The International Labour Migration Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,816 )

There has been considerable debate about the effect of increased labour migration from developing countries to developed nations. Many commentators have argued that such increase in migration is informed by economic factors and that those who migrate from developing countries drain the human capital resources of sending nations which in the long run, negatively affects their economy. On the other hand, other scholars believe that migration helps ...

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The Keynesian Theorys Views About Disequilibrium Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,299 )

Economists usually define general disequilibrium as the state in which contrasting market forces of supply and demand fail to reach a balance and there exist an intrinsic inclination for change. The main indicator of market disequilibrium is the continuation of shortages either in the demand or supply side of the economy. There are two main models that hold divergent views concerning disequilibrium namely the classical and Keynesian ...

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The Privatisation Of The Energy Sector Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,305 )

The issue of energy has been a turbulent one, with different governments changing and restructuring the processes by which energy is produced, transmitted and distributed. The two dominating energy policies are the opposing privatisation, where there is minimal government intervention, and price regulation, where the government actively sets controls on the pricing of energy supply. The aim of intervention would be to reduce costs for industry and ...

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The three models of exchange rate determination

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,815 )

Abstract This paper presents three models of exchange rate determination. Each models are based on the equilibrium of markets in the international economy. The equilibrium of goods market determine exchange rate according to purchasing power parity; the equilibrium of money market determine exchange rate according to monetary model; the equilibrium of asset markets determine exchange rate according to portfolio model. Introduction It is in the interest of ...

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Government And Political Conditions Of Argentina Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,189 )

Argentine is a country located in the south of America. It has an area of 2.8 million sq. km. (1.1 million sq. mi.); about the size of the U.S. east of the Mississippi River; second-largest country in South America. It climate is varied; predominantly temperate, with extremes ranging from subtropical in the north to arid/sub-Antarctic in far south. People Argentines are a fusion of diverse national and ...

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Case Analysis On Merloni Elettrodomestici Spa Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,948 )

Merloni Elettrodomestici SpA is an Italian company based in Fabriano and is one of Europe's biggest makers of home appliances. In February 2005, Merloni Elettrodomestici was renamed Indesit Company, Indesit being the best known of the Group's brands outside Italy. The Company was also operating under its "historic" brand, Ariston, and the regional brands Hotpoint, Scholtes and Stinol. During the perio from 1984 to 1986, Merloni undertook ...

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Analysis Of Mercadonas Internationalizing Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,533 )

Mercadona is a 100 Spanish-owned Distribution Company within the supermarket segment. It is the largest chain of supermarkets in Spain. The executive President is Juan Roig. They have the ``SPB´´ policy, which means in Spanish ``Siempre Precios Bajos´´ (Always Low Prices). They are able to offer SPB because they buy their products directly from the sources, setting up long-term agreements with manufacturers. This Model is called `The ...

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The Economy And Trade Of Mongolia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,554 )

Mongolia is a landlocked country in the centre of the Asia and it is bordering with the People's Republic of China and Russian Federation. Mongolia is four times large as Japan but the population is only 2,736.800. Mongolian capital is Ulaanbaatar and it is home to about 38% of the population. The period from 1960-1991 characterized as a communist country and period from 1991 until present is ...

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Various economic factors applied to sunsilk

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,395 )

ƒ Price is a quantity or compensation given from one party to another party in return for goods or services. Price can sometimes alternatively refer to the quantity of payment requested by a seller of goods or services rather than the eventual payment amount. The requested amount is often called asking price or selling price, while actual payment can be called the transaction price or trade price like ...

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Business Environment Analysis For Marks And Spencer Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,454 )

My chosen organisation is Marks and Spencer. Marks and Spencer has six main objectives. The main goal of any business is to increase profit. This is done by working out the total revenue that the business has made from selling and costs of its product. For any business to survive, profit must be earned. Like any other business Marks and Spencer needs to increase its sales. To ...

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The Palm Oil Industry In Malaysia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

18 (7,079 )

INTRODUCTION Summary of Research Palm oil also known as Elaeis guineensis. Palm oil is derived from the pulp, and it can be found from African palm. There are so many uses of palm oil, such as edible oil, soaps, candles, cosmetic and chocolates. The colour of palm oil usually red colored, it is because of content of palm oil. The red coloured content with two types of ...

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The uses and importance of Keynesian Theory

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,753 )

Keynesian theory is central to understanding the Great Depression. We'll review just the theory here, and reserve for other sections the opportunity to see if the events of the 1930s bear out the theory. Keynesianism is named after John Maynard Keynes, a British economist who lived from 1883 to 1946. He was a man of many contradictions: an elitist whose economic theories would be embraced by liberals ...

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Research Trading In Dubai Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,857 )

The Business Tradition: For a very long time, Dubai has taken up an exceptionally good position on the trade map of this region. Its business center has always been growing rapidly and its Creek has played an important role in the development of economy which is achieved by this city. It has constantly been a vital and safe harbor for small and medium size ships which sail ...

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Effects Of FDI On Economic Growth Of Nigeria

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,627 )

There are various measures of economic development in which the rate of growth of an economy is one. The economic growth of a country has been acknowledged to be affected by the amount of both foreign and domestic investment available for its socio-economic use. Such foreign investment could either be foreign direct investment (FDI) or foreign portfolio investment (FPI). Foreign Direct Investment can be defined as investment ...

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Why Is Indian Currency Falling Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,885 )

The value of Indian currency has weakened over the last 15 years. The Indian rupee fell 0.7 per cent against the US dollar at 55.71 on the back of a weak trade data. The Indian rupee has shed close to 25 per cent value over the past one year. It is likely to fall further.  1) Exports falling: One of the main reasons for Indian currency falling is ...

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A Comparison Of Perfect Competition And Monopoly Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,131 )

Introduction In order to answer the question of whether 'the competition is always necessarily beneficial to consumers', it is vital to address the operation of two extreme sides of the market organisation. The extreme sides of the market organisation are Perfect competition and Monopoly. Once we accustom ourselves with the working of this dichotomy of market organisation, only then we can compare monopoly and perfect competition on ...

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Effects of the economic recession on spain

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,198 )

The main focus of this project is to examine the causes of the current economic recession and the effect it has had in Spain, It will also look at the background of the current recession, its impact and describe how the recession has hit different sectors. The final part of the project will look into the future of the economy and the road to recovery. Spain has ...

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The Types Of Inflation Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,699 )

Inflation indicates to a rise in prices that causes the purchasing power of a nation to fall. Inflation is a normal economic development as long as the annual percentage remains low; once the percentage rises over a pre-determined level, it is considered an inflation crisis. The term "inflation" once referred to increases in the money supply (monetary inflation); however, economic debates about the relationship between money supply ...

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Australias Trade With China Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,127 )

Trade is the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties. Trade can occur internationally or at a domestic level, either between different countries, different states or just interstate businesses. With relation to China, Australia tends to export a lot of wool, along with iron and coal. Australia tends to import a lot of computer accessories from China, along with industrial machinery. Treaties and Agreements: ...

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Stages And Causes Of The Business Cycle Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,083 )

According to Burns and Mitchell(1946), who were the first that investigate the modern research methods of the economic fluctuations, economic fluctuations is a continuous model of recession, recovery, growth and decline of the economic activities around from a long-term trend. The continuous character of this model justifies the expressions 'cyclical fluctuations' and 'business cycle' although the movements have neither constant duration nor constant length. The perception that ...

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Late Development And The Challenges Facing Late Developers Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,290 )

On the world stage, the list of the wealthiest countries has been dominated by European nations for the past six hundred years. Mid-last century a shift occurred that has seen the emergence of Asian countries growing at rapid rates. The surge was led by Japan and was quickly followed by those now known as the Asian Tigers. What problems did these countries overcome to grow so quickly ...

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Analysis Of Macroeconomic Environment In India Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,309 )

India is considered a high potential investment destination around the world despite some challenges such as political, social, cultural complexities. Since the post-independence period and the time after reforms in 1991, India began to open its door to the global markets and started to encourage investors to do business with India. While making the investment decisions it is crucially important to assess and compare the risks and ...

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Financial Sector And Sme Development In Ghana Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,385 )

The theoretical background of this paper is the Agency Theory . The assumption made is that information asymmetry exists at all stages of the banking services supply chain and that actors are rational utility maximizes. Financial institutions have traditionally focused on micro and large multi corporate businesses due to the high risks and high transactional costs involved when dealing with SMEs. A gap is created due to ...

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Exchange rate policies suitable for developing countries

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,034 )

Exchange rate is one of the central factors that influence the monetary policies in developing countries. A country can choose to make use of a fixed exchange rate (Single or Multi-currency peg), intermediate regime like (Adjustable or Crawling peg) or adopt a flexible exchange rate depending upon the supply rate of money and her monetary self-sufficiency. In any developing country where institutions are weak, the exchange rates ...

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The Labour Force And Unemployment Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,684 )

Every market has buyers and sellers, and the labour market is no exception: the buyers are employers, and the sellers are workers. Some of this participant may not be active at any given moment in the sense of seeking new employees or new jobs, but on any given day, thousands of firms and workers will be "in the market" trying to transact. The Labour Force and Unemployment ...

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Sickness In Small Scale Industries Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,472 )

The importance of small scale industry has been increasingly recognized in Manipur as a solution for the problem of scarcity of capital and widespread unemployment and poverty. But it has not served it purposes, started turning sick increasing numbers. The causes of sickness differ from industry to industry. The real or root causes have not been identified and corrective measures have been not taken on the basis ...

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Comparison of The Economies of India and China

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,778 )

The economies of India and China are among the largest economies in the world. However the differences in the size, composition and other quantitative and qualitative features stand in stark contrast when comparing China and India. India, has a much smaller economy, about only a fifth of China's. Its exports are a fraction of China's, as are its imports. India's economy is mostly dependent on its large ...

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The Economic Crisis In Ireland Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (931 )

The economic crisis in Ireland gave rise to, and ultimately became over dependant on, the property sector. The initial investment in property was based on solid demand and supply fundamentals, such as rising population, strong income growth and low unemployment. However, after the successful recovery of the Irish economy in 2002, individuals underestimated the risk involved in entering the property market. However, the real estate boom that ...

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Impacts Of Introduction Of Unemployment Insurance In Malaysia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,227 )

Unemployment insurance is a joint state-federal program that provides cash benefits to eligible workers. It is to provide temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. The introduction of the insurance has angered many small-medium enterprises (SME) and typically Federation of Malaysian Manufacturer (FMM). The proposed unemployment insurance scheme has been shelved for the time being after much opposition from ...

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The Production Of An Alternative Construction Material Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

31 (12,249 )

To prepare an industry study of all the construction materials currently being used in housing and commercial developments. To review the waste management system in the Philippines and look for areas that are sustainable sources of PET materials. To identify the current drivers and trends of the real estate and construction industry, as well as the Non-government Organizations (NGOs) in order to explore the viability of introducing ...

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The Phosphate In The Moroccan Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,234 )

The resources of Moroccan economy based on agriculture, phosphate, and tourism, and also sales of fish and see food plays a major role in economy of Morocco. Industry and mining contribute about one-third of the annual GDP "gross domestic product" which means all revenues earning by a country in the last twelve months period. As you know in the worldwide Morocco is the world's second or third-largest ...

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Nucor SWOT Analysis: Recommended Strategic Options For Firms

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,384 )

Strength(i) - Unique Management Philosophy. One of Nucor key strength lies in its unique management philosophy that is focused on bringing out the best in their people. Nucor empowers their people by allowing them to make decision in the work they do. Workers also have their wages pegged to their productivity and as a result, received far higher wages than the average in the states which they ...

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Rising prices and the tactics opted by common man

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,310 )

Price hike in essential commodities has been a norm in our country. The pattern is very frequent, for instance, the petrol prices have been hiked ten times in the last 6 years. The ever increasing cost of living has once again proven the age old theory of Survival of the Fittest. Petrol price hike is an epitome to show govt.'s incapability or lack of accountability. Though, the ...

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Opecs oligopolistic market and effects on oil prices

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,500 )

The main focus in this essay is to explain the characteristic of the Oligopoly Market Model and explain how the dynamics of the Oligopolistic market can influence the price of a product and different strategies used by firms together to create an inelastic demand for the product to optimize profits The second part of the essay concentrates on how OPEC as organizations has control on the world's ...

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China Income Inequality Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,037 )

There is no doubt the China's GDP grows at a high speed since its economic reform. Nevertheless, high GDP growth does not mean the people's satisfactory of economic reform, nor does it sufficiently means the improving of material conditions of life. The rising of income inequality is viewed as a significant outcome of the transition to a market economy in China (Tusi, 1998; Wu, 2002). The inequalities ...

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Chips Are Down For Gambling Industry

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,479 )

Recent events in global finance have impacted heavily on Australia's gambling industry. As Australian consumes reduce their discretionary spending, gambling providers have witnessed a commensurate decline in revenues. The phenomenon is not limited to Australia, with gaming facilities in Las Vegas, Macau and Japan also reporting significant declines in revenues. This downturn has also revising profit forecasts for the future. The decline in revenues extends beyond casinos ...

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International Business Environment Of Chinas Automotive Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,667 )

The objective of this report is to analyze various aspects of the international business environment of China's automotive industry, and offer a recommendation on whether a U.S. multinational passenger car producer should engage its business in China and how. The introduction of the open door policy in 1979 marked a new era in China's automotive industry. By 1985, the number of domestic producers jumped double. In addition, ...

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Theories explaining the asian financial crisis

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,161 )

The Asian currency crisis that spread out in 1997 re-activated discussion about the mechanism behind currency crises and the factors that determine the magnitude of a crisis as well as their effect on aggregate output. The resumption of studies, which seek to explain the outbreak of a currency crisis in terms of economic "models", alleged "failure" of already-existing theories in accounting for the Asian currency crisis. As ...

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Factors In Chinas Economic Development Positive And Negative Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,010 )

The article, All Roads Lead to China, dated 5 December 2009 in StarBizWeek, concentrated on the rapid economic growth of China. China today has become the world's third largest economy and it has high possibility to replace the world's second, Japan, soon. The utilization of law in China has been more organized and stable. This can be verified by the fact that China government's policies and actions ...

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Aggregate Demand And The Level Of Economic Activity Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,122 )

Introduction Collection of revenue and the use of government expenditure which affect the economy is termed as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy can be distinguished with the major sort of macroeconomic policy, monetary policy, which stabilizes the economy by controlling rate of interest and supply of money. Two major objectives of fiscal policy are taxation and expenditure of government Transforming in the level , composition of taxation and ...

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Price And Non Price Competition And Elasticity Analysis Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,440 )

Q. Explain the difference between price and non-price competition and elasticity and the contexts which give rise to it. Visit a local super market or departmental store. Focus on the section where shampoos are displayed for sale. Observe and analyze the space allocated, brands, different brands under the same company, pricing, etc. Elaborate on the economic concepts based on your observation and learning. (50) Introduction In economics, ...

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The Rate Of Unemployment In Nigeria Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,565 )

According to streetdirectory online unemployment refers to when they is joblessness in an economy .Furthermore it describe unemployment as a state of not having a paying job. The rate of measuring unemployment is called unemployment rate which is the sum of unemployed workers divided by the sum of civilians in a country. Despite the fact that unemployment found in the rural area is an example of disguised ...

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Monetarism Emerged In The 1950s Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (812 )

Keynes, who theorized economic panic to stem from an insufficient national money supply leading the nation toward an alternate currency followed by eventual economic collapse, his theories focus on the value of currency stability to maintain national economic health. Milton Friedman, in contrast, focused on price stability to ensure economic health and looking for stable equilibrium between the supply of and the demand for money to bring ...

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Changing Commodity Prices Impact On Common Agricultural Policy Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,505 )

In the wake of an increasingly globalized economy, one that has seen the emergence of large trade blocs and common markets, the nations of the world have been competitively forced into becoming more economically integrated year after year. In light of hundreds of years of consumer theory, this would almost certainly lead one to a conclusion of necessarily lower prices and more efficient production on almost all ...

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Private Health Insurance In Kenya Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,984 )

Insurance is an arrangement by which one party The insurer promises to pay another party the insured or policy holder a sum of money if something happens which causes the insured to suffer financial loss (Diacon.S.R and Carter R.L, 1998) In the past few years, private health insurance sector in Kenya has been recorded as the highest loss-making insurance class with loss ratios of 74.0 per cent, ...

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Competition Policy And The Eu Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,542 )

The European Commission has exclusive competence to approve the European mergers and acquisitions of a certain size, eliminating the need for companies to seek approval from several national competition authorities since the 1990s. The exclusive competence of the European Commission covers mergers in the total turnover worldwide through the company in question that worth more than 5 million euros, or when the total turnover at community level of ...

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Capital Market And Economic Growth In Rwanda Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,717 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Today most economies around the world are judged by the performance of their capital markets. The potential role of financial markets in economic growth has been well documented. Most African countries including those in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have recently under gone financial sector reforms such as restructuring and privatizing of state owned banks and establishment of capital markets. In the literature there ...

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Private And Public Pension Provisions In The Uk Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,454 )

The pensions industry is currently in transition. With Lord Hutton's completed review of UK state pensions imminent and the 2012 reforms primed to take effect, there are many changes expected in both private and public pensions over the next 5 years; not least of which is the increasing popularity for the shift from final-salary to contribution based schemes. This report will discuss these changes and the reasoning ...

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Market structures in practice at Unilever deviate

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,116 )

Market structure is the manner in which a corporation experience competition during the delivery of goods and services. The structures are very dynamic and both extremes do exist depending on the market in which one is operating and the type of goods being dealt with. The theoretically existing market structures are: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly. Out of these existing market structures, it is not ...

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Challenges In The Indian Medical Diagnostics Market Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,381 )

As you notice in the figure above, while the general trend for growth in the market looks healthy, the two main regions contributing to market growth by 2015 are the United States and the RoW (Rest of the World). The RoW market will expand by an estimated 8% from 2011 to 2015 and hence will be the major focus area for most medical diagnostics companies. In order ...

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Economic Problems Solved By Various Societies Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,293 )

"The recent turbulence in financial markets in most developed economies has shown that market forces are no better at solving society's economics than any other mechanism" This question relates to how economic problems are solved by various societies. An economics system is a country's plan to answer the economic problems of what should be produced, how and for whom; it is an Organized way in which a state ...

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Argument for and against government financial support for special events

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,755 )

Introduction Special events cover well-planned cultural, entertainment, sports, political and business events such as Olympic Games, World Cup, the World Expo, Art and Culture Festivals, performances, and charity fundraising. Australia has thousands of festivals every year (Gibson, 2009). Economically speaking, these events may create economic value for the local. Of course, the successful holding of these events are also in need of financial sources. Shortage of funds ...

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Current Macroeconomic Environment And Policy Of Australia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,042 )

A strong economy displays characteristics of maximizing growth as well as internal and external balance whilst minimising inflation, foreign debts and liabilities. There are various policies in Australia governing the macroeconomics including Fiscal and Monetary policies. Both these policies influence the economy through altering aggregate demand. In the last three years, since the onset of Global Financial Crisis, Australia has applied both expansionary monetary and fiscal policies ...

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The Demand Of Petroleum Products In Ghana Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,288 )

Over decades, there has been no commodity price that has received so much attention predictions and speculations than crude oil price. However, intellectuals always fail in their predictions to produce the expected results. Crude oil in its original state has no value to the consumer until it is transformed into useable products such as Liquefied petroleum Gas (LPG), Kerosene, Gasoline, Diesel and other petrochemicals. [1] In most countries, motor ...

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Assessing food globalisation effects in taiwan

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,011 )

With the fast development of the society and economy, there is no doubt that globalization is coming increasingly popular than ever before since 1980s, whether in international economy or international political affairs, and it will be more popular in the future (Aydin, 2010). Now all kinds of the information can be transformed in a short second with a large amount. Therefore, as a result of globalization, all ...

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What is The BRAC Bank in Bangladesh and what are their operations

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,526 )

Bangladesh is a developing country of 3rd world. It has been developing gradually. After getting it's independence in 1971, It has progressed in various sector. But some obstacles hampers it's development. Banking sector is one of the most important sector. Since 1971 when Bangladesh Bank was established it has increased it's banking activities. Some public Bank also run their activities. But it was not sufficient. There had ...

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French Health Care System Compared To Us Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,781 )

The U.S. health care system has increasingly been the topic of every household for almost two decades, since Bill Clinton's promise to do something about the rising health care costs in the early 1990s. The World Health Organization (WHO), in a comprehensive study carried out in 2000, ranked the U.S. health care system as the highest in cost. Today, the U.S. system is still expensive for many ...

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Benefits of hiring either permanent or temporary staff

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,246 )

The need to meet demand is the driving force of the labor market, Every company needs to mea adequate preparations for the periods in time when the demand is expected to rise so as to meet the demands of the consumer while still keeping the prices of the product low. The only way to achieve this is to keep the cost of production at a reasonable minimum. ...

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Poverty And Food Insecurity In Nepal Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,462 )

Nepal being the poorest country in the world poverty remains one of the crucial development agenda in Nepal since it started its development effort in 1956. Therefore, this review paper analyzes the poverty and food insecurity in Nepal. Macro economic indicators of the country i.e., Gross Development Product (GDP) growth rate and inflation rate shows that the country is historically a low growth country with inflation rate ...

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Moral Hazard In The Health Insurance Market Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,494 )

Externalities is present whenever some economic agent's welfare (utility or profit) is 'directly' affected by the action of another agent in the economy (176,H,D). In certain health care, people can benefit from others' consumption, which will result that the social marginal benefit of health care is higher than the individual. Subsequently, the problem of underproduction will arise. Adverse selection and moral hazard in the health insurance market ...

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The Green Mauritius Sustainable Development Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,584 )

In this assignment, I will address the different plans that the new Minister of Finance, the Honourable Xavier Luc Duval presented on 4 November 2011 his budget for 2012. The 2012 budget addresses the following main priorities of the present Government namely: Promoting Growth, Riding out the Crisis, Improving the Social Protection System, and Making the Fiscal System more efficient, effective and fairer. In this assignment I ...

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Characteristics of oligopoly market and the supermarket industry in the UK

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,289 )

The supermarket industry in the UK -Oligopoly Market The leading supermarkets in the UK commonly are known as the 'big 4', Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda and Morrisons. (oppapers, n.d) It is not doubt that the UK supermarket industry is an oligopoly market because the industry fits the characteristics of the oligopoly. According to Anderton (2008: 322), 'An oligopolistic market is one where a small number of interdependent firms ...

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Foreign Direct Investment in Sri Lanka

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,748 )

It is a known fact that an imperative mode for a developing nation to achieve rapid economic growth and development is by focusing on enhancing and bettering their export-lead growth policies. However, it is of the wrong to assumption to perceive that promoting exports is the only means of ensuring a speedy economic growth as there are other strategies that could be adopted in order to successfully ...

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Business Strategies And Objectives Of Next Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,405 )

Next is a UK based retailer with its Headquarters in Leicester, UK and offer wide variety of brilliantly designed, outstanding quality of trend and accessories for men, women and children collectively with a full variety of home ware (Next Plc). In 1864 it was founded by J. Hepworth & Son under the name of Gentleman′s Tailors (Next Plc 2011) Next is the oldest company which has been ...

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The Political Influence On World Markets Opec Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,887 )

Introduction Since the topic is "The Political Influence on World Markets" I believe that the case of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a worthy case to be presented. Hence I will present this organization from the moment of its foundation to now days and try to describe the influence it had in various periods of time in the oil market. I choose this ...

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The Major Macroeconomic Policy In Malaysia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (807 )

Among the major macroeconomic policy in Malaysia is to achieve sustained economic growth. Continued economic growth means an increase and expansion of an economy of a country. Increased economic activity is shown by the ability of an economy to produce goods and services increasing. To achieve sustained economic growth will increase a country's income and per capita and can provide employment opportunities to the public. Continued economic ...

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The negative impacts of money laundering

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,204 )

The negative impacts of money laundering on economic development Keywords: Money laundering, developing countries, economic development, government, policies. Introduction Money laundering is a global problem. Measuring its impact is tough, as it takes place behind everyone's eyes and it apparently is a victimless crime. Yet the damage it does can be devastating to the financial sector and economy's 'real' and 'external' sector, especially in case of a ...

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The law of diminishing returns is a key one in economics

23 Mar 2015

3 (874 )

When marginal costs increase, it means that when a firm very large, the cost also rise at the same time and it the difficult of organisation increases because ,therefore, it is obvious that marginal costs would rise. In the long run, "all inputs that are under the firm's control can be varied" (Mukherjee, Mukherjee & Ghose, 129 ). It means that there and no fix cost. Long- ...

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Analysis of Consumption Patterns of Different Socioeconomic Groups

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,029 )

The research reported in this thesis was on "Analysis of Consumption Patterns of Different Socio Economic Groups". The purpose of research was to study the socio-economic impact of consumption of the households and how they spend their income. The secondary data was collected by consultation of literature in the libraries and Internet and also from the material printed by different academic journals. The primary data was gathered ...

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What Is Loss Aversion Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,013 )

According to the decision theory in economics, loss aversion is commonly referred to peoples tendency to mitigate losses as much as possible to acquiring gains. Studies suggest that, psychologically, losses are twice as powerful as gains. Therefore loss aversion leads to risk aversion when people evaluate the possible gain (a risk averse person when presented with options would accept the option less in preference to the risky ...

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The Snapshot Of Maruti Suzuki In India

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,822 )

Maruti Suzuki India Limited MSIL, formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan. It is a leading manufacturer of passenger vehicles in India. MSIL has been producing cars in India since 1983. Maruti's revenues totaled approximately 73.3 billion rupees in 2009-2010. Its operating profit as of 2009-2010 is 75 billion rupees while its net profit comes to 6.8 billion rupees. Maruti ...

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Potters Five Forces With Respect To Icici Prudential Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,959 )

Threat of New Entrants. The average entrepreneur can't come along and start a large insurance company. The threat of new entrants lies within the insurance industry itself. Some companies have carved out niche areas in which they underwrite insurance. These insurance companies are fearful of being squeezed out by the big players. Another threat for many insurance companies is other financial services companies entering the market. Power ...

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The Brazil Technological Environment Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,113 )

INTRODUCTION International marketers face a variety of problems when it comes to entering new foreign markets, this often means ample research has to be done before the decision to enter the a foreign country is taken. It is also important that the information is relevant and not too dated the more current the information the better. For the international it is important to use the most recent ...

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ERP System for a Transport Company

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,704 )

Today's Transport Industry scenario in India This sector includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation. Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation. The modes of transportation are air, rail, water, road, ...

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Russian economy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,958 )

Why did it prove so difficult to stabilise the Russian economy in the initial years of post-communist transformation? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was dissolved by the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian leaders on December 08, 1991. It was replaced by Russia and fourteen other newly independent states(1). This marked the start of a hard period for the Russian economy as it was decided to make a ...

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Current situation of the coffee industry

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,063 )

1Coffee is one of the world's most valuable assets and at least 25 million people around the world base their livelihood on their production. Most of these producers are small-scale farmers in the developing world, despite the extent of coffee consumption takes place in the United States and Europe Over the last twenty five years of the last century, developing countries have been incited to follow export-oriented ...

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Economics Essays - UK Inflation Rates

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,103 )

The past one hundred years has resulted in many changes for the UK economy. Industrialisation and the labor movement modernized the way the country undertook manufacturing. Globalisation stretched the reach of the UK's economy from their concentrated sector to every populated place on earth. Within these changes external and internal forces affected their inflation rates. Economists have always argued about what causes inflation and what measures are ...

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The liberlization and privatization of the indian economy

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,915 )

Rajiv Gandhis government initiated the policy of liberalization since mid-80s. The liberalization initiatives have been undertaken in India with a view to increase a production, improve quality and get access to market for products and service abroad. Radical liberalization or globalization measures have been brought in since July 1991 to make the Indian economy progressively market oriented and integrate it with the emerging global economy structure. These ...

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Understand The Organizational Purposes Of Business Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,532 )

This study is conducted to identify how different organizations are influenced by its stakeholders and the relationship between business and the local, national and global environment. The following are the main objectives of the study. Understand the organizational purposes of business Understand the nature of the national environment in which business operate Understand the behavior of organizations in their market environment Be able to assess the significance ...

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Factors behind Malysias economic boom

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,716 )

Malaysia is a country endowed with rich resources, possesses well-developed infrastructure and is socio-politically stable. Malaysia has achieved fairly impressive economic success since 1970. Before 1969, Malaysia underwent poverty, unemployment and inter-ethnic economic imbalances caused by colonialism and then by the laissez-faire policies after Independence (Gomez & Jomo 1999). From a poverty-stricken country that relies on agriculture and raw materials(rubber and tin exports) as nation's economic source, ...

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Change In The Conditions Of Non Price Determinants Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,374 )

Demand defined as a consumer's desire and willingness to pay for a good or service. On the other hand, quantity demanded is the amount of goods which would be demanded at a certain price. If non-price factors that could affect demand are removed, then the higher the price of a good the lower the quantity of that good will be demanded. It is the inverse of the ...

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Porters Force Analysis On Leisure Cruise Industry

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,667 )

The world economy has been engulfed by strong international competition. Porter has argued that strategy equates how any firm competes against others in its business. He argued that strategy is not just a series of models at the corporate level of strategy. The strategy includes analyzing potential entrants, suppliers, buyers, substitutes and competitors. He describes the competitive forces shaping an industry in his six forces model of ...

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Causes Of Gender And Wage Discrimiantion Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,522 )

'Gender Discrimination' is discrimination against people, groups and gender identity. It is considered that men are physically strong, must suppress vulnerable emotions (such as remorse and uncertainty), and have economic independence and authority over women and other men. On the other hand, characteristics such as gentleness, patience, kindness and submission to male-dominance, ego-massaging, sensitivity, nurturance of children, and sociability. Gender discrimination is social differentiation of individuals which ...

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Why citizens should buy from their own country

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,845 )

Ramification of supporting not buying products manufactured solely from your own country This paper is a research to support the claim that citizens of a country should support the economy by buying products based on quality, price, and availability of products. The paper intended purpose is to persuade the reader that buying products only from his or her country is necessary for his or her country's economy. ...

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The External Environment Of Malaysia Fragrances Market Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,523 )

PART A The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) dividends rate of 4.5% to 5.65% from 2008 to 2009 year. (Employees Provident Fund ) While the EPF dividends rate increase, the net salary of employees will reduce, the employees' purchasing power will also decrease that will lead to the supply earn less profit. Economic Unemployment rate had been fluctuating decreased from 3.8% January 2009 to 3.3% July 2010 by ...

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Tourism policy issues in Nepalese economy

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,728 )

Executive Summary Nepal's main source of Foreign Exchange is the tourism industry. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tensing Sherpa first climbed the Mount Everest in 1953. The modern tourism history of Nepal was started since then. After the peace agreement between government and so called rebel group the political parties have been agreed and given their commitment to tourism as the most important sector of Nepalese economy. Although, ...

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Does taxation and negative advertisement impact cigarette demand

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,760 )

Taxation is one of the most common policies used by the government to reduce demand of any product. Taxes increase the price of the goods which leads to reduced demand. Goods such as cigarettes have negative externalities and affect the society as a whole. Government uses such policies to reduce such negative externalities and help gain welfare in the society. To check whether this statement is valid ...

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Competition And Market Power Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,624 )

For a long period of time, De Beers has been successfully raising consumer demand for diamonds. The company is famous for its monopolistic policies during the last century, when it used its leading position to control the international diamond market. De Beers had a number of methods to ensure its control in the market: thus, it joined some independent manufacturers to its single channel monopoly, it pushed ...

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An Analysis Of Poverty In America Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,323 )

Poverty in America is a central part in the creation of social welfare policies and programs. The history of America revolves around four elements: economic development, political organizations, social stability, and family integrity. These elements are key points to success in America but the setback for most Americans is poverty. Poverty is the state of not having enough money to take care of basic needs such as ...

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The impact of globalisation in the emerging market economies

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,329 )

Globalisation is becoming a normal word in today's business environment where different countries are integrating with one another. No country can be self sufficient, they depend on one another. It is very common to see different countries moving from their own nations and invest to other country/countries in order to get markets or resources such as cheap labour. Country boundaries are no longer an issue due to ...

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The impact of tax decrease on the Sri Lankan vehicle market

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,791 )

The Sri Lankan government recently announced several changes to the import tax regime with effect from 01st June 2010. These include the reduction in the number of tariff bands, reduction in import duties, removal of the 15% surcharge on import duty and removal of taxes such as the VAT and Cess on some of the items [1] . Through the above reduction, the government slashed vehicle import levies by ...

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Why China has grown faster then India

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,235 )

Introduction: Comparative studies between China and India are becoming more popular now in the international level. China and India are among the largest economies in the world today. While the Chinese economy has surpass India by a wide margin over the past 15 years. I am comparing the growth experiences of China and India at a broad level, explaining why China has grown faster than India by ...

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A Savings And Credit Cooperative Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,643 )

The inception of SASRA in October, 2009 made it a requirement for SACCOs in Kenya to acquire licenses in order to be take deposits. Since then, there has been a steady increase in the number of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya seeking licensing with already licensed and operational SACCOs growing in terms of membership, deposits, total assets, gross turnover, loans granted, and equity (SASRA, 2011, p. 25). ...

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The principal threats to EU energy security

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,567 )

If one would want to define the energy security, he or she should address the question what does "security" means in general? Is it a response to a concrete threat? Or is a strategy to avoid a potential threat? In the mainstream of International Relations theory, the Realist approach has been traditionally focused on the definition of international security. In light of a Realist conception presented by ...

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A Situation Analysis For Nucor Corpoation Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,470 )

"Nucor Corporation is made up of 17,300 teammates whose goal is to "Take Care of Our Customers." We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working ...

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Goods and Services Tax

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,034 )

GST: Goods and Services Tax (GST) is part of the proposed tax reforms that centre round evolving an efficient consumption tax system in the country. Presently, there are parallel systems of indirect taxation at the central and state levels. In the Union Budget for the year 2006-2007, Finance Minister proposed that India should move towards national level Goods and Services Tax that should be shared between the ...

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The Qatar Oil And Gas Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,943 )

The interest for a Major in the oil & gas industry in gaining a foothold in Qatar goes far beyond mere geological considerations. While Qatar's natural resources are attractive, the recent and massive investment in science and education is a more important incentive for potential investors. The natural resources are finite and when extinguished new energy sources will be required. Qatar is a world leader in researching ...

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Causes And Effects Of Market Failure Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,851 )

In relation of the market performance, many things are well done, but not everything is done well. First of all, we assumed that markets are competitive. In some markets, a buyer or sellers might be having a right to control market prices. This ability to influence prices is called market power. Market power can cause markets to be inefficient because it keeps the price and quantity away ...

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The Structure Of The Supermarket Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,835 )

This assignment will provide a critical analysis of how a Multinational Enterprise Operates domestically but have foreign ownership by looking at how it creates value, analyzing the industry structure in which it operates and the strategies that it uses within that Industry. As the local markets throughout the world are being deregulated and liberalized foreign firms are looking to locate part of the production process in other ...

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Factors Influencing Development Survival Small Businesses In Nigeria Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,497 )

In recent times, significant attention has been focused on small and medium scale enterprises in developing countries because of their potential for diversification and expansion of industrial production, as well as the role they play in the attainment of the objectives of development. According to Navidi and Schmitz (1994) these roles are (a) small scale enterprises utilize large labour surplus that exist in developing economies; (b) they ...

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