Big Valley Landscape Exploitation


02 Nov 2017

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Li-Pei Wong Chin Soon Chong

Chi Yung Puan

Malcolm Yoke Hean Low

School of Computer Engineering Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology

Nanyang Technological University 71 Nanyang Drive

Nanyang Avenue, SINGAPORE 639798 SINGAPORE 638075


Scheduling is a crucial activity in semiconductor manufacturing

industry. Effective scheduling in its operations leads

to improvement in the efficiency and utilization of its

equipment. Job Shop Scheduling is an NP-hard problem

which is closely related to some of the scheduling activities

in this industry. This paper presents an improved Bee Colony

Optimization algorithm with Big Valley landscape exploitation

as a biologically inspired approach to solve the

Job Shop Scheduling problem. Experimental results comparing

our proposed algorithm with Shifting Bottleneck

Heuristic, Tabu Search Algorithm and Bee Colony Algorithm

with Neighborhood Search on Taillard JSSP benchmark

show that it is comparable to these approaches.


Semiconductor manufacturing industry is a complex yet

dynamic business. Some major activities in the semiconductor

production are wafer fabrication, wafer probe,

product assembly and final testing. These activities are

highly capital intensive and need to be performed in an unpredictable

environment, as the activities are sensitive to

disruption factors such as frequent facilities maintenance,

rework, machine downtime etc. To compete in a versatile

environment where the product life cycle is considerably

short, semiconductor manufacturers are trying different

methods to improve productivity and minimize the cycle

time of their products. Solutions to such problems play an

important role in ensuring that scarce resources are allocated

effectively to competing activities, so as to maximize

their utilization and efficiency.

Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is closely related

to activities in semiconductor manufacturing industry such

as part routing, part processing operations and coordination

of part handling as discussed by Gupta and Sivakumar

(2006), and Cavalieri et al. (1999). It is NP-hard in nature

(Lenstra et al. 1977). In a typical JSSP, a sequential job allocation

on resources (machines) that optimizes a particular

objective function is to be determined. While many algorithms

exist to solve the JSSP (Blazewicz et al. 1996,

Lee et al. 1997), the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) algorithm

has recently been adapted (Chong et al. 2006, Chong

et al. 2007). The bee inspired algorithms are generalized

from the foraging behaviors of bees where waggle dance is

used as a communication medium to attract other bees to a

food source. When the behaviors are applied algorithmically

on complex and dynamic problems, the algorithm appears

to be self-organized, flexible and robust in discovering

solutions to the problems (Bonabeau and Meyer 2001).

The bee inspired algorithms have also been attempted

in various areas including the dynamic server allocation in

Internet hosting center (Nakrani and Tovey 2004), hex

game playing program (Rijswijck 2007), Traveling Salesman

Problem (Lucic and Teodorovic 2002, Lucic and

Teodorovic 2003, Wong et al. 2008), and Telecommunication

Network Routing (Wedde et al. 2004). A survey that

discusses bee inspired algorithms and their applications to

some generalized assignment problems can be found in

Baykosoglu et al. (2007).

In this paper, a BCO algorithm with Big Valley landscape

(BCBV) is presented. Besides the foraging behaviors,

bees in the proposed algorithm are equipped with the

ability to explore the search space which appears in a Big

Valley structure as discussed in the works by Reeves

(1999), Nowicki and Smutnicki (2005), and Boese et al.

(2008). An effective search around the Big Valley structure

will help in locating the best solution in the space. The

BCBV algorithm is tested on Taillard JSSP benchmark and

compared against the Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic (SBP),

Tabu Search Algorithm (TSA), and Bee Colony Algorithm

with Neighborhood Search (BCNS) (see Sections 5.1 and

5.2 for details).

This paper starts with a discussion on JSSP in Section

2. Section 3 explains the Big Valley landscape structure. A

discussion on the BCBV algorithm is presented in Section

978-1-4244-2708-6/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 2050

Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference

S. J. Mason, R. R. Hill, L. Mönch, O. Rose, T. Jefferson, J. W. Fowler eds.

Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

4. Experiments and results are presented in Section 5. Finally,

this paper ends with a conclusion.


As presented by Adams et al. (1988), JSSP is defined by a

set J of n jobs, J = {1, 2, …, n}. These jobs are to be processed

on a set of m machines, M = {1, 2, …, m}. O is a set

of operations, O = {0, O11, …, O1m, On1, …, Onm, z} where

Oij denotes the j-th operation of job Ji. 0 and z denotes two

fabricated operations which represent the "first" and "ultimate"

operation. Thus, |O| = (n*m)+2. Each operation Oij is

associated with tij and _ij which denote its earliest start time

and processing time respectively. Apart from these, the following

constraints have to be fulfilled:

_ Each job Ji in set J is composed of a set Ai which

consists of ordered pairs of operations, constrained

by the precedence relations in (1).

i j ij ij ij i j i t _ t _ _ O O _ A _ _ , ( , ) ( 1) ( 1) _ (1)

_ Each machine Mr in set M is composed of a set Er

which describes the set of all pairs of operations

to be performed on machine r. Each operation Oij

will be processed for _ij without interruption and

each machine can handle at most one operation at

a time. These constraints are shown in (2).

O O E r M

t t

t t

ij kl r

kl ij ij

ij kl kl

_ _ _ _



_ _

_ _

( , ) ,




_ For every operation in O, tij must be greater than

or equal to 0. This constraint guarantees the completion

of all jobs as shown in (3).

t O O ij ij _ 0, _ _ (3)

Although there are many metrics that can be considered

as the objective function of JSSP, makespan (Cmax) is

the most common and will be the focus in this paper. Cmax

is defined as the longest duration for which all operations

of all jobs are completed.

2.1 Disjunctive Graph Representation, Critical

Path and Its Block Decomposition

A common representation for JSSP is the disjunctive

graph. A disjunctive graph is a collection of nodes (vertices)

and edges (arcs). Nodes are linked by the edges of the

graph. Hence, a disjunctive graph G is defined as

_ _ Conj Disj G _ O, E _ E (4)

where O is the set of operations as defined in Section 2.

EConj is a set of directed conjunctive edges representing the

precedence constraints of each job as described in (1). EDisj

is a set of bi-directional disjunctive edges representing the

capacity constraints of each machine as described in (2).

These disjunctive edges link all the operations that need to

be handled by a particular machine. An example of the disjunctive

graph based on a 3-job x 3-machine JSSP in Table

1 is shown in Figure 1. Each row of the table represents a

pre-defined machine precedence order for each job with

the processing time in parentheses. A solution can be obtained

by converting bi-directional disjunctive edges to become

directed edges. To make sure that a feasible solution

is obtained, the conversion is performed such that no cycle

exists in the graph. This will eventually turn the disjunctive

graph to a directed graph as shown in Figure 2.

Table 1. An Example of 3-job x 3-machine JSSP.

Job Machine (Processing time)

1 2 (3) 1 (13) 3 (6)

2 1 (8) 2 (4) 3 (12)

3 3 (10) 2 (5) 1 (5)



Conjunctive Edge


Disjunctive Edge

_ij - Processing time of Oij

Oij Oij - j-th operation of job i
























Figure 1: A Disjunctive Graph for 3-job x 3-machine JSSP

Instance in Table 1.



Conjunctive Edge


Disjunctive Edge

_ij - Processing time of Oij

Oij Oij - j-th operation of job i
























Figure 2: A Directed Graph (Feasible Solution) for 3-job x

3-machine JSSP Instance in Table 1.




Oij = j -th operation of job i

O31 O23 O13

O21 O33 O12

O32 O22 O11


Figure 3: Gantt Chart for the Directed Graph in Figure 2.


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

The longest path (or critical path) in the directed graph

provides the makespan for the JSSP. The critical path in

Figure 2 is given by: 0 _ O31 _ O32 _ O22 _ O11 _ O12

_ O13 _ z. The sum of all the processing times is 0 + 10 +

5 + 4 + 3 + 13 + 6 + 0 = 41. To better illustrate the critical

path found in Figure 2, a Gantt chart is shown in Figure 3

where the operations in the critical path are shaded.

A critical path consists of a set of operations which

cannot be delayed so that all the jobs will be completed on

time. The critical path can be decomposed into a set of r

blocks, B = {b1, b2, … br} as described by Grabowski et al.

(1986), and Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996). Each block

contains an order set of operations/nodes which are processed

on the same machine bk = {dk1, dk2, …, dki} where

d_O. At the same time, two consecutive blocks must contain

operations/nodes which are processed on different machines.

The following example illustrates the block decomposition

of the critical path found in Figure 3.

As stated earlier, one of the critical paths for the 3-job

x 3-machine JSSP instance in Table 1 is given by {O31,

O32, O22 , O11 , O12 , O13 }. By performing block decomposition,

four blocks are identified where r = 4, B = {b1, b2 ,

b3, b4}. The content of each block is as follows: b1 =

{O31,}, b2 = {O32, O22, O11}, b3 = {O12}, b4 = {O13}. This

block decomposition is the central idea in the implementation

of the neighborhood operator which will be discussed

in Section 4.3.

In the subsequent section, the Big Valley landscape

structure will be discussed. The discussion will include

how the landscape looks and its characteristics.


A landscape can be described as a structure of the neighborhood

generated by a heuristic operator used to traverse

the search space of the problem in view of the objective

function. Reeves (1999) suggested that when a heuristic

search approach is applied to a combinatorial optimization

problem that defines a unique search space, a "landscape"

will be created. In addition, it is found that different landscapes

will be created by different search operators used in

the search space exploration. A landscape consists of many

local optima or false peaks which will be changing with

respect to the heuristic search operators. The existence of

these local optima or false peaks often obstruct the search

from locating global optimum as illustrated in Figure 4.

However, these landscape structures can assist the

search of global optimum instead of obstructing it. One

such landscape structure is the "Big Valley" structure observed

by Boese et al. (2008) in the 2-opt operator for

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Similar landscape

structure has since been extended to flow shop scheduling

problem (FSP) by Reeves (1999), and also in JSSP by

Nowicki and Smutnicki (2005).

In the Big Valley landscape structure, local optima

tend to exist close to one another in clusters, with each

cluster centered on the global optimum forming a valley

structure as illustrated in Figure 4. The formation of the

Big Valley landscape has strong implication for how heuristic

search should be performed. The Big Valley structure

suggests that the determination of new start points for

search should be based on previous local optimum rather

than based on a random point in the search space. This is

because good candidate solutions are often found to be

close to other good solutions. By exploring and exploiting

the areas near to these local optima effectively, the search

will be directed towards the global optimum eventually.

global minimum

clusters of local minimum


function ridge of local


shoulder of local



current space




Figure 4: A Landscape with the Big Valley Feature.

3.1 Big Valley Landscape Analysis

To investigate the Big Valley landscape structure, a plot

from a sample of 1500 solutions collected through a run of

BCBV algorithm on the ta_01 (15-job x 15-machine) problem

is generated as shown in Figure 5. ta_01 is one of the

datasets in Taillard JSSP benchmark which will be discussed

in Section 5.1. The solutions are plotted using the

percentage makespan difference, _ (see Section 5.1) versus

their heuristic distance (see Section 4.4.1) from a fixed local


In Figure 5, solutions are concentrated in four separate

clusters at different distances from a fixed local optimum.

The clusters are formed by the neighborhood operator (see

Section 4.3.2) which is integrated in BCBV. Figure 5 also

shows that the clusters are some heuristic distance away

from one another. Search should be performed intensely

within clusters to find new local optima with better

makespan since they are most probable to occur close to

one another. The clustering approach by neighborhood operator

and intensive searching around different clusters

which are certain heuristic distance apart is implemented in

BCBV algorithm. Details about the analysis on the Big

Valley landscape can be obtained in Reeves (1999), and

Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996).


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

Figure 5: _ versus Distance from a Local Optimum.


This section first describes the natural foraging model of a

typical bee colony. Next, an algorithmic framework of

BCBV is presented. It is followed by an overview of the

foraging model used in constructing feasible solutions for

JSSP, and the waggle dance model used in finding good

solutions. Finally, a discussion on the Big Valley landscape

exploitation in BCO is provided.

4.1 Bee Colony

The foraging behavior in a bee colony remains mysterious

for many years until von Frisch (1974) translated the language

embedded in bee waggle dances. Waggle dance operates

as a communication tool among bees. Through the

waggle dance, bees could describe the distance, direction,

and description of the food source to other bees. Distance

is conveyed by the type and duration of the waggle dance.

Suppose a bee found a rich food source, a figure-eight

pattern is shown in the dance. This figure-eight dance consists

of a straight waggle run followed by a turn to the right

back to the starting point, and then another straight waggle

run followed by a turn to the left and back to the starting

point again. Via these informative dances, the bee has actually

informed its hive mates about the direction and distance

of the food source. von Frisch (1974) also suggested

that bees could describe the type of flower which is richest

to forage through the use of pollen. Once a bee has associated

itself with the particular scent of pollen from a waggle

dance, it will ignore flowers with other scents at the indicated

location. Such a mechanism achieves a kind of shortterm

memory to differentiate and identify food sources and

will be explored through the addition of a Taboo list in the

BCO model in this paper. Further discussions about waggle

dance can be found in Dyer (2002), and Biesmeijer and

Seeley (2005).

4.2 BCBV Algorithm

The BCBV algorithm uses a similar model based on bees’

foraging behaviors as shown in Figure 6. The BCBV starts

with a set of feasible schedules generated by dispatching

rules, which will be discussed in Section 4.3.1. A combination

of foraging and performing waggle dance constitutes

one cycle (or iteration). The foraging model will be discussed

in Sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. The waggle dance

model, which includes how a bee observes, selects and performs

a waggle dance, is implemented using a linked list

WL and will be discussed in Section 4.4.

The BCBV algorithm is executed for Nmax iterations

and the best solution found during the searching process

will be presented as the final schedule at the end of a run.

procedure BCBV

Cmax_best _ _

Niter _ 0

GenerateInitialSolution( ) [see section 4.3.1]

while Niter <> Nmax do

for each forager bee fi do

if WL<>{ }

fi.ObserveNSelectDance( ) [see section 4.4.2 & 4.4.3]

end if

fi.Cmax_ fi.Forage( ) [see section 4.3.2 & 4.3.3]

if fi.Cmax< Cmax_best

Cmax_best _ fi.Cmax

fi.PerformWaggleDance( ) [see section 4.4.1]

end if

end for

Niter_ Niter+1

end while

end procedure BCBV

Figure 6: Algorithmic Framework of BCBV.

4.3 Foraging Model with Neighborhood Search

The foraging model starts with a group of bees constructing

a set of feasible solutions by using a set of dispatching

rules for JSSP with the use of disjunctive graph representation

as mentioned in Section 2.

4.3.1 Generate Initial Feasible Solution

The dispatching rules that are applied in the BCBV algorithm

include Shortest Processing Time, Longest Processing

Time, Most Work Remaining, Least Work Remaining,

Work in Next Queue, Last In First Out, First In First out,

Shortest Processing Time+Work in Next Queue, Shortest

Processing Time+Most Work Remaining and Random

Dispatching Rules. In the Random Dispatching Rules, bees

are allowed to randomly pick one of the listed rules to construct

a feasible solution. These rules are applied in a round

robin fashion for all the bees. Implementation details of the

listed rules can be found in the work by Yamada (2003).








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Distance From Local Optimum

_ (%)


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

The set of feasible solutions generated by the dispatching

rules will be used to generate other feasible solutions.

Other than this, bees may also generate new solution from

their own solution found in previous iteration or based on

the dance (solution) that they followed. These three sets of

feasible solutions will serve as a foundation to produce

other solutions for the rest of the algorithm via a neighborhood

operator. The mechanism of the operator will be explained

in the subsequent section.

4.3.2 Neighborhood Operator

Each feasible solution, Sx, has it own critical path which

can be identified via the disjunctive graph. To produce a

set of moves based on Sx, a neighborhood operator C(Sx),

which is based on the block structure described in Section

2, is defined in (5):

C S C b b B j


x j j j _ _ _ _ ( ) ( ), 1 _ (5)

where Cj is defined as in (6), (7), and (8):

__ __

_ _ _


_ _

_ _


d d b and B

C b i i


, , 1 1

( ) 1( 1) 1 1

1 1


__ __ __

__ __





_ _

_ _




d d b and B j

d d d d b and B j

C b j j j

j j j i ji j

j j


, , 2

, , , , 3

( ) 1 2

1 2 ( 1)

for j=2, …, r-1 (7)

__ __

_ _ _


_ _



d d b and B

C b r r r

r r ,

, , 1 1

( ) 1 2 (8)

The generation of C(Sx) is adapted from the work by

Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996). (6) suggests that swapping

is allowed on the last two operations in the first block. (7)

suggests that swapping is allowed on the first two (and last

two) in every intermediate blocks (b2, …, br-1). (8) suggests

that the swapping is allowed on the first two operations in

the last block. Once the neighborhood operation ends,

C(Sx) contains a set of moves that can be used to generate

new feasible solutions. Of all the moves in C(Sx), moves

that are able to generate better Cmax when compared to the

current Cmax (improving moves) are placed into the set MI ,

and moves that have been recently visited (Taboo moves)

are placed in the set MT. A bee will then decide which

move to select based on the strategies that will be discussed

in Section 4.3.3.

4.3.3 Move Selection Strategies

Recall that bees could remember scent and avoid searching

patches of flowers with different scents through the pollen

identification ability (refer to Section 4.1). To aid these

bees in making a better decision in selecting a move, a

similar short-term memory is given to the artificial bees in

the model. This short-term memory is developed via the

use of a Taboo list. Each time a move is selected, its inverse

move will be added to the Taboo list. Should the inverse

move be encountered in the next search, its selection

is avoided if possible. The aim of the Taboo list is to direct

the search process away from recently visited solutions so

that more of the unexplored search space can be reached.

Hence, more solutions can be evaluated. Besides Taboo

list, another strategy is introduced to aid the bees to select a

better move. Using this strategy, a bee will select at random

a move from MI should one exist, else it will select at

random a non-improving move.

The combination of the neighborhood operator, Taboo

list and move selection strategy form the foraging model

shown in Figure 7. It corresponds to the Forage() method

in Figure 6.

Step 1: Find a set of moves from a feasible solution, Sx by using

operator C (Sx).

Step 2: Identify MI and MT from C (Sx).

Step 3: If _ _ _ I T M M

Randomly pick a move from MI – MT.

Go to Step 7.

Step 4: If _ _ _ I T M M

Randomly pick a move from MI _ MT.

Go to Step 7.

Step 5: If MT _ _

Randomly pick a move from MT .

Go to Step 7.

Step 6: Random pick a move from C(Sx).

Step 7: Add the inverse of selected move to MT

Step 8: Return the selected move.

Figure 7: Algorithm for Forage().

4.4 Waggle Dance with Exploitation of Big Valley


Upon returning to the hive after foraging, a bee will need

to perform waggle dance in order to convey information

about its discovery to other hive mates. At any one time, a

bee will perform waggle dance if its Cmax is smaller than

the current best Cmax among all the bees. Note that in our

implementation, the solutions representing the dances by

the bees are accumulated in an unbounded list, WL. Accumulation

of these dances (solutions) over time will create a

landscape which consists of multiple local optima as discussed

in Section 3. To manage the landscape effectively,

approaches stated in Sections 4.4.1 to 4.4.3 are proposed.

4.4.1 Dance Accumulation Strategy

Since WL is unbounded, it might accumulate too many

dances such that a unique landscape could not be identified.

To maintain a finite set of unique peaks (local optima),

a replacement approach is introduced. This approach

compares the similarity of the newly generated solution


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

(denoted as Sp) with each solution in WL (denoted by Sq

where Sq_WL) using a distance metric D.

The role of D is to compare the similarity between two

solutions. It measures the number of bit difference between

the directed disjunctive arcs representation of two solutions

as defined in (9). The EDisj of both Sp and Sq are represented

as a total-ordering bitmap which consists of a string of


_ _

( )

( ), ( )

Disj p

Disj p Disj q


diff E S E S

D _ (9)

The solution Sq that is within a distance of replacement

threshold DR from Sp will be replaced, if one exists. If there

are two or more solutions in the list that meet the threshold,

all of them will be replaced accordingly. Otherwise, Sp will

be appended to WL.

Step 1: If Sp.Cmax < Cmax_best

Search through WL and accumulate Sp in WL by replacing

solutions which are within the replacement

threshold, DR.

Sp.CtElite _ 0.

Step 2: For each entry Sq in WL

If Sq.CtElite > NAttempt


Figure 8: Algorithm for PerformWaggleDance().

To make sure that every solution in WL is searched intensively

by bees, a counter, CtElite, is associated to each

solution. CtElite is incremented whenever the associated solution

(dance) is used (followed) by another bee. When a

solution is used for NAttempt (a predefined value) times, the

entry will be removed from the list. By using the above

strategy, exploitation of different peaks in the Big Valley

landscape is preserved. Figure 8 shows the algorithm for

the dance accumulation strategy which corresponds to the

PerformWaggleDance() method in Figure 6.

4.4.2 Dance Observation Strategy

Before a bee leaves its hive to start the foraging process, it

decides if it will observe and follow a dance shown by previous

dancer with a probability of Pfollow. In the BCO algorithm

suggested by Chong et al. (2006), Pfollow is adjusted

dynamically via a profitability lookup table. A different

strategy is adopted in BCBV. Pfollow is adjusted based on

the profitability rating of a bee, Pfi and the average profitability

of the waggle dance list, PfWL. Pfi and PfWL are defined

in (10), and (11) respectively:

i i C



_ 1 (10)

__ _ n

WL i i n C

Pf 1


1 1 (11)

where Ci

max is the makespan of the schedule generated by a

forager fi (Chong et al., 2007) and n is the number of dancing

bee. Pfollow is determined by (12) where the 0.9 and 0.6

are obtained after a series of parameter tuning tests.

_ _ _




Pf Pf

P i WL

follow 0.00,

0.60, 0.90* (12)

4.4.3 Dance Selection Strategy

After a bee has decided to observe and follow a dance, the

next step is to select a dance from WL. Some selection

strategies tested in the development of the BCBV algorithm


_ Most Recently Added (MRA) – the most recently

added solution to WL is selected.

_ Round Robin (RR) – the solution is selected in a

round robin manner, one after another in succession.

_ Roulette Wheel (ROUL) – the solution is selected

based on the Ci

max. A more profitable dance will have

a higher chance to be selected.

_ Random Improving Move (RIM) – the solution

that is better than the current makespan in WL is selected

in an unbiased manner.

These strategies are aimed at exploring the Big Valley

landscape more effectively. As initial experiments show

that RR gives the best results on a set of benchmark dataset,

it is adopted in the BCBV model in this paper. Figure 9

shows the algorithm which corresponds to the ObserveNSelectDance(

) method in Figure 6.

Step 1: Pfollow _ 0.00

Step 2: Sx _ solution found at previous iteration.

Step 3: If Pfi < 0.90 * PfWL

Pfollow _0.60

Step 4: Generate a random number r _ [0,1].

Step 5: If r < Pfollow

Sx _ Pick a solution from WL using a dance selection


Step 6: Return Sx.

Figure 9: Algorithm for ObserveNSelectDance().


In this section, the benchmark problems, benchmark algorithms

and some experimental results will be presented.

The experiments are conducted on a 16-node Linux cluster

where each node has two Dual Core Xeon 3.0GHz processors

with 4GB RAM.

5.1 Benchmark Problems

The Taillard JSSP dataset used in this paper is obtained

from the library of JSSP sample instances maintained by

Taillard, E. ( Our experiments

focus on the first 50 problem instances (ta_01-ta_50)

for which only 19 optimal solutions have been found to

date. The sizes of these problems range from 15 to 30 jobs


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

and 15 to 20 machines. The performance measure used is

the percentage difference in makespan _ of a solution

found, Cmax, from the known optimum/upper bound, Coptimal,

calculated as in (13):

_ =__ _ _ optimal optimal C C / C max _ (13)

5.2 Benchmark Algorithms

To evaluate the performance of the proposed bee colony

algorithm, we include three other meta-heuristics in our

experimental study. The first is the TSA by Nowicki and

Smutnicki (1996) which is considered to be one of the best

in the class of optimization algorithms for the JSSP. The

second is the SBP for the JSSP proposed by Adams et al.

(1988). The third is the BCNS by Chong et al. (2007).

5.3 Parameter Settings

As TSA and SBP are deterministic algorithms, results for

these two algorithms are taken after one run. In contrast,

the experimental results for BCNS and BCBV are the averages

over five runs due to their stochastic characteristic.

Table 2: Parameter Setting for the Algorithms.


Nmax _T _T 2000 2000

Population, l n.a. n.a. No. of



Alpha, _ n.a. n.a. 1.0 n.a.

Beta, _ n.a. n.a. 1.0 n.a.

Rating, _ij n.a. n.a. 0.99 n.a.

Waggle dance scaling

factor, A

n.a. n.a. 100 n.a.

Probability to perform

waggle dance, p

n.a. n.a. 0.001 n.a.

Max. no. of Elite Solution

20 n.a. 20 _

Max size of Taboo List 8 n.a. n.a. 15

Waggle dance replacement

threshold, DR

n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.15

Waggle dance recruitment

counter, NAttempt

n.a. n.a. n.a. 50

_T denotes the experiments are allowed to run until termination.

Table 3: Impact of Different DR Settings in BCBV.

DR _(%)

Min Max Mean

0.05 4.88 12.17 9.11

0.15 3.84 11.13 8.02

0.25 4.54 11.36 8.38

0.35 4.49 11.14 8.92

0.45 4.41 13.17 8.86

Due to the different natures of the four algorithms, it is

difficult to allocate the exact same amount of computation

time and resource to each of them. For a meaningful comparison,

both TSA and SBP were allowed to run until termination.

Both BCNS and BCBV were allowed to run for

2000 iterations. The parameter settings for all four algorithms

are presented in Table 2. The parameter settings are

obtained after a series of tuning experiments.

Table 3 shows the impacts of different DR settings on

BCBV on a set of five representative problems from Taillard

dataset. They include ta_04, ta_13, ta_29, ta_40,

ta_41. The average _ as well as the maximum and minimum

_ of the five problems are shown in the table.

DR controls the number of distinct peaks (local optima)

in the landscape stored in WL. When DR is set too

low (e.g. 0.05), too many solutions are stored in WL leading

to slow convergence of the search. When DR is set too

high (e.g. 0.45), only a few solutions are stored in WL leading

to insufficient diversification in the search. Setting DR

to 0.15 gives the best result for the five problem instances.

5.4 Experimental Results

Table 4 summarizes the performance results of the four algorithms

investigated. Besides the average, minimum and

maximum _, the number of best solutions found amongst

the four algorithms on the 50 problem instances is also reported.

From the results presented in Table 4, TSA records

the closest results to the optimal and find the best results

for 37 out of 50 problem instances. In comparison with

TSA, BCBV gave similar performances for both the mean

and maximum _. BCBV also obtained a lower _ and found

more best solutions compared to BCNS and SBP. While

both bee heuristics underperform TSA, they offer a comparable

performance after 2000 iterations and their performance

can be improved when more iterations are used. From

the CPU time (speed) perspective, our experimental results

show that BCBV is 2.6 times slower than TSA.

Table 4: Performance of TSA, SBP, BCNS and BCBV on

50 Problem Instances in Taillard JSSP Benchmark.


Mean _ (%) 6.93 11.77 9.16 8.43

Min _ (%) 1.04 5.29 2.84 4.01

Max _ (%) 13.66 20.63 16.22 13.93

Best Solutions Found 37 0 2 11

5.5 Long Running Behaviors of BCBV

To see the long running performance of BCBV algorithm

against BCNS and TSA, the averaged _ over five problems

versus the number of iterations is plotted in Figure 10. The

same set of five problems as mentioned in Section 5.3 is

used. A snapshot is taken at every 1000-th iteration where

the average _ for each algorithm is calculated.

To investigate whether TSA, BCNS and BCBV have a

similar starting point, a snapshot on the average _ is taken

at the initial stage. Results show that _ is 24.10% for TSA,


Wong, Puan, Low, and Chong

22.02% for BCNS, and 21.14% for BCBV, which shows

that these three algorithms have similar starting points.






1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

Iterations ('000)

_ (%)


Figure 10: Long Running Behaviors of TSA, BCNS and


The TSA algorithm converges very quickly to find its

best solution, leveling off at approximately 31000 iterations

and showing no performance improvement thereafter.

This is due to the termination of the algorithm by its stopping

condition when its elite solution list becomes empty.

The graph for TSA is extended beyond its termination

point for comparison with BCBV and BCNS. The BCNS

algorithm converges much slower (in terms of number of

iterations) and takes approximately 85000 iterations to

reach the performance level of the TSA algorithm. Converging

slower than TSA, the BCBV algorithm starts to

outperform TSA at approximately 13000-th iteration and

its solutions continued to improve before leveling off at

approximately 37000-th iteration. The trend of BCBV and

BCNS suggests that by taking such an evolutionary approach,

the quality of the solutions obtained may improve

further given a longer running time. This characteristic is

important if the objective is to obtain very high quality solutions

given ample computational facilities and time.


A Bee Colony Optimization algorithm with Big Valley

landscape exploitation has been proposed to solve JSSP

problem. The algorithm is based on the foraging behavior

of honey bees where the waggle dance is used as a communication

medium among bees. To have an effective exploitation

and exploration on the landscape structures, accumulation

and selection strategies are introduced on the

solution list WL with waggle dances that represents peaks

in a landscape. Experimental results on the Taillard JSSP

benchmark show that BCBV is able to achieve comparable

performance to TSA, SBP and BCNS using small number

of iterations. Given ample computation time, BCBV is able

to deliver performance better than TSA, SBP and BCNS.

For future works, we will continue to explore other

features of the Big Valley landscape as well as parameter

tuning to improve the performance of the BCBV algorithm.

We will also incorporate other bee related features

such as the direction of waggle dance and scout bees in order

to make the algorithm more comprehensive.


The authors would like to thank Science University of Malaysia

and Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia for

the scholarship awarded to Li-Pei Wong to pursue his

Ph.D. in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


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