What Is Your Understanding Of Strategy


02 Nov 2017

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According to Saunders et al. (2012) there are two types of sampling techniques that can be used, these are probability or representative sampling and non-probability sampling. They described probability sampling as a technique which is mostly used in cases involving survey and experiment research strategies with every case having a chance or probability of being selected from the population known and equal for each case. Non-probability sampling on the other hand (Saunders et al., 2012) mentioned that the probability of each case being selected from the total population is not known. They highlighted that this technique is partly subjective. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ADOPTED

This research will be employing non-probability sampling technique, purposive sampling to be precise. According to Saunders et al. (2012), in this type of sampling, judgement is needed to select cases that will best enable the researcher to answer his research questions. It is mostly employed when small samples are used like when adopting case study, which this research uses. So heterogeneous sampling which is a form of purposive sampling will be adopted since judgement was used in selecting respondents with diverse characteristics in the quest to explain key themes (Saunders et al., 2012).


"This refers to the extent to which the researcher has gained access to a participants knowledge and experience, and is able to infer meanings that the participant intends from the language used by that person" (Saunders et al., 2012:382). They argued that in a semi-structured and in-depth interview like the one adopted for the purpose of this research, validity may be attained where care is taken in the conduct due to the clarity of questions, exploring further the questions and responses from different positions.


Questions can be raised in methods such as interview with regards the validity of the data due to the absence of standardization (Saunders et al., 2012). Easterby-Smith et al., (2008); Silverman (2007) as cited in (Saunders et al., 2012) mentioned that in relation to qualitative research, reliability has to do with whether or not another researcher will arrive at similar outcome. This can hardly be obtainable (Saunders et al., 2012) they were of the view that an attempt to replicate a qualitative, non-standardised research would be unrealistic without hurting the strength of the type of research. (Marshal and Rossman, 2006) suggested that notes should be retained.


Saunders et al. (2012) describes the term as the extent to which the outcome of the research work is applicable to other scenarios. They said that as a result of the little unrepresentative number of cases in qualitative research, question of generalisability is raised. As for this research, due to the rigour and nature of sample and information obtained from the samples, it can be said that it is more likely to be useful than one that lacks such attributes. This is supported by Bryman 1988 as cited in (Saunders et al., 2012).


The analysis of the research was done with the aid of CAQDAS. This according to Saunders et al. (2012: 581) " when used systematically can aid continuity and increases both transparency and methodological rigour". Nvivo was used due to the assertion made above in order to make it more systematic and transparent.




This chapter presents the result of the interview that was conducted. It describes the response given by the participants to questions that were asked.


Question 1: What is your understanding of strategy?

The participants were asked to describe their understanding of strategy. The question was asked to get their view of the term in general. The following were the responses give.

Respondent 1:

"Strategy is the long term plan that the institution aims to achieve say in three to five years time. This includes both academic and the societal development in general".

Respondent 2

"My understanding of the term strategy is the grand plan, the master plan which an organization is aiming for over a period of time which is usually in the long run".

Respondent 3

"Based on my understanding of the word strategy, I can say that it is how a goal can be achieved in order to gain advantage or overcome a problem normally due to limited resources in the case of an organization".

Respondent 4

"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term which achieves advantage for the organisation through it configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholders’ expectation".

Respondent 5

"Strategy is a carefully laid plan of action to achieve a set goal. It involves an integration and management of a number of parameters or elements such as economic, social and cultural to achieve a desired goal. Strategy can be formulated only after the objectives to be accomplished have been determined".

Based on the above responses, it has been observed that all respondents have an understanding of what strategy is. This will enable the researcher probe deeper in order to answer the research questions.

Question 2: Can you explain the Strategy you think is going on in Bayero University Kano?

This question was asked to check the interviewees understanding of the institutions strategy. The following responses were given.

Respondent 1

" Nigerian Federal Universities, which Bayero University is a part of, have been instructed by the National Universities Commission (NUC) in the late 1990's to devise a strategic plan on how they aim to be self-reliant as a cut in Government grant will be made. Since then, the Institution (Bayero University Kano) has developed such a plan, having a central strategic planning committee which I as a Dean of a faculty happen to be a member. The committee comprises of the Vice Chancellor as the head, a director of strategic planning who is an academic staff as the secretary, representatives of both academic and non-academic staffs etc. The committee is saddled with the responsibility of making guidelines on the strategic plans for faculties and departments, preparation of a budget for the exercise and determining the environmental position of the institution. These are a few of the responsibilities of the committee. There are also faculty and departmental planning committees which have the Dean of the faculty and Heads of department respectively as Chairmen."

Respondent 2

"Bayero University Kano being one of the first institutions in the country to develop and implement a strategic plan after the directive from the NUC has seen the benefits such a move. The first part of the plan had to do with increase in tuition fees, thou it was rejected at first, leading to protest from students, it has been a further source of revenue for the school as grant from the central government which was used for both capital and recurrent expenditure was not enough. The additional revenue has been channelled to infrastructural development like the renovation of hostels, equipping of laboratories, better condition of lecture halls etc".

Respondent 3

"Strategy in this institution has included the expansion of courses that are offered by various departments. Diploma courses have been introduced to boost revenues for departments since part of the tuition fees for undergraduate courses is covered by the federal government, diploma and postgraduate courses are the institutions additional source of revenue. Also, donations are sought from alumni and donor organizations both locally and internationally. Like the Information and Communication technology building which was donated by Mc Arthur foundation, department buildings and student hostels built by prominent individuals in the country. Also, the University helps fund further education for its lecturers by sponsoring their doctorate degrees both internationally and in other local institutions as this will result in achieving competitive advantage over other institutions of learning. All these have been aided by the encouragement brought about by having a strategy that is outward looking".

Respondent 4

"It is a kind of long term plan to achieve a complicated goal, looking at the current massive recruitment and also the introduction of new departments are all as a result of strategies plans by the University governing council. We all know that the University doesn’t have enough resources to achieve that which makes it a complicated goal".

Respondent 5

"Bayero University is strategically planning to be among the world class Universities in the next few years by establishing new programs and re-positioning of existing ones. The University is currently undertaking a massive expansion through development of new infrastructures and rehabilitation of existing ones to achieve this goal".

Participants seem to have varying views of the nature of strategy going on in BUK, this can be due to a number of reasons. However, this information will be analysed further in the next chapter.

Question 3: Do you think you have a role to play in the implementation of Strategy in Bayero University Kano? If yes, what is the role?

Participants were asked if they felt they had a role in the implementation of strategy, this is to confirm if they felt strategy was a collective effort or just for a few members of the organization.

Respondent 1

"Strategic planning should be all encompassing. I happen to be a dean of a faculty and also a member of the central strategic planning unit of the university, so the answer to the question is yes. My position means I am actively involved in the implementation of strategy at different levels, from the central to the faculty level. The formulation of the institution wide strategy down to implementation at faculty level, part of the roles I happen to play range from coming up with the strategy for the faculty to appraising faculties strategy and any other duties as required by the CSPU".


"Strategic planning is the responsibility of managers at various levels. As was described in my view of what strategy is, it is a grand plan, a master plan. And normally, this is the duty of management to ensure that there is a long term target to be achieved. As a senior lecturer and a head of department, I head the departmental strategic planning committee which happens to be responsible for drawing up the department’s strategic plan while ensuring that it is in line with that of the whole University and ensuring that the scope of the plan is on track".

Respondent 3

"I have little role to play in the implementation of the strategy of the institution. I am a junior lecturer, the direction of the department and the institution as a whole is made by the heads of department, deans, registrar, vice chancellor and other top level academic and non-academic staffs of the school. My duty is to carry out what they what is required of me in guiding the students and the conduct of research which like I said is limited".

Respondent 4

"No, I don't".

Respondent 5

"Yes! As Head of an academic Department I have a role to play, which is to ensure the implementation of any decision the University management might have reached. Heads of Department are the power house of the implementation of strategy in Bayero University due to their unique position as being the bridges between the management and staff/ students".

Strategy implementation in BUK is a responsibility of the those in management level. This is based on the responses given above. Lower level staff felt they had no or little part to play and those in management level unanimously agreeing to have a part.

Question 4: What do you think are the barriers faced in the Implementation of Strategy in Bayero University Kano?

This was asked as a general question on their opinion of what are the barriers that they feel are hindering the implementation of strategy in the institution without going through what has been suggested by the literature.

Respondent 1

"There is always the problem of resource allocation when it comes to implementation of strategy. The funds available to the departments and University as a whole is limited as the main source of income is government allocation. There is also the problem of expertise, not a variety of specialised courses are offered in Nigerian Universities, hence the staffs, both academic and non-academic are not well capable of implementing the strategy that is set by the institution".

Respondent 2

"Availability of funds to implement the strategy is a major barrier. Nigerian Universities in general are faced with this particular problem. The National government is the major financier of all federal Institutions ranging from Universities, Polytechnics to Colleges of Education. Prevalent industrial actions is another barrier as this distorts the academic calendar, hence the implementation of the strategy. The later can be tied to poor infrastructure and condition of service which staffs of the Universities are faced with".

Respondent 3

"Political and economic instability are some of the problems that can be barriers to successful implementation of strategy in the University. Motivation of staffs as can be seen from the strikes embarked on by staffs in agitation of better service, corruption and favouritism by those in charge of the strategy resulting in lack of seriousness to achieve the goals set by them. Lack of infrastructure and facilities are barriers as well to the implementation of strategy".

Respondent 4

"Limited access to resources such as funds and experts who can achieve the main goal with limited resources. Also, lack of continuity of projects or initiatives started by one administration is a problem ".

Respondent 5

"Naturally, in any organizational setting some people might be more inclined to accepting new developments than others. So in my opinion the late compliance to University management’s instruction by some Departments substantially create barriers in the implementation of new Strategies in Bayero University. For example the University is planning to computerize all its operations but some Departments (mostly in the Faculties of Arts and Humanities) are not responding promptly to such changes".

Different barriers to strategy implementation have been given by the respondents, some of the barriers are common among majority of the respondents and some are peculiar to a single respondent. These will be considered in more detail under analysis.

Question 5: How do you think these can be overcome?

Respondents input was sought on how they think the problems they identified can be addressed, this is their view.

Respondent 1

"Solutions can be in the form of additional grant from the government into the education sector in general because currently the percentage of the federal budget allocated to education is not enough especially if one looks at how much goes to the legislative arm of the government. But when it come to the issue of funds, as part of the Universities strategic plan includes looking at other sources of revenue due to the encouragement by the NUC, adoption of specialist courses to attract new entrants and the introduction of diploma and postgraduate courses will boost income. When it comes to the area of expertise, training and retraining of staffs, symposiums and seminars on strategy and other will be beneficial. This are steps that are been taken currently with the sponsorship given by the Education Trust Fund(ETF) and other funds set up by the government to offer scholarship to lecturers to pursue doctorate degrees".

Respondent 2

"Being an institution owned by the government, it is the government's responsibility to ensure that Bayero University is properly funded. This is a research body and research involves heavy expenditure. The general economy and standard of living is poor, this does away with the option of charging the students full tuition fee, thereby making it the sole responsibility of the government. Funds for research and infrastructural development can also be sought from donations from individuals, companies and other donor organisations. Also the issue of condition of service and motivation of staffs, there have been series of strikes by staffs over the last two decades over personal issues like pay and more funds invested in facilities and student welfare. Constructive dialogue between representatives of both the government and union and commitment of funds will help address this issue".

Respondent 3

"The top management, that is the governing council of the University and senior staffs, academic and non-academic become serious about the strategy, hardly would it be achieved. Unless favouritism during employment and appointment stops, this will be hard to achieve. Lack of continuity during the military era has also created part of the problem of the strike frequently embarked upon, with those governments making promises to the unions which successive governments have found hard to keep. Sincere and unbiased discussion on the part of the government should help in addressing this".

Respondent 4

"The government should put in more funds in the education sector and the university council should assign people with the technical knowhow of strategic planning".

Respondent 5

"These barriers can be overcome through massive sensitization, mobilization and re-orientation of its staff most especially the Heads of Departments and Units".

As was the case in the earlier question where a general opinion was sought on the impeders of implementation, the respondents gave their idea of how to address these issues identified.

Question 6: Do you think insufficient capabilities of employees is a barrier to strategic planning in your institution? If yes, how?

Here the question was ascertain if the individual impeders identified in the literature are also found in BUK's setting.

Respondent 1

"Of course it is. In my earlier response to barriers that affect strategic planning implementation in Nigerian Universities, a mentioned was made of this particular point. You can refer back to that".

Respondent 2

"There is also this problem, it is in fact one of the biggest problems. When you consider the fact that some of the key people that are responsible for the implementation of the plan have no formal training on strategy and little is done in the form of training on the importance of achieving the set goals on the strategy, you begin to see a problem arise. This goes all the way down to majority of the staffs of the institution".

Respondent 3

"Yes. When you consider the fact right from our culture, our early education, research is not given much consideration. This follows through to the advanced studies level. Poor infrastructure like IT do contribute to this point. Most lecturers do not even have constant access to good internet connection, pool of resources to aid research etc. I am a part of the system, and I can tell you that a lot of my colleagues do not have required expertise to conduct adequate research because the culture is not there".

Respondent 4

"By my understanding of capability, it basically means how people carry out duties. Strategy is a task to be carried out in order in order to gain advantage. I have to admit that we are not blessed with the most capable of staffs when it comes to conducting research and implementations of strategy. But this is changing as a result of employees going abroad to add to their knowledge like I recently completed my program in the University of Leicester".

Respondent 5

"Yes, insufficient capabilities of employees could constitute a barrier in strategic planning because these deficiencies could translate into slow execution of their duties and hence create bottle necks in the overall implementation of Strategies in the University".

All the participants agree to insufficient capability being a barrier to implementation. This will be explored further in relation to literature in the next chapter.

Question 7: Is employee’s resistance to change a barrier in the implementation of Strategic planning in Bayero University? If yes, how?

This is also another barrier under individual factors that was identified by the literature and the aim is to check if it is peculiar to BUK as well.

Respondent 1

"Not that I can say it is so for many, even though I cannot say it is so for everyone. But generally, where change is involved there will be people who will be comfortable the way things are right now because it has become a habit".

Respondent 2

"No I don't think resistance to change plays much role in the implementation of strategy considering these same employees go on strike calling for the betterment of education standard in the country".

Respondent 3

"You find some lecturers have not done much on the notes they prepare to deliver lectures for students for years. This might be attributed to being lazy and unwilling to undertake research to improve on knowledge acquired from the past. Such people will be reluctant to entertain moves to restructure how things are done currently. So resistance to change is definitely a barrier".

Respondent 4

"Yes, it is because people generally do not like to be put out of their comfort zone".

Respondent 5

"Yes, when an employee resists a change he/she would find ways of stagnating the implementation of Strategic planning through subtle sabotage and refusing to carry out their duties as at when due and the accumulation of these acts by various employees would create a strong barrier in the implementation of Strategic planning".

Question 8: Can fear of failure and insecurity be an impeder to strategic planning implementation? If yes, how?

This is the last impeder under individual factor, respondents are asked this to check if fear of failure can be a barrier in their institutions setting as there might be difference with other settings where previous research has been conducted.

Respondent 1

"I believe it can be, this can be in the form of new demands put on the staffs, particularly academic staffs to which they may lack the capability to carry out".

Respondent 2

"Yes. This is somewhat related to the last point, as change and fear of failure go hand in hand. Changes normally bring about with it the fear of failure".

Respondent 3

"This may or may not be, normally this should be the case where the change is sudden and not properly communicated to those affected".

Respondent 4

"Yes it can because especially for the senior lecturers as they are viewed as having the experience and good at what they do by the junior ones. When new areas are touched upon which they might not be versed in, this might make them feel insecure".

Respondent 5

"As you are aware this is a definite impeder in any organization not only Bayero University Kano. The fear of failure and insecurity creates tension and makes delivery near impossible. Nobody wants to fail as such strategies which are not well understood or are perceived negatively results in the poor or even non-implementation of strategic planning"

Question 9: What do you think of about the political, economic and general environment with regards to implementation of strategy?

This question was posed as the research also sought to seek the environmental factors that impede the implementation of strategic planning.

Respondent 1

"The Nigerian democracy is still in an infant stage. Abuse by previous governments, the military to be precise have bastardised the whole system. Strikes were prevalent and still are due to the mentality carried forward from that era. Favors are done to cronies of those in governments in the appointment of administrators. The economy is poor, with a very unstable economy, planning can be difficult".

Respondent 2

"The environment in general hardly encourages learning. Malpractices are practiced from lower levels of education and this is brought on to the university level. The economy is poor, standard of living low and people can hardly afford to sponsor their children up to this level. Corruption in government is a bane and does a lot of damage. This affects all the levels from external do internal environment of which can make implementation a difficult task".

Respondent 3

"Generally, the sharing of knowledge in some cultures affects research in this part of the world. People refuse to share knowledge that will help another due to envy and other personal interests. Corruption is played at all levels in the country, with nepotism very common, people with the capacity to bring about change are ignored in favor of those that do not. The economy is a mono economy with too much reliance on oil and not much is put into making it a tertiary economy. So general attitude of the environment will be an impediment to strategy implementation".

Respondent 5

"As mentioned earlier these are the key elements in the implementation of strategic planning. Without a political will, economic capability or conducive environment implementation of strategy will always be a mirage. The integration of these three elements could result in the successful implementation of strategy".

The environmental factors appear to be significant barrier to implementation in the higher education institution in Nigeria, BUK inclusive. This is evidenced by the linkages between environmental factors and the other factors described earlier.


Responses received from the participants through interviews have been presented. The responses have been presented as described by the recipients. They will be analyzed in relation to what has been described in related literature in the next chapter.




This chapter aims to analyze the data gathered from the interviews carried out in relation to what the literature on the subject have identified. The framework by (Rahimnia et al., 2009) will be used for this purpose. The framework identifies five principal headings upon which these impeders are grouped, they are planning consequences, organisational impeders, managerial impeders, individual impeders and environmental impeders.


Participants were asked to describe their understanding of the term strategy. This was done to establish whether they could provide satisfactory responses on the subject. All respondents had similar views on what strategy is. Common phrases were observed in the participants comment on the term strategy, these are long-term or long run and goals. Their understanding of the term ranged from strategy being a long-term plan and goals that the institution aims to achieve in the long run to direction and scope in long run. The descriptions that were made are consistent with what is contained in literature on strategy. Contributions made by (Johnson et al., 2008) who described strategy as the long term direction of the organization and (Hill and Jones, 2001) described strategy as an action that a company takes to attain one or more of its goals with the overriding goal being the achievement of superior performance are consistent with the findings.



The findings of the research revealed that the National Universities Commission holds a firm control over what the institutions achieve with their plans. Though the NUC gives every university the power to come up with its strategic plan, some kind of control is still maintained as funds released by the government comes through the commission and this creates a kind of centralized system where they try to dictate what is to be done by the university even though they are not involved in the implementation. This has been supported by (Alashloo et al., 2005, Rahimnia et al., 2009) where unsuitable regulation and executive policies are seen as impeders.


Another finding is on the issue of unsuitable training system which was identified in the literature as an impeder under planning consequences. The academic staffs that were interviewed made mention of this problem. They highlighted that courses, trainings and awareness on the importance of strategic planning were not given attention even though the staffs that are expected to play key role in the implementation are not very capable and lack sufficient knowledge on the importance of such plan. Though mention of sponsoring staffs to further their education was made by respondents, this does not address the issue of understanding the importance of implementation, rather it only broadens the specific knowledge and experience of the staff in their fields.


This has been identified by all the respondents as a major impeder to the implementation of strategy. Funds are of essence in almost every project, strategy implementation in this case. No matter how well formulated a strategy is, finance is needed to make it a reality. Unfortunately, poor facilities, demotivation of staff and high employee turnover, training and re-training can all be blamed on lack of proper funding. Though this has not been identified in the literature on impeders to strategy, this may have been due to difference in the general setting of the places where both researches have been conducted.



The research findings discovered resource allocation to be an impeder in the case of Bayero University. Resource Allocation refers to how the resources in an organization are shared among its departments or units. This comes into play as certain departments are allocated more funds from the central pool than others. Reasons for the uneven allocation can be due to favoritism or bias by top management and also the approval channels that need to be followed. This is in line with what (Al-Ghamdi, 1998; Aaltonen and Ikavaiko, 2002) described as ineffectiveness of coordination and implementation activities.


There is also an issue with communication of the strategy the institution aims to achieve. Communication is vital in every sense, its importance in strategy implementation has been stressed by (Al-Ghamdi, 1998; Aaltonen and Ikavaiko, 2002; Uvah, 2005; Rahimnia, Polychronakis and Sharp, 2009). From the description given by respondents on the strategy going on in the institution, there is gap as to what exactly is the institutions strategy. Views expressed from the lower level lecturers showed this, as the heads of department and dean had a clearer understanding of the strategy due to their positions. The lower level staffs proved this when they pointed out that they felt they had little or no role in the implementation of strategy in the institution.


Rahimnia et al. (2009) identified incompatiable organizational culture as an impeder to implementation of strategy in Higher education institutions. Culture has been described as the way we do things around here. The research findings indicated this as an impeder as well. The culture in the organization is not on research, rather to teach students. This has been stressed out by the respondents when they highlighted the fact that some lecturers do not care to update their knowledge and some have been using lecture notes prepared from years ago. This definitely is not in kine with what the o=institution sets as its target, i.e. beign a world class university. Achieving this requires research and academic excellence.


Other results indicated the non-existence of specialist courses as most of the courses offered are the traditional specialisations of which new ones have come to exist from them. An example is when you consider programmes like MBA, there are no specialities, just general MBA, likewise for course such as mechanical engineering, electricsl engineering e.t.c. This factor tends to be a limit to research as a narrow view is considred.



The findings of the research discovered that favoritism is common in appointments made into key positions of management. This can be attributed to the level of corruption as those that are more deserving of positions are overlooked in favor of cronies and associates of those in top management. This creates problems as it slows down the implementation process due to lack of skill and experience in ensuring that people in the organization implement the strategy. Also a managerial impeder was pointed out in the form of capability of those that are responsible for the implementation of strategy. Some of the respondents highlighted that people responsible for implementation of strategy lack any sought of formal training on implementation. This is in agreement with findings of (Rahimnia et al., 2009) where they stressed that apointment of qualified people to guide others in the implementation process is significant to success of the plan.


Al-Ghamdi (1998) mentioned inadequate information systems to monitor implementation and poor definition of activities to be carried out as problems in implementation of strategy. These were discovered in the research as well. Respondents made mention of lack of facilities and the fact that some departments and faculties were slow in adopting the computerisation of school network towards achieving more efficient decision making. Poor definition of activities to be carried out were evident in respondents not being clear as to what the precise strategy of the institution was. Different views were given as to the strategy that was going on in the University. This shows those responsible for strategy have not done a good job of preaching the need for the strategy, its importance and what is required of everyone.


Lack of commitment to the plan was also an impeder that came up during the interview with respondents. Despite the strategic plan being in existence and management indicating their commitment to such a plan, the data gathered indicated otherwise as it was mentioned by one of the respondents that the plan has not been reviewed for a long time. This can be attributed to a lack of commitment as the review will indicate what has been achieved from a particular plan over a particular period and what needs to be in the plan for the next period. This is consistent with Uvah (2005), where he made mention of commitment to the plan as a factor that could affect the implementation of strategic plan.



Findings indicated lack of capability as a major barrier to implementation of strategy in Bayero University. The capabilities of academic staff in the area of conducting research was questioned with various reasons given for the lack of strength in this area. Some attributed it to culture and general orientation of the society where they indicated that right from childhood, children are not encouraged to seek answers, when they ask questions, they are often scolded by elders.

Other reasons given include shortage of specialized courses in universities, as products of these institutions who are later employed as staffs are limited in scope to compete with colleagues from universities in other parts of the world.

Resources and facilities are also a major problem with these institutions. The internet, which is a vital tool in education is not good enough, the service is epileptic or not always available. Access to resources such as emerald insight and other academic resource portals are not available.

This is not just common to academic staffs, though they are the major force, implementation of strategy still remains as responsibility of everyone involved with the institution. Management level staffs include both academic and non-academic, and findings revealed that those within the management role lack skill and expertise to motivate people in working towards the achievement of the goals set in the plan. More so, training is not carried out to improve the capabilities of staff.


Resistance to change was established to be a factor whenever a significant change was been adopted by an organization. This was confirmed to also exist in Bayero University by the interviewees. Some attributed it to old habits that people have gotten used to over the years, these people find it hard to adjust to new ways of doing things and so will resist change. Faulkner and Bowman (1995) made use of Lewin's force field where they were trying to identify factors that influence strategic planning. In this case, these people resisting the change can be seen as restraining forces.

Lazyness and unwillingness to move with time and develop oneself has been given to be another reason for resisting change. These are people that dont want to leave their comfort zones, they are comfortable with how things are at the moment. A situation was cited where some faculties were slow in carrying out some of the instructions of the universities management and also difficulties encountered in moving the manual operations of the institution of a computerized one.


Fear can be seen to be a natural reaction. Generally nobody wants to fail, we always want to be successful. Where doubt creeps in, it creates insecurity. This is the same with individuals and strategic planning in Bayero University. The research discovered that fear of failure creates tension which in turn affects delivery. This produces a problem where people do not understand the strategy well enough and this in turn leads to non-achievement of targets set. The same factor has been established to exist in another research, where (Rahimnia et al., 2009) observed that this can lead to failure to implement further research due to the fact that enough experience for the purpose of research on the part of academic staffs is lacking.


The environment affects an organization, be it profit or non-profit making. In this case, our study is concentrating on public institutions, with government being the financiers. Discussion will be based on political and economic factors and also social factors.


Nigeria has an infant democracy that still will be considered a learning process. After long years of military rule and lack of respect for laws, the country and its people are yet to adjust to the respect of rule of law. Corruption is getting worse, which in turn affects how allocation of funds and appointments are made within the university. Under qualified people are given positions of implementation ahead of more deserving colleagues thereby having to slow down the whole process of implementation and demotivating other staffs. Corruption and abuse of office by politicians also is part of the reasons why incessant strikes are embarked upon by staffs because promises have been made to them by the government which are still yet to be fulfilled, yet the same government lavishes tax payers money on themselves. These strikes by both academic and non-academic unions end up distorting the time frame for achieving the goals that have been set and making a hoax of the whole plan as some of the goals like becoming a world class university cannot be achieved with staffs going on strike thus distorting the academic calendar.


Generally in Nigeria and in most African culture research is not given much encouragement. This starts from childhood and inquisitiveness, where a boy asks questions and at a point he is told he asks too many questions and sometimes scolded by the elder. Or when these questions are asked, an answer would be given that might scare the child from asking question pertaining to the same topic and he grows up thinking it is not worth looking any further into the topic. This is not the same in other cultures, for example the western culture where an adult and a child sit and discuss like mates.

Also, some cultures do not encourage sharing of knowledge for superstitious believes.

Another which is somewhat related to corruption discussed earlier is laziness on the part of students. Malpractice is common among student

These are new impeders which have not been identified in other research, although (Rahimnia et al., 2009) discovered impeders that were classified under environmental issues, they are different from the ones discovered by this study. This may be because of different setting in terms of geography, cultures and different environment from which previous research was conducted.


This chapter has analyzed the findings of this research in relation to the literature on implementation impeders that have been identified earlier. This was done under the five major factors of impeders in higher education. Most of the barriers identified were in line with literature. However, new ones which are mostly under environmental factors were discovered.



This chapter summarises the research and describes the aims and objectives that were achieved. It also makes recommendations on future research as well as limitations of the research.


The aim of the research was to identify the impeders to effective strategic implementation in Nigerian higher education sector with a view to achieving a more effective and efficient strategic planning process. Objectives were set and questions were formulated to address the objectives. Broad factors that were identified to exist according to the literature and also the results of interviews conducted are five, these are planning consequences, organisational issues, managerial issues, individual issues and environmental issues. Each of these major factors have several impeders ranging from those relating to capability and funding to social and economic factors. The research employed the use of semi-structured interviews over the phone for the purpose of data collection and Nvivo was used as a tool to aid in the analysis.

As stated earlier, most of the impeders that were found to be in existence in the literature were revealed in the findings. The research found out that strategic planning did exist in Bayero University and most of the academic staffs that were interviewed had an idea of what it meant, though it was realised that the strategy that was implemented by the institution was not well understood by all. This was further confirmed as some, especially the lower level staffs felt they had little or no role to play in the implementation of the strategy.

The issue of funding was another major point that was stressed by all the respondents, citing issue like inadequate facilities for research and motivation of staffs as problems to be encountered as a result of funding.

Management bias in relation to appointment of those charged with implementation does have a negative effect on the whole process as it tends to slow down and risk jeopardising the entire process.

Capability of staffs was identified to be an important impeder to the entire process as well as some of the administrative and academic staffs were deemed to be lagging behind in this regard. This can be blamed on the poor training system of the institution in terms of both awareness on the importance of the strategy as well as how to be successful in its implementation.

Corruption and favouritism generally has had a negative effect on the nation at large, as such this includes education. Funds that have been meant for developing education have been diverted, selection process in different levels is done not based on merit but selfish interests.


The researcher is of the view that the main aim of the study which is to identify impeders to effective strategic planning implementation in Nigerian higher education has been attained. Most of the findings that have been identified in related literature were confirmed to exist in the Nigerian setting as well.

However, new ones like corruption and favouritism, issue of funding, cultural and social issues are peculiar to this study. The reason for the addition might be due to the nature of the factors such as culture, economic well being and other social issues may can be attributed to backwardness and under-development of the country, of which Nigeria, where the study was conducted can be categorised. As a result of these new findings that were made with regards impeders to implementation, it can be said that an addition to existing knowledge has been made.


This research concentrated on impeders to strategy implementation in Nigerian setting. This findings of this research can be used in other industries locally and in developing countries like Nigeria as most of the characteristics are the same for these countries. However, certain adjustments should be made to reflect industry specific qualities and environmental factors in other countries.

Also, further research can be conducted on the linkage between the various impeders identified, as this was not addressed in the course of this study. This can be taken further to identify those impeders that are within and those that are outside the control of the organization.


It has been established that implementation of strategy is the most difficult part of the strategic management process and yet less time and attention is given to it and more to formulation. Considerable effort needs to be channeled into implementation by top management as no matter how good a well thought plan is, if not properly implemented, its outcome will result in almost nothing. While this is going on, management should ensure proper communication of the strategy to all concerned and ensure the involvement of all stakeholders in the process, not just those in the management level. The impeders identified can be used as a counter measure to check against derailing plans that have been formulated in order to achieve successful implementation. Management can look to address those impeders that are within its control and limiting the impact of those outside. This can be achieved by continuously checking and observing the process.

There is the need for investment in facilities as well in order to catch up in terms of research activities. Additional funding needs to be made on both capital and recurrent expenditure in order to meet these challenges. Also, massive sensitization, mobilization and re-orientation of staffs, most especially the Heads of Departments and Units will help in dealing with some of the impeders identified.


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