Master Of International Tourism And Hospitality Management


02 Nov 2017

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STUDENT ID-12803844



Table of contents




4.Aspect OR ISSUE and PROBLEM 6






The financial crisis hit global economy since summer 2007 is without any earlier event or action in post war economic history. The European economy is in deepest recession since 1930s, with the real GDP estimated to deteriorate by about 4% in 2009. The Europe started creating a single currency before its nation’s members were ready for doing that. Their economies were not Come from different directions sufficiently for the one currency to fit at all as a result of this the currency tended deliberately to push the Europe further apart like Spain and Ireland which were booming in an not to be supported manner or unsustainable manner. They developed huge trade losses with Germany as they imported lot and then crashed this condition created a condition of crisis. And also the European banks were allowed to be spread to be diverse in financial businesses with government backing them in doing this as a result of this their bank became too big and this created a problem for government to rescue them easily.

Central banks and governments in the European union started to work on massive and well planned co-ordinated policy action as they were aware of the financial and economic meltdown. The European union has played an important role in providing guidelines as how state aid policies like the financial sector could be shaped so as to pay respect to competition rules. And also with the help of Imf and world bank they have provided balance of payments to states in central and eastern Europe While the possibility of a Fail to fulfil an obligation or an exit of one of the euro zone countries is now much lower than it was in the early 2011, the problem in the region which is high government debt remains in place.


Euro zone comprises of the 17 member states connected with Europe which have euro as there currency: These are Spain, Belgium, , Estonia, Finland, France, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Cyprus Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, .Austria Germany

Europe has also not escaped from the effects of global financial crisis because it has living beyond it means. There is no single European country to be blamed for this as entire Euro zone is responsible for this condition as they threw economic caution to the wind. During the good times Euro zone countries borrowed the money cheaply and that to in low interest rates as a result of this cheap debt it encouraged the prospect of economic growth which in turn borrowed more and more if interest rate would have been low then nothing would have happened but they didn’t they increased eventually they suffered losses. Any market where capital may flow freely in the European union, which formed a number of merger of European banks with the cross border banks it really complicated the task of rescuing the European banks as it became bigger and bigger. The euro zones trouble came in the US credit crisis wall street made an unnaturally very big profits by repackaging the debts which was backed by the subprime U.S mortgage and by selling to the European banks. When there was a crisis, it was Europe’s banks that were sitting on the losses which was very obvious and they might need help from their government to bail them out. In such conditions government just prints the money and in turn devalues its currency, which makes the debt to be payed .all those countries who were using euro as their currency this was no longer possible for them.


EMU (Economic and Economic Unification) may be the procedure created to co-ordinate this financial policies of all EUROPEAN UNION associate expresses in order to generate a popular financial plan and also a popular currency – this dollar.

3.1 EMU had been launched within a few stages:

Phase one started out within July 1990 using the abolition of most inside barriers for the free of charge movements regarding cash, products, providers and the wonderful within WESTERN EUROPEAN member declares.

Phase 2 started out within Economy is shown 1994 using the business of the Western Economic Initiate (EMI) - this precursor of the Western Central Traditional bank (ECB); complex supplements were also completed to the benefits of the pound, enforcement regarding budgetary self-control in addition to boosted convergence regarding financial in addition to fiscal policies. The actual ECB had been set up within 1998.

The last period regarding EMU, Phase Three, started out within Economy is shown 1999 using the benefits of the pound and also the irrevocable solving of the conversions to the initial 11 taking part places. The actual ECB became to blame for this single fiscal insurance policy of the pound region.

3.2 Proximate causes of the crisis

There was Sharp rise in the commodity prices like the oil prices were more than doubled in terms of euro from under EUR40 to somewhere around EUR90 in the start of the 2007 and in summer of year 2008. Similarly another rigid thing was recorded in the large number of other raw materials like the non energy commodity prices were also rising at year-on-year rates in 2008 at around 10%. This in turn raised the firms’ costs and workers received less real incomes, which reduced the aggregate demand, as a result of this the inflation spiked very briefly at around 4%.

3.3 Financial meltdown

The European Union’s first sign of crisis came in the year august 2007, when Bnp Paribas which is French investment bank which halted withdrawals from it funds on a ground which explained that it was just unable to value its holdings. By witnessing this European central bank responded promptly, which invested 95 billion euro’s into banking market, their aim was to improve the liquidity.

IN the year 2007 and first half f the 2008, the policymakers were confident that European union economy will not be much damaged. But when the Lehman brothers the US investment bank in September 2008 they took the crisis too entire new level.

3.4 Implication for European Union policy

The financial crisis had tested European unions institutional reflexes like The handle of a weapon. The critics external and internal, charge that responses of the policy that is fragmented as a result US could be trailing in pulling out of recession. At the end of October 2008 European commission’s detailed framework was drafted which titled as A European framework for action it was an action which was taken for financial recovery which could form the ultimate backbone of European union’s responses to crisis. This framework was set as it would Take apart in order to examine it and repair of the blocs financial infrastructure, their stimulus efforts in the co-ordination and   the automated arrangement or the coordination, of international action.

Aspects or Issues & Problems

The Euro zone crisis is an ongoing financial crisis that has made impossible or difficult for some countries in Europe to repay or re-finance there own government debts without any assistance from third parties.

4.1 Impact of the crisis and European citizens’ concerns

Soon the the financial crisis turned into an economic and social crisis.

European union’s figures show that unemployment rate in European union countries which were using the euro reached to the 8 percent in December. It was the highest rate in more than 2 years. According to European Union statistics office Eurostat the Average unemployment was set to rise to about 9.4 percent in the year 2009.  While the government deficits inside the 27-member union was having an average of 6 percent of GDP, which was double the figure which was allowed for the euro-area countries. In the year 2009 January, millions of European citizens went to the streets in France, Latvia, Lithuania, and also in UK, there demand was for that government should have an end to job cuts and voicing their opposition against the government reforms.

Published in year 2008 December the survey showed us that those most hit by the crisis are: 

- people who were living in poverty 

- young peoples

- single parent families 

- unemployed people and people renting apartments from private sectors

A major analysis of the European health that have found out that financial crisis is costing lives, and with increase in suicides and other infectious diseases. The report in The Lancet journal tells us that the austerity measures which are been introduced to tackle the crisis the politicians are not even addressing the problems.


The financial crisis had strong impact on the European Union’s economy from autumn of year 2008 onwards. There are essential three types of the transmission channels.

via the connections within financial system itself-As initially losses were mostly originated in US ,write downs from banks were estimated as considerably larger in the Europe then in united states.

Via the wealth and confidence effects on demand-as the standards of lending stiffened the households suffered there was decline in their wealth in wake of drops in prices of asset and the savings ,demand for cars and residential investments went down considerably. All this had considerable effect in the financial markets.

Via globe trade-The world trade was collapsed in the year 2008 final quarter as the business investments ,demands for the consumer goods that are not destroyed by use was both credit dependent and intensive trade had fallen considerably.

Accordingly, the Commission forecasts (European Commission, 2009a and 2009b) that the recovery will be relatively slow moving, with economic growth flat in 2010

Main features of commission forecast








Private consumption(%growth)




Public consumption(%growth)




Total investment(%growth)




Unemployment rate(%)




Inflation(Hicp %)




Source: European Commission Spring Forecast

4.3 The Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Defense

Two problems currently are colliding in the European defence policies: the inefficient capability generation mechanism and effect of financial crisis.UK and Germany have already lowered their ambition levels. While France is also about to follow them. At this time defence area needs to be preparing for to run under the budget limitation for 20 years to come. This will be creating a immense change in restricting of armed forces and the military industrial complexes. The states which continue to do modernizing their armed forces still lag behind the states who chooses to be in slow pace regarding armed forces issues. European states are still unclear what about their military capacity and their defence industrial base. Financial crisis only increases the losses of military capability. Austerity budgets have inefficiencies in defence part and already they are making the painful cuts in their budgets. As they are put in an successive manner they don’t go in an big bang way of losses but to a slow and silent death of capability of Europeans defence.

4.4 Impact on the real economy

In September 2008, the crisis deepened more, as the stock markets in the world-wide crashed and it had entered time where it became more volatile, and then many banks, insurance companies and the mortgage lenders also failed in the upcoming weeks. By end of year 2008 economic outlook of the European union was darkened to very large extent.eurostat figures were showing that euro zone and European Union had entered recession. Clear that In spring 2009, European Union had struggled to get back on track again. Eastern and central European member states were in most pain as the investors uncertainty was on the rise and the demand were diminished for manufactured products in the western markets were credit was starved.


As the financial crisis soon turned into an economic and social crisis as there was tightening of the financial resources in all over the Europe then it was certain that it is likely to have an direct impact on functioning of the European healthcare systems. Like example where the financial crisis started affecting health of public as there was rise in costing lives, with suicides and infectious diseases on the rise, as governments made Deep budget cuts and there was growing unemployment which made people to go into depression, and their falling incomes or their salary that means fewer people can see any doctors or can afford to buy any medicines. In my point of view this situation was caused by governments negligence towards there citizen as they didn’t even addressed the problem, to their people. The fact that strongly suggest the truth is that the low, limited growth and poor-quality employment, and the increased inequality, is an surely sense of side effect, which could have been tackled by a minimal welfare system and also by replacing the public welfare with the pension insurance and private health schemes.

The problem came because of the introduction of the Euro as it became possible for some Euro zone nations to borrow more money at much cheaper rates than they were borrowing previously. This happened because as the debt was still an national debt, and then assumption was been done that which countries being within the Euro meant that risk of these countries had been declined because of the economic rules in which they were bound into now.. important rules required for the Euro zone members to make sure that the government’s debt should not exceed by 60% of the GDP and importantly the budget deficit should not exceed 3% of GDP.

Example -Europe’s defence is getting impacted due to there financial crisis Since Europe is still bogged straight down in the continuous financial system, it is rather most likely that this European countries’ military will certainly be affected by this issue. The defence price range is probably the key the different parts of Hawaii price range, this is why governments will surely possibly be enticed to use defence as an modification varied. Numerous Europe have previously eliminated open about their particular intent to lessen defence shelling out as a result of turmoil. In a few conditions they have got often overdue or terminated planned investments. Simply no well-respected do the job possesses still been performed along the way the particular financial disaster affects Europe’s defence.

economic activity of Europe was affected because of connections within financial system itself, by globe trade and by wealth and confidence effects on demand as explained. In issues and problems.

IT can be said that the Europe’s financial crisis is not due to economic its rather due to political according to me I see it as because Europe’s financial crisis started because of economic meltdown in which real GDP deteriote about 4% in 2009.the main problem was Europe’s introduction of single currency before its nation’s members were ready for doing that and they also developed huge trade losses as they imported lot and then crashed this condition created a condition of crisis. And also it was government fault to allow European banks to wide spread which created a problem later on during crisis.


Quality of information must be improved

Like consumers should be provided with all necessary information’s well in time the contractual choice and information needs to be understandable structured and relevant . Stricter policies about marketing and advertising regarding investment goods has to be released.

Financial advise must be increased

People need to have independent tips, which is in some way relevant to the particular context involving marketing personal solutions. At the moment, consumers tend to find tips generally from financial institutions and also other corporations marketing personal solutions. We have a deficit of establishment supplying independent tips almost everywhere inside The european countries.

The particular European public spending budget must be improved.

Europe needs to speed up there fiscal levelling throughout their Community.

The defence budget should be increased of Europe it should not be affected by financial crisis. as there should be no compromise in security.

Implementation plan

The above recommendations must be planned and introduced with immediate effect the implementation of this plan will strengthen the economic structure and will improve countries GDP also. For increasing the awareness among public relating the investment and about there financial things should be done because they should not face problem during financial crisis. Three months is enough time if we use mass media and distribute the pamphlets.

This raising of European Commission price range, defying the actual insurance policy of people exactly who as an alternative want to buy lowered, might have the ability to help fund greater tasks not just with the structural re-balancing with the associate places but in addition infra-structural tasks of the actual physical as well as intangible nature. It will take some time like a year there will be much debate on it but i think it should be implemented.

Europe’s fiscal levelling must be speeded up throughout the community as this will improve homogeneity of economical routines inside Union. The point that economical techniques tremendously vary clearly encourages this exercise of cut-throat country wide insurance policies that do certainly not in still synergy involving associate Declares as well as clearly reduce the effectiveness of economical, professional as well as work insurance policies.

Defence budget should be increased if this can’t be done then The main element would be to produce a coherent linkage regarding military services potential creation to the safety commercial and also engineering base, mainly because: whatever you develop and also assemble collectively, it is possible to buy, perform and also combat with collectively.

It can be implemented faster with help of government faster processing will enable reduction in time and help country and people from future financial crisis.


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