Angiogenesis Is A Complex Multi Step Process


02 Nov 2017

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In the embryo, blood vessels provide the growing organs with the necessary oxygen to develop and also provide instructive signals to promote organ morphogenesis. After birth, angiogenesis still contributes to the organ growth. Angiogenesis also involved in other physiological processes such as cycling ovary, in the placenta during pregnancy, and during wound healing as well as in pathological conditions such as ischemic heart disease, cancer, diabetic retinopathy, or chronic inflammation including atherosclerosis. Unlike quiescent endothelial cells that rarely divide, angiogenic endothelial cells undergo a complex sequence of events that includes the secretion of metalloproteases and other matrix-degrading enzymes, cell migration into the newly created space, endothelial cell division and proliferation, and vessel formation (Carmeliet 2005; Fischer, Schneider et al. 2006).

Angiogenesis as Target

Angiogenesis does not initiate malignancy but promotes tumour progression and metastasis. Unlike tumour cells, endothelial cells (ECs) are genomically stable and were therefore considered to be ideal therapeutic targets that would not become resistant to anti-angiogenic therapy. Endothelial cells constitute a primary target for therapeutic anti angiogenesis because they play the central role in the angiogenic cascade. Endothelial cells are readily accessed by therapeutic drugs intravenously because they form a continuum throughout the circulation and all endothelial cells (ECs) are in direct contact with the blood (Carmeliet and Jain 2000; Carmeliet 2005).

Angiogenesis Process

Angiogenesis cascade starts with the increased production of pro-angiogenic factors (VEGF, FGF, TNF-α, and certain interleukins) by cancer cells, stromal cells, inflammatory cells and endothelial cells. These factors drive tumor neovascularization: new vessels develop either by endothelial cell sprouting from pre-existing vessels (Hillen and Griffioen 2007) or by incorporation of endothelial precursors derived from circulating bone marrow cells (Garmy-Susini and Varner 2005). In both cases, the formation of functional blood vessels involves a series of coordinated biological processes such as cell proliferation, guided migration, differentiation and cell–cell communication (Adams and Alitalo 2007).

The pro-angiogenic factors act on pre-existing vessels by affecting the functional state of endothelial cells, some of which acquire very specialized properties. Endothelial tip cells, for example, are the main players in the process of sprouting (Fig. 1.9), which consists in the degradation of basement membrane, fine-tuned migration and changes in adhesive properties of endothelial cell (Hillen and Griffioen 2007). The elongation of the nascent vessel is accounted for by proliferative events occurring in the migrating column (Fig. 1.9). Eventually, when tip cells encounter the tip of other sprouts, they suppress their motile phenotype and new adhesive interactions are established at the joining point. The formation of a lumen, the recruitment of mural cells to endothelial cells (ECs), the deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and the terminal differentiation of ECs promote vessel maturation and quiescence (Adams and Alitalo 2007) (Fig. 1.9).

Figure 1.9: Schematic representation of the angiogenic process. Angiogenesis starts from pre-existing vessels (A), with the conversion of a previously quiescent EC into a tip cell (B). The latter forms filopodia that probe the surrounding environment which is then invaded by the endothelial sprout, where the tip cell is followed by the migrating column, formed by proliferating ECs (C). During endothelial sprouting, vacuoles forming within stalk cells coalesce and give rise to the vascular lumen (D). Upon formation of the new vessel, this undergoes stabilization and maturation, a process mainly mediated by intercellular adhesion and mural cell coverage (E) (Francavilla, Maddaluno et al. 2009).



A. Angiogenic trigger


Reduction in oxygen pressure stimulates the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor, which activates transcription of various angiogenesis-related genes such as VEGF.

B. Vasodilation

Nitric oxide/VEGF

Both lead to vasodilation and increased permeability.


Inhibits permeability.

C. Base membrane degradation


Contributes to base membrane lysis.


Endopeptidases that degrade and remodel the extracellular matrix.

D. Endothelial cell differentiation and proliferation (new vessel sprout formation)


Regulates differentiation and proliferation when interacting with VEGFR-2


Facilitates new vessel sprouting in the presence of VEGF


Promotes VEGF synthesis in endothelial cells and acts synergically with VEGF thus favouring endothelial cell proliferation.

Modulates cell differentiation.

E. Endothelial cell migration


Chemotactic for endothelial cells.


Facilitates new vessel sprouting in the presence of VEGF.

Adhesion molecules

Mediate in physical interaction with extracellular matrix, thus initiating signalling for cell adhesion, migration, and positioning.

F. Vascular network reorganization and stabilization


Promotes vasculature stabilization by attracting pericytes to the endothelium.


Following interaction with VEGFR-1 plays a role in neoformed vessel maturation and restructuring. It also regulates luminal diameter in new vessels.


Tie-2 ligand-remodels new vessels and stabilizes mature vessels by interacting with surrounding tissues, thus contributing to survival. If in excess, this mediator is involved in vessel narrowness and the inhibition of new vessel sprouts.


In the absence of VEGF and when bound to Tie-2, destabilizes neoformed vessels and brings death to endothelial cells, thus leading to vessel regression. In the presence of VEGF, it destabilized extent vessels and induced vascular remodelling.


By binding its CXCR4 receptor (expressed in normal human colon epithelial cells), promotes the maturation of the newly formed vascular network.

Inhibits new vessel formation and stabilization.

Note: VEGF: Vascular endothelium growth factor; Ang-1: angiopoietin-1; FGF: fibroblast growth factor; MMP: matrix metalloprotease; PD-ECGF: plate-let-derived endothelial cell growth facor; SDF-1 : stromal cell-derived factor.

Table 1.2: Biological mechanisms involved in angiogenesis

Angiogenesis Switch

In 1971, Folkman proposed that tumour growth and metastasis are angiogenesis-dependent (Folkman 1971). Hence, he suggested, blocking angiogenesis could be a strategy to arrest tumour growth. Angiogenesis is tightly controlled by the balance of counteracting factors, pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic also known as the angiogenic switch. The switch is executed by two different types of tissue. The first type includes tumour cells, stromal cells or tumour-infiltrating immune cells which release soluble factors, whose main targets are endothelial and other vascular cells in the tumor microenvironment. The second type is the targeted endothelial and vascular cells that are susceptible to the secreted factors by expressing the cognate receptors (Wicki, Christofori et al. 2008).

The expression of these pro- and anti-angiogenic is regulated by upstream signals that have been partially characterized. These include metabolic stress (hypoglycaemia, low pO2, or low pH), mechanical stress (pressure generated by proliferating cells), immune/ inflammatory response (immune/inflammatory cells that have infiltrated the tissue), and genetic mutations (activation of oncogenes or deletion of tumour-suppressor genes that control the production of angiogenesis regulators) (Carmeliet and Jain 2000; Kerbel and Folkman 2002).

The stability of angiogenic switch determines the time initiation of the subsequent angiogenic cascade. When there are more angiogenic stimulators (pro-angiogenic) than angiogenic inhibitors (anti-angiogenic), the switch will be turned on and angiogenesis will proceed. During the process, each step is strictly mediated by the balance of different types of angiogenic stimulators or inhibitors. In some pathological cases, the switch remains on which leads to non-stop formation of new blood vessels and ultimately leading to many physiological disorders and diseases.

Feedback loops provide a further mechanism by which the angiogenic balance is modulated. Pro-angiogenic signals can induce the stimulation of anti-angiogenic signals to terminate angiogenesis and vice versa. For example, the generation of endostatin (anti-angiogenic) through elastase-mediated cleavage of collagen type XVIII is promoted by stimulation of human pancreatic cancer cells (SUIT-2 cells) with TNFα (Brammer, Bramhall et al. 2005). Since TNF increase the secretion of VEGF and thus to be pro-angiogenic, this demonstrate the interplay between several regulatory circuits governing the activities of pro- and anti-angiogenic factors (Wicki, Christofori et al. 2008).

Figure 1.10: The angiogenic balance between angiogenic activators and angiogenic inhibitors regulate vascular homeostasis. Angiogenesis under physiological and pathological conditions is associated with up-regulation of angiogenic factors and/or down-regulation of angiogenic inhibitors. Up-regulation of angiogenic inhibitors and/or down-regulation of angiogenic activators may be associated with impaired neovascularization capacity. VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; IGF-I, insulin-like growth factor-I; IL-8, interleukin-8; PDGF, plateletderived growth factor; PlGF, placenta growth factor; TGF-α and β, transforming growth factor-α and β.


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