History About The Personal Journal


02 Nov 2017

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The Personal Journal Submissions

Lecture 1

Date: 03/02/2013

During this lecture several things were discussed with one common aim of providing the learners with proper knowledge on the critical and creative thinking. During this lecture, I paid much attention on the topic because I realized that the knowledge gathered from these particular lessons will be of great help in the future career studies. This is because, in the advanced studies, creativity is very much required in order to be more successful (Adair, 1990).

Some of the major things covered are the various theories applied in creativity, how to apply creativity in solving critical problems and the appropriate communication skills. At the same time new ways of thinking and refreshing mind were discovered together with the way various companies approaches the ideas as their own way of promoting innovation.

Following the lessons learnt during this lecture, I reflected on the whole concept figuring out how they can be applicable in the real life operations. In that case, creativity is the best tool of becoming a successful player in many fields. In business, competition is growing every day with the development of various ideas around the world; therefore, to be successful you need to find your own ways of being innovative through creativity (Adair, 1990). On the other hand, I realized that critical thinking can be tiresome and sometimes refreshment is required. Therefore, I decided to do it practical by trying several methods of mind refreshment and a result I discovered several effective techniques which I believe may be the solution to mind fatigue

During our group discussion on the topic of creative and critical thinking, various issues were raised whereby everybody was supposed to contribute on providing the ideas. On the topic of entrepreneurship, points were raised on how creativity is required in order to attain a high standard of productivity and performance. Among the group members I contributed the high number of points which turned out to be the most supported.

Lecture 2

Date: 10/02/2013

During this lecture, several lessons were learnt as the application of the creativity in reality. Some of the lesion we learnt is behaviorism, whereby various ways of observing the persons behaviors and how that behavior is influenced by or influences the surrounding environment. In this particular discussion, I discovered how classical conditioning can change the person’s behaviors. If someone learnt how to control the classical condition in his/her behavior it will be easy for that person to adopt different conditions in various situations.

Classical condition can make someone stronger or weak depending on the way he/she handles it. During my personal reflection on the topic, I realized that classical condition has been affecting the way I react in public. I realized that the reason why I stammer while giving a public speech is because of this classic condition. However, classical condition strengthens my emotions and behaviors in a way that when confronted by any challenge, I am able to react positively to adopt that strange feeling so that nothing goes wrong.

The lesson that effectively fit a group work is that of generalization. This explains ones feelings when he/she is in group of people. However, during our group work, I was well comfortable because the topics that we were discussing were very much familiar to me making it easy to participate fully. Therefore, during my reflection on the group work, I realized that the feeling of positive reinforcement I had is the one that made me change my response towards the whole group work.

Lecture 3

Date: 18/02/2013

During this lecture several lessons were discussed on different fields in creativity and discovery. The main topic was on how to achieve proper and appropriate planning techniques. In projects that require group work, planning is the key aspect in order to achieve successful results. However, the most influential topic was on personal style. In this particular discussion, I tried to range myself in various theories that are applicable in the effort to achieve a good plan. After reevaluating my day to day activities and looking keening at my performance, I realized I am very much a behaviorist whereby my behavioral reaction determines much of my plans.

After studying various learning styles, I tried to categorize myself to one of the styles the lecturer explained. However, by closely evaluating my learning activities, I realized that I am a kinesthetic learner. This is because I love learning things through direct experience and contact. To be specific, I love lab practices, I have a poor handwriting, always have problems while studying at a quiet place and I can’t study like that for long. It is my characteristic to prefer working in groups because I like involving myself in a practice discussions and engagements.

This quality of being a kinesthetic learner, however, makes me the best participant in our group work. During the days group work I evaluated my participation and tried to compare my performance with what I had learnt in the class work. I, however, realized that I am a very good creative problem solver whereby the problems that seem to be more tactical, I always provided a solution. On the issue of coordinating the group members, I can place myself at the position of poor coordinator. I like moving from one place to the other and making unnecessary noise because it is my nature something that cannot allow me to be a perfect coordinator.

Lecture 4

This particular lecture was about the insights on insights. The lecturer provided various examples of the insights in which he stated the relationship between the giver and the receiver and the uncomfortable silence at the midst of many people as some of the things that can be related to insights. In this case, insight was defined as the power to see the inner nature of something. According to my understanding o this topic, the term insight refers to every thing that come out from within someone. For instant, a good mother portrays some motherly characteristics that insights the baby to feel more safe and comfortable in her midst. To further explain insight, I believe it is some audio, visual or thoughts expressions that make the people, who are receiving them, appreciate by showing some appreciation expressions.

Reflecting on the topic, I realized that something that is considered insight must be something that shows an intellectual expression, which may be considered to be much influential. During the lecture session, I felt the flow of the lectures point and I could sometimes find myself nodding my head as a sign of appreciation. This did not just happen for the sake but was provoked by the lecturer’s ability to draw his point home. However, I realized that the most important thing is to make sure that all the points you are giving out during any presentation are insights the audients

During our group work, I tried to be more influential by trying to deriver points that insights other team members. Ranging myself at a scale of 100, I could place my contribution towards the ability of insight the audience at 60 which an average performance.

Lecture 5

Date 11/03/2013

This lecture was all about the topic of thinking, heuristic and biases: think about problem solving, in which the lecture explained how the human brain functions. Among the lessons learnt were the ways human brain organizes and alters the information processing it into a more reasonable outcome. The human mind is like a computer, whereby information is gathered, processed and stored in the memory. In that case the term thinking is the practical way of processing and organizing the information to come up with a well presentable feedback. However, the more the person is capable to process and organize information the better his /she thinking capability seems to be.

People have different capabilities of information processing, which depends on the person’s speed of connecting things. Sometimes you may find out that in a class some people understand faster than the others and others understand but they forget faster. This depends on the personal brain processing speed and the capability to store the information for long. For those people who takes too long to get points, their thinking speed seems to be very slow while those who gets and responds to various things very first, their processing speed is said to be considerably high.

Group Work Experience

During our group work I tried to evaluate this issue of thinking and found out that amongst us there were different types of brains. On my side, I realized that I am a quick thinker put do not retain long term memories. Therefore, during group work discussion that tackles the topics that we have just completed, I am very good in contribution. But for the topics that we covered long ago, I find myself having problems in remembering much of it.


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