Differences Between Primary And Secondary Storag Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,340 )

Primary storage is also known as Immediate Access Storage) and is where data is stored on the main computer memory. An example of primary storage is RAM (Random Access Memory - otherwise referred to as RWM (Read Write Memory). RAM is the memory chip stored within the computers motherboard, where data can be read, stored and edited. RAM is extremely fast and is where programs are usually ...

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Java Multithreaded Genetic Algorithm In Solving Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,557 )

Time table problem is a kind of scheduling problems with many variations. It defines a class of hard-to-solve constrained optimization problems of combinatorial nature (Bhaduri, 2009, p.289). Constraints are the rules that control the schedule process and it not necessarily be satisfied but for certain constraints, it may be inviolable for the problem. Based on the constrains, sometime the scheduling problem may also facing the problem that ...

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Comparison of the OSI and TCP

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,463 )

Introduction There is a significant number of computers that is used by many global organizations and institutions in order to support their activities. For example, a corporation with many branches may have computers at each location to do some tasks [1]. The point is that the administration of the company may have decides to connect those branches to communicate and transfer information. Some companies are interested in ...

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Categories of client-server architecture and problems faced by hures

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,375 )

Question One: Do you think the problems faced by Hures, both past and present, are unique? Why or why not? I consider the problem faced by Hures, both past and the present are not unique. I understand the fact that, client server computing had an huge impact on the organization but as with all new technologies, there are many confronts and questions with hard to find ...

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Factors That Made The Iphone So Successful Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,017 )

The Apple iPhone has been a phenomenal success. Today iPhone is the most popular smart phones as compared to the other smartphones in the market. In this report we are going to investigate the factors that have made iPhone so successful- starting from its hardware, its Operating System to its User Interfaces. We are also going to investigate the concept of AppStore as a way of getting ...

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Puff And Fresh Restaurant Billing System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,790 )

Puff and Fresh is a popular Restaurant where a large number of Customers Visited. It is very important to have a successful Billing system for the Restaurant. Currently the Restaurant has manual billing system which has many faults when maintain the Bills. Therefore it is good to maintain a computerize system to reduce the errors and to reduce the tiresome Billing system. This documentation contains information on ...

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A critical evaluation of web engineering tools & technologies

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,639 )

A critical evaluation of web engineering tools & technologies Introduction The World Wide Web has become a major delivery platform for a variety of complex and sophisticated enterprise applications in several domains. In addition to their inherent multifaceted functionality, these Web applications exhibit complex behavior and place some unique demands on their usability, performance, security and ability to grow and evolve. However, a vast majority of these ...

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Difference Between Mash And Star Topology Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,629 )

In this part of the assignment, the difference between Mash and Star Topology will be examined. Additionally, the Network topology in general will be discussed in detailed with other network topology. Network topology is one of the most significant topics to learn before start building up computer network. Network topology is the physical arrangement of nodes, A node is any network device, such as a computer, work ...

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The Current Trends In Computer Hardware Platforms Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,390 )

Mobile platform: more and more business computing is moving from PCs and desktop machines to mobile devices like cell phones and smartphones. Data transmissions, Web surfing, e-mail and instant messaging, digital content displays, and data exchanges with internal corporate systems are all available through a mobile digital platform. Netbooks, small low-cost lightweight subnotebooks that are optimized for wireless communication and Internet access, are included. The current version ...

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Legion; commercial pedestrian simulation

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,528 )

Chapter 4. Multi-Threaded and Distributed Framework for Pedestrian Simulation Analysis Legion is the company behind the commercial pedestrian simulation software, Legion Studio and its accompanying 3D visualisation software, Legion 3D. Both are used worldwide to optimise the design and operation of public spaces. Such spaces typically include: transport terminals; sport, entertainment and leisure venues; shopping centres; commercial and public buildings; and venues for major international events like ...

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Software Engineering Ambiguities And Omission Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,298 )

Ambiguities and omission are statement that can be explained in number of ways. For example, the following statement is ambiguous. The operator identity consists of the operator name and password; the password consists of six digits. It should be displayed on the security vdu and deposited in the login file when an operator logs into the system. According to the question there are so many ambiguities and ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different OS Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,588 )

An operating System is a program or you can say its software that manage and handles all the software and hardware resources of any computer. It controls our computer system. Operating system is the first software that loaded in a computer memory. Without an operating system user can't open the computer system that means he can't turn on his system. Actually an operating system is a program ...

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Low Level Programming Language Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,781 )

Low-level programming language is a programming language that provides little or no abstraction from a computers instruction set architecture. The word low refers to the small or nonexistent amount of abstraction between the language and machine language; because of this, low-level languages are sometimes described as being "close to the hardware." A low-level language does not need a compiler or interpreter to run. The processor for which ...

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Compare Windows And Linux Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,114 )

An Operating system is software that lets the user interface with the computer and also manages number of applications. Most number of PC's has built in Operating system installed. Operating systems created to take control of the operations of applications such as email programs, word processors and web browsers. Straight after the computer is switched on the operating system needs to be loaded into the RAM before ...

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The User Side And Server Side Factors Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,031 )

In this report, I will describe and explain about user side and server side factor that can influence the performance of a website and state particular server side capabilities with consideration for limitation of equipment and software customer may be using to browse the website. User side factor: Hardware: The speed of computer system can influence the performance of the website. If the computer system is slow ...

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Literature Review On Point Of Sales System

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,583 )

Switch is a brand name wholly owned by CG Computers Sdn Bhd. CG Computers Sdn Bhd was founded on 1995 by Mr. Li Chau Ging. The main business of the company is selling Apple Products under the brand name Switch, which focuses their business in retail store, education and enterprise market. Currently, there are five Switch outlets, Two of the stores are Apple Premium reseller, which have ...

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Synopsys For Physical Design Of Asic Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,738 )

IC Compiler is the software package from Synopsys for Physical Design of ASIC. It provides necessary tools to complete the back end design of the very deep submicron designs. The inputs to the IC Compiler are: a gate-level netlist which can be from DC Compiler or third-party tools, a detailed floorplan which can be from previous Design Planning through IC Compiler or other third-party tools, timing constraints ...

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Digital Encoding Technique Of Scrambling Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,408 )

Scrambling is a digital encoding technique that is used in modern data communication schemes and can principally provide aid in retrieving information from received data enhancing synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. In digital systems it is common to encounter long sequences of 1s and 0s making it difficult for the receiver to retrieve timing information [01]. As a result, the input device randomizes data but ...

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Processing Algorithm For Laser Keyboards Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,363 )

The interface which we use to interact with a computer is a hardware device called the keyboard. There have been drastic changes in the keyboard layouts which have evolved into the designs like those of the DVORAK and QWERTY keyboards. Then came the digital era where almost everything is in the digital form making things simpler to use and smaller in size. As the demand for more ...

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Expressiveness And Effectiveness Of The Visualization Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,017 )

Visualization is a method or a transformation of data or information into images, diagrams, or animations. Concise Oxford Dictionary states that visualization means "to imagine or remember as if actually seeing". Besides, in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, it has defined visualization as "the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting into visual forms". [1] In another words, visualization is the communication of ...

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Test case prioritization and regression test selection

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,017 )

1. introduction The significance of software testing process and its affects on software quality cannot be taken too lightly. Software testing is a fundamental component of software quality assurance and represents a review of specification, design and coding. The greater visibility of software systems and the cost associated with software failure are motivating factors for planning, through testing. A number of rules that act as testing objectives ...

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Airline Reservation System

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,910 )

Introduction Overview The Project aim to design and implement a working model of an Airline Reservation System. The project will be built and tested on an Oracle database and uses JAVA as the programming language. JDBC will be use as the interface between the database and JAVA. The primary goal of this project is to help passengers make flight reservation. The system will be able to ...

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A Study About Data Warehouse Components Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,641 )

A data warehouse is collection of resources that can be accessed to retrieve information of an organization's electronically stored data, designed to facilitate reporting and analysis. Definition of the data warehouse focuses on data storage. However, the means to retrieve and analyze data, to extract, transform and load data, and to manage the data dictionary are also considered essential components of a data warehousing system. Many references ...

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Phase Interpolator Pll In Simulink Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,644 )

Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) is a negative feedback system that matches the output frequency to the input frequency. Many applications utilize PLLs such as: frequency synthesizers, skew cancellation, reference clean-up, and clock-data recovery [1]. For frequency synthesizers, the goal is to generate a clock at a higher speed to that of a slower reference clock. For example, generating a 1 GHz signal from a 100 MHz reference ...

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Land As Defined By Ollennu Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,997 )

It includes things on the soil which are enjoyed with it as being part of the land by nature, as for example rivers, streams,…growing trees or affixed to it like houses, buildings and other structures. It also includes any estate, interest or right in, to or over land or any other thing which land denotes… for example the right to collect snails, mushrooms on the land, etc., ...

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Database Security Threats And Countermeasures Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,318 )

Information is very critical asset. Organizations create so much information and they use database systems to handle the information within them to automate various functions. Due to information importance, information protection is a critical component of the database management system. Information security is the goal of a database management system (DBMS), also called database security. This paper discusses about database security, the various security issues in databases, ...

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Sudoku Puzzle Design Algorithms Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,731 )

Our project is called generating, rating and solving Sudoku puzzle. The aim of the project is to design and develop Sudoku puzzle solving program by generate the puzzle with five differences difficulty rating level. The program is able to solve the Sudoku puzzle by using some Artificial Intelligent algorithm. The final year project development period is given two trimester and we divided the development process into two ...

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An Introduction To Nanotechnology Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,795 )

The term paper deals with the introduction to nanotechnology a chemistry point of view and its derivation from past. The new devices, technologies and materials in nanotechnology that are being used in the present era are discussed. Since chemistry has various branches therefore, there are different fields of nanotechnology in which chemistry is studied. The molecular nanotechnology (MTN) and radical nanotechnology are covered. Nanotechnology has a feature ...

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Hardware Loss And Residual Data Fragments Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,134 )

Computer networks and communication methodologies are getting much valuable to todays organization to carry out operational work efficiently and accurately. It is much more useful to communicate data and information within remote locations or deferent department in an organization. Computer network is basically a telecommunication network which connects autonomous computers to exchange data between applications, systems, and end users. Communication between computers can be established by combination ...

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Antivirus Is Protective Software Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,184 )

Antivirus is protective software designed for protecting your computers system & smart cell phones against Virus, Trojans & Hijackers etc. These all Viruses, Trojans & Win32 etc are called Malicious Software in computer world. All Antivirus software run in the background at all times to protect & defense your computers system & smart cell phones & some antivirus are automatically updated through internet & some antivirus are ...

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Computer Security And The Threat Of Hacking Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,786 )

Computer security is a safety operating system that is an important feature to install on a computer. It ensures safety and protection from unknown users and threats. If a safety operating system is weak, unknown users, or hackers, are able to break into the database and install harmful viruses, as well as steal personal information. Computer security and hacking can have both disadvantages and advantages. Computer security ...

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Bug Tracking System Provides The Job Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,631 )

Introduction Bug tracking system provides the job only in some of the large software development companies for many years. Most of the other development companies simply relied on shared lists and emails to the monitor, the status of defects and never make an effort with bug tracking at all. This method is likely to cause those bugs to decide less important by developers to be dropped or ...

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To improve a manual system

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,035 )

Introduction Our project is to improve a manual system to an automated system, so we selected a local bookshop which had limited number of functions so it's going to be easier for our project. The scope of the project is to analyze the need for a bookshop system, and to find advantages to formulate an effective computerized bookshop system that will eliminate the existing problems. In this ...

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A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,942 )

Adobe Flash CS4 provides newly features which are very easy to be used. Designing using Flash had become easier and more efficient. Designer can easily applies tweening technique to a symbol and smoothly modify the motion paths. The success project can be delivered to a very wide audience. Adobe Flash CS4 can help to deliver this interactive multimedia to web browsers, mobile devices and computes. The newly ...

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The modern computer system specification

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,380 )

I'm one of the Managers of the Royal Star Company, also a programmer. When I visited to the Carmel Library, I found how to benefits the computers. So, I wanna report some information. First, we shouldn't need to use the systems of the old computers because of the following reasons. We can't install nowadays software because the systems of old computers will distinguish nowadays computers. If ...

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Microprocessor Without Interlocked Pipeline Stages Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

21 (8,357 )

MIPS is originally an acronym for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages, a reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architecture developed by MIPS Technologies. In the mid to late 1990s, it was estimated that one in three RISC microprocessors produced would be MIPS implementations. Table 1.1 Specifications Core Frequency: 200 MHz Data bus (ext.): 64 Bit Address bus: 64 Bit Transistors: 2,300,000 Voltage: 3.3 V Introduced: 05/1994 Manufactured: week ...

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Image To Voice Converter Is Software Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,916 )

Image to Voice converter is software or a device to recognize an image and convert it into human voice. The purpose of the conversion is to provide communication aid for blind people to sense what the object in their hand or in front of them. This converter is also suitable for children at the age of three until six years old for early education part. In this ...

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Web Mining Research Support System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,203 )

Application of data mining techniques to the World Wide Web, referred to as Web mining has been the focus of several recent research projects and papers. However, there is no established vocabulary leading to confusion when comparing research efforts. The term Web mining has been used in two distinct ways. The first, called Web content mining in this paper is the process of information discovery from sources ...

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Examples Of Human Computer Interface Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,093 )

The World Wide Web has a massive and permanent inpact on our lives in conomy, industry, education, healthcare, public administration, entertainment,etc. There is hardly any part of our daily lives which has not been pervaded by the Internet. However, because of poorly designed human computer interface (HCI), human operators make many mistakes in many complicated systems. Computers and the web address the problems associated which require rapid ...

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Lip Reading Using Neural Networks Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,137 )

Neural networks, with their remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data, can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques. A trained neural network can be thought of as an expert in the category of information it has been given to analyze. Neural network is applied in LIP READING, one ...

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Types Of Magnetic Storage Devices Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,651 )

Magnetic storage devices are used to store data in magnetic medium. In this term paper we will discuss about its types and working principle. The main logic is that the data will secure in these storage devices and data will store quickly in these devices. In this term paper we will also discuss the future of these devices. MAGNETIC STORAGE DEVICES Magnetic storage and magnetic recording are ...

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The Goals Of Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,622 )

Different personality have different views base on operating system. To a college student operating system is software that allow to access internet. To programmer operating system is software that makes it possible to implement programs on the computer. To user of application package software that makes easy to use the package. The main aspect of operating system is software that interact user of a computer and computer ...

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Concept Of Facilities Planning And Plant Layout Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,631 )

Background of the problem Today s manufacturing industry is facing problems that have been growing in size and complexity over the last several years. As a result, there is an immediate need for procedures or techniques in solving various problems encountered in today s manufacturing arena without extended shutdown s or expensive modifications ( Clark ,1996). Materials handling equipment and the facilities it operates can contribute to ...

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Path Planning Strategy For Line Follower Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,872 )

This paper presents the development of a line follower wheeled mobile robot. In this project, ARM cortex-3 based microcontroller is chosen as the main controller to react towards the data received from infrared line sensors to give fast, smooth, accurate and safe movement in partially structured environment. A dynamic PID control algorithm has been proposed to improve the navigation reliability of the wheeled mobile robot which uses ...

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Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,229 )

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks may become a major threat to current computer networks. Even a teenager can lunch the DoS attack by using readymade DoS tools. DoS attack is an attack to slow down the legitimate user's computer by overloading its resources. The goal of DoS attack is to prevent the legitimate users to access the services, not to gain an unauthorized access or resources. Attackers ...

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Operating System Used In Portable Devices Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,412 )

This report is about Operating system used in portable devices like PDA and laptops etc. As the passage of time consumer needs are becoming more and more demanding and life is becoming compact so as devices are also becoming more powerful and their OS also more advanced and complicated we will discuss some those most commonly used OS and their different uses and the devices they are ...

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Development Of Clinic Management System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,098 )

Nowadays most of the clinic in Malaysia is using semi-systematic software to handle their daily activities. Doctor still need to write the symptom and prescription manually using paper and pen hence pass it to nurse for further process like recording, preparing and payment. This project known as ClinicOn is to develop a Clinic Management System exclusively designed to help all kind of clinic including traditional Chinese medicine ...

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Analytical And Empirical Methods For Usability Evaluation Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,417 )

Usability Evaluation is evaluation on the quality of the usability of the interface design. Two common methods used for this evaluation process are Heuristic Evaluation (analytical method) and User Testing (empirical method). Both of these methods have their own strengths and limitations, depending on the objectives and the context of the usability evaluation. TASK 1: Methods Description The Heuristics Evaluation Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection technique ...

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Anti Virus Uses And Benefits Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,141 )

This report presents antivirus protection, its definition and different types of. It shows how it is important of this program to protect computer. Because attacker spread viruses around the world, people need strong and effective antivirus program to prevent their computers from these viruses. In this report, will be mentioned the idea of antivirus protection types, how its work and which methods use and benefits of this ...

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Ipad Is The Best Tablet Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,942 )

IPad a computer that is a type of a tablet, and it was developed by the Apple Company. Apple designed and marketed the IPad especially for the media which include books, periodicals, movies, music, and games. Another purpose of the Apple to design the IPad is to provide general web and email access. The size and weight of the IPad that are about 700 grams is contemporary ...

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Graphical User Interface For The 3 Axis Cnc Milling Machine Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,679 )

This paper details the design and development of a Graphical User Interface for the 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine, which was designed in-house for testing and research purposes at the University of the South Pacific. The 3-axis CNC Milling Machine used COM Port terminal software, TeraTerm to communicate with the electronics hardware via RS232 link. The GUI was developed using Microsoft® Visual Basic 2008 Integrated Development Environment. The ...

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Distributed Denial Of Service DDOS Attack Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,389 )

Information technology is an exciting and emerging day by day technology which requires communication systems for data and services exchange. As nowadays every services and products uses computer and internet as a medium to interchange data or money in an open internet, hence prone to vulnerabilities. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attack to the availability of the resources available, so that authenticated users do ...

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Computer Science Essays - Internet Security

23 Mar 2015

28 (10,938 )

Internet Security. Abstract Online users today are faced with multitude of problems and issues. A typical online user is vulnerable to virus, worms, bugs, Trojan horses etc.; he/she is also exposed to sniffers, spoofing their private sessions; and they are also vulnerable to phishing of financial information. Not only this but users are also constantly subjected to invasion of privacy with the multitude of spy ware available ...

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Support For Built In Utility Programs Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,139 )

Report that explains the purpose of operating systems by outlining the basic functions in general, saying how they are used to facilitate users. An Operating system is software that lets the user interface with the computer and also manages number of applications. Most number of PC's has built in Operating system installed. Operating systems created to take control of the operations of applications such as email programs, ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Encryption Security Types Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,003 )

An Egyption scribe used non-standard hieroglyphs in an inscription about 1900 BC. Example of written cryptography is the first documented that lists by Kahn. A piece of flat stone carved into a collage of images and some writing to identify themselves in trading dealings in 1500 BC antique Assyrian merchants used in intaglio. The 'digital signature' produced by this mechanism. This 'signature' belongs to the trader, but ...

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Static And Dynamic Cmos Cascode Voltage Switch Logic Circuits Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,778 )

This paper presents a dual rail logic network based static and dynamic CMOS cascode voltage switch logic (CVSL) circuits for improving the functional efficiency and low power consumption. The logic design strategic is achieved in CVSL by cascading differential pairs of FET devices are capable of processing Boolean functions up to (2N-1) input variables within a single circuit delay. Potentially CVSL is twice as dense as primitive ...

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Transportation Problem In Supply Chain Management Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,861 )

Transportation plays a very important role in Supply chain Management and my analysis is on the problem that why this department is suffering from transportation crises what are the barriers that are coming in the middle of these problems, I have noticed that the communication network is not properly establish in supply chain so the flow of information was not delivered. The other was the technology problem, ...

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Human Computer Interaction Design For Mobile Device Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,716 )

The designs that come in HCI targets in producing interactive products that are that provider pleasant experience to use. Because of the multi dimensional method of HCI and varying systems of interface it is very difficult for developers which are easy to use as well as cheap. In this modern era there is an increase in the number of people who complain about HCI. These complain causes ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Firewalls Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,538 )

A firewall is a boundary or a wall to keep intruders from attacking the network. The firewall is network device that is in between a private network and the internet. The firewall is configured to inspect network traffic that passes between the network and the internet. We can assign rules or protocols to the firewall to allow data to be shared. If the protocol isn't included in ...

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The History Of Microsoft Powerpoint And Word Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,563 )

Microsoft Powerpoint usually just called PowerPoint, is a closed source commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X system. The current versions are Powerpoint 2010 for Windows and 2011 for Mac. The original version of this program was created by Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin of Forethought, Inc. Originally designed for the ...

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Video summarization techniques

23 Mar 2015

18 (7,049 )

1. INTRODUCTION Recently, the number of videos has been increased and the ability of individuals to capture or/and create digital video has been grown at the same time. So there is a growing need for video summarization. Video summarization refers to a summary creation of a video where is has to address three main beliefs. First, the video summary should contain the most important scenes and events ...

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Activation Cracks And Workarounds Windows Vista Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,167 )

Windows Vista enthusiasts and lovers already can download final RTM version gold release of Windows Vista from the Internet, way before the scheduled and target release date of Windows Vista to retail customer on early 2007. However, unless you have a hand on corporate volume license key (VLK), as Windows Vista is not yet officially goes on sale, so you won't possible to purchase a license to ...

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Temperature Dependent Speed Controller Using Thermistor Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,591 )

This project is a standalone automatic fan speed controller that controls the speed of an electric fan according to our requirement. This closed loop feedback control system is efficient and reliable by using embedded technology . Micro controller (AT89C51) allows dynamic and faster control. Liquid crystal display (LCD) makes the system user-friendly. The sensed temperature and fan speed level values are simultaneously displayed on the LCD panel. ...

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Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,114 )

Qualitative research is involves using various methods ranging from participant observation, interviews, and action research, to ethnography, document review and grounded theory in order to investigate and explain phenomena of predominantly human sciences. However, qualitative research can also be found in various other disciplines, subject to suitable methodologies. A general shift in orientation of Information Systems (IS) has resulted in an elevated focus on organizational and managerial ...

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Microsoft Versus Apple Compare And Contrast Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,299 )

Business strategy is a direction, vision and objectives in terms of projects, in order to configure the total recourses that invest into the projects base on the markets needs and challenging of other competitors. After all, a scorecard will be use to evaluate the overall performance and the next step can be draw out base on the evaluation. The evaluation is about the suitability, feasibility and finally ...

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A Brief Introduction To Design For Testability Dft Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,272 )

DFT is a technique that adds certain testability features to the design which makes an IC more testable. DFT technique improves the controllability and observability of internal nodes, so that embedded functions can be tested easily. Two basic properties determine the testability of a node: 1) controllability, which is a measure of the difficulty of setting internal circuit nodes to 0 or 1 by assigning values to ...

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Flash Animation Software Package Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,316 )

In this part of my assignment I would like to evaluate one software package. I would like to present basic information about Adobe Flash CS3 Professional. Also, I want to show you advantages and disadvantages of this program and describe where software could be improved. Adobe Flash (Macromedia Flash) is a software used to add animations, video and interactivity to web pages. Flash is often used for games and advertisements. Flash was ...

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An Introduction To Cryptology Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,585 )

Cryptography was used only for military and diplomatic communication until the development of public key cryptography. Secrecy is one of most important requirement for any communication and it becomes more important when the content of communication is for military and diplomatic purpose. Hieroglyphs used by Egyptians are earliest known example of cryptography in 1900 BC. These hieroglyphics were used to write the stories of the life of ...

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Characteristics of a good database design

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,380 )

1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to mainly discuss about characteristics of a good database design and a quality design. Main reasons behind writing this report is as part of implementation of Stanwell parish plan the need for a database application was identified by several committees. Our committee is responsible for the design a database for record the runners participated on the annual Fell race. ...

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Development Of A Web Based Payroll System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,937 )

Saving time considered to be a leading topic in this modern world where people try to get their work done in a least amount of time. Therefore time spent on simple things in day to day life made easier as web-online has conquered that place. With that intension this payroll system has been developed to organizations where small branches involved. Developing such web based payroll system may ...

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The Process Of Time Table Construction Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,574 )

The process of time-table construction can prove to be a hectic task considering the number of cohorts [courses] and the modules [subjects] offered by a specific university. This is mainly because, there could be a deadlock in allotment of the schedule considering all the constraints to be satisfied .This requires logical thinking which definitely consumes a large amount of time. Moreover, identification of the inconsistencies and their ...

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The Web Browser Comparison Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,655 )

In this assignment, I am going to discuss about the comparison between web browsers. First, what is a web browser exactly. Actually it is a software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. Not only that, it can be also defined as an application software or program designed to enable users to access, retrieve and view documents and other resources on ...

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The Zone Based Firewalls Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,245 )

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Zone-Based firewalls. In particular we are going to briefly present the firewall evolution from their beginning until today and under of which conditions we arrived on zone-based firewalls. Furthermore we analyze the differences between zone-based firewall and some other firewall policies. Finally we both describe the several advantages of zone-based policy and the critical factors in ...

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Computer Is Derived From The Latin Term Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,656 )

The word Computer is derived from the Latin term computare which means to calculate. THAKUR computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with information. A computer is electronic device that does not do any work by itself but works under the instruction given by user. A computer is the combination of Hardware and Software. A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or ...

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The Graphical User Interface Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,490 )

A Graphical User Interface is a system of graphical elements that allow the end user to interact with the underlying software of the GUI using simple mouse operations. MATLAB has in-built support for GUI development and programming. Since we were already using it for our vision processing, we decided to design our GUI also using MATLAB. It offers two ways to design a GUI. One is through ...

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Black Box And White Box Comparison Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,456 )

Testing is an important activity for checking the correctness of system implementations. We need to find out bugs in the system on unit level as well as on the integration or system level of testing. At unit level, we use white box testing approach to find bugs in the developed code whereas at integration or system level we use black box testing approach to validate the system ...

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Literature review about data warehouse

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,687 )

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 provides literature review about data warehouse, OLAP MDDB and data mining concept. We reviewed concept, characteristics, design and implementation approach of each above mentioned technology to identify a suitable data warehouse framework. This framework will support integration of OLAP MDDB and data mining model. Section 2.2 discussed about the fundamental of data warehouse which includes data warehouse models and ...

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Sql Injection Attacks Pose Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,861 )

In recent years, SQL injection attacks pose a common and serious security threat to web applications: they allow attackers to obtain unrestricted access to the database underlying the applications and to the potentially sensitive information these database contain, and it is becoming significantly more popular amongst hackers. According to recent data, between Q1 2012 and Q2 2012, there has been an estimated 69 percent increase of this ...

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Modulation Systems Used In Satellite Communications Ii Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,325 )

Satellite is the one of the greatest means of communication carrying a large chuck of voice and data stream from one part of the horizon to the other as compared to other medium. In this modern age, communication satellite networks are an indispensable part of the major telecommunication systems. Satellite interconnects the nodes and provides some better advantages in application than the traditional communication systems such as ...

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Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,455 )

This report gives the details of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is one of the major research topics in recent years, this field is widely using in different industries like web, gaming, telecommunications and broadcasting networks. Multimedia computing gives the detailed view of multimedia systems, multimedia applications, and multimedia softwares. It is used in presenting the text, audio, video, and graphics in different fields. The development in multimedia ...

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Study On Primary And Secondary Storage Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,340 )

Primary storage is also known as Immediate Access Storage and is where data is stored on the main computer memory. An example of primary storage is RAM (Random Access Memory - otherwise referred to as RWM (Read Write Memory). RAM is the memory chip stored within the computers motherboard, where data can be read, stored and edited. RAM is extremely fast and is where programs are usually ...

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Technology Used In Mobile Wallet Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,105 )

Mobile wallet system is an innovative and revolutionary breakthrough mobile commerce solution that offers the conveniences of cash-less shopping, as well as making remote payments via any mobile phone, where financial and merchandising transactions are done at the touch of the fingertips. Technology used in mobile wallet is known as Near Field Communication (NFC). Near Field Communication is a short range high frequency which enables the exchange ...

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The Computer Data Storage Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,351 )

Computer data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since the 1940s'[2].Physical memory is a general term that refers to the media data cache on your computer. Being processed for each program ...

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Stuxnet Network Worm Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,463 )

Stuxnet, a network worm that, during the early part of 2010, began to infect Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) becoming the first rootkit for PLCs. PLCs are usually not connected to the Internet, or the internal network, so the creators had to devise a method to get the worm onto these systems. The worm would use 4 zero-day vulnerabilities to propagate through internal ...

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Advantages Of Scripting Language Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,579 )

A scripting language is a form of programming language that is used to create scripts or bits of code. Scripting languages are often written to facilitate enhanced features of websites, these features are processed on the server but the script of a specific page runs on the user's browser. The origin of the term was similar to its meaning in "a movie script tells actors what to ...

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Critical Evaluation On ASP Net Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,920 )

ASP.net is a new technology and powerful web development language to build a web application much faster. Lately, we can always hear the news of ASP.net especially on the web developer sites. ASP.net is not only is the transformation from ASP, ASP.net can be said that is new era in the web development field. In this seminar, I will explain what is all about for ASP.net. First ...

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User Interfaces Ic Compiler Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,735 )

IC Compiler is the software package from Synopsys for Physical Design of ASIC. It provides necessary tools to complete the back end design of the very deep submicron designs. The inputs to the IC Compiler are: a gate-level netlist which can be from DC Compiler or third-party tools, a detailed floorplan which can be from previous Design Planning through IC Compiler or other third-party tools, timing constraints ...

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The Perimeter Network Security System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,139 )

As like in the real life, securing the borders are the first level of defense to protect the internal network of an organisation. The purpose of this report is to design a perimeter network security system that will provide security enhancement on the existing network infrastructure of Napier University. Network perimeter is an important line of defence in an enterprise network and every organisation has this perimeter ...

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Wireless Networks Security Privacy And Ethical Issues Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,382 )

Wireless area networks (WLANS) have been increased drastically increased in every area such as educational institutions, homes public areas and businesses wireless based on the standard 802.11 are mostly used in the corporate and environment such as 802.11b operates at 2.4GHZ and gives up to 11mbps and 802.11a provides up to 54MBPS. In this paper I am going to discus about the wireless network security and privacy ...

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PatientOS installation guide

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,457 )

1. Overview 1.1 Process The basic steps to installing PatientOS are divided into the backend system and front end client a) Backend System Install the PatientOS software base version. Install the PatientOS updater software. Install and create a PostgreSQL database version 8.2 or higher. Import the PatientOS database contents. Start the PatientOS application server. b) Frontend Client Install the PatientOS software. ...

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Purpose Of School Management System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,209 )

Computer technology is used to provide facilities to user to perform their jobs quickly and accurately. That is why computer is used in most organizations to maximize the efficiency and performance of the organization. The objectives of the latest technology are to speed up the system, to reduce the errors and to develop error free inputs, as invalid inputs are the main cause of computer mistakes and ...

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6lowpan Neighbor Discovery Protocol Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,966 )

The IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4 has specified way how to carry IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.15.4 standardized devices and similar networks with the introduction of an adaptation header which comes before the IP header and just after MAC layer, a link in such a 6LoWPAN is characterized as lossy, with minimum power consumption, minimum data rate, small range, with many nodes saving energy with hibernating or deep ...

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Plant Diseases Through Image Processing Techniques Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,591 )

Damage of plant is an important issue in agriculture. There are lots of factors involving weather, fungi, artificial drying, and mechanical damage during harvest and storage which can cause damage. NIR spectroscopy for classifying sound and damaged soybean seeds is very useful. NIR spectrometer is used to collect the spectra of single seed then PLS and neural network are used for classification of sound and damaged seeds. ...

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Real Time Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,111 )

Real Time Operating Systems are Operating Systems for systems operating in Real Time. These Operating Systems have functions dedicated to detecting and responding to tasks from the real world within their deadlines. Depending on whether the real time system is hard or soft, the RTOS is designed to the needs of each system. RTOS differs from General purpose Operating System in function and design and will be ...

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Exploring Networking Principles Components Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,408 )

It is a communications model that consumes the similar capabilities and can start a communication session. This network definitely has no central server. Every computer makes its own functions and may share certain resources with 75 additional users on the network. The whole thing in the network are equal to 'peers' which means they don't need a server role to play. Peer to peer network is easily to ...

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A Management System For Shopping Malls Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,022 )

1.1 Introduction: Therough this system to design system to orgnize the work of Shoppiing Mall contain many shops belong to the same company of this mall. Through this system we can manage the work of all shops in this mall and monitor all activities in all shops. In this system we have tow sections, the first is "Management", and the second is "Shops",Each section hase different features. ...

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Functions Of The Operating System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,050 )

Introduction A personal computer consists of two components, the hardware and the software. Hardware are basically physical components of the computer, in other words, they are tangible such as the motherboard, graphic card, hard drive, sound card, keyboard … etc. Software on the other hand are series of programs, algorithms, procedures, and data that provide instructions and tell computers what tasks to perform and how to perform ...

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Roles Of The Operating System Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,186 )

All computers need some form of operating system so that communication between users applications and hardware. The OS also looks after the file system. With advancement in technology OS can now support more than one User, Task or Central Processing Unit (CPU). The OS controls the communication between applications and hardware. For the OS to communicate with these it installs device drivers for any hardware component that ...

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Software crisis

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,410 )

INTRODUCTION: Since last 20-25 years, there has been a rapid increase in the development of programs using a computer. Also, the difficulty level of software has increased to a greater extent. In other words, a drastic change has occurred in the development of computer programs. In order to make the programs more and more predictable, different types of patterns have been created. But the software industry is ...

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About the bridge and router

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,412 )

Introduction In this current assignment I will discuss about the bridge and router. This assignment I will explain the definition of what is a bridge and a router in detail. The bridge and router has its own advantages and disadvantages in many ways by looking thru its capability and specification wise. Bridge is a wired connection which is only use for that computer which is connected to ...

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