Overview of Strawman Theory

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,088 )

"Strawman theory traces its origins to the ancient Roman legal practice of capitis deminutio ("decrease of head"), a term used in Roman trials for the extinguishment of a person's former legal capacity. Capitis deminutio minima meant a person ceased to belong to a particular family, without loss of liberty or citizenship. Capitis deminutio media involved loss of citizenship and family, but not liberty. Capitis deminutio ...

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Comparing Systems Theory and Grounded Theory

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (788 )

Summarize what you have learned about the similarities and differences among the approaches. Qualitative research is an activity that locates the observer in the world. Qualitative research consists of a set of material and interpretive practices that make the world visible. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field notes, conversations, interviews, recordings, photographs, and memos to the self. At ...

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Developing a Framework to Enhance Pupil Learning

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

10 (3,681 )

How Can Curriculum Frameworks Be Designed, Implemented and Supported to Enhance Pupil Learning? Define Frameworks The National Curriculum Framework constitutes the essential components of school from key stage one and two at essential level and key stage three and four at optional level, incorporating instruction for kids with extraordinary needs (National Curriculum of England, 2014). The National Curriculum Framework is the crucial archive that exhibits ...

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Loan Application for Water Desalination Plant

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,092 )

Kelly Crossen Committee: The World Bank Country: Japan on behalf of Yemen Total Amount: US$50,000,000 Type of Loan: IBRD 1. Total Amount of Loan: US$50,000,000 2. Proposed Project- The purpose of this loan is for the constructing of a water desalination plant in the coastal city of Mokha, 54 miles west of the water scarce city of Taiz. At full capacity the plant would ...

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Classroom Management Techniques for Classroom Disruption

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,165 )

Statement of the Problem Disruptive behavior is defined as any behaviors that hinder teachers from teaching and students from learning. There are many factors that can influence these behaviors in prekindergartners, such as, not having the social skills that are needed to interact with others (Lawson, 2003), being exposed to a structured environment for the first time, unsupervised time at home where the television is ...

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Current Education System Impact on Creativity

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,985 )

Abstract This paper discusses how the current system education in Latin America kills creativity. The paper explains that standard test need to be reorganized and how the system would improve. Then it will show how free time is important for each student to have better knowledge. Finally, you will find how is the methodology of the system to reflect on the path we are following. ...

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Residential Schools in Canada

10 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,687 )

The Canadian government and the Christian churches formerly introduced residential schools with the purpose of assimilating Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture. This research report will provide a brief background on the origination of residential schools in Canada. The report will examine the consequences of residential schools, the parties involved in negotiations, the outcomes of the negotiations and its impact on independent parties. Canada's first residential ...

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The Concept of Satisfaction in Higher Education

09 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,636 )

Introduction and frame of the study This literature review aims at investigating the importance of satisfaction of the students in higher education form a marketing point of view. As such, we understand the meaning of words, expression, and concepts we only have a limited relation to Operational field of study (that would understand HEI's as a Business entity). The study will be constructed as follow, ...

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Debate on Guns on School Campus

01 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,296 )

To carry or not to carry: aiming at safety on campus On March 10, 2017 when I was in my English class, my phone vibrated as messages from the school warned student to stay away from an evacuated area on the campus. The evacuation was then lifted after a suspicious item was found and determined to be safe. This was the first time I had ...

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The Problem of Grade Inflation

01 Aug 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,548 )

Grade Inflation: Is A the new C? Quinn, my 9-year-old stepson played on a little league baseball team. He attended most of the practices and played in all the games. I asked one day who won the game today? He looked to his father for the answer. I asked, "doesn't he know if his team won?" It seems that this little league bent the rules ...

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Education in Emergencies

28 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

9 (3,312 )

This chapter will discuss several existing organisations dedicated to education in emergencies and the programmes that they have developed. Discussing the effectiveness of these programmes would be beyond the scope of this paper. It is however, relevant to the topic to discuss how the right to education is protected in times of crises. Education in emergencies Emergency education has been defined as a set of ...

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Unstructured Free Time for School Age Children

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,487 )

How Important is Unstructured Free Time for School Age Children? It has been said that children do their best learning when they do not believe they are doing so. We most often see this trend with kindergarteners, of whom find themselves playing games to learn to count, and singing songs to learn their ABC's. While the classroom has been an efficient location for the learning ...

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Vargas Teaching Theory Analysis

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,368 )

Question one What are your ideas of teaching? How does that compare with or contrast to Vargas' perspective? Answer My ideas of teaching is to have a positive impact on my students in terms of their cognitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain. As a professional teacher, I understand that students have different learning styles and that is why my ideas of teaching and method ...

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ILETS Test Evaluation

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

11 (4,333 )

IELTS - The International English Language Testing System The purpose of any test is to diagnose what the learners know or don't know, in other words to check learning. The International English Language Testing System or IELTS test is a language proficiency test which covers all four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking and is the most widely used and accepted test for ...

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Learner Autonomy: English Language Teachers' Beliefs

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

11 (4,129 )

Introduction The research paper is about Learner Autonomy; its objectives, content, progression, methods and techniques used in obtaining the data to acquire the findings and then evaluating them to answer the research questions proposed by the researchers. As a foreign language trainer, there are many elements that contribute to teaching English language to non-native speakers which would support, develop or hinder the processes of teaching ...

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Prevent Strategy and Fundamental British Value

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

11 (4,308 )

The direct governmental policy response to terrorist attack, because, most of the terrorist attacks, are believed to have been perpetrated by [G1]Islamist terrorist (fundamentalist), does give the impression that government has a significant Muslim problem in relation to attractions to violent extremism.[G2][G3][G4] The Labour government, in 2003, came up with a strategy to counter terrorism,[G5][G6] with the principal aim of protecting the public, preventing radicalisation, ...

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Virtual Reality Internship Reflection

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,031 )

Executive summary about Internship/abstract: Spoketech is Chicago based company founded in 2005 focused on helping businesses realize their vision. Our team has a solid experience in IT strategy and technology solutions. It's a small consulting firm and fortunately they started working on VR(Virtual Reality) environment. I got interviewed by showing them my portfolio of my previous work I done in Unity Engine. So I had ...

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Social Theories of Education

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (662 )

This thinking paper will examine Brookfield's critique of the above article, examining what is critical about critical theory and in turn critical theory's analysis to the repositioning of that Ideology. Establishing that Ideology is a key concept in Critical Theory, Brookfield's further interpretations extended to the thoughts of leaders in the field to identify and oppose the Ideological forces and social processes ...

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Achieving Cultural Awareness: Through Teaching Slavery

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (790 )

What are the benefits of introducing Worldviews when teaching students about Slavery in the United States of America as it relates to cultural awareness? Society has become the social norm for what is culturally right or wrong as it relates to the many diverse cultures in the United States of America. American social-cultural tolerance is founded on the social model that diversity exists and must ...

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Factors Affecting Ethnic Minority Progression to University

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,427 )

It has been established that there is a very close connection between education attainment and upward social mobility (Ball 2010), hence, it is not unusual for ethnic minority to desire an upward social mobility and avoid discrimination in the work place, through the mechanism of obtaining higher qualification. However, this can be elusive as there are challenges that are capable of limiting the process or ...

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Theories of Communication in Education

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,656 )

The application of theories, principles and models of communication in education and training Introduction: Communication is a process of exchange of facts, ideas, opinions and a means that individuals or organizations share the meaning and understanding with one another. 2.1. Analyse theories, principles and models of communication: Two schools of thoughts are recognised in the study of communication and these include: The Semiotics School: The ...

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Analysis of School Policies

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

14 (5,487 )

Introduction Assignment one is to review several policies in an existing school policy manual and to analyze each evaluating its efficacy. The school chosen for this assignment is Miami Shores Presbyterian Church School (MSPCS) located in Miami Shores, Florida. MSPCS is a small religious based school for student's age eight weeks to fifth grade and provides families an affordable option for an outstanding academic and ...

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Face Recognition Attendance System

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

16 (6,274 )

In the 21st century, everything around us has become depends upon technology to make our life much easier. Daily tasks are continuously becoming computerized. Nowadays more people prefer to do their work electronically. To the best of our knowledge, the process of recording students' attendance at the university is still manual. Lecturers go through manual attendance sheets and signed papers to record attendance. This is ...

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Supporting Child Language Development

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (598 )

Hay & Fielding-Barnsley (2012) believed that there are firm reciprocal connections between children's language development, logical reasoning and their achievements at school. In order to best promote these relationships, children's language and speech should be motived, acknowledged and respected in a social positive learning environment. Children's academic achievement in literacy, which is multi-dimensional and interactive, depends on two periods of learning (Hay & Fielding-Barnsley, 2012). ...

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Gardner's Theory of Intelligence

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (953 )

It is a pretty common phenomenon that some people acquire knowledge and skills 10 or 20 times faster than others (Payne & Tirre 1984). Some people acquire certain kind of knowledge that others cannot even acquire after years of practice. This sort of individual differences in learning are commonly occur due to differences in intelligence. Thus, learning ability is part of intelligence according to some ...

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Challenges to Recruiting Teachers

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,529 )

Throughout regional South Australia, Australia and internationally the struggle of schools to attract and retain both talented and committed graduate teachers is becoming increasingly difficult. This is particularly apparent in an era where the demands of teaching and education are at unprecedented levels. In the United States, a similar situation is evident. Ingersoll (2012) found that the 'attrition rates of first-year teachers have increased by ...

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Analysis of Juliana Barr's Theory on Indian Communities

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,511 )

Juliana Barr. Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press). 2007. ix + 397 pp. $24.00 paperback. Juliana Barr focuses on the Texas borderlands and the Caddos, Apaches, Payayas, Karankawas, Wichitas, and Comanches. Her research demonstrates how these bands retained control over their homelands and how they left the French and ...

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Importance of Language on Literacy Development of Deaf Child

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

10 (3,671 )

A relationship between language and text needs to be established to become literate. What specific challenges may deaf children face in forming this relationship? How may such skills be developed in deaf children? As there is an increasing number of deaf children being identified and amplified at an earlier age and with the quality of this amplification improving, the expectation that these children develop at ...

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Pedagogical Principles of Teaching

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,129 )

Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training 1.1 Analyse the application of pedagogical principles in own area of specialism. Pedagogical Model: Understanding by Design (UbD) is an academic framework for designing curriculum units, performance assessments and instruction that evolve a deeper and better understanding amongst the learners. It facilitates the process of learning by setting achievable goals and objectives. Designed by Grant Wiggins ...

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Perceptions of Catholic School Teachers

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

8 (3,083 )

PART ONE: RESEARCH DESIGN A title for your study A mixed methods study of student perceptions of the qualities of highly effective traditional Catholic secondary school teachers. A description of the research context/background/problem leading to your study (three to five sentences approximately) It is a well-established and researched fact that individually and collectively, teachers play a pivotal role in facilitating student ...

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Role and Responsibilities of a Teacher

26 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,715 )

Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. My work is within the education sector at Northampton College. Specifically, I do two jobs both in the Supported Learning Department, firstly as a Learning support assistant, and secondly as an Hourly Paid Teacher. The Supported Learning department provides specialist education for our students with learning disabilities, it provides education which teaches life ...

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Transformational Leadership in Teaching

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (867 )

This paper is a discussion of possible data collection and analysis methods that could be used to address an inquiry into the effectiveness of novice teachers who use transformational leadership style to manage their classrooms. It is arranged in the following order. Possible abstract, introductory statement, research aims methodology and techniques, researcher position, theoretical framework, research questions, research design data collection, data analysis and states ...

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Defining Rural Literacies

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

13 (4,887 )

The term "rural literacies" can conjure up a variety of images-that of a young woman teaching students of mixed ages and grades in the one-room schoolhouse, a farm wife mending socks or preparing meals by the fireside, the farmer working in bucolic fields, or the racism and bigotry of small-town rednecks. Many of the images "rural literacies" bring to mind, positive and negative, are based ...

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UK Higher Education: A Shift to the Alternative Providers

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,492 )

For more than two hundred years now (1800s - 2015), educational landscape has been constantly changing and continues to change into the future. Private institutions such as London School of Management Education (LSME) are riding with the wave of change to meet the demands of technological economy in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. Higher education has evolved considerably in the United ...

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Effectiveness of Student Internship

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

13 (4,922 )

Introduction. The purpose of this study is to describe an internship program targeted at adolescents and aimed at addressing the competences needed. This study involved three main stakeholders: scholars, educators and employers engaged in the internship program. The intent is to gain a better understanding of how each group works together to equip scholars with the relevant college and career readiness competences and meet employer ...

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Research into Independent University Learning

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

4 (1,285 )

Hazel Christie, Paul Barron and Norma D Annunzio-Green published an article 'Direct entrants in transition: becoming independent learners' in Studies in Higher Education, 2013. It examines students who have come from College having undertaken one or two years of equivalent education, then transitioned directly into a second or third year of a degree in University. Information was taken from direct entry students in their first ...

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Role of Self Assessment in Learning

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

14 (5,304 )

My interest in self-assessment stems from personal experiences of being assessed and the frustration felt when most assessed work was simply awarded a grade, contained minimum feedback if any and was then expected to be filed away despite the many questions I may have had. However, many years later, while attended a language teaching training course, I was given a self-evaluation sheet to complete by ...

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How Service Learning Enriches the Learning Experience

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,788 )

How Service Learning Enriches the Learning Experience Section I: Problem Statement Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service learning is an extremely broad range of discussion that it utilized all over the country and all over the world as a teaching strategy. ...

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Impact of War on Child Education

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,929 )

"The wellbeing of refugee children in an early childhood education context: Connections and dilemmas." Journal of Educational Enquiry, Vol. 13, no. 1, pp.18-34. In this article Shallow & Whitington review how providing an environment supporting the wellbeing of refugee children is vital to their resettlement. This article recognises that early childhood is the prime time for refugee children to participate in intervention programs as this ...

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Students who Self-Mutilate

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (783 )

Understanding and Responding to Students who Self-Mutilate Summary Abstract Self-Mutilation is that causing of intentional physical harm to oneself. The most common way of harming one's self is cutting. Students that self-harm are misunderstood a common myth about people who self-harm is that they are trying to kill themselves but it is actually the opposite. They are trying to control their pain and emotions. Self-harming ...

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Online Education for Brake System

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,174 )

How many students who use the hydraulic brake system in my class?   Development of an E-Course for How many students who use the Hydraulic brake systems? The lesson aims to provide an online course for brake system (hydraulic) for TTC students. The proposed course is designed based on the approach of research based learning. Proposed design of the circuit is supported by the ...

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Constructivist Curriculum Framework for Maths and Science

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

7 (2,614 )

Through investigating his world, a child uses natural curiosity to formulate theories and construct knowledge. Incorporating big ideas into the curriculum, teachers can engage children as they develop a deeper understanding of concepts that are related (Chaillè & Davis, 2016). Further supporting children's learning, assessments are crucial in formulating instruction, and understanding what a child knows and can do. A culmination of the aforementioned strategies ...

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Title IX Legislation Analysis

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

5 (1,804 )

Title IX for South Suburban Bulldogs Athletic Department Introduction I. Brief History of Title IX A. Title IX Defined B. The Test C. Equal Pay Act II. Understanding Title IX Athletics Compliance Introduction A. Title IX Coordinator III. The Participation A. Athletics Team for Purposes of Title IX B. Athletics Participant for Title IX Purposes C. The Test IV. Athletic ...

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Concepts of Intelligence and Logic

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

12 (4,445 )

"The beauty of learning is that you never graduate from it." - Brennan Claybaugh Today, sending and receiving information is instantaneous. The way you live, learn, socialize, and do business is constantly transforming because of developments in technology and communication. Smart phones, e-mail, websites, and various apps are a part of daily life. These developments have revolutionized how you learn, think, receive information, and communicate. ...

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ISTE NETS Standards for Teachers

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,319 )

Module 1: Assessing Strengths and Improvement Opportunities Comparison to NETS-T Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity I believe I do a fairly good job of "engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital media and tools" (NETS-T 1b). For example, most of my international ELLs are majoring in international trade. Therefore, I have my business English ...

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Teacher Misconduct Cases

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,357 )

Abstract Where do we draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior for a teacher? District policies on conduct have been notoriously vague so as to give the district the necessary leeway to judge a broad range of potential behaviors that may fall under the umbrella of misconduct. Unfortunately, what we find with this is that line is so undefined that good teachers may believe ...

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Teaching Children Technology Skills

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (641 )

Technology and Authentic Learning You have just completed a beginning-of-the-school-year open house for parents. Following your presentation, several parents ask whether you will focus on helping their children develop 21st century technology skills. They ask you to describe several learning experiences you have designed and plan to implement this year. What are two authentic examples of learning with technology that you could share with ...

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Bilingual Child Support in the Classroom

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,276 )

  Information about your project Proposed project title Exploring the way bilingual children are supported in the classroom. Proposed research question(s) 5. 1.What challenges do bilingual children face? 22 2. What strategies are used? 33 3. How effective are these? 22 ...

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Risk Management in Children's Play

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,097 )

Balanced Approach to Risk Management A risk is part of everyday life and it almost affects everyone in some form or the other. A risk is taken every day in order to sustain a better, healthy future. Therefore risk cannot be completely eliminated in any aspect of our society and so accepting that the possibility of even serious or life threatening injuries cannot be eliminated, ...

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Inclusivity in Schools Study

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (1,111 )

This study focuses on my placement school to find out how inclusive it is regarding the special educational needs (SEN) students. The study puts in scope how lessons are delivered in the school and how the school meets the needs of the special educational needs students. To find answers to the enquiries, a specific case study research design was selected to provide an understanding of ...

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Child Cognitive Development Observation Study

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

3 (969 )

Child's Name: Allira Date: 17/03/2015 Child's age: 3 years 11 months Time: various Setting: outdoor setting Name of observer: Thi Pham (Sammi) Learning story: This morning Allira showed her interest in exploring a sand volcano- a natural phenomenon and feeling the rain during ...

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Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

2 (723 )

Unmasking Power Stephen Brookfield in the Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching, OUP Maidenhead 2005 Brookfield's chapter on the unmasking of power leads him immediately to consideration of the French theorist, Michel Foucault, by whom he was first introduced to the concept of regimes of truth: 'the types of discourse which it (society) accepts and makes function as true' (Foucault).  Regimes of ...

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Perceptions of Reading for Pleasure in Boys - Methodology

25 Jul 2017 29 Aug 2017

6 (2,305 )

Methodology. Design approach To address the challenge of boy's perceptions of reading for pleasure and referring to relevant literature, I decided to approach the research using triangulation so that cross examination of findings could be achieved within a relatively short space of time. A mixed method research approach was used to answer my research question so that in carrying out a questionnaire, follow up interviews ...

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Personal Statement for College Application

16 Aug 2017

4 (1,600 )

My College    Right after high school, I plan to attend McLennan Community College. The main reason I choose this college is because it is very affordable and it's close to home. I want to study Radiology and this school offers a good associates program for this. I would want to earn my bachelors degree from Texas Tech University. Texas Tech has always been ...

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Development of Australian and Aboriginal Education

16 Aug 2017

3 (810 )

Australian education had a drastic change in the 1960's, cultural differences became more integrated into the school curriculum. During this time Aboriginal education moved from assimilation to integration. There was the belief that Aboriginals being exposed to 'white' Australian education, would allow them to integrate into mainstream Australian culture. In the past Indigenous students were looked down on and expectations weren't very high. However we ...

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Self Assessment on Child Learning Environment

16 Aug 2017

9 (3,577 )

Part A Reflecting on a child's learning and development as a practitioner is important in order to gauge an understanding of the child's ability to learn and how it can be continually improved. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) developed a curriculum framework, known as Aistear, which supports practitioners in early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings to reflect, identify and assess children's ...

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Role of Study Center in Higher Education

15 Aug 2017

12 (4,741 )

THE ROLE OF STUDY CENTER IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INCREASING LINKAGES AMONG INDUSTRY - UNIVERSITY - GOVERNMENT (TRIPLE HELIX MODEL) Alimatus Sahrah Faculty of Psychology, University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Abstract Triple helix model which requires the existence of linkages Industry - University - Government is believed to accelerate the achievement of the Indonesian Developmental Vision of 2020. Case study of the existence of Study ...

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Staff Guide on Assessment and Moderation

15 Aug 2017

4 (1,283 )

Purpose The purpose of the assessment and moderation staff guide is to ensure: All staff are aware of the moderation activities requirements All staff are aware of the assessment requirements; adheres to the quality standards (i.e.: fair, valid and consistent assessment) expected from external parties (e.g.: NZQA) Policy This policy will be achieved through planning and implementation of an annual Moderation Calendar, and ...

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Reflective Assessment of Education Research

15 Aug 2017

3 (978 )

I am visual by my learning style. And I captured some wonderful memory in my development immersion exposer programme with the help of entire faculty of DMI, Patna and whose shown faith on me and whole team member of AKRSP(I), Khandwa. Faculties of DMI given me a spectacle to look through it into the village and AKRSP(I) given me filter for that spectacle to extract ...

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Developing a Professional Identity as a Teacher

14 Aug 2017

3 (1,015 )

To me, motivation is the first and foremost driven force for a teacher to develop professional identity. If a person does not have the ambition for a profession, it is easy to drop the struggle in vein. Motivation can persist in form of altruistic, intrinsic, extrinsic reasons or combination of all among teachers to choose teaching as a profession. In an explanatory way, "altruistic reasons: ...

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Importance of Teacher Interaction with Learners

14 Aug 2017

3 (1,129 )

In order to facilitate learning activity in the classroom a teacher must have a clear knowledge of who learners are. In general, a learner is an individual who engage him/herself in the process of acquiring new knowledges and developing varieties of new skills. A learner can be found wherever a learning process takes place between two persons or among a group of people. In the ...

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Common Core is Failing Our Education System

14 Aug 2017

7 (2,465 )

I feel very connected to the issue of national testing and standards. I went to public school K-8 and private school 9-12 so I was able to see the issue and how classroom learning can go on both sides. My audience is Betsy DeVos. My research went well, there were a lot of topics on the issue so I didn't have a hard time finding ...

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Paradigm Transitions in Education

14 Aug 2017

3 (986 )

Introduction - professional context For this piece I will look to investigate the transition to paperless education to coincide with the opening of a new sixth form centre. Alongside the research question I will look into the relevant epistemological, ontological and methodological paradigms and how they influence my professional practice. During this piece I hope the reflexly look into my personal experience, my Habitus (Bourdieu, ...

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Programs to Improve Education in the US

10 Aug 2017

15 (5,648 )

Chapter 1: Introduction Topic. The current education debate in the U.S. has centered on preparing all scholars to be college and career ready by equipping them with scholastic, technical, and employability competences by the time they graduate high school (Hein, Smerdon, Lebow & Agus, 2012; Stone & Lewis, 2012). However, the competences' gap between what employers seek and what scholars-future labor market candidates-possess has raised ...

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Physical Developments in Adolescence

10 Aug 2017

5 (1,695 )

Introduction Adolescence occurs at different ages for different cultures, while generally considered to be between the ages of 13-18 it is actually the developmental stage in a human's life cycle between childhood and adulthood. During this time the body undergoes many changes quite rapidly much akin to infancy, where drastic growth takes place in a small period of time, however it is less obvious just ...

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Differences of Creativity in Education Levels

10 Aug 2017

7 (2,792 )

People, who have received a formal education and those who did not, are equally creative. Paola Vasquez Yachay Tech University   Abstract This project was made to prove that people who have received a formal education, as those who did not, have equally creativity. First by showing what does creativity and imagination means, and how things that are surrounding influence it. Then, proving that creativity ...

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SLA: Language Acquisition Vs Learning

26 Jul 2017

8 (3,161 )

Bilingualism 10/1/17 - Introduction to Bilingualism During this lecture, I learned the definition and the importance of bilingualism. Throughout the years, the definition of bilingualism has changed slowly from 'possesses native-like control of two or more languages' (Bloomfield, 1933) to 'operates in two languages on a daily basis' (David, 1999, pg 157). As well as this, I also came to realise that there are ...

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Observation of Child with ADHD

26 Jul 2017

5 (1,617 )

Child's Particulars: Full Name of Child: Eileen Tay Yi Ling (Pseudonym) Chronological Are: 6 Years, 1 Month (From Date of Collection of Background Information) Gender: Female Race: Chinese Current Grade (Standard) in School: Kindergarten 2 Background Information: Eileen (pseudonym) lives with her family, consisting of her father and mother, her 23 year-old step-brother and a live-in domestic helper. According to the domestic helper, she appears ...

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Challenging Behaviours in School

26 Jul 2017

2 (793 )

Challenging behaviors are not typical or special education status. These behaviors are of intense and causes a frequency and the length of the safety of an individual and others is likely to be placed in serious limits or holdup connection to, and use of normal discomforts. Challenging behaviors can take different forms, some can be less intense while some can be more vivid. (Marion, 2015). ...

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Plagiarism Assessment - Types of Plagiarism

25 Jul 2017

2 (788 )

This essay is going to consider the issues around and avoidance of plagiarism. It's going to look at definitions and the different forms of plagiarism as well as the impact and consequences of plagiarism. It's going to explore the use of correct referencing format for a variety of research sources. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words and/or concepts, applying them and not ...

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Lesson Plan Assignment Example

25 Jul 2017

4 (1,360 )

Each student will create a lesson plan for his/her area of interest (i.e., primary, elementary, secondary, etc.) between kindergarten and grade 12, in a chosen content area, using https://planbook.com. The lesson is to last approximately 60 minutes. Lessons must include the following elements:  title, grade level, materials, Common Core or Maryland standard (depending on the content area), objective, anticipatory set/warm-up, instructional input, guided practice, independent ...

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Benefits of Using Literature in the Classroom

23 Mar 2015 24 Jul 2017

6 (2,135 )

Keywords: literature in esl classroom, literature teaching strategy This chapter attempts to emphasize on relevant literature review that illustrate the following details; definition of literature, the importance of pedagogy, benefits of teaching literature in ESL Classroom, trainee teachers, and past studies. 2.1 DISCUSSION OF MAJOR TOPICS OF STUDY Literature is defined as pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays, and poems ...

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Volkswagen International Strategy

23 Mar 2015 21 Jul 2017

5 (1,989 )

Keywords: volkswagen marketing strategy INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRETEGY Company's Snapshot. Volkswagen AG. is a German automaker that operates in the global automotive industry as a manufacturer and distributor. Volkswagen of America is one of its subsidiaries that is based in the United States. The Group's principal activities are to design, manufacture and distribution of cars and other vehicles worldwide. The Group's activities are carried out through two divisions: ...

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History of Business Studies

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

18 (6,825 )

Keywords: history of business education This research has been a requisite due to the fact that in 2011 students' performance at Higher School Certificate level had a fail rate (Grade U) of 34.16% out of 161 examinable candidates in Business Studies at Advanced Subsidiary level (MES, 2012). Moreover, the key messages from the principal examiners report for teachers (2011) claimed that educators should show students how to ...

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Man is a Social Animal Essay

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

7 (2,433 )

Keywords: man is a social animal 'Man is a social animal', said Aristotle years ago, human races proved and realized the importance of his statement by the passage of time. Individuals live in groups and can not separate themselves from being part of a group. Individuals have their own importance, their behaviours and performance can not be ignored as these influence the behaviours and production of groups ...

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History of Cooperative Learning

23 Mar 2015 20 Jul 2017

9 (3,414 )

Keywords: cooperative learning history, cooperative learning essay 2.0 Introduction The review of the literature is organized in seven themes. The first theme aims to provide an overall overview on the history and previous studies made on Cooperative Learning. The second theme addresses the importance of Cooperative Learning. Then, the third and fourth themes focus on Group Work and its benefits. Followed by, are the fifth and sixth ...

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Political Factors Affecting Education

23 Mar 2015 19 Jul 2017

8 (3,118 )

Keywords: political factors in education "Education is the most important shared experienced in our lives it is so important and so all-pervasive that it is almost impossible to define. Education will not supply all the answers to the problems that beset us, either as individuals or as a nation, but if we set about it the right way, it is the best single means of promoting intellectual, ...

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Diversity in the Classroom

23 Mar 2015 19 Jul 2017

7 (2,436 )

Keywords: diversity in schools essay, school diversity Schools are the places where the children shape their personalities and behavior. Like a child who shapes his or her personal outlook, even the school will be shaped by diverse cultural practices and values of the society. In essence, schools also reflect the existing norms of the society for which they set up. Interrelated and closely bonded beliefs and values ...

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Collegial and Formal Type of Leadership

23 Mar 2015 19 Jul 2017

5 (1,850 )

Keywords: collegial model, collegial leadership This assignment consists of two parts. In the first part, the models of collegial and formal type of leadership are considered and compared to the head teacher's role to which the author is familiar within the educational system of Cyprus. The head teacher's role will be analysed both leadership styles. In the second part, the author concentrates on the assumptions made about ...

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Is Education the Best Solution to Poverty?

23 Mar 2015 18 Jul 2017

8 (2,947 )

Keywords: poverty and education, poverty solution education For majority of African children, education represents the only solution of a life of rooted poverty. Across the continent, a large number of children currently survive on less than one dollar a day. Children who can read, write and do some arithmetic can hope to get better paid job in future. But school is much more than just job skills. ...

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Education System of Pakistan Analysis

23 Mar 2015 18 Jul 2017

16 (6,052 )

Keywords: pakistan education history, pakistani female education All through human history, the source of success had been the control of natural resources - land, gold and oil. Suddenly, the emphasis has shifted to knowledge and education in the modern contemporary world. The world's wealthiest man, Bill Gates, owns nothing tangible - no land, no gold or oil, no factories, no armies. For the first time in human ...

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Constructivist Theory of Development

23 Mar 2015 18 Jul 2017

6 (2,100 )

To believe a child is an empty vessel would mean believing that children are unable to think or respond to the world around them. The term 'empty vessel' suggests that babies' minds contain nothing and that helping them to develop means simply filling the space with facts. Theorists and scientists have spent many years researching and developing ideas that suggest that even an unborn child is capable ...

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Characteristics of Experimental Research

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

11 (4,357 )

Keywords: characteristic of experimental research 1) Hattie's (2003) participants were classified as experienced or expert according to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process. This process is based on the best available evidence of what constitutes high standards of teaching and learning and has been rigorously researched and evaluated. On the boards website it says "All of the research contributes to understanding and improving the ...

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Autonomous Learner Characteristics

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

14 (5,340 )

Keywords: characteristics of autonomous learners INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Looking back in time, English language were used once during the Cambodian Republic Regime (1970 - 1975), but thereafter, English was completely banned during the Genocidal Regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge; in 1993, for the first National Election in Cambodia, English language emerged again in this country with the arrival of United Nations ...

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My Leadership Style

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

13 (4,923 )

Keywords: my personal leadership style, personal leadership style According to my results, it indicates that my leadership style is predominately Participative, which means that I am capable of working with group members who understand the objectives and their role in the task. My biggest strength is hard work, sharing the sense of responsibility, punctuality, time management and the ability to meet deadlines. I am a very trustworthy ...

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Examples of Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life

23 Mar 2015 17 Jul 2017

4 (1,568 )

Based on our group opinion, emotional intelligence plays an important role in our daily life and workplaces. Without emotional intelligence, we can categories as imperfect individuals. Although we need cognitive intelligence to solve problem but cognitive intelligence just represent a small proportion in our daily life. Therefore we agree with the emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence in influencing an individual's success. Inside our suggestion ...

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Personal Development Plan in Childcare

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

14 (5,393 )

Keywords: skills audit essay, reflective skills audit Over the four years I have been working at various different settings as a student volunteer which include the following Private Day Cares, Primary Schools and Nursery Schools. Studying Early Childhood has given me, amongst other things, a broad knowledge of child development. It has given me an opportunity to reflect upon my own learning styles and professionalism and explore ...

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Counselling and Guidance in Education

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

10 (3,640 )

Keywords: counselling in education, school guidance Guidance simply means instruction or direction. As a dictionary definition, “Guidance” means; help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships. This term is strongly related with the profession of education as it is apparent from these definitions. For that reason a loose definition of “Guidance” specifically ...

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Saudi Education System

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

9 (3,341 )

Keywords: saudi arabia education system The previous chapter sought to clarify the research motivation, presented the rationale for the study and outlined the specific research questions. Given that this work was undertaken in Saudi Arabia, it is pertinent to provide an over view of the Saudi education system particularly its general characteristics, structure, curriculum being used in it. This chapter provides general background regarding the basic objectives ...

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Skills Required to be an Effective Manager

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

13 (4,827 )

Keywords: management skills essay, good manager skills Management skills express the belief that economic change can be made into the most powerful engine for human betterment and social justice (Drucker, 2007). A perfect manager is an asset for a company. A good manager should have the knowledge about functionality, processes and standard operating procedures of an organization. It is said that leaders are born leaders; some of ...

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Scope and Legal Status of the EYFs

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

4 (1,505 )

Keywords: eyf legal status, early years framework analysis The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children's learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. The Early Years Framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children's learning providing the most appropriate stimulus ...

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Exams are Not Good Forms of Assessment

23 Mar 2015 14 Jul 2017

5 (1,666 )

Keywords: exams should be replaced with other forms of assessment Assessments can be classified into few categories which are discussion, self- report, observation, portfolio assessment, practical work, demonstration, class activities and oral presentation. In the similar way, assessment can also be defined as a learning process that provides information on students' learning and guides student to make great changes in their studies (Business Dictionary). In general, examination ...

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Relationship between Headteacher and Teachers

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

12 (4,657 )

Teachers and head teachers play an imperative role in upholding and improving education standards in learning institutions. Head teachers are charged with the responsibility of overseeing the day-to- day operations of a school. Teachers on the other hand are very instrumental when it comes to imparting knowledge, discipline, beliefs and values to students. Over the years, a number of research studies have established a connection between high ...

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Student Time Management Research

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

6 (2,189 )

Keywords: research time management, time management recommendation This chapter presents the discussion of the findings based on the study conducted. The summary of major finding of the study on how part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam is concluded in this chapter in order to know better how the students manage their time and provide recommendation and suggestions for further research. The analysis of the findings ...

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Implementing a Personal Development Plan

23 Mar 2015 13 Jul 2017

6 (2,115 )

Personal and professional skills are very essential to achieve strategic goals. Manager can perform his responsibilities and duties properly by using these skills. It is the process that is designed to enable the readers to take responsibility for their learning and development needs to meet personal, professional as well as organizational goals and objectives. We can achieve this by analyzing and defining current skills, as well as ...

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Advantages of Discovery Learning

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

7 (2,459 )

Keywords: advantages of discovery method, discovery learning bruner Discovery learning was first put into writing by Jerome Bruner in the 1970's. In part II of his book titled "The Quest for Clarity", Bruner discusses his views on "the Act of Discovery". Bruner states his belief that to successfully educate, the educator must first assess what is already known. In this essay Bruner summarizes the basic principles of ...

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Applying Learning Theory in the Classroom

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

10 (3,873 )

Keywords: behaviourism in the classroom, cognitive development applied The two main influential learning approaches are the behaviourist and the cognitive approach to learning theories. This report critically evaluates how learning theories are applied in the 14-19 Applied Science classroom. It examines how behaviourism, although an outdated theory, is still relevant in the modern classroom and is still used in developing the rewards and sanctions policies of the ...

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Education's Impact on Social Class

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

4 (1,320 )

Keywords: education and class, social class and education In the past centuries, education has been a field that often being related to various disciplines. This is probably because of its importance towards society thus making it an important area that a nation needs to addressed on occasionally. Having an education is important regardless of the types of education whether the education is formal, informal or non-formal. One ...

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Education System in Pakistan

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

6 (2,221 )

Keywords: our education system, essay on education in pakistan How important is education for you? Importance of education can be imagined by Nelson Mandelas saying Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. That is the most powerful weapon that can change the world is "Education". A nation cannot Progress without improving its education. What comes in your mind when you ...

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Problems with the US Education System

23 Mar 2015 12 Jul 2017

7 (2,550 )

Keywords: school problems, education problems, education issues One of the biggest problems with public school today is that academic performance is declining, particularly in urban areas and among disadvantaged populations. It is well known that education in the US has fallen behind many other countries internationally. We are behind most other countries in both science and math education. The Ayn Rand Institute puts it best, saying, American ...

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