Conjunctivitis Description Of The Disorder


02 Nov 2017

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Conjunctivitis is redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye (conjunctiva). It is very common.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis will depend of the cause, but the general symptoms include:

Eye redness: this happens as a result of the inflammation and widening of the tiny blood vessels in the conjunctiva (thin layer of cells that covers the front of the eyes)

Watering eyes: the conjunctiva contains thousands of cells that produce mucus and tiny glands that produce tears – inflammation causes the glands to become overactive, so that they water more than usual.

If you have infective conjunctivitis you may also have:

a burning sensation in your eyes

a feeling of grit in your eyes

a sticky coating on the eyelashes – usually when you first wake in the morning

an enlarged lymph node in front of the ear

Allergic conjunctive

You may also have itchy eyes if you have allergic conjunctivitis.  

The pattern of symptoms for allergic conjunctivitis depends on the substance you are allergic to.

Allergies to pollen (hay fever) occur during certain parts of the year. You can have an allergy to:

tree pollen, released during spring

grass pollen, released during the end of spring and beginning of summer

weed pollen, released any time from early spring to late autumn

It is highly likely that the pollen will also cause other symptoms such as sneezing and a runny or blocked nose.

There is also Bacterial and Viral conjunctivitis

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Chloramphenicol eye drops

Chloramphenicol eye ointment

Fusidic Acid

Anti – histamines



Mast cell stabilisers


Common side effects of the medicines selected

Eye drops can briefly cause blurred vision. Neither chloramphenicol nor fusidic acid cause side effects, although they can cause a slight stinging or burning sensation in your eye. This feeling should not last long.

Glaucoma - Description of the disorder

Glaucoma is a term that describes a group of eye conditions that affect vision. Glaucoma often affects both eyes, usually in varying degrees. One eye may develop glaucoma quicker than the other and pressure is raised in the eye.

Glaucoma occurs when the drainage tubes (trabecular meshwork) within the eye become slightly blocked. This prevents eye fluid (aqueous humour) from draining properly. When the fluid cannot drain properly, pressure builds up. This is called intraocular pressure. This can damage the optic nerve (which connects the eye to the brain) and the nerve fibres from the retina (the light-sensitive nerve tissue that lines the back of the eye).

Medicines used to treat the disorder

 Prostaglandin analogues:





Common side effects of the medicines selected

Prostaglandin analogues increase the flow of fluid (aqueous humour) out of your eye, which reduces the pressure within your eye (the intraocular pressure). These eye drops are usually used once a day. Side effects include:

enlarged blood vessels in the white part of your eye, making your eye look red

changes to your eye colour – it often gets darker

eyelashes growing thicker and darker

eye pain and irritation

blepharitis – a condition where the rims of your eyelids become red and swollen

dry eyes


sensitivity to light

Tear deficiency (tired or dry eyes) - Description of the disorder

Dry eye syndrome can have many different underlying causes, however the main causes are:

The environment


Side effects of medicines

Hormonal changes


When we laugh or cry the surface of your eye is always covered by a thin layer of liquid known as tear film. Tears will lubricate eyes, provide protection from against infections, keep them clean from dust and aid sight by helping them to stabilise your vision. The lacrimal function unit is affected the whole system is broken down resulting the quality and quantity of the tear is affected. The lacrimal gland does not produce enough tears due to tears affecting the glands. The tears will contain abnormal proteins which can damage the surface of the eye.

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Steroid eye drops/ointments

Ciclosporin eye drops

Simple eye ointment

Common side effects of the medicines selected



Stinging the eye



Otitis externa - Description of the disorder

Otitis externa is a condition that causes inflammation (redness and swelling) of the external ear canal – the tube between the outer ear and eardrum.

Otitis externa is often referred to as "swimmer's ear", as repeated exposure to water can make the ear canal more vulnerable to inflammation (otitis externa is one of the most common conditions to affect competitive swimmers).

Symptoms of otitis externa include:

ear pain, which can range from moderate to severe

a discharge of liquid or pus from the ear

some degree of temporary hearing loss

Usually only one ear is affected.

Medicines used to treat the disorders

antibiotic eardrops – which can treat an underlying bacterial infection

corticosteroid eardrops – which can help reduce swelling

antifungal eardrops – which can treat an underlying fungal infection

acidic eardrops – the acid can help kill bacteria

Examples are;



Acetasol HC



Prednisolone acetate

Neomycin-polymyxin HC

Common side effects of the medicines selected


Swollen glands

White patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips


Joint pain

Pale or yellow skinned

Numbness and muscle weakness

Easy bruising

Severe skin reaction

Otitis media - Description of the disorder

Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear common in younger children. 

Most ear infections occur in infants aged 6-18 months, though anyone can get an ear infection. For reasons that are unclear they are more common in boys than girls.

Medicines used to treat the disorders



Amoxicillin however very rare to prescribe antibiotics for Otitis media. Only used if there is no sign of improvement after four days.

Common side effects of amoxicillin include:

skin rash

feeling sick


The common side effects for paracetamol and ibuprofen are

Skin rash




Liver and kidney damage


Ear Wax - Description of the disorder

Earwax is a waxy material that is produced by sebaceous glands inside the ear. It cleans, lubricates and protects the lining of the ear by trapping dirt and repelling water.

Earwax is slightly acidic and has antibacterial properties. Without earwax, the skin inside your ear would become dry, cracked, infected or waterlogged and sore.

Earwax can be wet or dry and hard or soft. Soft earwax is more common in children and hard earwax is more likely to cause problems. Dry earwax is golden and flaky and more common in people of Asian origin.

Medicines used to treat the disorder


Olive oil ear drops


Sodium bicarbonate

Common side effects of the medicines selected

Worsening of symptoms such as excessive wax

Unpleasant taste in the mouth

Temporary fizzing in the ear and Dizziness

Pain and Irritation

Hearing loss and Ringing in the ears.

Allergic rhinitis - Description of the disorder

Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mould or certain animal danders.

Allergic rhinitis often causes cold-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchiness and a blocked or runny nose. These symptoms usually start soon after being exposed to an allergen. 

Some people only get allergic rhinitis for a few months at a time because they are sensitive to seasonal allergens, such as tree or grass pollen. Other people get allergic rhinitis all year round.

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Allergic rhinitis is not usually harmful but it can be irritating and affect your quality of life.

Identifying the allergen and avoiding it is the first step in managing the condition. Although this is not always easy.

If your symptoms are mild, you should be able to treat them yourself by:

taking over-the-counter medication -such as non-sedating antihistamines and decongestants to help relieve congestion and a runny nose

nasal douching - regularly rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution to keep your nose free of irritants

Common side effects of antihistamines and decongestants


Impaired thinking

Dry mouth




Irritation of the lining of nose


Feeling/Being sick

dry mouth



Rhinitis – Description of Disorder

The inside of your nose will become inflamed, causing symptoms such as a build-up of mucus in the nasal cavities and a blocked or runny nose.

You may also feel pressure or pain in your nose. Read more about the symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis. 

Rhinitis is often caused by an allergic reaction to a substance such as pollen. This is known as allergic rhinitis.

Non-allergic rhinitis is where the nasal lining becomes swollen and inflamed due to causes other than allergy. These pages focus on non-allergic rhinitis. 

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Sodium chloride nasal drops


Sodium Cromoglicate



Common side effects of the medicines selected

Sore throats

Sinus infection




Viral infections


Nasal congestion - Description of Disorder

Nasal congestion or "stuffy nose" occurs when nasal tissues and blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid, causing a "stuffy" feeling. Nasal congestion can be caused by a cold, influenza, allergies to such things as dust, pollen or pet dander, or as a response to irritants such as tobacco smoke. Some people have a chronically congested nose for no apparent reason — a condition known as non allergic rhinitis. Nasal congestion may or may not be accompanied by a nasal discharge or "runny nose."

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Sodium chloride nasal drops

Vicks vapour rub

Vicks nasal spray

Vicks first defence nasal spray

Sudafed nasal spray

Sudafed Mucous spray

Otrivine Nasal Spray

Otrivine Drops

Common side effects of the medicines selected

Stinging in the nose

Itching or sneezing in the nose



Irritation in the nose

Staphylococcal Infection – Description of the disorder

Staphylococcal infections are a group of different infections that are caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

There are several types of staphylococcus bacteria, but most infections are caused by a type called staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).

Staphylococcal aureus

S. aureus is common in humans. It is often found inside the nose and on the surface of the armpits and buttocks. In most cases, the bacteria do not cause any symptoms. If a person has bacteria living on their body but they do not experience any symptoms, they are said to be colonised by bacteria.

Medicines used to treat the disorder






Common side effects of the medicines selected



Vaginal itching or discharge

Swollen back tongue

Skin rash



Liver and kidney damage

Gingivitis – Description of the disorder

This is the inflammation and infection of the gums that destroys the tissues that support the teeth. Gingivitis happens due to the long term effect of plaque that deposits on your teeth.

Symptoms of gingivitis are:

Bleeding gums

Bright red appearance to the gums that are tender when touched but otherwise painless

Swollen gums

Mouth sores

Underlying health issues

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Chlorhexidine mouthwash

Hexidine mouthwash

In severe cases amoxicillin and Metronidazole can be used

Common side effects of the medicines selected





Skin Irritation

Mouth ulcers – Description of the disorder

Mouth ulcers are painful round or oval sores that form in the mouth, often on the inside of the cheeks. Although mouth ulcers can be uncomfortable, especially when you eat, drink or brush your teeth, they are harmless.

Most mouth ulcers clear up by themselves within a couple of weeks. You only need to see a doctor if the ulcer gets worse or lasts for longer than three weeks.

There are three main types of mouth ulcer:

Minor ulcers are the most common. They are small (2mm-8mm in diameter) and usually heal naturally, within 10 to 14 days. 

Major ulcers are deeper and larger than minor ulcers, and usually have a raised or irregular border. They take several weeks to heal and can cause scarring.

Herpetiform ulcers form as multiple (up to 100) pinhead-sized sores. They often fuse together to form larger, irregular shaped sores, which are very painful.

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Betnasol tablets


Benzydamine spray

Benzydamine oral rinse

Chlorhexidine mouthwash




Corlan pellets

Common side effects of the medicines selected


Feeling week

Skin changes

Mood swings

Numbness or stinging in the mouth

Feeling sick

Abdominal pain

Cold Sores – Description of disorder

A cold sore is a fluid-filled, painful blister that is usually on or around the lips. Other names for a cold sore are fever blister, oral herpes, labial herpes, herpes labialis, and herpes febrilis. Cold sores most often occur on the lips which distinguishes them from the common canker sore which is usually inside the mouth. Cold sores do not usually occur inside the mouth except during the initial episode. Type I couses cold sores.

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Antiviral cream - Aciclovir (zovirax)

Antiviral tablets - Famciclovir, Valaciclovir

Common side effects of the medicines selected

temporary burning or stinging following application of Zovirax Cream

Mild drying or flaking of the skin Itching

Immediate hypersensitivity

Oral thrush – Description of disorder

Oral thrush is a yeast infection in the mouth, caused by a type of fungus called Candida albicans. 

It causes an unpleasant taste, soreness, a burning sensation on the tongue and difficulty swallowing. Read more about the symptoms of oral thrush.

Oral thrush is not contagious, meaning it cannot be passed to others.

Antifungal medicines used to treat oral thrush include:






Common side effects of the medicines selected




Stomach Pains


Eczema – Description of disorder

Eczema is a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. It is a long-term, or chronic, condition.

Atopic eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of eczema. It mainly affects children, but can continue into adulthood.

Atopic eczema commonly occurs in areas with folds of skin such as:

behind the knees

on the front of the elbows

on the side of the neck

around the eyes and ears

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Elocon Ointment/Cream

Oilatum bath emollient

Trimovate Cream

Oilatum Shower Gel



Balneum Bath Oil

Alphosyl 2 in 1

Betnovate Cream/Ointment

Common side effects of the medicines selected

Skin can react differently

Muscle pain

Dry eyes

Eyes irritation

Psoriasis – Description of Disorder

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. The condition is not infectious and most people are affected only in small patches on their body.

Psoriasis affects around 2% of people in the UK. It can start at any age, but most often develops between the ages of 11 and 45.

The severity of psoriasis varies greatly from person to person. For some people, it is just a minor irritation, but for others it has a major impact on their quality of life.

Psoriasis is a long-lasting (chronic) disease that can return at any time. There may be times when you have no symptoms or very mild symptoms, followed by times when the symptoms are severe.

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Dermovate Scalp Application


Capasal shampoo

Doublebase gel


Polytar Shampoo

Cetraban Bath Emollient

Common side effects of the medicines selected

A reduced number of red blood cells warm and red skin

Joint pain

Muscle pain

Dry eyes

Dry Skin / Scalp

Dermatitis – Description of disorder

Dermatitis is a type of eczema that can cause red, itchy and scaly skin, and sometimes burning and stinging. It leads to your skin becoming blistered, dry and cracked.

It can affect any part of the body but most commonly affects the hands.

Read more about the symptoms of contact dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis can be caused by: 

an irritant (a substance that damages the skin physically), or

an allergen (a substance that causes the immune system to respond in a way that affects the skin)

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Oilatum Cream

Oilatum Bath Additive

Oilatum Shower Gel


Cetraban Cream

Cetraban Bath Emollient

Common side effects of the medicines selected

Sore Red Skin


Thinning of the skin

Itchy Scaly Skin

Acne – Description of disorder

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots to develop on the skin, usually on the face, back and chest.

The spots can range from blackheads and whiteheads which are often mild, to inflamed pus-filled pustules and cysts, which can be severe and long lasting and can lead to scarring.     

Medicines used to treat the disorder

Duac Gel

Zineryt Lotion


Freederm Gel

Quinoderm Gel


Common side effects of the medicines selected

Dry skin

Tense skinPeeling off the skin

Mood changes


Fungal infections – Description of disorder

Fungal infection of nails is common. The infection causes thickened and unsightly nails which sometimes become painful. Medication often works well to clear the infection, but you need to take medication for several weeks.




Amorolfine hydrochloride

Gneric phytex


Medicines used to treat the disorder


Loss of sense taste



Common side effects of the medicines selected

Contact lenses and medication (P4)

Using eye preparations

It is best not to wear contact lenses when topical eye treatment is being used.

Eye ointment cannot be used when wearing contact lenses

Rigid contact lenses can be worn with eye - drops (to be applied over the lens)

Soft contact lenses can only be worn if preservative-free drops are used

Nose Medication (P12)

Do not put in nose drops by leaning your head back or when sitting upright or standing.

Store your nose drops in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

DO not use your nose drops more than required to do so

When you have finished your course of treatment, throw away the remaining of the eye drops away.

Ear Medication (P8)

It’s much easier if you have someone else putting your ear drops in for you.

Avoid getting water into your ear during the course of the treatment of your eye drops. Try to keep away from swimming until your course of treatment is completed.

Do not share ear drops with other people.

EXPIRY: never use your ear drops after the expiry date as they may be contaminated with dirt or bacteria. Ear drops should be thrown away four weeks after opening.

Use the drops according to the pharmacy printed label or as told by the pharmacist.

Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have used more than you were supposed to.

Once you have finished the treatment course, get rid of any leftovers safely, or return them to your local pharmacy for disposal.

Always keep medicines out of the reach of children.

(P16) Mouthwashes/Sprays

Do not swallow , GARGLE only

Mint might be too strong for some people

Always read the directions.

Call posion control right away if you swallow more than used.

Consult a pharmacist if you have any questions


Suck until dissolved

Do not bite or chew

Not suitable for under 12 years of age

Do not take more than FOUR in 24 hours


Patients need to be aware on the use of their medication, how they will need to store their medication and how they should use the medication before the expiry date; if medication is expired it should be discarded immediately.

Mechanism of action of Chloramphenicol eye drops:

Chloramphenicol eye drops inhibit protein synthesis by binding to a subunit of bacterial ribosomes. They also block cross-linking of the cell wall structure, inhibit enzymes needing the biosynthesis of folic acid also inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase.

Latanoprost is a prostagland. Latanoprost is a prostanoid selective FP receptor agonist reduces the intraocular pressure by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor. Elevated IOP represents a major risk factor for glaucomatous field loss.The higher the level of IOP, the greater the likelihood of optic nerve damage and visual field loss.

Flucloxcillin – Binds to a particular penicillin binding protein which is located inside the bacterial cell wall, flucloxacillin inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cell lysis is then mediated by bacterial cell wall autolytic enzymes such as autolysins; it is possible that flucloxacillin interferes with an autolysin inhibitor

Ibuprofen is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme invovled in prostaglandin synthesis via the arachidonic acid pathway. Its pharmacological effects are believed to be due to inhibition cylooxygenase-2 (COX-2) which decreases the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in mediating inflammation, pain, fever and swelling as a racemic mixture.

Chlorhexidine's antimicrobial effects are associated with the attractions between chlorhexidine and negatively charged bacterial cells. After chlorhexidine is absorpted onto the organism's cell wall, it disrupts the integrity of the cell membrane and causes the leakage of intracellular components of the organisms.

Creams and ointments – when using creams and ointments slight irritation may occur on the surface of the skin i.e. burning or even stinging this normally occurs for the first two days or so and heals after. Other side effects that can occur are: thinning of the skin, acne, allergic contact dermatitis rosacea, and hair growth at the site of application. However, the more serious side effects would only occur if your using steroid based creams or ointments for long period of time.

Nasal sprays and drops – These can cause dryness and irritation of the nose. It may be the case were you have to stop using your spray/drops. Other side effects include: reddening of the skin, rash, itching, and headache.

Eye drops – Eye drops may increase pressure inside the eye, and may cause some blurred vision. Blurred vision clears up very quickly after using an eye drop. If you’ve been prescribed steroid based eye drops then you may experience some inflammation or in some cases an eye infection.

Inhalers – Inhalers may cause side effects such as oral thrush, sore mouth, and hoarseness mainly in steroid based inhalers. Sometimes wheezing can be a major side-effect of a steroid inhaler but this very rare and usually mild. If it’s severe contact your GP immediately.

Counselling patients improves medication compliance - Exploring patient’s knowledge, understanding and concerns regarding their medicines. This allows us to recognize any barriers or misunderstandings the patient has. Once we have gathered up any problems we are then able to address these issues identified. The pharmacist dealing with the patient can then develop strategies to avoid any issues related to the patient’s medication.

Medication counselling, improves the well-being and the role of medicines in a patient’s life enabling them to make appropriate decisions regarding their medicines


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