The essential nature of International marketing

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,426 )

"International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan price, promote and directs the flow of the company's goods and services to consumer or user in more then one nation for profit." - Cateora & Graham International marketing is a broader concept and includes export marketing. Export marketing is concerned with the production of good in one country and marketing them in different countries of ...

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Analysis Of The Coconut Oil Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,424 )

The coconut oil milling industry, which started during over a century ago, is still active and exporting to other countries. This industry seems to have a huge potential for profit in both the local and global setting. Producing millions of metric tons of coconut oil, the Philippines is the top exporter of coconut oil; hence, the firms producing them are highly profitable. This paper investigates the profitability ...

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An Overall Economic Analysis Of Pakistan Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,791 )

INTRODUCTION: Pakistan officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast.Tajikistan also lies very close to Pakistan but is separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. ...

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Import Substitution Policy Versus Export Led Growth Strategy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,747 )

The Countries conduct two different strategies for industrialization; import substitution and export promotion for their international trade. Whether to adopt import substitution or export promotion trade strategy is controversial issue throughout the years for the countries. This issue forms a debate between "Trade Optimists" who support outward looking development policy, which envisages the free trade and free movement of goods and the "Trade Pessimists" who believe that ...

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Impact Of The Financial Crisis On The Singapore Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,690 )

The financial crisis was due to the bankruptcy of banks and extreme market volatility. One of the factors leading to the financial crisis was the growth of the housing bubble which happened in 2005 to 2006. Real house prices surged greatly, making residential real estate great and very safe investment. This housing bubble resulted in numerous homeowners refinancing their homes at lower interest rates. Therefore, it was ...

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Imperfections Of The Targeted Public Distribution System Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,093 )

Abstract It is suspected that the Public Distribution System in India has a roaring black market in which shop owners hike up prices citing scarcity in order to make more profits. Commodities sold by the shops are supplied and subsidized by the Government so that the people below Poverty line can buy food grain and kerosene at cheaper prices. My research question, "What effect do the imperfections ...

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Central Bank of Russia and Foreign Exchange Rates

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,423 )

Table of Contents Introduction Statistic Analysis Many of the patterns found in the data revolve around one major event. On August 17, 1998 the Russian Government and the Central Bank of Russia declared a default on government short-term bonds (GKOs). The event lead to dire results; Russia's financial system collapsed and the entire economy was essentially struck as dangerous political crisis unravelled. Prior to the 1998 financial ...

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Factors That Affect The Pricing Decision

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,766 )

In Finland, Lukka and Granlund (1996) observed that product cost information had its greatest importance in pricing, tendering and cost reduction decisions. In Italy, Cescon (1999) noted the most important uses of product costs were in cost reduction, pricing, make-or-buy and investment decisions, and its least important role related to decisions about distribution channels. Based on the above quotations, the costs of the product, its inputs including ...

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Rural To Urban Migration In India Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,278 )

Introduction Geographically India is divided into 28 states and 7 union territories. There is a tremendous difference in the combined population size across the state. India constitutes around 30 percent of the total population, which is around 309 million persons were migrants based on place of last residence (Bhagat, 2005). As a result of rapid economic growth for past few decades, since the initiation of economic reforms ...

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Effects of trade barriers

23 Mar 2015

26 (10,084 )

Chapter 1 Introduction Trade is an exchange of services and goods for other services and goods or for money, Trade ( 2010). The paper discusses about the effects of trade barriers on international trade, i.e. to identify one or more variables (inflation, transportation cost, tariff, remittances, population, GDP deflator and exchange rate) in the study that effect international trade the most. A trade barrier is a general ...

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Globalisation And Poor Work And Flexible Labour Practices Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,877 )

"Globalization is on every body's lips; a fad word fast turning into a shibboleth, a magic incantation, a pass-key meant to unlock the gates to all present and future mysteries. For some 'globalization' is what we are bound to do if we wish to be happy; for others 'globalization' is the cause of our unhappiness." (Bauman, 1998) There are lots of mists attached to globalization which unveil ...

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Arguments in favour of the free trade concept

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,802 )

Discuss the two primary ways in which international business occurs and critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of specialisation and international trade. What arguments would you put forward in favour of the concept of free trade? International Business is a vast subject and different authors have different ways to describe it, therefore there is no particular definition that has consensus of researchers which defines the subject area. ...

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Role Of Public And Private Sector In Bhutan Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,263 )

Every monograph has a brief general introduction of a country. It covers the introduction, roles, history, indicators, contribution towards GDP (GNI), employment contribution, and difficulties with few data and graph. This information gives a fair knowledge of country and helps draw certain conclusion regarding role of private and public sector plays in economic development of modern Bhutan. Such information is very much necessary as country being in ...

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Link Between Household Saving And Economic Growth Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,075 )

Economic growth refers to the positive change in the level of production of a country's goods and services over a certain point in time. It is also influenced by many factors but one of the pinnacles of economic history is the impact household saving and debt has on economic growth. Most working papers and journal articles on cross countries studies assume a positive relationship between household saving ...

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Market Competitiveness In The Malaysian Poultry Supply Chain Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,936 )

The structure of the Malaysian poultry industry is different from the one that existed in the nineties, due largely to vertical coordination and integration. Independent and self-operated activities that once dominated the production system have been replaced by contracts and outright ownership and operation of the production by integrators. By this many individual poultry processing companies own almost all aspects of production-breeding farms, multiplication farms, hatcheries, feed ...

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Micro environmental analysis of the leisure industry

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,274 )

This report contains the macro and micro environmental analysis of the leisure industry. The leisure industry contains products and services related to entertainment, recreation and tourism. Although this industry is global we decided to concentrate on the UK market for the PEST analysis and some parts of the evaluation of the industry. We hope that this report can give you an insight into this industry and give ...

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Krispy Kreme Financial Analysis Case Study

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,243 )

Introduction Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. is one of the world's leading retailers and wholesalers of doughnuts and packaged sweets. The company owns and franchises Krispy Kreme doughnut stores which make and retail varieties of doughnuts and a wide range of coffees and other beverages. It operates about 530 stores both locally and in foreign countries like Australia, Canada, Indonesia, and Mexico among other countries. The company is ...

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The Bretton Woods System and the gold standard

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,839 )

2.5.1 Introduction Most of the countries tried to reestablish the gold standard after World War I, but it had been totally collapsed during the Great Depression in 1930s. Some economists said comply with the gold standard had prohibited monetary authorities from increasing the money supply rapidly enough to recover the economies. Therefore, the representatives of most of the world's leading nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, ...

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Food Insecurity In Bangladesh Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,400 )

The international community often uses the term food security to describe not only the availability of food, but the ability to purchase food. It means not only a reliable source of food but also adequate resources to purchase it. When members of a family do not live in a hunger or fear for starvation then the family considered as food secure.. According to the World Food Summit(1996), ...

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Qatar National Vision 2030 Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

24 (9,202 )

Qatar National Vision 2030, launched in October 2008, builds a bridge from the present to the future. It aims to transform Qatar into an advanced country, sustaining its development and providing a high standard of living for all its people-for generations to come. It foresees a vibrant and prosperous Qatar with economic and social justice for all. It envisages all Qataris working together in pursuing these aspirations, ...

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Finding Solutions To The Issue Of Limited Resources Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,661 )

Economics is branch of the social science, that is studies the process of production, place (money) at different point, and the utilization of consumer goods and services. The term of economics are comes from the Greek for oikos (house) and nomos (custom or law), therefore "rules of the house (hold)." A definition that captures much of modern economics is that say by Lionel Robbins in 1932 essays, ...

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Impact Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Malaysia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,599 )

Today, economic development is fast becoming the focus of many governments. In this, businesses are springing up and forth from different dimension. One of these businesses prominently known in Malaysia is the SME which stands for small and medium enterprises. The growth and roles of SMEs has risen to become one vital and crucial in the Malaysia economy. At the turn of the 21st century, Malaysia is fast pursuing ...

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The process of urbanization in pakistan

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,623 )

Urbanization is a worldwide phenomenon with different countries experiencing various rates and patterns of rural urban migration. The entire world is changing into an urbanized centre with most of the people moving to large cities during the past few decades. Every nation, every city, every individual is somehow involved in this process. Before mid-century, urban development was mostly restricted to developed countries but has spread to developing ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Transnational Corporations

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,034 )

Transnational Corporation (TNC) can be known as Multinational Corporation (MNC) which is a corporation/ enterprise that have power to control operations such as productions and deliver services in more than one country at a time even does not own it (Peter Dicken, 2007). ITNC have many offices and factories in many different developing countries while their headquarters will be located in developed countries. It is geographical flexible ...

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The Importance Of Saving And Investments Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,459 )

Saving & Investment are two crucial elements of macro-economics. The term Saving & Investment sometimes make us confusing & we use these terms in interchangeably. So concept of Saving & Investment should be cleared. Spending less on consumption than available one's disposable income called individual saving or simply saving. It bears no risk or a slight of risk at all. It can be deposited in a bank ...

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The Different Characteristic Of Mixed Economy Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,038 )

What is the economic system? Economic system is the branch of economics, which studies the method and the institutions by which societies determine the direction, ownership and allocation of economic resources. An economic system of a society is the unit of analysis. Among the contemporary systems at different ends of the organizational spectrum are the socialist systems, that is centrally-planned or command economies, and another one is ...

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Globalization Has Increased Poverty In A Developing Nation Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,751 )

Nowadays, the term 'globalization' is the main focus of attention. It is often described as a process of internationalization - easy communication regardless of geographical boundaries due to advance technologies, easy and fast financial capital flow across the globe and countries become more interdependent particularly in economy. It is believed that globalization provides consumers with variety of choices with affordable price. So, is the globalization reducing or ...

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Case Study On Samsung Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,036 )

International diversification is very important for an international enterprise, it is a corporate strategy. It is designed by higher sales of new products and new markets, and increase profitability. Diversification can occur at the business unit level and corporate level. In this essay, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of international diversification for the company. At present, many companies are international based which developed their ...

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The strengths and weaknesses of the EU

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,601 )

In 2005 Turkish Foreign minister stated "I believe that Turkey will become a full member of the EU in the end. Then those who have some hesitations about Turkey will have totally different views". In fact, "Turkey's orientation towards the institutions of the West dates from the creation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Since then, commitments to Westernization and modernization have been central themes of Turkey's ...

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Why Governments Regulate The Health Care Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,054 )

In the first part of the essay we define market failure and look at the model of perfect market, we then compare this with health care market and find out the causes or factors that results in failure in the health care market. In the second part we will look at the ways governments in four different countries have intervened to ensure that the causes of the ...

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The Objectives Of Utility Theory

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,355 )

Q;1-utility is a psychological phenomenon. Utility from a customer point of view may be defined as the sum of utility derived by a consumer from various units of a commodity or services consumed at a point of time. For example, a customer consumes five units of a commodity at a time and derives utility from successive units of consumptions as u1, u2, u3, u4 and u5. The ...

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Is Privatization Good Or Bad Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,981 )

What is privatization? Why is it here? What is its purpose? These are some of the questions that small business, corporation and the government ask. There are a lot of controversies, both positive and negative that this issue contains. Many of these issues have been resolved others continue to be unsolved. Everyone has a different opinion and point of view regarding this subject. According to Massimo D'Antoni ...

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Characteristics Of Perfect Competition Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,949 )

Monopoly is a market structure that is the only sole seller of a product and large number of buyers that have no close substitution and have a high entry and exit barrier. A monopoly markethas no other firms can enter the market and compete with it to produce some good or service. For an example that gave by Vengedasalam, D., et. al. (2008, p.229) If want to ...

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Manager Characteristics And Growth Of Smes In Tanzania Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,921 )

This thesis outlines and reports the findings of the research study that was undertaken to examine the association between owner-manager individual characteristics and growth of small and medium enterprise (SME) in Tanzania. This chapter presents the background of the study in which, development of interest about small sector in Tanzania is presented together with various initiatives taken to develop this sector. The problem of the study is ...

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Adam Smiths Theories Of Economic Growth Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,328 )

Abstract: The purpose of essay wants to explain Adam Smith's theories of economic growth contributing to the current economic development through investment and capital accumulation. Moreover, this will also shows the role of agriculture in the industry sector and the division of labor in the agricultural sector to the industry sector in the economic development. The great classical economists of the eighteenth centuries were all development economist ...

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Nigerias Micro And Macro Economics Policies Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,552 )

ABSTRACT With the current trend in Nigeria's micro and macro economics policies towards a dynamic economy, the indispensability of small and medium size enterprises development has become a necessity. This study investigates the influence of microfinance banks on small and medium size enterprises development in Nigeria with a particular reference to Osun State. This study used survey research design. Simple random sampling technique was adapted to select ...

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Analysis for the European Brewing Industry

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,905 )

Political Environment Political environment affects the European companies but as government is stable in Europe, the brewing industries can easily work if they follow a certain approach while keeping the government system in mind. In Europe taxes, duty rates and VAT are higher on products as compared to UK and France, so the companies should consider small and under developed nations where taxes are low. In Europe ...

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Factors that determine the price of computers

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,078 )

According to Perkins, the question of economics arise because people need more than what they can get, but what each person can get is limited by time, income earned, price paid as a result people end up with unsatisfied needs or wants. All this is limited by the resource availability such as gift of nature, labor, tools etc. These supports the general definition of economics as a ...

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The Pegging Of China Yuan And Us Dollar Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,798 )

Introduction For the past 30 years, China's have changed their economy which from a centrally planned market system which didn't encourage the international trade to the more open-market orientated. The main idea of open market system is to encourage more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and also to develop their country private sector business. Since then China have become one of the major player in the world economy ...

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A Factor For Firm Formation Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,081 )

Firms are all around us and are the main expressers of economic activity in the modern capitalistic world. We observe firms being created, growing, evolving, expanding into new areas by merging with others but also remaining stable, declining, getting acquired and sometimes declaring bunkruptcy. It is clear that firms' activities vary a lot and as a result, multiple studies regarding them have been undertaken during the course ...

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Hyperinflation Is An Interesting Phenomenon Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,464 )

Hyperinflation is an interesting phenomenon that occurs circumstantially in different countries that might be a consequence of uncontemplated events, such as crisis, post-war period, social and economic instability. Hyperinflation seeps in every part of social and economic life of the country, compels political structures, business and financial institutions as well as population and every individual is involved as a component of this difficult process. To understand the ...

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Australia And The Global Financial Crisis Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,354 )

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was caused by various factors which impacted the Western world's economies. It resulted from providing too many loans to people who could not afford to repay the loan and the packaging up of loans to on-sell (securitisation in the USA). The greed of consumers, bad investments, rising property prices, the wide spread distribution of income, and the overall poor regulation of monies ...

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Factors Which Affect China House Prices Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,839 )

Abstract This paper will investigate the dynamic effects of fundamental factors on china house price. Also try to examine how housing prices react to adjustment when these factors change in short term. At the beginning of 2009, in response to the global crisis, Chinese government adopted a series of new land policiesâ‘ , I want to test whether these feedbacks change after new land policies were issued. I ...

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An Overview Of Military Expenditure Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

28 (11,003 )

Military expenditure and foreign direct investment have interrelationship between each other. Military expenditure has both positive and negative effect to the foreign investment as it depend on countries cases. One of the consequences of military expenditure to the economy of the countries is investment effect. The tradeoff between military expenditure and investment is an increase in the defense spending make higher government borrowing and thus absorb the ...

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Food And Beverage Sector Analysis

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,689 )

This study covers the time period of January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009. We used data for the 17 public food and beverage corporations traded on the London Stock Exchange. The data consists of closing prices on February 12, 2009, common share outstanding, PE and book value of PBIT, total revenue, operating income, equity and long term debt. The source for the closing price data is ...

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Differences between Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Happiness

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,986 )

Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product is a measure of the level of income yielded by an economy over a stipulated period - generally this time period varies between one quarter and a complete year depending upon the end period when data is published by the authoritative body. It is actually an estimation of the size of the market underlying the economy on the basis of goods ...

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Financial Regulation

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,714 )

Regulation in the financial sector The regulatory system is being accused of having failed to mitigate the recent cycle in leverage, credit expansion and housing prices. In effect, regulation provided little or no check and barrier to the decisions taken by banks and other financial operators aiming at profit maximisation. The paper questions if the basic objectives of financial regulation are well structured and what can be ...

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Aims And Objectives Of Primark Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,154 )

In June 1969, the first Penney's store opened in Mary Street, Dublin. Within a year, four more stores were added - all in the Greater Dublin area. In 1971, the first large store outside Dublin was opened in Cork and by the end of that year there were 11 more stores in Ireland and one in Northern Ireland. Move into Great Britain By 1973, the number of ...

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Demand And Supply Analysis Case Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,415 )

Hackney is a well-defined geographic area of a city. The area is composed exclusively of apartments and is populated by low-income residents. The people who live in the area tend to stay in that area because: They cannot afford to live in other areas of the city, They prefer to live with people of their own ethnic group, or There is discrimination against them in other areas ...

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Attempt To Allocate Resources Effectively Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,092 )

The paper discusses different types of economic systems like socialism, state economy, and other economic systems, assesses how each economic system attempts to allocate resources effectively, explains the UK government policies (namely monetary, fiscal, social, and competitive policies) and assesses the impact of all the above-mentioned policies on a chosen UK based organization. The paper describes market structure types (namely, perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and other ...

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Comparison of planned and free market economies

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,710 )

Compare and contrast a planned economy with a free market economy. Discuss why in reality most economies are mixed economies. SYSTEM OF THE FREE MARKET ECONOMY The background of this economy is private ownership and individual economic freedom, i.e. the market of this economy operates only on the demand and offer basis, when buyers and sellers by themselves decide what and how to manufacture (Corsi, C. et ...

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Important Issues Facing The European Union Today Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,596 )

The European Union is an integration of European states that encompasses different histories, institutions, political systems and economies. At present the EU boasts 27 member countries with a combined population of over 500 million. The creation of a single currency, the euro, has led these citizens to depend heavily on the union for the success of their respective economies. Furthermore, many others nations out with EU jurisdiction ...

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Deciding On An Effective Market Entry Strategy Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,653 )

International business refers to the performance of trade and investment activities by firms across national borders. Firms that participate in international business are Multinational Enterprises (MNE). International Trade refers to exchange of products and services across borders. This is done through the Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Companies pursue internationalization in order for them to increase the market size and profitability. 2.0 BACKGROUND Internationalization process model was developed ...

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The Crude Palm Oil Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,300 )

This research is to investigate the effect of economic variables Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and crude oil prices towards the price of crude palm oil in Malaysia in short-term and long-term relationship. It is can't be denied that, the economic growth in Malaysia is heavily dependent on the energy consumption, therefore it is very important for us to understand the effect of economic variables towards energy commodities. ...

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How does the government help small businesses

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,851 )

This essay will discuss how the government offers aid to all small businesses. In the current economic climate it is becoming increasingly difficult for small businesses to successfully set up and meet financial goals set by owners. It is fortunate however that here in the UK, the governement provides aid for small businesass, improving chances and encouraging others to set up. This aid may come in many ...

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How Could Demand Elasticity Lead To Pricing Decisions?

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,232 )

How Could the Knowledge of Demand Elasticity Lead to Make Pricing Decisions? Making pricing decisions - Price sensitivity is not just about charging high prices to maximize revenue. It might also relate to cut prices - sometimes dramatically - to encourage people who may otherwise not be part of the market to use the services or goods being provided. In business, it is like business of education, ...

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Recession And Expansionary Monetary Policy Of Australia Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (989 )

Introduction: Australia economy went through contraction in 2008-2009. however, since expansionary monetary policy was executed, Australia started to recover step by step. Business cycle refers to fluctuations in economic activity. The economy doesn't always stay still. It shifts over time between expansion and recession. In order to prevent economy from going too far from balance, the monetary authority of a country executes monetary policy. Monetary policy is ...

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Reduction Of Cigarette Consumption By The Uk Government Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,575 )

Cigarette smoking causes numerous externalities, which the UK government and health campaigners are trying to solve. For example, smoking may increase the risks of heart disease, lung cancer and asthma, It lead to higher healthcare and environmental costs, fire damage and loss of productivity. All these above result in numerous social costs in the UK. In order to tackle these problems, the UK policy makers have strictly ...

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Germany Competitiveness The Porters Diamond Context Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,894 )

Context for firm strategy and rivalry: Germany can be considered center of Europe both for its geographic and political position. This gives to Germany the possibility to lead the European market and to manage a relevant diversification of its internal economy; it means to create a hugely competitive business environment for German companies. The efficiency rate in German large and small companies is higher than international standards ...

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The Nature Of Managerial Economics Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,798 )

Managerial Economics is the intergration of/ bridges the gap between economic theory with/& business practice so as to facilitate decision making" Comment/ outline the nature and scope of Managerial Economics in light of this statement. Spencer and Siegelman have defined Managerial Economics as "the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision-making and forward planning by management." The above definitions suggest that ...

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Evaluating Porter’s Concept Of The ‘Diamond’

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,509 )

"Evaluate Porter's concept of the 'diamond' as a tool for analysing the competitive advantage of nations, assessing its theoretical coherence and empirical support." The contribution by Porter (1990) on the competitive advantage of nations has led to an extensive discussion among academics and practitioners on the sources of international competitiveness (Grant, 1991; Gray, 1991). However, in order to understand why so much emphasis is place on the ...

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Models Of Price And Wage Rigidities Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,844 )

Rigidity in general terms occurs when an object or state is constant for a certain period of time. From an economics point of view, rigidity can take the form of money wages, product price and even production functions (Corden 1978) just to name a few. In this paper, I will be focusing more on price and wage rigidities as they are the most common and have had ...

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Single Payer Healthcare System In The Us Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,963 )

Various countries have adopted a various types of health insurance systems to protect their citizens against the financial risks of medical needs and to facilitate easy access to appropriate medical care. Broadly health insurance systems are classified into: single-payer and multiple-payer systems. In single-payer systems, one organization-typically the government-collects and pools revenues and purchases health services for the entire population, while in multiple-payer systems several organizations carry ...

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Impact of rmb appreciation

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,391 )

Abstract Of Article: The yuan revaluation is a "double-edged sword," It gives us a positive impact: If the conditions to reduce the cost of imported products, so that the cost of mainland residents traveling abroad and study abroad would be lower, can reduce the external debt burden; also gave us a lot of problems: If not conducive to the export products of China's foreign trade enterprises, unemployment ...

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Overview Of Macroeconomic Performance Of Pakistan Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,030 )

The economic position of Pakistan does not show a very promising picture where most of the revenue still comes from the agriculture sector thereby making the country an agrarian economy, though this agricultural share has slightly declined over the period of time turning to 19.3 percent in the year 2005 decreasing from 21.7 in the year 2001. The economically active population too is only moderately less than ...

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Macroeconomic Concept Of The Multiplier In China Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,828 )

Currently, China's economic is growing rapidly. Living standard of the people has improved and urban & rural income has substantially improved. The balance of the household shaving is increasing year by year and china has maintained a high saving rate. The marginal propensity of consume trend to drop, which is extremely unfavorable for the future development of the country economy and it will directly affect the growth ...

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The current incentives and promotion for investments

23 Mar 2015

18 (6,835 )

As Malaysia is located in South East Asia, we think that it will be more relevant if we place focus more on this area due to location and environment contrast. Our study also includes countries from different parts and continents in the world to make our study more complete. South East Asia Malaysia Vietnam Singapore Thailand Philippines Asia Israel Taiwan Africa Kenya Europe North America United States ...

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Determinants of price elasticity of supply

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,102 )

The first determinant of price elasticity of supply is the existence of spare capacity. If there is high unit of stock in a company, it is able to respond to the change in demand quickly by supplying the stock to the market without raising the price. Then, the supply will be elastic. As example, the stocks in warehouse. It can be supply to the market quickly when ...

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The Relationship between productivity and standard of living

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,425 )

Usually, when it comes to "standard of living", we are prone to consider whether we are well off. Basic necessities such as adequate food, clothing and housing are fundamental to wellbeing. We merely ask people: "How is your standard of living today?" because it is an economic concept generally measured by standards such as real income per person and poverty rate. In addition, there are also other measures ...

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The Introduction Of The Alcopops Tax Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,084 )

Some economists argue that one of the key political motivations for the introduction of the alcopops tax is to correct for the negative externalities which abusers of alcopops impose on society. Using diagram(s) discuss how a tax on alcopops can correct for negative externalities associated with excessive consumption of alcopops. Answer A high rate of tax imposed on alcohols is because of the removal of negative externalities ...

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Foreign Direct Investment In The United Arab Emirates Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,542 )

The purpose of this study is to examine and critically evaluate the economic environment for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the United Arab Emirates. We elaborated this by examining the growth and direction of FDI in the UAE, by defining different forms of FDI's and the industries and sectors that they have invested in the UAE. We also look into the theoretical implication and government policies and ...

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Trends In The Uk Labour Markets Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,779 )

External Influences; Technology, Nature of Business Activity, Transport, Social Trends (Highest worklessness household rate since 1999), Migration Government; NI, Legislation, Tax, Benefits Trade Unions; Degree of Power, Membership, Trade Unions 6.1 Readers want to know some of the background of the subject, which would form the theme of your report. 6.2 If the report has been designed to solve a 'problem', the history of the 'problem' should ...

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The Importance of National Policies

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,648 )

Nowadays, Urbanization and globalization concepts are very significant talks in this world. Thus, in National Policies, implementation is very important aspect to carry out their activities effectively. Further, due to the increasing development activities and revisits the weaknesses, limitations and lapses in past policies in Government national development policies implementation, these are very important in the comparison of rural development performance between national policies and Government mechanism. ...

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Policy Of Land Acquisition In India Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,955 )

Land Acquisition has been a burning issue in the domain of public policy of independent India .though it never left the realm of public attention and academic discussions, it enjoyed increased public attention in the last few years. It is in this context that government decided to introduce Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011(LARR 2011) in place of Land Acquisition Act of 1894. Land acquisition by ...

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Factors that motivate foreign direct investment

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,106 )

Foreign direct investment is an increasing commercial trend in today's commercial world. More and more capital is flowing from developed countries to the developing countries. Awareness among the companies about the potential of the overseas markets especially the developing markets has given boost to the flight of capital from developed world to the developing world. Companies, products and services which were once available or heard in developed ...

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Tax cuts and the economy during a recession

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,294 )

The Economy during a Recession The effects of the Great Depression revealed the weak areas with in the market system. There was little output from factories and many business's were failing and shut down. This caused a depletion of available jobs. Around this era, the government played only a small role in the intervention of the downturn. There were few government assistance programs to help the people ...

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The Effect Of Demand On Nokia And Samsung

23 Mar 2015

3 (843 )

Nokia N86 and Samsung Innov8 demanded will be affected due to the change in quantity demand and change in demand. The quantity demanded is also affected by the non-price determinant, namely, income, price of related goods, taste and preference, future expectation of price and number of consumers. These factors will cause the demand curve shift right or left; however, the changes in price factor will cause the ...

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Policy and natural Barriers to Trade

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,957 )

Non-tariff barriers are the set of trade distorting measures and policies other than tariffs. In a narrow sense, non-tariff measures are quantitative restrictions that are explicitly recognized as trade barriers, such as quotas. In a broader sense non-tariff measures include unfair measures or misuse of policies such as technical barriers to trade and unfair government policies. Other non-tariff barriers include illegal practices and violations of the current ...

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Train As An Innovation Of The Transport Industry Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,571 )

This report will explore the train as an innovation with the market structure of the transport industry being examined; taking into account the factors associated with innovation. Competition prior to the introduction of the train and the nature of that which exists between companies within the industry now will be analysed. Since the initial innovation of the steam train; there have been many developments leading to the ...

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Determinants In Price Elasticity Of Supply Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,639 )

(Geoff Riley et al. 2006) There are determinants in price elasticity of supply. One of the determinants is time period. In time period, it is divided into short run and long run. Short run is meant by a period of time short enough so that the quantity of one or more factors of production used to produce a specific good cannot be changed. The place capacity of ...

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European Steel Industry A Swot Analysis Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,182 )

The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that can be used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that are involved in a business organization, a project or an industry. The SWOT Analysis tool can be used very effectively for an in-depth industry analysis that can throw light on the critical factors that are needed for the growth and sustainability of the industry in spite ...

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Subprime mortgage crisis

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,133 )

Dissertation. Housing Market and Sub-prime Crisis: Insight into its Operations, Causes and Effects Abstract Subprime mortgage crisis has caused the economies of the US and UK to slowdown and enter recession by the beginning of 2009. This study investigates the causes and effects of the subprime mortgage crisis and explores securitisation operations and their role in the economic catastrophe. Economic boom in the 2000's created a housing ...

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The Socio Cultural Forces Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,082 )

As discussed earlier also, the Al Ain Diary is planning to expand its business overseas market of Germany by launching its new camel product within the foreign country. Thus, the launching of new products in the new market gave rise to development of the new international strategy which requires the external environmental analysis of the Germany market in comparison to the UAE market. The business environmental analysis ...

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Relationship between exchange rate and trade balance in Norway

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,414 )

1.1 Background of Norway economy Norway is a modern Europe country with officially name is Kingdom of Norway. According to the World Bank, Norway Gross Domestic Product for year 2010(estimate) is worth $433.304 million dollars, so Norwegians enjoy the third largest GDP per capita in the world. Norway is a country richly endowed with natural resources-petroleum and gas, hydropower, fish, forest and minerals. As a result, Norway ...

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Uk Supermarket Price Competition And Non Price Competition Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,342 )

The British supermarket is dominated by four main suppliers, Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda and Morrison which formed a large retail market chain in the UK for several years. This is called oligopoly market [Oligopoly Watch, 2003]. According to (2009), an oligopoly is a market controlled by a few number of bulky firms which are interdependent. First of all, four main groceries in the UK have high degree ...

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Economic and Social impact of income inequality

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,472 )

Globalisation has revolutionised the world in many great ways. Heshmati (2003) defined globalisation as the free movements of goods, services, and capital across countries, thus, enabling individuals and organisations to connect with the world in a faster and more economical way as compared to before. However, the rapid growth of globalisation can also be viewed from a different perspective; as they say there are two sides of ...

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Existence Of Non Price Competition Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,039 )

1.0 Introduction In the progress of doing this project,I understand that microeconomics is the study of individual economic units where we will use it in our daily lives.We will learn how to meet the organization goals with limited resources with the better understanding of the economic concepts and theories.Besides that,we can also learn basic economics and have a better understanding of the economics of the market place.Through ...

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Key Factors That Stimulate Economic Growth Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,555 )

Firstly, one of the main determinants is capital. As a result, an increase in capital through investment will increase output. Investment will only raise output depending on the productivity of this new capital which is called marginal efficiency of capital. Physical capital is essential as workers are more productive and they are able to work more quickly and accurately by having the right tools. Furthermore, the quality ...

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The Economic Impact Of The One-Child Policy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,857 )

The One-Child Policy helped China to raise its economic growth in the past decades. China was able to control the rate of the population growth lower than the rate of the GDP growth, and thus the GDP per capita increases dramatically in the past decades. In regression model 1, over 53% of the economic growth can be explained by the policy; in regression model 2, over 74% ...

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Money neutrality A central issue in Monetary Economics

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,197 )

This essay discusses neutrality of money as a central premise in monetary economics. It conceptualizes and looks at how neutrality of money has influenced various macroeconomic schools of thought. More specifically, the essay focuses on how money supply and demand has continually influenced the major macroeconomic schools of thought. Monetary economics is a subset of macroeconomics and the former is best discussed with emphasis on specific macroeconomic ...

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Why The Diamond Cartel Is So Long Lasting Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,485 )

First, in the area of producing, De Beers controls approximately 45% of the global production, because it cooperates with African producers in Botswana, Angola, and Namibia (which are the top 8 diamond producing countries) through the strategy that offers De Beers` capital and expertise to its partners. Moreover, in exchange, because of relatively stable prices, guaranteed purchases, and little competition, producers prefer the traditional benefits of a ...

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Analysis Of Japanese FDI In Thai Automotive Industry

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,211 )

The objective of this paper is to analyze Japanese FDI in Thai automotive industry. The paper starts with brief history of how Thai automotive industry started and become one of the most important automotive producer and exporter in ASEAN market and Japanese market. Thai automotive industry has strong domestic market and international markets that support the industry. Export of vehicles has increased dramatically after the joining of ...

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Inflation Controlling In Vietnam In 2011 Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,553 )

Vietnam accelerated its economic reform since early 2000s and achieved many important results. While enjoying a high economic growth rate, averaging of about 7% annually, the country maintains well its macroeconomic stability. Yearly inflation rate of the country had been kept at one digit for up to the year 2007. This inflation rate may not be of special in developed countries, however t it is an evidence ...

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Overview Of Mcdonalds And Its Mission Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,716 )

The founders of this fast food chain were Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonalds Corporation, Jim Skinner, CEO, Michael J. Roberts (President/COO) and Ronald McDonald, Corporate Mascot. Today it is spread across 119 countries with a count of 54 million customers per day. This fast food chain also operated other brands like Aroma Café, Boston Market, Chipotle Mexican Grill and Donatos Pizza and McCafe's. By Wikipedia History of ...

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An analysis of japans tobacco company

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,088 )

Japan Tobacco is the world's third-largest tobacco company. It is part of the Nikkei 225 index. In 2009 the company was listed at number 312 on the Fortune 500 list. The company is headquartered in Tokyo. JT's domestic tobacco business continues to maintain a significant competitive position in the Japanese market, and the international tobacco business is delivering remarkable performance as the driver of profit growth for ...

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Starbucks Coffee As A Veblen Good In Jakarta Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,220 )

For my research to obtain my information for the essay, I visited 5 star bucks outlets in different parts of Jakarta and conducted a survey in each outlet by asking customers their opinion towards star bucks coffee. 50 customers cooperated in filling the survey to help me out with my essay. The outcome of the surveys have been analyzed to determine whether star bucks coffee is a ...

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Southeast Asian Sweatshops High Cost for Low Price

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,703 )

What does a Nike running shoe, L.L. Bean knapsack, and a pair of Abercrombie and Fitch jeans have in common? Other than being important material items that make our everyday lives in first world nations easier, all of the companies aforementioned produce these goods by outsourcing to third world nations. Though these brand names may originate in a developed country (for example Abercrombie's origin was New York, ...

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Private And Private Sector In Economic Development Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,435 )

The private sector is one of the dominant features in developing the country and also regarded as the major engine of growth and seen as the driving force behind employment growth, which is expected to generate increased levels of productive employment to absorb the rapidly growing labor force. Given this strategic importance of the private sector in generating employment opportunities, the sector's role and relevance are examined ...

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Foreign Aid And Economic Growth In Haiti Economics Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,308 )

Most literatures focused on the determinants of economic growth in developing countries is based on cross- country analysis and thus yield some patterns that hold on average. This paper is engaging; because it focuses mainly on the determinants of growth in Haiti, with emphasis on aid, it states the possibilities of achieving economic growth and stability in the Haitian economy. By applying the standard neoclassical growth model, ...

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Examining the controversy surrounding the WTO Agricultural Agreement

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,769 )

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization designed by its founders to supervise and liberalize international trade replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1947. The World Trade Organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements. ...

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