The Greek Manufacturing Firms


02 Nov 2017

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In this paper there are presented the competitive advantages of the Greek manufacturing firms before and after the economic crisis. in addition, there are presented the main competition theories and their formulas. What is more, the innovations and the strategies that the companies should focus on are presented in this paper. In addition, the role of the Greek manufacturing firms’ in their competition is analyzed. Proposals from the author are also presented in the last chapter so that the Greek manufacturing firms could be more competitive.



It is a matter of fact that the competition is a very important factor that can affect the key economic variables of an industry. This issue has always been very interesting and important for theoretical and empirical studies as well. In this paper will be analysed the main theoretical theories so that it will be easier to understand the competitive conditions in the manufacturing industry. The theories that will be analysed is the neoclassical theory. The post-Keynesian and the classical theory. Furthermore, there will be presented past studies that analyse the manufacturing industry in the Greek market. The results of these studies can show the main factors of the competition in the manufacturing industry. In addition, the role of firms’ innovations and its effects on the companies competitiveness are presented. What is more, the worldwide financial crisis and especially the Greek economic crisis that boomed the last years and its effects in the manufacturing industry are presented in a paragraph of this paper. Last but not least, the proposals of the author for possible improvement in the manufacturing industry are presented in the last section of the paper.

Literature Review

Manufacturing Sector

It is generally accepted that there is an increased competition in Europe that affected the manufacturing sector as well. Although the Greek manufacturing sector is not as big as in other European countries, the competition that exists made the manufacturing firms to start new strategies in order to continue to be profitable. The most manufacturing companies exist in big cities such as Athens, Thessaloniki and Piraeus. In this paper there will be presented the competitive conditions of the Greek manufacturing firms and the innovations that the firms made so that they could be more competitive.

The manufacturing firms in Greece are mainly small and medium companies trying to introduce and develop new strategies and technologies so that they can be competitive in the market. According to Fotopoulos and Louri all the companies tried to be competitive and make short term or long term profits (Fotopoulos and Louri, 2000). The companies that invested in the long term profits were mainly the ones that managed to survive the big worldwide financial crisis and the economic crisis that boomed in Greece. The companies that only invested in short term profits weren’t able to be competitive after the crisis.

It is a matter of fact that the economic crisis in Greece affected a lot the Greek manufacturing firms and most of them tried to re locate in other countries or totally change their strategy and invest in new technologies.

Competitive Theories

In this section there will be presented the main competitive theories, their core models and the key variables of each model that are used in order to calculate the competitive conditions of the manufacturing firms.

Neoclassical theory

The first theory that will be analysed is the neoclassical theory. The competition in this theory is referred as a static variable which could prevail in case there was free entry or exit of firms. The companies in that theory mainly accept the effects of external parameters and the environment. The competition is mainly affected by the number of buyers and sellers and the general sector’s situation and conditions. Actually, the main factor of the neoclassical theory is the market structure. The main strategic economic variables of the neoclassical theory are the concentration ratio, the entry barriers the collusion etc. in addition, he adds that these variables present the imperfection of the market (Joe Bain, 1951). The model that is used for the neoclassical theory is :


where π is some measure of profitability,

c is the constant term,

CR is a measure of the concentration ratio

and MP is the imports penetration variable.

The plus and minus signs that are presented above the independent variables indicate the direction that is theoretically expected according to the changes of each variable. That also shows how the profitability of an industry is affected.

In this formula the profitability has a direct relationship with the concentration ratio.

Fisher and McGowan (1983), Long and Ravenscraft (1984), and Sherer and Ross (1990).

The Classical notion of competition

There are many theories that support that the competition is a process characterized by the mobility of capital and competition (Smith, 1776, Ricardo, 1817). In the classical theory the free competition is not taken into consideration. The model used in the classical theory is the following:


where π is some measure of profitability,

MP is the imports penetrationwhich is added to capture the international dimension of competition

KS is the capital-sales ratio,

and IS is the input (intermediate goods) to sales ratio.

According to the formula there is a significant relationship between profitability and the conditions of the production. What is more, the ratio of capital to sales is related to the profits.

The post-Keynesian notion of competition

One of the most commonly used theories regarding the competition is the post-Keynesian theory. In this theory there is the assumption that there are many producers and the situation that exists is the short run supply and flexible prices. The model used for this theory is the following:


where π is a measure of profitability,

CR is the concentration ratio, MP is the imports penetration,

GD represents the growth rate of demand,

and IKOR is the incremental capital-output ratio, " Eichner (1986, p. 50).

In this model the increase of the profits is related to the concentration ratio, the growth rate of the sector and the capital-output ratio. As already mentioned in previous models the positive and significant constant term stands for the positive average rate of profitability.


Competition and Profitability

The competition of national economies is one of the major parameters especially in the last decades (Porter, 1990). What is more, according to Zahra and Govin (1993) the need of the firms to be globally competitive led the manufacturing strategies one of the most important factors in the market success.

One of the last studies regarding the competition in Greek manufacturing firms is the one of Skinner. In his study he tried to identify the strategies used from manufacturing firms and the investments that the firms prefer. The information technology is another important factor for the competitiveness of the manufacturing firms. New technologies and huge investments in that sector is a very important factor that makes the firms competitive.

What is more, regarding the new developments and technologies Hamel states that "Nothing is the same as yesterday", (Hamel, 1996). That is true because the companies that could not respond in the technological changes they could not be competitive since the technology changes almost every day.

Korter states that the companies that could not invest in new technologies, human resources, sales and other operational changes, didn’t have any competitive advantage and it was difficult for them to face the competitors (Kotter, 1995).

The factors that mainly affect the competition in the Greek manufacturing industry are the cost and the quality. In addition, the technology and the investments that a manufacturing firm makes in new developments is another important factor regarding the competition. What is more, the ability of a company to react in the external changes and economic conditions can give the competitive advantage in a company. The companies that will survive in a very competitive market are the ones that will develop and invest in new technologies (Christensen , 2000).

According to Clark, another factor that plays major role in the competition of manufacturing companies is not only the development of new technologies but the adaption of them. He also divides them in two main categories. The first category includes the manufacturing strategies and the operational improvements in the company (OECD, 1996; Clark et all, 2004). The second category focuses on the external environment and how the company can adopt the changes according to the company’s market place.

According to the study of Skinner(1974) the sample of the manufacturing firms should be big enough in order to come to correct and accurate conclusions. In his study he investigated many firms and focused on the capital investments that they made in order to have competitive advantage. The investment in manpower is one of the most important factors that can give competitive advantage in the manufacturing firms. In addition, the marketing strategy of the firms is another important factor according to Skinner’s study. New products and technological investments is another important factor that can assist companies to stay competitive and successful.

According to another study, (Bain , 1956), the competition of the manufacturing firms should be both qualitative and quantitative, and the competitive advantage can be measured taking under consideration the investments in employees, education and new products. According to Kothia and Orne’s study, the competition in Greek manufacturing firms depended mostly in the low operational costs. That means that the satisfaction of the customer’s needs in a non important factor for the firms. The short term success was mainly the goal of the Greek manufacturing companies and probably that is the reason why most of them couldn’t face the changes in the economy and continue to be profitable. (Voulgaris, F., Asteriou, D. & Agiomirgianakis, G.,2000).

Innovations in Greek manufacturing firms

In this chapter there are presented the main innovations of the Greek manufacturing firms and the strategic planning that the companies should adopt so that those changes can be successful.

The first step that the companies should make regarding their innovations is the budgeting of the innovation. According to Mohr (1969) the resources and the funding is very important when a company needs to change and invest in new strategies and technologies. In addition, Chiesa, Couglan and Voss (1996) focus on the need for funding and emphasize in the stability of the funding. The corporate planning is another important factor of innovations. According to Papas (1984) the innovations of a company is much more successful when there is a clear defined corporate planning. In addition, the rate of innovation is higher when a firm plans for a longer period and not focuses on short term profits. According to Cohn and Turin(1984) the firm’s innovation is negatively related to the extent of formalization. What is more, regarding the innovations of a firm, the rate is higher when the people who participate in the decision making are fewer and the Chief executive officer is younger (Miller and Fisher, 1978). What is more, the rate of firm’s innovation is increased when management takes higher risks.

The main innovations of the Greek manufacturing firms during the last decades mainly focused n new technologies. Before the economic crisis many companies invested in new technologies so that they could be competitive since there were many firms operating and especially during the Olympic games of 2004. The companies that adopted the innovations and invested in the manpower and new strategies managed to survive the economic crisis. That is why the planning and the long term profits are of high importance. The companies that invested only in new technologies, nowadays cannot be successful since they didn’t have the appropriate strategy to survive the crisis. in addition, a big number of companies tried to reduce the operational costs and re located in other countries of Balkans. What is more, some of the companies changed their target group and focused on other manufacturing products in order to continue to be profitable after the economic crisis boomed in Greece. Except from the innovations that the Greek manufacturing firms made, they are always trying to find new lower labour cost markets so that they will reduce the operational costs. That strategy should focus both in lower cost and quality assurance for the customers because the quality in manufacturing is very important. Last but not least, the marketing plans that the companies adopted gave them a competitive advantage. That is why the marketing tools should be used from every small or bigger company.


The competitive conditions of the Greek manufacturing sector is an issue that is very important and interesting to analyse. The main competitive factors that play important role in the growth and the success of a firm is the new developments and investments according to the market’s needs and the quick adjustments in the regulations. According to previous researches Greek manufacturing firms made innovations in order to be competitive in the market. The companies that focused only in the short term profits could not be competitive for a long period. On the other hand the companies that adopted new strategies, focused on manpower and technological investments and also used the appropriate marketing tools managed to survive the big economic crisis and continue to be successful even nowadays. In addition, due to the economic crisis in Greece many companies searched for other markets where they could operate successfully. in order for the companies to be successful there should be an increase in cash flows, research in new funding and investments in new technologies. By that way, more companies could be successful and competitive in the Greek manufacturing sector since the economic and political situation had changed dramatically the last years.


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