The Counterfeits And The Economy


02 Nov 2017

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Counterfeits and the Economy

Counterfeits can exist in many different forms, from imitations to forgeries; however, whichever form they take they act to copy, or try to copy the existence of a product, or a service that already exists in the market. Imitations are counterfeits that copy the whole make up of the original item; they in essence steal the intellectual ownership rights of the properties. Primarily, they infringe on protected property rights, while forgeries on the other hand alter a section of the original item so as to dissuade unsuspecting consumers on the same facts about the original. For instance, a bank cheque could be counterfeited by making another cheque that looks exactly as the one in question, or it could be counterfeited by altering the recipient of the cheque, or the value of the cheque.

Now this counterfeits that have widely earned the tag "fake stuff" have a number of serious ramifications on the economy of a country. To simplify this concept to a layman understanding, we would relate the behavior of the economy to water in a polythene bag; it would take shape depending on the surface, or container in which it is in. I then exert stress on different parts of the polythene bag, and with different intensity depending on where the pseudo-plastic is placed; this happens so as to contain the pressure. Unlike water unbound when poured on a surface it would spread evenly all through. Now the economy works as the water in a pseudo-flexible material, when fake stuffs are introduced in to the market. In this scenario, an economy forms a micro aspect crumples, but this stress is distributed to the rest of the same player in that market who prevents total crumple, but in the total worth goes down (Chaudhry and Zimmerman 2009). This is the effect of having fake stuff such as fake luxuries and fake IDs in the economy.

It has been referred to as the business crime wave of the 21st century, trademark counterfeiting and product piracy are worldwide in scope and cost (Paradise, 1999). Undoubtedly, fashion accessories and apparels make the largest of the counterfeited products; however, other products are on the rise too. Products such as legal drugs, electronics are products that are used in every single part of the economy; thus, counterfeiting them distributes the problem to a far and leads to generation of a lot of illegal money. According to a report by the international chamber of commerce on counterfeits, it is estimated that in 2008 the value of counterfeit products was worth $650 billion. During the same period, the amount of lost tax revenue in the developed countries was $125 billion that lead to a massive loss of jobs. This scenario shades light on the effects of fake stuffs in the market. According to Chaudhry and Zimmerman (2009), production of counterfeits does not go through the procedures and steps required as they always evade the authorities and as such the evade paying taxes. Evading taxes is the biggest killer of an economy and it impairs the government’s ability to create jobs for its citizens depending on the extent of tax evasion. This is normally followed by loss of jobs from two fronts; the first is that the government loses on taxes and its inability to afford developmental expenditures that are always a booster to the economy during difficult times by creating jobs to supplement those in the private sector. The second front is from the point that the genuine producers of the products and services incur costs during production of the goods that cannot be recovered by sale of the product in the market owing to the cheap counterfeits that make profits even at low selling prices, thus this companies may be forced to lay down its labor force so as to reduce the overhead costs to enable cope with undue competition from fake stuffs.

The other way that that the counterfeit items affect the economy is the market pricing. If other factors are held constant prices of goods and services in a free market is determined by the forces of supply and demand. On a normal situation, assuming counterfeits are not present in the market; competitive prices are arrived at when there is sufficient supply from a sufficiently variable number of competitors. When the issue of counterfeiting started featuring on a global scale, some dismissed it as a victimless crime. Evidently, counterfeiting is not a victimless crime. On the contrary, it is actually a global illegal industry that is drowning the world’s economies, especially those of third world countries without elaborate property rights regulation (Philips, 2007). For instance, in the insurance industry, prices are quite competitive since the different providers of the policies have to compete for the clients. Therefore, they charge a unit on top of their production, which gives them normal profits at the same time cushioning their consumers from exploitation. However, with counterfeits in the market there is a paradigm shift on what we define as production costs. There are many different costs that go into developing a product; they could be broadly categorized in to direct costs and indirect costs. Whereas genuine products incur both costs, counterfeits mostly incur only their direct costs. Direct costs are costs that can be traced directly to the product. Sometimes the indirect costs are extremely high, thus the counterfeits can sell at extremely low prices consequently affecting the actual prices of the products. If these firms that are being affected by this are not protected they will end up closing down, or cutting down on employees as a way of coping with presence of fake stuffs in the market.

In an economy where products are constantly counterfeited as they are produced, it has an effect on the innovation of the entrepreneurs on the economy. Instead of taking a risk in a new product that has a high initial cost with promising high returns, one would prefer to be more cautious with their spending. For instance, in pharmaceutical products, it takes a lot of money, time, and expertise to produce drugs. Once the drug is out and in one year a clandestine version of the drug is out and reaping from what they did not saw, then the entrepreneurs who invest in that kind of venture become disoriented. Therefore, counterfeiting would kill innovation in an economy, which may have far reaching effect on the competitiveness of such products from that economy to others globally. Whilst other protected economies will be moving forward technologically, that economy will be stagnant.

In addition, there is the issue of quality that is always compromised in both fronts once this counterfeit problem is not handled. Ideally, most of the counterfeit products are always of inferior quality as compared to the genuine ones. Better yet, they are cheaper to the ordinary customer who may not be able to distinguish the difference between the two. This makes the genuine produces compromise on some of their quality if they cannot convince consumers of their superior products (Nitsche, 2007). This ends up in having low quality products in the market, and it hurts the economy significantly (Philips, 2007). When a trade mark has been counterfeited, the result may even be disastrous to the original firm. Companies spend years trying to build a brand name, and for some businesses it is the name that they sell. For instance, if a particular body cream is replicated and the counterfeit product ends up giving a skin reaction that becomes, customers will stay away from the product irrespective of whether it is original or not. Evidently it would cost a company a lot to do the damage control.

The disadvantages of counterfeits are quite open and clear to and system. These disadvantages cut across all aspects of an economy. Normally, production of goods and services leads to destruction of the environment in one way or the other. These destructions are usually acceptable by the standards of regulation authorities because they are compensated. On the other hand, when counterfeits are produced they tend to evade this compensations and they let others pay for them (Nitsche, 2007). This is a disadvantage to the other firms and the affected community. The other disadvantage is on the people consuming low quality products and paying costs of high quality products with emphasis on the health sector where people spend a lot of money to buy drugs to treat them.

In conclusion it is apt to say that counterfeits are a poison to an economy and should not be tolerated at all costs. Counterfeits in an economy will result in job losses, loss in revenue for the government. In addition, it kills innovation and growth in that economy, and above all it exploits consumers either by price or quality of the product.


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