Hyundai Human Resources


23 Mar 2015 10 Jul 2017

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Keywords: hyundai shrm, shrm strategy hyundai


In order to explain about the strategic human resource management of an organization (Hyundai Motor Company) the forth coming headings are clearly portrait the necessary points. Learning outcomes are given with points which related to the topic. Each scenario is given in order to understand about strategy of human resources and how it effects in an organization. Strategic human resource management is given by different author and many are given common comments that it is concerned with human resource management which influence the organizational performance. It also reveals that strategic HRM is not the strategic plan but it is formal process that takes place normally in a large organization. Strategic HRM is not a strategic plan and it is related to principles which deal with the strategy. It is a planned way which used for implementing organization goals with policies and action. It is well that it anxious with long term people factory and high important about the structure, culture, quality, values and resources which decided for the future commitments. Organizational level, Focus and Framework are considered as the main features of strategic human resources management.

Importance of strategic human resource management

Strategies of an organization are become very important now a day due to taking care of customers needs and their responsibilities and competitors moves.

Large number of organization is used strategies to overcome the competition from the competitors.

Hierarchy of a company is considering secondary comparing the human resource management due to just because of the policy which framed for the growth of an organization.

In present scenario strategic human resources management become most important and it is termed as long term results picture.

It is focuses on the long term objectives of an organization

It is not only focus on internal affects but also focus on addressing and solving problems which also affects long run management programs

It is consider very important because its major goal is to increase production by focusing on business problem that faces externally

Strength and weakness of an organization are revealed soon when the organization has strategic human resource management

Were it is considered as over all performer strategic tool in an organization Joan E. pyens, 2008,

Purpose of strategic human resource management activities in an organization.

Hyundai motor company is auto base manufacturing company and it is a division of the Hyundai kia automotive group. This company is the largest company in the country is South Korea and fifth largest company in the world. Seoul is the Headquarter and it is the world largest operation in integrated automobile manufacturing. It concentrates more on environment sustainability by focusing on internal governance programs and developing new technologies. It has various components to sustain in the world as biggest manufacturing unit in auto sector. It is well known Hyundai Company is making significant progress in the strategic management of their sustainability efforts and also in developing new technologies.

Hyundai motor is nothing but to improve the productive contribution of individuals as well as attainting the society benefit and objectives of an organization and individual in present world. Human resource management normally all knows as it concerned with the people and make effective working environment in an organization. So to keep effective and efficiently the working place of Hyundai Motor it has been started using strategically and it is termed as strategic human resource. The following are few points of the purpose of SHRM in Hyundai Motor (Robert D. Gatewood, Hubert S. Feild, Murray R. Barrick, 2008)

To keep organization as competitive advantage against competitors

To study about the employees and framed objectives of an organization

Due to radical change in human resource management and to keep stable and to allow the growth of organization the strategic human resource management is necessary.(Robert D. Gatewood, Hubert S. Feild, Murray R. Barrick,2008)

Contribution of strategic human resource management to the achievement of an organization's objectives

The following are the Hyundai motor plans for the betterment of the organization's growth and fame. The plans are suggested to implement of this strategy and recommended to measure for evaluation and control of performance.

In Hyundai Motor, Policies, programs, practices and approaches are the various ways of contribution by the strategic human resource management to achieve the business. The responsibilities in Hyundai of the personnel increase day by day to contribute in a various method to bring higher growth than the competitors. Strategic human resource management's major function is to develop the short term and long term objectives which termed as mission and vision of the organization. Trevor Amos, Adrian Ristow, Liezl Ristow, Noel J. Pearse, 2009,

It has best plan that to concentrate on environment, society, product responsibility, corporate citizen and also as a whole to improve the company. This SHRM acts as a motivation tool among the employees to attain his or her personal goals and simultaneously maximizing his contribution to business success. Competitors are taken as a bigger consideration for the growth and the contribution are given in different way by human resources management with strategy of Hyundai Motor. Trevor Amos, Adrian Ristow, Liezl Ristow, Noel J. Pearse, 2009,

Business factors which underpin human resource planning in an organization

Various factors are presented for supporting the human resource planning in an Hyundai Motor. Strategy has various tactics to bring moral support for the Hyundai motor on behalf of human resource planning.

To achieve organization goals the companies needs greater support and it termed as factors and this factor are nothing but the following

Mission and objective of the company is the main support for the organization to plan in a better way to bring the business as top most

New innovation is the next support factor for the planning in the human resource to achieve target

Due to various external aspects the managers are forced to change their mind set and act accordingly to the affects and because of those factors it influences the working condition of the employees. For the productivity and accountability the better system are required to achieve the given goals

In this competitive world the business are should plan in such a way to run the business. The improvement of the manager should supervise it labor force in a manner that is should provide new information and try to implement new things

Remuneration part should be actively given new things to plan for the betterment of organization with considering greater strength as employee

Suppliers and market are also larger supporting part so it also consider as underpin for the human resource planning in an organization. (Margaret Foot,Caroline Hook, 2008,)

Human resource requirements in a given situation

Human resource is a very important department in an organization and they need a specific assessment steps to known the accurate requirement in Hyundai Motor. The following are the steps to find the requirements for the company in human resource.

Gap analysis

Gap analysis is very important performer in an organization and it is first step to find between actual performance and expected performance of the organization. Also the employee's performance has gap between against existing standards and also future employees.

Present status of the Hyundai are should be analyzed to know the organization goals, climate and both internal and external limitation

After analyzing the current situation the necessary condition for the company should implement. This analysis focuses on standard and skill and knowledge which needed for the establishment.

So it is clear the need and purpose are easily indentifies when the gap analysis are take place in an organization. Same way in the human resource development also it is applicable to assess the requirement (Margaret Foot,Caroline Hook, 2008,)

To identify important and main activities

The main activities of present situation of Hyundai Motor are considered to accomplish new better ways to attain the goals without any obstacles. The needs are should address clearly to the top management to establish the need plan for the betterment of an organization.

Causes of performance problem

The performance is a main theme of Hyundai Motor and when it comes under human resource department then its activities are the main activity. So the performance requirement are should assess in human resource to implement the best to get performance from the employees.(Margaret Foot,Caroline Hook, 2008,)

Identifying the possible solutions

After all above three assessment steps finally the possible solutions are should be planned accordingly to benefit the present situation in Hyundai Motor. Also it should focus on future trend and technology which will face sure.

Develop a human resources plan for an organization

To develop the human resources plan for Hyundai Motor organization the following steps are consider best way to develop with strategy

Aware of strategy


Mission statement set clear


SWOT analysis


Human resource analysis


Identify critical issues


Solutions and influence


Best action plan implementation and evaluation (George Bohlander, Scott Snell, 2009,)

Critically evaluate how a human resources plan can contribute to meet an Hyundai Motor objectives

Human resource plan is nothing but to improve standard of an employees as a whole for the success of the organization. According to the objectives, the human resource strategies are framed and implemented. Human resource plan is accomplished based on the goals which set for the achievement in a Hyundai Motor. The following point reveals that how the evaluation takes place to analyze the contribution of human resource plan to the objectives (George Bohlander, Scott Snell, 2009,)

The function of the human resource are framed according to the objectives of the business and thus it is easy way to assess how far it works with the employee

The assessment sheet are distributed among all people to know how the business are taking place in present situation

The objectives which set for the organization are evaluated with the performance of the business activities

Current practices of the human resources are analyzed with the performance of the employees and the market too to evaluate the performance given and desired.

If the plan does not works out with the better results than it is suggested to meet outsourcing strategies and collaboration strategies to being competitive advantage

3.1 Purpose of human resource management policies in organization

In human resources management department the policies are the main features considered in an organization. The policies are included both for the employees and the organization. Main purpose of HR policies is to provide an organization with a mechanism to manage risk by staying up to date with current trends in employment standards and legislation. Robert J. Greene, 2010,

The following are policies which framed for the employees regarding human resource:

  • Organization nature and goals
  • The expectation framed which should be made from the organization
  • The organization performance affects with expectation
  • Policies and procedure are worked in what method

The impact of Hyundai Motor human resource management policies and procedure and practice of organization performance is very important in the meadow of human resource department. The enterprise of policies can help Hyundai Motor both internally and externally which meets the requirement s of all commitments and corporate governance. Robert J. Greene, 2010,

3.2 The impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in an organization

The impact of regulatory requirement on human resource policies of Hyundai Motor are as follows:

  • Recruitment process and induction

It is the first and foremost requirement by the human resource policy for Hyundai Motor. This has many responsibilities for an organization. Workforce is made in this policy. Dealing with job application, specification and description and which leads to selection process, interviews, medical reference and appointment. Induction is nothing but the programs which made for the employees to better understand the working condition and nature of job. ( S.K. SHARMA,2009)

  • Training and development

Training and development is the next main policy has regulatory impact on human resource of Hyundai Motor. This covers not only activities which improve job performance and also growth of personality. It helps in the process of individual towards maturity and actualization of the potential capacities so that they become not only good employees but also good human being.

  • Performance management

In order to establish the best organization in the industry the performance of the company is analyzed so the performance management should take place as important consideration for the growth of an organization in Hyundai Motor. The goals and work which framed for the employee are considered regulatory requirements to care as much as possible to bring good results (S.K. SHARMA, 2009)

  • Disciplinary and grievance policy

Disciplinary policy makes an employee to be perfect in Hyundai Motor. So there is regular impact on this policy of human resource. This brings good conduct code in all means to bring performance related to desire one. Grievance policy is the policy which useful in keeping the employees in a present status and ongoing best performance of the employee.

The impact of an organizational structure on the management of human resource

In Hyundai Motor, Organizational structure is a focus point of the authority from the top level to the lower level. It brings the line management authority to the lower labor in an organization. The function of the human resource also structured to make strong concept of subordinates and most companies are framed organizational structure based upon the size which present in the organization. The common impact of the organization structure on the management human resources are as follows:

  • The human resource process when implemented with the structured ways then the policies are clear to all level of the management and there is no problem arise due to unknown.
  • When the organization structure are clear in human resources the policies are developed accordingly so that the impact like best performance and time management are established in Hyundai Motor.
  • In different structured format the benefits are given and based on that the human resource policy are should framed and that brings better valuation in the business
  • According to the each functions the human resource should structured with the organization so that it brings smooth process than quarrel (Anne Bogardus, 2009)

The impact of Hyundai Motor culture on the management of human resource

Human resource is a very big concern in all organization and that deals with employees. Culture of an organization will affect the human resources. Present scenario the culture is considered as very important aspects and that directly deal with human resource. According to the culture variation the human resources also get impact through it. Traditional way of culture will have major impact on human resource management. Human resources will have most benefit of culture when the policies are framed according to their process. (Anne Bogardus, 2009)

  • Before implementing the policies are culture of an organization considered as main problem to rectify it
  • Culture is common way which followed by the past years and policies are framed according to better performance by the employee and also betterment of the organization.
  • Qualitative culture method affects major part of the human resource in a positive manner
  • A quantitative approach such as culture surveys reveals that it affects both cross sectional and knowledge based cultural change initiates

The effectiveness of human resources management is monitored in an organization

The major effectiveness of human resources management is achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Hyundai Motor takes business in a standard form with best working environment and focus on the better results of the organization. It gives best performance way to the organization and strategic level other than pay roll, recruitment process.Robert N. Lussier, 2008

It is the main theme of performance of an organization so this is the best way to analyze the major effectiveness of an organization and condition. It aims to bring the company on focusing and directing towards achieving high range of competency and most successful business among the competitors

Stakeholders of Hyundai Motor are also satisfied when the human resource department present in a best way to treat the company to take place. Development of the business are easily framed by the human recourse based on the standard which already followed

Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in Hyundai Motor

The following are the recommendation to improve the effectiveness of human resource management in an organization.

First and foremost step is to examine the Strategic HRM and the practices which follow by the organization and their impact on the resultsRobert N. Lussier, 2008

Commonly the organization can evaluate the utilization of the information which to determine the HR activities through the performance of the business. So Hyundai Motor when once when find there is change then automatically the practice is should be change accordingly for the betterment of an organization and employee

It is recommended to examine the culture and climate before going for the strategic human resource management.

Here it is well known the cost of the HR activity does not known clearly so the value of the activity are discussed perfectly to maintain the best investment strategy to create competitive advantage. Robert N. Lussier, 2008


The above mentioned emergence of Hyundai Motor SHRM clearly reveals that there is a connection between strategy human resource management and successful plan. It shows that it plays very important role and in different time to manage the situation. So according to the concept of the human resource Hyundai Motor the strategy is redesigned to achieve the target and goals of an organization. Robert N. Lussier, 2008


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