What Factor Would Motivate You


02 Nov 2017

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4.1 Introduction

This chapter will describe the findings of the primary research done for the dissertation. The findings gave the researcher many unexpected results as there were new ideas from participant. The employees who have participated in this questionnaire have given important information on how should their companies motivate them in order to get the best out of them. This chapter will also analyse the findings with the literature review in chapter 2 and the researcher will compare and contrast both. There were few number of the theory has gone against what is really happening in an organisation, while some has the similarity to the situations.

The researcher sent out 60 questionnaires to the case study companies but unfortunately, researcher received 30 questionnaires. The questionnaires were given out to the employees from three different cultures, which include Singaporean, Indian and Filipino. The broad sampling was essential for the study as it improves the quality of the research and makes it more valid and reliable. There was 10 questions asked to the participant, who took part in the questionnaire, but the researcher has selected a several questions which are really vital to discuss in the findings. The results of the findings were excellent, as the employee has given a different perspective of answer on how to motivate them.

4.2 Please State your Nationality?

Table 1

Based on table 1the pie chart illustrates the different national culture participants from two companies based in Singapore. There were a total number of 30 employees who has participated in this survey, based on the pie chart it is divided into three groups which includes 12 Singaporean participants, 11 Indian participants and 7 Filipino participants. Next graph would define the employee’s motivation level.

4.3 Rate your overall level of motivation in your organisation?

Table 2

4.4 Based on previous question. Why have you chosen this level of the motivation?

According to table 2 above it explains about the level of motivation of each group culture from Singapore, India and Philippines. The graph has shown that employees from the case study companies are not demotivated at all which was a surprising result for the researcher. This gives an impression that employees in these companies are motivated to a certain extend and need to find the best method to motivate them more. There were 1 employee from India and 2 employees from Philippines were least motivated whereas employees from Singapore are not least motivated at all. Employees from India and Philippines claims that they were least motivated because the job scope or role they perform are not challenging. As well, some of them of have mention that they are stagnant in the same position for years which means they are looking forward to have a career development or promotion. Furthermore, several employees have stated that they have been working in that organisation to satisfy their basic needs which would be food, shelter and clothing. According to the Maslow’s theory he claims that managers should give their employees appropriate salaries in order to purchase their basic necessities of life (Maslow, 1954). Moving to the point motivated, it was found that employees from Singapore were motivated the most. Besides that, employees from India were also slightly close to Singapore while there were 4 employees only from Philippines were motivated. Based on the results, employees from Singapore were motivated the most as they were motivated through goals and target set by their organisation. Latham and Locke (1979) claims that motivation and performance are higher when individuals have set specific goals, when goals are difficult but accepted, and that is when there is a feedback on performance. In addition, certain employees have mention that flexible working hours and working environment has also influenced the motivation level of the employees as they would be more creative and innovative. Herzberg (1957) says that the influence on the job enrichment movement, which seek to design jobs in a way that will maximize the opportunities to obtain intrinsic satisfaction from work and improve the quality of working life. According to the bar chart it is found that employees from Singapore are highly motivated while employees from India seem to be quite close to Singapore as well. Despite, employees from Philippines seems to a slight difference compared to the other two countries. As the researcher has found from the survey, it is found that most of them are motivated through monetary rewards and bonuses. F.W Taylor (1911) has emphasized that financial rewards is the main key in order to motivate employees in an organisation. On the other hand, employees had also mention that their highly motivated through learning and development and team work in the organisation, as Maslow’s (1954) theory mention that social needs are concerned about how the management should encourage teamwork and organize social events in order to build a good relationship bond among the employee. The other main reason that affects the high level of motivation in employee is the job recognition by their employer for their efforts and the hard work. Now this study will move on to discuss on the next section on motivational factors.

4.5 What factor would motivate you the most?

Table 3

Based on the table above the graph illustrates the motivational factors that influence the employees from Singapore, India and Philippines the most and the least. According to the diagram above, it shows that the most motivating factor among all other factors is pay and bonuses. To be more precise employees from India are the most motivated through pay and bonuses. It was a surprising outcome for the researcher as the literature review chapter 2 on previous researcher has mention that Indian employees were unhappy with monetary compensation, because it creates a temporary commitment to the job but the non- monetary factor has given a career development and personal opportunity (Mikael Ahlfors, 2011). While there were only 6 employees from Singapore and 5 employees from Philippines whom are influenced with pay and bonuses factor. Moving to the next motivational factor hard work recognition it is seen that employees from Singapore are more motivated to this factor the most. Herzberg’s (1957) theory claims that it gives an opportunity for achievement by recognizing employees’ contributions and rewarding them through promotion which would create a greater responsibility and commitment as this would be a satisfiers. Whereas there were 2 employees from India and 3 employees from Philippines has agreed to this factor in which they are quite similar. The next factor would be challenging goals and targets. It is seen that employees from Philippines are more influenced by this factor as many of them seek for a challenging goals and targets in order to achieve organisation growth. Latham and Locke (1979) states that goal theory has emphasized on self-efficiency where individual’s self-confidence and faith which has potential of performing the task on a higher level of self-efficiency which would need a greater efforts put in by the individual when they face challenging task. However, employees from Singapore and India are motivated at an equal level for this factor. The Challenging job factor has given the researcher an unexpected outcome in where it turns out to be the least motivating factor for all three groups of employees. Employees from Singapore claims that their being motivated through challenging job, while employees from India and Philippines were at equal level. Maslow’s (1954) self-actualization needs has mention that managers can give the employees challenging jobs in which the employees’ skills and competencies are fully utilized for the growth of the organisation. With this Vroom (1964) mentioned that performing a specific level of task that will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome. Now the findings will discuss on next section.

4.6 Do you feel that you are fairly treated in your organisation?

Table 4

According to the graph in table 4, it illustrates how employees from Singapore, India and Philippines are treated. Employees from India and Philippines had mentioned that they strongly agree to the fact their being treated fairly in their organisation, whereas it was surprising from the employees in Singapore as they didn’t strongly agree to it which means they’re not fairly treated in their organisation. Moving the next point agree, employees from India and Philippines were at the same level with 5 employees each, while there only one Singaporean employee which has mention that they are fairly treated. Adam (1965) claims that this theory is concern about how employees strive to achieve equity among themselves and their co-workers. The researcher was amazed with the following outcome in which, there was the huge number of Singaporean employees have disagreed that their being treated fairly in their organisation. While there were 4 employees from Philippines and 2 employees from India as well has disagree to this factor. According to Adam (1965) he states that people will be motivated if their treated equitably and they would be demotivated if they’re treated inequitably. It was also good news that there were no employees from these cultures who has strongly disagreed.

4.7 Does your organisation provide you the ability to learn new things and develop your skills?

Table 5

The graph above in table 5 describes whether case study organisation provides their employees the ability to learn and develop their skills. Based on the researcher’s survey, most of the employees have agreed that their employer has given them an opportunity to learn and develop their skills. There were 17 employees who have strongly agreed to the factor above, which consists of; 8 employees from Singapore, 5 employees from Philippines and 4 employees from India. According to literature review in chapter 2, a case study in Singapore has mentioned that employees feel that managers in the organisation are lack of development skills, as managers were more into personal interest in their career development rather than the employees (Freda Line, 2007). There were an equal number of 5 employees from each culture which agreed that their employers provide them with learning and developing their skills. Moving to the next factor disagree, there 3 employees in total, which would be 2 employees from India and 1 employee from Philippines. It was really surprising for the researcher that there were no employees who have strongly disagreed, which means that the case study company has given an opportunity for their employees to learn and develop their skills and it would be advantage to the organisation to achieve their goals and targets.

4.8 How are you motivated through appraisal to achieve the targeted goals?

Table 6

The bar chart in table 6 illustrates how employees are motivated through appraisal to achieve their organisation goals and targets. The first factor that influenced employees is promotion and monetary rewards. Employees from India were the most who preferred promotion and monetary rewards, whereas there were 1 employee from Philippines and 2 employees from Singapore. According to F.W Taylor (1911) theory, it emphasizes that success of the firm is shared by working efficiently and receiving higher wages, bonuses and appraisal according to productivity. Based on the researcher observation it seen that employees from Singapore and Philippines are not motivated through promotion and monetary rewards as they feel it is a short term commitment to the job. The next factor is learning and developing skills; there were a total of 10 employees who has agreed that their motivated through this factor, which consist of 5 from Philippines, 2 from India and only 1 from Singapore. Vroom (1964) claims that in order to have a better performance they should have applicable skills for performing the job, obtainability of right resources in completing the task. Moving to the next factor job recognition, it is seen that employees from Singapore are the most who has agreed to this factor, while employees from Philippines and India were at equal level. Now the researcher will proceed with the final factor team work. It is seen that this factor is the least agreed by the employees from Singapore, India and Philippines compared to the other factors. Maslow’s theory (1954) on social needs has state that how the management should encourage teamwork and organize social events in order to build a good relationship bond among the employee in achieving their targets.


Adams JS (1965). "Inequity in Social Exchange."In L. Berkowitz (ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology.New York: Academic Press.

Adams JS (1963). "Toward an Understanding of Inequity" J. Abnormal and Soc. Psychol. 67:422-436.


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