Technology Used In Mobile Wallet Computer Science Essay


23 Mar 2015

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Mobile wallet system is an innovative and revolutionary breakthrough mobile commerce solution that offers the conveniences of cash-less shopping, as well as making remote payments via any mobile phone, where financial and merchandising transactions are done at the touch of the fingertips.

Technology used in mobile wallet is known as Near Field Communication (NFC). Near Field Communication is a short range high frequency which enables the exchange of data between devices over about a 10 centimeter distance.

Keywords: Mobile wallet, Near Field Communication, mobile commerce, intelliwal, DORIS i.e. Digital online registration and identification system. , RFID i.e. Radio Frequency Identification

I. Introduction

Mobile wallet also known as wallet phone is a mobile enabled application that will replace a device from your pocket i.e. your wallet. The emerging wireless and mobile networks have extended electronic commerce to another research and application subject i.e. mobile commerce. This creates new opportunities for customers to conduct business from any location at any point of time. One of the significant application of mobile applications is transforming the mobile phone into a mobile wallet with digital cash that supports both as real cash and security [1]. It is a type of mobile payment technology in which instead of paying with cash, checks or credit cards, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and digital or goods such as:

Music, videos, ringtones, online game purchase, wallpapers and other goods.

Transportation fare of bus, train etc

Books, magazines, tickets and other goods

There are four primary models for mobile payments:

Direct Mobile Billing

SMS based transactional payments

Mobile web payments (WAP)

NFC (Near Field Communication)

So in the payment models, mobile wallet uses NFC technology

II. System Requirement

A. Hardware requirement:

Mobile Phone that should be NFC enabled.

Touch point i.e. NFC enabled machine

Doris SD card token for security purpose.

B. Software requirement:



Operating system

Programming language

Intelliwal is a smart running mobile phone application which incorporates and extends all the functionality provided by a conventional physical wallet [8]. History of all the transaction is maintained in this application.

Digital online registration and identification system, for short DORIS is mainly for security purpose [8].

Operating system for mobiles should be symbian.

Programming language used is C++.

III. Technology Used

Near Field Communication (NFC)

Near Field Communication, for short NFC is a technology for short range communication. It uses magnetic field induction to enable communication between electronic devices based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). We have to just bring two NFC enabled devices in close contact for communication .Some examples of what a user can do with an NFC mobile phone in an NFC-enabled environment:

Download music or video from a smart poster.

Exchange business cards with another NFC enabled phone.

Print an image on a printer using your phone.

Use a point-of-sale terminal to pay for a purchase, the same way as with a standard contactless credit card.

Can pay train or bus fare using your phone.

Communication Modes of NFC

Active mode

Passive mode

In active mode devices can communicate with each other. Each device has to generate its own RF field, if it wants to send data. The RF field is alternately generated by one of the two devices.

In passive mode a device has to use inductive coupling to transmit data. For battery powered devices, like mobile phone it is better to use in passive mode. In this mode communication takes place between active device and passive device.


NFC devices work in three different operating modes [8]:




IV. System Description

While using mobile wallet we should have a mobile phone with NFC enabled in it and one touch point NFC enabled machine. If we want to buy anything just bring our mobile in contact of touch point and we can simply do the transaction using our mobile phone by entering the product code in an application called intelliwal which is present in NFC enabled handset.

Intelliwal is a smart running mobile phone application which incorporates and extends all the functionality provided by a conventional physical wallet. History of all the transaction is maintained in this application.

Digital online registration and identification system, for short DORIS is mainly for security purpose. DORIS works as tri interface chip is attached to NFC enabled mobile phone which provides authentication.

V. Applications

Mobile wallet application can be used by anyone having NFC enables handset. Currently nokia is giving this facility in some of its handset. It is more secure than keeping a wallet [9].

Using NFC technology we can exchange data between two devices, pay bus or train fare, print image on printer and lots of other applications.

VI. Advantages

Mobile wallet provides freedom from keeping your wallet, credit card, debit card etc with you. Using your mobile phone you can shop anywhere you want.

NFC has many advantages such as mobile ticketing in public transport, exchange of data etc.

VII. Future Application

Mobile wallet can be used as :

Electronic ticketing â€" airline tickets, concert/event tickets, and others.

Electronic money.

Travel cards.

Identity documents.

Mobile commerce.

Electronic keys â€" car keys, house/office keys, hotel room keys, etc [3].

Currently it is in use in some countries such as US. Forging a tie-up with ICICI Bank and Bharti Airtel it is expected that nearly half of present Indian population will use this by 2010 [4].

VIII. Conclusion

Mobile wallet provides freedom from keeping your wallet, credit card, debit card etc with you. Using your mobile phone you can shop anywhere.

Near Field Communication is an efficient technology for communications with short ranges. It offers an intuitive and simple way to transfer data between electronic devices. A significant advantage of this technique is the compatibility with existing RFID infrastructures.


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