The Five Phases of Negotiation


23 Mar 2015

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Marketing and Sales Strategy

"Sales" culture in every business and industries is defined as its "own style of selling". There are many effective ways to sell. Many companies have to struggle with deploying the most effective sales model, in an attempt to balance their limited resources.

Outside-inside and hybrid structures uses, many "go- to-market strategy". There are further options for these choices like centralized reorganization model, decentralized model or outsourcing model. STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems develops the most cost effective sales strategy with the help of the knowledge gained from Best Practices Benchmarking and STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems' Gap Analysis combined with Sales & Marketing Business Intelligence to keep a balanced approach to ensure the greatest chance of getting success.

STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems analyses and documents, how the clients current sales organization "goes-to-market", because of these result, within similar industries a comparison is made between external practices and existing model. The understanding of the strength and weaknesses that exist within the sales organization is cleared with help of results. The gaps with externally defined best practices are filled by STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems. To develop a logical sales cycle is the next step that is aligned with the model of sales. The supporting processes, policies and procedures can begin to be developed with confidence once the sales cycle is developed.

Approach to Marketing and Sales Strategy

The sets of strategies are related to sales and marketing. This is one of the most important features of this phase. The sales and marketing team looks after these two domains and chalks out various approaches to give you the best sales figures. Like our relationship management team, even the sales and marketing team has highly experienced and qualified personnel that employ various strategies keeping learning models in mind. The Kotler 4 P (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) strategies are particular kept in mind to deliver the leading marketing and sales service that is second to none to spurt a successful entry into the market. Other learning curves such as SWOT analysis, which was provided in brief in the earlier phase, would now be researched in further detail along with Porter's 5 Force model. These strategies would help you understand our evaluation on a standard platform.

Our sales proposal will also include the number of distributors, agents and CRMs. We will provide you a rough idea of the initial phase-wise stocking required to start with, the estimated cost associated and the best stocking practices based on the geographical location. We will also inform you what out of pocket expenses involved and the costs associated with the clinical trials and provide an estimated budget for the same.

"Go to market" strategy and sales model are identified& documented.

To compare "go-to-market" strategy to external practices in the similar market spaces.

To identify gaps and internal practices.

To develop action plan to fill gaps and proliferate internal practices.

To develop appropriate sales cycle in parallel to new model.

To develop sales processes in support of the new sales model.

Benefits Of STRONGBRIDGE Marketing and Sales Strategy

Identification of weaknesses that require change and strengths that needs to be supported.

Sales force alignment with your target markets, prospects and customers.

Differentiate Competitively.

Sales Process

Sales system and its resources are scalable, adaptable and operationally prepare success in bad or good economics with the help of best-practice, process development and continuous improvement.

Foundation of every effective business system is processing. To develop, implement and being accountable to operational process helps businesses create repeatable actions that are designed to generate revenue or reduce expense.

Many organizations believe that they have processes in place, when in fact most companies have rudimentary outline of tasks. Often, processes are not thoroughly documented, which makes training new employees and maintaining consistency a challenge.

STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems strives to develop solutions that are creative and fundamentally sound. If your sales people can't translate or use the sales system in their daily routines, then the system will fail. Documenting processes is the first clear step in creating a sales system that every employee will be able to use on a daily basis.

Approach to the Sales Process:

To map the present sales and supports it processing.

To compare the present sales processes with the internal best practices and the external best practices.

To recognize the work place of opportunity for changes.

To compare the existing sales process and the new sales model or new sales cycle.

To adapt the best practice process in alignment with new model or new cycle.

To document new sales model, working and process.

Benefits OfSales Process

To standardized the sales process.

Repeatable, scalable and adaptable.

To reduce unnecessary sales overhead.

Sales Organizational Structure

To manage any business the key function is resource allocation. In any given situation there is limited supply of resources and unlimited ways in which to focus. Structure of organization should be developed in alignment with:

New sales-model, cycle and processes.

Available sales and support resources.

Location of highest probability prospects and highest yielding customers.

Ability to service your customers.

To identify optimal organizational structures and territory coverage, STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems will compare the sales resource structure with Sales and Marketing Business Intelligence data. The sale model, cycle and process, the new structures and coverage's are mapped. The result is optimally organized as it is a process cantered sales force, to sell into the territories rich with qualified leads and customers.


To identify and document the structure of existing sales resource.

To identify optimized coverage use sales and marketing.

For new sales model, cycle, and process, maps the optimized sales resource structure.

Evaluate sales and support roles or functions of sales.

To align with new sales system, modify role descriptions and functions.

To integrate new structure of organization with new roles and functional requirements.

Benefits Of The STRONGBRIDGESales Organizational Structure

To have confidence in accounts and geographic coverage.

To minimize waste of resources and time.

To allocate sales resources accurately.

High chances of quota attainment.

Value Analysis and Modelling

Many companies are trying to redefine their sales structure or sales culture, to migrate from product-based selling to value-based relationship sales. In today's selling environments and customer expectations, Value-based selling will require sales organizations to foster customer understanding. To construct a value based selling method which is based on solving customer problems, instead of simply building account models that respond to price pressures.

To provide a strategic road map for the customer relationship, STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems' Value Analysis and Modelling is designed which elevates trust through an exchange of information and thus creating interdependency. To uncover new ways in which our client can have a status of "trusted" consultant and partner with less sensitivity from just a "supplier", and to achieve this STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems looks beyond the product lines and service offers. The first step in creating a value based sales method is to understand the customer's business, their products, services which generate revenues or reduce expenses.

Approach To Value Analysis And Modelling:

To analyse the products and services offered.

To review and refine the targeted customers profile to reflect valued model.

To develop "value pyramid".

To develop strategy of "Boardroom Issue".

To develop strategy of "Migration Path".

To develop strategy of "Anti-Sponsor".

Benefits Of The STRONGBRIDGE Value Analysis and Modelling

To understand customer more deeply.

To purchase on bases of value and not price.

To improve the revenue through decent margins.

To keep contracts for longer period.

Sales Performance Metrics & Goals

Fundamental sales practice is to measure and track the efforts of a sales force. An important part of every successful sales system is forecasting and projecting budgets. Sales measure performance, create incentives and also help in achieving goals. Sales system ensures that approximate expectations are being placed on the sales are set to logically achieve those goal.

STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems helps in developing the performance and goals which are lined with the sales model or cycle and support processing. Individual sales persons and management goals are realistic and attainable and fulfilled with the help of performance metrics.

Approach To Sales Performance Metrics & Goals:

To identify pool statistic, review Sales and Marketing data.

To develop conversion percentages inside each sales cycle.

To each sales cycle milestone assign "probability" percentages.

To develop sales call activity, definitions and levels.

To validate feasibility run lead pool statistics against call activity levels.

To manage the sales system, develop reporting tools and metrics.

Benefits Of The STRONGBRIDGE Sales Performance Metrics & Goals

To ensure sales resources.

To perform tasks required to succeed.

To identify problems before-hand.

To increase the likelihood of success, design practical steps and activities.

To identify reason of problems.

To set accurate forecast and quota.

STRONGBRIDGE Sales Systems Consulting Process

To ensure that you reinforce the desired performance and activity of your sales organization.

To provide a compensation plan based on market.

To ensure compensation structure and rewards structure, which motivates sales organization and also be fair to the corporation.


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