The Personal Leadership And Management Development Business Essay


23 Mar 2015

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As a carer, I have dealt with different management styles and the different range of cultures or values implemented within the workplace. The impact of it had affected me to pursue on the management career, helped me reflect on what leadership and management style I would be developing on in which I came up with this study.

I would be looking at a detailed study on the elements of the different range of organisational objectives, values and culture and their impact on the management and leadership role in my organisation. Evaluate these leadership and management skills to the attainment of the organisational objective and to assess my personal leadership and management skill and identify any personal development plan that supports the organisational goal.

On the second task, I need to assess any opportunities on the development of my leadership and management skills. Construct my personal development plan to develop leadership and management skills even to manage personal development of leadership and management skills.

The third task is a review on my personal development plan against the original objectives. Evaluate the effectiveness of my personal development plan of leadership and management skills and lastly to analyse any areas for further development and to update any of my personal development plan.

Upon assessing all these tasks especially on the development of my personal leadership and management skills, I believe that I would be working toward the achievement of my personal career goals and work towards the attainment of the organisational objectives.

Task 1

The fast changes happening around businesses have a great impact on the management and on what style they carry out that assist them to achieve their objective. These impacts the three categories that is interconnected. First, is the internal control relating to the success and proficiency of the business, the consistency of financial reporting and the amenableness to laws and decrees. Next, it inquires on the control environment which is the company's beliefs, value and culture comprising the business integrity, principles upheld morally, aptitudes of its employees, the style of management on assigning authority and responsibility even on developing its employees and its systematic approach to orderliness as indicated by the involvement of its board of directors. Last is the organisation culture which is the totality or the mind-set, attitude or values, beliefs communed by the management to its staffs assimilated on their performance to achieve the objectives of the business.

What then is the impact of organization culture on the internal controls? As discussed by Sonia Jaspal, understanding the elements of organisation culture would drive the impact seen on the diagram below.

On leadership. These leadership values or culture are carried. First, is on the psychological contract by Argyris, Edgar Schein and Chris (1960) is an important feature of workplace relationships and on people behavior plainly referring to the relationship of an employer to its employees which is the fairness or balance on the treatment of employer to its staff and on what is expected or output of the employee, a feeling of trust, respect, empathy, objectivity qualities are depicted. The attitudes and beliefs shown in doing day-to-day operations reflect the organization culture. Organizations show healthy attitudes where employees are rewarded on performance, there is lack of discrimination due to age, race, color and gender and there is minimal harassment and workplace aggression. Organizations having aggressive work cultures, which are profit making and lack humanity, impact the control environment negatively. In such cases, for the sake of efficiency, legal requirements are compromised. Carried to an excessive stage, the organization may become unsafe for work and on shareholder investments. The control environment in such cases maybe seriously affected, as there is strong alignment towards unhealthy and corrupt business practices.

Second is on the development of employees such aspect considers the Maslow's hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow (1940-50) so vital to understand human motivation, training and management even on personal development. Third is on the ethical way which is love on work and business, in making decisions considering the effect on people and the environment, regulations covered here are on abuse, harassments, reward systems and corporate responsibility. A clear and applied code of conduct improves the organization culture but undefined code of conduct may have a negative effect such as in decision making done and uninformed lacking transparency, may lead to poor profitability. The commitment to follow the business ethics shows poor compliance and leads to high risk which raises questions on the reliability and truthfulness of financial statements in the business.

Lastly is on the organisational change, training and learning, values integrity as the end result, human beings above income. Focuses on facilitating learning to its employees to develop their potentials, giving choice to people and focus on customer satisfaction. The mission and vision of the company holds everybody towards a common goal. Looking at the diagram above with lack of clear course, rapid changes on decisions or actions puts the business at risk impacts on its efficiency and effectivity at times causing closure of the business and employee redundancy.

In my workplace such culture has great influence on how the work is done which affects the success or failure of the company. It means that if my workplace place had been static and no progress happens there is low morale, high absenteeism or high staff turnover happen thus having great effect on the productivity of the care home. The mission and vision of my workplace is to provide quality care to our clients and the objective is to carry this out in a day to day task, the mandatory trainings in place, daily staffing adhered, daily supervision of nurses are carried out too. In this study I would like to consider the culture as discussed by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (1992) which has a key role in devising strategies for change called the cultural web. There are six elements. First deals on stories, what people talk about inside and outside the company, who and what ethics, values and behavior are perceived by the employees. It is common in my workplace that after work employees talk about what had happened within the day that with or without concern on who hears it which is unprofessional cause it's a policy not to talk outside the home about any event that had happened. Second is on rituals and routines which are mostly referring to the daily actions which are acceptable and expected behavior in a given situation as valued by the management. The daily reliability and dependability of employers to its staff's counts most where rotas are arranged and a contingency plan of an agency worker to cover the shift is in place. Third, symbols, such as logos used in formal approach by the company and on the dress codes as carried out by the employees with their name tags and logos provided. Fourth, the organisational structure, hierarchical level within the organisation showing the lines of power and influence. As exemplified in team working under the supervision of a nurse within the unit and whoever is found working alone must be reported or a disciplinary warning be given to the worker. Fifth, the control systems which shows financial system, quality system and rewards thus showing the transparency of the business as in filing the income tax of every employee and the business expenditures and revenues made in a yearly basis and lastly on the power structure, the level of management that has great influence on the decision and operation within the business. This cultural web makes up the culture, values and objective within the care home and it has great impact on the orderliness and profitability even on the customer satisfaction. And on how each employee behave within the framework of the companies objectives. The interconnections shown has great impact on the internal and external environment and employing or hiring an internal auditor to assess the organisation culture , the organisation risks and exposures as determined while analysing it on hand. Thus, a clear existence on management practice is to focus on the honing of skills and capabilities of its employees who are themselves the great asset to the business, especially when each employee are directed and integrated to the goal of the business, feels belongingness may bring about commitment and dedication to the company and I believe would attract more customers who are satisfied with the services they receive.

Looking at my personal and management skills leads me to do an assessment for my development as starting point by using SWOT analysis.


Implements Professional development by taking management course

Good observational skills

Demonstrates good working habits and professionalism

Has good teamwork

Can understand and communicate in English both written and oral

Can demonstrate working knowledge and expertise

Computer literate

Take risks


Able to apply for managerial position

Training and development courses offered in workplace

Able to pursue courses on Leaders learning style on-line

Availability of resources in the library to be read and explore

Hand-on experiences gained in becoming a team leader

Able to build a business and manage it in the future

Enhancement of my social life


Improve on decision making

Need to develop skill in conducting and evaluating a research

Need to develop confidence in oneself

Need to develop tactfulness

Need to focus and have clarity of goals to achieve.

Need to improve on time management

Improve on using researching,analysing and prioritising


Changing laws and regulations affecting foreign students


Recession or financial resources

Competition on qualified applicants for the managerial position

Cost cutting measures implemented in UK

As a middle manager looking at my SWOT analysis gives me a focus on developing my skills and qualities in my field of work and to work out my personal development plan in order to support and work better for the achievement of our oganisational goal or objective.

Task 2

Under this task, the developmental opportunities offered in my workplace is on managerial position such as becoming a unit manager, the administrative work or pursuing nursing profession in future to be a nurse or to be a trainor. To attain it I would be assessing any opportunities for the development of my leadership and management skills construct my personal development plan and be able to manage the personal development of my leadership and management skills. Citing from the article of CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), Professional Development, 2009. In assessing skills it falls into different categories and describing the categories that suit me would help me cater into my career management.

Under the skills category I am good in using my hands, body words, numbers, five senses, intuition, helpfulness, have artistic abilities, can follow through plans, instructions, attends to details, filing and retrieving information. Second is know my strongest skills to help me determine or decide to pursue on these opportunities using personal assessment tools, asking friends, colleagues opinions on what I do best and seek for a career counselor to help. Third, I must know my transferable skills which have a great value to my workplace such as on motivating others, organizing data, writing and interpreting information. In order to be successful I need to put this all together and to keep in mind that my skills are subject to change by acquiring new skills through training, new experiences and practice although investing on such managerial skill is expensive in terms of time and money, I know I am on the right track. Lastly is to start on my growth opportunity asking advice on my manager on how to pursue on these opportunities which I believe can give me the right guidance and support.

A quote from Churchill says, "He who fails to plan is planning to fail". Being a middle manager I need to develop this planning skill. Where do I go the next three to five years or in ten years? To figure this out a personal development plan is needed.

I would be using MyrkoThum guide in developing my PDF.

My five top personal values are: Family, Faith, Love, Success and wealth. My top five personal strength are: family-oriented, communicator, empathy, observant, risk taker. My five top weaknesses are: time management, irrational, double minded, poor stature, sensitive. I need to cover about my complete life and pursue on creating balance. Myrko Thum suggested 7 main areas which are the mind,body,spirit,social,finance,juice or fun and profession but only consider the areas that are important when making my PDF cause this must tackle the SMART technique by making it specific,measurable,attainable ,realistic and time bound and always to create balance in my life by keeping life simple. The following template had been provided to construct my PDF or Personal Development Plan.

Life Area



Success Criteria




To loose weight and be physically fit about 2-3 kilos in 2 months

2-3 months

Weight Measure

Do jogging or stretching's and exercise daily about 20-30 minutes

Have a healthy eating record and weekly weight log book

Have a partner in order to work this out

2. Spirit

To develop a daily time talking to God


Daily meditation notes done

Attend church and pray before I wake up and sleep.

Feeling of peace and in tune with God.

3. Social

Be able to go visit back home probably March next year


Ticket be on hand before March,2014

>Book for a flight for March,2014

Looking forward for it


Improve on having savings and sort out my debts


Improvement on my statement of accounts.

>Look for a sponsorship for work permit.

>Working on it at the moment.


Engage myself in reading to improve mentally

1-2 books to read per month and make a checklist

Improvement on my vocabulary, reading and mental skills

>Look for books then prepare a checklist for what had accomplished reading

>Have a reading partner


Be employed as a middle manager in a company


Certificate of employment

>Apply for the job.

>Feeling of self-fulfillment

This plan I had constructed is subject to review and to be evaluated as stated on date planned, although it is subject to change I believe it will still lead me to the effectiveness of my personal development of leadership and management skills.

Task 3

As a middle manager, developing a learning culture is highly suggested by being a role model in this area as well fosters trust and growth for every employee by bringing in lines every individual leadership and management development to the objective of the organisation. First is to set options aligned to their learning styles and personal needs through e-learning and on hands-on learning. In the care home e-learning modules are given to each employee especially on administering medication. Second, integrate right processes in selecting people such as in recruitment, induction program, appraisal system, learning and development of each employee, especially the mandatory trainings where everybody is monitored on what trainings are needed by every employee and schedule is posted on bulletin boards for the employee to be aware. Third is on measuring the impact of the evaluative outcomes from both internal and external reviews and on committing to continuous progress. This depends on the balance partnership of the manager and employee by putting in place the personal development plan of each which as stated before must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound done through monthly supervision by nurses to carers where every staff have to state the trainings they needed to have and the home will be able to support it.Thus leadership and management must be a priority and sufficient time and effort on developing such employee requires a lifelong commitment and a planned program for it is an investment to add even makes it an asset to the productivity of the home. The wide range of learning and management activity results from the systematic analysis of the job requirements, individual's competence, personal contribution reviews, 360 feedback, mentoring and coaching. Some supervision evaluation had been gathered from the nurses I've worked with and some witness statement on my performance is gathered as evidence too.

A review on the stated personal development plan stated above would help me evaluate in the future if I made it. Putting this questionnaire on my part would help me assess myself and if it leads me towards the attainment of the organisational goals too.

Did I meet my needs as planned?

What are the challenges in my current job that I need to meet?

Where do I want to be in 2 years? 5 years or 10 years?

What corrections do I need to do to achieve what I want?

What else should I consider?



The style of management depends solely on the three categories which are interconnected. The internal control on the proficiency of the business with regards to its finances and on responsiveness to the law. The control environment relating to the organisations beliefs, value and culture. Lastly is the organisation culture which is the mindset, attitude or values of its employees as embedded on them. The impact of the organisation culture on the internal control as discussed by Sonia Jaspal depends on four things. First, on leadership if leaders show fairness or balance on the treatment of its employees and employees are rewarded on their performance and no discrimination or harassment in place then the organisation would show healthy employees then the organisation will be more productive while aggressive workplace will be less productive and corrupt. Second, the development of the employees which is so vital would bring about highly motivated individuals committed to the achievement of the organisations objectives. Third is the effect of the business on people and the environment such regulations covered are on abuse, harassment, reward system and corporate responsibility. Lastly, the organisational change which focuses on facilitating learning to its employees and on customer satisfaction where everybody would be working for the efficiency and effectivity of the business. In the study I did quote on Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (1992) devising strategies for cultural change and both cited six elements. First on ethics, values and behaviours of employees. Second on rituals and routines, third is on logos and symbols.Fourth, the organisational structure. Fifth, the control systems in place such as quality and reward system.Lastly, the power structure on management. Using SWOT analysis is used to assess my personal development plan and a constructed PDF (Personal Development Plan) is done with a final questionnaire survey provided for review and serves as an evaluation.


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