The Global Network Solutions And Risheek Global


02 Nov 2017

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter will explain about the methods used by researcher to meet the aims of this dissertation. Methodology refers to the methods that have been used to gain useful resources to validate the research.

The aim of this research is to find out what motivational techniques are effective in motivating call centre employees from India, Singapore and Philippines who all work in a call centre based in Singapore

In order to achieve the aim of this research, there were three research objectives being implemented.

To investigate the difference in motivational attitude among employees from Singapore, India and the Philippines.

To research with how case study of two business based in Singapore seek to motivate employees from Singapore, India and the Philippines. These businesses are Global Network Solutions and Risheek Global.

To assess the most effective method available to motivate employee from these different culture.

3.2 Primary Research

Primary research refers to a process of collecting raw data, which means that it has not been published by anyone before. According to John Stuart Mill (1950) the ultimate goal in conducting primary research is to learn about something new that can be confirmed by others and to eliminate our own biases in the process (Stuart, 1950). Primary data is specifically based on answering the research problems and objectives. Therefore, it is specific, relevant, and timely if collected data is analysed properly (Richardson & Gosnay, 2011). Primary research is vital for this research as it helps the researcher to obtain reliable information and specific information from the certain targeted group of people. The researcher has used the triangulation method, for further detail which includes interviews, questionnaires and sampling. To gain further understanding and cover the study, the researcher emphasizes qualitative and quantitative data.

3.2.1 Qualitative data

Qualitative data is meant to increase knowledge about the studies and finding out how individuals think about the research topic. Qualitative data does not involve numeric and statistics measurements. According to Murray Thomas, qualitative methods involve a researcher describing kinds of characteristics of people and events without comparing events in terms of measurements or amounts (Murray-Thomas, 2003). Qualitative data is important as it enables people to give their perspective on their own way and it would help the researcher for a wider understanding about the topic. Matthew and Michael have stated that good qualitative data is more likely to lead to serendipitous findings and to new integration as it help researchers to get beyond initial conceptions and to generate conceptual frameworks (Miles & Huberman 1994).

3.2.2 Quantitative data

This data collection method is concerned with analysing numeric forms of data which can be placed in order, categorised and measured in units. The aims are to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed (Miles & Huberman 1994). This research method will be looking at several characteristics and how they attempt to describe something interesting within the group. The main concerns of the quantitative paradigm are that measurement is reliable, valid, and generalizable in its clear prediction of cause and effect (Cassell & Symon, 1994).

3.3 Secondary Research

In ‘‘secondary data analysis,’’ the individual or group that analyses the data is not involved in the planning of the data collection. Such analysis can be done based upon information that is available in the statistical information in published articles, the data available in the text, tables, graphs, and appendices of published articles, or upon the original data ( Russel,2001). This method involves retrieving information that has been gathered by the writer or a distributer of primary research.

A literature review has been carried out to gain more information about what has been written previously on the dissertation topic to help the researcher to critically analyse the primary research. By collecting a literature review, it has enabled the researcher to gain a wider range of information about the dissertation topic.

Based on the findings of the literature review, the researcher was able to acquire more knowledge and understanding. As an outcome, it has supported in the designing of the questionnaires and conducting the interview. The advantages of using the secondary research method it is cost effective and saves time. Due to the rapid growth of the Information Technology there is easy access to gain valuable resources with the least cost. There are a few disadvantages using this method. The first disadvantage would be the quality of the research, as at times the resource is incomplete and not adequate for the researchers need. The second disadvantage is outdated resources, some online resources are quite old and this might not be relevant t the current situation. In addition, researcher has found some relevant case studies which best suits the researcher topic as it would give a brief idea on researcher topic.

3.4 Research Techniques

3.4.1 Questionnaires

Questions are defined as information or feedback that has been collected from a specific group of people. The researcher has chosen this method for the study because it helps to understand the attitude, experience and thought of behaviour in a certain group of people. According to M,Catherine & B,Rossman (1995), questionnaires typically entail several questions that have been structured with response categories and many include some that are open ended. Questionnaires were the most appropriate method for this study as the researcher seeks to evaluate the key factor that drives the employees to be motivated in performing their task in their organisation. Questionnaires were designed to compare the types of motivational techniques which influence the three different national cultures. The researcher has used several theories when designing the questionnaire which includes Goal theory, Abraham Maslow theory, Herzberg’s theory, FW Taylor theory and Expectancy theory as found in the Literature review which relates with the objective and aims of this study. The investigator seeks to study the motivational attitude among employees and how the two case study companies motivate these employees from different national culture. The advantage of questionnaires would be the cost effectiveness, as this method enables the researcher to gain a lot of information. The researcher would be able to contact a large targeted group of people to distribute the questionnaires via email and social network. The most efficient questionnaire would be designed in a way that is short and understandable by the targeted audience.

The limitation of the questionnaire is due geographical location as this research is based on employees from Singapore. To overcome this problem the researcher has set a specific deadline for the targeted employees to send the feedback. In order that the employees understand the topic well the researcher has explained the definition of motivation in the cover page of the questionnaire which would help them with their answers. The researcher has chosen to perform an questionnaire first as it be useful to know what will be outcome and based on the feedback the researcher would design the interview question and conduct the interview .

3.4.2 Interview

Interview is known as process of gathering information from an individual to know their view point about the research topic. Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a participant’s experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the topic. Interviews may be useful as follow-up to certain respondents to questionnaires, to further investigate their responses (McNamara, 1999). Interview would be the most appropriate method of conducting this research as it is a systematic way of talking and listening to people and also a way to collect data from individuals through conversations. The researcher would carry out an interview with managers in the case study company. This would help the researcher to find out what motivational techniques have been implemented by an organisation based in Singapore to motivate employees from these three different cultures, which would answer the aims of this dissertation. Interview is the ideal method as it gives a chance for the employees to get involved and to share their viewpoint. Besides that, some of the interview questions are design from the results of the questionnaires. The interview section will help to assess the most effective method available to motivate employee from these different culture. The researcher has chosen a semi-structured interview as it would be helpful for the researcher to change the interview question depending on the direction of the interview. According to Paul Gill, semi-structured interview consist of several key questions that help to define the areas to be explored, but also allows the interviewer or interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an idea or response in more detail (Paul Gill, 2009). The Skype Technology has been used by the researcher to conduct the interview. In order to validate the interview, the researcher has recorded the whole interview conversation as it would help for clarification and to listen back to the conversion to write down the interview script. The advantage of having a Skype interview would be cost saving and it helps the researcher to communicate with the interviewee at any place. Probing is a way for the interview to explore new paths which are not initially considered (Gray, 2004, p.217).The limitation of Skype interviews arose due the time of interview, as the interviewee is located in Singapore. Interviews are naturally time consuming and need to give importance in selecting informant. To overcome the limitation of Skype interview, the researcher has emailed the interviewee to fix an appropriate time to conduct the interview, which would save time on both sides.

3.5 Sampling

Sampling method involves taking a representative selection of the population or group and using it for collecting data for the research. A sample is a "subgroup of a population" (Frey et al, 2000). A total number of 60 employees are chosen from two companies based in Singapore which is divided into 30 employees from each company. This research is based on employees from three different cultures; Singaporean, Indian and Filipino where the researcher has divided 20 employees for each group of culture. The researcher has designed a sampling to a wider range of employees to have a better idea of employee expectations as the questionnaire was also given to employees of different Cultures to understand their viewpoint on the topic. As an outcome of the sampling the researcher was able to get a better understanding about the most effective motivational techniques being used by the organisation to motivate their employees from these three different cultures. With a broad sampling it has provided solid proof in supporting the conclusion of the dissertation.

3.6 Reliability and Validity

It is vital that data collected are reliable and valid in order to have a good conclusion. Joppe (2000) claims reliability as the extent to which results are consistent over time and an accurate representation of the total population under study is referred to as reliability and if the results of a study can be reproduced under a similar methodology, then the research instrument is considered to be reliable. Validity can be described as the degree to which the observed score, as registered by the instrument, corresponds with the theoretically intended, real score. In the most ideal situation the observed score only depends on the real score, but in reality several interfering factors may play a significant role during the measurement (Hagenaars 1986: 2). The researcher has included reliability and validity to the study as it checks whether the researcher has the ability to perform the study and the get same and accurate result. Silverman, identifies other form of validations that have been suggested as particularly appropriate to the logic of qualitative research Triangulation, meaning comparing different kinds of data quantitative and qualitative and different kinds of methods (observation and interview) to see whether they corroborate one another and respondent validation taking ones findings back to the subjects, where these people verify ones findings (Silverman, 2003: 290-1).

3.7 Conclusion

The researcher believes that the best way of conducting the researcher is by using many methods. By using these methods it has enabled the researcher to have a deeper understanding of the topic and achieve the aims of the dissertation. Furthermore, the questionnaires and interviews that are designed will give the researcher a clearer understanding of the topic and gain more information, which leads to better findings. With vital information collected, the researcher was able to draw a strong conclusion answering the dissertation question.

3.8 Referencing

Mill, John Stuart. John Stuart Mill’s Philosophy of Scientific Method. Ernest Nagel, Ed. New York: Hafner Publishing Co, 1950. Print.

Richardson, N & Gosnay , R (2011) Develop Your Marketing Skills, Kogan Page Limited, London.

Murray Thomas, R (2003) Blending qualitative & quantitative research methods in thesis and dissertations, Corwin Press: United Kingdom.

Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman (1994) Qualitative Data Analysis, 2nd Ed, Sage Publication, United States of America.

McNamara, Carter, PhD (1999). General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews, Minnesota, Accessed on (22/03/2013)

P. Gill, K. Stewart, E. Treasure and B. Chadwick (2009), Methods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups, vol.204, no.6, pp.291, viewed on (22/03/2013),

Gray, D. E. (2004). Doing Research in the Real World, SAGE Publications: London.

Cassell, C., & Symon, G. (1994). Qualitative research in work contexts. In C. Cassell, & G. Symon (Eds.), Qualitative methods in organizational research (pp. 1-13). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Frey, Lawrence R., Carl H. Botan, and Gary L. Kreps. Investigating Communication: An Introduction to Research Methods. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.

Marshall, C & B. Rossman,G( 1995), Designing Qualitative Research, 2nd Ed, Sage Publication.

Russell M.Church (2001) , ‘The Effective use of Secondary data’, Brown University, viewed on (29/03/2013),

Joppe, M. (2000). The Research Process. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from

Silverman, D. (2006), Interpreting Qualitative Data, (3rd ed.) London: Sage.

Hagenaars, J. (1986) Constructive van Meet instrument, lecture notes, Tilburg: KUB.


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