The Seven Domains Of Attractive Opportunities


02 Nov 2017

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Buyers of the land carbon data for trading purpose are a diversified mix. Buyers range from countries, companies, corporates, and voluntary market etc. Thus reliance on one single buyer is highly unlikely. Due to various reasons the existing options available to buyers are not only expensive but also prone to corrupt practices. Thus EO and big data based carbon data processing offer a better bargain and potentially much more reliable and cost effective carbon data. Thus bargaining power of buyers will be negligible. Additionally start-ups should look at incentivising options to get faster access to broader markets.

Author’s Recommendation:

Companies and start-ups should aim to incentivise there product offering and also segregate their target buyers so that the carbon data is more accessible and affordable. May even look at different feature based pricing offering ie, horses for courses rather than one size fits all. Substitutes: Threat of substitute product or service

Land carbon data products or the trading in the form of credits does not have any substitute per say. Unless radical scientific developments come up to reverse the climate change effect and greenhouse gas emissions or even methods to alter deforestation. Even if these radical changes are developed it will take months even years to be establish them under one umbrella. Thus the author believes that the threat of substitute product or service is unlikely to play a major role. Suppliers: Bargaining power of suppliers

Author’s Recommendation:

Companies and start-ups should build IP around their product to counter the threat of bargaining power of suppliers.Land carbon data and for that matter carbon trading using combination of EO and big data is a niche and doesn’t have any established players as yet. The existing suppliers are non-economical both from price and setup perspective. Thus the author believes existing suppliers are not like for like comparable to the state of the art innovative EO and big data analytic platform. That said the rapid changing nature of technology has the potential of having a quick ramp up of number of suppliers if the opportunity is not exploited sooner. Thus the author believes the bargaining power of suppliers is very limited or negligible at present.

4.1.2 Industry rivalry: Intensity of rivalry amongst existing competitors

At present there are no established players who have successfully tapped into the EO and big data analytics for land carbon data (Two organisations namely Winrock, Ecometrica are currently active in the EO domain, however there is not much evidence on their commercial presence and validity of the science behind their analysis). However the author believes it is unlikely that the existing competitive landscape will last forever, as opportunist firms and firms with deeper pockets will be able to enter the market at a lower initial cost and capture some of the markets in the voluntary and regulated carbon trading markets. The author believes that the land carbon data and carbon trading markets will become highly competitive in the near future.

4.2 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. Identification of SWOTs are essential because they assist in subsequent steps in the process of planning for achievement of the selected objective i.e. tapping into the commercialisation of land carbon data opportunities.

Figure-26 SWOT

4.2.1 Strengths

Opportunities to build capability of EO and big data analytics with science backing.

Generate business revenue results versus pure scientific findings and EO.

Potential early recognition from 3rd parties and buyers.

Building a product and leveraging pricing point advantage.

Agile and iterative product development may assist in navigating blind alleys smoother development.

Grant support a likelihood as work will involve niche space technological opportunities.

New science as IP could act as a differentiator.

4.2.2 Weaknesses

Learning curve could be steep as a first mover.

No standardised and widely recognised model i.e., new science. Thus guaranteed ROI a risk.

Need for validation of science and data – requirement for 3rd party benchmarking.

Reluctance to move away from preferred suppliers – currently there is a long standing relationship between the company receiving the carbon data and the company supplying carbon data, thus deep pocket customers might just not be ready to move suppliers just on cost basis.

Disruptive technology early adoption risk – customers might wait for early adopters to use the solution before taking a decision on adopting it.

4.2.3 Opportunities

Tapping into big data domain and services

Tapping into EO data and thus building superior analytics.

Building ecosystem and statistical models.

Mapping the right niches.

Collaboration with influential partners in the carbon market. Thus bigger market reach.

Opportunity to overcome inertia in the market ie, reach different segment of customers with superior science backed quality of carbon data.

4.2.4 Threats

Larger entrant with deeper pockets and scalable resources gaining market dominance quicker.

Potential blind alleys as no established and standard mechanism is widely followed thus inherent risks of new science.

Lack of focus from science resources, if unable to get science backing.

Free access to data in carbon arena – thus potential of others tapping at equal or faster pace and capturing carbon markets faster.

Scepticism regarding data certainty – carbon data error and uncertainty.

Equity financing difficult for early stage/boutique vendor.

Science may not be 100% implementable

Slower rate of regulation changes – thus market growth slower than projected.

4.3 The ABCs: Critical Success Factors for land carbon data Innovative Product Development

Research has uncovered two types or classes of critical success factors. The first deals with doing the right projects; the second with doing projects right (Robert G Cooper).

Doing the right projects

Doing the right projects is captured by a number of external or environmental success factors over which the project team has little control. These include characteristics of the new product’s market, technologies, and competitive situation, along with the ability to leverage internal competencies.

Doing projects right

These success factors emphasize doing projects right and focus on process factors or action items—things the project team does (or too often does not do).

4.3.1 Eight Actionable Critical Success Factors for land carbon data platform

Up-Front Homework Pays Off

Research shows that inadequate up-front homework is a major reason for failure of projects and companies. Successful teams undertake superior up-front homework (more time, money, and effort; and better quality work) than do failure teams, whereas a recent benchmarking study reveals that homework is a key ingredient in a high-quality new product process and is correlated significantly and positively with both the profitability and impact of the business’s total new product efforts (Robert G Cooper). Thus it is critical for start-ups not to rush into conclusion but follow a measured approach to the land carbon product proposition doing appropriate homework and allocating resources accordingly for superior results.

Build in the Voice of the Customer

Successful businesses, and teams that drive winning new product projects, have a slave-like dedication to the voice of the customer. New product projects that feature high-quality marketing actions—preliminary and detailed market studies, customer tests, field trials, and test markets, as well as launch—are blessed with more than double the success rates and 70% higher market shares than those projects with poor marketing actions(Robert G Cooper). Building voice of customer into land carbon data product is critical for start-ups. It is very important to understand the pain areas with existing land carbon information mechanism and offer a reliable easy to use platform using EO and big data analytics.

As per Prof Mark Maslin board member at Rezatec Ltd.

"Over the last 4-5 years the people working for Rezatec, have met 150 different clients, so we have taken serious note of the importance of how we calculate, produce and present data and thus produce data useful and usable by clients."

Seek Differentiated, Superior Products

One of the top success factors is delivering a differentiated product with unique customer benefits and superior value for the user. Such superior products have five times the success rate, more than four times the market share, and four times the profitability as products lacking this ingredient (Robert G Cooper).

As per Dr. Michael Cross, Non-Executive chairman, Rezatec Ltd.

"Price, quality, functionality, accessibility – and that it is a growing data set being created by Rezatec as their USP."

As per Prof Mark Maslin board member at Rezatec Ltd.

"Rezatec takes complex and unintelligible satellite raw data and sparse ground data and converts into meaningful and useful products that client actually wants to have."

Thus clearly start-ups need to focus on building a superior innovative and unique carbon data platform.

Demand Sharp, Stable, and Early Product

A failure to define the product—its target market; the concept, benefits and positioning; and its requirements, features and specs—before development begins is a major cause of new product failure and serious delays in time to market . Thus start-ups should aim to use aggregate project planning in an agile and iterative way to help define and refine product development. Agile development methodology will help gauge into customer response and bring in adaptability at a quicker pace, thus help bringing in a stable carbon data platform early to the market.

Plan and Resource the Market Launch ... Early in the Game!

A strong market launch underlies successful products. For example, new product winners devote more than twice as many person-days and launch is significantly higher for winners. Similarly, quality of execution of the market launch is significantly higher for winners (Robert G Cooper). Early engagement with the carbon market through partners and participants will help build a buzz around the carbon data platform for start-ups. This will help build momentum prior to launch of the carbon data platform.

As per Mr Philip Briscoe, Marketing Director Rezatec Ltd.

"We drive people to our platform through online and offline promotion. We generate awareness through talking to people, press, key influencers, journalists, industry association, tracking and representing key events, webinars, and direct outreach to target prospects."

Build Tough Go/Kill Decision Points into Your Process—a Funnel, not a Tunnel

In too many companies, projects move far into development without serious scrutiny: once a project begins, there is very little chance that it will ever be killed. The result is many marginal projects are approved, and scarce resources are misallocated. Indeed, having tough go/kill decision points or gates is correlated strongly with the profitabilities of businesses’ new product efforts (Robert G Cooper). Thus start-ups should focus at delivering quality through appropriate prioritisation and quality review gates.

Organise Around True Cross-Functional Projects Teams

Numerous studies concur: good organisational design is strongly linked to success. Good organisational design means projects that are organised as a cross-functional team, led by a strong project leader, accountable for the entire project from beginning to end, dedicated, and focused (as opposed to spread over many projects), and where top management is committed to the project (Robert G Cooper). The entrepreneurial team, project design and implementation, marketing and sales teams should operate in truly cross functional manner to build state of the art carbon data product.

As per Mr Patrick Newton, CEO Rezatec Ltd

"As a team we all know each other and are prepared to take a risk, as a Leader I have had success at multiple organisations including start-ups and have a good success rate to deliver"

Build an International Orientation into Your New Product Process

An international orientation means defining the market as an international one and designing products to meet international requirements, not just domestic. In the current economic climate it is prudent to develop products with an international orientation. Simple things like internationalisation built into the carbon data platform makes a unique platform usable across the globe. With the carbon market being so diverse start-ups will be well advised to build in international orientation into their platform.

As per Prof Mark Maslin board member Rezatec Ltd

"Yes international orientation is built into Rezatec offering, because we deal with global data sets, we will be able to support companies and countries around the world to look at … firstly carbon and look at other products peat lands, water resources and agriculture outputs etc."

4.4 The land carbon data new business road test – The 7 domain model

"Just as most car buyers take a road test before committing to the purchase of a new vehicle, so serious entrepreneurs run road tests of the opportunities they consider. Each road test resolves a few more questions and eliminates a few more uncertainties lurking in the path of every opportunity "(John W. Mullins). Thus the 7 domain model provides a road test toolkit that any serious entrepreneur may use to resolve questions and eliminate uncertainties on the new venture or project or product decision. Additionally the toolkit addresses the seven domains that characterise attractive and compelling opportunities. The author attempts to use the 7 domain model to test the entrepreneurial opportunity of commercialisation of land carbon data and its attractiveness.

4.4.1 The seven domains of attractive opportunities

Successful entrepreneurship is comprised of three crucial elements: markets, industries and the one or more key people that make up the entrepreneurial team. The seven domains model (figure 26 below) that brings these elements together to offer a new and clearer way to answer the crucial question that every aspiring entrepreneur must ask themselves ‘Why will or won’t this work?’. This model goes further to bring to light three subtle but crucial distinctions and observations to evaluate the commercialisation of land carbon data.

Markets and industries

Both macro- and micro-level considerations wrt the market and industry

Entrepreneurial team (Ability, Aspirations and Connectivity)

Figure-26 The seven domain model of attractive opportunities

Additionally these seven domains address the central elements in the assessment of land carbon data market opportunity i.e.

Are the market and the industry attractive?

Does the opportunity offer compelling customer benefits as well as a sustainable advantage over other solutions to the customer’s needs?

Can the team deliver the results they seek and promise to others? Is the carbon market attractive? Macro and micro considerations

Carbon markets assessments must be made at both the macro- (broad, market-wide) and micro- (particular to a specific segment) levels.

Figure -27 alongside highlights the macro market consideration in the seven domain model of attractive opportunities. Macro-level market attractiveness for carbon markets can be typically defined by answering the questions below.


Figure-27 Macro level considerations-7 domain model

How large is the market?

Secondary data from carbon market intelligence (CMI) database (KMatrix), estimates the market potential of 16 billion. CMI report does a detailed study on the historic data and projected future prospects looking at a broad macro-environmental factor.

Number of customers in the market?

This is a tricky one. Due to the nature of the carbon market there are many customers in the regulated and voluntary markets. But these customers could be potentially targeted with a new EO and big data analytic carbon data product with a cost effective model. Additionally there will be potential new customers with legislation changes in future.

A firm is likely to grow in the long term if the initial advantage it brings to the customers is sustained in the face of subsequent competitor entry. The goal is to determine whether certain factors are present that would enhance the ability of the venture to sustain any advantage that it might have at the outset. These factors are:

The presence of proprietary elements – patents, trade secrets and so on – that other firms are unable to duplicate or imitate.

The likely presence of superior organisational processes, capabilities or resources that others would have difficulty duplicating or imitating.

The presence of an economically viable business model – one that won’t quickly run out of cash! This factor, in turn, involves a careful look at some more detailed issues:

Revenue, in relation to the capital investment required and margins obtainable;

Customer acquisition and retention costs, and the time it will take to obtain customers;

Gross margins and their adequacy to cover the necessary cost structure to operate the business;

Operating cash cycle characteristics, i.e. how much cash must be tied up in working capital such as inventory, how quickly will customers pay, and how slowly suppliers and employees may be paid, in relation to the margins the business generates. Entrepreneurial team (Ability, Aspirations and Connectivity)

Figure -31 alongside highlights the Entrepreneurial team in the seven domain model of attractive opportunities.

Figure-31 Entrepreneurial team-7 domain model

When pressed to name the single most important factor in their investment decisions, many of the entrepreneurs, companies, investors, venture capitalists answer to it was, ‘Management, management and management’ (John W. Mullins).Thus the management team is core to the success or failure of a new venture or opportunity. Examining this domain of the seven domain model is necessary in order to complete the land carbon data opportunity assessment.

Does the opportunity fit the team’s business mission, personal aspirations and risk propensity?

Entrepreneurs/Investors assess opportunities based on following preferences:

Markets they wish to serve (example Nike’s founder, Phil Knight, an athlete himself, wanted to market to athletes).

Risks they are willing to undertake (with how much money, certainty of a successful venture, willingness to share it etc.).

Aspirations (how big should the venture be, how soon, exit strategy, commitment to this opportunity).

As per Mr Patrick Newton, CEO Rezatec Ltd

"I have had a 50:50 hit rate with start-ups, As a team we need to be as good as we possibly can, people are hard to find and are not prepared to risk a start-up company. The good thing about us is we all know each other and are prepared to take a risk."

Does the team have what it takes, in a human sense – in experience and industry know-how – to deliver superior performance for this particular opportunity, given its critical success factors, i.e. those factors that tend to distinguish between the better performing and poorer performing firms in the industry one proposes to enter?

Understanding the critical success factors relevant to a particular opportunity and the industry within which it will compete and matching them against the team’s ability to perform on them is among the most compelling questions most investors ask in assessing opportunities (John W. Mullins). Leadership in terms of the CEO and the heads of engineering, R&D, marketing, Sales and how they operate are critical for any new entrepreneurial opportunity and Land carbon data platform opportunity is no different.

Is the team well connected up, down and across the value chain so it will be quick to notice any opportunity or need to change its approach if conditions warrant?

Entrepreneurial teams should ask how connected they are, both up and down the value chain – with suppliers and customers – and across their industry to address this concern. How can they get connected if they are not? One partial answer: network, network, network (John W. Mullins).


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