Nanowire Fabrication And Its Characterization


02 Nov 2017

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Abstract-One dimensional nanowires pose unique electrical, electronic, thermo-electrical, optical, magnetic and chemical properties, which are different from that of their bulk form. The physical properties of nanowires are influenced by the morphology of the nanowires and hold a lot of promises for different applications. In this paper, the optical and electrical properties of nanowires have been reviewed in detail. Arrays were first synthesized using an electro-less metal deposition and dissolution (EMD) process leading to one-dimensional (1-D) growth of single-crystalline nanowires. I-V characteristics has also been demonstrated. In I-V characteristics curve a rapid current flow (I) was found after a certain input voltage (V). However, from the optical characterization curve it can be determined that a nanowire has the same property possessed by any of optical filters as light of certain wavelength can not pass whereas other light can easily transmit through it.


Nanoparticles are important scientific tools that have been and are being explored in various biotechnological, pharmacological and pure technological uses. They are a link between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures. While bulk materials have constant physical properties regardless of its size, among nanoparticles the size often dictates the physical and chemical properties. Thus, the properties of materials change as their size approaches the nanoscale and as the percentage of atoms at the surface of a material becomes significant. Thus, nanotechnology can be defined as the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanoscale.

II. Approaches for Nanomaterials Fabrication

There are two approaches for synthesis of nanomaterials and the fabrication of nanostructures. Top down approach refers to slicing or successive cutting of a bulk material to get nanosized particle.     Bottom up approach refers to the buildup of a material from the bottom: atom by atom, molecule by molecule or cluster by cluster. The biggest problem with top down approach is the imperfection of surface structure and significant crystallographic damage to the processed patterns. Bottom up approach also promises a better chance to obtain nanostructures with less defects, more homogeneous chemical composition. On the contrary, top down approach most likely introduces internal stress, in addition to surface defects and contaminations [2].

III. Sample Preparation

The materials and chemicals were used for sample preparation are silicon wafers, rectified water, acetone (CH3COCH3), Ferric Nitrate (Fe(NO3)3.9H2O), Cupric Nitrate Trihydrate (Cu(NO3)2.H2O)), Hydrofluoric acid (HF), Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) and instruments and components were used for sample preparation are digital weight meter, glass beaker, teflon beaker, sample holder, gum, gloves, diamond cutter, hair dryer. As the requirement of the experiment and instruments by which the characterization process of wafer will occur, it was needed to cut the silicon wafers in a certain shape. The samples should be adjustable with the sample holders of the instruments. Samples of 2.2cm×2cm were used here. BUEHLER 351-IS-8143 Precision Sectioning Saw has been used for this purpose at Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission in Dhaka.

Cleaning is the most important part of this experiment. During the process of preparing samples of certain shape, samples were affected by the oil used in the cutting instrument. And the samples were not also clean enough for processing as a thin oxide layer was created on those. Thus it was necessary to clean those ones. Firstly, the Si wafers were cleaned by immersing in acetone for five minutes. Then they were washed by the rectified water and after that those wafers were dipped into the acetone for next five minutes for better cleaning. Then they were cleaned in ethanol for five minutes. Finally they were dipped into HF solution for one minute.

IV. Deposition of Metal Particles

Three cleaned samples were dipped in HF / (Cu (NO3)2.H2O) solution for Cu nanoparticle deposition. They were dipped for 60 sec. The concentration of HF was 5M but it was varied from 0.02M to 0.05M for (Cu (NO3)2.H2O). From both group one sample were kept out of further chemical treatment and used to investigate metal particle deposition by scanning electron microscopy. All the chemical processes were performed in teflon beaker.

V. Etching of Metal Deposited Samples

Now, after the deposition etching on the samples was needed to be performed. For this regards a solution was made. The solution was HF based Fe (NO3)3, where the concentration of HF and Fe(NO3)3were taken 5M and 0.02M respectively. Etching was performed at room temperature for 60min. HF attacks glass by reaction with silicon dioxide to form gaseous or water-soluble silicon fluorides. Normal glass beaker could not be used in this regard. So Teflon beaker was used instead of glass beaker as HF has no effect on Teflon beaker.

VI. Amounts of Chemicals Required for Metal Particle Deposition

Deposition of metal particle is the next step after cleaning the wafer. For this experiment, two salts Silver nitrate (AgNO3) and Copper nitrate (Cu (NO3)2.H2O) were used for Silver and Copper particle deposition respectively. Those metal particles are deposited onto the surface of the wafer by electro less deposition technique by dipping the wafer in HF based salt solution 60s to 80s. Concentration of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) and Copper nitrate (Cu (NO3)2.H2O) was taken 0.02M. 5M HF was used in all cases.

For Cu particle deposition,

Solution of Copper (2) Nitrate Trihydrate (Cu (NO3)2.H2O) and Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) was used. The ratio between the chemicals was taken as 1:1. Molar Mass of Cu (NO3)2.H2O = 241.60 gm/mol. 1mol Cu (NO3)2.H2O = 241.60 gm/mol. 0.02 mole Cu (NO3)2.H2O = 241.60 gm × 0.02 = 4.832 gm. 50 ml of solution was taken then for 0.02 mol 50 ml of solution the amount of Cu (NO3)2.H2O needed = g 0.241gm. The concentration of the HF used was 48%. The density of 48% HF is 1.16gm/ml. Molar mass of HF is =20.00634 gm/mol. 5M, 100ml HF= (5×100×10-3) mole =10gm HF acid. It is known, Density = Mass/Volume. Thus, Volume = Mass/Density. So, the required volume for desired concentration is = (10/1.16) ml = 8.6206 ml

For Ag particle deposition,

Solution of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) and Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) was used. The ratio between the chemicals was also taken as 1:1.

Therefore,1mol AgNO3 = 169.8729gm. Thus, 0.02 mole AgNO3= 169.8729gm 0.02= 3.397458gm. 50 ml of solution was taken then for 0.02 mol 50 ml of solution the amount ofAgNO3 needed = gm 0.17 gm. Here, the concentration of the HF used was also the same as previously used. The density of 48% HF is 1.16 g/ml. Molar mass of HF is =20.00634 gm/mol. 5M, 100ml HF = (5×100×10-3) mole = 10gm HF acid. So, the required volume for desired concentration is = (10/1.16)ml= 8.6206 ml

For etching,

Molar mass of Fe(NO3)3.9H2O= 404 gm/mol. Therefore 1 mole Fe(NO3)3.9H2O = 404 gm. 0.02 mol Fe(NO3)3.9H2O=404 gm × 0.02= 8.08 gm. So, to make 0.02 mol 50 ml of solution the amount of Fe(NO3)3.9H2O needed = gm = 0.404 gm

VII. Result Analysis for Optical Characterization Data

The absorption measurement was carried out over a range of wavelengths 400nm to 1100nm, which cover most of the spectrum that is useful for a silicon based solar cells. The nanowire film shows significantly stronger absorption across a certain spectrum. Thus it can absorb light there very efficiently. Therefore, synthesized nanowires could be promising material for solar cell.

M. Rahman studied the reflectance of samples synthesized at different temperature. It is evident from their report that the samples treated at different temperatures both etched and unetched shows similar behavior and the reflectance of all the nanowire films were less than 3% over majority of the spectrum from UV to mid-visible region and begin to increase 700nm to values of 6% at the silicon band edge (1100nm) [3].

Transmittance Behaviour:

The following figure shows only the transmittance behavior of Cu an Ag samples for radiation of wavelength 400 to 1100nm obtained from "UV-1201 spectrophotometer".



Figure 5.2: Transmittance curve of the (a) Ag sample and (b) Cu sample in wavelength range 400 to 1100nm where along X axis the wavelength of the ray or beam and along Y axis the transmittance (%) are represented

Reflectance Behaviour:

The following figure shows only the reflectance behavior of Cu an Ag samples for radiation of wavelength 400 to 1100nm obtained from "UV-1201 spectrophotometer".



Figure 5.3: Reflectance curve of the (a) Ag sample and (b) Cu sample in wavelength range 400 to 1100nm where along X axis the wavelength of the ray or beam and along Y axis the reflectance (%) are represented

Absorption Behaviour:

The following figure shows only the absorption behavior of Cu an Ag samples for radiation of wavelength 400 to 1100nm obtained from "UV-1201 spectrophotometer".



Figure 5.1: Absorption curve of the (a) Ag sample and (b) Cu sample in wavelength range 400 to 1100nm where along X axis the wavelength of the ray or beam and along Y axis the absorption are represented

VIII: Problems and Solution

Samples react with the oxygen and produce unwanted oxide layer. This became much crucial and problematic when the chemical processes got finished. After each chemical reaction the samples were required to make dry by nitrogen blower to prevent samples from those unwanted oxidation. But there was no liquid nitrogen in our laboratory. As a result some contamination was introduced in the samples.

IX. Discussion

In summary, first of all electro less metal deposition method was used for fabricating the two metal nanowires: Cu nanowire and Ag nanowire respectively. After that the samples were taken for etching and after that the samples were ready for characterization. The optical characterization was done very precisely. After the characterization process it was concluded with the decision that the nanowire shows the behaivour of an optical filter. As per definition, optical filters are devices that selectively transmit light of different wavelengths. The nanowire exactly transmits light of a certain wavelength range and filter out other light. Since, it sometimes absorbs light very efficiently; so nanowire can be used in the solar cells to for increasing their efficiency much significantly.


The authors would like to thank Mrs. Rabeya Ferdousy who made this work very enjoyable one and especially for all support she provided. The authors would also like to express thanks and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Zahid Hasan Mahmood for his support in getting the valuable information in completing this successfully.

XI. Reference


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Optical characterization niye kotha bola….


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