02 Nov 2017
This research was undertaken to measure the level of work satisfaction among the executives of Oster Knit private Ltd. This study mainly reviews around the view of workers regarding the job satisfaction. What employees think about the job satisfaction?
This study is mainly concerning the level of job satisfaction and organisational commitment of the staff of the Oster knit Company ., management and evaluation, expansion and advancement opportunities, organisational environment) and on factors of organisational promises (affective commitment and continuation commitment) in terms of sex, possession,`.
The main aim of this research is to enlighten the causes and results of attitudes towards work satisfaction and organisational dedication which causes the turnover, deficiency in performance and absenteeism of workers.
Research Methodology shows the type of samples, design used, sample size and the procedure used for handling special problems during the course of study. It includes the explanation of the research plan, data collection, research instruments and sample. In this study, Questionnaire methods have been used for getting primary data and information from various websites and magazines has been used.
The sample involved consisted of 40 individuals. It was set before hand and every attempt was made to cover up the given numeral of individuals with available time for the gathering of data for this project the basis of study. Few Major findings of the research are, Most of the employees fall in less than 1-5 years of service. Half of the employees leave the organisation after 5 years of service due to better work opportunities. The attitude of seniors towards the employees is co-operative. Percentage of employees who want to leave a firm is less. Incentives and reward are less satisfactory.
Job satisfaction as a concept describes how satisfied a person is with his or her present job. Job satisfaction is not similar to inspiration, although it is clearly connected. This Job plan aims to improve job satisfaction and performance methods contain job rotation, job improvement and work enrichment. Other factors for satisfaction include the administration style and culture, worker participation, empowerment and sovereign work groups.
Job satisfaction is a most important characteristic which is normally measured by organisations. Very common way of measurement is the utilization of rating scales where staff reports their reactions to their jobs. The questions relate to scale of pay, work obligations, diversity in everyday jobs, promotional opportunities the occupation itself and co-workers.
Job satisfaction is the mental sentiments which favorableness a person has about his job .DA Brinn has defined job satisfaction in terms of enjoyment and contentment when he says that "job satisfaction is the quantity of pleasure or contentment connected with job if you like your job passion. You will experience high job satisfaction .It dislikes your job concentration, you will feel job disappointment."
Job satisfaction (Meaning and concept)
Job satisfaction is a general pleasurable or positive emotional state of an individual which can be said to result from a self appraisal of various dimensions of his or her job. As a matter of fact, by working on a job, most people qualify many of their needs. So in this regard to want is a potent source of necessitate, gratification of all types such as physical, security, social and ego need etc.,
Job satisfaction can be described as a process in which the employees feel themselves contended or satisfied with their work which they do informally organized sectors to accomplish the purpose of the organisation. This is the end feeling of an individual after performing a job. The feeling would be positive or negative depending on whether the need is satisfied or not. If a person’s job fulfills his/her basic needs and is consistent with his or her expectation and morals, the job will be satisfying.
Job satisfaction also relates to working conditions like good infrastructure and working conditions, proper working hours, lighting, ventilation, drinking water and urinal facilities, healthy relationship with seniors, subordinates and peer group and salary packages. All these facilities motivate the employees to do better work for his association. As if the employee is satisfied it develops a right type of attitude, high morale and enthusiasm for work.
The actual formal study of job satisfaction did not materialize until the 1930,but the study of workers attitude began much earlier. In 1912,Mayo started a series of studies known as the Hawthorne studies. Focus of these studies was employee production and efficiency, it laid an important foundation for future studies.
The Hawthorne studies were the first research project to attempt to quantify employee attitudes and correlate attitude with overall work efficiency.in the mid-1930, just two years after the Hawthorne studies were completed,Hoppock (1935) published the first intensive study about job satisfaction.This watershed study addressed job satisfaction from a much more complex.Hoppock saw job satisfaction as being impacted by the following independent variables:a)fatigue b)monotony c)working conditions d)supervision, and e)achievement.
The last variable, achievemrent is the most important of these new factors because of its professional relevance to research in modern day job satisfaction research achievement impact a person’s drive to succeed.Achievement as a dependent variable is somewhat how difficult to completely codify,but Hoppock attempted to construct question that could measure a person’s motivation to achieve prescribed goals.
Following the Hawthorne studies of the late 1920s to the Hoppock (1935) intensive study of job satisfaction other 20th century researchers discovered the complexity of human nature.Work production should be tied to the complexity of human nature.Work production should be tied to the complex inter-correlation of many different variable and not merely physical factors such as work pauses.
The Hawthorne Studies, in large part, shaped the trend for the "human relations"movement in industrial sociology that would spawn the work of Likert (1961), whyte (1995), and Homans (1950) to early 1960 because research bagan to move towards exploring other aspects of motivation rather than human elememt.The classic example of this shift was seen in Herzberg, Mausner andSnyderman’s(1959).
Monograph that refocused the attention of research on the job itself.During this period Herzberg developed his Motivation Hygiene Theory. Herzberg et al.(1959) proposed this two factor theory while studying a sample of 200 engineers and accountants asked to describe a time in which they felt especially dissatisfied with their jobs.The answer obtained through his qualitative study seemed to group together in a way that established pattern .According to the study recognition and responsibilities were frequently mentioned as satisfiers. The researchers labelled these variable as "motivators". Incidents classified as involving supervisors, interpersonal relation ,working conditions,company polices and salary were frequently mentioned as dissatisfiers .
Herzberg etal.(1995) labelled this group "Hygieenes".the Herzberg Theory hinges upon the principal that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction result from very different cause, satisfaction depends on "motivators" and dissatisfaction depends on "Hygiene " factors.
The Hoppock and Herzberg theories served as a conceptual frame work for many future job satisfaction surveys. These studies , coupled with prior research, assisted Locke(1976) in distinguishing the following key factors as most important when studying job satisfaction: a) work b) pay c) promotion d) verbal recognition, and e) working conditions.
Resource:Job Satisfaction of International Educators-Â By DeWayne P. Frazier-google books
Most studies of job satisfaction have been concerned with operational sing it rather than defining it. According to Locke (1969) such as approach describe that a certain relationship works but nothing as to buy it works. This seems to be case with job satisfaction. Researchers have been found to be more interested in choosing the unit of measurement from the several available but little ways to definition of a job satisfaction as a precursor for the choice of the unit of the measurement.
However, despite these numerous attempted in the past, various others will be made in future to measure job satisfaction. Perhaps, the earliest of the known scale of measuring work fulfillment is that by Hoppock (1935). He developed essentially four items, each one with seven alternative response. If a person chooses the’ least satisfied’ of the seven alternatives, he gets a score of 100, and 700 if he chooses ‘more satisfied’ alternatives for each thing. Other alternatives stand for a 100 point addition to previous alternative.100, if a person chooses first alternative for all four items his total score is 400 . Similarly, if he chooses second alternative he gets a score of 800 and so on. Maximum total is 2800 provided all four 7th alternatives are chosen. But Hoppack takes average of four items ( range 100-700) for rising the satisfaction guide, although in its original structure job satisfaction index by Hoppack is generally not used now but its variation can be spotted in the literature.
Hoppock index is perhaps the only direct assess of job satisfaction. Others have index job contentment in terms of responses to a variety of questions which deals with factors that are straight or indirectly connected to jobs. These responses usually measured on diversity of scales ranging from simple Yes or no to 7 points or 5 points agree - disagree type of scale.
Resource: human resource management –Saiyadain-google books
Company profile
There is no doubt in saying that Ludhiana is the leading hosiery house of north India. Ludhiana did not become the leading hosiery house of north India in a day; it has taken decades. From the time of the Mughals or say before them, the people of this region engaged in weaving clothes. Today every type of agents, ladies and kids garments is manufactured in Ludhiana. The garments are found in up-to-date in fashion and shades.
Business inquiries over Rs. 600 Millions were generated using Garment-tech international Expo-2003 which is a sign for the changing national situation in view of the forthcoming dismantling of the proportion regime by the year 2004. The exporters & garment production’s have realized that the only route for continued existence in the open marketplace is the technology up gradation or an mixture of the latest machinery. Ludhiana was the focus town. To face the worldwide threat, the domestic garment trade should show a united face and use this transition period for the up grad. Thus, we can call Ludhiana as the heart of hosiery in the north Indian region.Â
Launched in 1973, as a very small scale knitwear manufacturing company, the Osters Group of companies established Osters in the marketplace. Growing in fame each year, the group entered the worldwide Market by 1986 and established Osters in CIS Countries. Osters proved a successful brand once again. Their expansion over the last four decades stands testament to the will of their team and the leadership of their board. Here is the snapshot of Osters Group which started as new-fangled and today is as a successful company., Resources :http://www.indiamart.com/osterknit/
History Years
REF: http://www.osterindia.com/history.html
What do they produce?
Sweaters for men and women. Domestic home furnishing includes Bedcovers, Blankets, Duvet Covers and Quilts. Export home furnishing consists of Throws, Bedcovers, Blankets, Cushions, Duvet Cover, Fabric Material and Men’ Trousers and shirts.
What is their infrastructure?
To produce a successful brand, they have remarkably advanced machines of worldwide famous Organisations like Universal, Stoll and Aries. In addition the world’s most sophisticated machines, Machines, Manual, Quilting and Automatic Printing, Embroidery, Shearing, Raising , Stunter, Azer, Linking and Industrial Dry Cleaning Machine alongside so many others. These production services are available in five factories.
Their royal market & customers
They are pleased to inform us that among our high profile customers one of Target Corporation and Spring of U.S.A., Mother Care and Tesco of United Kingdom, Carrefour of France, Metro of Europe, CIS Countries, Russia, Ukraine, Khyrghistan, Turkmenistan, UAE and of course their very own Indian Market.
Strategic approachÂ
Osters Knit Pvt. Ltd. Continues to make products that are value for money and has created loyal customers who will settle for nothing else.
This company does believe that the buyer and the ultimate consumer must get the performance of the product, they have paid for. The quality should not be less than they spent but even more than they pay.
Osters Group of companies has a strong policy to make quality products. Precise regulatory & performance tests ensure that their product is accepted at the right places and time. Being in the home furnishing business, they know the value of functionality, comfort, color fastness, care labeling and above all appearance. They ensure the quality of product & shipment and adherence to ethical norms. Their focus is fast, accurate and friendly service with right quality products.
Their expertise
At Osters they have maintained very high quality standards through in house tab and metal free zone. Dedicated R&D block serves as the inventive engine of the company for which we even focus on customer's feedback. Their dedicated staff is well equipped to look after the flawless production process and on time delivery.
http://www.osterindia.com/images/expertise1.png http://www.osterindia.com/images/expertise3.png
At Oster, they believe in Teamwork, and as Managing Director, They have been fortunate and honored worked with an exceptionally talented, proficient, extremely trained, hard working and innovative team that is determined to remain moving on the pathway towards providing their stakeholders with superior value & a better product than any of their competitor in the marketplace. Training, encouraging and developing human assets has been at the forefront of Oster Limited evolution. It is because of this savings that they have grown from strength to strength and being able to win the hidden trust of all their customers; because for them every piece and every customer are extremely important.
In just 40 years, they have a very strong market presence and effect in all 28 states of India & 25 countries in 4 different continents worldwidely. As they continue on this trailblazing journey, every member of the Osters Team re affirms the idea that serves as the organisation's foundation- top of the line excellence and affordability produce in full fulfillment manufacturing amenities backed by expert and efficient customer service, because Osters Ltd. in 'the way of smart source of revenue’.
http://osterindia.com/about.html, http://ir.globalgeophysical.com/directors.cfm,http://www.forbes.com/profile/richard-degner/
Environment friendly
Saving Water.
Modern Washing Machines with automatic dosing of Water and Chemicals to control the wastage of water up to the maximum level.
Rain water harvesting is practiced to return the valuable resource to nature (water).
They encourage Green Belt Area on Top Priority. We have acquired 5 Acre of Land and planted more than 3000 trees to ensure a healthy future for our younger Generation.
Water Treatment and Recycling.
Encouraging environmental improvements with the installation of modern E.T.P with automatic Chemical dosing, Aeration, use of environmental friendly chemicals.
They have dedicated team to abide by all the norms and standards of the state.
They have well installed and in practice fire Safety systems like fire Extinguishers, Manual Call Points, Smoke Sensors, Fire Alarms and Hydrant System.
The fire brigade is also placed on our unit to secure their unit against a Disaster.
There are effective worker safety trainings conducted to encourage for safe & secure working condition.
They have provided suitable Personal Protective Equipments and trainings to avoid any incident and conform ability of the workers.
They have also insured all the workers against any major accident. They have placed 24x7 Ambulance all their units.Â
Organisational structure
Design and Structure of the research
An investigation design is a plan that guides the researcher in the
Chapter one is basically the introduction of the research study. In this chapter I have included background and the purpose of the study.
The second chapter is of literature review in which I have included definitions and findings from different authors along with the relevant data from various articles, journals and books to support the relevancy of the all discussion.
Chapter three is about design and methodology of the research.
Chapter four is about data collection methods and the analysis of this data. In this chapter I have described the significance of primary, secondary and exploratory data research techniques.
Chapter five consists in-depth analysis of research findings based on the discussed issues.
Chapter six includes the conclusion of the research, recommendations for the situation along with valid references and citation.
 Objectives of the study
To find out staff job satisfaction level in Oster knit Ltd.
To study the staff perception towards the Oster company.
To find out the attitude of the employees towards their job.
To recognize the factors that motivate the employees.
To give some suggestion for the growth and outlook of the company.
Scope of the study
Job satisfaction is a important output that workers work for the organisation.
It comprises of extrinsic and natural factors and helps maintainable and agreeable work forces.
It is a very exciting and significant area for conducting research.
The study made on the topic of job satisfaction will expose the factor of feeling of the workforce.
This statement is useful to the management of the business to know the satisfaction level of workforce and they can take measures to increase efficiency.
This report may be helpful for management students for reading & may be helpful in preparing their report on the work satisfaction "In business concerns, community organisation etc.
Problem of the study
The particular topic was "a study of job satisfaction"
It is said that satisfied workforce are a productive employee, any kind of criticism relating to organisation or person to a greater extent pressure on
the work.
So every company is given a higher priority to keep their workers with satisfaction by providing numerous facilities which improves satisfaction and which reduces happiness.
Job satisfaction is measured as a key matter by the tycoon where efforts are taken and programs are initiate.
If the member of staff low turnover,absenteeism, low productivity, commit mistakes, diverting power for separate types companies are trying to identify the area where satisfaction to be enhanced to get out the above danger.
In this association a survey was conducted on behalf of Oster to identify the level of contentment in
Review of Literature
Review of the related literature
It has been estimated than since the 1930’s, more than 5,000 studies of the job satisfaction have been published by behavioural research (Cranny, Smith& Stone,1992). Educational researchers have also displayed a substantial amount of interact in the study of job satisfaction (Thimpson, Mc Namara,&Hoyle,1997). The finding of the thousands of studies has varied, but among researchers, there appears to be general agreement on the definition of job satisfaction. Hoppock (1935) defined job satisfaction as the individual‘s overall feeling about the job expressed in liking or disliking.
Smith, Kendall, and Hulin( 1969) define it as "the feelings the workers has about his job." Spector (1997) has defined job satisfaction as the extent to which people like their job. Locke(1969) defined total job satisfaction as "the achieving or facilitating one’s values". He also noted that one must take into account the congruence of these values with one’s needs.
Maslow (1954) considered satisfaction in terms of meeting human needs. Vroom(1964) pointed that satisfaction arises from the product of a valence of work outcomes and the perceived instrumentally of job in producing these outcomes. In Dawis, Lofquist & Weiss (1968), satisfaction was the result of the worker’s appraisal of the extent to which the work environment fulfils the individual’s needs.
Lawler (1973) explained job satisfaction in terms of the difference between what people believed they should received and what they perceived that they actually did receive .Dawis (1984) opined that definitions such as the above are essentially similar and complimentary, although they may differ in their emphasis.
Theories and Some related studies of job satisfaction
Towney et al.(1999) theorized that from the early 1900s onwards there were three movements that shaped personnel practice in both industry and education. These advances lead to theories of job satisfaction .The first of these developments was the scientific management movement. Frederick Taylor (1911) , known as the progenitor of scientific management, emphasized concept such as each major task should be divided into series of small tasks, and then each of small tasks should be studied so that it may be accomplished in the most cost efficient manner. Further, the approach required an incentive system to reward high production and "punish" poor efficiency or production .Taylor’s ideas generally are regarded as too harsh for today’s work environment. The concept, however, remain as a foundation for many personnel system in industry and education.
The second development was known as the human relations movement. Elton Mayo (1993) studied matters such as employee motivation, work incentives, and working conditions. He also conducted the Hawthorne studies the effect of various amount of lighting on the employees. The study however , discovered that the amount of the illumination was of marginal importance, and that paying attention to the workers was the factor that yielded higher production, regardless of the amount of light. This finding is also known as the "Hawthorne effect."
Hoy and Miskel (1991) summarized other findings of the Hawthorne studies by noting that employees sometimes judge their production level by the social norms of the organization, rather than by the dictates of management .Also salary is not the only incentive significant to employees. Additionally, the employee’s values, beliefs, and emotions influence behaviour.
The third development, the behavioural science, drew on both of the above approaches, and subsequently super ceded them. Some of the major theorists in this area included Hoppock (1935),Herzberg (1959), McGregor (1960), Likert (1961), Maslow (1954), and Argyris (1957).
It is noted that a fourth, emerging development has been identified by other contemporary authors such as Tyrell and Stine (1997).They have observed that organizations are akin to systems, and principles from the behavioural sciences are relevant to improving corporate culture and developing leadership approaches based on the understanding of human nature. In this area, the idea of Derning (1986),Peters and Austin (1985),and Senge et al.(1985) all emphasize cooperative and team approaches to problem solving .Some authors ,such as Kettl (2000), have opined that globalization trends will dramatically transform government organizations, operations and personnel interactions in the 21ST Century. The leadership concept of Senge (1999) and others are essential to meeting emerging human relations challenges in organizations at all levels and service area as collaboration and coordination skill requirements become more predominant.
With the above foundation elements in place concerning definition and developmental matters, the cause of the job satisfaction can be reviewed by observing some of the leading behavioural science concept. It the causation area. There is much less agreement. Various theories have been developed, presented and ultimately supported or questioned by others in the field.
Hoppock (1935) and Maslow (1954) are two eminent and conventional theorists that suggest that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction share a single continuum. Further, they reasoned that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors have the capacity to create satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Intrinsic factors include salary, working conditions, supervision and administrative policies.
Hoppock (1935) conducted some of the earliest studies about job satisfaction .In his study ,he concluded that if the presence of a certain variable led to satisfaction ,then its absence led to dissatisfaction. Thus, job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction shared the same continuum. Midway between satisfaction and dissatisfaction was a feeling of neutrality in which the individual was neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
Maslow’s work, which began in the mid-thirties, centred on what people need in order to grow or develop. the basic premise of his theory had two parts 1).needs are arranged in hierarchy based on their dominance, and 2).the less dominant needs will not be desired or even sought until the more dominant needs are met (Locke,1976).In other words ,once a need is generally satisfied, others surface in a predictable manner (Kreitner.1983).
Maslow’s hierarchy consists of five levels. At the lowest level (the most dominant of the five) are the physiological needs, those which the body needs to stay alive or survive. These include air, food, water and sleep. Maslow(1954) noted that because these are the most basic of all needs, they must be met before any of others will emerge.HR reasoned that if a person lacks everything in life, food is what that person will certainly seek. These base needs are what enable us to survive, so if they are unmet, nothing else matters (Kreitner 1983).
Once psychological needs are essentially met, then second level needs, which Maslow named safety needs, emerge. Safety from physical harm, the elements, enemies, the unexpected, and economic hardship all are categorized here. As most adults in our culture have these needs fulfilled, Maslow pointed to neurotic individuals as exam plus of those who lack them. These neurotic adults often fear the unknown, and they act as though catastrophe is always near (Maslow 1954).
With survival and safety needs fulfilled the needs for love, affection and a sense of belonging arise. At this level people strongly desire to be part of a group and will labour to attain and retain status. Maslow (1954) emphasized that this need for love is not synonymous with the need for sex, which is physiological need. The need is not fulfilled unless love is given as well as received.
The fourth level need is desire for esteem. Maslow subdivided esteem needs into two categories. The first has to do with achievement, mastery and competence. Those with self esteem have a sense of worth, self confidence and usefulness. Those without it feel weak, helpless and inferior. Because Maslow(1954) believed that such esteem necessarily needed to be based on real competence rather than the perception of others he regarded deserved respect rather than celebrity as the "most stable and therefore most healthy self esteem."
At the apex of Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for the self actualization. Maslow argued that if even all the other needs were met, an individual might not be content unless the person is doing that which he or she was meant to do.
Lawler (1973) pointed out that in later revision of this theory, Maslow proposed that the notion of a need decreasing when it was sufficiently satisfied holds true until the self actualization level is reached. At that level, the opposite occurs. In other words, increase satisfaction leads to increase motivation, increase desire for the need to be more fully met. Indeed Porter’s1964 study (cited in Lawler,1973) concluded that manager rated self-actualization as their highest need, and evidence exist of workers changing jobs only to further develop themselves (Lawler,1973).This supports Maslow’s revised thesis.
Despite its wide acceptance and continued use, Maslow’s theory has many critics. Scheider and Alderfer (1973) were critical of the theory because the lack of empirical proof to support the existence of a hierarchy or even or some of the needs themselves. Hall and Nougaim’s study (cited in Kreitner .1983 and Locke.1976) which attempted to test the theory found little support for it.Argyris(1964) opined that job satisfaction increased as the job’s status level increased. He stated that; "we can infer that the higher up the organisation ladder and /or the greater the professionalism, The higher probability that people will report intrinsic work satisfaction." Centres and Bugental’s(1996) study revealed that workers in higher level jobs appeared to have a large interest in fulfilling higher order needs. Chambers (1999) in a study of 459 women in private sector Company found that women at executives level had greater overall job satisfaction than those at (lower) managerial level.
Lawler (1973) concluded that beyond the first two levels in the hierarchy, "which higher-order needs come into play after the lower ones are satisfied and in what order they will come into play cannot be predicted. If anything, it seems that most people are simultaneously motivated by several of the same –level needs." Furthermore, he pointed to his own 1971 study to illustrate that certain outcomes, such as money, can satisfy psychological needs as well as safety and esteem needs. However, Locke (1976) was even more critical of Maslow’s work for these reasons.
Maslow did not prove that the needs exist and confusingly combines needs as diverse as safety from physical harm and freedom from economic hardship in the same category.
Maslow’s definition of self –actualization was weak at best because a person cannot become more and more than the person already is and because to become everything a person is capable of becoming is impossible, since people can become any number of things.
Maslow confused needs and values. Needs are, by definition, universal, while what people value varies from person to person and culture to culture.
Maslow confused action and desire by sometimes saying met needs lead one to act while at others times staying they lead only to a desire to act.
Maslow (1954) claimed that " a satisfied need is not a motivator. But needs are rarely permanently fulfilled, So they must be satisfied again and again."
Despite this criticism, Maslow’s theort was, and is, one of the most significant influences on motivation research in organization .The other is Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation.
In 1957 Herzberg, Mausner, Peterson and Campbell published a review of existing literature on job satisfaction. The primary authors characterized the existing literature as "disappointing to fruit full theorizing" (Herzberg et at ,1959).Their book entitled the motivation to work was intended to answer this lack. They utilized Flanagan’s (1954) .Critical incidents method to determine a respondent’s psychological state during on-the job event.
The respondent were 200 accountant and engineers in a study done by the authors .Herzberg and his association found that certain events were frequently associated with satisfaction while others event were more frequently associated into two categories which they called "hygiene factors were described as follows:
When feelings of unhappiness were reported, they were not associated with the job itself but with conditions that surrounds the doing of the job...when there are deleterious factors in the context of the job, they serve to remove the impediments to positive job attitudes. When hygiene factors deteriorate to a level below that which the employee considers acceptable, then job dissatisfaction ensues. (Herzberg et al., 1959.p.113)
Herzberg labelled extrinsic factors as hygiene factors because the factors are used for preventing job dissatisfaction, an analogy to the concept of preventive medicine (Iiacqua,et al.,1995)
Motivation factors as seen as those which satisfy the person’s need for self actualization .Cummings and ElSalmi (1968) characterized these as "feelings that the individual has regarding the content of his job. They reflect the individuals active search for psychological growth." In stark contrast to the Hoppock continuum related to the presence or absence of motivators. Depending on the motivators , a person could move from neutrally satisfied (no particular feeling one way or the other—"no job satisfaction")at the extreme left of the continuum to total "job satisfaction" at the extreme right. The second continuum used hygiene items to describe in a parallel manner the concept of dissatisfaction , moving from neutrally dissatisfaction on the extreme left (i, e, "no job dissatisfaction") to total "job dissatisfaction" on the far right. Newstrom & Davis (1977) developed a similar depiction of Herzberg’s theory.
By using this two factor description, Herzberg was able to secure much richer description of worker attitudes. His model offered the ability to quantify and explain worker dissonance related to the changes possible when an investigator charted either presence or absence to answer the question, "why I both am intensely satisfies and painfully dissatisfied at the same time"?
The six motivators or satisfiers identifies by Herzberg et al (1959) and Herzberg (1966) correspond to Maslow’s higher order needs of esteem and self-actualization and are composed move the following:
1. Achievment include successful completion of the job, solution or problem, vindication and seeing the result of one’s work.
2. Recognition is any act by supervisor, management personnel, client, peer, colleague or the general public that is perceived by the worker as a source of feeling of recognition. It can include both praise and blame and therefore encompass both positive and negative recognition.
3. Work itself refers to the actual doing of the job or the task of the job as a source of good or bad feelings. The work can be routine or varied, creative or stultifying, overly easy or overly difficult. Each of these conditions can contribute to or detract from satisfaction.
4. Responsibilty factors include personal authority for one’s own work or the work of others. Issues related to " insufficient authority to carry out one’s assignment" is classified under policy issues rather the responsibilities.
5. Advancement refers to actual changes in the status or position of an individual in an organisation. It also includes the probability of or hope of advancement.
6. Possibility of growth includes both the chances of further developing one’s skills and abilities and the chance of moving upward. The authors also include lack of growth opportunities in the theory (Herzbers, 1966)
Hygiene factors corresponded to Maslow’s lower order needs and were described by Herzberg and his associates as those factors external to the job itself. The definitions of the eight hygiene items or dissatisfaction are as follows:
Supervision deals with issues of competence, fairness, willingness to delegate responsibility, willingness to teach, tendency towards nagging and efficiency as demonstrate by the individual superiors.
Company policy and administration describes event in which some of the overall aspects of the company is a factor. Examples included malevolent policies and situation where it is unclear to whom one reports.
Working conditions can include physical conditions of the work, the amount of work or the facilities available for doing the work. Specific examples include ventilation, lighting, tools, space and so on.
Interpersonal relation plays a role in several other categories such as recognition. However this category deals specifically with interaction between the individuals and superiors .peers and subordinates. These relations can include either working relationships or purely social relationships on the job.
Status refers to some signs of appurtenance of status affecting a person’s feeling about the job. Company cars, executive’s washroom, and personal secretaries are examples of status.
Job security includes objectives sign of the presence or absence of job security. It includes stability of the organisation and tenure, among others. The researchers avoided subjective feeling of the respondent.
Personal life factors do not include situations where an individual’s personal life affects the work; the study does consider the individual’s personal life. A company ‘s demand for relocation would affect this category(Herzberg,1996)
It is noted that Davis (1967) also has posited that the factors in Herzberg’s model compared to Maslow‘s need priority model to establish some commonality in the description of the elements in each paradigm. Specifically, Herzberg’s salary and personal life factors equate with Maslow’s physiological needs , with the working conditions factor overlapping into the safety and security needs. Herzberg’s job security actors equates with Maslow’s safety and security needs, with the technical supervision and the company policy and administrative factors overlapping into Maslow’s belongings and social activity needs classification.
Herzberg’s interpersonal relationship with supervision. Peer, and subordinates factors are also equated with belonging and social activity needs. Herzberg’s advancement, recognition and status factors are equated with esteem and status needs, while the work itself, achievement. Possibility of growth, and responsibility factors are equated to Maslow’s self – realisation and fulfilment needs.
Herzberg’s theory has been widely endorsed. However, criticism of the theory may be found. Hinrichs and Mischking (1967) refuted the two factor theory in favour of Hoppock (1935) single-continuum theory. Rosen (1963)opined that the model should have been modified for a white-colour Vs blue collar workers .Friedlander (1966) believe that Herzberg’s use of self reported data may be quite different from data obtained objectively. To somewhat counter disapprovals, Brockman (1971) commented that the criticism were made with complete disregard of the arguments and explanations Herzberg presented. However, Holloway (1991) continued the condemnation by asserting that Herzberg, in his 1968 Harvard Business review article – a reprint best seller – was "brash and populist" and may have been more commercially than academically motivated.
Resource:A study of job satisfaction among directors of classified personnel in merits-by Donald R Mc Cann-google books
Research Methodology
This section defines the research methodology, which has been adopted for the intention of studying. It shows the type of samples used , the design used, all sample sizes and the process used for handling special problems during the course of study. It includes the full description of the research design, research instruments, data collection and sampling. Research refers to:
Defining and redefining problem
Formulating a hypothesis or suggested solutions
Gathering , organizing and evaluating information
Creating deductions and reaching conclusions
At final carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. The research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research difficulties.
Research design
Research design can be thought of as the development of research. It is the "glue" that holds all of the basics in a research project jointly. We often explain a design by a concise notation that enable us to summarize a difficult design structure professionally.
Considering the objectives of the study, sample survey was conducted and accordingly investigation of information was made. Data may be obtained either from the primary source or the secondary resource by seeing the objectives to be achieved. A primary source is one which are collected a fresh and for the first time and this happens to be original in nature. The secondary data are those kinds of data which have already been collected by someone else and which have previously been passed through statistical process.
In my research both kinds of data like primary and secondary was collected.
Data sources
Primary data
Data collected through original sources like interviews,surveys etc.
Secondary data
Apart from main information collected,the data collected trough text books, the records of Osters. Journals from the library, academic reports and internet are used for study.
Sample population
There are total 415 employees who are working in the organisation.
Sample size
Out of total strength the sample taken among workers. 40 workers took part in this survey.
Sampling area
The research was conducted at Osters.
Sampling Method
This study was made by the survey in accordance to the ease of the employees. So the type of the sample is convenience sampling.
A planned closed-end questionnaire is used and type of question is dichotomous & Likert scale.
Contact methods
The study was conducted by using contact instrument like questionnaire; discussion and observation .The data was collected from all plant workers as well as from the management staff.
Data analysis techniques
The data are analyzed through simple analysis techniques. The data tool is known as percentage method.
This Percentage method is used in making comparisons between both or sense of data. This way is used to describe the connection.
Limitations of the study
• The study is conducted only in Osters.
• Due to the restraint of the time the study could not be made supplementary detailed.
• Due to privacy of some information accurate response was not exposed by some of the respondents.
• Some of the answers of the participants may be biased.
• Participants had marked the responses in questionnaires which may be publicly incorrect irrespective of their real feelings.
Data Analysis & interpretation
1. Worker’s job satisfaction at their work.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
90 %
Mostly respondents are satisfied with their present employment in the company. Few members are not satisfy. So its all clearly shows that 90 percent of employees of the Oster Ltd are highly content with their present jobs.
2. Some factors that control employees "motivation".
Good pay
Less supervision
Good working conditions
Interpretation: Greater number of staff members is given preferences to pay. So it seems that the Osters staff is highly inspired by good pay and good working conditions in the organisation.
3. Employee’s response to the salary being offered at Osters.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
No Comments
85 %
Concept :It is an effort which is made to know their job satisfaction towards salary offerings.
Analysis : It is clear from the table that the workers are satisfied with the salary allowances and offer provided by the organisation, with a maximum of 85%, with positive response, 7.5% each with negative satisfaction and no comment response are 7.5% as well.
Maximum number of staff members is pleased with salary paying by Oster Company. This is clearly shown from above information that Oster is giving proper pay to their employees
4. worker’s other sources of income.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
15 %
Just try to find staff ’s other sources of income.
From the given information, it is clear that 15% of employees are having other sources of income, rest 85% are dependent on Oster’s income.
Maximum number of respondents in Osters are salary dependent.
6.The way employees came to the present position.
Direct Appointment
Concept:An attempt is made to know the way employees came to present position.
Analysis:From this table, it is clear that the employees were placed in the organisation through i.e. 45% of the employees appointed through promotion, 52.5% of the respondents appointed through direct appointment, and 2.5%of the employees through transfer.
Maximum number of employees were placed through direct appointment. So this shows the maximum number of employees of Oster is not present position through direct appointment.
6. Staff satisfaction towards employment conditions prevailing in the organisation.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
Analysis: From the above given information, it is clear that the employment working conditions prevailing in the organisation from the respondent’s like 95% of the respondents are fully satisfied with their job and only 5 percent of total employees are not satisfied with their job.
Maximum number of respondents are fully satisfied with their service conditions. This suggests Osters Company has very good infrastructure & this encourage employees to work hardly.
7. Participant’s satisfactory response to Osters company’s promotion and transfer policies.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
Try to investigate the promotion and transfer policies prevailing in the Osters from the participants. Highly satisfied respondents are 92.5%, 7.5% of respondents are not satisfied.
So it shows that large no. of participant’s are fully satisfied with their promotion & transfer policies.
8.Respondents ’s reaction towards physical working circumstances.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
Concept: Considering the physical working circumstances prevailing the organisation.
Analysis :From the above information , it is shown that the physical working circumstances prevailing in the company from the staff members . 97.5% of the respondents are showing positive response, 2.5% of respondents are not satisfied.
A big number of respondents are satisfied with physical job conditions. This shows that the maximum number of the employees in the company is fully comfortable with their working environment.
9.Satisfaction level of staff in the Osters towards the relation existing between all subordinates and administration:
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
Concept:An effort is made to know the level of the employee’s relation existing with their subordinates and superiors.
Analysis :From this table, it is clear that the relationship between subordinates and management in the company from the respondents . 97.5% of the all participants are highly satisfied and 2.5% of participents are not very satisfied.
Maximum number of participants’ is content with relation existing between subordinates and administration. This shows that in Osters, there will be good relationship exists between the administration ,subordinates and superiors.
10. Employee’s response towards working hours.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
Concept:An effort is made to know the level of employee satisfaction towards working hours.
Analysis: From this given table, this is shown that the working time prevailing in the company from the participants is . 97.5% of the participents are highly satisfied and 2.5% of respondents are not satisfied.
Maximum number of workers are satisfied with working hours. This suggests that the working hours in the Oster are satisfactory .
11. Staff’s satisfaction towards conflict resolution.
No. Of respondent
% age of respondents
Quite Often
Concept: To know the satisfaction of the employees towards conflict resolution.
Analysis: It is shown from the that conflict resolution was shown from the majority of the respondent’s i.e. 30 percent of the respondents feel that they are always satisfied 7.5% feel quite often and 12.5% feel satisfied at sometimes, 15% are rarely satisfied and 35% are never satisfied with conflicts resolutions.
Interpretations:Maximum numbers of the respondents are not at all satisfied with the way conflicts are resolved .This shows number of employees are unhappy with the way of resolving the conflicts of Osters.
12. Workers ’s satisfaction response towards canteen services.
Positive responses %
Negative responses
Not sure
An effort is made to know the level of employee satisfaction towards canteen facilities.
From the above information, it is totally clear that canteen facilities existing in the company from the respondent’s i.e. 87.5% of the participents are highly satisfied, 12.5percentage of respondents are not satisfied.
Maximum numbers of persons are satisfied with the canteen facilities. This shows that the canteen facilities avail at Osters is sufficient for the employee’s need.
13) Employee satisfaction towards welfare measures.
a) Satisfaction level of intramural actions.
Medical facilities
Concept:An effort has been made to find the satisfaction level of intramural activities.
Analysis:The facilities provided inside the association must be such that workers will be satisfied with their job. From this above given table, it is evident that 90% of the participants are satisfied with medical facilities and 10% of them are satisfied with the compensation given by organisations at the time of accidents.
Interpretation:The largest number of employees are not satisfied with the costs for accidents but they are willing for medical facilities.Â
b) Staff satisfaction level towards extra mural activities MeasuresÂ
No. of satisfied
% age of respondents
Concept: An effort has been made to find out the satisfaction level of extra mural behavior.
Analysis: Not only the inside organisation facilities but outside conveniences must also be provided. From this table, it is evident that 67.5% of the participents are satisfied with housing accommodation, 12.5% of employees with education amenities have great dissatisfaction and with transportation services have 20% satisfaction.
Interpretation:Most of the workers are not fully contented with the Educational facilities.
14) .Staff’s satisfaction level towards bonus schemes.
Positive response
Negative respons
Concept: An attempt is made to find the satisfaction level of staff’s for provision of bonus.
Analysis: Provision of bonus defianatly will gives more hold to employees for better utilization of their inner skills. From this above given table, it is clear that 92.5% of the participants are satisfied with the current bonus facilities and 7.5% of them belongs to other unsatisfied group.
Interpretation:Most of the workers are satisfied with the provision of the bonus.
15) Employee satisfaction towards social security measures.
No of satisfied
% of dissatisfied
Provident fund
Concept: Try to find the satisfaction towards social safety measures.
Analysis: Job safety will be provided through this measures. From this given I
, it is shown that most of the pleased employees belong to Provident fund, 7.5% say positive response to pension plans and 17.5% say positive response to Gratuity and the rest 75% say yes to Provi dent fund.
Most of the employees are satisfied with PF schemes.
16) Worker’s satisfaction towards safety measures
No. Of responses
% of respondents
Negative response
Concept: To find the satisfaction towards security measures.
Analysis: Satisfaction of protection measures gives a feeling to staff that they are out of danger. From this given table, it's clear that 92.5% of the employees expressed their pleasure with the accessible safety measures in the organisation.7.5% of them are not satisfied.
Maximum numbers of workers are contented with the safety measures taken by the organisation.
17) Workers satisfaction towards overtime allowances.
No of Respondents
% age of Respondents
Non satisfied
Concept: A try to find the satisfaction towards overtime allowance.
Analysis: Over time allowance must be provided to workers and it indirectly increases productivity. From this given table, it seems that 80% of the employees in the organisation feel that their overtime allowances are not acceptable followed by the rest of the participants i.e., only 20% are satisfied.
Maximum numbers of participants are not satisfied with the overtime allowance given by the company.
The majority of the workers is satisfied with present job.
Workers are satisfied with excellent pay as the key motivation factor for work efficiency.
Employees are satisfied with salary offering at OSTER KNIT LTD.
The majority of the employees do not have their source of income.
The majority of the employees is placed by direct appointments by OSTER.
The majority of the employees are satisfied with employment conditions existing in the company..
The majority of the employees is satisfied with promotion and transfer policies.
Employees are pleased with physical working conditions.
Employees have a fine chemistry between labour groups i.e. Between different classes of job designations.
Employees are satisfied with working hours at Oster.
There is a mixture of opinions for disagreement being resolved , with maximum poll towards dissatisfaction.
Maximum workforce are satisfied with existing canteen amenities which providing first-class foods with quality to workers .
As part of intramural amenities , they prefer a medicinal facility to accident reimbursement.
Workers feel they require housing accommodation more than educational and transport facilities .
Most of the workers feel that the salary is not acceptable and salary offering plays a key role in worker satisfaction , in turn industrial growth.
Provision of sensible salary plays an important role in improving the standards of living this single factor is significant for a worker than any other. So that the organisation must provide adequate salaries to the workers.
Systematic planning reduce hurdles at work place and it ensures smooth run of work method. So the current means of planning the job would be maintained as before to achieve the goal very efficiently .
The common co-operation between at job place is very important to carry out the job at the right time , so the administration should take a private scope for communication with other departments.
Adequate canteen services would be necessary to sustain the health and safety of employees. So the canteen services must be improved and the management should vary in this regard.
Attractive schemes from Osters would activate workers and increase individualistic employment efficiency.
Additional and intramural facilities are also being boosted factor for the efficient work source.
Overtime allowances are sometime a inventive factor for organisational value and its hike factors.
7s framework is more expected frequency for an efficient work organisation .
Finding & suggestions are based on the survey carry out and these points are to be look into and steps are to be engaged in this regard for higher development.
From this analysis I conclude that job provides the opportunity to the workforce to exercise there skills at job .
Number of workers accepted that at times there is a significant flexibility in Co coordinating with labour and they are content with existing interpersonal communication in Oster Knit Ltd. They follow the organized planning and review process to appraise the performance of the employee .
From the examination it was checked that was there is a scope for the growth of working conditions of Oster limited salary wrap up would hike so that it can be on par with marketplace rates .
Finally I would like to conclude that employees are at Oster are satisfied with job and organisation.
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