What Is A Behavior Checklist


02 Nov 2017

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HRM 340 - Performance Management

Ms. Nicole Wills

Una Wilson - 2007030275


Objectives ……………………… pg 3

Definitions of concepts …………………….. pg 4

Competency ……………………… pg 5

Behaviour Checklist ……………………… pg 6

Behaviour Checklist Form ……………………… pg 7-8

Job Description ……………………… pg 9

Job Description Form ……………………… pg 10-13

Conclusion ……………………… pg 14-15

SWOT Analysis ……………………… pg 16

SWOT Analysis Form ……………………… pg 17

References ……………………… pg 18

Assessment sheet ……………………… pg 19


It is proposed that in any Organization policies and procedures are implemented to have a better understanding of the company’s vision, the mission and short term and long terms goals, also its strategic objectives regarding Performance Management. Proper identification of problems that affect employees’ performance within the working environment is also a significant part of this assignment.

As everything else within the human resources environment there is much need for proper planning in order for the implementation of the system to be successful. However, it is not just about planning and organizing; the process revolves around a comprehensive strategy of maintaining and anticipating the optimal deployment for the Organization’s human resources in the short and long term. There are internal and external factors that must also always be considered when developing policies, procedures forms etc.

The objective is to better inform learning students of the complications of implementing documents without the proper processes. It is to have a better understanding of the right fit in the organization according to the culture. Most importantly, it is to manage the resources of the organization so as to achieve top performance from all employees.

When Human Resource Policies are introduced into an organization it is for the benefit of the employee, department and the organization.


Behavior Checklist - This a self-improvement tool which helps people that are in leadership positions recognize and improve critical behaviors that are known to be effective in setting direction and inspiring others within the organization for the advantage of the employee, department and the organization.

Competency Framework â€" This is a structure that sets out and defines each individual competency such as problem-solving or people management required by individuals working in an organization.

Job Description â€" This is a list that is used for general tasks functions, and responsibilities of a position.

Appraisal Form â€" This is a form used to determine an employee’s job performance and a method for evaluation within an organization.

Performance Management â€" this includes an ongoing process which ensures that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. It focuses on the performance of an organization, a department and employees. It is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.

Performance Appraisal â€" this assesses an employee’s strengths and weaknesses within the workplace and is completed once a year.


Any attitude, skill, behavior, motive or other personal characteristic (and, where appropriate, technical attributes) that is essential for an individual to perform at a job that is, the terms focus on the personal attributes or inputs of the individual. Job performance requires a mix of behaviour, attitude and action and more importantly an outstanding performance.

Competencies provide a framework and language to integrate Human Resource processes. They improve the way an organization selects and develops employees by providing a consistent measure against which everyone can be assessed. Individuals can take more ownership for their career development. They promote a more open and transparent culture because everyone knows the behaviours that are of prime importance to the organization. Competencies identify and encourage corporate behavioursâ€"they focus behaviours on an Organization’s vision and values.

They help to ensure more effective use of resources--for example, helping to identify how training and development resources will be allocated. They support organizational change by supporting development and broadening skill sets; thereby making an organization more flexible and responsive to internal and external demands.


This instrument is designed to measure “leadership” behaviours as opposed to “management” behaviours. Management behaviours are the tasks involved in planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving while Leadership behaviours are characteristically different. Warren Bennis stated, “Leaders define what the future looks like, align people with that vision, and inspire them to make it happen despite the obstacles. Managers ensure organizations run smoothly; leaders create change.”

In most leadership positions, people must be effective as both a Manager and a Leader. The most effective people are those who can easily switch back and forth between these two (2) roles. The purpose of this instrument is to help people focus and improve their performance in the leadership role required by their position. These documents are also used to provide guidance in both interpreting scores from the Leader Behavior Checklist and using the scores from this instrument to set self improvement goals.

Without a behavior checklist employers may not be able to find the right fit for the positions e.g. an employer will not want to hire an employee who is shy, quiet and reserved to sell products. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can also assist with the type of person that can assist when retaining the services of a person so going back to the example of the sales representative an introvert person may not be the best person for a sales representative but there is no guarantee that an introvert cannot perform the duties of a sales representative effectively.


Human Resource Manager

Please rate yourself accordingly

1 â€" Never 2 â€" Rarely 3 â€" Occasionally 4 â€"Often 5 - Always

Leading and Deciding

I make difficult decision and take complicated stands when they must be taken

I vary my leadership style to match the abilities, needs, and level of maturity of the employee with whom I’m dealing

I use a calm, firm, respectful tone of voice when the situation is tense and there is need for resolution

Supporting and Co-operating

I show enthusiasm for individual and group accomplishment

I provide opportunities and support for developing leaders

I praise employees when they go beyond the call of duty

I constantly watch for opportunities to positively react to employees for high performance.

Interacting and Presenting

I influence people through my ideas and my behavior, rather than through the use of my position power

Analysis and Interpreting

If direction is not followed, I administer the first consequence accordingly

I consistently enforce rules with alignment to the rules and regulations of the Organization

Creating and Conceptualizing

I maintain a warm, helpful, and positive learning environment

Organizing and Executing

I am able to organize and complete projects within a short space of time

Adapting and Coping

I vary my methods to suit the need of the Organization

I seek new ways to change and manage behavior within the working environment

Enterprising and Performing

I am a good role model for the behavior I expect from employees and management

I have a comprehensive behavior management plan


A job description is a list that a person might use for general tasks, functions and or responsibilities of a position. It may often include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, or a salary range. Job descriptions are usually narrative, but some may instead comprise a simple list of competencies; for instance, strategic human resource planning methodologies may be used to develop a competency architecture for an organization, from which job descriptions are built as a shortlist of competencies.

There are many benefits to listed job descriptions. It makes it easier to fill the position and gives employees a clear description of what they would do on a day to day basis if hired. However, there are also some disadvantages to strict job descriptions. There are some cases in which it is better to eliminate the use of a job description for the good of a company. However, it all depends on the culture of the organization and what the vision and mission is of the organization.

Without JD’s employees can be affected negatively as the work that they perform may not be in alignment with the vision of the department and the organization as a whole.



Title: Manager, Human Resource

Document Type: Management

Department/Section: Human Resource Department

Document No: HR/JD/001

Position Level: Management (Permanent)

Salary Range: 65F

Original Issue Date:

Revision Date 1:

Proposed Revision Date:

April 2013

October 2013

April 2014

No. of Pages: 03

HR Initial:

HR Signature:

CEO Signature:

HR Signature:

Job Incumbent Signature:

1. JOB TITLE: Human Resources Manager


The Human Resources Manager has overall responsibility for the planning implementation and monitoring of human resources policies, programs and practices that will create and maintain an employee-oriented, high performance culture and to ensure the effective and efficient development of the Human Resources Department in order to achieve the objectives of the Organization.



a. Accountable to: Chief Executive Officer

b. Lateral and/or Support Relationships: Managers, Human Resources Officers; Human Resources Assistant; employees

c. Liaises with: Unions; Ministry of Labour; Industrial Court; Government Agencies; External Consultants; Human Resources Committee of the Board


Develops and implements Human Resource Management policies and procedures for the Authority.

Provides advice and information to management and employees on Human Resource policies and procedures.

Ensures the development and implementation of the Training Plan for the Organization.

Ensures the establishment and maintenance of personnel records, tracking of employment history, promotions, transfers, salaries, and training of employees.

Ensures that operating budgets are developed and managed in accordance with the organization’s guidelines and procedures.

Ensures the development and timely provision of appropriate reports.

Participates in meetings with employees’ Union representatives to advise and assist with interpretation and negotiation of existing and new collective agreements.

Ensures that grievances are processed in accordance with established grievance procedures within both the collective agreement and the Industrial relations Act of 1972.

Researches and prepares necessary information for Management for use at negotiations.

Prepares evidence and arguments and attends the Industrial Court for the purpose of taking directions on disputes before the Court.

Represents the Organization in conciliation matters at the Ministry of Labour.

Advises Department Heads on the Company’s rights and responsibilities in the processing of disciplinary matters.

Gather and analyze market data to ensure the competitiveness of the organization’s

compensation and benefits package, and make recommendations as appropriate.

Monitor and review the performance management system and continually develop as necessary, ensuring that annual appraisals are carried out in a timely manner.

Performs related duties as may be required.



Bachelor’s Degree in Management or a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management from any recognized institution or

Any equivalent combination of training and experience.


Five (5) years’ experience in a Human Resources field including experience in a unionized environment.

Extensive knowledge of the laws and related rules pertaining to Human Resource Management.


Considerable knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Considerable knowledge of national labour laws, policies and regulations.

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates and representatives of recognized Associations/Unions.

Excellent conflict resolution and negotiating skills.

Excellent communication skills both written and oral.

Sound analytical and reasoning skills.

Required to work in an unionized environment

Proficient computer skills


In this assignment the main focus is on the benefits of a Job Descriptions. Job Descriptions were designed to prevent hiring, promotion and dismissal decisions based on biased criteria. They serve as drawing cards for desirable, qualified candidates which cam eliminate time â€" this simply means that once a person sees the qualifications they can determine if they should apply or not. Employers as well as the employee benefit from a job performance. Employers can use a job description to evaluate the performance of each employee which can be used to gauge employees' performance against the job description, and provide corrective guidance for pay raise, bonuses etc. While the employee can use the job description to know exactly what the company expects of them e.g. their working hours, pay rates, specific duties and any overtime expectations.

However, there are disadvantages to JD’s which limits an employee as well as the employer. This can be crucial to an employer as it limits the productivity of employees if they refuse to do other tasks not listed in the job description. Typically, a job description summarizes an employee’s tasks which in many cases cannot encompass all the person does for the job or all that the job entails.

In a company without job descriptions, employees may be more willing to help one another out when a department is overwhelmed or when extra help is needed, they will be willing to go beyond the call of duty.

In essence, these frameworks provide a common structure and language to integrate HR processes which can be used to improve the way an organization selects and develops its employees. Individuals can take more ownership for their career development and companies can promote a more open and transparent culture within the organization. Most importantly it can be used to identify and encourage corporate behaviours which benefit both the employee and the organization.


This is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) involved in a project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others

Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others

Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage

Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project

Identification of SWOTs is important because they can inform later steps in planning to achieve the objective.

A Self Learning Reflective Analysis was done after the assignments and the following diagram was designed to determine my SWOT.



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