Recruitment Process for Child Practitioner


17 Oct 2017

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This report talks about the recruitment process of a professional called G. It states what strengths and weaknesses she can give to her new role and how she can better herself in the setting as a practitioner. G is 20 years old and is currently studying a level 3 assessor award but also already has qualifications in level 2 health and social care and also a NVQ level 3 in childcare. G is applying for a room leader’s job in the setting see appendixes 1 and 2. The report also looks into the theories linked to practice and how G can implement these in her job role.


In this report the author will explain what the recruitment process is and how It works right from the employer making the advertisement and what would be included, why we interview and give a trial in the interview and then after they are successful and the employer has gathered all relevant information they will then get an induction before starting work in the setting. Next we will discuss what G’s stability is for the post, such as her strengths and weakness, looking into the things she can bring to the setting and also looking at any problems that may arise. Then the author will discuss her potential progress, what G can do to progress in her new job and how can she plan what she is going to do. Next will be reflecting back on theory looking into individual relationships, motivation, behavior, management, leadership, group processes and managing performance

Recruitment process

Firstly the employer will have to make a job advertisement, including all parts of the job role and what is expected of the new employer. It will also have to state what qualifications they expect from the applicant. The job description should include at least six important factors, these being: Job title, Main duties, Role, Location, Salary and a brief of what your company does. (Marketing Donut, 2014) Then the employer will have to put the advertisement in local papers or online so that the applicant can find it. Once the applicant has assessed that they have everything they need for the job and it is what they are looking for by reading the job description like in appendix two, they will then call for an application form which they will then fill in and send back to the employer. Once the employer has assessed all applicants the ones which fit the needs if the job will be offered an interview. Once they are asked back to a structured interview the employer will examine the applicant’s childcare knowledge, qualifications gained, practical experience and attitudes. The applicant may be asked to bring a current Disclosure and Barring Service, also known as a DBS (Gov. UK, 2014) along with your qualification certificates, three forms of I.D, one with a photo and also a current C.V. Each candidate is asked the same structured questions, their replies are noted, so that the employer can look back to find the best suited person. (, 2014) In the interview it also gives the applicant an insight of the setting and how it's set out this will help them to determine if the environment is right for them. At the interview the applicant may be asked to do a small trial with the children this is so that the staff can see if they work well with the children and in the setting.

Once the employer picks the applicant they will firstly contact the two references that were supplied on the application form to find out information on how the applicant has worked in the past and if there has been any challenges. After they have gathered all relevant information and have their qualification certificates and their DBS they will be given an induction. Induction is the first part of the learning in setting for an employer when starting a different job. It contributes a structured start for the employees in the first weeks/months of work, which will make sure that they are sufficient enough to be left unsupervised with children unsupervised. Evidence suggests that a structured induction procedure, along with a developmental scheme will stimulate an important part in the retention of employees. (Kurtts, 2011) G,s induction will allow her to get to know all the people she will be working with and the policies and procedures of the setting it will also allow time for any relevant paperwork to be filled in. During the induction as a room leader she will be shown how to fill in all the paperwork she needs to do in the setting such as daily planners, registers, EYFS record keeping and diaries for the parents of the children. Most importantly, it will give an insight to the manager if she will cope with the job role and with the pace of the daily activities of the setting.

G’s suitability

G was most suitable for the job advertised, this is because it worked within what she was looking for and also her strengths fitted well into the job role, also as the job is mornings it seemed to tie in well with her weaknesses as well.


She has a high attendance rate, which is strongly important as a room leader as other staff members will be relying on her not only for ratio purposes but as she is planning activities and daily duties. G is very enthusiastic and in interview showed her good positive ideas and communicated very well with the manager and also with the children and other colleagues. G will be able to bring her new ideas into the setting when it comes to planning the daily activities and outings with the children staying within the setting policies and procedures. She will be working mornings so this seems to fit in well with her lifestyle also she is still studying so working part time gives her the time she needs to continue that training.


G will need some training in boosting her ability to plan activities on her own. She will also have to be overseen for a few weeks while in her trial period as she hasn’t had any responsibilities in inform parents of information, although she has had previous communication with parents in her old setting. It was previously disclosed by past employer that she seems to get moody when tired, so this seems to fit in well that she will only be working part time in the mornings. G is still in training so although she is working part time so it fits round her daily life this can also be a weakness as she may find it hard to work with such high standards and supervise everyone in her room as well as going to college and doing college work this may also delay her in doing any training that’s she may need through work. Training is regularly given at improving someone’s discrimination or cognition. (Cottrill, 1997)

Potential Development for G

G could progress her development by finishing her current course to her highest standards. She can also take up any opportunities that her work may give her such as higher level training and by attending all relevant training such as safeguarding and child protection as this is a requirement for all staff. (, 2015) G could also look into her own further education and development such as a PGCE in early childhood education and care. This will help her as this course is aimed at people who are already working with young children in early years such as nurseries. It will deepen G’s knowledge and understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) she will also extend her knowledge and professional skills in observation and assessment of young children's development how children develop while learning through play, combined with working with all parents and careers and the leadership of staff teams. These are all things G will be doing while a room leader, but with the training she can progress to a supervisor of the setting. (, 2015)

You can assess your own progress at work by specializing your goals when doing a personal development plan. (Ireland, Cure and Hopkins, 2009) All people set some goals when in a professional working environment. These goals may be only short term or semi-permanent goals. If the goals set are too overwhelming and that they will not be achieved in a time scale set, then you can set them for longer periods of time or do them one at a time. (, 2015)

Reflecting on theories

Individual relationships

Children learn and become independent through individual positive relationships Positive relationships help children develop because they show warmth and loving relationship with a sense of belonging. The professional has to show a sensitive and responsive relationship to the child’s needs, feelings and interests, they are supportive when a child uses their own efforts and independence. While they are regularly setting clear boundaries for the child. (Moylett and Stewart, 2012) This then leads to the attachment theory as infants have a universal need to seek close proximity with their caregiver when under stress or threatened (Prior & Glaser, 2006). This being the case G should always be available for her peers and always have positive relationships with them so she can aid their development so the children can develop well and also easily be calmed with distressed or threatened. If she does not have positive relationships with the children this may hold back their best potential development and also when distressed they will not be calmed easily.


To maximise a child’s development positive motivation will play a major part. Elton Mayo's theory of motivation examined the social desires of the employee. He believed that pay alone wasn't adequate to encourage workers to put forward their best practice. He believed that the social desires of the staff ought to be taken into thought. He suggested employers treat their staff in a caring and humane way so that it demonstrates an interest within the individual so as to possess them manufacture their best work. (Silver, 2015) G can implement this in her own work as she can be well motivated towards all children and staff in setting, this then will have a knock on effect and helps them to produce their best work and also so the children can work to their best ability, giving them the best possible development outcomes.


A practitioner’s behavior has a massive effect on all aspects of the setting. The main two are maintaining yourself as a professional, your behavior towards others and your job will show people how professional you are and how you come across in your job. In social learning theory Albert Bandura states behavior is learned from the setting and the practitioners through observation. Bandura also states that humans consider the connection between their behavior and its consequences. Children also observe the people around them and the way in which they behave in. (Bandura 1977). G can do this in her setting by keeping positive behaviors and by acting professionally at all times. However, she must be aware of when she gets tired she can get moody and that this behavior will have a negative effect on the children and other staff members.

Management and Leadership

The management can have a big impact on the whole setting from to how they professional run the setting through to communication within the setting. The manager of the setting can help the other professionals in the setting by going through personal development plans, giving good communication, Motivating the team and giving them training so they can develop. G can take up all the opportunities given to her and stick to her development plans alongside her manager.

Group processes

There are many ways to group process one being Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing team-development model this is a way of all staff members linking together to make sure their overall performance is at the highest level possible. The development model explains that because the team develops maturity and talent this establish relationships and also how the manager changes their leadership styles. Starting with a direction, moving through employment, then collaborating and finishing authorisation. (Bonebright, 2010) G can do this with her other staff members so that as a team they can perform to the best they can.

Managing performance

One way of managing performance is to have a performance management, this is a way of approaching the setting through supporting workers to perform well and develop in their roles. Things like appraisal, outlined objectives, supervising and feedback will modify a shared understanding and agreement of expectations. This then permits workers to develop their skills and ability so that they can improve the standard of the training and care provided within the setting. An effective performance management system will encourage staff to recognise as well as rewarding achievements, whereas providing opportunities for individuals to develop their careers. Positive communication is additionally integral to support and inspiring staff so that it enhance their performance. (, 2015) G can take on board how she supports the staff members in her room and give them feedback at team meetings on how they can improve themselves.



Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Bonebright, D. (2010). 40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckman's model of small group development. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), pp.111-120.

Cottrill, M. (1997). Give Your Work Teams Time and Training. Academy of Management Perspectives, 11(3), pp.87-89., (2015). Early Years and Childcare Provider > Information for Managers > Managing Staff > Performance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2015]., (2014). Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks) - GOV.UK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Dec. 2014]., (2014). Recruitment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2014].

Ireland, B., Cure, R. and Hopkins, L. (2009). Perfecting your personal development plan. Vital, 6(2), pp.40-41.

Kurtts, S. (2011). Successful induction for new teachers: a guide for NQTs & induction tutors, coordinators, and mentors. Teacher Development, 15(1).

Marketing Donut, (2014). Six things you need to include in a job description. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2014].

Moylett, H. and Stewart, N. (2012). EYFS Development Matters. 1st ed. London: Early Education., (2015). Safeguarding | Advice and resources | Pre-school Learning Alliance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2015].

Prior, V. and Glaser, D. (2006). Understanding attachment and attachment disorders. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Silver, F. (2015). Three Major Theories of Motivation. [Online] Business & Entrepreneurship - Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Print version | PGCE Early Childhood Education and Care (0-5) with EYTS (graduate employment route) Part-time course. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Assessing Your Progress At Work. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2015].

Appendix One

Job Specification

Job title

Children's Services Practitioner

Job reference


Application closing date





Term time (Mornings) - 26 hours per week


£11,486 - £12,832

Job category/type

Part-time, Childcare room leader

Job description

Rainbow Nursery seeks to provide families with children aged 0 to 5 years access to the best quality early years provision in our Nursery.

Rainbow Nursery delivers the EYFS, to improve outcomes for children and have a positive impact on their lives. The Nursery must maintain a high profile within the community.

The post holder will participate in the delivery of the EYFS that meet the needs of the children accessing the service. This will be done in line with OFSTED. You will be part of a team, you will be a key worker for a group of children, plan activities, liaising with staff, parents and carers to ensure that the children have the best resources available to them.

Essential Requirements

Post experience (desirable)

NVQ Level 3 (equivalent) in Childcare

Subject to DBS


Appendix Two


JOB TITLE: Room leader


Job Description - Room Leader

To be a leader of a team, providing an emotionally secure, warm, stimulating and safe environment, appropriate to the needs of individual children. There must be excellent knowledge of the Early Years foundation stage and implement these in your daily work. This is a basic job description that must be implemented at all times, extension of this job description is essential to promotion and enhancement within the setting.

Main Duties and responsibilities

  • Over viewing planning sheets and record keeping of all the staff in your room
  • Ensuring routines are followed
  • Ensuring new decisions are taken on board
  • Ensuring all staff in the room know all information needed
  • Ensuring that all policies and procedures are being followed by all staff
  • Being a role model to the other staff in your room
  • Understanding all policies and procedures of the nursery
  • Manage staff effectively, ensuring ratios are maintained throughout the setting
  • Overseeing the professionalism of all staff in the setting
  • Welcome all children and parents to the nursery
  • Provide a wide range of activities for the children individually and as a group appropriate to their needs and developmental stages.
  • Putting out and setting up the nursery and storing away equipment appropriately.
  • Encourage all the children with their language development
  • Maintain a clean and tidy nursery and garden area and ensure all equipment and toys are clean and in good order.
  • Encourage and supervise clearing and tidy up time
  • Provide a high standard of health and hygiene
  • Change nappies and encourage children with toilet training and personal hygiene Help children at meal times and then tidy and clear away afterwards
  • Act as a key person for a group of children as allocated by the management team, ensuring attachment theories are respected.
  • Work in partnership with parents, consulting and sharing information with them about the needs and progress of their children
  • Filling in all the appropriate records for your key children and ensure they are always up to date
  • Attend all staff meetings
  • To undertake all training and give feedback to the other members of staff also implement this in your work
  • Ensuring all staff stick to the policies and procedures of their setting.

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