What Is Diversity In The Workplace


02 Nov 2017

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Diversity is everywhere and affects each person both personally and professionally. Corporations are implementing programs to address accepting diversity, working in a diverse environment, and improving working relations and conditions of a growing diverse population. Every person and organization is different and these differences must be accepted on personal, professional, domestic, and global levels.

This research will define diversity in the workplace and explore the reasons in which diversity is important and vital to the existence of any business. Additionally, this research will discuss existing diversity programs, along with specific examples of diversity programs that working within the corporate world. Finally, this research will discuss what improvements could be made to those existing programs and the elements that are necessary for a diversity program to be successful.

Diversity in the Workplace

A Review of the Literature

Problem Statement

The writer will research workplace diversity. Research will focus on the importance of workplace diversity and programs that are working to support diversity in the workplace.

Research Questions

The writer will investigate answers to the following questions for two reasons; first, is to help the reader gain an understanding of workplace diversity; second, to help the reader comprehend why diversity is important and what programs are working to encourage differences.

What is diversity in the workplace?

Why is diversity important in the workplace?

What programs have been implemented into the workplace and are they working?

What process is needed to successfully implement a workplace diversity program, or to improve an existing program?

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this research is to define and explain why diversity in the workplace is important.

What is diversity in the Workplace?

Diversity in the workplace grows as a result of an organization recruiting individuals of different backgrounds (Twenty Questions, 2009). There is not a clear definition of diversity. Mark Fitzgibbon, Head of Research at Sandler O’Neill & Partners LP stated that diversity couldn’t be defined because everyone defines it differently. (Dobbs, 2008) To define diversity it is important to be able to communicate it. Furthermore, if communication is not good, diversity implementation will possibly not be successful. (Jackson, 2011) All businesses believe diversity is important, even imperative to its function and future. If diversity is important to a business then the diversity initiatives should be effective and easily demonstrated. A broader definition of diversity would include the element of inclusiveness. Inclusiveness not only included race or gender, but also backgrounds, lifestyles, or any other difference. Diversity also means empowering employees to not only work together, but create opportunities for all.

The definition of diversity may be different whether narrow or broad. Diversity is important to the organization if it is defined appropriately for the company and its strategic goals. Society has taken on a different viewpoint in terms of understanding the meaning of diversity. Many have heard of the groups we call Baby Boomers, X-Gen, Y-Gen and Millennial. To help understand society’s shifting viewpoint, the following examples of some uncommon phrases found in the journal Diversity Factor:

Post-Racial Society: A phase that emerged after the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States.

Silent Generation: Those who were born during the Great Depression or World War II.

Zoot Suitor: A man's suit with high-wasted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, padded trousers worn in the late 1930s and 1940s and popularized by African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Italian Americans. (Klimley, 2010)

Diversity can have different definitions in the world of business; however, it does not mean to hire people from different groups just to be ‘diverse’.

Why is diversity important in the workplace?

Diversity in the workplace is important because it encourages innovation. As competition increases, so should innovation. Employing a diverse team of people can lead to being a leader in an industry. Additionally, due to laws, many companies have been forced to implement diversity measures. However, diversity measures were not a priority. As companies look to the future, putting behind forced diversity measures is imperative. Diversity is not only important in staffing and recruitment, but is important with suppliers and customers. Diversity takes place in many areas of business to operate efficiently, be competitive, and be successful. Diversity is important because it decreases employment turnover rates. When employees feel empowered and valued, they are more motivated and engaged. Therefore they will seek to gain knowledge and created value to the company. Although diversity measures can be a time-consuming effort, it is beneficial to the workplace.

Diversity is important to a business product in that different markets require different sales approaches. Every audience is different so like many other business and industry, diversity is important that the focus of diversity encompass all aspects of business. Customers do not always see the workforce, production or operational side of a company. Sometimes it is just the product you see. Therefore it is critical that a workplace adequately reflects the product. Diversity can do this because a diverse group of employees, thinking strategically, and a company with goals in mind to position it competitively will be well on its way to being successful.

Diversity is important to expanding and operating globally. Diversity creates opportunities to engage an environment that catapults business strategies into the 21st century, as well as handle any challenges that may occur. Just like product and service, diversity is a key strategy to operating at an international level. When businesses expand into international markets, they must plan strategically before entering that market.

Diversity is important to success. Without a diverse workforce and environment, the business will not only lose good employees, but it will become stagnant. The world, and business world is in constant motion. Every business must engage itself into diversity initiatives that empower it to move with that shifting environment. Diversity initiatives are good for better business. The population is continually changing and becoming more diverse in the United States. Many businesses and corporation are expanding globally. Therefore employing a diverse workforce ensures that in international business and operations, it can be successful too. In the ever-changing world today, the workforce is changing. It is a melting pot of race, religions, gender, and lifestyles. By employing a diverse workforce ensures a business is not only meeting its diversity goals, but will better serve its employees, suppliers and customers. Finally, diversity includes all aspects of business, but in the end a company’s goal is a profit. Diversity’s role in this bottom-line is a workforce that is engaged, innovative, and loyal will only add to success and increased profits.

What programs have been implemented into the workplace and are they working?

In researching programs of diversity brought a vast array of differences. In general, these companies represent some of the initiatives that have been utilized and each is briefly summarized in the following paragraphs. Each of these programs offers a different way of not only looking at and facing diversity issues.

AIG started their diversity with top personnel, as they believed it made a big difference. The reason AIG thought it would make the biggest difference is because if top management was on board than so would the rest of the company. Another way AIG has implemented diversity is through training. They specifically focus on training employees in current and sensitive issues of diversity. This training is conducted online. Every employee understands that this training is not only a requirement, but they must readily accept its initiatives.

Chubb started with a diversity officer, which they have had since 1996. At first, some at Chubb did not accept diversity. However, with the right person in the position of diversity officer, top management knew it was crucial to implementing diversity initiatives and success of its diversity program.

AON uses diversity in a different way. They use diversity for employees to advance themselves within the company. In other words, they offer opportunities and training in working with a diverse workforce. As employees gain this knowledge, it enhances their value to their career and within the company.

These aforementioned companies are examples of ways diversity programs came about or have been initiated. However, in further research, there are many more suggestions on what a company could do to initiate diversity and implement diversity programs.

Diversity Councils are one way to initiate and implement diversity programs. Many believe that diversity councils help attain diversity goals and stay attune to employees needs and issues regarding diversity. But most importantly, diversity councils are there to continually develop the diversity program and help employees work harmoniously together in the workplace. Most companies know that they must include diversity initiatives. However, it becomes difficult with lack of leadership, knowledge and expertise in the area of diversity. Additionally, with a constantly changing definition of diversity makes implementation and training even more difficult.

Another way diversity can be implemented in the workplace is through leadership development programs. Specifically, the National Probation Service they implemented a program that target specific groups of people and developed a program, called Accelerate, to help these people develop leadership skills that lead them to upper management positions. The program also was implemented to counter-balance any inadequacies of any subgroups of people. Whatever method of diversity a company chooses, its strategy should be to improve the workplace and empower the differences of people.

What process is needed to successfully implement a workplace diversity program, or to improve an existing program?

Improvement is needed in monitoring diversity programs. Not only that, more improvement is needed in just getting started with diversity initiatives. Companies must have a plan for diversity in the workplace so that they can remain competitive both the market, in recruitment, and with customers.

Diversity must become a company-wide endeavor and be a part of its core existence. As was previously mentioned, diversity starts at the top. With management onboard and leading by example ensures that its workforce will easily accept diversity. Additionally, in an effort to improve diversity, a company must have the drive and stamina to manage its diversity program and apply these initiatives to all aspects of business. Companies must have realistic plans initiate and maintain diversity strategies.

Another way to improve diversity is through training. This training should be applicable to the organization. In other words, medical jargon in diversity training at a hospital is appropriate, but not necessarily at diversity training for firefighters. Moreover, diversity training should continually coach employees and empower them to embrace diversity. Finally, diversity training should be an integral part of company training programs, be relevant and be measurable.

As important as it is to find the right person for the job, it is equally important to be attentive to customer needs, both internal and external. Diversity efforts must evolve both inside and outside the organization. In order to remain competitive, it is imperative that the organization not only a diverse workforce, but a workforce that can handle the diversity it faces outside the organization through customers and suppliers.

Finally, diversity is about prevention and being proactive. Business must address issues before they start, if possible, but at the least addressing the issue before it becomes negative. A company can resolve and improve diversity issues by ensuring that employees know who to contact when they experience any issues of this type.


Diversity is everywhere and it is not going away. We must embrace and accept it. Accepting diversity in the workplace ensures that the organization employees a workforce that is talented, resourceful and even possibly multi-lingual. Diversity in the workplace also ensures that the organization is meeting customer needs, supplier demands, and meeting market trends. To be attentive to these areas equals a successful business. Just as diverse as the world is today, so is doing business. Therefore, employing a diverse workforce is beneficial to any business.


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