Membership Of Industry Associations And Trade Bodies


02 Nov 2017

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Sazgar is a manufacturer of 4 Stroke CNG Auto Rickshaws (3 Wheelers) and Automotive Wheel Rims. Sazgar started its operation from September 21, 1991 as private company and later on, under the Company Ordinance 1984, transformed into a Public Limited company on November 21, 1994. The reason behind selecting this company for TQM project is that it’s a medium level company, having 800 employee and follow the traditional approaches of doing business.

In this case we covered two area relating TQM. First we talk about the complaints registered by dealers. We discuss that what problems dealers faces in delivered rickshaws. We came to know that the PDI team performance is not up to match which cause all the issues and at the time of accountability PDI head start the Blame game. We also discuss the solution implemented by the organization to get rid of these problem and the results are that there is 37% decrease in registered complaints. The limitation which company has to face during the implementation stage is also available in the case.

Second area which we covers is the main reason behind all these issues and that is lack of HR department. We discuss that how hiring and firing process go through with and without the consent of CEO and how this procedure result all these issues. We also mention the response of Top Management when Mr. Qaiser proposed the need of separate HR department.


In the ever growing energy shortages of Pakistan, one of the few industries that managed to survive is the Automotive Industry. Although it has been a dynamic and a growing area for a long time, it still lacks elements to be in the top automotive industries of the world. Pakistan is an emerging market for investments. However, the agonizing energy shortages hamper this growth opportunity of the country. Contrary to the government claims there are no foreign investments in real terms to match the ever increasing demands of industrialization.

Like a few other companies that flourished during Musharraf’s reign Sazgar Engineering Works Limited also saw a boom in the sale of their 4 Stroke CNG rickshaws. Sazgar Engineering Works Limited, now the market leader in CNG Rickshaws in Pakistan, was incorporated on 21st September, 1991 as a private limited company specializing in automotive parts.

The company performed exceptionally well and expanded its product line for three years after inception. As the company increased its operations the need to finance projects arose and it was due to this need that the company converted to a public limited company on 21st November, 1994 under the Companies Ordinance 1984. Currently the company’s scope of the business encompasses three areas:

Sazgar Auto

Automotive Wheel Rims

Home Appliances (Representing Whirlpool in Pakistan).

The Company CEO, Mr. Mian Asad Hameed and Director, Mr. Saeed Iqbal Khan, have three departments reporting to them:

Marketing, headed by General Manager, Mr. Syed Qaiser Ali

Accounts & Finance, headed by General Manager, Mr. Arshad Mahmood

Three Wheeler Project, headed by General Manager, Mr. Zubair Aamir


Quality is not just related with production or any product. So here we are going to analyze the company from different angles to understand those issues which directly or indirectly affects the overall quality of the company.

The first area which we are going to cover is the dissatisfied dealers of auto rickshaw. Newly appointed Marketing Manager, Faisal Saeed Khan who was also the son of the Director of Sazgar had to face frequent complaints coming from dissatisfied dealers who had received the rickshaws with some minor problems like a missing toolkit, a faulty electric system, a disconnected brake, a nonworking horn, an out of order indicator or a torn seat cover. We also tell you that how Mr. Faisal deals with this issue and what was the limitations he has to face and how he dealt with those limitations.

The Second problem which we are going to describe is regarding with HR and its responsibilities. Sazgaar don’t have any HR system then how company performs responsibilities of recruitment, training, performance appraisal and firing by whom? We also elaborates that what risks or damages company has to face directly or indirectly due to not having a formal HR department.


(Joiner, 2007) stated, in his study, a strong positive relation amid the degree of execution of organization performance and TQM practices. His study also indicates that organizational support (A2) and co-worker support (A1) moderated relationship between organization performance and TQM practices. His study put emphasis on the prominence of executing a complete TQM program containing the crucial practices of TQM, rather than executing a few selected practices.

(Guimaraes, 1994) pointed out in his study that Many of the basic elements of total quality management contain peoples, such as teamwork, employee empowerment, creativity, customer feedback, participative management, effective communication, employee and management support and trust.

(Mann & Kehoe, 1995) & (Montes, et al., 2003) highlights in their studies that any organization cannot realize the TQM benefits, if it do not understand the worth of human factor in implementing successful total quality management practices. (Hackman & Wageman, 1995) figure out that if a supportive organization environment implement TQM practices will result in a motivation of employees to work hard & smart to accomplish quality upshots for the organization.

(Ali, et al., 2012) find out in his study that organizational performance and internal service quality are positively correlated and s (Liang wang, 2010), (Yue-Xia, 2009) and (Qin-Nan, 2009). (Davis, 1994) asserts that organization should use internal service quality as an instrument of quality strategies of organization which will be helpful in reducing cost and increasing profitability for long run.

(Bahri, et al., 2012) elaborates that TQM execution has no noteworthy direct influence on organizational performance. They find out that improve performance can only gain in an environment, long run, where employees are committed to build a culture of quality. They pointed out that success is dependent on quality during this age of globalization. A company cannot meet with customer satisfaction without meeting quality aspects.


Dissatisfied Dealers. The Company had three departments namely: Accounts & Finance, Three Wheeler Project and Marketing. Where the Three Wheeler Project Department handled the production, the Marketing Department was responsible for the pre-delivery inspection, marketing, sales, after sales, warranty centers and customer complaints.

After Faisal joined the firm he was bombarded with frequent complaints coming from dissatisfied dealers who had received the rickshaws with some minor problems like a missing toolkit, a faulty electric system, a disconnected brake, a malfunctioning horn, an out of order indicator or a torn seat cover.

Now here is the stage when pre-delivery inspection comes into action. PDI is responsible for final testing before delivering. But above mentioned problems shows that the pre-delivery inspection team wasn’t performing its task up to the mark as under normal circumstances these problems should have been corrected before the rickshaw was to be loaded for delivery to the dealers. The normal procedure was that, after the production team of the Project Department sends the rickshaw to the PDI team, a test run for 20 minutes was carried out on every rickshaw in which the rickshaw is driven for 12km. In the test run the rickshaw is tested for alignment and other minor issues concerning the overall performance of the three-wheeler.

HR Department. In last quarter of 2011, Marketing Head, Syed Qaiser Ali had a meeting with the Director in which he had proposed the need for a separate Human Resource Department. And then Mr. Qaiser had figured out that the owners of the company were resistant to put more money at stake in the form of a new department. Mr. Saeed had clearly refused to accept that such a need existed. He had said ‘We work in one location that caters to almost 753 people, all working under one roof. Had they been working elsewhere like in Karachi or even at Mall Road, Lahore I would have agreed to start up a new department. You ask me who is the Head of the HR department? Ok I am. I will handle everything like I have been in the past."

Recruitment. No HR department meant all department heads were to hire their own employees to work under them. An employee with a max salary of Rs. 20,000 could be hired without approval from the CEO. Like a typical private firm the hiring and firing process was simple.

Hiring required a simple ad in a newspaper or a reference followed by an interview call and then standardized tests for all. For a typical low paid job the criteria was lower however, for other jobs that required functional expertise e.g. a Sales officer, the interview tested the practical knowledge. Hiring was also done by attracting employees of the competing firms who had the knowledge and the technical proficiency.

Firing. The firing of the employees could not be done without the consent of the CEO who required not only oral reasoning but written explanations as well. And convincing the CEO had never been an easy task.

Quality Control. Now we are going to see that how much company is worried about quality or how top management introduce quality in its policies.

The company’s Vision is "Dynamic, Quality Conscious and Progressive". Followed by the corporate strategy which was to

"Achieve optimal performance in production and sale; continuously adding value added products at competitive prices by maintaining "Quality" as core element; focus on customer’s satisfaction regarding sale, spares and service; explore new markets and enhance customers base; ensure right usage of company’s resources; create employment opportunities; protect the interest of stakeholders; and be a part of the country’s development."


One problem that particularly concerned Faisal was the lack of responsibility that Arsalan, the Pre Delivery Inspection team leader showed when held answerable for the failure in satisfying the dealers completely.

Every day, he would be called in by Faisal for his lack of commitment to rectify the mistakes previously made in ensuring delivery of a perfected rickshaw and every day he would have a new reason to blame the failure on the Production Department by pointing out a low quality wire resulting in a faulty electric system and a disconnected brake of the rickshaw, or a low quality leather resulting in a torn seat cover. It was therefore not unusual-in fact, it was routine- for Faisal to ask Arsalan the questions such as," Why was this problem not identified during the test run by the PDI team?"

Once there was an incident which urged Faisal to take an immediate action. The incident was that Faisal had went to a dealer in the market who was cursing people at Sazgar. When asked why so he took him inside the shop and showed him a recently delivered Sazgar rickshaw on the windscreen of which, was written with a marker "the horn is out of order". He then pressed the horn and found out that it still wasn’t working. He was thoroughly embarrassed and apologized for the carelessness of the Pre Delivery Inspection (PDI) team and promised the dealer that he will surely compensate for the inefficiency.

After coming back to his office Faisal had called Arsalan, the PDI team leader for accountability who, as expected, straight away refused to take the responsibility and blamed the failure on the low quality material used by the Production Department. After numerous warnings to Arsalan and continuous thinking, Faisal decided what had to be done. He knew that to sustain the position of the market leader he had to overcome complaints and perfect the performance of the rickshaws. To reach perfection the quality of the material did not need a change, because the same material had been used previously for years and had never registered complaints.

Faisal knew that the sole responsibility of such minor problems lied on the shoulder of the PDI team. The only thing that needed to be changed was the commitment and performance of the PDI team in ensuring excellence that Sazgar was known for in its tenure along with a new system that could hold the inefficient employee accountable for his failure. For this he decided to devise a new procedure whereby, he will document everything. Every rickshaw will have a unique ID number against which the member of the PDI team in charge of the inspection of that particular rickshaw will be recorded along with the details of the delivery of that particular rickshaw so that after the delivery if there was a problem the specific employee could be pointed out and held accountable.

Faisal faced two challenges. Firstly, the improvement in the performance of the PDI team required accountability and for that the PDI team had to adopt a new system to keep a record of all the test drivers against the rickshaws tested by them so that the failure could be traced to the specific test driver and ‘the blame game’ could come to an end. And this had to be done in the least costly way. Not only that but he had to convince the Director to give him the authority to implement the new system along with the proper documentation. Secondly, the dealers who were the loyal customers were to be compensated either through reimbursements or through services of the warranty centers, depending on the type of complaints.

In hiring we come to know that hiring was done by attracting employees of the competing firms who had the knowledge and the technical proficiency. Here the problem arise what the owners failed to realize was that this was also an external threat for the company. The recent attrition problem being faced by the company was due to the fact that the employees were attracted to work in competing firms on a slightly higher pay.


We conclude that Sazgaar has many growth opportunities in future. Company is committed towards quality but its action do not support the policies of the organization. The main problem is the conservative thinking behavior of top management. Top management do not realize the value of decentralize approach. Rigid behavior of the top management do not give the authority to subordinates to take necessary corrective actions. All the problems which company has to face are the result of mismanagement. Lack of HR department cause all the issues relating with quality or other aspects. One main thing which we realizes is that in hiring process there is no interface of CEO and on the other hand firing cannot be done without the consent of CEO. Any department can hire an employee due to its personal relation or any reference which may lead the company towards darkness. White collar employee’s firing required CEO consent but blue collar employees firing do not required CEO approval. And these firing can be happened on personal issues. So there is no proper HR system due to this all these mess happens.

If we talk about PDI team performance then we also conclude that no check and balance lead to these problems but the action taken by Faisal was outstand in our point of view. Through this action complaint rate decrease by 37%. This step just not only help to decrease the complaint rate but also increase the efficiencies of PDI team member. Every member of PDI team member knew that he is accountable for the inspection of each particular rickshaw. Through this company also maintain the database of employee’s performance and utilize the data to take any action against employee.

The upshot is that lack of HR department, check and balances and rigid behavior of top management leads to these problems. But the action taken by Faisal is very impressive.


We recommends that company should introduce the HR department in a proper way. This department helps the company to redefine the job description of each employee. Company should redefine its policies regarding quality control and move towards more decentralize approach.

We also recommend that company should use its research and development abilities to make more advance engineering based models of rickshaws because Sazgaar is market leader and its brand recognition is very strong. Sazgaar engineering abilities help the company to make such model which will help to reduce environmental pollution. These step also help the company to remain as market leader. But all these will be possible with formal HR department and the execution of new and improved policies.


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