The business of Unilever Bangladesh Limited


23 Mar 2015

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The origin dates back to 1964, when the first Manufacturing Operations were set up as a part of Lever Brothers Pakistan operations. After independence, it was incorporated as a separate Company under the laws of Bangladesh. Later on the Company diversified into different categories.

Over the the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily problems of life.  Over 90% of the country's households use one or more of our products.

It's a Fast Moving Consumer Goods company with local manufacturing facilities, reporting to regional business groups for innovation and business resultsUnilever contains 60.75% shares,and The Government of Bangladesh-39.25% of total shares.

The company has a Soap Manufacturing factory and a Personal Products Factory located in Chittagong. Besides these, there is a tea packaging operation in Chittagong and three manufacturing units in Dhaka, which are owned and run by third parties exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh. The main products which are famous in Bangladesh are: Wheel, Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton Taaza, Pepsodent, Clear, Vim, Surf Excel, Rexona, Dove, Vaseline & Lakme. And these products are categorized into 8 divisions: Household Care, Fabric Cleaning, Skin Cleansing, Skin Care, Oral Care, Hair Care, Personal Grooming, Tea based Beverages.

Unilever Operations in Bangladesh provide employment to over 10,000 people directly and through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99.5% of UBL(Unilever Bangladesh Limited) employees are locals and it have equal number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever companies as Expatriates.

(1.2) Objectives of the Study

The report contains the Recruitment and Selection process of Unilever Bangladesh. It includes:

1) Recruitment system of Unilever Bangladesh

2) Recruitment process

3) Recruitment Policies

4) Selection Process

5) Application Process and,

6) Purpose and Principles of Unilever Bangladesh.


The report had been made by using descriptive analysis. The information's are gathered from different souces,papers and analyzed among us and presented. We have also included our own findings and Analysis and recommendations along with a conclusion.

(1.4)Sources of Data

Secondary Sources:

We have used secondary data which we have collected from internet, printed ads and from various news websites.

(1.5)Limitations of the study

While doing the report we have faced various problems as in the form of limitation:

The information's regarding their expatriate,repatriate,HCN(home country national),PCN(parent country National) is not well described in the website.

They were not ready to give us information regarding their whole process of Recruitment and Selection, when we contacted them through phone.

The information is very limited in the particular website.

The report may contain some weaknesses as we have made the report totally depending on secondary data's.



Recruitment and Selection


Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening, and selecting people for a job or vacancy within an organization. Though individuals can undertake individual components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations generally retain professional recruiters.

According to Decenzo and Robbins, "Recruitment is a matching process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies or from another perspective, it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs and to fill and those seeking jobs".

(2.2)Different Approaches of Recruitment

There are 4(four) approaches of Recruitment:

Ethnocentric Approach

Polycentric Approach

Geocentric Approach and

Regiocentric Approach.

The descriptions of each are given in the next page.

Ethnocentric Approach

An Ethnocentric Staffing policy is one in which all key-positions in a multi-national being filled by parent-Country Nationals(PCN)

Polycentric Approach

A Polycentric staffing policy is one in which Host Country Nationals(HCN) are recruited to manage subsidiaries in their own country and Parent Country Nationals(PCN) occupy positions at corporate head-quarters.

Geocentric Approach

A Geocentric Approach is one in which the Best People is recruited for the jobs through out the organization, regardless of nationality.

Regiocentric Approach

A Regiocentric Approach is one in which region wise Human resource Management(HRM) policies are adopted. It involves with functional rationalization on a more than one country basis. According to this approach Host Country National(HCN) and Third Country National(TCN) are recruited for the organization.

(2.3)Factors affecting Recruitment

There are many factors affecting Recruitment. These factors may be considered in to 2(two) broad Groups: Internal Factors, External Factors.

Internal Factors

External Factors

Image of the Organization

Image of job or attractiveness of job

Size and growth potential of the organization

Internal Policies

Trade union requirement

Recruiting budgets

Demographic factors

Governmental requirements


Labor Market

(2.4)Different Sources of Recruitment

There are basically 2(two) types of sources from where potential employees can be drawn their new employees. These are: Internal Sources and External Sources.

The most widely used channels by applicants and Recruiters are:

Private Placement Agencies

Professionals or Executive Research Firms

Educational Institutions

Professional Associations

Walk-ins and Write-ins

Advertising Agencies

Labor Union

Voluntary Organization

State Employment

(2.5) Selection

Selection is the process of gathering information for the purpose of evaluating and deciding who should be employed in particular jobs. It is the technique of choosing a new member of organization from the available candidates.

According to Dale Yoder "Selection is a process by which candidates are divided into class-those who will be offered employment and those who will not".

According to Blare "Selection is the process of choosing from among available applicants the individuals where are most likely to successfully open for a job".

According to Decenzo and Robbins, Selection is a continuous process which consists of the following EIGHT Steps:

Initial screening in the interview

Completing the application form

Employment List

Comprehensive Interview

Background Investigation

A conditional job offer

Medical or Physical Examination

The permanent job offer

(Source: Book-Human Resource Management (Seventh Edition), Page No-170.)

(2.6)Selection Process

The Selection process is a series of steps through which applicant pass. If anyone fails to qualify for a particular step he/she will not be eligible for appearing the next step.It is the decision process which involves on the following steps:

1. Reception of Application

2. Screening

3. Application Blank

4. Employment Tests

5. Interview

6. References

7. Medical Examination

8. Hiring decision or Employment


The above Figure shows the selection process Start with the Reception of the Applicant and Ends with Hiring Decision or Employment.

(2.7)Factors need to be Considered in Selection Process

The Selection process needs to consider the following 2(two) Factors:

A. Individual Factors

B. Situational Factors

Technical Ability

Cross-Cultural Suitability

Family Requirement

Country-Cultural Requirements


MNE(Multi-National Enterprise) Requirements




It also includes some other Factors:

1) Dual Career Couples

Finding employment in the same company

Inter company networking ---Support for commuter marriage

Job haunting assistance ---On assignment career assistance

2) Family Considerations

Children Education

Children Marriage

The problem of single parent

3) Work permits refusals (particularly for other members of the family).

(2.8)A Comparison between Recruitment and Selection

Finding out Vacancies

Job Analysis

Attracting a Field



Offer and Acceptance


1.Finding out Vacancy: It may be either replacement or new creation

2.Job Analysis: It leads to the writing of a job description and a person specifiation.

3.Attracting a Field: Its applicationt's choice of appropriate field.

4.Short-Listing: Sorting out candidates by comparing applications with requirements.

5.Selection: It can be done in two processes-By taking interview or by taking tests.

6.Offer and acceptance: Offer comes from the employer to the successful candidate. It may be accepted or not.

7.Induction:It means the introduction of the new recruit into the organization.


Recruitment and Selection System in Unilever Bangladesh(UBL)

An Encouraging enterprise

Unilever Bangladesh is committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of its company. Unilever Bangladesh Recruits, employ and promote employees on the sole basis of the qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed. Its committed to safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. Unilever never uses any form of forced, compulsory or child labour. Its committed to working with employees to develop and enhance each individual's skills and capabilities. Unilever Bangladesh respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. It maintains good communications with employees through company based information and consultation procedures.

Unilever continued success depends on new ideas, so it do everything to create an environment that contributes to that. Unilever people are some of the most innovative and inspiring in the industry, and it want to keep it that way. Peoples of Unilever have a passion for achievement, always strive for outstanding results, and build effective relationships inside and outside the company.

Recruitment policy is one of diversity, of both culture and background. Unilever always support the individual in realising their potential and recognising the value of "difference". As a business with millions of diverse consumers all over the world, Unilever want to offer that same diversity in the workplace. 

(3.1)Recruitment System in Unilever Bangladesh

Passion  to win-The Requirements Unilever expects from An Employee

Because you have the energy and drive to improve business results, you overcome obstacles and are prepared to take risks. You look for new opportunities and are never satisfied with the status quo.

Business focus

You never lose sight of the needs of consumers and customers. You understand how they are affected by trends and use this knowledge to create value.

Intellectual skills

You see the 'big picture' and can make an objective analysis of what needs to be done before taking action to get there. You're creative, you explore new approaches and are alert to new trends and patterns.

People skills

Your leadership style inspires others to raise their standards and achieve ambitious goals. You're adept at influencing and gaining support from colleagues. You're keen to understand others and are an effective team player, with a commitment to team objectives rather than your own interests.


You have integrity. You're prepared to stand up for your own convictions and values, and take difficult decisions that challenge the norm. You're able to learn from your mistakes and successes.

(3.2)Working in Unilever Bangladesh

Recruitment Policies

Unilever Bangladesh, created an environment where people with energy, creativity and commitment work together to fulfil ambitious goals. And it looks forw highest standards of professional excellence and integrity.

Starting out

Most career areas are open to graduates of any discipline, although there are some exceptions. If you know which area interests you, great - but it's good to keep an open mind and find out about all the opportunities Unilever offers.

Moving on

As an experienced professional, Unilever want to see how you can meet your career aspirations and where you can best apply your skills and expertise.

(3.3)Selection System in Unilever Bangladesh

Unilever culture-Application Process of Unilever Bangladesh

The Unilever culture is very important to them. Its aim is to create an environment that will allow employees to flourish. It's worth thinking about whether the career goals fit in with business, what can offer you, and what Unilever need from the employees.

If you decide to apply, we've included some tips below that might be useful.

Application form

Your application form is the first chance you have to make a good impression. It's worth taking the time make sure you're completely happy with it:

Answer all the questions

Remember that, some fields are compulsory in online application forms. You won't be able to proceed without completing them.

We'll want to discuss the answers you give when you have your interview, so keep a copy of the form.

Curruculum Vitae(CV)

If you live in a country where a CV is part of the selection procedure, remember to:

Bring a copy to your interview.

Think about the role you're applying for, and tailor your CV accordingly. Relevant skills, Experience, Training and Development are all vital in deciding who gets the job. Make sure that yours are represented clearly. 

A single page doesn't tell us much about you, but a good CV should never be more than two to three pages. 

The interview

Your interview is a chance for us to get a picture of you and your abilities, and to see if you have the innovation, drive, and ambition we're looking for

Remember that it's a two-way process - you need to get an insight into how we work too. Feel free to ask questions.

Be punctual - turning up late never leaves a good impression .

We're not looking for "right" or "wrong" answers. We'll avoid using closed or leading questions, and give you the opportunity to be honest and realistic about what you think and know. If you're open with us, it's a much more constructive process and will help both you and us decide whether we're right for each other

We'll ask you about situations you've experienced, so you should be ready to give real examples. Your roles and responsibilities don't all have to be work-related. Think about achievements you've had in other contexts as well - socially, academically, or in the community.

Do some background research on Unilever, and give yourself an understanding of our business and spheres of interest.

Finally, Try to relax! Interviews are an important part of the process and can be nerve-wracking. Smiling and looking confident and comfortable creates a great impression .

(3.4)Purpose and Principles of Unilever Bangladesh

Always working with integrity

Conducting our operations with integrity and with respect for the many people, organisations and environments our business touches has always been at the heart of our corporate responsibility.

Positive impact

We aim to make a positive impact in many ways: through our brands, our commercial operations and relationships, through voluntary contributions, and through the various other ways in which we engage with society. 

Continuous commitment

We're also committed to continuously improving the way we manage our environmental impacts and are working towards our longer-term goal of developing a sustainable business.

Setting out our aspirations

Our corporate purpose sets out our aspirations in running our business. It's underpinned by our code of business Principles which describes the operational standards that everyone at Unilever follows, wherever they are in the world. The code also supports our approach to governance and corporate responsibility.

Working with others

We want to work with suppliers who have values similar to ours and work to the same standards as we do.

(3.5)Employees View

"I was first attracted to Unilever by its reputation for sound and innovative science, and its reputation as an excellent employer. I have to say I have certainly not been disappointed!"--Dr.Carol Courage (Safety & Environmental Assurances) July,2000.

"I am tremendously lucky to be working for a company like Unilever. There is a high quality, enthusiastic team here at Colworth and the facilities at our disposal are first class. I joined the business after completing my PhD at York University in 1980 and have never looked back." -- Ian Norton (Scientist) Colworth,UK, June 2006.

(3.6)Personnel Selection Process Between Bangladesh and Australia

Typical Personnel Selection Typical Personnel Selection (In Bangladesh) (In Australia)

__________________________ _______________________

Application Form Application Form

Curriculum Vitae(CV) Aptitude Tests

Interview Assessment Centre

Hiring Decision Final Interview

Hiring Decision


Findings And Analysis

Most career areas are open to graduates of any discipline, although there are some exceptions. Its better to select the perfect post and then apply accordingly.

Brand Management is an exciting profession at UBL,where one is responsible for the growth and profitability of the brand. The strength and integrity to take tough decisions when necessary.

UBL research and develpoment centres located around the world help to respond fast to changing needs, tastes and trends among consumers everywhere.

The selection process differs and varies from country to country(See selection process between Bangladesh and Australia).

UBL employees are locals and it have equal number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever companies as Expatriates.

UBL never uses any form of forced, compulsory or child labor.




We have analyzed and found out some of the recommending concerns which will make Unilever Bangladesh to be much more better and good Multi-national Organization. The recommendations are listed below:

The website should contain more information regarding Recruitment and Selection process in Bangladesh.It only contains general informations.

The recruitment and selection process should be same regarding country-wise.

There is too little focus in the research and too little attention for the needs of industry.

4) A significant decrease in the number of students of science subjects, which means that the effective filling of vacancies is at risk, also within Unilever.

5) In future, successful solutions need to satisfy several criteria:

They should be economically viable,

They should be attractive to consumers, and enable them to reduce resource consumption and waste generation at point of use.





The study of whole situation regarding Recruitment and Selection process of Unilever Bangladesh is in a challenging position right now.Over the past 100 years Unilever have made a great contribution to cleanliness, personal hygiene and public health. In the next 100 years, it will face challenges no less great, and rewards that will be just as exciting.Unilever will continue to compete through its brands.

Unilever have confidence in the ability of its industry to rise to the sustainable development challenge,which is a major problem.

Unilever believes that,it can make a good difference with a positive force of change,and is should be start now.



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