Purpose of Economics and Price Mechanisms

01 Dec 2017

10 (3,731 )

Task 1 Describe ‘economics’, the purpose of its activities and identify economic problem. Economic system is a system aim for producing, distributing and consuming goods and services. It includes the combination of the various institutions, agencies, consumers, entities that comprise the economic structure of a given society or community. Furthermore, it also includes how these agencies and institutions are related to each other, how ...

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Role of Government in Context of Globalization of Innovation

01 Dec 2017

6 (2,084 )

Kuldeep Changia   Abstract Section II: Role of Government in promotion of Innovation The innovation system in India has been predominantly grown under the umbrella of state support and leadership. The state has been both the creator and promoter of innovation in the country, gradually broadening and deepening their support for innovation in the private sector ...

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Comparison of Real Estate Appraisal Approaches

01 Dec 2017

7 (2,619 )

Introduction hypothesis, Rationale Real estate appraisal is not only important to property buyers but also have great influence on the decision making process for other parties, such as the real estate agencies, financing departments, insurance company and the government. Marshall (1920) “merged supply-cost theory with demand-price theory, which forms the basis for modern-day value theory”. “His writings provided the theoretical basis for the three basic approaches ...

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Strategies for Currency Crisis'

01 Dec 2017

8 (3,165 )

1. Introduction The currency and financial crises of the nineties, as well as the last crisis in Turkey have shown that the international financial system is highly susceptible to interference. The reasons for this are complex nature and have been intensively discussed in many papers. I would like to focus my brief opinion entirely on the macroeconomic dimension of the problem. This raises above all the ...

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Approaches to Analysing Gross Domestic Product

01 Dec 2017

5 (1,862 )

Global Gross Domestic Product The global Gross Domestic Product is the collective gross national product of all the countries in the world. Gross Domestic Product =Private expenditure + Gross Investment + Government Consumption + (Exports−Imports) The global Gross Domestic Product is the total of market value of all acceptably recognized final goods and services produced within a country throughout a year or a given period of time. Gross Domestic Production value the ...

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Cambodia's Garment Industry | Analysis

01 Dec 2017

9 (3,514 )

Introduction The export of Cambodia is the main sector and the heart of the country economy and in order to promote economic growth, provide more jobs for people, and also provide any other benefit from year to year. The exports of the country are many products such as the cereal export; the vehicles, the rubber and many others think that we can export to ...

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Effect of Children on Household Budget

01 Dec 2017

4 (1,435 )

Other Household-related Determinants According to the life cycle theory and permanent income hypothesis, demographic variables such as age, household structure, employment and education attainment and other factors which could potentially affect income and/or consumption, would more or less have impact on household saving behavior. As Modigliani and Brumberg (1954) suggest, households save during middle-ages when income is relative high and dissave after retirement. Nevertheless, ...

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Development of China's Economics

01 Dec 2017

11 (4,078 )

CHINA 2014 Table of Contents 1. Is China a developing country? 2. Theories/ Models of Growth and Development Applied on China 2.1. Rostow’s Stages of Growth 2.2. The Harrod-Domar Model Growth Model 2.3. Lewis’s Theory of Development 2.4. Structural Change and Pattern of Development 2.5. International Dependence Revolution 2.6. Neoclassical Counterrevolution 2.7. Coordination Failure and the Big Push 3. Poverty in China 3.1. Headcount ...

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Malaysia's Responses to Inflation

01 Dec 2017

4 (1,297 )

The ongoing subsidy rationalisation and the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Malaysia inevitably led to a spike in inflation. In response to the growing concern among Malaysians over the rising cost of living, the Addressing the Rising Cost of Living National Key Result Area (COL NKRA) was introduced in July 2011 to help ease the burden of the country’s working and middle ...

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Productive Allocative and Distributional Efficiency

01 Dec 2017

5 (1,614 )

Productive allocative and distributional efficiency in an economy   Introduction Within an economy, there is a possibility that the factors of production of a set of commodities are fixed. When this condition is arrives, tradeoffs takes center stage in order to distribute the available resources effectively. At a point where the distribution of resources is maximizing the production and that there is no surplus or stretch ...

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Diamond of Sustained Growth | China

01 Dec 2017

10 (3,850 )

Florence Huang Global Perspectives on Enterprise Systems Professor George D. Smith China’s Shaky Path Ahead According to The Diamond of Sustained Growth by Smith, Sylla and Wright, there are four essential components in growing and sustaining a growing economy: a stable government focused on economic growth, a strong financial system, vibrant entrepreneurship and sophisticated managerial ability. Each of these blocks not only ...

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India's Retail Market: An Analysis

01 Dec 2017

9 (3,314 )

GLOBAL OUTLOOK:- The global apparel sector consists of covering clothing textiles, footwear, luxury and accessories cover the whole of the market and this resulted to $2,560 trillion in 2010 approximately. The apparel, luxury goods, accessories cover over 55% of the whole market and further is expected to generate $3,180 billion till 2015 which will show a yearly growth of 4%. The global apparel industry is continuing ...

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Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) Essay

01 Dec 2017

8 (2,836 )

CHAPTER II This chapter will provides us with an understanding of the conceptual basis and operation of a Tax treaty; It will explain what a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) is and why we need them; We will also look at the history of the development of DTAs; We will examine the role of a Model DTA; The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; Will ...

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Education and Job Satisfaction Relationship

01 Dec 2017

4 (1,223 )

1. Introduction Underlined concept of the growth strategies of countries is whether the economic growth creates employment or not. Employment generating growth certainly contains both financial and real investments. According to recent researches, when we consider how economies create employment with respect to the education levels of employees, we can observe the increasing rate in unemployment of well educated people. Either in Europe or in Turkey, ...

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Calculating GDP and National Income of the US

01 Dec 2017

5 (1,895 )

Executive Summary The economy of both the country effect the GDP of the US. I also wrote about national income and the way to calculate national income . The growth of GDP in the US is because the good and services that is exported. What causes the growth of of GDP increase when both of the country economic grow rapidly . Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such ...

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Analysis of Agency Theory

29 Nov 2017

4 (1,454 )

Agency theory is one of the most important concepts of the business areas especially financial economics. Because of its importance, this theory is included in most of the introductory chapters of the modern financial economics books and publications. It is commonly cited as one of the key areas for progress and improvement of the modern financial economics. Moreover, its assumptions provide wide explanations for crucial business ...

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Effects of Globalization on Business

29 Nov 2017

4 (1,277 )

Introduction Globalization indicates to the entire exertion towards making the world worldwide group as a one town. Products that were just found in western nations can now be found over the globe. Presently immature ranges can appreciate the advantages of experimental advances and mechanical advancement accessible in created nations for the change and development of their regions. Because of globalization the economies of the world are ...

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Impact of Native Americans on the Economy

29 Nov 2017

5 (1,602 )

Alec Hallman   1.The most popular narratives taught in our public schools are that Native American economies were strictly hunter-gathering and bartering. While this was part of the truth, some Native American economies were highly developed prior to European colonization. Gary Nash remarks that there were "striking differences", between the levels of economic development of different tribes[1]. The Pueblo people in the southwest had ...

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Minimum Wage: Costs and Benefits

29 Nov 2017

5 (1,766 )

MINIMUM WAGE: COSTS AND BENEFITS INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION OF MINIMUM WAGE The concept of minimum wage has been an age long economic debate that has broadened economists’ horizon into examining both its costs and benefits. The whole concept behind minimum wage basically deals with how the welfare of workers in a country, state or geographical region can best be improved upon. Since the premiere of the ...

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Economic Impact of US Shale Gas Extraction on ST

29 Nov 2017

4 (1,224 )

Chapter 1 Research Question and Research Methodology This study was commissioned by Stolthaven Terminals (ST) to explore the potential economic impact of US shale gas extraction on ST’s business development strategy. The business development team’s preliminary assessment of the impact of US shale gas on ST’s business demonstrates a possibility for US LPG exports to fill unmet global LPG demand, primarily in Asia. This paper generates ...

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Wealth Distribution in the US

29 Nov 2017

7 (2,600 )

United States of America consists of 50 states and one federal district, with capital in Washington. Unites States has the largest economy in the world, with a nominal GDP of $ 16.8 trillion by the year 2013.[1] The U.S. is a big producer of oil and largest producer of natural gas. It has the second place in the trade after China.[2] Moreover U.S. is the largest ...

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India’s Gender Balance in Economic Participation

29 Nov 2017

9 (3,209 )

CHAPTER V: HARNESS POTENTIAL Hypothesis Validation There is no doubt about India’s ongoing demographic dividend which is evident in its youth bulge. However to translate this huge potential in to a labour force that will boost the country’s economic growth is a challenge that India’s policy makers face. Our analysis, drawn from facts as presented in the preceding chapters bring out our inability as a nation ...

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Remittances for Developing Countries

29 Nov 2017

5 (1,935 )

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Background Remittance is a major source of external funding for developing nations. It has been an important source of migrant workers in countries suffering from labour shortage, and it also helps these countries in building up their foreign exchange reserve that help them to meet the balance of payments and help stabilize the value of the local currency against the ...

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Impact of Conglomerate Ownership on Cultural Industries

29 Nov 2017

6 (2,377 )

Cultural industries are a major source of generating information and knowledge in societies. The concentration in ownership over them, in the recent years by private corporate houses has brought in changes, in the way they operate and function in society. In this article, we see why cultural industries are important, what the functions carried out by them are and how they are affected by the conglomerate ...

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Energy Trading Relationship of Iraq and India

29 Nov 2017

6 (2,317 )

Statement of the Problem The economic openness is the reality of today’s developed world. The asymmetrical distribution of resources and factor of production has required the economist and social scientists for mutual interaction and trade cooperation for the development of the global economy. The trade and economic cooperation between the two countries is more important these days because of the essential for formulating a feasible and ...

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Determining Rates of Interest in the Money Market

29 Nov 2017

8 (2,957 )

Section 3 (60 marks) Explain in detail how interest rates are determined in the money market. Examine the likely consequences for the macroeconomy of a reduction in the rate of interest and highlight the factors that might limit the effects. This essay is going to demonstrate how the rate of interest is determined in the money market. It will examine the impact that a reduction ...

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Consumption in the Automobile Industry

29 Nov 2017

3 (1,152 )

Yu Dai   “I don’t need it but I want it, why shouldn’t I have it?” In the documentary No Impact Man, the heroine Michelle questioned her husband Colin who had proposed the environmental protection project. The question, simple while indeed stated with logical precision, involves significant issues. From the economic perspective, this situation is described as hovering between personal motivations and consumer values ...

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Market Trends of UK Iron and Steel

29 Nov 2017

5 (1,818 )

Basic Iron and steel in UK – Analysis Headlines UK’s basic iron and steel market contracted by 6.8% to £10.6 billion in 2013 as prices of steel declined due to the overcapacity in steel production Industry of structural metal products increased its purchase of steel due to the growing private housing sector in UK in 2013 Motor vehicles, trailer and semi-trailers decreased their share of ...

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Potential of Micro Insurance in Developing Countries

28 Nov 2017

4 (1,528 )

Kishunkumar Buddha     ABSTRACT The strong growth of microinsurance markets in recent years has increasingly helped provide a tool for poor communities to diminish the risks they face. Microinsurance already covers around 135 million people, but that is only 5% of the potential market (Lloyds, 2009). Besides being a source of finance for the poor, there are several benefits for the main suppliers ...

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Gender Discrimination in the MENA Labour Market

28 Nov 2017

4 (1,289 )

A) Gender Discrimination: Female’s employment in the MENA region is lower in correlation with other countries of the world. There are different illustrations with respect to this outcome, regardless there's one factor of which captures this inconvenience, which is gender discrimination in some way or another. Gender discrimination is being a questionable issue around the world; there are associations and activists who are trying to manage ...

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Public Sector Organisational Effectiveness Research

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,826 )

Table of Contents Introduction: Public Value: Ipsos MORI’s ‘six oppositions’ in British behaviour and opinions in ‘Blair’s Britain’ Parent and children v Adult-to-Adult: Individual v Community: Having it all v Tough choices: Consumers v Citizens: Small club v Big tent: Turned-off v Clued-up: Competing Value Framework (CVF): Conclusion: References: Introduction: The ‘Public Value’ approach has fast become an established (if as yet minority) approach to assessing ...

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Country Analysis of Canada

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,635 )

Canada in Numbers Nicholas Hatley   Our northern neighbor of Canada provides for us as we provide for them. In terms of trade, we are their biggest partners and both together or individually, reign supreme as dominant forces in the world’s economy. In terms of employment and jobs, Canada is mainly composed of service industries. Nearly three quarters of the population are enrolled in ...

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Comparison of Self Employment: Immigrants and Canadians

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,878 )

Literature There are numerous researches to analyze the propensity of the self employment between immigrants and Canadians. Some studies, reported that demographic characteristics are associate with the choice of self employment. Li (2001) underlined the important role of socio-demographic factors to choose being self-employment with the help of the 1980 to 1995 Canadian longitudinal immigration data base. The results are as follows. Some socio-demographic factors, such ...

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A Public Firm in a Vertically Linked Spatial Duopoly

28 Nov 2017

8 (2,801 )

A Public Firm in a Vertically Linked Spatial Duopoly with Price Discrimination We show that, in a vertically linked duopoly where neither firm can produce all varieties demanded, spatial competition between a public and private firm induces them to deviate from the socially optimum location. We identify specific conditions under which a change in the degree of privatization induces one firm to move toward, while the ...

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Investigating Capital Mobility

28 Nov 2017

4 (1,550 )

Literature review There are two main approaches to investigate the capital mobility. The first approach comprises a structural model based on the direct comparison of the rates of return on physical capital across countries (Obstfeld, 1985). This approach involves controlling for a number variables including inflation, expected inflation, currency fluctuations, expected appreciation or depreciation, political risk, tax rates, transaction costs, capital controls, investor preferences ...

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Effectiveness of Foreign Aid | An Analysis

28 Nov 2017

6 (2,170 )

Abstract Critics of foreign aid contend that much of it is ineffective or even hinders development. They argue that risk aversion—being concerned more with disbursing funds than achieving results—discourages local innovation and that a presumption that funders and their professional staff know which strategies will succeed discourages local learning. They maintain as well that the aid system is cumbersome, costly to administer, difficult to explain, and ...

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History of Australia's Economy and Fiscal Policies

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,907 )

  For the past two decades the Australian economy has performed extraordinarily in contrast to the global economic conditions during this period, and in the context of Australian economic growth since the 1950’s (Fenna, 2013). For example, since the 1990 recession the Australian economy experienced a sustained period of growth while enduring three major international economic disruptions including: the 1997 Asian financial crisis; the 2000 “dotcom” ...

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Overview of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,900 )

ZHENG YU With the development of economy, globalization has become an irreversible trend. For developing countries, the globalization of trade has a dual character, not only can provide an unprecedented opportunity for them but also bring them a lot of challenges. Carbon tariffs can using supply and demand to changed developing countries’ industrial structure also can inhibit the development due to the huge expenses. ...

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Phillip Morris International Economic Analysis

28 Nov 2017

9 (3,435 )

  VARINA GLENDA VAZ YADAV PRIYAM SANJEEV   Introduction Marlboro is a cigarette brand owned by the Altria Group in USA and by Philip Morris International outside USA. Hence, in Singapore the company is under Philip Morris International (PMI). The company emerged in England in 1847 and targeted female customers. Later in 1920, it emerged in US markets targeting mainly women smokers. During ...

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Regional Integration Impact: EU’s Single Market Programme

28 Nov 2017

3 (1,066 )

This assignment looks at the short-run and long-run impact of regional integration (RI), specifically European Union’s Single Market Programme. Regional integration is characterised by the free trade and factor mobility within the member states while leaving the barriers to trade unchanged with the rest of the world. (Walz, 1997). The European Community (EC) was first form of regional integration in Europe; it was the governance of ...

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Outsourcing: Advantages and Disadvantages

28 Nov 2017

6 (2,120 )

Abstract With the rapid rise of globalization, the challenge of global outsourcing today is not "Why outsource and what?" But "How to outsource?" Today's theme is "Let's get it right the first time." Barriers to outsourcing companies are own mentalities, local regulations and the robustness of their internal processes. Domain knowledge in many industries has gone totally global. Sri Lanka is becoming a global IT-BPO destination ...

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Stabilizing Monetary Rates in the Economy

28 Nov 2017

11 (4,218 )

Introduction- This assignment has a clear motive to delve into the subject of policy making which has so far remained the major thrust for all economists. Part A offers the role to study the job of an economist in an organisation and enables us in understanding the ways of perceiving various policies that govern global developmental parameters. Part B and C guide us into understanding the ...

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Overview of Keynesian Economics and Revolution

28 Nov 2017

5 (1,866 )

1.0 Introduction Keynesian Economics is an economics theory which developed by John Maynard Keynes, a British economist. Keynesian Economics’ theory was based on a circular flow of money, which refers to the idea that when spending increases in an economy, earnings also increase, which can lead to even more spending and earnings. Keynes' ideas have spawned numerous interventionist economic policies during the Great Depression. Keynesian Economics’ ...

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1997 Asian Financial Crisis and China

28 Nov 2017

6 (2,361 )

As being one of the few survivors of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, People’s Republic of China presents an impressive economic growth receiving global attention in the last two decades. It has economically continued to have an annual growth of 9 percent for more than thirty years (Lin, 2012) and maintained an average four times better than the OECD countries since 2000 (Singh Puri, 2010). Together ...

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Economic Impact of Wars

28 Nov 2017

6 (2,268 )

The Broken Window Fallacy- Are Wars good for the Economy It is often considered an enduring myth that wars are somewhat beneficial towards the economy; however in the contemporary world we indeed see a great deal of evidence to fuel this myth. In fact after all World War II came directly after the Great Depression of 1930. A standard explanation that substantiates the validity of the ...

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Literature Review: Theories of Economic Growth

28 Nov 2017

8 (3,183 )

Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This section on literature review is subdivided into four subsections. The first part is on the theories of Economic Growth, the second part is on the theoretical literature showing the relationship between economic growth and financial development, the third part is the empirical review and lastly the causality is discussed. 2.2 The Theories of Economic Growth In the contemporary literature ...

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Principles of Economics

28 Nov 2017

10 (3,818 )

GROUP MEMBERS: Lai Kah Mun Lee Jin Yuan Lim Qin Wei Loh Wen Yan   Introduction Economics has contributed greatly to every aspect of human life especially to the development of civilization. It is one of the oldest social sciences that study the economic activity of people for the purpose of satisfying their needs and demands which are basically the reason ...

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Investigation of Market Structures

28 Nov 2017

8 (3,121 )

Investigate a range of market structures ( 1.1 + 1.2 ) Type of Monopolies : Pure Monopoly : One firm dominates the market and can maintain this because of high barriers to entry Natural Monopoly : One firm is able to supply the entire market at a lower cost than two or more firms Natural Monopoly Definition: A monopoly describes a situation where all ...

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Analysis of IMF Report 2014

28 Nov 2017

8 (3,103 )

ANALYSIS OF STAFF REPORT ON COMMON POLICIES FOR MEMBER STATES OF WESTERN AFRICAN ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION (WAEMU) IMF REPORT 2014 MEER A.P.R ROLL; 047 UID: 131403 SYBA SYNOPSIS The March 2014 IMF staff report for the West African Economic and Monetary Union was prepared with the objective of tracing the economic growth and development of these countries and to suggest changes in policy measures. The ...

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Should People Take Advantage of Market Forces?

28 Nov 2017

7 (2,662 )

Whether people should take advantage of market forces In modern society, the forces of the market become more and more important, because most of the world economy is market economy. Harberger (2002) argues that people should harness these forces of market so as to benefit the society. However, not all the forces of market are benefit to people, they are divided into the powerful forces, such ...

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Investment in Renewable Energy Decision

24 Nov 2017

8 (2,981 )

Situation B Cindy for Situation B, is considering to invest into the industry of renewable energy. She is examining into one segment of the industry to endow in, which is that of contracting the setting up of panels of solar. Cindy is acquainted that businesses and families are saving money by turning to solar for their needs of power. In addition to there are government supported ...

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Monotonic Transformation of Utility Function

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,124 )

WHY TAKING A MONOTONIC TRANSFORMATION OF A UTILITY FUNCTION DOES NOT CHANGE THE MARGINAL RATE OF SUBSTITUTION Utility is the ability to satisfy certain wants and needs. It is considered an essential concept in economics because, it shows the satisfaction received from the consumption of a good or service, and it also considered to be a method of assigning a number to every consumption bundle, such that ...

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Tim Hardford: Economy Theories Analysis

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,706 )

The Logic of Life This book was written by Tim Harford. He is an economist, journalist, broadcaster, a father to three children and a husband. He is the author of the books, “The Undercover Economist” that sold 1 million copies worldwide in 30 languages, “The Logic of life”, “Dear Undercover Economist”, “Adapt”, and “The Undercover Economist Strikes Back”. Tim is a senior columnist of the ...

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How Does Forbes Decide the Most Innovative Company?

24 Nov 2017

8 (3,130 )

BOUALEM Lila – CHELOBANOVA Vassilissa – KHALIL Sabine – ZAHED Salma EIM 4 2013-2014 Summary Introduction I-Forbes selection criteria: 1) Culture 2) Collaborators 3) Processes 4) Patents 5) The results II-The most innovative companies 1) The Top 5 companies in the classification 2) The strength of these companies Comment protègent-elles leurs innovation III-An ever changing ranking: 1) Google & Apple examples 2) How to ...

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India's Electricity Market Analysis

24 Nov 2017

12 (4,431 )

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION TO DEREGULATED ELECTRICITY MARKETS In the last few decades, electricity markets world-wide are being transformed from highly regulated Government controlled markets into deregulated and competitive markets. The traditional vertically integrated electric utility structure of yester-years has been replaced by a deregulated and competitive market scheme in many countries worldwide (Li et al., 2007). The main objective of electricity market restructuring ...

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Alan Greenspan's Role in Financial Deregulation

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,629 )

In October 2008, almost three years after stepping down as Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Alan Greenspan, also known as the Maestro, admitted in a Congressional hearing that he had been “partially” wrong in assuming that lending institutions would act in the best interest of their shareholders (Greenspan 2009), thus deflecting blame for the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) that led to the collapse of ...

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Protection for Sale (PFS) Model Analysis

24 Nov 2017

7 (2,449 )

The Grossman - Helpman's "Protection for Sale'' model is adopted in this paper for several reasons. First, the PFS model provides clear predictions for the cross-sectoral structure of the tariff protection. Second, the model states that the cross-sectional differences in protection can be explained by three variables: if the industry is organized or not, import penetration ratio, and import demand elasticity. Those variables introduce a background ...

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Overview and Analysis of TARGET System

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,731 )

WHAT is the TARGETT system? Institutional structure Participation in the system Categories of transactions processed Hours of operation (opening) Pricing principles Execution of payments transaction s cross-border Procedures implemented Interconnection System Procedures at end of day SUPPLY intraday liquidity Intraday borrowing in the euro area Intraday credits outside the euro area From Target to Target 2 The principal innovations of Target 2 Target 2 balances Introduction ...

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Budget Deficit and Current Deficit in India Relationship

24 Nov 2017

10 (3,819 )

This section presents the theoretical framework and method of research to be employed in this research work. This will show the theory that provides the framework for the analysis of the causal link between the budget deficit and the current deficit of India. Also, explained here is the model to be used, technique of estimation, data sources and measurement. 3.2 Theoretical Framework. Economic reasoning for connection ...

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Influence of Yu’ebao on the Chinese Banking Industry

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,002 )

Due to factors of system and policy, traditional banks are at the core of finance services. However, with the deepening of reform in all fields, a group of Internet companies represented by Alibaba gradually entered into the financial industry through the Internet. They hastened the adjustment and innovation of financial policies and systems, and significantly impacted traditional financial services. The aggregation effect and the butterfly effect ...

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Effects of Over-Education on Economic Growth

24 Nov 2017

8 (2,967 )

CHAPTER 1 THE EFFECTS OF OVEREDUCATION ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN MALAYSIA 1.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the research background, problem statement, research objectives and research questions. This study also discusses the contribution in ensuring continuous improvement in economic growth in Malaysia. This section will discuss the importance of education in the formation of human capital and the impact of overeducation to economic growth. 1.2Background Study Education ...

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Analysis of Development in Bangladesh

24 Nov 2017

10 (3,846 )

Country Report: Bangladesh Course Name: Development Economics Course Instuctor: Mehwish Ghulam Ali Group Members: Hina Naz Nagi Hina Jawed Palwala Abdul Ahad Aishah Siddiqui Saad Khan Contents Millennium Development Goals: Development Indicators: Industrial Analysis Economic Analysis Employment and Dependence on Formal and Informal Sector Urban Informal Sector Population Growth and its Implications Population Control Policies Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration Poverty in Bangladesh Poverty Trap ...

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Analysis of Mancur Olson's Economic Theory

24 Nov 2017

8 (2,959 )

Why did Mancur Olson conclude that only institutions matter for long-run growth? How far do you agree with him? According to Olson (1996), the large difference in per capita income can be explained through various reasons. These reasons are the differences in terms of access to the world’s stock of productive knowledge , the ratio of population to land or natural resources, the quality of marketable ...

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Australian Housing Market Review Analysis

24 Nov 2017

10 (3,847 )

The main theme of the current article, “Australian Housing Market Review,” by Amhem Investment Management, November 2012 is to analyze the relationship between the housing ownership and the demographic structure of Australia, it also emphasizes the factors which impact on the ownership of houses and the reason for overvaluation of houses in Australia. Owning a house is a major decision of any person in his life, ...

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Effects of Fuel Prices of National Power Supply

24 Nov 2017

8 (3,156 )

FUEL PRICE AND ITS EFFECTS ON NATIONAL POWER SUPPLY INTRODUCTION A decade ago hydroelectricity was the main scale indigenous primary energy resource available in Sri Lanka, taking a share of nearly 45 percent of the total installed capacity. Hydroelectricity in Sri Lanka has been constantly developing since the introduction of the national grid itself, but is currently declining due to the exhaustion of its resource. Currently, ...

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Impact of the Wars on Britain's Economy

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,365 )

Sophia Ashraf British Economic Performance Assignment In Britain in the interwar years the government faced a number of key economic challenges. Identify the causes of any 2 of these problems and evaluate the government’s responses to them. The interwar years of (1918-1939) is an era that begins with the aftermath of World War I and ends with preparations for World War II. In recent ...

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Impacts of Inflation on Sub Saharan Africa

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,979 )

Inflation and its consequence in sub-Saharan Africa Introduction Most African countries have large proportions of their populations between the ages of 15 to 35 years. Even though this indicate that these countries can look forward to a large pool of youthful labour force, it also implies that governments will need to provide a large range of social, medical, and educational services, and to create employment for ...

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Effect of Economic Growth on Poverty

24 Nov 2017

9 (3,356 )

Dissertation Brief Significance of Problem Economic growth is often considered one of the most effective tools for reducing poverty (Masato Hayashikawa, 2009). The prominent example is China. It has been estimated that more than 500 million people lifted out of poverty during the past 30 years while the country is having annual growth rate around 10% (World Bank, 2013a). However, it is the case ...

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Re-regulation of Third Countries Economy | An Analysis

24 Nov 2017

4 (1,397 )

Comments and Opinion (Recommendation) Strict re-regulation Strict re-regulation of the financial sector in third world countries is the most important to reduce the possibilities of a incoming financial crisis like a requirement to decrease herd behavior and prevent the problems associated with too-big-to-fail institutions. On the others hand, it should be more orientated towards investment in fixed capital. Thus, third world nation should do foreign reserve ...

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Impact of the First World War on Europe's Economy

24 Nov 2017

4 (1,499 )

Europe’s Great Depression: Coordination failure after the First World War (Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 26, Number 3, 2010, pp. 339–369) by Nikolaus Wolf “Thirty Years War rather than Great Depression” (Wolf, 2010). Abstract In this paper, I reinterpret the large literature on EU’s Great Depression. I argue that EU couldn’t discover its economic potential after 1918, because the war was still ongoing until 1945. ...

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Effects of Increased Excise Taxes

24 Nov 2017

13 (5,183 )

Commentary 1 The article discusses the possible effects of the increase in excise taxes (taxes imposed on particular goods and services, such as cigarettes and alcohol aimed at reducing consumer consumption of such goods and services) from 20% to 25% on cigarettes by the West Bengal government of India. The consumption of cigarettes (demerit good with relatively inelastic demand) causes external costs (costs to the third ...

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Barriers to India's Economic Development

24 Nov 2017

4 (1,297 )

The major problems that hinder its economic development program in India India is a country which is located at South Asia. It has achieved its independence on 15th August 1947 and it practices the federal republic government type (The World Factbook, 2013). It has 3287800 of territory and it ranked as 7th largest country by area in the world with population over 1.2 billion people. New ...

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Consequences of Financial Globalization on the Economy

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,712 )

Elena Chistyakova Is financial globalization beneficial? Consequences of financial globalization and its impact on the world economy. Introduction Nowadays, financial globalization as latest stage of financial internationalization process becomes to be the most discussed and controversial subject by contemporary economic scientists. Globalization expresses the extension of economic activities, social and political across borders (national and regional). Increasing globalization of the world economy is a ...

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Concepts of Supply and Demand Explained

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,369 )

3.0 Types of Elasticity Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) The price elasticity of demand is shows the relationship between the quantity demand and price, also provide a accurate calculate of the effect of a change in price on quantity demand. The definition of price elasticity of demand is a measurement responsiveness of the quantity demand of a good to a change in price of that good. ...

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Influences on the Housing Market in Dublin

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,368 )

1.0 Introduction The following Report has been drafted in two parts. Part one identifies and discusses factors that influence the long-term and short-term demand for housing in the greater Dublin region. Also discussed are the factors that influence the supply of housing within this region and how demand and supply of housing affect the market price. Part two discusses the Irish government’s current housing policy and ...

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Geopolitics of Food | Article Analysis

24 Nov 2017

7 (2,753 )

Hans Goder   In a world, which constantly needs more and more food and facing also some ecologic issues, a change in our way of producing and managing the outputs is needed to face the future challenges (population of 2050). As it is a global challenge, it is the role of the international bodies such as the WTO or the FAO to find and ...

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Applications of Managerial Economics for ADNOC

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,245 )

Table of Contents 1. What is Managerial Economics? 2. Applications of Managerial Economics 3. Applications of Managerial Economics for ADNOC 3.1 Demand Analysis and Forecasting: 3.2 Cost and Production Analysis: 3.3 Inventory Management: 3.4 Pricing Decision, Policies and Practices: 3.5 Profit Management: 3.6 Capital Management: References 1. What is Managerial Economics? Managerial economics has been for the most part characterized as the investigation of monetary speculations, ...

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Advantages and Management of Cash Wadf

24 Nov 2017

9 (3,355 )

Introduction Waqf refers to Islamic public charity or trust for socio-economic causes, whereby the object or property is perpetually non-transferrable. An object, under this type of charity, is donated so that the beneficiaries can enjoy it, or the trustee of the charity is required to give the income of it to them. It has a significant important in Islamic economic principles with reference to redistribution of ...

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Bitcoin and the Silk Road Scandal

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,811 )

BITCOIN 1 Introduction Bitcoin is the stage that can really change the way we store cash, the way we utilize cash and our segment plans. For the monetary zone, we can delineate the improvement behind Bitcoin new to us as the PC was the time when it at initially showed up in 1975 and the Web sway upon in 1993. The offer of exchanges with relative ...

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Should Firms Price Discriminate? Why or Why Not?

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,915 )

Price discrimination is a practice firms employ when they charge consumers different prices for the same good in order to earn higher profits. Price discrimination is made possible because of varying utility derived from the consumption of the same good and varying price elasticity of demand1. There are 3 types of price discrimination, namely: first-degree price discrimination (perfect price discrimination), second-degree price discrimination and third-degree price ...

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Influences on Labour Productivity in Manufacturing Sector

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,652 )

Introduction The research problem plays a crucial role in the research paper because it shows to the audiences the significance of the field being studies, applies the topic issues into a definite situation, and outlines a structure of how the issue will be fathomed (Sekaran, 2003). It has been clearly defined in this journal. The author has raised concern and clarified significantly about the population size, ...

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Impact of Colonization on the Economy

24 Nov 2017

4 (1,211 )

Lara Sliwinski What was the nature of Native American economies prior to European colonization? How did Native Americans impact colonial economies? The nature of Native American economies prior to European colonization was manifold but can be classified as a traditional economy with little government intervention or outside market forces, and focused mostly on food acquisition by means of hunting in ...

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Japan's Human Resource Productivity Analysis

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,789 )

JAPAN’S COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: A CASE TO LEVERAGE ON HUMAN RESOURCES FOR ITS POSTERITY. Introduction Is Japan really deficient in resources? Definitely not, and to say that Japan is a resource-deficient nation is a misconception of the true facts. Indeed Japan is endowed with abundant resources that remain untapped. An emphasis of the country’s resources ought not to be narrowly confined to natural resources only. ...

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Human Development Index (HDI) of India

24 Nov 2017

8 (3,149 )

Abstract PURPOSE – the purpose of the paper is to define the human development in India and define the human development index Rank and world HDI Ranking of India in human development report. DESINE- METHODOLOGY/ APPROACH- Extensive Review of literature has been done for conceptualization of the human development in India. IMPLECATION-.The paper adds to the existing literature of human development and human development index. Development ...

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Australia's Economic Polices Post Financial Crash

24 Nov 2017

7 (2,467 )

The expansionary monetary decisions of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) during the six month after the global financial crisis (GFC) escalated in September 2008. Executive Summary The report is being prepared to present Australia’s current macroeconomics policies that the Reserve bank of Australia has adopted to stabilize the financial condition of the economy of the nation. It generally outlines the various decisions and ...

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Perception of the Importance of Saving and Longevity

24 Nov 2017

8 (3,007 )

Homeownership Another important factor which influences the household saving is housing (Lindqvist, 1981), housing plays a rather complex role, for it counts to both consumption and wealth (Yilmazer, 2002). Most empirical studies (at least those mentioned in this paper) considered housing as a component of consumption of durable goods to standardize and simplify the estimation, although durable goods in fact are seen as a significant component ...

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Free Trade: Advantages and Disadvantages | Essay

24 Nov 2017

9 (3,539 )

Lauren Heffernan Free Trade in the Modern World Free trade can be described as the trade which occurs when left to its own resources without any restriction placed upon it by the government. Trade barriers though are often used to protect domestic producers from the more competitive international markets. These redirect and lessen trade flows rather than create them. Benefits of Free Trade Countries ...

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How Bitcoin is Bought and Used: An Introduction

24 Nov 2017

5 (1,904 )

Contents Introduction to Bitcoin What steps are required to accept bitcoin? Point of sale Payment flow summary (merchant service): Web sales Potential benefits Potential drawbacks A way forward Bibliography Appendix 1 - Technical Detail Introduction to Bitcoin Unlike traditional ‘hard’ cash, Bitcoin[1] is not a physical entity. Rather, the term refers to a peer to peer computer network that allows bitcoins (BTC’s) to be transferred from ...

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Country Development Comparison: Sweden and Vietnam PESTEL

24 Nov 2017

9 (3,320 )

Table of Contents Vietnam background Political factor Economy Social Technology Legal Environment Sweden Background. Political factor Social factors Technological Factor Legal Factors Environmental factor Intra Analysis of Sweden and Vietnam Political Factors Economical Factor Conclusion References PESTEL ANALYSIS Initially known as PEST Analysis, this is a macro environmental structure used to recognise the impact of the external factors on the institution and ...

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Causes of the Great Depression

24 Nov 2017

6 (2,199 )

It is around the year 1928 that two of the most outstanding justifications for the length, depth and global dispersion of the Depression initially appear to be evident. Beyond all scepticism, the economics concern decree come to a solid accord over the concept that the economic incidents of the Great Depression could not be accurately presumed without a tight connection to: the nature of the supply ...

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Economic Growth and the Environment

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,579 )

Will the world be able to sustain economic growth indefinitely without running into resource constraints or despoiling the environment beyond repair? What is the relationship between a steady increase in incomes and environmental quality? Are there trade-offs between the goals of achieving high and sustainable rates of economic growth and attaining high standards of environmental quality. For some social and physical scientists, growing economic activity (production ...

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Macroeconomic Variables and Equity Market Relationship

22 Nov 2017

5 (1,969 )

1.0 Introduction The equity market also known as stock market is the market for buyers and sellers to trade their equity instruments. There are a few types of equity securities, the most common form of equity securities are preferred stock and common stock. Equity market is important for a company because it allows a company to acquire funds without incurring debts. However, not all the companies ...

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Development of Singapore's Economy

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,458 )

Introduction In the past three decades have witnessed Singapore’s economy has been developing at an extremely high speed. As the most important part of the economics, banking and finance services contribute a lot to the gross domestic product. The government document (Banking and finance, 2007) show that the Banking and Finance provides a description of the complex nature of the sector and an overview of the ...

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Economic Growth and Standards of Living?

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,408 )

International Marketing Tehniat Zafar Question Q: Is it possible for an economy to experience economic growth as measured by GNP without rise in standard of living. Discuss. Ans: A Nation’s “GNP” Gross National product is the total amount of its economic production and resources. On the other hand, The Gross National Product amount in no way specifies the method in which this wealth ...

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Long-term Competitiveness of Greek Shipping

22 Nov 2017

6 (2,172 )

Introduction: During the 20th century Greek shipping eventually developed as one of the most competitive players globally. Greek shipowners managed to establish their reputation as dominant players based on a well-structured positioning mix that has supported their efforts throughout the years. A variety of studies has been developed aiming to define what precisely supported Greek owners to build this successful entrepreneurial structure and which ...

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Evaluation of India's Online Travel Industry

22 Nov 2017

6 (2,381 )

MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS PROJECT: ONLINE TRAVEL INDUSTRY GROUP MEMBERS: Nikita Goenka (PGP30324) Padmaja Agnihotri (PGP30316) Sandeep Kumar (ABM11034) Ravali Malka (PGP30317) Vishwas Nandan (PGP 30353) Saurav Kumar (PGP30340) Rohan Kokane (PGP30336) BACKGROUND India is a country with vast demography and a wide spectrum of opportunities. Better job avenues have gifted the youth with greater discretionary power. Rising use of internet & plastic money has made ...

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Implications of Growth and Development

22 Nov 2017

9 (3,242 )

Growth Development Implications EG concerns itself solely with the increase in the output of goods and services in an economy. It takes into account figurative indicators such as PCI, GDP and so on. ED does pertain to the increasing income alone but also takes into considerations the increase in savings, ...

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Analysis of Construction Company, India

22 Nov 2017

7 (2,535 )

Annual Report Analysis of Hindustan Construction Company Limited (AY 2013-14) Tejas Vaidya Construction Sector Analysis: Construction in India has become a key contributor to the economy of India in the recent years. It ranks 2nd in employment and contribution to the economy only after the agriculture sector. This sector also ranks 2nd when it comes to FDI inflows. However the last three years have been ...

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Supply And Demand In The World

22 Nov 2017

4 (1,498 )

Olympia College, Ipoh Diploma In Business Management Introduction Of Supply And Demand In The World Supply and demand is perhaps one of the most fundamental concepts of economics, which is the backbone of a market economy. Demand refers to the number of products or services (quantity) needed by the buyer. The quantity demanded is the amounts of a product are willing to buy at ...

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Theories on the Economics of Poverty

22 Nov 2017

5 (1,720 )

Janet Owen   The issue at hand is the decline in the U.S. poverty rate, which doesn’t deliver much good news. The writer, Monica Potts is an unbridled critic of the rate of poverty. Poverty is a prevalent gregarious issue that has troubled the United States and various other nations for thousands of years. While nations like the United States of America have worked ...

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