A Method Of Public Influence


02 Nov 2017

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Assessment One : Mini Essays


Essay 1- Leadership Style

Leadership has been described as "a method of public influence in which one person can join up the aid and support of others in the execution of a general task". Leadership is a persuade relationship among leaders and supporters who aim real changes that reflect their common purposes.Research implies that the leaders have an enormously low level of control over some important positional power bases of leadership in public organizations, notably remuneration power, coercive power, and lawful power. Therefore leading the public agency represents a different sort of challenges than it does in the private corporation.

A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. It is the result of the beliefs, character, and knowledge of the leader. Different situations entitle for different leadership styles. There style may be Autocratic or authoritarian style, Engaging style, Participative or democratic style, Laissez-faire or free-rein style.

Firstly, I will be talking about The American president "Barack Hussein Obama II". In the history of American presidents, he is the first Afro-American who holds the Office. Barack Obama brings a vigilant, deliberative style to the White House that differs from" President George W. Bush’s" tendency to rely more a lot on his guts instincts.

One trait was the calm behavior that earned him the nickname among his staff of "No Drama Obama."His approach on foreign policy is equally cautious. He has the ability of Self-assurance, directness in decision making. He advocated changes in the states and his dialogue "Yes, We Can Change" is known by all the citizens of America. He is good at listening to a variety of viewpoints, and allows new ideas to come from the substructure. He is also good at weighing those views sensibly and practically. Then he tends to make a moderately quick and clear verdict (decision). His style of leadership is to try and bring people together.

Barack Obama has revealed that he has the temper, the finding and the potency of character to get the country through these hard times, and regain America's leadership position in the world. He made all the American people to contribute in the design and success of revolutionize, and show the people where the hope is. These shows he is a visionary and optimistic leader.

He formulated a cross-cultural approach to the world, thinking not only for American wellbeing but also the welfare of the other nations as well. He traveled overseas more than any other president and seems to pay careful attention to cultural norms in the places where he traveled. He attempt to be more peace-making with the Middle East, China, and Russia which were welcomed by the world for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize. By the studies of his work this shows Barack Obama is determined and confident; modestly leading and self-asserting; helpful, supportive, and agreeable; somewhat gregarious and good-natured; and relatively hard-working. These combinations show that he is "confident conciliator" individuality composite.

The leader I will be talking about is "Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton "is an American politician who was the "67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013", serving under President Barack Obama. She was formerly a United States Senator for New York from 2001 to 2009. She is the very imitation of an unbeaten leader, gifted at prospering even in the face of unbalanced times. Her liberalism, strong focus, genuineness, and elasticity that allows Hillary Clinton to answer "yes" to all of these questions and that has led to her notable rise onto the world stage. She has survived private and professional crises and moved forward to confidently step into one of the most significant political positions in her country's toughest times.

As U .S. Secretary of State she knows how to prosper regardless of challenges, she is inspirational and effective in good times and bad, and this has led to an unmatched life. She is the First Lady to run for a U.S. Senate seat, First female senator of New York, First female major-party candidate to accumulate a serious challenge for the U.S. presidency and as Secretary of State. She is the first former First Lady to serve in a president's cabinet.

She may have "come in second" in the pursuit for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, but has earned international respect as a "first-rate leader". She dissects her current leadership style, making each of its aspects easy to put into practice. She knows how to stay positive and on message in hard times, how to create a "personal brand" that people will want to get behind, how to adapt to change and disappointment’ while never losing sight of your purpose and genuineness, how to effectively communicate, re-engage, and inspire others in difficult times, how to win the joint course of action with others (even detractors) and to grow her network of supporters, how to sense hope, promise, and flexibility.

She had shown her true self to be a applicant for the presidency in 2008. Hillary Clinton was using the authentic style of leadership. Authentic leaders exhibit their genuine selves. Hillary Clinton showed us many of the characteristics of an authentic leader. She illustrated her passion for the United States by believing in herself and showing true passion for this country. She also presented examples in her speeches of her own life that compared to life experiences of the average woman in America. Her life stories showed her deep connectedness in the direction of the women in this country. Hillary Clinton eventually had to adapt to the circumstances and change her leadership style to have a chance of becoming the first female president in United States history.

By Forbes woman, resiliency is less about "toughing it out" than having a deep sense of self-awareness. When you are faced with a difficult challenge or misfortune, what gets you through it successfully is knowing your key values and principles and having the courage to push through using your own "navigation system"--the core of who you are based on what you believe. When you act consistently in accordance with your core beliefs, you are being authentic.

Word count: 1020


http://articles.washingtonpost.com. (2012). Retrieved from http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2012-10-18/national/35501512_1_barack-obama-profiles-loner-president: http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2012-10-18/national/35501512_1_barack-obama-profiles-loner-president

http://ecoggins.hubpages.com/hub/Barack-Obamas-Leadership-Styles. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ecoggins.hubpages.com/hub/Barack-Obamas-Leadership-Styles.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama. (n.d.).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Rodham_Clinton. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Rodham_Clinton.

http://groupgreatness5.blogspot.co.nz/2011/09/hillary-clintons-leadership-style.html. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://groupgreatness5.blogspot.co.nz/2011/09/hillary-clintons-leadership-style.html: http://groupgreatness5.blogspot.co.nz/2011/09/hillary-clintons-leadership-style.html

http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2008-02-08/obama-vs-dot-clinton-leadership-stylesbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2008-02-08/obama-vs-dot-clinton-leadership-stylesbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice: http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2008-02-08/obama-vs-dot-clinton-leadership-stylesbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-shambaugh/leadership-why-focus-on-l_b_580229.html. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-shambaugh/leadership-why-focus-on-l_b_580229.html: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-shambaugh/leadership-why-focus-on-l_b_580229.html

http://www.immelman.us/news/barack-obamas-presidential-leadership-style/. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.immelman.us/news/barack-obamas-presidential-leadership-style/.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/26/us/politics/26clinton.html?_r=2&th=&adxnnl=1&emc=th&pagewanted=1&adxnnlx=1193396711-vMpwxc1uHHdW74So/ooQlQ&. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/26/us/politics/26clinton.html?_r=2&th=&adxnnl=1&emc=th&pagewanted=1&adxnnlx=1193396711-vMpwxc1uHHdW74So/ooQlQ&: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/26/us/politics/26clinton.html?_r=2&th=&adxnnl=1&emc=th&pagewanted=1&adxnnlx=1193396711-vMpwxc1uHHdW74So/ooQlQ&

Essay 2- Leadership and Cultural Awareness

Cultural Awareness is the underpinning of communication and it involves the capability of standing back from us and becoming conscious of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Cultural awareness becomes central when we have to relate with people from other cultures. People see, interpret and evaluate things in a different ways. What is considered a suitable behaviour in one culture be commonly unfortunate in another one.

Misinterpretations occur mainly when we lack awareness of our own behavioural system and venture them on others. In nonappearance of better knowledge we tend to presume, instead of finding out what behaviour means to the person involved. For example: a straight look into your face is regarded as disrespectful in Japan. As an Italian it is almost automatic to observe US Americans as people who always work, talk about business over lunch and drink their coffee running in the street instead of enjoying it in a bar. What does it mean? Italians are lazy and American hyperactive? No, it means that the people give to certain actions, like having lunch or dinner could be different according to certain cultures. In Italy, where relationships are highly valued, lunch, dinner or the simple pauses for coffee have a social association. People get together to talk and relax, and to get to know each other better. In the USA, where time is money, lunches can be part of concluding a deal where people discuss the outcomes and sign a contract

over coffee. (http://www.culturosity.com/articles/whatisculturalawareness.htm)

According to Singham (2006), "New Zealand is one of the highest migrant receiving countries in the world". The population growth of the Maori and Pacific Islands collective with immigrants from around the world has made the country increasingly mixed (multi-ethnic). This essay will discuss on the importance of cultural awareness in New Zealand businesses, issues of cross cultural communication both in the local and global context and briefly demonstrate how New Zealand organisations manage this diversity.

Businesses nowadays can easily go global given the fortitude to reach a wider marketplace fixed with the support of technology. To be successful in the venture of a diverse geographic market or work with people from different places, having the right people with a high level of cultural awareness is a must. This skill can bring the advantage of making overseas projects, international meetings and cross cultural negotiations a success. Managing the people themselves will bring about synchronization and resourcefulness that is necessary for business stability. Neglect in this aspect can show the way to miscommunication and ultimately will bring about the establishment failure. I powerfully consider that compassion and admiration for different cultures in the workplace should be documented and even practiced. This helps people to understand others better and thus work together in

more harmony.

To attain enhanced awareness of different cultures, a practice that should systematically be considered is communication. It is important to remember that different groups tend to communicate differently, both verbal and non-verbal. Taking note of such, it is necessary that organisations make accessible different communication systems that different people are comfortable of using. For example, communicating via e-mail may appear an appropriate medium for some and not for others. Depending on the context of the message, some may prefer a direct phone call or an official meeting to be set up. A different circumstance would be that of whether to address someone with Mr. or Miss followed by their complete name or just their surname or first names, or addressing someone straight with their first names reducing the addresses. The suitability of how to communicate differs from which cultural background one belongs to. These are some issues that being an immigrant myself, has affected how I perceive others in the workplace and therefore influences my capacity on understanding or misunderstanding others and vice versa. Not contribution the similar meanings and values is largely the reason for unproductive cross cultural communication which is why understanding and consciousness of such diversity must be given importance. Being a country self-possessed of several ethnicities, New Zealand organisations must address these issues as it can be made into the country’s advantage when playing in the intercontinental field.

The community or first inhabitants in New Zealand are said to be the Maori people. To facilitate the British settlers to live together with the Maori, the Treaty of Waitangi was developed and signed. This treaty primarily emphasizes equal rights between the two ethnicities. This treaty has mainly affected the way many businesses function in New Zealand. One example is that Maoris are given protection to view and exercise their religions and beliefs. This includes legislations being formulated to contract with what the Maoris consider as sacred places. Two acts, namely the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act make it a condition to consider "the relationship of Maori and their culture, and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites valued flora and fauna..." Due to the requirement of this treaty, investors can be depressed to follow projects even with the vast lands available for development. However with some effort, negotiation and cultural awareness and sensitivity, decisions that could support both parties might be reached.

An example would be the case of Toll NZ Consolidated. Toll NZ consolidated is a company offering rail, road, sea, air and port logistics throughout New Zealand. It has been noted that at least two thirds of its operational workforce is undertaking risky tasks. Approximately 15% belonging to this group are Maoris or Pacific Islanders. In 1989, a Maori network called the TKM was initiated by Maori employees that would enable them to present any Maori issues in the workplace. With the cooperation of Toll NZ, a Maori ritual known as Te Pure (ritual cleansing of site and machinery) was put into practice. This involved an elder reciting prayer while washing out machinery (that has been involved in accidents leading to sombre injury or even death) with water (Workplace Examples). Toll NZ and many other businesses seek to be familiar with and cooperate with the different values and views that the Maori people hold to create a sustainable work environment that gives importance not only towards the organisation, but to its people and the society in which they are operating as well. All government legislations mentioned and how Toll NZ deal with this variety clearly shows that the Treaty of Waitangi is relevant and plays a significant role in New Zealand business activities.

Organisations today focus less on the person and more on the team. This change has been brought about by the growing attention of the benefits that diversity carries. With the correct methods, multiplicity yields more creativity and enhances group understanding. Fading to manage diversity can hand out negative experiences that make individuals avoid future contribution and commitments to specific group? Though much endeavourer is required to productively manage diversity, cultural awareness can serve as a stepping stone to gain employee’s trust, respect and cooperation ((Inkson & Kolb)

Word count: 1167


Chapter 9: The right to freedom of religion and belief. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2012, from Human Rights in New Zealand Today: http://www.hrc.co.nz/report/chapters/chapter09/religion01.html

Ethnic Composition of the Population. (2010). Retrieved November 2, 2012, from The Social Report 2010: http://www.socialreport.msd.govt.nz/people/ethnic-composition-population.html

Importance of Cultural Awareness Skills for an International Workforce. (2010). Retrieved November 1, 2012, from Communicaid Blog: http://blog.communicaid.com/cross-cultural-training/cultural-awareness-training/

Inkson, K., & Kolb, D. (2002). Management: Perspectives for New Zealand. Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand Limited.

Singham, M. (2006). Multiculturialism in New Zealand - the need for a new paradigm. Aotearoa Ethnic Network Journal .

Workplace Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2012, from EEO Trust: http://www.eeotrust.org.nz/toolkits/M%C4%81ori.cfm?section=workplaceexamples

Essay 3-Influences on Leadership

Vanisa Dhiru is a 29-year-old second-generation New Zealand-Indian, and was a finalist in the Kiwi bank Young New Zealander of the Year Awards for her commitment to voluntary work on many and diverse fronts. She stands as an inspiring example to other young people in New Zealand. She is currently working as Chief Executive at Volunteering New Zealand.


She has extensive leadership, networking and communication skills acquired from various project and programme roles. Specifically she wishes to use her relationship management, communication and marketing skills and apply these to deserving organisations.


She focused on continuously improving her skills and knowledge for herself, the organisation she work for, and the community she live in.


She like discussion and communication that inspires creativity, change and new ideas. She involved in various voluntary programmes and communities alongside of her working career, focused on raising awareness, human rights and leadership.


She wishes to have a portfolio of governance roles enabling her to add value deliberately in a variety of board situations.

Her long term goal is to have a career supporting a range of community, government and business organisations at a strategic level.

In April, Vanisa will become the youngest president in the recorded history of the YWCA of Wellington and Hutt Valley. She is also completing her training to become a Justice of the Peace (JP), which will make her one of Australasia's youngest female JPs. Vanisa is involved in the board of Dress for Success Wellington, the Wellington Trade Aid trust, and is a member of the Wellington branch of the National Council of Women, and the Wellington Ethnic Women's Group. (http://tvnz.co.nz/good-morning/inspiring-kiwis-vanisa-dhiru-3391985)

She is a remarkable young woman who has a enormous community spirit and is extremely generous with her time and talents. Vanisa is a role model who inspires, empowers and leads. She has accomplished more in the past ten years than most people would in a life time. Vanisa is dedicated to seeing the causes she supports succeed and commits a great deal of her time to Trade Aid, the YWCA and Dress for Success.

Vanisa is a visionary, a strategic thinker, a creative, a people person. She is someone who can work operationally just as well as at Board level. She is not afraid to role her sleeves up and get trapped in to whatever needs doing – including hours of filing, writing process manuals, facilitating strategic planning sessions, managing change programmes or designing brand campaigns. Vanisa is versatile, resilient, driven and yet down to earth with a sense of humour.

Vanisa has gone to India and Bangladesh to capture Trade Aid stories that she then deliver to school, community and business groups to promote Fair Trade. Vanisa is often called on as a spokesperson for Trade Aid importers and aims to make her workplaces, like Telecom, Fair Trade. Media coverage she secured for the Make Wellington Fair Trade campaign resulted in Wellington City Council passing a resolution for Wellington to become New Zealand's first Fair Trade City.

Vanisa Dhiru is recognised as a leader and role model, and for her extensive voluntary and community work. In April, she becomes the youngest President in the reordered history of the YWCA of Wellington and Hutt Valley.

She is also:

- On the Board of Dress for Success Wellington

- On the Trust of Wellington Trade Aid

- a member of the Wellington branch of the National Council of Women, the Wellington Ethnic Women's Group and the Wellington Indian Association.

Volunteering New Zealand (VNZ) is the only national organisation in New Zealand that focuses purely on volunteering, volunteer management and is the "voice of volunteering". We hold the ‘big picture’ and are in a position to liaise, work with, and advise government. This works to ensure that volunteering occurs within a positive environment where it is encouraged and fostered.

"Over 70 managers of volunteers, CEO’s, board members, academics and government agencies tuned in to listen to VNZ’s Programme Manager Claire Teal, who led the development of these Guidelines, launch them online via webinar" said Vanisa Dhiru.

The Guidelines have been in development since early 2009, with the support of a volunteer Working Group made up of representatives from VNZ member organisations. Designed to be aspiration, they are a set of targets and pointers on how to support managers of volunteers and volunteers, and make your organisation’s engagement with volunteers as effective as possible. Both the Guidelines and a video of the launch webinar are available online.

Word count: 802


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