23 Mar 2015
Puff and Fresh is a popular Restaurant where a large number of Customers Visited. It is very important to have a successful Billing system for the Restaurant. Currently the Restaurant has manual billing system which has many faults when maintain the Bills. Therefore it is good to maintain a computerize system to reduce the errors and to reduce the tiresome Billing system.
This documentation contains information on how the Billing system has been created. Facts are discussed under the following topics:
The documentation has clearly defined the above topics and there importance of the system. All requirements have been reasoned out and proper conclusions have been made.
Puff and Fresh is a Restaurant. At present Puff and Fresh maintain manual Billing system and they need a computerize approach to maintain Bills. Puff and Fresh shows the customer the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant. Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu. Calculate and Print the bill….
It is required to develop a C++ application that could Print Menu Item, Price, Amount etc……The program is needed to have a user interface which contains the functionalities such as inserting number of adults and children. Choosing the menu and ordering the menu. Creating the bill and print the bill.
The aim of this assignment is to present the knowledge the students have gathered this module; 'C ++ programming'. The assignment is divided into their respective sections, and each section has its own objectives, which are to be achieved successfully.
Basic fact finding techniques have been followed and the preliminary investigation has been conducted to find out the problems faced by Puff and Fresh Restaurant. The current manual billing system consists of errors mentioned below.
Puff and fresh has daily customers. The Bills are stored in files and when the administration needs to access a particular bill, they have to manually go through the files and find it. This is often time consuming and can be a tiresome task.
Maintaining records in files over account details require a lot of space and those records may be damaged or misused due to the poor security measures the Restaurant has taken.
Since there are a lot of files to be handled, Puff and fresh has needed to handle accounts information's. This is an additional cost. And also the puff and fresh has to spend on paper and other stationary that are needed to store the billing system.
A full feasibility study has been conducted and its results show that a computerized system for Puff and fresh is economically, legally and technically feasible to implement.
The preliminary investigation has given a clear idea about the problem the Puff and Fresh is currently facing. It is clear that the Restaurant needs a computerized system to run and manage the Bill process.
Prototyping life cycle model been chosen as the appropriate life cycle model to be used to implement the system. Results from the E-R diagrams and the data flow diagrams have given an idea about the entities and their relationships.
The new computerized system has been designed and created in a manner to solve all the problems the Restaurant is currently facing.
Entering no of adults: The computerized system is created to identify the amount of adults. This reduces the work of the staff by preventing manual entry of the number and so it prevents errors.
Entering no of children's: The computerized system is created to identify the amount of children's. This reduces the work of the staff by preventing manual entry of the number and so it prevents errors.
Requesting orders: this program can identify the request orders without any errors.
The system is password protected and the users have to enter a password to log into the system. This prevents unauthorized users logging into the system.
4. Flowcharts and pseudo codes for the system.
Request Password ()
Char password
Char enter Password
Open file "password"
Read from file password
Print "user id"
Print "password"
Get input enter id
Get input enter password
If enter id and password = id and password is true then
Print "user authenticated press enter to login the program"
Print "no such login information you entered user id of password invalid please try again…"
End if
Close file
Enter user id and password! = administrator, password
End while
Meals ()
Print "welcome to puff and fresh breakfast billing system"
Print "item no" "menu item" "price"
Print "1 string hoppers Rs65.00"
Print "2 egg sandwich Rs15.00"
Print "3 thosai with chutney Rs18.50"
Print "4 parata Rs10.50"
Print "5 sausage bun Rs30.00"
Print "6 fish roll Rs25.00"
Print "7 plain tea Rs10.00"
Print "8 coffee Rs15.00"
Print "9 tea Rs20.00"
Print "10 fruit juice Rs22.50"
Meals ()
Print "welcome to puff and fresh breakfast billing system"
Print "item no" "menu item" "price"
Print "1 string hoppers Rs65.00"
Print "2 egg sandwich Rs15.00"
Print "3 thosai with chutney Rs18.50"
Print "4 parata Rs10.50"
Print "5 sausage bun Rs30.00"
Print "6 fish roll Rs25.00"
Print "7 plain tea Rs10.00"
Print "8 coffee Rs15.00"
Print "9 tea Rs20.00"
Print "10 fruit juice Rs22.50"
Do while
Print "enter number of adults"
Get input number of adults
Print "enter number of children"
Get input number of children
Do while
Print "adult"
Print "please enter your orders"
Get input menu number <10
Print "please enter amount of order"
Get input amount order
Print" would you like to enter more orders (Y/N)"
Get input y or n
Input y
Print "please enter your orders"
Print "children"
Print "please enter your orders"
Get input menu number <10
Print "please enter amount of order"
Get input amount order
Print" would you like to enter more orders (Y/N)"
Get input y or n
If input y print "please enter your orders"
Print "puff and fresh billing system"
Print "adults/children amount total"
Print "would you like to continue (y/n)? "
Input get y
Main menu
#include<stdio.h>//for input and output library
#include<string>// for string data types
#include<stdlib.h>//for search and sorting (standerd library)
#include<math.h>//for mathematics
#include<string.h>// for string data types
#include<conio.h>// for header files console input/outputs
double price[10] = {65.00 , 15.00 , 18.50 , 10.50 , 30.00 , 25.00 , 10.00 , 15.00 , 20.00 , 22.50 }; //prices of the items
double mealTaxPrices[10]; // prices of the tax prices of the meals
int adultNumber,childNumber;// number of adults and childern
void printMeals();// fuction to print the meals
void orderMeals();// function to order the meals
double orderForAdult();// function to order for adults
double orderForChildren();// function to order for childern
void get_password();// function to get the password
static struct account accounts[] = { //user names and passwords of the program
void get_password ( char *pwd, int size )//function to get the paswwords
int main ()//fucntion to main
// +++++++++++++ Puff and Fresh billing System ++++++++++++
#include<stdio.h>//for input and output library
#include<string>// for string data types
#include<stdlib.h>//for search and sorting (standerd library)
#include<math.h>//for mathematics
#include<string.h>// for string data types
#include<conio.h>// for header files console input/outputs
// Declaring Functions
double price[10] = {65.00 , 15.00 , 18.50 , 10.50 , 30.00 , 25.00 , 10.00 , 15.00 , 20.00 , 22.50 }; //prices of the items
double mealTaxPrices[10]; // prices of the tax prices of the meals
int adultNumber,childNumber;// number of adults and childern
void printMeals();// fuction to print the meals
void orderMeals();// function to order the meals
double orderForAdult();// function to order for adults
double orderForChildren();// function to order for childern
void get_password();// function to get the password
//arrays for the password
#define FIELD_SIZE 25
#define length(array) ( sizeof (array) / sizeof (array)[i] )
struct account {
char *id;
char *password;
static struct account accounts[] = { //user names and passwords of the program
{ "Administrator", "password" },
{ "Tuwan", "icbt" }
int is_authorized ( const char *uid, const char *pwd )//password is correct
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < length ( accounts ); i++ ) {
if ( stricmp ( uid, accounts[i].id ) == 0 &&
strcmp ( pwd, accounts[i].password ) ==0 )
return 1;
return 0;
void get_password ( char *pwd, int size )//function to get the paswwords
int i = 0;
int ch;
while ( i < size - 1 && ( ch = getch() ) != '\r' ) {
if ( ch == '\b' ) {
if ( i != 0 ) {
printf ( "\b%c\b", ' ' );
else {
putchar ( '*' );
pwd[i++] = (char)ch;
pwd[i] = '\0';
int main ()//fucntion to main
system ("cls");//to clear the screen
system ("color 0c");//This function help to change color in command prompt
char uid[FIELD_SIZE];
char pwd[FIELD_SIZE];
//print the Login
printf("\t ----------------------------------------------------------\n");//print this line
printf("\t ********** Welcome to Puff and Fresh Restaurant **********\n");//print this line
printf("\t ----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n");//print this line
printf("Login by keying in your details below :-\n\n");//print this line
printf ( "User ID: " );//print this line
fflush ( stdout );
if ( fgets ( uid, sizeof uid, stdin ) != NULL ) {
char *newline = strchr ( uid, '\n' );
if ( newline != NULL )
*newline = '\0';
printf ( "Password: " );//print this line
fflush ( stdout );
get_password ( pwd, sizeof pwd );
if ( is_authorized ( uid, pwd ) )
//If entered the correct data then this meseage will display.
printf("\n\n\t <<USER AUTHENTICATED Press Enter to Enter the Program>>\n");
//If entered wrong then this error meseage will display and exit.
printf("\n\n\t\t\t<<NO SUCH LOGIN INFORMATION>>");
printf("\n\n\t<<You Entered User Id or Password is Invalid Please Try again..>>\n");
return main ();
char response = 'y';
//print this in the main menu asking number of adults and number of chilrdren
while(response == 'y'|| response == 'Y')
printf("<*> please enter number of adults :");//print this line
printf("<*> please enter number of children:");//print this line
printf("\n<*> would you like to continue(y/n):");//print this line
//in the bill this will print
printf("\n ******************** THANK YOU FOR COMING ************************\n");//print this line
printf(" \20********************** PLEASE VISIT US NEXT TIME **************************\20 \n");//print this line
return 0;
void printMeals()//fuction to print meals
char code;
system("cls");//to clear the screen
system ("color f3");//This function help to change color in command prompt
printf(" Puff and fresh Copyright: (C)2010 Tuwan.\n\n"); //print this line
printf(" \20=======================================================================\20\n"); //print this line
printf(" \20********************* WELCOME TO PUFF AND FRESH ***********************\20\n"); //print this line
printf(" \20********************* Breakfast Billing System ***********************\20\n"); //print this line
printf(" \20=======================================================================\20\n\n\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t Below is the menue:\20\n\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t Item No\tMenu Item\t\tPrice:\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t \22*******************************\22\n\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 1- \tString Hoppers\t\tRs.65.50\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 2-\t\tEgg Sandwitch\t\tRs.15.00\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 3- \tThosai with Chutney\tRs.18.50\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 4- \tParata\t\t\tRs.10.50\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 5- \tSausages Bun\t\tRs.30.00\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 6- \tFish Roll\t\tRs.25.00\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 7- \tPlain Tea\t\tRs.10.00\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 8- \tCoffee\t\t\tRs.15.00\n"); //print this line
printf(" \t\t 9- \tTea\t\t\tRs.20.00\n");//print this line
printf(" \t\t 10- \tFruit Juice\t\tRs.22.50\n");//print this line
void orderMeals() //function to print order meals
double totalPriceForAdult, totalPriceForChildren;
double allPayment,discount;
printf(" \t\t**** ORDER MENUE****\n"); //print this line
totalPriceForAdult = orderForAdult();
totalPriceForChildren = orderForChildren();
allPayment = totalPriceForAdult + totalPriceForChildren ;
system("cls");//to clear the screen
system ("color f4");//This function help to change color in command prompt
printf("\t \20==================================================\20");//print this line
printf("\n \t\t \22****** WELCOME TO PUFF AND FRESH ******\22 \n");//print this line
printf(" \t\t*********** Breakfast Billing System ************ \n");//print this line
printf(" \t \20=============================================================\20\n\n");//print this line
printf(" \t\tAdult/Child\t\tAmount\t\tTotal Price\n");//print this line
printf(" \t\tadults\t\t\t%d\t\t%5.2f\n",adultNumber,totalPriceForAdult);//print adult amount and the price of the adult
printf(" \t\tchildren\t\t%d\t\t%5.2f\n",childNumber,totalPriceForChildren);//print child amount and the price of the child
printf(" \t\tTotal bill\t\t\t\t%5.2f\n",allPayment );//print the toal bill
//arithmetic of the bill
if(allPayment < 10)
discount=((allPayment * 0.5)/100);
else if(allPayment>= 10 && allPayment<20)
discount=((allPayment * 1)/100);
else if(allPayment>= 20 && allPayment<30)
discount=((allPayment * 1.5)/100);
else if(allPayment>= 30 && allPayment<40)
discount=((allPayment * 2.0)/100);
discount= ((allPayment * 5.0)/100);
printf(" \t\tTotal bill after discount\t\t%5.2f\n\n",allPayment-discount);//print total bill anfter discount
printf(" \t No 234, peradeniya road, Kandy. Tel:- 081-2345678\n\n");//print this line
double orderForAdult() //fuction to print orders for adult
int menuOption,i,amount;
char response = 'y';
double totalPerPerson = 0.0,totalAllPerson = 0.0;
double tax = 5.0;
if(adultNumber <=0)
printf("\n ");
printf("*\tadults:\n");//print this line
printf("<$> adult %d please enter your orders\n",i+1);//print this line
while(response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
printf("<$> please enter your option:");//print this line
if(menuOption<1 || menuOption>10)
printf(" sorry we don`t have this order \nagain! ");//print this line
printf("<$> please enter your amount of order:");//print this line
totalPerPerson = totalPerPerson + (amount * price[menuOption - 1] );//total price of a person
printf("<$> Would you like to enter more orders(y/n):");//print this line
totalAllPerson += totalAllPerson + totalPerPerson;//arithmetic
totalPerPerson = 0.0;
response = 'y';
return totalAllPerson + ((totalAllPerson * tax) / 100);//arithmetic
double orderForChildren()//fuction to print orders for child
int menuOption,i,amount;
char response = 'y';
double totalPerChild = 0.0,totalAllChildren = 0.0;
double tax = 5.0,oneOrder;
if(childNumber <=0)
printf("*\tChildren:\n");//print this line
printf("<$> child %d please enter your orders\n",i+1);//print this line
while(response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
printf("<$> please enter your option:");//print this line
if(menuOption<1 || menuOption>10)
printf(" sorry we don`t have this order \nagain! ");//print this line
printf("<$> please enter your amount of order:");//print this line
oneOrder = (price[menuOption - 1] * 60)/100 ;//this one order for a child with discount %60 of one order of adult
totalPerChild = totalPerChild + (amount * oneOrder) ;//total price of a person
printf("<$> Would you like to enter more orders(y/n):");//print this line
totalAllChildren += totalAllChildren + totalPerChild;
response = 'y';
totalPerChild = 0.0;
return totalAllChildren + ((totalAllChildren * tax) / 100);//arithmetic
It is a Windows based system
The program is easy to learn.
Developing or modifying code is much easier and faster
Restricted to a limited number of users
You can have a fully functional and the user interface elements are quite powerful.
Improved security
Take time to implement
Difficult to use in non-Windows environments.
Viruses can infect.
The struct assigned to the accounts
User id
Variable to hold the password
The variable holding the value for the confirm password
No of adults
The variable holding the value for the confirm number of adults
No of children
The variable holding the value for the confirm number of children
The variable holding the value of payment
The variable holding the value of total
The variable holding the value of discount
The variable holding the value of tax
Menu option
The variable holding the value of menu option
The variable holding the value for the confirm meals
Type in an incorrect User ID
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in the correct Password.
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in an correct
User ID
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in an incorrect Password
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in an correct
User ID
Logging into the system message displayed
Logging into the system message displayed
Type in an correct Password
Logging into the system message displayed
Logging into the system message displayed
Type in an incorrect option.
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in the correct option
Option becomes available.
Option becomes available.
Type in an incorrect option.
Error message displayed
Error message displayed
Type in the correct option
Option becomes available.
Option becomes available.
When chording this program Puff and Fresh Billing system I had to face lots of difficulties like syntax errors, semantic errors and compiling errors. Such as when we misspelled a word it becomes a syntax error. For example u can see below screenshot.
If there is an error in logic it becomes a logical error. When we compile the chord the compiling chord show the error. You can see an example below.
(A logical error)
Implementing a security system to allow access to only authorized personals.
Take regular backups of all the player records.
Conducting a user training and support plan to train the staff at Puff and Fresh.
Update the system in the future adding new features.
Implement a system where the player can order Items online.
Create a centralized database; thereby the same data is accessible from any location.
Security from viruses; computer viruses could be a major problem; therefore reliable antivirus software could be installed. This software could be updated on a regular basis and the employees should be trained to use it.
Keep the passwords updated; that is the users should change their passwords on a regular basis.
Install Malware and spyware guards to protect the system from being hacked.
The documentation includes all necessary information on the structure and the coding of the program created for Puff and Fresh Billing system. Creating the program was an overwhelming task that required a lot of analyzing, research work and personal skills. Below is a list of problems that had to be faced while creating the program.
Understanding the problem and coming up with the most suitable solutions.
Using the correct logics and the coding that would work best according to the requirements.
Making proper use of the data types and variables such as structs and arrays.
Understanding the errors that occur when using such data types and finding solutions to overcome those errors.
Creating user-defined functions and passing parameters successfully.
Creating proper user interface.
Creating proper messages for input and output.
Understanding the situations where displaying of error messages are needed and successfully creating them.
Above problems have been successfully analyzed and correct solutions have been given in this assignment.
Creating this report had been a great experience and a lot of facts have been learned since the required tasks have been given in a challenging manner. Tasks such as creating a system to a restaurant, needed research work as well as personal skills. Creating proper error messages was a very tiring task that consumed a lot of time. The program has been created successfully with proper error messages displaying at proper situations.
Alternative measures had to be taken when using arrays and enumerators to prevent run-time errors. Even though there were no logical or syntax errors, using arrays inside struct created errors with the memory and finding out those errors was a difficult task.
Malik, D.S, I. (1999). C++ Programming: programmed Design Including Data Structures. Second Edition, Thompson Course technology, pp.269-294.
DaniWeb.LLC, 2003 - 2010, Viewed on 25th of August 2008, http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread141983.html
Experts Exchange LLC 2009, viewed on 18th of August 2010, http://www.expertsexchange.com/Programming/Languages/CPP/Q_2163.html
About, Inc. About and About.com,2010, viewed on 24th of August 2010,
Lectures tutes and notes of c++.
Exhedra Solutions, Inc, 1997-2010, viewed on 24th of August 2010, http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/default.asp?lngWId=3
Experts Exchange LLC 2010, viewed on 15th of August 2010, http://www.expertsexchange.com/Programming/Languages/CPP/Q_2163.html
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