Business Simulation Reflection


23 Mar 2015 11 Jul 2017

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On 10 November 2010 afternoon, Our Can group get a chance to get the materials business simulation games, the first time we were a little confused and not understand what the content and intent or purpose of this program.

Until then we get the opportunity to play an active role play in the game by forming a company in our Group Can.


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I am a member of cans group discussion - 3, in this business game, we manage the company named "CHAMP".

We chose the name "CHAMP" for our company becouse we hopes that companies will become a leader or a winner in this Business Simulation Game.

Growth of our company in this game very interesting and gave many valuable lessons. Our company was ranked second on the game in first year, after making changes in the manufacturing and marketing strategy; we became the first winner in the game in the second year.

In the third year we make changes in the shipping, manufacturing also marketing strategy again to maintain its position as champion, but in the fact that our ranking dropped to be number 3. In the fourth year we wanted to get back into champions. We did totally change the strategy in all sections and mainly to increase product awareness, we contracted with many famous artists paid a high price for promotion. But the results we slumped to the lowest ranking (sixth). This surprised us and made us confused to find out where our biggest mistakes in managing the company.Listen

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Did not want to continue to decline, in the fifth year we try to flash back to learn the success stories in the first and second year, besides that we also study the company's strategy of competitors, then we create a new strategy and the results we were able to ride into fourth place. In the sixth year we try to make small changes to strategy in several sections and the results we rose again to number three. In the seventh year we do not make changes to our strategy and stay at rank 3.


After doing business game above, there are many valuable lessons that I get. Those lessons were:

About Management Process (Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling)

In managing a company as a manager or owner of a business we must have:

a. Planing Both long-term planning and short term, this really helps us to determine the strategy or action we should do in the near future or the preparation for long-term corporate strategy.

b.Organization  Complete, clear and transparent as one of the supporters because of the company's "people are assets of a company", the placement of people with appropriate knowledge and skills that will facilitate the acceleration of the process as well as the operations of a company.

It also must be supported by a clear Job Description and detail-enter the respective functions of the organization. 

c.Directing In the governance of a company also must be supported by rules or standard operating systems or procedures are clear and understood by all line employees. we often call with company regulations, standard operating procedures etc. 

d. Controlling  As a manager or owner in a company we still have to implement controls on employee performance, corporate governance, corporate operating costs and market conditions that support the smooth and that we manage the company's growth periodically. We can also be done with checking Monthly Report / Balance Sheet , hold on monthly meetings, etc. 


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in the course of



2. About Management Function (Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Finance,

Human Resources, etc.)

Strategy Corporate strategy should be set appropriately by considering several factors, including supporters of human capital, finance, market share and also that there are competitors in the same type of business with our company.

In the governance of a business may take a few strategies such as for launching a new product needs some backup strategy, it is necessary whenever the initial strategy does not show results in maximum then we still have some alternative backup strategy, so it does not require a long time to take any action appropriate in market penetration.

Marketing According to my opinion, the success rate of a company also backed with the full functionality of the marketing is true both in the company engaged in the services or products etc. Capable marketing, product master, around the existing market and marketing must knowing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.


Operations Operational support from both system and service level aggrement factor in a process of corporate governance is very important. It also needs to be supported with the latest technology.


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carry out



set up





put on

bring about


carry on





put up



lay on



touch off





bring into being

Finance A company can be said in good condition when to generate maximum profit. As a manager or the owners of a company we should be able to manage our capital versus operating costs required, the greater the profit earned by production costs that are not too large will show the healthy of a business. However, we also must consider the placement of funds and financial governance of our company, whether already in accordance with the budgeting or is not appropriate. In terms of business expansion or major factor that should we consider is the condition of our corporate finance, whether supportive or not, when lack of support but the potential or opportunities that we have a large, one financial source of our business is on loan from the Bank with a source of return and specific timeframe.

Human Resources In addition to the above factors one important thing to note is that inadequate human resources that are reliable and have the skills to suit the needs of the company. A competent leader should be able to determine the amount of labor requirements and can put the right people-enter the respective divisions within an organization.


3.About Working In Teams

To work as a reliable teamwork are some things we have to consider include:

Get familiar with either all members of the team, it is useful to the division of tasks and towards solving problems that arise.

We must be willing to hear opinions of all members of the team in making changes in strategy or action for operasinal company.

Explore more information and opinion that reliable and resonable with the case or problem that we should solving as a good team work, eq.Browsing some data from internet or from any sourches.

Putting the right people on the job or responsibilities in accordance with the characteristics of our team members are.

Based on the experiences and lessons I got from the business game I have done, I plan to apply some advantages in my workplace.

As the leader of my unit :

A leader should have strong leadership and enough skills to manage the organization and the company.

Planning, directing (also mentoring or choaching program) and controlling periodicly to all of my sub ordinate.

Delegate some responsibilities to the deputy business with a fixed control function properly .

Sharing knowledge to all sub-ordinate, sub-branch manager and exploring new knowledge, new technology and strategy for the success of Bank Mega Cluster Balikpapan

Special Hire employee from another Bank (Manager or Marketing) to help me manage the company and make the vision 1000 of Bank Mega become reality (become the leader bank in Balikpapan - East Kalimantan Indonesia)

As a member of my management team :

Being more creative, proactive and always have new ideas to supporting the management team

More details in targeting business opportunities and increase market share.

Establishing a reliable team work with 2-way communication is effective and still value the opinions of other members of management team


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