Treatment Of Cancer Is Not A Dream


02 Nov 2017

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One of the worst way for the human population to be thinned is die from disease cancer because it is estimated that the annual incidence of cancer is 30 000 by National Cancer Control Program. What do you know about cancer? Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out of control cell growth in a part of the body. Cancer affects the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form masses or lumps of tissue called tumors. When people think of advances technology in medicine, they tend to think of things like the cure for cancer, the cure for the common cold, and the cure for H1N1. Nevertheless, cancer is not a singer disease because it combines with many types of diseases. In the point of fact, there are hundreds of different types of cancer listed by the National Cancer Institute. Most of the cancer has the same treatment methods such as radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, cyber- knife and others. However, this is an oversimplification. Thus, there is no single cure for treatment of cancer because it is a class of diseases with uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. There are some ways to treat this disease according to different types of cancer. As advances in and access to technology continually improve treatment of cancer will successful reduce the number of cancer but the most effective ways to deal with cancer is prevention. For this reason, people should understand the causes of cancer, how to treat it, and how to prevent.

The annual incidence of cancer in Malaysia has been estimated to be 30 000(National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Penang Branch 1993). The prevalence of cancer was estimated to be approximately 90 000. In Malaysia’s population was 21.4million, of whom 4% were aged 65 years and above. The incidence of cancer is expected to rise with an increase in aging population. The proportion aged more 60 years was 4.6% in 1967, increased to 5.7% in 1990 and is projected to be 9.8% in 2020. In a regional cancer registry survey, the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer in males by race was 0.79 per 100 000 in Malays, 15.9 per 100 000 in Chinese and 1.1 per 100 000 in Indians while the corresponding incidence in females was 0.8, 4.1 and 0 per 100 000, respectively. The aims of the National Cancer Control Program are to reduce the incidence and mortality due to cancer and improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Cancers are primarily an environment disease with 90-95% of cause attributed to environment factors and 5-10% due to genetics. Environment, as used by cancer researchers, mean any cause that is not inherited genetically. Common environment factors that contribute to cancer death include infection(10%), radiation(15-20%), tobacco(25-30%), diet and obesity(30-35%), stress, lack of physical activity and environment pollutants. Many forms of cancer are related to habits and preventable conditions such as tobacco, alcohol, obesity, poor nutrition and others. Habits are difficult to change but some bad habits are on decline. Today around 80% of population is tobacco free. This will direct decreasing the population’s risk for breast, skin, mouth, lung, and throat cancers. However, the population’s of obesity cause cancer are increase due to snack foods.

The second way of treatment of cancer is by chemotherapy. What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is the use of anti-drugs to destroy cancer cells by given to mouth or injection. The main functions of chemotherapy are stop cancer from spreading to other part of the body and slow down cancer growth. Actually, chemotherapy can be used with other types of treatment such as biological therapies, radiotherapy, surgery and others. Cancer cells are quite sensitive to chemotherapy because chemotherapy interferes with rapidly diving cells keeping them from further multiplying. However, health cell can also be affected. So it is important to involve trying to find a equilibrium between destroying the cancer cells when chemotherapy is given. This will minimize damage to the health cells. Chemotherapy is good for controlling the growth of cancer but also have side effects. The side effects will occur when chemotherapy disturbs the healthy cells in the body that require to maintain the body’s function such as blood cells in bone marrow, hair follicles, reproductive system and cell in the digestive tract. Experiencing side effects does not mean treatment is not working better. There are more than 90 different chemotherapy drugs but different drugs cause different side effects. Remember to find your doctor or clinical nurse specialist and ask about specific side effect of your own treatment. If have any side effects that are disturbing you, you must take action and let your cancer doctor or your clinical nurse specialist know so that will give you medicines to reduce the side effect. The most common side effects are tiredness during and after chemotherapy, loss of hair,nail, and skin, and others. This is because chemotherapy drugs often block the bone marrow from making sufficiency blood cells required by the body. The bone marrow as the functions of making red blood cells to carry oxygen to all part of the body and white blood cells use to flight infection and platelets to help prevent bleeding and the blood to clot. In future time, stereotactic radiosurgery is the use of computer assisted and image guided radiation treatment that accurately targets tumour. In 2001 Cyber-knife was approved by US FDA. The special of cyber-knife is a frameless precise robotic system based on radiation therapy technology. The advance of cyber-knife is proven for over 30 years. This will replace others cancer therapy because the side effects of cyber-knife is less.

Until now, the best way to treat cancer disease is to prevent. Prevention is better than cure. There are a lot of research prove that well balance diet is the better way to reduce the number of people getting disease of cancer(Karen Collins,MS,RD,CDN, is the nutritional advisor for American Institute for Cancer) . How dietary important approach to cancel control? Diets with high vegetables and fruits have a function of protective of getting cancer because fibre acts as the solvent of body that helps system of digestion in body. Eating enough foods with fibre will reduce the risk of developing cancer. However, excess consumption of meat associated with an increase risk of colorectal cancer. Vegetables and fruits also contain a lot of vitamins that require to lower colorectal cancer. In our daily diet , we need to eat according to pyramid food because pyramid food teach us the types food requirement by our body, such as protein, carbohydrate, fibre, fats, vitamins and minerals.(research from Mayo clinic diet). Avoid smoking and exposure to smoke is significant cancer risk factor to minimize. Smoking will lead of lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, esophagus cancer and other types. 1.6 million cancer death were due to tobacco use in 2004. Tobacco-free is the best way to decrease lung cancer. Regular physical activity can maintain health of body and decrease the risk of getting cancer. Exercising at least 30 minutes per day for cancer prevention which recommended by American Cancer Society. There are many advantages of exercise every day. As we know, exercises are importance for maintaining fitness levels of our body but it also provide immunity system of the body. Exercises are cleaning some of the harmful toxins and waste products from our body so that our internal system can work better. During exercise, blood is pumped from heart to all part of the body and better flow of oxygen, which is health to body. For digestion system will produce digestive juices when exercise. Thus, digestion will become more efficient and resulting in more effective to eliminate waste products of body. On this way, directly reduce the chance of getting disease of cancer. When the digestion system cannot function well will affect the whole system in body and easily get sick. Furthermore the body cell cannot function normally and growth abnormally which is the cause of cancer. Prevention of cancer seem like a better way if compare with treatment of cancer.

In conclusion, there are many ways of treatment of cancer by using the advance of technology like radiotherapy, chemotherapy, cyber-knife, target therapy and others. However prevention of cancer is also one of the effective ways to minimize the number of people getting disease of cancer. So, treatment and prevention play the important role in reducing the risk of cancer. The prevention of cancer includes healthy diet, regular exercise, tobacco-free and others. In future time, I hope the advance of medication can find out the cure of cancer. So, research for finding the medicine to kill the growth of abnormal cell is significant.


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