Air new zealand limited business communication


23 Mar 2015

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The main idea of this report is to understand how communication is managed in Air New Zealand Limited in order to perform more effectively.

The objective of writing this report is to explore the idea of how effective communication needs to be managed and implemented and how communication process could be improved at Air New Zealand Limited.

This research is grouped into 10 sections. First section, introduction section, and followed by sections on Air New Zealand's business demographics, followed by sections of Air New Zealand's organizational goals. Fourth section describes Air New Zealand's organizational culture and ethics, fifth section covers Air New Zealand's management of knowledge resources. Sixth section covers Air New Zealand's dynamics. The seventh describes Air New Zealand's meeting management. The eighth section describes Air New Zealand's d Stakeholders, ninth section shows the Air New Zealand's networks, and the last section provides conclusion of this report covering summary limitations and implications of this report.

This report is based on the Air New Zealand's website review.

This report is expected to show understanding on how effective communication needs to be managed and implemented and how communication process could be improved at Air New Zealand Limited.

Table of Contents

Serial # Title Page #

Introduction ................................................................................4

Business demographics.............................................................. 4-6

Organizational goals...................................................................... 6

Organizational culture and ethics................................................... 7

Management of knowledge resources ........................................... 7

Dynamics ........................................................................................ 8-9

Meeting management ................................................................... 8

Stakeholders .................................................................................. 9


Conclusion............................................................................. 11

Recommendation................................................................ 12

Reference.................................................................................... 13


Air New Zealand Limited is the nationwide airline of New Zealand. This organization has set it tag-line as "Start your journey right here". The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand. The airline operates programmed passenger flights to 27 domestic destinations and 26 international destinations in 14 countries across Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania, and is currently the only airline to fly in a circle. Air New Zealand is a member of the Star Alliance global airline alliance, having joined in 1999.

The airline's main hub is in Auckland Airport, located near Mangere in the southern part of the Auckland urban area. Air New Zealand is headquartered in a building called "The Hub", located 20 km away from Auckland Airport, in the Western Reclamation, central Auckland City.

The reason why I chose this organization is show me a clear path towards my future career in the organization as an In Flight Attendant. The key elements discussed in this report will clearly evaluate the understanding of how the effective communication in such organization is managed and implemented.

Business demographics

Air New Zealand has different ways of open channel communication within their team in different departments. There are different ways in which information actually flows through the different levels, branch locally, nationally and internationally.

As per the research, there are five ways in which communication move within the organization of Air New Zealand Limited.

These five ways fall into two broad categories. They are: Structured and Spontaneous. Let us first look at the different types of structured communication in Air New Zealand

The formal hierarchical structure of Air New Zealand shows how communication flows within different levels.

Chain Command:

For example the communication between the different levels at Air New Zealand Limited flows from one to another: Directives from group CEO to the organizations General Manager then to the lower levels to junior executives and it continue until the workers understands the whole concept of the communication.

2. Written Word:

For example Circulars, memos, manuals, handbooks, bulletins, newsletters and publications.

3. Representative System:

For instance Trade union representation, meetings, discussions on the overall performance or the current position in the airline industry.

On the other hand, spontaneous communication in Air New Zealand includes:

4. Informal Work Groups:

This category includes such as informal leaders, group norms & discussions.

A) Gossip:

Get together (both inside and outside of work, recreation clubs, and social gatherings)

Thus, it is obvious that communication is important, both in its structured as well as in its spontaneous form. All five ways are channels of communication in which communication flows through locally, nationally & internationally at Air New Zealand respectively.

Organizational Goals

As per the research, organizational goal is gained through good communication skills and techniques at Air New Zealand consists of the process of recognizing or inferring goals of individual team-members, abandoning no longer relevant goals, identifying and resolving conflicts among goals, and prioritizing goals consistently for optimal team-collaboration and effective operations. To become nationally and internationally recognized, Air Zealand management has set out an objective through training the main face of the team, deriving profits by making the best quality of goods or the best quality of customer services available to the end-user (customer) at the best possible cost.

An example of organization goal types in Air New Zealand management includes:

Consumer goals: this refers to supplying a product or service that the market/consumer wants;

Product goals: this refers to supplying a product outstanding compared to other products perhaps due to the likes of quality, design, reliability and novelty;

Operational goals: this refers to running the organization in such a way as to make the best use of management skills, technology and resources;

Secondary goals: this refers to goals which an organization does not regard as priorities.

Organizational culture

Air New Zealand ethically responds to an internal or external stimulus. Organizational ethics is mutually dependent with the organizational culture. Although, it is akin to both organizational behavior (OB) and business ethics on the micro and macro levels, organizational ethics is neither OB, nor is it solely business ethics (which includes corporate governance and corporate ethics). Organizational ethics express the values of an organization to its employees and/or other entities irrespective of governmental and/or regulatory laws.

Organizational culture has been widely researched over the years because of the important benefits that arise from a strong culture in aiding organizations to succeed and grow.   Understanding how to 'build, maintain or modify an organization's culture'

(McAleese, D & Hargie, O. 2004 p.155) is essential to achieving a competitive advantage as organizations can have a direct influence on attitudes and behaviors of the employees within an organization.

(Robbins, Millett, Cacioppe & Waters-Marsh, 2001)


Management of knowledge resources


Management at Air Zealand develops a structure for the strategic resources by analyzing various research literatures. Also, it aims to extend the traditional financial focus of organizational presentation to include knowledge of resources and also provide direction to achieving organizational sustainability. Their advancement is to analyze contemporary international IC frameworks and decide their strengths and weaknesses and from this a new representation is developed.

Group dynamics

First of all, the organization structure is one that seems to be of the hierarchical structure. Communication between CEO and sales consultants is to a minimum. However, information is passed from the higher level of the organization which is the CEO at the administrative level to area managers, which is further distributed to store managers, who if appropriate pass this information onto the other employees within the store.

Conflicts between employees are firstly dealt with at store manager levels and if not resolved, it can move higher up the hierarchy. Conflicts between staff and the customers may be dealt with the store manager, unless a formal complaint has been lodged to the head office whereby Human resources could be the ones addressing the situation.

The development of employees is done quarterly through an appraisal system where the consultants achieve targets and other performances are evaluated and rated up accordingly. This process is documented for further references and for Human resources purposes

Meeting management

Meetings are a very effective way to communicate within Bond and Bond. On a daily basis, meetings are conducted within branches conducted. They have clear agendas emailed or faxed to other branch managers everyday. Weekly meetings within the zones are conducted where all store managers and the area managers have a conference call. Issues of performances and promotions are addressed in this. These meetings are also documented and emailed to various store managers in question. Meetings within the high level department such as department managers, CEO and Board of Directors are also conducted to discuss new goals and strategies in order to increase profits and company reputation.


There are various stakeholders for Air New Zealand Ltd. Their effectiveness is shown as follows:






Insurance companies

The diagram shows the effectiveness of the stakeholders for Bond and Bond. The level of interest beginning from the inside is the most effective and towards the out is the least effective.

Communication in Air New Zealand is made through the use of media such as emailing through internet to advertize about their cheap air fares. Customers can do online booking by using their website. Also, by advertising commercials on television. And by putting signs in store.


Intranets are a confidential computer network that shares any part of an organization's information within Air New Zealand. Employees can access data by taking power first. Employees are given passwords and IDs to access information.





To conclude, this whole researched report, the management of communication in regards to Air New Zealand Limited and the customers itself is very effective since it has a formal hierarchical type of structure. The manner in which communication in Air New Zealand Ltd is processed benefits the organization in achieving their goals and objectives and in accomplishing great income. This also benefits them in maintaining a good relationship with the customers and as well as attracting more customers to travel. The consumers benefit by purchasing low air fares both online and inshore as well as friendly service and respect. Their reputation in the airline industry is well maintained, objectives have been met and there are less customer complaints resulting in profit and customer increases. This report is beneficial to students and shareholders who intend to have more knowledge in the communication management of Air New Zealand Limited


To put in place more effective communication in the management nationally and internationally in Air New Zealand Ltd, I would recommend that there be an implementation of more communication methods between the hierarchal ways. As a result, there will more effective communication within the company and in each department will be aware and wide knowledge on the daily business aspects of the organization.


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