Human Resource Management And Its Major Trends


02 Nov 2017

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Individual Assignment: HRM IN A BUSINESS CONTEXT



Alexandros Papapavlou

B’ Semester 2013

Table of Contents


It is commonly accepted that the workplace has been revolutionised. Infrastructure has been replaced by knowledge, as well as supervision has been replaced by self-management. In general, the personality of a person, as it is shaped through societal factors (family, school and work) influences the way this person reacts in the workplace, and lastly, the organisational culture of a company.

The purpose of this project is double, where an overview if provided of how the trends of the society can affect an organisation, as well as how the Organisation itself can opt for an organisational culture that will adapt to the human behaviour as it is shaped by societal influences (family, school and work).

The main part of the project is the literature review where the main theory of how family, school and finally work can affect a company. The example of "Apple Inc" is described, mentioning the influences of the organizational culture and structure of company, and how it shaped by human behaviour. Finally, recommendations and conclusions are drawn.

Literature review

Human Resource Management and its major trends

Human resources is a group of people who construct the workforce of an organization, The specialized discipline that manages an organization's human resources is called HRM. To consider how individuals react to the changes in a labour market, this must be considered the geographical expand the occupational structure and the generational difference

In general, the major trends in HRM are the following:


Demographics are the description of a population/workforce giving some examples, age, gender or social category. This kind of trend may have a consequence in relation to, insurance packages etc. Demographic trends explain the historical changes in demographics in a population over periods of time. Both distributions and trends of principles within a demographic variable are of interest. Demographics are very crucial about the population of a region and the culture of the people there.

Diversity and social trends

Diversity: the difference within the population / workplace. Changes in society now mean that a larger amount of businesses are made up of "baby-boomers". Advocates of "workplace diversity" advocate an employee base that is a mirror reflection of the make-up of society insofar as race, gender, sexual etc. Social trends produce well-liked interest in a product and at the end of the day opportunities for a business. They can be permanent changes in the market, and they can define the supply and demand as well as profit and loss

Skills and qualifications

Skills and qualifications: as businesses move from manual to more managerial professions so does the need for more highly skilful graduates. If the market is "tight", employers must battle for employees by offering financial rewards, etc

Technological trends

The new Market that prevails under Globalization has a lot of changes to the environment of work and organizations. It dictates, the way corporations consider and how employees are treated. It implies, along with others, arbitrariness in the workplace pervade threat of break, an progressively more wide space between the rich and poor, job loss and a weakening of job security, and the rise of superstar CEOs).

Techniques to analyse Organisational Environment

Environment Analysis is a methodical process to recognize environmental factors, consider the nature and effect of these factors, auditing their impact on the business, and positioning the variety of profiles to arrive at conclusions to plan the right strategies. Environment Analysis Process consists of scanning, monitoring, analyzing and forecasting. It keeps changing depending on the situations

Identifying Environment Factors: Internally, the factors contain systems, internal structure, strategies followed, and culture of the organization. These are practical areas. Externally, the business interacts with the customers, competitors and supplier; also other stakeholders such as trade unions, media, and pressure groups., political, economic and technological factors

Scanning and Selecting Key Factors: Analysis is made only on the important factors to the company. All factors are not important and influence the business. Choosing and concentrating on the relevant factors paves the way for proper environmental analysis and forecasting.

Defining Variables for Analysis: Variables have to be clear in any analysis. In addition the political situation as stable, unstable, long term effect, etc. should be calculated using the variables. Economic environment should be classified into GDP, Per-capita, economic policies, etc. Variables should compare, grouped and correlated and predicted to find the clearest picture of the broader concept.

Forecasting Environmental Factors: Analyzing the previous information and details to guess the future is the target of this step. It is a complete method to analyze the information collected by using different tools and techniques.

Defining Profiles: Analyzed Environmental Factors are consequently recorded into profiles. Inner areas are recorded in Strategic Advantage Profile and external areas are recorded in Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile Both profiles can be united into Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).

Strategic Position and Report Writing: The Manager should recognize the appropriate environmental factors, and then analyze them by using several and different tools and techniques to find out the actual situation. It is a SWOT analysis. The manager should then select the best alternative strategy to take the company to a better position

Ethics and Organisational Culture


Dealing with ethics is not a matter of applying specific rules and laws. Even though there are European Laws that provide a useful legal tool for dealing with employee relation issues, in general they are proven to be insufficient ( A legal counsel’s assistance would be useful in interpreting the law. Then, Finance and Accounting professionals could estimate the financial consequences of decisions made. However, since ethics does not mean the same thing for all people, making the right choice can be a very difficult and challenging decision.

An organization could be ethical, if all individuals in that company are familiar with solid values that they also apply. However, that does not make an organization ethical as a whole. An ethical organization is the one that its leaders create an ethical code, reflecting the company’s values. All individuals within the organization are expected to follow this code

While each organization should set up its own ethical structure, there are two factors to build an ethical organization, mutual trust and respect. In an organization in which respect is a verified value, employees and managers treat each other with dignity and make it known that they care about the work they perform. The organization's leadership fosters initiative and creativity. Individual differences and perspectives are appreciated and promoted. All employees, apart from of their position, are recognized and rewarded for their contributions.

In an organization where trust is prevailing, information is accurate, timely, and complete. Co-workers share their ideas and concerns. People at all levels accept suggestions for ways to improve the work progress. Alternatives are discussed freely, and clear and concrete goals are developed and shared across the organization.

HR practitioners can be a driver for building a strong ethical foundation, although one person - or one department - cannot single-handedly change a culture that has some of the indicators of a weak ethics system mentioned earlier in this article.

An organization's core values are manifested by its culture; that is, in the basic ways that business is handled, such as how decisions are made and how rewards are distributed. Employees learn these ways of doing business through observing co-workers and leaders. If no expectations are established and effectively communicated, employees will "make it up" as they go along when faced with ethical dilemmas.

Supervisors and managers in organizations are often afforded a level of respect from employees because of their leadership position. I believe that HR professionals are in leadership roles by virtue of their visibility and influence, if not always in terms of title. Employees look to the leadership as role models to guide their own behaviour. This is especially true when organizations are weathering difficult times, such as mergers or acquisitions. A written Code of Ethics cannot be institutionalized unless organization leaders show their respect for individuals and the organization by engaging in legal and moral behaviours. Employees will learn to trust and respect each other and managers only if they observe characteristics that merit that trust and respect.

Human Resources can influence organizational culture. The stories you tell and the events that you comment about illustrate what matters to you and what you consider acceptable behaviour

Organisational Culture

Organizational culture is the cooperative behaviour of people who are members of an organization/business and the meaning that the people connect to their actions. Culture including the organization values, norms, working language, visions, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits. In addition is the paradigm of collective behaviours and assumptions that are educated to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and thinking, feeling. Organizational culture influence the way that different personalities and groups act together with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders.

Ravasi and Schultz (2006) stated that organizational culture is a set of shared mental assumptions that lead analysis and action in organizations by defining right behaviour for a variety of situations. At the same time a company may have "own unique culture", in larger organizations, there is a diverse or conflicting culture that co-exists due to different characteristics of the management team. The organizational culture may also have negative and positive aspects. Schein (2009), Deal & Kennedy (2000), Kotter (1992) and many others state that organizations often have very differing cultures as well as subcultures. The organizational culture is greatly affected in the case of either vertical of horizontal integration.

Analysis – The case of Apple Inc


In order to consider better the literature review mentioned above the example of the company "Apple Inc" will be examined below. "Apple Inc" is an international computer manufacturing company, which has expanded at a very fast pace. This expansion posed problems to the managers since it was impossible to control the company, which was being directed towards bankruptcy. As a result, radical changes needed to be done in the organizational culture and structure in order to save the company and continue to be competitive on the international market

Organisational culture of Apple Inc

The basic notion of the organisational culture of Apple Inc is that individuals will work more effectively if they are allowed to use their initiative and make decisions without having to refer to a manager for approval, for every single step they take. Therefore, decision could be taken at a lower level in branches all over the world, and not only at high-level employees, making Apple flexible, open to changes and competitive towards other companies. Even though the headquarters were finally involved, the problems were solved on the spot, allowing the company to grow fast and eliminated excessive paperwork and bureaucracy (Mc Shane and Travglione, 2005, pp 89-290).

Organisational structure of Apple Inc

"Apple Inc" had a loose organizational structure since decision making was functioning with the way as it mentioned above. This system gave the ability to the company to stand out in the business world since Apple was efficient and became very reactive to change. Nevertheless, this method had a negative effect since Apple sustained serious financial losses in regional areas. More specifically, the fact that employees at different levels could take decision, made it very tough for the head office to manage efficiently, the functions of spending, purchasing and budgeting (Offermann & Spiros, 2001, pp 376-92).

How does the Human personality affects organisational culture

The personality of a person, as it is shaped through family school and eventually the workplace affects the way this person reacts in the workplace, and in the end, the organisational culture of a company. The behaviour of a person at work, his/her self-esteem and self-efficacy as well as his/her perception can shape the policies of a company, and in the end the whole culture of the organisation.

In general, as it will be shown below companies that choose to have personnel policies, offer great advantages to their personnel, company and society as well. The fact that personnel have the opportunity to work from home, is very important since it helps the company to solve the problem of office expansion. Furthermore, some people are more productive when they work from their home where they can organise their life in order to cater for the family needs as well. Moreover, personnel policies are environment friendly, since they reduce traffic.

Behaviour at work

"Apple Inc" case study Personality deals with behaviour pattern and dependable internal states in order to analyze person’s behavioural tendencies. Personality consists of internal and external components. The external characteristics are the obvious behaviour that one can depend on in order to diagnose ones personality. Personality is both inherited and build by the influence of one’s environment. (Mc Shane and Travglione, 2005, pp 89-290).

Some examples of personality qualities are, shy, quiet, aggressive and ambitious. (Robbins et al., 2003, pp 178-90).While working overtime late one night, you accidentally overhear a colleague called Amanda having a telephone conversation in which she states that she had stolen ideas from a co-worker and close friend of yours called Bill. Amanda recently received a prestigious promotion on the basis of stealing Bills ideas, while Bill has been reprimanded by his manager for not performing up to the organization’s expectations (Glinow, 2003, pp 189-67). Some of the most important concepts that build an individual’s behaviour in order to deal with everyday life and organizational issues are values, perception, and personality qualities. The reason why the study of these concepts is of vital importance in the organization behaviour theory, is to provide guidance on how should an employee react in the situation mentioned above, where Amanda stole Bill’s ideas, depending on the employee’s own values, ideas, virtues and personality (Sagie & Elizur, 2002 pp.503-14).

Self-esteem and self-efficacy

By definition, "Self esteem" is a person’s opinion on ones value in positive and negative ways. It is how people see themselves as persons, mentally and physically. It is a very crucial feature as to who people are and starts to build since childhood. Self-esteem is a very important factor in psychology since it can make a person feel confident or feel overwhelmed (Offermann & Spiros, 2001, pp.376-92). Self-efficacy is a method, which describes an individual’s behaviour and his expected ability to act in a certain way. It is linked to positive self-evaluation and self-appreciation. It is the control which comes as a result of mastering new experiences, aiming at a successful performance (Schiffman et al, 2005, pp 78-90). Self-efficacy is influenced by success and failure, in relation with the risk of taking actions towards change. It comes from a person´s judgement of skills in assuming behaviour and having positive results. A person’s work behaviour is affected by both values self-esteem and self efficacy (Stephen, 2005, pp 181-167).

Perception and the workplace

Perception is the ability to transmit information that people acquire through the five human senses, to our brain for understanding and interpretation of information. A person’s perception skills in an organisation offer to that person a useful tool of power. It enables that person to arrange his relationships in his working environment and obtain his goals, unlike those who do not have intense perception skills (Sagie & Elizur, 2002 pp.503-14).


In conclusion, it has been shown above that the societal factors (family, school and work) are crucial in influencing the personality of a person and thus his/her reaction in the workplace. From all of the above it is shown how an organisational culture can be either influence or be influenced by the behavioural traits of its employees.

Through this project I have examined the main theory affecting the Human Resource Management trends and how they can affect the ethics in a company and finally the organisational culture. Finally, an application of the theory has been made with the use of the international company "Apple Inc".

In general, it has been shown that the organisational culture is a global notion. Different factors of culture and trends affecting the company, and that different approach have to be revaluated for companies to be successfully globally.


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