A Management System For Shopping Malls Computer Science Essay


23 Mar 2015

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1.1 Introduction:

Therough this system to design system to orgnize the work of Shoppiing Mall contain many shops belong to the same company of this mall.

Through this system we can manage the work of all shops in this mall and monitor all activities in all shops.

In this system we have tow sections, the first is "Management", and the second is "Shops",Each section hase different features.

we have in this system tow level of privilleges, administrator or manager , and the employee of shops.

The manager or administrator can add new administrator for this system, add new employee dor shops, add new shop, and see report of all shops in this mall.

The normal user of employee of shop has the privillege to perform sale operation,add new goods to the store of this shope, update the balance of exicting goods in the store of this shope,monitore the daily sales operation done, onitore the monthly sales operations done, and monitore the balance of goods in the sotre of this shope.

1.2 Aims Of The Project

Through this system we work to achive the following objectives:

Organize the Registration of new shope: in this objective we orgnize the registeration of new shope and enter the relative information about this shope.

Organize the registration of sales operation: in this objective we orgnize the registeration of sale operation's informtion and try to do it in less time with less effort.

Orgnize the registeration of new good's information: in this objective we allow the normal user to enter the information of new good in the store of his shope.

Allow the user to add extra quantity of an excting food in his shope's store.

Enable the user to get information about sales operations done through this system (daily and monthly) printable format.

Enable the user to get information about goods's balance in his shope in printable format.

Enable the administratore to get information about all shopes in the mall.

1.3 System Tools

To design this system we use Visual Basic 6.0 as programming language to design the GUI (Graphical User Interface), and we used Microsoft Access to build the database of this system.

We selected Visual Basic because it is easyto use. We can create forms (interfaces) using drag-and-drop techniques. A tool is used to place controls on the form (window). We can enter the default value for the attribute of any control we add to the form (interface). Many attribute values can be modified during run time based on user actions or changes in the environmentFor examplewe can cange the date of sale always to the current date even if we run it after 2 years after finish design

Microsoft Access database management system was also used in designing the database of the system. It is used to create simple database solutions. Access tables support a variety of standard field types, indices, and referential integrity. The system also includes a query interface, forms to display and enter data, and reports for printing. The underlying Jet database, which contains these objects, is multiuser-aware and handles record-locking and referential integrity including cascading, updates and deletes.

Microsoft Access also offers the ability for programmers to create solutions using the programming language Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which is similar to Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) and used throughout the Microsoft Office programs such as Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. Most VB6 code including the use of Windows API calls, can be used in VBA. Power users and developers can extend basic end-user solutions to a professional solution with advanced automation, data validation, error trapping, and multi-user support.

Applications that simply view data or have simple data entry can support considerably more users.

2.1 Structure of the system:

In this system we have tow main sections first for managemetn and second for shopes.

2.1.1 management section:

In management section we have four featurs

Add new administrator: in this feature we allow the administrator to add anothor administrator (administrator = manager), in this feature the asministrator enter the user name and password for new administrator.

Add new user: in this feature the admin can add new use (we mention here in user to the employee of the shope), to add new user the admin need to enter the user name and password and the shope which this user will belong (or works for), here we mention that we cannot add new user to a shope not there in the mall.

Add new shope: in this feature we allow the admin to add new shope to the mall, to add new shope to the mall the admin need to enter the name of this new shope and the type of it (e.g optics).

Report of all shopes in this mal: in this feature we allow the admin to get information about all shopes in this mall in printable formate.

2.1.2 shope section:

This section available to the emmployee of shopes in the mall, we have to mention that the administrator of this system must add this user then he can login to this section.in this section we have six features

New sale : in this feature the user can enter the information of new sale operation, these information includes the customer name, customer mobile number, saled good,ordered auantity,unit price, and discount if there is any discount.

Add new goods: in this feature we allow the user to add new goods to the store of this shope, the information needed to do this task includes Good name, Purchae price,sale price,Quantity,andmeasure.

Update goods : in this feature the user can update the quantity of any exeicting goods in the store of his shope, the relative information requested here is good name, added quantity,purchase price, sale price.

Goods report: in this feature the user can get report of all goods and its balance in his shope.

Daily sale : in this feature the user can get report of all sale operation done through this system in current day.

Monthly sale: in this feature the user can get report of all sale operation done through this system in selected month.

2.2 System's Tables:

In the previous section we explained the main structure of this system, now we have to show the building of the system's database (the database of this system was designed using Microsoft Office Access as mentioned before) The following tables are designed in the database of this system:

ADMIN : this table created to save the information of administrator login data (Table 2.2.1)

USERS: this table is for saving the information of users of this system. (Table 2.2.2)

SHOPS: this table is for saving the information for shops in this mall. (Table2.2.3).

GOODS: this table designed to save the information of goods. Table(2.3)

5-SALE_INFO: this table desgined to save the inormation of sale opertation. Table(2.2.5)

2.3 Connecting between system's database and user's Interface:

There are many ways to connect between visual basic and MS Access but in our system we depend on the connection by the code and connecting the object directly to database not by adding object on the form at design time.

It depends on the connection string for ADO library, at first a new ADO Connection and ADO recordset items is created then define the connection path (path of database in this system) as connection string

After that the recordset is opened by sending a query for specified table name.

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Dim con As ADODB.ConnectionThe following shows an example about the connection way in this system

Then write the following code where connection to database is wanted to retrieve, send or view data

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Set con = New ADODB.Connection

rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Constring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\ MMS.mdb"

con.Open (Constring)

Chapter 3

Implimntation of the system

3.1 Main Features Of The System:

The aim of this system is to achieve a number of objectives. These objectives are:

Registration of new shops: in this feature, the administrator need to register the iformation of new shop, this information include the name of shop and the type of this shop (shop's activity).

Orgnize the operation of create new user: this feature allowed for administrator only, in this feature the administrator can create new user, this new user works in selected shop while the administrator create this user.

Orgnizing the registeration of sale operation: in this feature the user must register the information of sale operation, this information include the shop name,goods name,order quantity, the discount, customer name, customer mobile, and some information will be automatically loaded when the user select the good name like available qantity, and unit price.

Orgnizeing the registeration of new goods:

This feature allow the user to add new goods to the shop where he is working, this information include the name of goods,purchase price, sale price , and the purchased quantity.

Orgnize the operation of updating the quantity of goods: in this feture the user can add quantity of any goods in his shop.

Preparation of detailed reports : theadministrator and user can get these types of Reports:

All shops: this report shows the information of all shops in the Mall.

Daily sales: this report displays the information of all sales operation done in selected date.

monthly sales: this report displays the information of all sales operation done in selected month.

Goods report: this report show the information of all goods in the shop.

We have to mention that the first report allowed for the administrator only, while the other reports allowed to the normal user

3.2 Implementation Of The System:

In presvious section of this report we explaineed the structure of this system and talk about the objectives of this system, now we will talk about how t use this system, or how this system works.

First there is introduction window, in this window the user select the section he\she wants to use "Management" or "Shops" as shown in figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 Introduction window

3.2.1 Management Section :

If the user select "Management " from the introduction window he\she will get the login window where he\she must write the user name and password of administrator in this system, as shown in figure 3.2

Figure 3.2 Administrator Login window

After fill the sorrcet username and passowrd of administrator, he\she will get the main window of adminstrator's task, as shown in figure 3.3

Figure 3.3 Administrator's task windw

If he\she wants to achieve th feature of "New administrator", he\she must click on "New Administrator" button, then he\she will get the following windw, as shown in figure 3.4

Figure 3.4 New Administrator window

After fill the requested fields , the system will connect to the databse and go into the table "Admin" and save new record with the information of new administrator.

If the administrator wants to achieve the feature "New User", he\she must click on "New User" button on the Administrator's task windw, then will get the following window, as shown in figure 3.5

Figure 3.5 New User window

In this window will need the username and apssword for new user , also we need to select the shop where this new user will work, the list of shops will automatically loaded to the window by going through the database and go to "Shops" table and bring the name of all shops in this mall.

When the user fill all rewuested fields he\she must click on "Save" button to save the data of new user, in this operation the system will connect to the database and go to "USERS" table and create new record conatin the information of the new user and give him an autonumber as ID, the administrator can cancel the operation or close this window by click on "Close" button.

In case the administratore wants to achieve the feature "Add New Shop", hezshe must click on "New shop" button on Administrator's task windw to get the following window, as shown in figure 3.6

Figure 3.6 New Shop Window

In this window we can see that we have only tow fields about new shop, these fields are shop name and shop type, after the administrator fill thee fields, he\she must click on "Save" button to go through the database and create new record in table "Shops" and give this shop an autonumber as ShopID.

The administrator can cancel the operation or close this window by click on "Close" button.

Finally, if the administrtor wants to get report about all shops in this mall, he\se can click on "All Shops" button on Administrator's task windw, the get the report as shown in figure 3.7

Figure 3.7 All Shops report window

3.2.1 Shop Section :

This section specified for the normal user (the employee of the shop), the user can go into this section by clicking on "Shop" button in Introduction window, then he\she get the folloing window, figure 3.8

Figure 3.8 user Main window

As we see, in this window there are six buttons, each one for different feature.

If the user want to perform sale operation, he\she must click on "New Sale" button, then will get the following window, as shown in figure 3.9

Figure 3.9 Sale window

In this window the user will find list of all goods available in this shop and the balance of this goodsand the unist price also, ths information brought by the system when load this window, the system will go to the database and go to goods table and bring the name of all goods which belong to that shop, after that when the user select the goods name and its balance nd the unit price.

After the user fill the requested fields then click on calculate button to cacuate the total price, then the user clicks on "Save" button to save the information of sale then he can click on "Bill" button to get the bill of this sale.

If the user wants to add new goods he\she must clicks on "New Goods" button then he\she get the following window, as shown in figure 3.10


Using this system we organize the work in the Hall, also we reduce the time and effort spend to achieve the following task :

Register customer's information in this system.

Register the relative information of reservation in this system .

Organize the operation of updating the information of reservation.

Organize the confirming and caneling reservation in this system.

Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system.

Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system accoring to selected month.

Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system accoring to selected month and year.

After using the system we can say that work of Hall reservation can be organized through this system.

As we explain in the body of this report the use of this system is easily and any one with simple knowledge of computer usage can use this system and finish the task without any mistake.

there is no perfect system and each system contain some notices either the analyzing or the scenario of work, but in this system we try to cover the most important task or features of store department work.

Before we build the system we have to analyze the system and detect the work flow of working and see what are the rules that control work in Hall reservation operation to start building the tables and see what windows we need and how any windows we must have in our system

after that we search for tools enable us to program the system in best way, we find that the easiest tools to do that is VISUAL BASIC (VB) for program the user interface and Microsoft Office Access (MSACCESS) as database management system, these tools are easy to use and easy to be used in developing the system in future.

When start to build new system the designer face tow types of problem technical and official.

The technical problems was to find the suitable and useful tools (programming and database management system) enable the designer to build efficient system and enable the user to store many records in database able to be retrieved in few seconds without any problems.

After we choose the programming language and database management system and connect them together and start build the database and table and start writing the code that will be executed while system running in order to achieve the tasks of this system.


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