SCIRT Reference and Master Data Management Strategy


26 Jul 2017 13 Sep 2017

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Software development has been into existence for quite a long time. Today everything employs the need of software's and hardware's to do simple and complex tasks. In the beginning days when the process of software development was slow the use of 'code and fix' was used. This meant that there was no plan and organized layout to solve problems and instead involved the design to be built on short term decisions. This worked quite well for smaller systems but as the need and demand of software's increased in every cycle the need for planned development became the need of the hour. The alternative to the code and fix system was the use of Methodologies which made software development predictive efficient and a well-defined disciplined process.

Heavyweight modelling

These models are based on the design which follows the process of requirement gathering, development of the solution followed by testing and deployment in a sequential manner. In this system of software development, a complete set of requirement is prepared which is then followed by the architecture and high level design. A major drawback of this mode of software is that the development becomes cumbersome when small changes are required. (Javanmard & Alian, 2015).

Characteristics of heavyweight

Predictive approach

Heavyweight methodologies involve planning of a large part of software process in detail for a long span of time. This involves a predictive and repeatable approach. A lot of importance is given to drawings that focus on the need of the system and the way to resolve the issues. These drawings are then handed to another group which is then responsible of creating the system. These drawings build and acts as foundation to the construction process.

Complete Documentation

Documentation forms a key factor in the heavyweight and the big part of these methodologies is the big design upfront process. It is estimated that all the requirements of the customers can be gathered before the developers start coding. To gather all the requirements a sign off is taken from customer which is then followed by more documents in every phase.

Process Oriented

The main aim of developing a software using a heavyweight methodology is to develop such a system that can be used by everyone. The system involves several processes which consists of a number of tasks which would needed to be performed by managers, designers, developers and the quality assurance people.

Tool Oriented

There are a number of tools that are required for software development like code editors, compilers etc.

Agile modelling

The Heavyweight methodology also called as traditional system had proven to be efficient till the business world demanded an alternative way of software development and in 2001 a new term called as 'agile' came into existence. Seventeen process methodologists had a meeting together to discuss the future of software development. This new method of software development works with simple designs, short continual cycles, small deliverables.

Agile process is a combination of incremental and iterative process models which focus on customer satisfaction and process adaptability. The main advantage of the agile process is that the requirements are changeable according to customer needs. This way of design involves less planning as the tasks are divided into several segments. This process is mostly used for projects where the user requirements are not fully understood, which means that they can change from time to time. Some of the popular agile methods available today are Extreme programming, Lean, Scrum, Feature Driven Development, Kanban and Adaptive Software Development.(Mahdi JAVANMARD, 2015).


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