The Recruitment And Section Process


02 Nov 2017

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Description of Business 1

Intercultural Challenges Encounter in the Business Location 2

Forecasting the Business 3 - 4

Jamaican Labour Laws 5

Job Recruitment and Selection 6 - 7

Simple of the Job Description and the Job Specification 8 - 9

Training and Development 10 - 11

Employment Contract 12

Employment Compensation 13

Performance of Staff 14

Description of Business

Forever Young Store is a clothing for everyone. It will be engaged in the of selling of clothes, shoes, jewelry’s, handbag, and even travelling items etc. Forever Young is absolutely wonderful place to find bargains on designer clothes. It's no wonder that this store is so popular with shoppers of all ages.

Forever Young Store will be located at 123 Half Way Tree Road Kingston 5. Our store care for all our customers of all size and shape we will go the extract mile so that our customers can be satisfy.

Intercultural Challenges Encounter in the Business Location

The Global Challenges

Doing so presents firms which various management challenges. Plans for marketing and producing goods abroad are required. And, the employer needs to install all those management system it will require to manage its overseas activities. The management system include organization structure, managerial control, worldwide banking relationships, and of course human resource system for recruiting, selecting, traning, and appraising and compensating its works.

The tree global challenges that will occur in Forever Young Store are:

Devploying: Easily getting the right skills to where we need them, regardless of geographic location.

Knowledge and innovation dissemination: Spreading state-of-the-art knowledge and parcties throughout the organization regardless of where they originate.

Identifying and developing talent on a global basis.

Upon the new location of the business we are expect to face many Intercultural Challenges.

Implicit Discrimination

Few people would dare utter an offensive slur in the workplace, but discrimination can lurk in a more insidious, structural form that goes unnoticed by managers. You may have women and visible minorities present at your workplace, but perhaps few of them make it to influential positions. Small businesses can nip implicit discrimination in the bud by providing support and equal opportunities to all employees.

Forecasting the Business

Forecasting is the estimation of the value of a variable (or set of variables) at some future point in time. In this note we will consider some methods for forecasting. A forecasting exercise is usually carried out in order to provide an aid to decision-making and in planning the future. Typically all such exercises work on the premise that if we can predict what the future will be like we can modify our behavior now to be in a better position, than we otherwise would have been, when the future arrives. Applications for forecasting include:

Inventory control/production planning - forecasting the demand for a product enables us to control the stock of raw materials and finished goods, plan the production schedule, etc

Investment policy - forecasting financial information such as interest rates, exchange rates, share prices, the price of gold, etc. This is an area in which no one has yet developed a reliable (consistently accurate) forecasting technique (or at least if they have they haven't told anybody!)

Economic policy - forecasting economic information such as the growth in the economy, unemployment, the inflation rate, etc is vital both to government and business in planning for the future.

The ways in which we are going to forecasting Forever Young Store are: The recruitment and selection process starts with employment or personnel planning. This is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them. Personnel planning embrace all future positions, form maintenance clerk to CEO.

Forecasting methods can be classified into several different categories:

Qualitative methods - where there is no formal mathematical model, often because the data available is not thought to be representative of the future (long-term forecasting)

Regression methods - an extension of linear regression where a variable is thought to be linearly related to a number of other independent variables

Multiple equation methods - where there are a number of dependent variables that interact with each other through a series of equations (as in economic models)

time series methods - where we have a single variable that changes with time and whose future values are related in some way to its past values.

Forecasting Personnel Needs

Managers should consider several factors when forecasting personnel needs. The usual process is to forecast revenues and the, from that, estimate the size of the staff required to achieve its sales volume. The manage will need to consider other factors as well, such as projected turnover.

Using Computers to Forecast Personnel Requirements – computerizes forecasts enable the manager to include more variables into his or her personnel projections. These variables might include direct labour hours required to produce one unit of product (a measure of productivity), and the three sales projections.

Jamaican Labour Laws

Labour laws in Jamaica may be divided into three broad categories:  

                       a) Employment law 

                       b) Industrial relations law 

                       c) Industrial safety law 


Employment Law is based largely upon common law concept of the contract of employment. The employment (Termination and Redundancy) Payments Act (ETRP) 1974 (Jamaica) covers the separation payment whenever an employee is being made redundant or terminated.

The employment law would affect Forever Young store in a way in which we don’t plan to take, if the company redundant or terminate any of the employee we would have to pay them, for instance if we terminate about 5 employees in a week because of certain issues the company have to fine money to pay in a sense that we don’t have.

Industrial relations law is characterized by the principle of voluntarism. The Trade Union Act, 1919 (amended 1938), Labour Relations & Industrial Disputes Act (LRIDA),1975 provides legislative framework for recognition, industrial dispute resolution and statutory arbitration.

The industrial relations law would not affect the company in a sense, therefor we plan on being a branch in Jamaica; however we have to abide by their rules.

Industrial Safety Law comprise of the Factories Act, 1943. Under section 12 of this act includes provision. Therefore, the Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction Regulations of 1968 as well as the Docks (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations of 1968 provide the framework for these laws.

In Jamaica there are no comprehensive industrial safety laws in place. However, in Britain the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 provides a guideline for health and safety act. Jamaica is however drafting legislations for a comprehensive Health & Safety Act.

Job Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

Job analysis provides information about what the job entails and what human characteristics are required to perform these activities. This information, in the form of job description and job specification, helps managers decide what sort of people to recruit and hire.

Five steps in which the company would retrieve new staff members:

We will have to decide how to use the information, since it will determine the data we collect and how we collect them. Some data collection techniques like interviewing the employee and asking what job entails are good for writing job description and selecting employees for the job. We would also prepare a question a questionnaire for them to fill out.

The company will have to review relevant background information such as organization charts, process chart, and job description.

Select representation positions. There may be too many similar jobs to analyze them all.

The company would collect data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job.

We will develop a job description and a job specification. Job description is a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as its important feature, such as working conditions and safety hazards. The job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done.

Job interview is a popular method that the company wishes to use in identify which individual is more suitable for the job.

The Recruitment and Section Process

Job analysis is the duties and human requirement of the company’s jobs. The next step is to recruit and select employee. We can envision the recruitment and selection process as a series of handle.

Decide what position to fill, through personal planning and forecasting.

Build a pool of candidates for these jobs, by recruiting internal or external candidates.

Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps undergo initial screening interview.

Use selection tools like tests, background investigations, and physical exams to identify viable candidates.

Decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor and perhaps others interview the candidates.

Simple of the Job Description and the Job Specification


Job Title: Clerk 11

Salary Grade: 4

Department: Administration

Responsible To: Administration Manager

Authority Over: Junior Staff

Job Summary:

This position requires a good command of English, Office Administration, Typing, Computer Technology, Communication Skills and the ability to follow procedures as set out in an employee’s manual in providing an effective service to staff in relation to benefits, salary and matters concerning the business of the company.

Duties and Responsibilities:

To represent the company by handling telephone communication.

To input employee payroll information on the database on time.

To maintain accurate attendance records.

To process applications for leave efficiently.

To handle petty records and disbursement

To communicate promptly and courteously with staff and provide accurate information when requested.

To maintain an effective filing system.

To develop junior staff and maintain good working and interpersonal relations

To perform such other duties as related to the position.

March 2006


Job Title: Clerk 11

Salary Grade: 4

Promotion Prospect: Clerk 1

Department: Administration

Hour Entitlement: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday with hour off for lunch

Responsible To: Administration Manager

Authority Over: Junior Staff

Salary Range: $4,000 - $5,000 per month


Academic/ Technical: Passes in 6 subject at CXC General Proficiency level including English, Office Administration, Mathematics, Typewriting or equivalent qualification.

Experience: At least 3 years’ experience as a junior clerk


Skill in answering the telephone

Ability to follow instruction and procedures as set out by the Company.

Ability to represent the Company by dealing effectively with employees’ request for information.

Ability to organize work and set priorities.

Computer literacy.

Duties and Responsibility:

To represent the company by handing telephone communication.

To input employ payroll information on the database on time.

To maintain accurate attendance records.

To process application for level efficiently.

To handle petty cash record and disbursement.

To communicate promptly and courteously with staff and provide accurate information when requested.

To maintain effective filing system.

To develop junior staff and maintain good working and interpersonal relations with other in the department.

To perform such other duties as related to the position.

Job Summary:

This position requires a good command of English, Office Administration, Typing, Computer Technology, Communication Skills and the ability to follow procedures as set out in an employee’s manual in providing an efficient and effective service to staff in relation to benefits, salary and matters concerning the business of the company.

March 2006

Training and Development

Orienting employees

The company will carefully select employees do not guarantee they will perform effectively. Potential is one thing, perform is another. Even high-potential employee cannot do their jobs if they do not know what to do or how to do it.

Purpose of Orientation

Employee orientation provides new employees with the basic background information they need to work in the company, such as information about the company rules.

Orientation such accomplish four things: The new employee should feel welcome and at ease; he or she should understand the organization in a broad sense ( its past, present, culture, and vision of the future), as well as key facts such as policies and procedures; the employee should be clear about what is expected in terms of work and behavior; and person should have begun process of becoming socialized into the company ways of acting and doing things.

The Training Process

Immediately after orientation, training should being. Training means giving new or present employee the skills they need to perform their jobs. This might mean showing a new sales clerk how to sell the company product, or a new supervisor how to fill out the company weekly payroll sheets. But in this case like how we are building a new firm in Jamaica we would have to bring some of our employee out her so that they could train them.

The Five-step Training and Development Process

The first, or needs analysis step, identifies the specific job performance skills needed assesses the prospective trainees’ skills, and develops specific, measurable knowledge and performance objective based on any deficiencies.

In the second step, instructional design, you decide on, compile, and produce the training program content, including workbooks, exercises, and activities.

There may be a third, validation step, in which the bugs are worked out of the training program by presenting it to small representative audience.

The fourth step is to implement the program, by actually training the targeted employee group.

Fifth is an evaluation step, in which management assesses the program’s successes or failures.

Employment Contract

The actual contact agreement may be a 20 – 30 page document; or it may be even longer. It may contain just general declaration of policy, or detailed rules and procedures. The tendency today is towards the longer, more detailed contract. This is largely a result of the increased number of items the agreements have been covering.

The form of the employee contact that we will negotiate with our new staffs is:

Management rights: This the way in which the manger will have a right to take to the employee’s and they will also have the right to guide them in the way in which the company should be going.

Union security and automatic payroll dues deduction: The contact will state that certain deduction will be taken out of the employee’s salary; this is call taxi that the company will pay to the government.

Contract expiration date: this state that at a given time the contact of agreement would expiate and, therefore the employee would need to renew it.

Hours of work and overtime: The contact will state how many hours a week each employee should do and as for the overtime it will be recorded, hence the works will get pay for overtime put in on the work.

Health and safety provisions: There will be some welfare and safety provisions for each employee. They will get some health benefits that will benefits both the employee and there family members.

Benefits: Employees benefits are vacations, pension, holidays and insurance. Employee allow to get at least 1 vacation per an year for about 2 months off, when they can work anymore are provide for their family they will get what is call an pension to support both and their family, each and every holiday that Jamaica has the employee will get that day off from work with pay.

Employment Compensation

Workers' compensation is a mandatory type of business insurance that provides employees who become injured or ill while on the job with medical coverage and income replacement. It also protects companies from being sued by employees for the workplace conditions that caused such an injury or illness.

Businesses are required by law in all fifty states to pay for the medical treatment and lost wages of employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. In order to avoid crippling expenses in this regard, companies purchase workers' compensation insurance policies of one kind or another.

The objectives of a compensation reward system that Forever Young Store would adopt:

Attract suitable staff

Retain qualified personnel

Develop reward structures that are equitable with consistent and fair pay relationships between differently valued jobs

Adjust pay structures to reflect inflationary effects

Ensure that rewards and salary costs adjust to changes in market rates or organizational change

Reward performance, responsibility, and loyalty, and provide for progression and increases

Comply with legal requirements

Keep compensation levels and differentials under review and control salary/wage costs

This system will help us to treat all of our employees fairly and keep the company in a good manners that’s we can be a good organization in the eyes of the public.

Performance of Staff

Staff performance is getting the right people to do the right things, at the right time. 

This involves a complex set of management practices that all combine to: 

Get the right people, with the right mix of skill, knowledge, behavioral characteristics, motives, and values, to be able to perform the job to a high standard

Develop systems and procedures that assist, not hinder, the employees ability to perform

Create a workplace environment where people want to perform, this includes motivational as well as satisfying components

Ensure that each staff member knows exactly what is expected of them and how their performance will be measured

Progressively measure performance and provide timely and focused feedback that allows the staff member to improve their performance

Manage difficulties that arise through a wide variety of causes

Adequately assess and minimize the risk to the organization through staff not performing.

Staff performance is a critical aspect of an organization’s ability to meet its objectives, survive, and thrive. 

Best practice in staff performance involves a full range of managerial practices 


Forever Young Store will join the many other clothing stores in Jamaica in doing their day to day transaction. In doing so the company has to follow certain guide line of the country and adopt to Jamaica culture. The company is expected a full grown profit that will maximizes the company expenses.


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