The Contribution Of Technology In Customer Driven Process


02 Nov 2017

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In an airline industry, all organisations are selling their services; they all are focusing on customers. Zeta air looking on that, the customers enjoy the flights with them through quality check in, check out services and ground handling process, even company looking to hire local ground handling staff at every airport they using to achieve strategic advantages over the competitors. Therefore, after discussion of the various needs and quality standards for quality customer services provision, then the final agreement will reached.

Task 1 the key aspects of how an airline can define its customer service aims and customer service values

Airlines industry performs services for customers; they are transporting them and their belongings from one place to another on agreed price. The airline business is same like other businesses and provides services like banks and insurance etc. There is no physical product is given to customers.

Customer service; Customer Services are key factor for the success of any organisation or company. Excellent customer service helps to generate profitability. A great customer service needs organisational commitment. Generally customer services are directly related with the behaviour of people those are dealing at front line with customers. Customer service is very broad, this is very important for every organisation to focus on their customer and that’s why many writer, "written quality customer service is key to success and life line for business". In 1954 Peter Drucker written in his book the Practice of Management, "There is only one valid definition of business purpose – to create a customer."

Customer service aim and objective; customer services are very important part of the every organisation. Customers are valuable assets of the company, without customers no organisation can exist their business and nor survive either. Every organisation wants to satisfy customers with excellent service quality encourage and impress them to repeat business and even they recommended to associates as well.

The proposed aim and objective for Zeta airline: Zeta air is new UK BASED Airline is available in Western Europe and quickly expanding organisation around south-eastern EU and other various European regions mainly their aim is to establish in Europe, UK and linked with other globally destinations, this is only possible when they provides quality services as customer expecting from them.

Providing employees with the information and processes necessary to know their customers

Identify customer needs and effectively develop quality orientated relationships between the companies.

Zeta committed to provide attractive, desired service and developed luxurious to their clients on the competitive basis and affordable prices.

They are growing organisation; trying to provide best possible service to their clients that attracting them to get repeat business. For example good inbound and outbound facilities, loading, carrier services, good and experience check in and check out staff.

Growing up their services accordingly customer’s expectations and demands, and effective customer services, staff must demonstrate clear understanding about expectations and personal needs for travelling and develop good relationship between them, which makes high-quality connection.

Vision; our vision is provide best service on the basis of customer satisfaction level. And want to reach worldwide with great deal of services and build an image that most reachable company in airline industry, that provide a total understanding with, and commitment to the overall mission and goals of the proposed Zeta airline.

Mission; mission of the Zeta air is to moving within the committed service to lead the industry, and providing reliability quality service, safety and sense of uniqueness etc. And want to set new standards in air line industry to use best technology in the world that will be comparatively high quality and with all attractive features based on the needs, wants, comfort, and convenience of the customer and the freight user. It will help to provide strong customer contentment. And our target is satisfaction of customer expectations through dedicated service.

Customer Service value; Customer service values are set out through a strategically approach that is action plan and realising vision of the organisation and helps to achieve objectives of the company. Zeta airline identify their core values that providing goods and services to the customers, it may consider as customer value proposition. This is commitment to customers to provide good quality services with enormous benefits for inbound and outbound services at every stage or platform in company. For example in airline industry to remain competitive a company need to provide high class services on competitive rates with attractive benefits that are make sense and provide the sense of belongings with the organisation. One very important point is that company provide services as displayed in advertise or committed.

Customer retention; as for the context of competitive environment, zeta air focusing on customer retention, this is a process that keeping customers through meeting the needs and exceeding the expectation of them. It is an approach to target a casual customer to a loyal customer. Customer retention will make a company to enable to minimise the cost in terms of taking over a new customer. So customer retention cost is less than to the cost of customer acquisition. Retain customer would help company to build positive image in the mind of customer that are helps to acquire a new customer (CR Management 2003 P33). Customer retention benefits are;

Customer by chance

Occasional customer

Customer by choice

Loyalty of customer

Repeat customer

In all these segments a companies approach to convert a customer to a loyal customer by great service provision and build relationship with emotion and commitment which will be provide long term benefits to Zeta.

Task 2 the steps that can be taken to ensure that the proposed partnership is a ‘listening organization’

Listening organisation: Listening organisation is a way to collect customer feedback to find about how people think and react about product and services, collective information will helps to improve quality of services and goods. It is a systematic way to gather information about changing habits, needs and expectations of the customers. Information data gives considerable understanding of customer behaviour that helps to improve the customer service performance. It is very important to understand how organisation pleases and impress the customers. It will help company to determine the best ways to meet their requirements and improve the quality of products in the future. It will give you competitive advantages in the market.

There are various popular methods of collecting information/opinion from customer are helpful and beneficial to attract them are:

Telephone surveys

Postal surveys

Online mail survey

Face-to-face interview

On and on interview

Customer Complaint

A listening-centred approach gives enormous benefits: All of these methods are effective to collect information and offers enormous benefits, some drawbacks. These surveys provide useful information from customers. Every organisation spending lot money to arranging these surveys and the collective information brings series of benefits to company. All these collected statistics are important and helps through making decisions. All the organisations want to get is providing quantitative and qualitative feedback.

These above mentioned methods of arranging information or data of customer opinion through the segment of listening to customer depends on different factors. For example like product or services are selling by company. So "listening organisation" provide enormous benefits to organisation to improve quality of services that are providing by organisation. Therefore, this information is helpful to improve quality of services and level of customer satisfaction. It will be a valuable source of information that considering changes and tracking improvements.

Evaluation and analyse of collected information: customer satisfaction measure is very complex and there is no specify method available to do that. Therefore this collection method provides some subjective judgement about what features will be involve in customer service and to be measured. Customer satisfaction level is about one positive aspect that each organisation want to judge by the listening method. And some important questions are about any specific services that organisations want to get answered like quality of services, employee attitude that can huge effect and impact on the company and influence the services.

The most common approach to measuring customer satisfaction is to identify the rating system about services that scale tells how a customer react to get the service or after use it. For example if Zeta airline wants to get information from the customers then they are give the survey form to the clients those are travelling with zeta and it is about 0 to 5 level that describe (feedback) dissatisfy, satisfy, very satisfy and top level is feel an environment that customer want. These data are helping to identify the customer’s expectation, need to improve the performance, and provide quality customer services.

Overall opinion of customer is valuable to considering changes and tracking improvements of satisfaction of customer. Once, these are in place, develop their knowledge and skills for delivering service excellence against competencies that are customer focused, good communication skills, tolerance, empathy, good judgement and the ability to understand service concern and respond properly according to the organisations.

These listening approaches are used to make better comparison among company strategy and customer feedback to managing company performance. These benchmark techniques give wider view to strategic management and market positioning for Zeta and other companies.

Task 3 the options for development of customer driven processes (when necessary improvements have been identified in a continuous improvement culture)

The Customer focus approach can able to secure and maintain competitive advantages. An organisation need to fully responsive to customer needs. Technology has huge impact on responsive customer focus approach. The Customer feedback provides and explored the key components for focused customer approach. Though, the most important feature of make sure that the organisation is customer focused is to distinguish the service chain, and taking care of the internal customer relationship.

The customer services strategy is a key challenge for an organisation to turn it into reality. Management of any organisation knew that customer service is strong weapon to achieve competitive advantages. Manager of any organisation can develop customer services approach as key workforce.

Market Driven Strategy: MDS is very important in formulating a business strategy. This approach is always market and customer oriented. Through this process business should able to understand the customer behaviour, what customer want and do and measuring interactions between customers. This approach is very popular in market nowadays, it allows organisation to better understand market and customer as well. Through the strategy company should able to win competitive advantage, and develop better relationship with customers.

Customer focus: The MDS organisation better understand their customers through the preferences, requirements and effectively deploys the skills and other resources to satisfy customers. To get better understanding of customer need to look on requirements of customers to satisfy their desired objectives. Mainly a customer’s decision is based on quality and features of the product that offered. For example in case of Zeta airline they can understand customer requirements through their offers to compare with the expectations of buyers.

Competitor intelligence: Market orientation organisations well understand the competition of market. If they are failure to identify competitive threats, it makes difficult to stay in market and save the market position. At this stage company need to develop a strong marketing strategy to compete market threats and provide better services to its customers.

Create the service vision: many companies have their service vision that makes different form competitors; they run the organisation with their iconic way. They are committed to provide quality service as expected and all promises are achievable. For example Zeta airline wants to provide better service in check u-in and out and ground handling service, where they are operation the services.

Develop a customer service strategy:  It is the part of the overall direction of the organisation strategy. It is a high level plan which can achieve through good customer relationship. Development of good relationship is a part of customer satisfaction, organisation who wants to bring a loyalty in customer behaviour. It helps to develop customer satisfaction strategy. If you as manager want to maximise the business success then customer loyalty and satisfaction should achieve. Communication approach is used to motivate various departments toward same goal. It is an operational plan to make sure the business organisational goal should be met and every employee works to achieve.

Customer service framework: a learning development of customer service framework helps organisation to identify, how the company deliver customer service excellence. In a company Reward and recognition are key factors that motivate employees to deliver excellent customer services. As per Zeta air this is a very straight forward strategy to improve customer services approach.

The contribution of technology in customer driven process: CRM process is a systematic way to implement a project economically and competitively. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a mixture of process, people and technology that helps to understand customer. It is an advance approach, that managing relationships to focus on customer retention and development of relationship. Customer centric approach achieves through advance IT and organisational change. Those companies bearing the fruit of success that are successfully implementing the latest technology involve into company strategy.

The Most large part of the CRM is technology, if organisations think technology is only CRM then they are wrong. But for successful implementation CRM requires an integrated and identical approach to use techniques, process and people.

Importance of continuous improvement: it is very necessary to inspire your organisation to develop culture that helps to continuous improvement for the benefits of customers. If you want to bring changes in customer services and for respect of your idea you have to get suggestion form your employee that can helps to improve and implement change. Successfully implement customer strategy provide improved service delivery for customers but they also know what their customer expecting for tomorrow.

Organisation has to follow these suggestions to achieve quality customer services and competitive advantages to remain in strong position and stay well ahead of the competitor. For the measuring of their effectiveness towards the customer, company need to be use performance measuring methods, that accurately and regularly access the performance of customer focus approach is on satisfactory level.


Task 4 the contribution that people development and empowerment can make to the success of the service partnership

People (Customers, employee) are at the centre of customer service strategies. Skills of peoples are playing important role in customer services process. If organisation wants to continuous improvement, they need to be raising the skill level, so training and development activities are essential. Many organisations arrange training program which is specially to improve customer services. So the training theme mostly focused on the development of customer services, to improve the image and helps to get strategic advantages. A learning organisation is one in which every activity, including day-to-day work, is seen as an opportunity for personal development and improving performance.

Empowered and effective staff: Webster 1998, define the empowered as "to give them official and legal power and able to promote the self-actualization and influence." It means you have to giving power to employee and trust to make improvement without need of any approval from management. It helps to improve productivity and quality of services and giving best for the company. They appreciate what is good for the company, and what is good for them. Empowerment is not for every person, it is just for them who are capable.

Effective and empowered staff or team is professional and knowledgeable group of peoples those are effectively and efficiently able to deliver quality customer services and that’s true a quality excellent services towards organisational goal will needed. The employee have authority, experience, responsibility and skills to meet the customer requirements, that what they are expected?

The team management helps them to become constant the direction, and drives the empowerment process to connect them towards the organisational goal and effective customer services. So employee will committed to deliver dedicated customer service, to achieve customer loyalty.

To create productive customer services team, management will:

To provide empowerment, professional and skilled staff to deliver effective customer service support.

Give them exact knowledge and information.

Listen the customers and look for the feedback.

What Customers will expect:

Staff will helpful and provide accurate information.

They want to feel free; their problems are solved on very quick and welcome response.

This is a responsibility of employee to ensure customers are receiving high quality services. Staffs are well motivated, skilled and have proper knowledge which is able to achieve company strategic advantages and customer focus approach. Training and motivation is integral part to achieve empowered and effectiveness employee:

Training and Motivation: to increase efficiency and effectiveness need more development, and training is part that helps to sharp the skills. A set of customer service key skills will be incorporated into the performance re-consider and improvement plans. These basic skills will be which are covering internal and external customers and belong to all employees. Specific training should be considered to meet the required need of development in customer services. Focus on customer development and improve the customer service will change the behaviour and attitude which is leading to increase customer services.

Employee motivation is very important which is relates to satisfy employees. Means happier workforce should be needed. There is link between satisfied and motivated employees and customer satisfaction. Highly motivated and satisfied staff provides better customer services and focusing on customer satisfaction.

Task 5 the communication, recognition and reward actions that might contribute to the success of the proposed partnership

Recognition and reward: Managers use reward and recognition programme to develop employee’s effectiveness. These programmes designed to improve employee behaviour and attitude. The ultimate goal of the programme to achieve commitment services excellence in all part of the organisation.

Employees are most important assets and driving force behind the success of the organisation.

These rewards and recognition programmes are reflects on the values and the mission of the company and reflects organisation character through it. For example if the manager of Zeta airline want to know for great customer service record then the manager should reward employee those who show excellent customer services. These programmes generate positive attitude and environment between employees and organisation, meaning workers those are earn these rewards, set example for others and they are trying to copy them and admired. Main aim of the reward systems are:

Attract enough recruits with the right qualities and qualifications to satisfy organisational requirements.

Retain employees with the core skills and competencies needed by the organisation.

Motivate employees with a view to improving their on-the-job performance and commitment to the organisation (Grant, 2005).

Motivation and performance models and theories:

Definition: "motivation is based on three specific aspects such as the arousal of behaviour, the direction of behaviour, and persistence of behaviour. Arousal of behaviour involves what activities human behaviour and direction of behaviour is concerned with what directs behaviour towards a specific goal."

Theories of motivation: Motivation is very important processor of an organisation, if a company motivate to their employees they should be improve their position in corporate world. Motivated employees mean work are progressing with efficiently and effective way. Employees are working with more responsibility and always think about the progress /improvement of the work and organisation.

Herzberg’s two factor theory: it works as hygiene factor and motivator factor. Hygiene factor is works according to those elements include: company policy and administration, wages, salaries and other financial payment, quality of supervision, quality of inter-personal relations, working conditions, feelings of job security. This theory is directly motivating employees to work hard. It has a problem with the theory has de-motivate of employee if the theory is not in practise properly.

For example employees are motivated if the work place is more interesting to work and they feel responsible to achieve their goal and have more opportunities to get promoted. According to Herzberg management can adopt democratic approach to motivate employees.

Maslow’s motivation theory; in this theory of practise Maslow define the employees psychological needs to motivate through a step by step needy process. He explains various factors through a structured way in triangle that showing the levels of human needs, which are changed within the time and achievement by employee through work practise. And a business organisation offer various reward schemes to allow employees to reach on each level of needs and progressed through steps.

Taylor motivational theory: in this theory of practise, Taylor’s way of motivate and encourages employees to achieve their target within the time boundaries and compensate for their efficiency as well as. Workers are motivated by organisation paid to employees to more produced products in given time limits and they get according to how much they produce. With this encourages formula employee are effective and do hard work, according to the Taylor this motivational theory adopted by most of quick service provider organisation to attract customers. But this theory concept makes employee, machine. So this concept dislikes or rejected by employees.

Vroom’s motivational theory: Vroom describes expectancy motivational theory (Yale school of management1964). Vroom stresses and focuses on outcomes, he is not gone through the process had adopted by Maslow and Herzberg. The theory is telling us how intensity of a tendency to perform in a particular style is highly dependent on the intensity of an expectation. And the performances are getting the desired outcome by team or individual.

Communication and customer service strategies: The communication of the strategy will require a clear, consistent message. This is an ideal time for the leadership to operationally describe every critical path of the project to make sure agreement and commitment. Key stakeholders are involved in the process. Soliciting their input is often a valuable assistant in implementation. Stakeholder need and interests are different accordingly their concern and involvement in the project or plan.

Listening is one the vitally important task to provide excellent customer services towards to achieve the organisational goal. Good listening communication has number of techniques that can achieve through or put into routine practise of it. Help by asking the customer questions. At times, we all have difficulty expressing ourselves.

Mainly communication is a part of effective and excellent customer service, and stakeholders have affairs with customer satisfaction. Every stakeholder group have their different needs and interests in the company, and they definitely want effective communication through every segment of the organisation which is leading to improve and provide quality customer services that what they are expecting from the company.

Through this image, it is clearly demonstrate the different stakeholder’s interests. It’s showing the both way of influence and interests of stakeholders. Those have high interest they are putting more efforts in place to achieve their goal.

Conclusion: in this paper, describe and demonstrate the excellent customer service and how efficiently can achieve the standards of customer services and discussed the various different approaches to achieve quality services. Here I describe the company aim and objectives to achieve excellent services to be market leader and to get strategic advantages.

In the essay research, one very important and interesting topic came out which is giving enormous benefits if classified gently, it is Listening, and listening is very important part of communication process that helps to understand the customer needs and expectation. I raise the marketing issue MDS, which is very helpful to study market and given the idea or strategy to develop their resources to satisfy customer needs and as well as company objective.

Empowerment and motivation is two interrelated parts of the strategy which will impose positive impact on company employee and helps to create pleasant environment in organisation, which is very necessary to have for any organisation, which is looking for higher market share and want to rule the market or dominant. We all knew the reward and recognition power, how these methods encourage the employee behaviour or motivate them to achieve organisational goal.

These topics raised in the essay are very important for an airline industry because they are selling their services instead of any products; Researches help to progress in the way to customer focus approach and strategic advantage.


Angela J. Huebner Teen Coordinator: USDA/Army School-Age & Teen Project

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Falls Church, Virginia.

Persistence of concerned with how is the behaviour sustain.

The Importance of Communication in Customer Service |


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