The Development Of The Economy


02 Nov 2017

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Part 2

There are different situations for service tax and sales tax. The goods are manufactured or when the goods are imported, there is a sales tax will be imposed. While the services are provided to the consumers, there is a service tax is imposed at the time.

The main reason of many countries have implemented GST is due to the current consumption tax structure is not good and they are dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction falls broadly into one and possibly all of the following categories:-

i. the existing consumption sales tax is unsatisfactory

ii. a reduction in the rate other taxes is sought; and

iii. the existing tax system has not kept pace with the development of the economy.

In order for Malaysia become more capable of generating a source of revenue in a stable condition, GST play a very important role in this tax reform programme. This can ensure the system making taxation system more efficient, effective, transparent and business friendly.

The various inherent weaknesses under SST namely tax cascading, tax pyramiding, no complete relief for export, transfer pricing and lack of transparency can be overcome after implementation of GST. GST is a better tax system. It is more transparent, efficient, effective, self policing and less bureaucratic. Consumers will pay fairer prices for most goods and services after elimination of SST can government adopted GST.

For businesses, they are able to reduce their cost of doing business since they are able to claim GST incurred on their business inputs. For exported goods and services, there is NO GST incurred. Therefore, the exports sector for Malaysia will become more competitive in global market. The export sector would be strengthen and contribute to the economic growth of country.

Importation goods and services distributed in the supply chain make GST is a broad-based consumption. GST is a tax on final consumption and all sectors of the economy have been covered by GST.

All inputs (direct or indirect) are claimable as credit due to GST is NOT a cost to business. In the supply of goods and service in the same taxable period, the input tax incurred versus the output tax can be offset. An expectation for the cost of run a business definitely will be lower than previous because the input costs are claimable.

The amount of savings by businesses is estimated to be RM5 billion. This savings should be passed on to the consumers and be reflected in reduced prices of certain goods.

All taxable goods and services provided including imports in the country, there is GST charged and collected. Not all businesses can be charged and collected GST, there is only the businesses have registered under GST can do the claim. The government have to ensure all collected output must be remitted. There are mechanisms and methods for businesses to claim the input tax credit:-

A deduction from output (output tax) collected from GST against input have been

paid (input tax)

Within the stipulated period, the excessive amount should be remitted

A refund can be claimed from the government if there is deficit

An early detection program is conducted by government and this can help all the businesses can be remitted to the right amount of tax. This programme is conducted through desk and transaction audit. The GST audit is responsible on the records and accounts of businesses and they have to ensure businesses NO manipulate the tax incurred.

For SMEs, the negative impacts have to be ensured NOT happened after the implementation of GST. Government play a very important role to ensure this will NOT happened on SMEs. Comprehensives programmes will be conducted by Ministry of Finance incorporate with SME Corporation for the purpose to assist the SMEs after implementation of GST. For those SMEs do not have their own system on accounting, the packages un CD form on accounting software will be provided, this is one of the government plans.

After elimination of SST, the consumers can save a lot due to they are enjoying the lower prices under GST whereby the prices under current SST are higher than GST.

For some cases, unscrupulous traders increase the prices by hiding element of tax as cost of the certain goods or services. In this unfair situation, consumers always will pay higher price to purchase certain goods or services under SST. This unfair situation will be changed under implementation of GST. All inputs can be claimed and the tax element cannot be treating as part of the business cost. The GST functions as a very transparent, effective, self policing, efficient and not much bureaucratic system.


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