The Supervision And Communication


02 Nov 2017

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1. Introduction

This is my reflective report for my undergraduate project within business information systems. The aim of my reflective report is to give a detailed explanation of the growth that has been made on my project from when I started it until this present moment. The reflective report will include different methodologies in which have been adopted to make my project at a first-class quality. It’s wise that I include time and management and communication skills. In addition the reflective report will show evidence of how my project ideas have progressed into reality me by creating them.

2. Self Management

When it comes to Self management, it’s very important topic, Self-management refers to the ability of an individual to regulate their emotions and resulting behaviours in ways that society considers acceptable. This includes how I manage with unmet wants or needs, perseveres when faced with obstacles, and sets goals. Four of the main cores of self management are planning, learning, time management and positive thinking. Below I will expand on the cores and show how my undergraduate project has gone through each of these cores and state how I have reacted with the situation weather it’s positive or negative.

2.1 Time management

Time management is a very important factor in my reflective report; it could even determine the outcome within my project as a whole. If you plan your time you are building a sensible investment of a very limited resource – time. Knowing what to work on, when and how much time you have to complete the assignment makes you more determined. That determination then works to make sure that I get more quality work out. One way in which I tried to stay on top on my project is by seeing my supervisor every week that way I can inform Mr. Antony brown of what objectives I want to complete that way he can advise me the best way to go about it.

2.2 Planning

The second step I took after time management is planning; firstly with my contextual report I made sure I planned the layout according to how my lecture required me to do so , the planning required me to input such information as client research, interviews and so fourth. On my project I carefully measured all of the objectives that have to be achieved. All of these objectives I noted in the lectures along with the time constraints I gave myself, I would have a better view of how long each task would take me to complete and perfect.

2.3 Learning

I had to undertake further learning outside the lecture room, this type of Learning is self education. Self education includes a range of different learning styles , the learning styles I chose was reading, brainstorming and detailed interview questions in my contextual report. These different learning styles are what I will need to gain a better understanding of areas am unclear on . This way by the end of my project I would have learnt so much.

3. Experiences and Outcomes

3.1 Topic Selection

A important part of the project is choosing the topic .I had to think long and hard about the topic for the reason that choosing the wrong topic would have a negative impact on how my work turns out. I had to make sure I choose the right topic ,so I asked myself what am I interested in, then I asked myself can I gather enough research to provide a good project within what am interested in. I had a meeting with my tutor on the 12th of November to inform my supervisor my ideas to see his views and he approved.

3.2 Supervision and Communication

This section is a major part of the project, communication with my supervisor, I have to see my supervisor each week so he can check the progression of my work weather its advice, feedback, support or any type of help. So far I am happy with how thing are going, I have met my supervisor every week and I hope to continue this process my supervisor has been very straight forward with me and held nothing back.

3.3 Resources

Resources within the university have made my research easier also the fact that my supervisor is available 3/5 days gives me that confidence and drive to make sure I do what’s required of me to my best ability.

4.0 Reflection

4.1 Achieved Work

This assignment is based around databases. I have started developing a database/information system that will allow leisure centres to store information more quickly and more efficiently.

So far the progress the progress I have made is reasonable nevertheless I believe that I need to get my head down and speed up to the development stage of the artefact, to complete my information system the current systems I looked at during my interviews with the 3 leisure centres gave me an detailed idea of how similar the current systems are.

I decided after having a brief talk with my supervisor that it would be a good idea if I downloaded the program which is using to create the information system at home. That way I can work on ways to improve it any time I want. At this moment in time I am at the development stage of the project, and from my designs I know the way in which I would like the artefact to work.

4.2 Current Development

The development part of my information system is in progress at the moment .On the 5th/02/13 I began creating tables in addition entering data/information in the tables to make sure the tables were functioning properly.

I created a table to show my progression during my time on my reflection report, also how much time spent on creating the database and also how much is going to take to create the thesis report

Task Name


Start Date

End Date

Reflective Report

12 days

Mon 20/02/13

Fri 14/02/13


5 days

Mon 27/01/13

Fri 02/03/13

Thesis Content

5 days

Mon 27/01/12

Fri 02/03/13

Artefact Implementation

7 days

Sat 03/03/12

Mon 12/03/13

Data Capture

5 days

Tue 06/03/12

Mon 12/03/13


5 days

Tue 06/03/12

Mon 12/03/13


2 days

Fri 09/03/12

Mon 12/03/13


2 days

Fri 09/03/12

Mon 12/03/13

User Study

7 days

Tue 13/03/12

Wed 21/03/13

User Testing

3 days

Mon 19/03/12

Wed 21/03/13

User Feedback

4 days

Fri 16/03/12

Wed 21/03/13

Thesis Report

14 days

Tue 10/04/12

Fri 27/04/13

Write Report

14 days

Tue 10/04/12

Fri 27/04/13


4.3 Modules of the course

At the same time as working on this current project I have to got to have in mind that I have three more projects, which include deadlines and the pressure of completing it. This makes it difficult for me to input all my efforts into designing my program. However this is not the first time I have been under pressure to submit coursework so I believe to overcome this I must organizing my time management. By doing this makes sure the issues I have concerning this matter will seize to exist.

4.4 Software Problems

In the beginning the general idea was to use oracle however due to some complications I had to switch it to PHP that was one of my main software problems. In addition another problem was every time I typed my username and password the system got frozen, this began to get irritating however I thought that if I kept saving the work as I go I will be in a better position.


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