The Changes In Contractor And Subcontractor Relationship


02 Nov 2017

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BSc (Hons) Quantity surveying and commercial management

University of the West of England

Dissertation Module

Module Code: UBILF3-20-3

April 2013

Word Count:

This study was completed as part of the BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management degree at the University of the West of England. This work is my own. Where the work of others is used or drawn on, it is attributed to relevant source

Signed…………………………………….. (Whisper Zibwowa)


Copyright Statement

This dissertation is protected by copyright. Do not copy any part if for any purpose other than the personal academic study without the permission of the author


This work is dedicated to my wife Lynette, for the support and encouragement during study. Also to my son Joshua and daughter Doreen for they are every reason for my success from them I gain strength and passion to carry on with the studies through in difficult times.



I would like to thank my dissertation tutor Tom Appleby for continual support and guidance throughout the study. Without his inspiration I wouldn’t have accomplished.

I would also like to thank all the people who took their time to answer my research questionnaires and interviews even though I am not publishing their names.

Contents Page


Copyright Statement




List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1.0 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Context of study

1.3 Hypothesis

1.4 key definitions

1.5 introducing contractor subcontractor relationship

1.6 Chapter summary

Chapter 2.0 - Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Communication links within procurement routes

2.2.1 Traditional route

2.2.2 Design and Build

2.2.3 Management Contracting

Types of subcontractors in construction and how they are procured

2.3.1 Domestic subcontractors

2.3.2 Named subcontractors

2.3.3 Nominated subcontractors

The most used methods of procurement

Procurement of subcontractors

2.5.1Sustainable procurement

2.5.2Early subcontractor involvement

2.5.3 Subcontractor evaluation and management framework

2.6 Supply chain management

2.6.1 Supply chain Relationship

2.7 Collaborative relationship

2.8 Contractual relationships

2.9 Issues that triggers relationship tension

2.9.1 Late payment

2.9.2 Suicide bidding

2.9.3 Contractual Issues

2.9.4 Abatement

2.9.5 Variation

2.9.6 Interest

2.9.7 Retention

2.10 Summary

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Primary research

3.3 Secondary research

3.4 Managing the study

3.5 Writing up

Chapter 4 Case Studies in Supply Chain Management

4.1 Case Study A

4.1.2 About Kier

4.1.3 Kier business ethic

4.1.4 Payment Policy

4.1.5 Strategic Frameworks and Alliances

4.1.6 Kier Summary

4.2 Case Study B

4.2.1 About Costain

4.2.2 Supply chain management

4.2.3 Partnering and collaboration

4.2.4 Acquisitions

4.2.5 Costain Summary

Chapter 5 Questionnaires and interviews

5.0 Introduction

5.1 Question 1

5.2 Question 2

5.3 Question 3

5.4 Question 4

5.5 Question 5

5.6 Question 6

5.7 Question 7

5.8 Question 8

5.9 Question 9

5.10 Chapter Summary

Chapter 6 Analysis of findings

6.0 Introduction

6.1 Way forward between subcontractor and main contractor

6.2 Competition

6.2 Partnering

6.3 Supply Chain Management viability

6.4 Business ethics

6.5 chapter summary

Chapter 7 Conclusion and recommendation

7.1 Conclusion

7.2 Recommendations

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 −

Figure 2.2 −

Figure 2.3 −

Figure 2.4 −

Figure 2.5 −

Figure 2.6 −

Figure 4.1 −

Figure 4.2 −

Figure 6.1 -

List of Abbreviations

CIOB - Chartered institute of Building

GDP − Gross Domestic Product

JCT − Joint Tribunal Contract

KSI − Key Subcontractor Index

MSI − Managerial Subcontractor Index

NEC − New Engineering Contract

OGC − Office of Government Commerce

ONS − Office of National Statistics

PPC − Project Partnering Contract

RICS − Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

SC − Supply Chain

SCM − Supply Chain Management

WSI − Weak Subcontractor Index

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

The aim of this chapter is to introduce the report, giving the reader an insight of the contractor and subcontractor relationship. UK construction industry has yet to recover from the 2008 recession. The rising cost of materials, fuel and energy has swallowed the profits that main contractors had built into their prices. The only way to sustain their survival is taking from their subcontractors, which is a huge impact on the contractor subcontractor relationship. This dissertation aims to investigate the changes in relationship between contractors and subcontractors since the 2008 recession.

1.2 Context of study

The dissertation will be critically analysing the changes which were brought by the recession experience. Construction industry is no stranger to fluctuations in workload, the most recent being the downturn in construction orders following the world financial crisis in 2008 after the collapse of some major financial institutions in America left the world on the blink of a 1920s style depreciation according to Cartlidge, D (2011), this had an impact on the supply chain of construction industry. Contractors and subcontractors won work with very small profit margins during the good times, and then when the work was less plentiful they would turn their attention to business of the preparation of claims for extra payments for the inevitable delays and disruptions to the works, this will trigger dispute. Looking into recent recession and fluctuations of the UK GDP shows how it affected construction industry and supply chain. The study aims to find out the changes between the main contractor subcontractor relationships since 2008 recession. An investigation is to be carried out to assess the procurement method which are used by the main contractors to select their subcontractors

1.3 Hypothesis

What has changed between the main contractors and subcontractor business relationship since 2008?

The dissertation will be investigating the relationship between the contractors and subcontractor during recession and after recession. The study will look into how the contractors procure their subcontractors and collaboration of the companies since recession 2008.

1.4 Key Definitions

1.4.1Main contractor (or prime/principal contractor / Tier 2 in supply chain)

This is the contractor who is responsible for the total construction and completion process of building project (NRM 1). According to NRM 1 (2007), the term prime contractor is often used to mean main contractor in central civil government and defence sector. The term is used synonymously, irrespective of the contract strategy used (e.g. traditional, design and build, design and construct, design and manage or management contracting).

1.4.2 Subcontractors (TEIR 3 in supply chain)

Means a contractor who undertakes specific work within the building project; known as specialist, works, trade, work package, and labour only subcontractors (NRM 1, 2007).

1.5 introducing contractor subcontractor relationship

According to RICS much of the work attributed to a general contractor is carried out by subcontractors. Subcontractors can be individuals or substantial firms who agree a contract with the main contractor to complete a section of a project, for example ground works and masonry. During the recent past, the percentage of work being carried out by subcontractors has increased considerably (RICS 2012). For the main contractor, the advantages are:

Reduces the Main Contractor’s liability to retain, on a full time basis, all the specialists necessary for day to day operations;

Transfers Risk to the Supply Chain;

Sub-Contractors are used as and when required therefore reducing overheads;

Avoids having to pay operatives when work is scarce or having to pay redundancy; and

Introduces the potential for innovation.

The contractor and subcontractor relationship also have some disadvantages according to RICS these are;

Programming; some types of subcontractors may, on occasions be difficult to engage;

Non-availability of the best subcontractors;

Less control of health and safety issues;

Control and coordination of subcontractors;

Quality of work; and

Potential for clashes of culture and philosophy.

1.6 Chapter summary

Chapter 1 is introducing the study and the factors that had motivated the author into carrying out an investigation on contractor subcontractor relationship. Chapter 2 will be review into existing literature on the relationship and will look into how business is conducted with the relationship. Chapter 3 is revealing the methodology the methodology used to carry out the research for the study. Chapter 4 will look into case studies and chapter 5 discuss the findings from the questionnaires and interviews. Chapter 6, Analyses of findings and chapter 7 will conclude the study and the recommends the good way of practice which can reduce disputes in the contactor subcontractor relationship

Chapter 2

Literature review

2.1 Introduction

The literature review will be focusing on the changes within the main contractor subcontractor relationship since recession in 2008. This chapter is going to establish communication links between subcontractor and main contractors within procurement routes, types of subcontractors, how they are procured and managed within the supply chain and the problems that have triggered disputes within the relationship and the impact of the current economic climate. Various sources of data will be used from written sources.

2.2 Communication Links within procurement routes

2.2.1 Traditional route

The contractor has no responsibility of design responsibility unless particular portions are identified. The contractor is normally selected by competitive tendering process unless they is good reason for negotiation. The same process of procurement is used by the contractor to procure for subcontractors. It has been suggested that the separation of design and construction processes, which is traditional in the UK construction industry, has been responsible for a number of disputes. The main contractors are responsible for the subcontractor performance on a project

Fig 2.1 Taditional procurement Source: Murdock and Hughes (1996)

2.2.2 Design and Build

On this type of procurement the Contractor is responsible for the risk for all design elements of a project. The contractor is usually directly involved in the procurement of subcontractors. Sometimes the client consultants prepare a concept design and ask contractors to develop that design and construct the works (Ashworth & Hogg, 2007). The client transfer the risk associated with early design to the contractor by novation. The contractor will also transfer the risks to the subcontractors through the same process of novation. Therefore on notated contracts, in a difficult economic climate, subcontractors may be tempted to accept onerous contract conditions imposed on them by the main contractor in regard to the transfer of the responsibility of design adequacy. According to Harlow P (1996), irrespective of the performance of the subcontractor it must be realised that ultimately, the responsibility of design adequacy lies solely with the main contractor, it cannot be transferred to another Party.

Fig 2.2 Design and Build procurement Source: Murdock and Hughes (1996)

2.2.3 Management Contracting

In this procurement method the contractor does not participate in the profitability of the construction work itself and does not employ any of labour or plant, except for the possibility of the work involved in the setting up of the site and the costs normally associated with the preliminary works. The subcontractors are usually selected in competitive tender package basis even though other methods of procurement of subcontractors may be adopted. Fig 2.3 above shows the relationship between the management contractors and works contractors (subcontractors).

Fig 2.3 Management Contract procurement Source: Murdock and Hughes (1996)

2.3 Types of subcontractors in construction and how they are procured

Contractors executed a considerable amount of work themselves, subcontracting only that work that they are not geared up to do or that they could have been done cheaper by others The modern main contractor has become more or less a manager of other subcontractors, or work packages as they are also known. Types of subcontractors are;

2.3.1 Domestic subcontractors

Domestic subcontractors are usually employed directly by the main contractor (Cartlidge, 2009). While most forms of contracts require the architect’s or engineer’s approval, this is usually a formality, and the contractor is given complete freedom to select their own subcontractors if no specific requirement to subcontract is given (Cartlidge, 2009). The function of domestic subcontractors is to carry out that part of the works that is the subject of the subcontract in accordance with the directions of the contractor in such a manner as to ensure that the contractor does not commit a breach of the main contract (Greehalgh and Squires, 2011).

2.3.2 Named subcontractors

Usually the named subcontractors are treated as domestic subcontractors. According to Cartlidge D, (2009) they are often used in public sector projects based on the form of contract where there is no provision for nomination. Greehalgh B, Squires G, (2011) states that contractor may be given a limited choice (a number of firms may be listed in the contract from which the contractor may select a domestic subcontractor) or they may have no option but to use a single firm named in the contract. The use of named subcontractors enables the designer to have some control over the selection of firms to carry out selected work.

2.3.3 Nominated subcontractors (not appropriate for JCT05)

As the term implies, these subcontractors are selected and nominated by the employer or their agents. Apart from rules regarding valuation and payment for work done by nominated subcontractors and (JCT98 contracts) consent to grant extensions of time, the nominated subcontractors are very little different from domestic subcontractors. There is a tendency for contractors to consider that nominated subcontractors are ‘nothing to do with them’ (probably as a result of the false sense of security where extensions of time may be granted in the event of default by the subcontractor). According to Cartlidge D, (2009) unlike the domestic subcontractor, a nominated subcontractor does not enter into a formal contract with the main contractor, and has the benefit of stipulated payment procedures for which the nominated subcontractor has to agree to give the main contactor 2.5% discount on all sums due, to cover the administration costs.

2.4 The most used methods of procurement

Traditional procurement is main procurement method used in the construction industry as compared to other method. Especially in the current economic climate most contractors have turned into competitive tendering which can allow them to pass the risk down the supply chain to maximise their profit, also is the opposite of partnering.

Fig 2.4 Source: construction Excellence 2012

The diagram above shows the percentage of contracts used by clients, clients and Contractors in 2012. The dissertation is mainly concerned about the contracts used by the contractors. This will also determine the contractual relationships between the main contractor and subcontractor. On fig.2 shows that the most used procurement by main contractors is traditional procurement followed by design and build. This because of the economic environment most of the contractors will be looking at different aspects to save costs on their subcontracts which prove by the most frequent use of traditional procurement which is more competitive. The traditional procurement method still dominates the UK construction industry (Malleson, 2012).

2.5 Procurement of subcontractors

The current economic climate is seen as leading to: increased competition, contractors making unrealistically low bids for work with tenders made at very small or even negative margins, clients pushing for reduced costs, delays in payment, contractors and sub-contractors going into liquidation, and litigation. Margins are extremely tight and some sub-contractors and main contractors are clearly ‘buying’ work. With such low margins, the smallest variations or events causing delays and disruptions will soon push contractors into a loss-making position, and they therefore have little option other than to make a claim (Construction Excellence, 2012). In healthier times, contractors might have been prepared to absorb such losses in the hope of repeat business; however such repeat business is now scarce.

"Good procurement is not just about getting the price down. It's about balancing whole life cost and fitness for purpose, while meeting European Union rules and treating suppliers fairly" (According to the Office of Government Commerce 2011)

In this case the contactor is the employer to the subcontractor. The procurement process used by the contractors to procure for their subcontractor depends on the contractual relationship.

2.5.1 Sustainable procurement

Since 2008 the construction industry has pushed further the agenda of sustainable construction, for the organisation to accomplish the required bench mark they have to establish a sustainable procurement on their supply chain. This was a wake-up call for the industry to implement the Latham and Egan agendas to become more effective within the industry. Sustainable procurement is basically good procurement that aims to deliver real long-term value to organisations, individual or end user. It involves understanding and assessing the effect of the goods, works or services on the environment, the communities affected by its supply chain and the economy and then taking steps to reduce any negative effects and promote benefits wherever feasible (BS 8534:2011). The study has considered sustainable procurement as the way forward for supply chain management.

Fig 2.5 how sustainable procurement aims to find the balance between economic, social and environmental goals

Within the context of construction, sustainable procurement also requires the whole value chain from client to the lowest tier subcontractor to have an understanding and commitment to the sustainability agenda. The contractor has responsibility to educate their subcontractors.

2.5.2 Early subcontractor involvement

As in other sectors, early involvement of subcontractors can enable them to contribute their specialist expertise and experience towards meeting the rapidly changing needs for their customers. This will not only enhance quality of service and coordination between different partners but also reduce transaction costs, waste, overlapping and cycle time; hence lean management will be practised.

"The industry must recognise that specialist contractors are major players in the construction project and involve them at the very early stage. An attitude of trust built on a team approach must prevail on individual projects and subcontractors must play their part in similar fashion. They must also work to put their own houses in order to ensure the culture change down the line of operatives on site to ensure they have been good working spirit and pride in the work they have carried out at site level" Peter Appleby, construction Manager, Tesco Stores.

Early involvement of the subcontractors can lead to a greater mutual competitiveness and improvements in the whole design and construction process.

"Clearly by achieving earlier involvement there is the opportunity for developing the significant element of trust as well as providing and promoting the mechanics for partnering." Paul DE wick, Director, Irvine Whitlock.

2.5.3 Subcontractor evaluation and management framework

To improve the contractor and subcontractor relationship some contractors have come up with the strategy of evaluating and managing the subcontractors. This has shifted the main contractors’ attitudes about subcontract procurement to more strategic and long-term partnering. Considering the case studies the contractor companies are using this kind of method to procure their subcontractor and they work as alliances on projects. This process will help to improve mutual trust in the business relationship it includes;

Subcontracting strategy system: to establish a vision and strategy for subcontractor evaluation and management, the system begins by setting the subcontractor management goal, evaluation criteria, and a systemized index based on the BSC’s four categories. The subcontracting strategy is finally displayed as a subcontractor index and is applied as the standard for subcontractor evaluation

Fig 2.6 Subcontractor evaluation and management framework (journal of construction engineering and management 2008 page 846)

Subcontractor evaluation system: This subsystem calculates weighted values for each subcontractor index and evaluates the scores of subcontractor performance, and finally produces a total subcontractor score using multiplied sums of weighting and subcontractor evaluation scores. This evaluation can be categorized separately and applied when registering new subcontractors or during periodic regular evaluations or frequent evaluations of a particular project.

Subcontractor management system: This subsystem uses the obtained weighting and subcontractor evaluation scores.

2.6 Supply chain management

SCM is the integrating of organisational units along the project process and its supply chains and coordinating the flow of materials, information and finance in order to fulfil the customer demands with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the project and its supply chain as a whole (Fewings, 2013). To have an effective contractor subcontractor relationship the supply chain management has to be considered. According to Construction Excellence, the term supply chain in construction is used to describe the linkage of companies that turns a series of basic materials, products or services into finished products for the client. The figure below shows the link between main contractor and subcontractors in the supply chain.

Fig 2.7 Supply Chain Source: Briscoe et al, 2001

The value of supply chain integration has been identified in many industries. Integrating supply chain partners helps reduce cost, increase service level, improve responsiveness to changes, better utilize resources, and facilitate decision making. Unfortunately, the construction industry is arguably the least integrated of all the major industrial sectors.

The highly fragmented nature of the construction industry poses a significant challenge to coordination of contractors and subcontractors. The temporary project-based nature of construction projects also hinders integration of construction supply chains. Since construction supply chains are highly dynamic, the organizational structure changes frequently. It is therefore, unlikely for project participants to work together long enough on any one project to build enough trust and to share information willingly.

According to fewings 2013 most failures of SCM are mainly attributed to members of the supply chain continuing to compete with each other, behaving opportunistically, not sharing their strategic thinking or agreeing a common goal or strategy.

2.6.1 Supply chain Relationship

The relationship between subcontractor (Tier 3) and main contractor (Tier 2) varies depending on the project and the procurement method used the contractor is delivering. Project types are:

Public sector building/vertical (e.g., schools, universities, airports, hospitals, and state buildings);

Public and private sector heavy/horizontal (e.g., highways, bridges, and dams);

Private sector housing (e.g., residential, apartment, and subdivision development projects); and

Private sector commercial (e.g., retail stores, manufacturing plants, businesses, restaurants, and warehouses).

The client decide on the type of procurement to use for select the main contractor basing on the type of the project this will also determine how the subcontractors are going to be selected.

According to Benton and McHenry (2009) whether prime contractor or subcontractor, there are four prevalent kinds of pricing methods that are widely used in the construction industry these include; single fixed price (lump sum), negotiated (cost plus a fee), unit price and design build. The pricing method is also determined by the type of procurement used these include Traditional, Design and build, construction

2.7 Collaborative/ partnering relationship

According to Fewings 2013 establishing a common purpose based on mutual advantage requires a collaborative culture and a degree of preparedness and readiness to collaborate within each of the participating organisations. Common purpose Contractors and subcontractors’ relationship should focus on developing contractual trust. In other words delivering what is set in contracts between subcontractor and main contractors (Fewings 2013), a common purpose should be based on:

Reciprocity by which one is contractually obliged and subsequently morally obliged to give something in return for something received.

Fair rates of exchange between costs and benefits.

Distributive justice through which all parties receive benefits proportional to their contribution and commitment.

Ensuring benefits is perhaps the biggest challenge in removing hidden agendas and shifting from the often adversarial nature of the contractor- subcontractor relationship to long term and trusting relationships.

2.8 Contractual relationships

JCT Contract

According to RICS (2012) the JCT contracts included provisions for nomination of subcontractors to the entire client to take control of the project performance. This has been changed in 2005 and replaced by a named subcontractor option whereby the employer selects three or more companies from which the contractor can choose one to be its subcontractor (clause 3.8). The subcontractor becomes a 'domestic' subcontractor of the contractor. The choice of subcontractors offered to the contractor enables the employer to step back from assuming the responsibility for selected subcontractors (RICS 2012). The Standard Building Contract (SBC) and The Minor Works forms form no longer makes provision for nomination of subcontractors or suppliers, the named subcontractor Responsibility for remains with the contractor

NEC3 Contract

According to NEC3 central principle all parties agree to act in a spirit of mutual trust and co-operation which encourages partnering. NEC3 encourages on early contractor involvement and front loading of work with a view to ensuring the best solution for the project and maximum value (RICS 2012). It is good for large projects where the real benefits of collaboration can be demonstrated over time. Contractually all subcontractors are treated as domestic subcontractors and it does not expressly provide for nomination of subcontractors. The NEC3 contract has good management practice principles which does not recognise novation


Part 5 of the Red Book provide nomination of subcontractors also the Silver Book anticipates early contractor involvement in the design process. Risk remains with the contractor as the contract clearly states that the contractor shall be responsible for the acts of defaults of any subcontractor. Part 5 sets out a procedure whereby the contractor may object to nomination and provisions regarding payments/evidence of payment to 'Nominated Subcontractors' (clauses 5.3 and 5.4). FIDIC Red and Yellow Books do not provide for novation. Should novation be required bespoke amendments will need to be made to the standard forms.


PPC2000 (Project Partnering contract) integrates the entire project team, who sign up to a single agreement and does not recognise novation. PPC2000 covers the entire duration of the construction processes from inception, feasibility and design to physical work on site (RICS 2012). The subcontractor may be asked to sign the Joining Agreement of the partnering team to become a member, if they are responsible a substantial contribution to the project. All stakeholders to the contract has the right to bring proceedings against every other party and the contractor is responsible for the performance of the subcontractors

2.9 Issues that triggers relationship tension

2.9.1 Late payments

This has been the major problem of the contractor subcontractor relationship even before recession. The situation was worsened by the economic downturn the contactors will delay payments to protect their cash flow on the expense of subcontractors. In most cases this is caused by the lack of adequate supporting documentation, specifications and payment rules for example ‘Pay when Paid’ clauses that allow the main contractor to delay payment to a subcontractor until the main contractor have himself or herself been paid by the client (Morton, 2008). Also in some instance the main contactor ask the subcontractor for support documents or QS agreement there are none there the main contractor will use it as a tactic to abuse the subcontractor by reducing and delaying final payment, claiming enormous discounts and perhaps unreasonable stage payments.

"For quite a few years I have been warning sub-contractors in the construction industry in particular to ensure that they have adequate support documentation for initial orders, upgrades, additions and amendments, as well as ensuring that invoice procedures and sign offs by quantity surveyors allow for the minimum delay when it comes to payment"

(Lewis, 2012)

The above statement shows that the delaying tactic has been used by the main contractors for a long time. The subcontractors were being advised by the commercial debt collector specialist in construction sector. The company had recorded the massive doubling of instructions to assist in the collection of substantial sums owed to the subcontractors by the main contactors in the second quarter of 2012.

2.9.2 Suicide bidding

In this situation the contractors and subcontractor bids for the risky projects with low margins and expecting to make profit by claims. Suicide-bidding has attributed for the collapse of contractors Connaught and Rok. But the signs are that the problem has not gone away, with reports of some bids being made 20% below the average according to Morby A, (2012). Contractor Willmott Dixon achieved a 43% boost in pre-tax profit to £25.6m on a flat turnover of £989.5m, at the same time, because market conditions allowed it to hire subcontractors at low rates. This proves how some contractors take the advantages of subcontractors in the construction industry. Willmott Dixons hired subcontractors at lower rates than they had tendered for, as work on fixed-price contracts and the supply chain market changed in 2010. This boosted their profits in the sense that they had been able to buy suppliers contracts lower than they tendered for. This had a huge impact main contractor and subcontractor on the relationship it triggers disputes and tension

Another example of a suicide bidding effects is the Newport-based supermarket specialist S. Dudley & Sons which is filing for administration.

"The construction sector has been depressed for some time, and pressure on margins has been intense. This had led to S . Dudley & Sons becoming unsustainable."

(Managing Director Mike Dudley 2013)

This shows that the companies are still being affected by the current economic down turn.

2.9.3 Contractual Issues

In spite of all the attempts made to mitigate the 02well-recognised problems of the traditional methods of working. The situation at the beginning of the 1990s was seen by clients, the industry itself and the government as unacceptably cumbersome and expensive (Morton R, 2008). This is the situation the industry turned into during economic down turn. Whatever the procurement routes used, a common source of concern to contractors and subcontractors has always been the contract itself. According to Morton R (2008), there is now massive body of case law surrounding the building contract built up on literally thousands of disputes. The idea of the contract is to set out the rights and obligations of the parties clearly so each party knows exactly what is expected and what are its rights and obligation. There are many circumstances that can make it difficult to ensure proper document support, but it must be uppermost in the mind of the supplier that when a new job/order arrives or a specification is changed, no matter how insignificant it may seem, get it agreed and signed by the proper parties (Lewis, S. 2012). When an urgent request for specialist work comes in via telephone or email, get it documented, cost agreed and signed for before starting work, it will save thousands lost in disputes

Fig 2.8 contract abuse Source:

Figure 2.8 illustrate good example of how the contractor take advantage to maximise their profit using the contract clauses. During the current economic downturn it is common practice for the main contractor to use their own subcontract or to amend the standard form with clauses that are often seen to disadvantage the subcontractor (Morton, 2008). Example of such clauses includes:

Clauses that give the main contractor the right to dismiss the subcontractor if in the contractor’s opinion he is not progressing fast enough;

Clauses making the subcontractor liable for the defects of any work carried out previously by others;

Clauses making the subcontractor materials the property of the main contractor when on site – but the same time making the subcontractor responsible for the loss and damage; and

Wide rights to set off that allow the main contractor to make deductions for what the subcontractor may think are justifiable reasons.

2.9.4 Abatement

Most contracts provides that payment is to be only for work properly carried out and even if adequate payment terms are not incorporated into the contract, the fall back provision under scheme is for payment in respect of work ‘performed in accordance with the contract’. The measure of any abatement is the amount of by which the worth subject matter is less by reason of breach of contract. In practice it may be that the realistic measure of abatement dependent upon the circumstances in particular whether the contractor has a right of remedy defects and whether has failed to exercise or has been denied that right (Adriannse 2010). During the economic down turn the contractors scrutinise the entire subcontractor works to maximise the profits.

2.9.5 Variations

According to JCT 2005form of contract these are alterations or modifications of the design, quality or quantity of the Works including the addition, omission or subtraction of any work. Variations have been blamed for causing a lot of disputes in the construction industry (Cartlidge 2010). At the current economic climate variation is used as a catch to increase the margin by contractors and subcontractor. Especially on the traditional procurement method where the contractor or subcontractor has no design input (Chappell 2011).

2.9.6 Interest

This can be charged either way by both main contractor and subcontractor. Interest means a financial charge that is made (in this case by a sub-contractor) against another party (in this case the contractor) in respect of outstanding monies owed (which normally relates to overdue or late payment in part or in full). Party has no automatic right or implied right to interest, unless there was an express term in the contract which dealt with the question of interest. With the prevailing current economic climate the interest charge will be the way on making money for both parties (Chappell 2011), and no one want to lose money, therefore this will trigger dispute between the subcontractor and main contractor relationship.

2.9.7 Retention

This is a contractual provision permitting the contractor to withhold a sum of money against the value of works executed by the subcontractor (JCT 2005). Retention is withheld in respect of latent defects in the sub-contractor’s works, i.e. defects that are not apparent at practical completion of the sub-contract (Mosey 2009). Any patent defects should be dealt with by way of a reducing in valuation of the works at the appropriate time. During economic down turn the withholding of retention in the construction industry has generated it own particular difficulties and problems as all stakeholder are trying to maximise profit. Even though the specific rules and provisions governing the withholding and release of are stated in the contract, along with the retention percentage to be applied to the subcontractor’s interim payments. Considerable delay in the release of retention, particularly the second part is common. Retention issues usually breaks the main contractor and subcontractor relationship because it is not unusual for the contractor’s standard terms or amendments to a standard sub-contract to seek to make the sub-contractor’s final retention release subject to the certificate of making goods (defects) being issued under the main contract works, (Chappell 2011). The Governments in England, Wales and Scotland have publicly stated that where retention is not withheld from the main contractor, it should not be withheld from subcontractors in the supply chain.

2.10 Chapters Summary

The chapter is giving the reader the idea of how the subcontractors and main contractors conduct business in the construction industry. It has also exposed most of the problems which cause disputes. These are the problems which have been in the industry for a long time. Before the recession the situation has been less tense. Therefore the economic down turn has worsened the situation. As it has been revealed that there is too much shoving and pushing about of the risks associated with the construction, which has led some contractors and subcontractors into filing for administration.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology


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