The Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering


02 Nov 2017

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Physical loading is an effective stimulus which is essential to maintaining bone homeostasis. This is carried out partly through the renewal and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The mechanism by which MSCs sense a biophysical force and translate it into a biochemical bone forming response is carried out through mechanotransduction and to a certain extend remains poorly understood. (2)

Mechanical forces such as gravity, compression, sheer strees, tension and hydrostatic pressure influence the growth and shape of eacvh individual tissue, cell and organ within the body under physiological and pathological conditions.(e.g., gravity, tension, compression, hydrostatic pressure, and fluid shear stress) influence the growth and shape of every tissue and organ under physiological and pathological conditions. Additionally, adhesion forces generated by cells may distinctly influence biological processes such as self-renewal and differentiation. Research in cellular mechanotransduction mainly focuses on how extracellular physical forces are converted into chemical signals on the cell surface. However there is also the aspect of the mechanical forces that are exerted on the surface. (3) Highly coordinated extensive cellular components including cytoskeleton, adhesion complexes, and ion channels have been implicated as the primary mediators of mechanotransduction suggesting that, the generation of successful tissue engineering implants depend on the control of mechanical forces. (4) For instance, it has been demonstrated that nanoscale topographies were able to stimulate human MSCs to produce bone mineral in vitro, in the absence of osteogenic supplements, and with efficiency comparable to that of cells cultured with osteogenic media. (4)

Many molecules, cellular components, and extracellular structures have been shown to contribute to mechanochemical transduction. (5)These transduction elements include ECM, cell-ECM, and cell-cell adhesions, membrane components, specialized surface processes, cytoskeletal filaments, and nuclear structures. (6) The challenge for the future is to understand how cells orchestrate all these transduction mechanisms in the context of living tissue anatomy to produce a concerted response to mechanical signals.

Figure - molecules, cellular components, and extracellular structures have been shown to contribute to mechanotransduction

The process of converting an external mechanical force into an internal cellular response is termed mechanotransduction. Mechanotransduction, in turn, may be mediated simultaneously at multiple locations inside the cell through force-induced rearrangements within a tensionally integrated cytoskeleton. (7) This process consists of three distinct phases (Fig.2)

signal transduction,

signal propagation

cellular response

Mechanical forces are exerted on cell or tissue and can result in alterations of cell membrane tension. The integration of external forces into a biochemical signalling event involves four distinct elements: force transmission, mechanosensing, transduction and signal transmission (fig.2). Various molecular components working together to transmit external loading onto or across the cell membrane is known as force transmission. Cells in a differentiated tissue have several types of external complexes such as costameres, desmasomes and integrins. These functions position the cell in a specific order within the tissue to act as a baseline of cell tension known as tensegrity. Changes in this baseline tension result in force transmission to the cellular membrane. Mechanosensing occurs as the cell realises these external forces. This leads on to the processes of transduction and signal transmission. These stages include the participation of several proteins and protein complexes including the cytoskeletal elements (F-actin, intermediate filament, and microtubules), mechanically activated ion channels, focal adhesions, integrins, adhesion receptors, ATP release, autocrine factor release, and G-protein coupled mechanoreceptors. (7)Because of the complication of cell loading stimuli, the range of potential cellular transducers involved, and the potential interaction between different elements the initial phase of the mechanotransductive response is extremely complicated and quite difficult to mimic in vitro.

Figure - Mechanotransduction Process

Q2. Discuss the molecular basis of gene therapy and the use of viral gene delivery systems for the treatment of human disease. What effect did the death of Jesse Gelsinger have on this technology and why?

Gene therapy has the potential to treat a wide variety of inherited and acquired genetic disorders, including diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer (8) (9) and haemophilia. Genetic disorders sometimes occur as a result of mutations that alter or inhibit protein function. Gene therapy focuses on correcting these mutated or defective genes by way of; random insertion of a normal gene into the genome (most common technique), replacement of the abnormal gene with a normal one, repair of the abnormal gene or altering regulation of a particular gene . The simplicity of the technique, along with the sequencing of the human genome, gave rise to the field amidst considerable excitement in the 1990s (10) to treat diseases caused by an absent or abnormal protein. DNA encoding the desired gene had to be introduced to the nucleus of a cell and it is then successively processed into a functional protein. In practice this proved much more difficult than predicted. Many problems arose in transferring knowledge from the laboratory to the nucleus of the cell. Firstly, the DNA had to reach the plasma membrane of the host cell to be taken up. In the inner membrane of the cell the DNA comes in contact with a hash enzymatic environment that promotes its degradation. With the majority of cases insufficient amounts of intact DNA coding sequence reaches the nucleus due to the administration of naked DNA. (11) Every effort has been made to increase the amount of intact DNA reaching the nucleus and over time various techniques have been used with a varied degree of achievement. Poration of the plasma membrane has been accomplished using electrical and mechanical means such as electroporation, ultrasound-based sonoporation and the gene gun. (11) These methods however have proven inefficient due to extensive tissue damage and limited access has been gained to deep tissue membranes, these methods have also been proven difficult to mimic in vivo.

The main objective of research is now focused on the protection on the DNA for prolonged delivery into the cell using vectors such as viruses, lipids, peptides and polymers. The majority of gene therapy clinical trials have relied on viral vectors for gene transduction due to their reliability and efficiency; however this method has proven costly. Viral vectors have safety concerns due to their immunogenicity and toxicity (12) (13). Non-viral vectors produced by polymers, lipids and peptides are able to form ionic complexes with DNA and have lower and transient transgene expression levels, and also have the advantages of unrestricted DNA size, ease of synthesis, low immunogenicity and potential for repeated administration. They are easier to scale up; they are easier stored and better considerations for quality control within a pharmaceutical environment. However non-viral gene delivery remains ineffective for most therapeutic applications.

Polycationic polymers are investigated for gene delivery because they are able to interrelate electrostatically with negatively charged nucleic acids to form stable particles, known as polyplexes. (10) The Physical properties of polymers such as hydrophilicity, charge density, biodegradability and molecular weight can be used to modulate gene-delivery properties such as DNA binding, cytotoxicity and transfection efficiency. Different target cells and tissues show different characteristics of DNA-polymer nanoparticles and this also differs with different administration routes. (10) Gene therapy can be developed by looking at the gene-delivery pathway and the design of the gene-delivery for each individual limiting step. Steps to complete this include cellular localisation and binding, internalisation, subcellular trafficking, endosomal escape, unpacking and release and nuclear translocation. Each step must be researched individually as changes in the structure of a polymeric vector could adversely influence its behavior during another step.

Gene therapy has a lot of potential to cure but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved any gene therapy for market. Current gene therapy is still considered experimental. One complicating factor in gene therapy is that many of the body's immunological defenses that are used to tackle infections are activated when a virus is present, including those viruses used as vectors to carry transgenes designed to cure genetic disease. Adenoviral vectors are the most immunogenic of all the viral vector groups, and they can have devastating effects. (14)

Current gene therapy is experimental and has not proven very successful in clinical trials. Little progress has been made since the first gene therapy clinical trial began in 1990. In 1999, gene therapy suffered a major setback with the death of 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger. Jesse was participating in a gene therapy trial for ornithine transcarboxylase deficiency (OTCD). He died from multiple organ failures 4 days after starting the treatment. His death is believed to have been triggered by a severe immune response to the adenovirus carrier. Despite such problems, gene therapy has evolved since the 1999 study that took Gelsinger's life, and there have been success stories. The first gene therapy success was in 2000, when three children were cured of a fatal immunodeficiency disorder. (14) Later, in 2005, Qiao et al. (15) reversed muscular dystrophy in mice using a single injection of the normal version of the dystrophin gene. More recently, two independent studies reported partial sight restoration in four young adults who were born with severe blindness, again with a single injection of a curative gene (16).Another major blow came in January 2003, when the FDA placed a temporary halt on all gene therapy trials using retroviral vectors in blood stem cells. FDA took this action after it learned that a second child treated in a French gene therapy trial had developed a leukemia-like condition. Both this child and another who had developed a similar condition in August 2002 had been successfully treated by gene therapy for X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease (X-SCID) (14).

From the Gelsinger tragedy the years have been filled with a mixture of success and failure’s on the gene therapy front. Though advances have arisen I believe there is an extensive path ahead before this type of therapy is ready for complete clinical integration, but I believe further has to be carried out by the FDA to allow progress in this key area.

Q3. Describe what you feel are the common roadblocks (i.e. hurdles) in the commercialisation of tissue engineering/regenerative medicine products for clinical use. What do you consider to be the most difficult and also the easiest hurdles in taking a technology to full product development?

There has been an extensive Interest in the ability to regenerate tissues and organs since the earliest observations by Prometheus, Thevenot, and Tremblay. (17) However, what is known today as the modern era of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine originated only a quarter of a century ago. The initial focus of "tissue engineering" involved the ex vivo creation of replacement tissues which were intended for subsequent in vivo implantation. Skin substitutes were the earliest attempt at tissue engineering, and by the early1990s commercial development of these products had begun. There was a lot of progress with tissue engineering in the 1980s and 1990s, but by the turn of the 20th century commercial activity had encountered a variety of problems, including challenging regulatory hurdles and almost nonexistent funding and money needed to sustain the commercialisation effort.

In contrast, the science of tissue engineering has been unstoppable. By the mid-1990s the emphasis on tissue replacement with ex vivo manufactured products had evolved to include both in vivo constructive remodeling of cell-based and cell-free scaffold materials and true tissue regeneration, marking the emergence of the era of regenerative medicine. The desire to construct tissues and organs more complex than thin skin substitutes made it obvious that the simple self-assembly or directed assembly of different cell types ex vivo would be inadequate to meet all the challenges.

A critical issue for successful regenerative medicine applications is the source from which the cells are harvested and a great deal of problems arises with this in regards to ethics. Regardless if the proposed use is tissue replacement, repair, or regeneration. The field of stem cell biology has therefore begun a full-scale development in the 1990s and almost immediately became a mainstream research initiative in regenerative medicine. Human embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, progenitor cells from a variety of tissues, and, more recently, the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) all denote potential components of a regenerative medicine for tissue and organ reconstruction. The immunogenicity of cell-based tissue replacement, the potential for teratoma or uncontrolled cell proliferation using human embryonic stem cells or iPS cells presents risks associated with this treatment. Ethical issues and regulatory hurdles of stem cell therapy all represent significant barriers to a stem cell-based regenerative medicine approach. However I do have reason to have confidence in the push for new research and breakthroughs with regards to stem cell tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Figure - Hurdles in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

The approaches to tissue reconstruction and regeneration have varied widely, and it is obvious that no single approach will solve all problems; rather, each tissue and each pathologic condition probably will require a different approach to obtain optimal results. It seems clear, however, that defining and controlling the microenvironmental niche within which each tissue, and even within regions of a given tissue, will be key to successful tissue regeneration. These niche conditions include such factors as oxygen concentration, cytokine gradients, pH, ionic and electrical potential, available nutrients, and mechanical forces, all of which are in a state of dynamic equilibrium in temporal and spatial patterns that are unique to each tissue and organ. Artificial bioreactors are limited in their ability to recreate these niche conditions, and the ultimate goal of true tissue regeneration almost certainly will require the use of the human body. The extent to which we can jump start the regenerative process and supply the appropriate ingredients will determine our success in achieving tissue and organ regeneration.

The clinical translation of regenerative medicine requires more than scientific discovery. Regulatory agencies must become educated in nontraditional approaches and develop appropriate guidelines for safe and effective delivery of regenerative medicine strategies. Third-party payers must come on board quickly to sustain promising approaches and reward regenerative medicine strategies that have the potential to affect health care savings significantly through the discovery of true cures for conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, and organ replacement. The involvement of industry, both start-up companies and established large companies, is essential for rapid and effective delivery of regenerative medicine to physicians and patients.

The ultimate advances in regenerative medicine are undoubtedly yet to come. These advances will likely be the outcome of interdisciplinary efforts of scientists in fields such as developmental biology, bioengineering, biomaterials science, stem cell biology, and clinical medicine. There have been several approaches over the last few years to focus on the translation of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine technologies into clinical practice and onto the market. Two recent initiatives have been derived to concentrate on obstacles in the commercialization process and the elements required for establishing a viable industry. The first of these processes was the session on ‘Progress and Value Assessment of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative medicine: Building an Industry’ September 2008. The second was the establishment of the Industry Committee of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative medicine International Society (TERMS) in February 2009. (18)

Q4. A number of synthetic polymeric materials with various different properties are available for medical applications like prostheses, implants and tissue engineering matrices. Discuss how the modification of synthetic polymers with peptides such as the RGD motif may overcome the problem of inadequate interaction between polymer and cells, leading in vivo to foreign body reactions, such as inflammation, infections and aseptic loosening.

There are a range of synthetic polymeric materials with numerous different properties available for medical applications like prostheses, implants and tissue engineering. Most of the common materials have sufficient mechanical stability and elasticity as well as desired stability towards degradation, and are non-toxic. One important remaining problem is inadequate interaction between polymer and cells, leading in vivo to foreign body reactions, such as inflammation, infections, aseptic loosening, local tissue waste, and implant encapsulation as well as thrombosis and embolization. Research has been carried out to advance biomaterials to include reduction of unspecific protein adsorption, known as non-fouling properties, enhancement of adsorption, and material modification to obtain controlled interaction between cells and synthetic substrates (19).

RGD peptides were found to promote cell adhesion in 1894 by Michael D. Pierschbacher & Erkki Ruoslahti. (20) RGD peptides do not only trigger cell adhesion effectively but can also be used to address selectively certain cell lines and elicit specific cell responses. In the last 20years scientists from the fields of material science, surface engineering and topography, chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry and medicine have attempted to determine polymers to acquire specific cell surface interactions. In the beginning these materials tended to be coated with cell adhesive proteins like fibronectin, collagen, or laminin (19).The use of proteins such as callogen or fibronectin has some disadvantages in the view of medical applications. Firstly the proteins have to be isolated and purified and therefore risk of infection causes difficulties. Inflammation and infection can accelerate protein degradation. Additionally, only a part of the proteins have proper orientation for cell adhesion due to their orientation on the surface. In addition the texture of the surface, determined by charge, wettability, and topography may influence the conformation and the alignment of the proteins. Most of the problems can be overcome by presenting cell recognition motifs as small immobilised peptides. These exhibit higher stability towards sterilisation conditions, heat treatment and pH-variation, storage and easier characterization, this leads to them being more cost effective (21). Because of lower space requirement peptides can be packed with higher density on surfaces.

The RGD sequence has proven to be the most effective and most often peptide sequence for stimulated cell adhesion on synthetic surfaces (19). This comes down to the extensive distribution and use throughout the organism, its ability to address more than one cell adhesion receptor, and its biological impact on cell adhesion, behaviour and survival. In multicellular organisms contacts of cells with neighbouring cells and the surrounding ECM are mediated by cell adhesion receptors. In an attempt to reduce macromolecular ligands to small recognition sequences, RGD was recognised as an essential cell adhesion peptide sequence in fibronectin (22). RGD peptides inhibit cell adhesion to fibronectin and also promote cell adhesion, when they are immobilised on the surfaces. Since then, cell adhesive RGD sites were identified in many other ECM proteins, including vitronectin, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, collagen, laminin, osteopontin, tenascin and bone sialoprotein as well as membrane proteins and bacterial proteins (23). About half of all the 24 integrins have been shown to bind to ECM molecules in a RGD dependent way. The RGD sequence isn’t the ‘‘universal cell recognition motif’’, but it is however distinctive with respect to its comprehensive distribution and usage. With the RGD containing loop and its amino acids in the proteins these are mainly responsible for their different integrin affinity (23). Other factors that contribute to integrin–ligand binding affinity include the activation of integrins by cations and cytoplasmatic proteins (24). The process of integrin mediated cell adhesion includes four different partially overlapping events; cell attachment, cell spreading, organisation of actin cytoskeleton, and development of focal adhesions.

In many circumstances RGD peptides have been established to serve as a useful tool to stimulate cell adhesion on a range of various materials. A great wealth of knowledge has been gained surrounding the biology of integrin mediated cell adhesion on two-dimensional surfaces (20). Procedures to detect and immobilise RGD peptides on polymer surfaces have been well established, as well as in vitro evaluation of adhered cells. RGD mediated cell adhesion is tested on new polymers to prove their applicability as bioactive materials because they have been so well recognised. Advanced research surrounding established polymers showed the capability of RGD peptides to mediate cell adhesion in vivo, consequently leading to improved bone growth and reduced fibrous encapsulation of bone implants (25). RGD modified natural polymers such as collagen showed encouraging results for medical application. In current publications the influence of RGD density and micro distribution on cell migration, proliferation, and matrix deposition was defined (26). On the other hand there is limiting research on the effects of different specific RGD peptides on the behaviour of different cell lines.

Q5. Growth factors play a key role in directing the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in vitro and are therefore extremely important in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Describe in detail including appropriate supporting references the role of one of the following growth factors in this differentiation process;

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)

Transforming growth factor ß1 (TGF-ß1)


Bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP-4)

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)

Epidermal growth factor (EGF)

ß nerve growth factor (ß NGF)

Retinoic acid

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells and are capable of differentiating into many cell types. The isolation of human ES cells has attracted considerable attention because of the promise of using these cells for research in developing biology and medical applications, including cellular transplantation. One obvious goal is to influence the differentiation of human ES cells so that differentiated cells can be obtained in vivo or in vitro. Previous work with murine ES cells showed that several types of cells can be enriched in culture either by the addition of growth factors (27) or by introduction of transcription factors. Whereas conditions that direct differentiation of ES cells into neuronal, hematopoietic, or cardiac cells have been the effects of various growth factors on differentiation (27).

Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP-4) is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily. The superfamily comprises of a large range of growth and differentiation factors. BMP-4 has the capability to control frequent events with respect to embryonic, fetal and even adult development in all vertebrates (28). Intracellular mediators of BMPs are proteins which form a complex which is then transmitted to the nucleus and regulates gene expression. Noggin plays a crucial role in BMPs as a potent inhibitor that directly binds to BMP, specifically 2, 4 and 7, and blocks the sites compulsory for interaction with BMP receptors. Noggin also belongs to the "ligand traps" group and is a precarious regulator of BMP signaling.

Bone morphogenetic proteins are extracellular secretory proteins effecting neuronal differentiation. BMP4 is expressed in the embryonic cortex (29), indicating potential roles of BMP4 in the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs). BMP4 is involved in differentiation of NSCs to smooth muscle cells or Schwann cells (30). BMP4's neuronal differentiation of NSCs is known to be mediated via the Smad and JNK pathways (28). The participation of several signaling pathways, for example Wnt/β-catenin, Phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI-3K), p38, ERK and JNK regulates the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic stem cells was indicated by Lin et al. in 2008 (29). Involvement of other signaling pathways in BMP4's neuronal differentiation of NSCs remains unclear (31).

BMP4 is expressed initially in stromal cells and later in follicular development, in theca cells. BMP4 receptors are found in granulosa cells as well as in the oocyte itself Other TGFβ members, such as BMP15 and GDF9, are expressed by the oocyte also in numerous species. The importance of BMPs for the female reproductive system has been demonstrated by mutations of these genes influencing ovulation rates. Of all the ovarian BMPs the one mainly associated with the stem cells properties is BMP4. BMP4 maintains the pluripotency of germ cells and embryonic stem cells (ESC) in. Moreover, in later developmental stages, BMP4 induces embryonic and mesoderm formation and is also related to vasculogenesis (32) in the embryo as well as in the placenta. BMP4 is therefore extremely important in a successful pregnancy.

BMP4, in conjunction with Fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), promotes the differentiation of stem cells to mesodermal lineages. Subsequently differentiation which includes BMP4 and FGF2 treated cells generally produces higher amounts of osteogenic and chondorgenic differentiation than untreated stem cells. BMP4 has been made known to prompt the expression of the Msx gene family, which is thought to be part of cartilage formation from somitic mesoderm.

BMP4, a paracrine growth factor, has been found in rat ovaries. BMP4, in conjunction with BMP7, regulate early ovarian follicle development and primordial-to-primary follicle transition. In addition, inhibition of BMP4 with antibodies has been shown to decrease overall ovary size. These results indicate that BMP4 may aid in survival and prevention of apoptosis in oocytes (34).

BMP-4 has been proven significant in the metabolism of bone and cartilage and the signals have been found in the formation of early mesoderm and germ cell lines. Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) exposed to the growth factor bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4) in the absence of FGF2 have been used to study the development of placental trophoblasts. (33)


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