collisional excitation and ionisation of the sample atoms to take place. Once the atoms and ions are in the excited states, they can decay ...

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Calcium Ions Have Many Uses Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,560 )

Calcium ions are of vital importance to the human body. Calcium Ions are used throughout human cells for various metabolic functions that include structural roles in the bones cells, as a cofactor for proteins and enzymes, converting electro-physiological signals to chemical signals in neurons and as a intracellular regulator plus many other functions. The focus is on Calcium ions role in the exocytosis of neurotransmitters in neurons ...

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The Effect Of Greywater On Germination Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,136 )

Water availability in South Africa is integral to the economy, but South Africa is a water scarce nation. An alternate solution for household waste water, excluding toilet waste commonly known as greywater is to use it for irrigation in rural community gardens. This is likely to decrease the stress on the current potable water supply and simultaneously improve food security. Indigenous African leafy vegetables are a staple ...

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Cancer Is Uncontrolled Cell Division Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (987 )

INTRODUCTION Cancer is uncontrolled cell division due to a large number of genetic mutations (DNA damage). The cell cycle has different phases, and the chemotherapy drugs cover and aim at the different stages of cell cycle regulation (Figure 1). Figure 1: Cell Cycle Phases The ambition of the chemotherapy is to interrupt or at least reduce the proliferation of the cancer cells by destroying them, preventing anarchic ...

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Protein Folding And Misfolding Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,639 )

Every function in the living body depends on proteins, and before proteins can carry out any function they must be able to assemble or fold themselves into their three-dimensional structure. Proteins are linear chains of amino acids that adopt unique three dimensional structures (`native states') which allow them to carry out intricate biological functions. All of the information needed to specify a protein's three-dimensional structure is contained ...

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Effect of allelopathy in plants

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,243 )

What do we learn about the effect of allelopathy in plants, in particular the effects that garlic and broccoli have on the growth of other plants? 1. State the problem. We are going to find out whether garlic volatiles or broccoli volatiles affect celery growth and if they do, how much do they hinder their growth. 2. State your hypothesis. The presence of garlic volatiles inhibits celery ...

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Salmonella And Common Food Poisoning Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,530 )

Food poisoning is a common problem that affects millions of people in the United States and throughout the world. Food poisoning can cause distressing and sometimes life threatening problems in humans. People that have eaten contaminated food may be symptom-free or have symptoms ranging from intestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and bloody diarrhea. The following bacteria can cause food poisoning; Campylobacter, Shigella, E.Coli, and Salmonella. The Salmonella ...

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Pharmacogenetics And Pharmacogenomics In Pharmacy Practice Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,761 )

The study of the interaction between genetics and therapeutic drugs is variously called pharmacogenetics or pharmacogenomics. The differences between the two are the initial approach of the science: Pharmacogenetics starts with an unexpected drug response result and looks for a genetic cause. Pharmacogenomics, on the other hand, begins with looking for genetic differences within a population that explain certain observed responses to a drug or susceptibility to ...

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Taxonomic Classification Of Passion Fruit Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,989 )

Introduction Passion fruit is one of the most exotic tropical fruit because of the magic of its aroma and the taste of its fruit. It belongs to the family Passifloraceae and is estimated to have approximately 500 species of Passiflora. Within this species, there are two distinct forms, the P. edulis f. flavicarpa i.e the yellow passion fruit which is in Peru, Brazil and Ecuador, it is ...

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Buffalo Calf Fattening Programe Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,070 )

Introduction In Pakistan the production of meat is the secondary farm enterprise but its potential is not fully exploited. The current system for the production of meat of the buffalo is traditional & inefficient. The gain in the live body weight is 1.87 Ib/ day to the 1 year & 1.46 Ib/day to the 2 year. So this gain in the weight is ordinary of the feeding ...

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Preparatiom Of Metal Complexes Experiment Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,481 )

In the Periodic Table, the elements can be grouped in blocks followed by the outermost electrons or valence shell. Transition elements are the main group in Periodic Table and those are the elements with a partly filled d or f sub shell. They all are metals with the similar characteristic properties. All can form the alloys with another and also with metallic main group element. They all ...

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Case Study On Community Acquired Pneumonia Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,137 )

Mr RK is a 44 years old gardener. His height and weight are 160cm and 60kg respectively. His calculated Body Mass Index (BMI) is 23.44 and is within normal range. Mr RK was admitted to hospital with presenting symptoms of productive cough with yellowish sputum and fever. The symptoms started 5 days ago. Besides that, Mr RK also had following symptoms which are watery stool for 3 ...

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Temperature On The Growth And Survival Of Bacteria Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,987 )

Abstract: The aim of this experiment was to asses the growth and survival of 5 bacteria. The method involved placing each of the bacteria in water baths of various temperatures for certain periods of time, taking them out and placing them in their optimum temperatures and monitoring their growth/survival rate over the course of the week. The results obtained showed that how well the bacteria grew after ...

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Horizontal Gene Transfer In Prokaryotes Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,744 )

Horizontal gene transfer is also known as lateral gene transfer and it is the phenomenon of gene transferring between prokaryotic organisms like bacteria, virus etc. HGT is a general gene transfer method among bacteria-like microorganisms (Archaea). Bacteria and Archaea possess a primitive nucleus hence they named as prokaryotes and differentiated from a eukaryote cells by lacking a perfect nuclei. In horizontal gene transfer process, an organism acquiring ...

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Factors Affecting The Postharvest Life Of Fruit Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,584 )

A ripened ovary of a flower together with any accessory part associated with, is referred to as fruit (Lewis & Robert 2002). In non-technical usage the term fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and edible in the raw state, for example apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries and bananas (Mauseth & James, 2003). Fresh fruits and vegetables are living tissues which undergo ...

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The Unknown Carbohydrates Samples Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,450 )

From the name itself, Carbohydrates are hydrates of carbons that are polar in nature. The building blocks of carbohydrates are monosaccharides which are simple sugars due to their low molecular weight. Carbohydrates are the product of photosynthesis from the condensation of carbon dioxide that requires light and chlorophyll. Carbohydrates have a vital role in the nutrition of organisms since it is the major source of energy. ATP ...

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The Happiness Hormone Serotonin Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,664 )

Neurotransmitters are chemicals located and released in the brain to allow an impulse from one nerve cell to pass to another nerve cell. There are approximately 50 neurotransmitters identified. There are billions of nerve cells located in the brain, which do not directly touch each other. Nerve cells communicate messages by secreting neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit neurons (nerve cells). Some common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, ...

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Biotechnology And DNA Replication Processes Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,339 )

Replication thus helps DNA, in the transfer of genetic information generation after generation to daughter cells or organisms. The ability to reproduce is one of the most fundamental properties of all living systems.DNA replication, the basis for biological inheritance, is a fundamental process occurring in all living organisms to copy their DNA. General mechanism of DNA replication: In "replication" each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule ...

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Sickle Cell Anemia And Hemophilia Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,357 )

Abstract In the following paper, sickle cell anemia and hemophilia disorders were studied extensively. Sickle cell anemia was found to be the disorder where the red blood cells develop into sickle shaped cells due to a mutation of the hemoglobin protein. When the cell becomes sickle shaped, they also become sticky and will clump with other cells in the blood vessel. This can lead to decrease blood ...

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A Fruit Smoothie Is A Drink Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

23 (8,962 )

Fruit and vegetables are not consumed in the required quantities, throughout the world due to a variety of reasons e.g. availability, cost and/or convenience. Even though there importance is clearly defined by the World Health Organisation guidelines (Keenan et al. 2011a), in the developed world convenience is perceived as being the predominant cause for the demise of fruit and vegetable consumption. This has directly led to the ...

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A Look At Spider Silk Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,109 )

Spider silk, also known as gossamer, is a fiber spun by spiders. Spider silk is a remarkably strong. Its tensile strength is comparable to that of high-grade steel. The term silk normally refers to a wide range of continuous filaments spun by the several species of Lepidoptera and Arthropoda, used for building structures for various purposes including prey capture. Silk filaments spun by spiders and silkworms possess ...

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Biochemistry Analysis Of Blood Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,253 )

Blood analysis procedures are always suggested for liver disorder disease. Four different tests were carried out to diagnose the protein, albumin, bilirubin and an electrophoresis for the given patient who had a clinical history of alcoholism. Valid assays were profound by comparing the quality control to the expected values. The total protein of the patient was 56g/L which is 4g/L lower than the reference range. The direct ...

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Concentration Of The Sucrose Solution Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,307 )

All the method is referred to the sheet given. In order to dilute1.0 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution given to produce 0.2 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution, 0.3 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution, 0.4 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution and 0.5 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution, the formula below is used ; M1V1 = M2V2 For example: To produce 0.2 mol dm-3 of sucrose solution with volume ...

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Organic Fertilizer Versus Inorganic Fertilizer Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,273 )

Abstract This experiment was designed to investigate the effectiveness of chicken manure as organic fertilizer and urea as inorganic fertilizer on Lemna minor. Nowadays, Lemna minor have many uses such as food sources, sewage treatments and so on. Thus, Lemna farming is increasing around the world. Lemna minor was used as an indicator for the effectiveness of fertilizers in this experiment by observing the number of leaves ...

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Qnb And Atropine Binding To Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,970 )

Using rat brain membranes, buffer, atropine and 3H-QNB you will produce a displacement curve for QNB by atropine, using a filtration method to separate bound QNB from free QNB. Radioactivity on the filters will be measured by scintillation counting and, after correction for counting efficiency, will be converted into molar units from specific radioactivities. Introduction: Receptors for acetylcholine are present in many tissues and can be characterised ...

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Mitragyna Speciosa Korth Alkaloid Extract And Cytotoxicity Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,304 )

Nonstandard abbreviations: MSE, Mitragyna speciosa alkaloid extract, DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; HEK293, human embryonic kidney cells; HepG2, human hepatocellular carcinoma cells; HCT116, colon carcinoma cells; SH-SY5Y, neuroblastoma cells; A498, renal cell carcinoma; SK-MEL-28, melanoma cells; MEM, Eagle's Medium Essential Medium; FBS, fetus bovine serum; DMEM, dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; IC50, half maximal inhibitory concentration . Mitragyna speciosa has great potential to be used as opium substitute and treating ...

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The Regulators Of Human Skin Pigmentation Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,834 )

Introduction In the human body, the skin is the largest organ, with it being a complicated epithelial and mesenchymal tissue. It consists of an epidermis which is multilayered as well as structures such as sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles, a dermis consisting of elastic and collagen fibres. There is also a layer of subcutaneous fat. There has been a discovery of over 1000 disease entities involved ...

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Introduction Of White Blood Cells Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,565 )

Leukocytes or white blood cells protect the body in various ways against disease. Five different types of white blood cells exist in the blood and are made from a multipotent cell in the bone marrow known as the hematopoietic stem cell. The five different white blood cells are often classified according to one major distinguishing factor, the presence of granules; white blood cells are often characterised as ...

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Minerals Of Igneous And Metamorphic Rocks Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,664 )

A mineral is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and stable at room temperature, representable by a chemical formula, And according to the geological significance Igneous and metamorphic rocks make up 90-95% of the top 16 km of the Earth's crust by volume. It has been found that there is an existing relationship between the minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks, since the minerals are influenced ...

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Effect Of Inhibitor On Pancreatic Lipase Activity Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,575 )

Lipase is an enzyme that the body uses to break down fats in food into fatty acids and glycerol so that they can be absorbed in the micro villi in small intestine into the bloodstream. Lipase is primarily produced in the pancreas but is also in the mouth and stomach. Most people produce enough pancreatic lipase, but people with cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease may ...

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Cutaneous Leishmaniasis And Pathogenesis Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,926 )

Leishmaniasis is a tropical, protozoan disease caused exclusively by intracellular parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. Leishmaniasis is a worldwide problem and due to the various species of Leishmania, can manifest in humans as 3 main clinical forms: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis, or Visceral Leishmaniasis. Consequently, the severity of the infection and symptoms differ from self healing infections that produce significant scars to the fatal infections. Pathogenesis ...

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Causes Of Infertility In Females Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,111 )

Infertility is a term that is defined as the inability of couples to become pregnant after one year of regular intercourse without contraception, or 6 months if a woman is 35 years or older. Infertility can occur in both females and males, and there are many causes. In order to get pregnant, a woman's body must go through three main steps: ovulation, fertilization, and implantation. In ovulation, ...

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Hemochromatosis Iron Deficiency In Blood Content Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,284 )

Hemochromatosis (HCC) is disease caused by increased Iron content in the body. People suffering from HCC absorb increased levels of iron from diet. Body has particular difficulty in removing extra iron. Therefore, over period of time iron build up in organs such as heart, liver, pancreas, joints and pituitary gland. Extra iron in organs causes different diseases, and untreated hemochromatosis can be fatal. Iron is nutrient found ...

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Decomposition Of H2o2 And Effect Of Catalase Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,148 )

Enzymes are proteins that enter a biochemical reaction and speed up the reaction rate. Enzymes actually help the reaction by lowering its activation energy. Like other proteins, they work properly because of their active site and a conformational change. The molecule that attaches to the active site is called the substrate. Cells and systems prosper due to enzymes increasing reaction rates. The rate of reaction due to ...

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Applications And Contributions Of Biotechnology To Agriculture Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,869 )

Growing of crops for food has been done since the beginning of mankind the processes to achieve this only changed over the centuries, the advent of technology brought new and improved ways to produce crops giving rise to agriculture which has enabled development of civilisation. Agriculture evolved through different historic periods, it went through the prehistoric, Roman feudal and where we are now, the scientific period applying ...

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Column Efficiency Of A Distillation Column Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,119 )

The main objective of this experiment was to find the number of theoretical stages and column efficiency of a distillation column with 8 sieve trays and a partial reboiler at total reflux and finite reflux (with a reflux ratio of 2). The liquid condensate flowrate were measured and the feed flowrate was found at finite reflux. Samples were taken from the bottom product and the distillate when ...

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Study On The Anthrax Disease Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,073 )

In 2001, letters containing the virulent Ames strain of anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices killing five people and infecting 17 others. I found this story and the use of anthrax as a bioterrorism weapon fascinating Anthrax is a life-threatening infectious disease that normally affects animals, especially goats, cattle, sheep, and horses. Anthrax can be transmitted to humans by contact with infected animals or ...

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Gastric Acid Resistant Capsules Are Enteric Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,114 )

Generally, the active pharmaceutical ingredients are delivered using two-piece capsules, which are filled with the drug, capsulated and taken orally. These capsules are made with materials like gelatin, hypromellose etc. The capsules release the encapsulated drug in the stomach by dissolving in gastronomical juices. However, some of the drugs affects the metabolism of gastric juices and are irritants. In these kinds of drugs, post gastric delivery is ...

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Growth Kinetics Study Of Microorganism In Shake Flask Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,190 )

This experiment is carried out to study the growth kinetics of microorganisms in shake flask. E.coli is grown in a LB broth medium and being fermented for 24 hours. Throughout the fermentation, the cell culture is taken out for every 3 hours and protein test, glucose test and cell dry weight are being performed. As for the optical density analysis, the absorbance reading from the spectrophotometer is ...

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Tablets As An Oral Dosage Form Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,047 )

Tablets are solid dosage forms usually prepared with the aid of suitable pharmaceutical excipients. The excipients can include binders, glidants (flow aids) and lubricants to ensure efficient tableting; disintegrants to promote tablet break-up in the digestive tract; sweeteners or flavours to enhance taste; and pigments to make the tablets visually attractive. They may vary in size, shape, weight, hardness, thickness, disintegration, and dissolution characteristics and in other ...

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Effect Of Dithiotheritol Dtt Concentration Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,305 )

Immunoglobulin M is the first antibody produced in an immune response and is a pentameric structure held together by sulphide bonds in the J-chain. Dithiothreitol (DTT) cleaves inter-chain and intra-chain sulphide bonds at different concentrations abolishing the haemagglutination property of IgM. Varying concentrations of DTT were examined and it was concluded that concentrations of DTT higher than 0.006 mol/L, completely denatured the structure of IgM leading to ...

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Improving Plant Features To Make Suitable For Crops Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,169 )

Most of the increase productivity has relied on cross breeding methods developed long time ago to supply plants with specific traits. However, the growth of new and more productive crops has been improved by domestication which is an accelerated evolution. Domestication defines as the selection of wild plants and animals for adaptation to cultivation and human use (Paran & Knaap, 2007). Plant breeders have practiced selective breeding ...

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African Trypanosomiasis Sleeping Sickness Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,021 )

African trypanosomiasis also known as "sleeping sickness" is a wide spread parasitic disease (disease caused by organism that lives in or on another from which it obtains nourishment) that can be fatal if not treated. It is estimated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that it has 450 000 cases each year, however in the past there have epidemics (a rapid spread or increase) such as between ...

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Hazards In Sewage Treatment Plants Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,889 )

Wastewater consists of a mixture of domestic sewage which includes waste from sinks, household toilets, showers, washing machines. It also consists of industrial effluent, occasional run-off of surface water and ground water which has infiltrated into the sewers. 99.99% of wastewater consists of water, and 0.01 % of it comprises of dissolved or suspended solid matter ( Date Accessed 14.02.13) 2.1 Wastewater Biology Untreated sewage may contain ...

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Termites are social insects

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,453 )

Introduction and Review of Literature general biology of termite Termites are social insects that live in colonies, which, in turn, function because the complementary roles played by the different caste. In United States, subterranean termites, Coptotermes spp. and Reticulitermes spp. are the most destructive and cause substantial economic damage to buildings/structures (Su & Scheffrahn 1990). A population of subterranean termites is comprised of distinct colonies. Colonies may ...

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Fetal And Neonatal Cerebral Ventriculomegaly Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,778 )

Abstract. Ventriculomegaly is an increase in cerebral ventricular dimensions. It could be secondary to increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the ventricular cavity (hydrocephalus), or to a lack of brain parenchyma due to atrophic involution or arrested development. Ventriculomegaly causes diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic dilemma for obstetricians, neonatologists, and neurosurgeon. Mild fetal cerebral ventriculomegaly or borderline ventriculomegaly is defined as an axial diameter > 10 mm across the ...

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Functional Classification Of Cell Junctions Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,110 )

Cells are the small parts of human body. They are organized to form tissues. They are linked together by cell junctions and are supported by a matrix which they themselves secrete. The connection between cells is called cell junction. Cell junctions have any various kinds of junctions. Generally, it can be divided into two types : those that link cells together and those that link cells to ...

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Lowry Method The Total Level Of Protein Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,285 )

Has been the most widely used method to estimate the total level of protein already in solution or easily soluble in dilute alkali in biological samples, the Lowry Assay (Lowry et al., 1951) exhibited a color change of the biological samples in proportion to protein concentration. The color change can be then measured using colorimetric techniques.  With sensitivity down to about 0.01 mg of protein/mL, the reaction is best ...

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What Are The Uses Of Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,444 )

Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride (RS)-benzyl(2-chloroethyl)1-methyl-2-phenoxyethylamine hydrochloride is a alpha-adrenoceptor blocker that covalently binds and irreversibly inhibits the activity of alpha-1 alpha -2 adrenoceptors.3,4 Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride is mainly used to treat episodes of high blood pressure and sweating related to phaeochromocytoma. Phaeochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine-secreting tumour of the adrenal medulla. Patients with phaeochromocytoma are usually hypertensive and suffer headache, palpitations, and excessive sweating.3 However it is rarely prescribed due ...

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Encephalitis Is An Infection Of The Brain Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,332 )

Encephalitis is an infection of the brain that cause of irritation and inflammation to the brain Medical Encylopedia, 2012. Primary encephalitis is happened when the infection of the brain or spinal cord. Secondary encephalitis is happened when the infection is started to spread to the whole body and to the brain (Nordqvist, 2009). Encephalitis is a swelling of the brain parenchyma (nervous tissue in brain) that responsible ...

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Molecular Docking Experimental Techniques Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,503 )

Experimental techniques for the determination of three-dimensional structure proteins crystallographic and magnetic resonance protocols have contributed for the deposition of over 12,000 protein structures in the Protein Data Bank. Although the number of available experimental protocols is large and improving rapidly, the determination of the structure of all detected protein-molecule interactions experimentally at high resolution is still an impossible task. Hence, reliable computational methods are of increasing ...

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The Process Of Chemotherapy Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,713 )

Chemotherapy is one the many treatments for cancers found today. This treatment involves the use of drugs to treat tumors in the body. These drugs are categorized depending on their ability to kill tumor cells and can be administer in many ways. Doctors research and decide the protocol taken for the treatment of a patient. Chemotherapy has become very popular in the medical society and has become ...

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Moringa Oleifera Has Several Health Benefits Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,603 )

According to Dr. Lydia M. Marero of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Philippines, Moringa oleifera is one of the worlds most useful plants. It is used as food, effective water treatment, antibiotic, source of oil, and coagulant for turbid waters. Moringa Oleifera has several health benefits that are one of the reasons why it is named the "Miracle Tree" and the "Tree of Life" ...

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The High Density Concrete Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,605 )

High density concrete can only be manufactured by using various high density natural or man-made aggregates. High density concrete can be used for structural and/or specialised construction purposes. The main use of HDC is in the nuclear industry as radiation shielding. Special care should be taken to the specific type of aggregates used and type of cements combined in the concrete mix. High density concrete (HDC) consists ...

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Biodiversity Impact Of Invasive Plants In Tropical Biodiversity Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,091 )

Tropical zone is the biodiversity hot spot (Briggs, 1996) about three-quarters of the worlds species are confined to the tropic of the world (Wilson, 1992). Though tropical forest ecosystems are more resistant to invasion by alien plants than other biome (Edward, 2009), they are exceedingly threatening by invasive species (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, biotropica, 2010). Invasive species are creating significant challenges to the management and ...

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Chemical Equilibrium And Ph Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,169 )

In a chemical process, chemical is a state in which cocentration of reactants and the concentration of products does not change overtime i.e when the forward reaction proceeds at the same rate as backward reaction and it exists in dynamic equilibrium. The laws of chemical equilibrium define the direction in which a chemical reaction will proceed, as well as the quantities of reactants and products that will ...

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Phase 1 Drug Metabolism Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,732 )

The whole range of biochemical processes that occur within an organism, Metabolism consists both of anabolism and catabolism (the buildup and breakdown of substances, respectively). The biochemical reactions are known as metabolic pathways and involve enzymes that transform one substance into another substance, either breaking down a substance or building a new chemical substance. The term is commonly used to refer specifically to the breakdown of food ...

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Ultrasound Therapy Effects In Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,184 )

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the most frequently injured ligaments of the knee joint. Fortunately, most patients who sustain MCL injuries are able to achieve their previous level of activity without the need for surgical treatment. However, the most severe injuries, especially those involving multiple ligaments, may require operative repair. This study will explore the effectiveness of a conservative treatment, namely ultrasound therapy and ...

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Production And Uses Of Vinegar Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,714 )

Vinegar is an acetic liquid produced from the oxidation of ethanol (C2H5OH) by acetic acid bacteria. Astonishingly, traces of vinegar have been found in Egyptian urns dating as far back as 3000 BC. However today, vinegar is commercially available to the public where it is predominately used in food preparation, particularly in the process of pickling (preserving food), vinaigrettes and other salad dressings. As elucidated above, vinegar ...

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The Cardiovascular System Description Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,989 )

In order to be awarded a Merit, your responses will demonstrate through the heart dissection and in the written work a fluently expressed, clear understanding of the heart and the circulatory system. You will show that you know the constituent parts of the system and how they work together. You will demonstrate clear understanding of the blood groups and their compatibility along with evidence of independent research ...

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DNA As Genetic Information Carrier Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,753 )

DNA and RNA are chain like molecules composed of sub-units called nucleotides . The nucleotides contain a base, linked to the 1´-positon of a sugar (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA) and a phosphate group. The phosphate joins the sugar in DNA or RNA chain through their 5´- and 3´- hydroxyl groups by phosphodiester bond. DNA as genetic information carrier came to known by the end ...

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A Guide To The Identification Of Bacillus Cereus Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,440 )

Bacillus cereus is an endospore-forming, gram-positive bacterium that commonly resides in the soil. Because of its location, Bacillus cereus is usually found on a variety of foods that come into close contact with contaminated soil, and can cause two different types of food borne illnesses: emetic and diarrheal. The type of illness that Bacillus cereus can infect a person with depends mainly on the type of contaminated ...

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Effects Of Static And Dynamic Culture Conditions Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,667 )

Tissue engineering has been investigating the properties of scaffolds and cell culture conditions for better cell attachment, viability and proliferation. This study compares the two cell culture conditions: Static and spinner flask / dynamic cell conditions over a period of 7 days on polyglycolyic acid. The scaffolds were statistically seeded by mouse dermal 3T3 fibroblast in static culture method and on other hand seeded scaffolds were transferred ...

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Cell Membrane Structure And Functions Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,432 )

A cell is a dynamic and a complex structure surrounded by a membrane known as the plasma membrane. This acts like a barrier between the inside of the cell and the outside resulting in different chemical environments on the two sides. The cell membrane is not restricted to the outer surface but is also present inside surrounding the organelles. These biological membranes have played a crucial role ...

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Examining The Separation Of Naphthalene And Biphenyl Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,784 )

Napthalene and biphenyl mixture is a binary mixture of substances where the substances are very similar to each other as can be observed from their structures. Due to their similarities in physical properties their separation cannot be accomplished by simple crystallisation solvent extraction. Therefore, in such case, there must be a chemically modification of one of the components to render it significally different from the other constituents. ...

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Evaluation Of Banana Powder As A Natural Superdisintegrant Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,506 )

The objective of the study was to evaluate banana powder as a superdisintegrant for the formulation of oral disintegrating tablets and to compare the results with commonly used superdisintegrants like croscarmellose sodium, pre gelatinised starch and sodium starch glycolate. Oral disintegrating tablets containing Domperidone as the model drug were formulated using five different concentrations of each superdisintegrant (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% & 10%) and compressed by direct ...

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The Blood Clotting Cascade Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,978 )

von Willebrand Factor is a large multimeric clotting protein which plays a significant role in the process of blood coagulation. It is mainly secreted by the vascular endothelial cells and also by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. The vWF performs two important functions in the process of blood coagulation, and that's why it is very important. First, it is responsible in bringing together the elements to form ...

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Genetically Modified Plants And Selective Breeding Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,786 )

The words "genetically modified" constitute a serious misnomer. Humans have bred plants and animals for thousands of years. In selective breeding, we have built into animals and plants gene combinations that are not normally found in nature and that probably would not survive without human intervention. The term "genetically modified" is currently applied to plants and animals that results from adding genes, in particular genes from completely ...

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Value Of Pefr Measurement In Lung Diseases Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,880 )

PEFR value means peak expiratory flow rate that is a persons maximum speed of expiration. It can be measured by peak flow meter which is a simple device. People can use it monitoring their lung function in respiratory diseases. As a lung function test, it can be differentiated obstructive airway diseases such as asthma, COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) from restrictive lung diseases. PEFR is mostly used to ...

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Converging Diverging Nozzle Inviscid And Compressible Flow Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,573 )

This lab experiment was based on determining the various kinds of shock waves produced in a convergent-divergent nozzle by altering the effect of the pressure ratio respectively. The experiment was conducted using computational fluid dynamics and the results produced were compared with the theoretical results to present the accuracy of the experiment. Further, the three different kinds of shock were also demonstrated and discussed. Introduction A Convergent-Divergent ...

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Temperature Impacting Metabolic Rate Of Lucilia Sericata Larvae Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,627 )

This experiment was designated to investigate the effect of temperature on metabolic rate of lucilia sericata larvae. Water bath has been used to set up the different temperatures of water at 300C, 350C, 400C, 450C, 500C and 550C. lucilia sericata larvae were chosen to show the effect of different temperature on biological reaction of organism. The active lucilia sericata larvae of the same size were soaked in ...

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Light Intensity Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,705 )

Photosynthesis is the process by which a plant cell converts carbon dioxide (CO2) to food sugars via light energy. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether different light intensities have different effects on the rate of photosynthesis of two plants, one grown in normal light conditions and one grown in shade conditions. Each plant was placed in a sealed plastic box and was allowed to ...

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Temperature And Solubility Of Potassium Nitrate Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,627 )

Background of the experiment: When a gram of Potassium Nitrate is deposited in a milliliter of water the time taken for the substance to dissolve is called rate of solubility of the salt. This is measured generally by using experimental methods. The solubility has been found to be affected by many factors such as polarity of the solvent, mass of the solute, Temperature of the mixture etc. ...

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Membrane Permeability Of Rabbit Red Blood Cells Biology Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,272 )

In this experiment, we look at the swelling and lyses of red blood cells (RBCs), when in a very hypotonic environment. Other key concepts include, the measure of resistance of the red blood cells to expand and lyse, due to the influx of water into the cell. We examine the permeability of the cell plasma membrane to various solutes, using haemolysis as a marker of solute penetration. ...

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