Reflective Consolidation Paper For Global Leadership


02 Nov 2017

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Introduction to Leadership:

The paper illustrates the evolution of international leadership philosophies and its empathy on the formal and informal roles of an individual. Leadership is the power and integrity that can be influenced to bring change through a dynamic process. It is an initiative process where an individual identify an opportunity and respond positively towards accomplishing it through an appropriate action plan. It is a dynamic process which can also be termed with a state of mind. The paper depicts the reflection of the author’s leadership journey and the complexity involve in developing strong leadership skills over the period of time (Baruch, 2002).

Global leadership enriches individual’s position in the organisation such as the future executives or CEO’s of organizations. The international leadership requires competencies to carry out their responsibilities at a global level (Senge, 1990). The lack of competencies triggers enormous risk for the leaders of future as it is essential that the personal responsible for running the business activities has a dynamic personality and possess global leadership qualities to overcome any obstacles. The international leadership skills can also be rooted in the middle or lower level management (Senge, 1990).

Leadership Development

The leadership development revolves around several turning points which are further shaped into developing a perspective of an influential leader. A true global leader pushes forwards its vision into action and inspires others to join his mission. While going through tough competition at work, the resistance to overcome the dis equilibrium influenced by capability of becoming a leader through endeavouring various obstacles in life (Senge, 1990). Various principles changed believe in the foremost formal process of being a leader. The most integral decision was to investigate the issue and frame a reasonable theory to address the issue.

The issue is further testified and achieved through action plan engagement. It is also helpful if further learning is supplemented as it will further polish the qualities of being a global leader (Baruch, 2002). The peak in my career also shaped several events that changed and developed my perspective of becoming a global leader through determined motivation and believing in myself that helped in leading my team through tough time towards a prosperous future. The leadership dynamics attributed strong in depth learning skills and self determination to accomplish certain goals in my professional career and also towards bridging up the middle management and senior management through various issues (Jokinen, 2004).

Skills for Leadership:

To contribute towards a global leadership, professional life subjected me towards uniqueness and original ideas. The most important lesson learned for a good leadership are unique idea style and fresh thoughts. The coming up with an original idea is the foremost quality of being a leader. It is also essential to absorb the useful ideas and think about the specific direction that is new and unique (Jokinen, 2004).

The foremost thing for being a good leader is to do the things effectively with appropriate efficiency. The professional work experience taught me to work productively and do it correctly with full concentration rather than doing it way quickly (Baruch, 2002). A formulated vision with set of priorities is essential to accomplish bigger goals in life which can be achieved through making a balance between the urgent and lesser important things (Jokinen, 2004).

It is important for a good leader to be resilient and have tendency to make mistakes. An important skill for a true leader is to make mistake and learn from its mistakes. The leadership journey also helped me exploring the creative side and pulling out new ideas on the table and sharing it with my team members. A foremost leader possesses the quality of being efficient and self-confident in its own league and this can only be achieved through continuous efforts and trial errors for new experiences. An important skill learned during the leadership process is trying a new thing or an idea is never unsuccessful as it is a success in its own self due to its uniqueness as it’s created by you (Pochron, 2009).

Lastly, for global leadership, embracing the cultivated change and responding to it is an important leadership skill. A good leader spot the changes in the environment related to economics, technology or even ecology to tackle any situation affecting its team or organisation altogether (Pochron, 2009).

Leadership Value and Ethics:

An important attribute for a global leader is to value ethics and demonstrate an appropriate ethical behaviour for its subordinates or team members. During my term as chief of my division unit, I analysed that leadership style and action is encumbered with good ethics and sound moral behaviour as every action demonstrated acts as a learning tool for my team members and sub ordinates. An important aspect for a true leadership virtue is trust. My experience highlights that mistrust at work places is major flaw in the leadership style and if the team is not aware of expectations than they will not be productive at all (Heathfield, 2013).

The leader should demonstrate strong code of ethics and depicts a powerful leadership style that is based on integrity of its team and organisational goal. It can be influenced by developing trust at work place through perception of competence, adequateness for trusting the leader and its intentions. The appropriate leadership values tends to define the character of the leader and it’s important to highlight it with determination as it helps to influence the team in the best possible way ( Heathfield, 2013).


An important factor for a good leader is to attribute positive characteristics and leadership styles such as (Baruch, 2002):


It is an integral part of a good leader to motivate its team members. A global leader has a power to influence and motivate its management so that the time and efforts of the management can be utilised in a much productive way (Heathfield, 2013).

Satisfaction and Performance:

The satisfaction level can be achieved through continuous and vigorous efforts by the leader. During my term as my team leader at university committee, my aim was to accelerate the performance of my players in the upcoming tournament. The performance was accelerated by motivating players for hard work and constant sessions (Pochron, 2009).

Building Personal Credibility and influencing others:

The personal experience for developing leadership style is when I was tested as senior design team lead. It was more special because I volunteered for the team as it was a tough to team to make it or break it as a cutting edge leader. I have a great responsibility over my shoulders and thus break the whole project into different blocks so that the entire project can be monitored. There were circumstances beyond my control during my leadership for my team members. There was times when my efforts and team members were questioned due to the stalled performance (Jaques, 1989). I stood up for my team with full determination as everyone in my team worked really hard on the project. The setback was out of control, therefore loyalty and self-determination was evident in my leadership style to lead the project. I replied to the zeal and zest to the accusation against my team and the response was overwhelming. The situation also served as the greatest learning experience for my team. I gained respect for my character building by standing up for my team and struggled through the difficult time (Heathfield, 2013).

The respect I gave was the respect I earned in return. I have been able to apply my leadership style and experience in my work environment. It also helped me to overcome the adverse times and become a strong and loyal leader (Heathfield, 2013).

Groups, Team and Leadership:

An important lesson learned is to understand the value of the team. In my personal and professional life, harmony and moral belief is an important factor for a group leader. It is also important for a leader to invest in its people. And proclaim mutual understanding. If the message is communicated with great determination than the return will be abundant and so will be the productiveness (Heathfield, 2013).

As a leader, I intend to encourage moral behaviour and good ethics to my team mates rather than the arrogance for any selfish gain in my position (Jaques, 1989).

Being a global leader, I aimed to harmonized my team lead, and build as strong character to be fair and possess strong self-determination rather than cutting the edges of each other. The team work is an important factor and a good leader handles the pressure of building a strong team by portraying a strong leadership style that influencing its team members. The growth process can be indicated through strong learning curve and peer determination from the group as it will help them to learn from each other and spread the knowledge without ant barriers (Heathfield, 2013).

The Dark Side of Leadership:

The leadership has contributed to great ideas and change in the recent years but have also enthralled towards negative phenomenon as well. The ethical stance us necessary to maintain for the future leaders as their intrinsic behaviour and strong moral distinguish them from others and in certain cases can become problematic to set an example for their organisation or team members (Conger, 1999).

An important lesson learned during my professional career is not to lose focus on the subject matter and if the leader is diverted towards personal gains rather than the organisation as a whole that will portray a negative image for the entire organisation and the team members (Conger, 1999). The main skill that can contribute towards leadership is the strategic vision that shall coincide with the organisational and team member’s goal and not merely for personal goal. Secondly it will concentrate on the communication skills and management skills. If the message is not delivered properly to the team members or there is lapse in the organisational management due to mishandling, lack of ambitions and proper channel of communication than it can result in huge deficit for the organisation (Conger, 1999).

Lastly, the general management skills and best practices are essential for the leadership as it will indicate best management skills in the organisation and if the leader has a shadow character and does not possess any good management skill it could also result in the junior managers and team members indulge in immoral activities or bad management practices in the organisation (Conger, 1999).


The global leadership is subject to various management styles in various conditions. In the professional and personal goals, the attributes towards moral and ethical behaviour is essential. The leadership style should be influential and motivational towards its counterparts so that the integrity of the management is intact. It is also essential to bring the positivity among the team members by investing time and good leadership qualities (Jaques, 1989).


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