Rio Antirio Bridge And Millau Viaduct Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,561 )

Rio-Antirio bridge, the worlds longest suspension bridge, connecting Western Peloponnese with mainland Greece, 1998-2004 Millau viaduct. Millau, france, 1993-2004 Comparison: The two bridges are both phenomenal suspensions bridges in their locations. With taking into account the location of these two bridges, both bridges, Both are considered to be an architectural and engineering marvels. Concrete plays an important role in the construction of suspension bridges. There will be ...

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Lean Tools Management

23 Mar 2015

39 (15,333 )

Lean manufacturing refers to a manufacturing improvement process based on the fundamental goal of Toyota production system (TPS) in order to minimize or eliminate waste while maximizing production flow (Tapping, 2002). Many manufacturing organizations recognize the importance of applying lean techniques. However, few organizations apply lean techniques with the necessary knowledge and proven tools to achieve it. Today, businesses around the world have a major opportunity to ...

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Energy Efficient Hydraulic Lift Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,333 )

An attempt will be made to develop an energy efficient lift which does not consume any external energy source. The potential energy that is going waste through gravity downward movement is applied through hydraulic means and it is reutilized for upward movement. The energy efficient lift (prototype) is developed in such a way that it will consume an energy developed by itself during downward gravitational movement. The ...

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Uses Of Composites In Aircraft Structures Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,276 )

The use of metals in aircraft structures had to await modern material development processes such as alloy development. This processes produced stronger and better materials which allowed high speed flight. Materials produced were better as they allowed heavy loads and they showed better resistance to stress corrosion cracking. The introduction of computers has been of massive input in the field of aerospace. These seen engineers perform deep ...

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A Light Emitting Diode Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,636 )

A Light-Emitting Diode in essence is a P-N junction solid-state semiconductor diode that emits light when a current is applied though the device.[1] By scientific definition, it is a solid-state device that controls current without the deficiency of having heated filaments. How does a LED work? White LEDs ordinarily need 3.6 Volts of Direct Current (DC) and use approximately 30 milliamps (mA) of current and has a ...

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Advantages Of Aluminium As A Shipbuilding Material Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,135 )

The use of aluminium in any vessel involves a radical set of production methods compared to traditional shipbuilding processes. Hence, the methods used for the construction of aluminium vessels are an important factor in the feasibility study. The welding of aluminium is susceptible to hot cracking and can only be done using certain processes. It is important to employ the correct welding methods to serve different purposes. ...

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Ac Power Logger Using Mcp39009 Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

30 (11,685 )

In this project we are going to record power consumption using MCP3909 by using AVR 5A microcontroller. This MCP 3909 is an energy metering IC with SPI interface and active power pulse output. Where the MCP3909 used in two different phases that can be operated at a time like 1.Output through active pulse power and 2. Waveform obtained as output through SPI interface. For the output real ...

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Positive Displacement Reciprocating Pumps Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,941 )

Reciprocating pumps are positive-displacement pumps in which water, fluids, slurries (depending on their abrasiveness) and even solid materials is moved by means of a plunger or a piston that reciprocates back and forth in a horizontal or vertical direction inside a cylinder; each stroke displaced a quantity of liquid regardless of the resistance against which pump is operating. Reciprocating pumps have a fluid-handling portion, commonly called liquid ...

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Aircraft Maintenance Cost Prediction

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,603 )

Aircraft-commerce, Aircraft Operator and owner's guide, [issue 66, October 2009] states Canadair Regional Jet-200 are nominally 50-seat, five-crewmember, twin- turbofan-powered aircraft with a maximum altitude of 41,000ft and a maximum design airspeed of Mach 0.85. The only difference between them is that the CRJ-200 has a later engine, the CF34- 3B1. The cabin is 8.43 feet (2.53m) wide with four-abreast seating, 50 seats at 31- inch pitch ...

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Natural Ventilation In Buildings Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,594 )

Proper design of energy conscious buildings requires a balance between two things: The thermal performance of the building envelope and the appropriate selection of techniques for heating, cooling and day lighting; An acceptable quality of the indoor climate in terms of thermal comfort, ventilation effectiveness or indoor air quality. Over the past years in all the western countries and more especially Europe, there has been a conscious ...

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Unified Power Quality Conditioner Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,964 )

Abstract-The aim of this paper is to present a constant frequency unified power quality conditioning system(CFUPQC)which consists of an unified power quality conditioner(UPQC) extended by adding a frequency changer in between the shunt active filter and series active filter . The series active filter and shunt active filters mainly used to compensate the voltage, current imbalance and harmonics. The frequency converter is used to compensate the supply ...

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The Material And Process Requirements In Disc Brake Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,796 )

The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of wheel. Disc brakes can be used on all 4 wheels of vehicle, or combined with disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the rear. Before we go in detail about the material selection, I would like to discuss the disc brake operation generally to let us understand how a disc brakes ...

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The New Hydraulic System Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,901 )

The major aim of the project is to investigate about the new hydraulic system of a380 and the reasons for increasing the hydraulic pressure from 3,000 psi to 5, 000 psi. The project is also intended at discussing and investigating about the new electro- hydrostatic actuators which uses this high hydraulic pressure. This report emphasis's on how this hydraulic system with 5,000 psi works and how it ...

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Water Level Control System Of The Tank Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,093 )

The report provides an interim account of water level control system of a tank. The step-test experimental results for both (old and new) tanks and the method of calculating the water flow rate into the tank has been discussed. In addition, the techniques to work out the pump horsepower, motor power and the pump efficiency had been covered in this report. Future work on the laboratory experiment ...

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Advantage And Disadvantages Of Fixed Wings Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,806 )

Law enforcement agencies have utilized fixed wing and rotor wing aircrafts to help enforce laws since the 1920s. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed wing and rotor wing aircrafts. Take a brief look at some of the missions and technical equipments that are utilized by law enforcement agencies. Look in depth at two of their fix wing aircrafts utilized and how rotor wing ...

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Introduction To Bulk Carriers And Cargo Operations Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,877 )

Introduction to Bulk Carriers Bulk Carriers are designed primarily for the transportation of solid bulk cargoes. Leading bulk cargoes are coal, iron ore, phosphate, nitrate and grains such as wheat. The carriage of cargo in bulk reduces packaging costs and loading and unloading operations can be speeded up. In many cases bulk cargoes are found in countries away from where they are required. Bulk carriers are built to ...

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Uses And Application Of Powder Xray Diffraction Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,798 )

From the research on my topic" Powder x ray diffraction" I studied the various uses and application of powder x ray diffraction. Present day, it has a great importance. In higher level industries its importance is very much. It helps to determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal, in which a beam of X-rays strikes a crystal and diffracts into many specific directions. From this electron ...

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The Instrumentation And Its Importance In The Industry Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,706 )

This document contains what is the instrumentation and its importance in the industry. This also contains that what are the sensors, level sensors, method of measurement of the level and selection of suitable sensor for the solid level measurement. This document also contain the different type of the solid level measuring sensors, how they work , their advantages and disadvantages. Importance of instrumentation: Instrumentation is the basic ...

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Belt Friction Test Objective Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,139 )

This experiment is done to determine the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley. The factors to be discussed is the use of belt and the angle of contact between belt and pulley. Two types of belt used in this experiment is a flat belt and V-shaped belt. This experiment was initiated by placing a fixed weight of 1.48 kg mass at one end of a flat ...

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The Structural Inspection Work Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,530 )

Subsea integrity management (SIM) is a continuous process throughout the lifecycle of subsea/offshore facilities. As a requirement for the effective implementation of the Company's Integrity Management (IM) program, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) underwater inspection work shall be carried out on subsea structures and pipelines. The purpose of this Scope of Work document is to define the scope of inspection, equipment types, personnel role and competence, and quality ...

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Monobore completion techniques as potential solutions

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,527 )

A vast majority of operators are looking forward at monobore completion techniques as potential solutions to economic and operational challenges. This technique can enhance the completion process and the benefits of this concept influencing different phases of the well technology that can result in to a wide range of operational advantages. However, this philosophy requires employing purpose built equipments in order to avail its advantages. The oil ...

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Aluminium Wings Verses Composite And Future Wing Materials Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,939 )

The comparison of the properties of the materials used in aluminium and composite wings and the advantages and disadvantages of which they both possess and make them suitable for use within the manufacture of wings. A discussion of future materials which have been developed and are suitable for the use in wings will also take place. Collected information came from appropriate websites and books. Aluminium is the ...

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Energy Conservation In Commercial Hostel Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,260 )

Electrical energy is the most expensive and the most important form of purchased energy. The subject of energy conservation is a concern for most energy users particularly industries, commercial buildings and residential buildings. Energy Conservation becomes even more important for the developing countries, where the rising energy costs and the use of efficient energy apparatus are of significant concern to the utility. Today, energy and environment are ...

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The Back Hoe Loader Design Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,185 )

Backhoe loader is heavy equipment with very unique appearance. It consists of three pieces that combined into one unit: tractor, backhoe and loader. Each part is concerned with a particular sort of work and all of the pieces are integrated together to get job done. The Tractor Tractor is the main part and the core structure of a backhoe loader and it is designed to be appropriate ...

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The History Of Bitumen Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,639 )

Bitumen is described as 'mankind's oldest engineering material'. This fact is supported by some evidence. Back at the time, nearly 3000 years BC, the Sumerians in Mesopotamia used bitumen to fasten ivory or pearl into the eye sockets of their statues. They also sculptured votive offerings which the mixture of their sculpture is originally from bitumen and clay. From the finding, it is proven that some thousand ...

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Construction And Maintenance Of Buildings

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,130 )

A construction of any building requires a site investigation preferably at the earliest stage possible but definitely during the design stage. The investigation may be from a simple examination of the surface soil to a few shallow trial pits, to a detailed study of the soil and ground water, including chemical analysis to a considerable depth below the surface by means of boreholes and tests, in situ ...

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Production Of Anthraquinone Plant Design Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

21 (8,334 )

The manufacture of anthraquinone based on the liquid phase oxidation of anthracene using nitric acid currently operates at Lubrachem. The existing batch process is aging and needs to be updated since it currently has inadequate product capacity in order to meet current and future demands. The demand for anthraquinone substance has been predicted to grow steadily worldwide. It has substantial commercial importance in the production of ...

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Performance Of Wells Turbine Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,380 )

ABSTRACT A Wells turbine has inherent disadvantages in comparison with conventional turbines: relative low efficiency and poor starting characteristics. In this case, the performance of wells turbine is studied on computational analysis by changing aerofoils and providing different angle of incidence for the improvement of the turbine's performance. Study is based on analysing the flow of air on turbine using computational analysis at steady condition. 1 INTRODUCTION: ...

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Applications Of Forced Convection Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,269 )

The experiment was carried out to verify the relationship between Nusselt number , Reynolds number and Prandtl Number using the different concepts of convection. Relative discussions and conclusions were drawn including the various factors affecting the accuracy of the calculated results. The main objective of this experiment was to verify the following heat transfer relationship: Therefore, the experiment is conducted by an apparatus where hot ait from ...

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Source Of Mechanical Energy Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

20 (7,618 )

Introduction Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy. It is a secondary energy source that we get it from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Many cities and towns were built alongside waterfalls (a primary source of mechanical ...

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Experimental Case Study On Pond Ash Replacement Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,896 )

Abstract This research studies the potential of using Pond ash from Deepnagar Thermal Power Plant, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon, as a part replacement with sand in plaster mortar. Pond ash is rarely used in concrete due to its inactive pozzolanic reaction may be used as a fine aggregate in mortar mix used for plastering purpose, improves the quality of plastered surface in terms of strength and durability. When ...

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Uses Of Starter Motors And Their History Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,855 )

Motor Starters are switches specially designed for starting motors. These switches are designed to control the flow of current. There are basically two types of motor starters, Manual Starters and Magnetic Starters. Uses of STARTER In a Motor : 1: To give starting resistance to motor. 2:Starter is used to safe the motor winding from the high starting current. 3: Starter is used in a motor to ...

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Static Voltage Stability Analysis In Power Systems Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,453 )

Voltage stability, one of the principal aspects of power system stability, has been the main reason for many of major power system blackout incidents over the last few decades. It is acknowledged universally that voltage stability is and will remain a challenge in the 21st century, even likely to increase in importance. Therefore a better understanding of voltage stability in power systems is necessary for power engineers, ...

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Scope Of Control Measures And Risk Control Exercise Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,365 )

The purpose of control measure at the work site is to identify the existing and potential control measures, for each hazard and associated outcomes. A control measure is any system, procedure, process, device or other means of eliminating, preventing, reducing or mitigating the risk of hazardous events at or near a facility. Control measures are the means by which risk to health and safety from events is ...

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Static Force Analysis In Screw Jack Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,810 )

Static friction is friction between two solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. For example, static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction, typically denoted as μs, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction. The static friction force must be overcome by an applied force before an object can move. The maximum possible ...

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Air France Flight 447 Crash 2009 Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,367 )

On May 31, 2009, Air Frances flight AF447 left Rio de Janeiro to take its 228 passengers to Paris. After sending the last message to Brazil ATC three hours after the flight took off, the aircraft suddenly disappeared while passing through the equatorial ITCZ. The aircraft computer system managed to transmit 24 fault messages indicating speed sensor problems to the Air France's Paris Centre before it went ...

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Regenerative Battery For Human Electric Hybrid Bicycle Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,978 )

In this report, a proposed project, the human-electric hybrid bicycle, also known as "Pedelec" driven mainly by human pedalling force with additional assistance force from the battery powered electric motor that has a regenerative power feature during declining slopes. Introduction Automobiles have always been essential for people living in cities as a form of transportation to carry out their daily routine. According to the International Organization of ...

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Materials Selection For Automotive Exhaust System Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,504 )

This assignment looks into the material selection and manufacturing process for an automotive exhaust system considering the operational requirements. Towards the end, the application of alternate material is also discussed. Working Requirements The maximum temperature in an automobile exhaust system is around 750-850 degree celsius. So the selected material for manufacturing the exhaust system should be able to handle temperatures in this range. Also there are various ...

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Top Ten Issues In Sustainability Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,064 )

At the most basic level, all Civil Engineers are public servants. I realize that with virtually countless numbers of private engineering companies in the U.S. this idea may seem counterintuitive, but fundamentally it is true. 1) Define the responsibility of civil engineers from ASCE codes. 2) explain w/ REF the responsibility engineers have for protecting the public. 3) detail that the newest responsibility to the public is ...

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High Performance Steel And Its Application Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,071 )

INTRODUCTION High Performance Steel (HPS) is the designation given to steels that offer higher performance in areas such as tensile strength, toughness, weldability, cold formability and corrosion resistance compared to the mild steel grades that are more traditionally used. In the past 15 years there have been significant improvements in steel making technologies that have made it possible to develop HPS for the construction and engineering industries. ...

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The Parts Of A Dc Motor Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,710 )

An electromagnet consists of a wire coil wrapped around a core material connected to a power source that provides electrical current. Due to its construction an electromagnet can produce a magnetic field. When the core is made from metal the electromagnet can produce a much stronger magnetic field than one with a non-metallic core. The strength of the magnetic field can also be increased by adding more ...

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Two Hole Paper Punch Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,913 )

The product I have chosen to manufacture is the two-hole paper punch. This product is one which is widely used in homes, schools and businesses all over the world for the purpose of punching holes in paper to allow for attaching multiple sheets together in an organised fashion. Such examples of devices used in conjunction with the two-hole punch include the ring binder folder and treasury tags. ...

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Information About Auto Rickshaw Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,705 )

In many Asian countries rickshaw were used as a human powered mode of transport. The cycle rickshaw in which a cart is attached to a bicycle is operated by a driver. These kind of rickshaw's can still be found in cities like Kolkata. A European missionary been to Japan invented the rickshaw in Japan at the end of nineteenth century, the name rickshaw was derive from the ...

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X Ray Production And Interaction With Matter Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,218 )

The x-ray tube is the most important part of the x-ray machine because the tube is where the x-rays are actually produced. The production of x-rays requires a rapidly moving stream of electrons that are suddenly decelerated or stopped. (C., Andy, 2008). Basically this means that when fast-moving electrons slam into a metal object x-rays are produced. (Bushong, 2008, Ch.6 p.101). Inside of the x-ray tube are ...

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Power generation

23 Mar 2015

18 (6,833 )

Introduction The availability of electricity and its per capita consumption is often regarded as an index of national standard of living in the present day civilization. The amount of power generated is a sign of growing gross national products which reflects prosperity of the people. Energy goes in tandem with progress. The lack of it and inadequate measure can throttle the entire economic activity and well being ...

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Introduction To Electrochemical Sensors Xi Meng Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,055 )

This paper is mainly focused on three parts: introduction to electrochemical sensors Simply describe the working principle, main components breathable film, electrode, electrolyte and filter ,influencing factors and selectivity 3)Introduce sensor types (potentiometric sensors, voltammetric sensors and amperometric sensors, review and discuss some examples (Solid-State Reference Electrodes, Ion selective, Carbon Based Materials, Novel Materials/ composites) on the research of electrochemical sensors classified by sensor type for future ...

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The Dc Motor Speed Control Methods Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,494 )

ABSTRACT This paper describes the Matlab and simulink converts into actuality of the DC motor speed control methods, namely field resistance, armature resistance control methods and armature voltage, and feedback control system for DC motor drives and this paper describes mathematical modelling, simulation of DC motor system using computer simulations Matlab and simulink, by this system response to change various parameters like system stability, disturbances, analysis and ...

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The Potential Of Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,461 )

Wind is present all around the world, and in some places with abundant energy density. Wind had been extensively used in the past, for mechanical power in addition to transportation (J.F. Manwell and J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers (2009)).Wind energy has evolved into one of the most practical, cost-effective and both environmentally and technically attractive, of all the renewable energy options in the world. So the wind energy ...

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Rate of convergence and bisection

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,695 )

Rate of convergence estimate of the speed with which a given sequence or iteration approaches its limit, often measured by the number of terms or evaluations involved in obtaining a given accuracy. Although strictly speaking, a limit does not give information about any finite first part of the sequence, this concept is of practical importance if we deal with a sequence of successive approximations for an iterative ...

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Pump And Hydraulic Fluid Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,768 )

Introduction: This assignment mainly talks about the hydraulic system in an aircraft. The hydraulic system in an aircraft is use for operating various services such as landing gear, wheel brakes and power flight controls etc. Each system has its own hydraulic circuit within the system. These independent circuits are connected to the common pressure and return lines of the hydraulic power circuit. A complete power hydraulic system ...

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The Geotechnical Engineering On Soil Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,037 )

Many soils can prove problematic in geotechnical engineering since they can expand, collapse, undergo excessive settlement, have a distinct lack of strength or be corrosive. Thus different soils have different weaknesses and cause different problems this problems can range from a small crack in the wall to a sinkhole that destroys a town. During the viability analysis and planning stages of projects that involves infrastructure, it is ...

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Feasible Solution For The Transportation Problem

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,401 )

The transportation problem, a special type of Linear Programming Problem, is used to find the optimal way in which a product produced at various plants or sources can be transported to various destinations (demand points). The objective of the problem is to find the amount of commodity to be transported from each source to each destination so that the destination requirements within the operating production capacity constraints ...

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Difference between des and aes

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,135 )

Difference between des and aes AES has a better encryption standard i.e. it is far more advanced when compared to Des.There are many reasons attributing to this, Firstly the encryption key of an DES standard is just 56 bitsthus having a maximum of 256 combinations, while that of AES is 128, 192 or 259 bits long, with eachof them containing 2128, 2192 and 2256 combinations , thus ...

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A Transportation Problem World Food Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,189 )

Suppose that England, France, and Spain produce all the wheat, barley, and oats in the world. The world demand for wheat requires 125 million acres of land devoted to wheat production. Similarly, 60 million acres of land are required for barley and 75 million acres of land for oats. The total amount of land available for these purposes in England, France, and Spain is 70 million acres, ...

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Self Charging Cellphones Using Piezoelectric Zno Nanowires Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,200 )

This paper aims at the transformation of mechanical energy, sound energy and various kinds of disturbances to electrical energy using piezoelectric materials. Using piezoelectric materials it is easily possible to convert any kind of mechanical stress to electrical energy and vice versa .Thus the sound produced during the usage of devices like cellphones can be converted to electrical energy and thus can be utilized for recharging the ...

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The Electronic Electrical Engineering Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,428 )

Electronic & electrical engineering incorporated with mechanical system has a big impact in a variety of field, such as biomedical, underwater vehicle, safety and security, space and etc. Before we actually start discussing the benefits and advantages that electronic and electrical engineering gives us in our everyday life, let's have some insights of the history of electronic engineering. Electronic engineering as a profession sprang from technological improvements ...

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Improvement Of Dual Axis Tracker Using Arduino Uno Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,258 )

Solar power generation had been used as a renewable energy since years ago.This type of energy is very clean, environmentally friendly and reliability as secondary choice for source energy.This paper present the design and improvement of dual axis tracker using Arduino Uno kit.Futhermore,the main objective is the dual axis tracker system which will actuate solar module will keep aligned with the sunlight in order to maximize in ...

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Monitoring System Of Transformer Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,222 )

Transformers have a long service life if they are operated at its full load conditions. However, their life is significantly reduced if they are overloaded, resulting in unexpected failures and loss of supply to a large number of customers thus effecting system reliability. Overloading and ineffective cooling of transformers are the major causes of failure in distribution transformers. Transformer follows Bath-curve relation type curve (Fig no. 1) ...

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Using An Electric Motor Fan Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,555 )

The resistance value for experiment 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 calculated and was 93.23 , 101.01 and 100.90 respectively. The effect of voltage increase on temperature was recoded and how power is lost as heart was understood. How electrical current generate magnetic field was observed by using compasses and explained. An experiment was also carried out and explained in to how electromagnetic field is used to control electrical ...

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The Fire Rescue Department In Malaysia Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,837 )

In Malaysia, Fire Rescue Department or popularly known as Bomba is the fire and rescue services agency. The fire safety standards must be implemented by following the regulations in the Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards and Fire Services Act 1988. 2.1.1 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984 is a published document, which is used as ...

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Solenoid Operated Piston Pump Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

35 (13,784 )

This project is aimed at analysing and designing a solenoid operated piston pump which is capable of delivering solution (this report assumes water) at a flow rate of 1 litre/min. However, the customer usage requires the flow rate to remain between 0.9 and 1.1 litre/min at an ambient pressure of about 1 bar. The operation mode of the piston pump is described below using the diagram: OscillPistonPump ...

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Technology Used In Hvdc Systems Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,054 )

Abstract: High Voltage DC (HVDC) technology is the adequate solution for economical power transmission over very long distances and also a trusted method to connect asynchronous grids or grids of different frequencies. Therewith HVDC power transmission is the only realistic alternative to AC technology. There is an increasing demand for high efficiency and high quality of power transmission world wide. In this context the modern (HVDC) gains ...

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Protection of the generator analysis

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,687 )

In the generator mainly faults are the earth faults and the inter turn faults they are caused by the thermal and mechanical stresses.The field system is usually ungrounded so when fault between field winding and rotor body exist does not give rise fault current. But when the second earth fault exist it short circuit the rotor winding and then produce the unsymmetrical field system and unbalance the ...

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Mixing Educator Basic Principle Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,777 )

An educator is a device which mixes two liquids of different flow rates giving a solution of desired flow rate. Educators are made using a venturi design. It enables small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. When pumping is used for solution agitation, the use of an educator will circulate four to five gallons of solution in the tank for every one gallon you pump. ...

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Structure And Applications Of Tesla Coil Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,340 )

A Tesla coil is a type of resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high voltage, relatively high current, high frequency alternating current electricity. Tesla used the coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in sparkHYPERLINK "" gap radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the ...

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Landing Gear Types Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,932 )

When you ask people what the main function is of a landing gear they mostly say it is meant to land the aircraft, yet thats exactly what the words stands for. This is slightly correct, one of the three main functions is energy absorption (at landing). (1.1.1a). But when the aircraft has touched the ground it has to stop, so here is an other main function of ...

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Propeller Aircraft Past Present And Future Technologies Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,171 )

This is a preliminary report for a project on Propeller aircraft, it aims to show the past, present and future technologies used on propeller driven aircraft. The introduction gives a brief history of propeller engine development. After which objectives section explains what this report hopes to achieve by the end of this project. Few of the main objectives include, highlighting the advancements in propeller blade designs and ...

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Path loss determination using Hata model

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,306 )

CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Path loss is the degradation in received power of an Electromagnetic signal when it propagates through space. Path loss is due to several effects such as free space path loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, coupling and cable loss, and absorption. Path loss depends on several factors such as type of propagation environments, distance between transmitter and receiver, height and location of antennas. Also the signal from ...

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Speech enhancement and noise reduction techniques

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,040 )

Section 1 1 Introduction Hearing Aids systems are one of the most important issues for human being. They are a small electronics instrument which makes a sound louder and makes speech easier to hear and understand. The hearing aid is designed to pick up sound waves with a tiny microphone, change weaker sounds and send them to the ear through a tiny speaker. With the microchips available ...

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About power supply

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,155 )

Type of Power Supply and their applications Power supply is a device used to provide the electric energy to operate the devices running by electric power. It has many special way to provide electric energy to a specific system “ it is mother of the system “ ( Brown, 2001, p.1 ). The basic function of power supply is to convert Alternative Current voltage to regulated  ...

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Objective Of Kentucky Fried Chicken Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

26 (10,388 )

Objective of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) have two objectives are stated objective and implied objective. First objectives in the stated objective are product development. In this objective the KFC do the increase variety on menu, introduce desert menu and introduce buffet to restaurants. Second objectives from the stated objective is introduction on the Neighborhood Program with menu items target African Americans in major cities with the ...

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The oldest forms of energy

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,922 )

1 Introduction: Solar Energy Solar energy is one of the oldest forms of energy on the planet. Rays emitted from the sun are responsible for sustaining all life forms on the planet. Solar energy uses the sun as a source of heat by concentrating the heat via various methods and using those methods to channel through a heat engine and produce power. Because of this, solar thermal ...

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Nano Materials In Batteries Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,713 )

Abstract Energy storage is necessary in this fast growing world in order to meet the demand and supply of users, various energy storage techniques has been found and many researches is being done in this field to increase the efficiency of the devices. In this essay we will discuss about use of nano materials in the batteries as they have huge energy density and high energy storage ...

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Design Of The Rear Spoiler For Road Vehicles Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,582 )

ABSTRACT When objects move through air, forces are generated by the relative motion between the air and surfaces of the object. Aerodynamics is the study of these forces, generated by the motion of air, usually aerodynamics are categorized according to the type of flow as subsonic, hypersonic, supersonic............................................. The spoiler is also a part of the aerodynamics. The function of the spoiler is to spoil the unfavourable ...

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Laser beam welding

23 Mar 2015

2 (717 )

Introduction: Laser Beam Welding “LBW” is a contemporary welding process that is a high energy beam that continues to expand into new industries and new applications because of its advantages like deep welding and reduced heat inputs. Profound Manufacturers sought to automate the welding process caused the expansion of the laser beam welding process to include computers and more sophisticated technology to increase the product quality and ...

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The pest control repeller

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,588 )

CHAPTER 1: Introduction The Pest Control Repeller is a device designed to eliminate undesired animals to be appeared in our residential area. These undesired animals are such as rodents, bats and even birds like swallow. Rodents appear in the house not only give rise to hygiene's problem, but also causing damage to the properties; they bite clothes and furniture that reside in the house. Bats, on the ...

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Open Water Propeller Characteristics Testing Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,706 )

Introduction In order to obtain movement of a ship in the sea, some form of reaction force has to be present between the ship and the fluid. When considering ships, this reaction is normally either due to air, such as in the case of sail boats, or due to water, such as in the case of ships using a screw propeller. Propellers however, are far more common ...

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Solve The Transportation Problem Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,064 )

Introduction Transport various quantities of a single homogeneous commodity to different destinations in such a way that total transportation costs minimum. A scooter production company produces scooters at the units situated at various places (called origins) and supplies them to the places where the depot (called destination) are situated. Here the availability as well as requirements of the various depots are finite and constitute the limited resources. ...

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Effective Aircraft Maintenance Planning Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,957 )

Introduction The data collected through research done globally from aviation industry revealed that air transport sector and its associated activities are paramount to the growth and sustenance of economy throughout the world. Therefore advanced maintenance practices must be enhanced in all areas. This will further facilitate high safety, high security and smooth running of air transport sector. The maintenance criteria of aviation sector entail various programs such ...

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The manufacture of ceramic bearings

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,833 )

Bearings 1. During this investigation it has been discovered that the most appropriate material to use in the manufacture of ceramic bearings is silicon nitride (Si3N4) because of the superior properties that it exhibits in the necessary service conditions, ie, hardness, toughness, the ability to be fabricated to a high smoothness, to operate at a low coefficient of friction and have high positional accuracy. This material is ...

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Fibonacci Series And The Golden Ratio Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,385 )

The research question of this extended essay is, "Is there a relation between the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio? If so be the reason, what is it and explain it." The Fibonacci series, which was first introduced by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci), was found to have had a close connection with the Golden Ratio. The relation found was that the limit of the ratios of the ...

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Accessible Public Transportation For The Elderly Population Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,237 )

The aging population becomes an increasing concern in most countries of the world due to increasing life expectancy and technological advancement. Widespread barriers of the elderly participation in society are commonly reflected in the physical barriers of the built environment, which includes public transport infrastructure. In addition to distance, poor access to transportation means that those who do not have private transport are less likely to access ...

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Kinematical Analysis Of Macpherson Suspension System Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,920 )

In this paper, Kinematic Modeling of Macpherson Suspension System has been done and Design or Constraint equations are derived for different kinematic link of Suspension system by using Displacement Matrix method and Instantaneous Screw Axis method. Suspension mechanism is analyzed under the sinusoidal displacement of wheel with relevant data and results. Then Macpherson Suspension system is analyzed by computer software "Suspension Analyzer" by taking example of Ford ...

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The Automated Guided Vehicle Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,637 )

CHAPTER 2 An automated guided vehicle system (AGVS) is a material handling system that uses an independently operated, self-propelled vehicle that is guided along defined rails in the floor. The vehicle is powered by means of an AC Servo motor. The definition of pathways is generally accomplished by using wires embedded in the floor, painted stripes or by using rails to guide the vehicle. types of agv ...

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Properties of steel and cement

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,032 )

Steel differs from wrought iron and cast iron, only in the percentage of carbon content. Steel contains more iron than wrought iron and less than that of cast iron. It is because of this reason that steel is considered to occupy a position between these two metals. However, the properties of steel, wrought and cast iron differ tremendously. Let's take a look at the physical properties of ...

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B737 Ng Flight Control System Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,409 )

In this chapter the differences of the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 NG will be discussed. There will be looked at the flight control system of the Boeing 737 NG and the flight control system of the Airbus A320 (2.2) after that a comparison between the conventional system and fly-by-wire system (2.3). 2.1 B737 NG flight control system This section will discuss the flight controls of the ...

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Basic theory of flight

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,300 )

Introduction In order to understand the whole functioning of an automatic landing system, the very basic idea of how a stable flight is maintained gets mandatory. This chapter will focus on all the basic forces acting on an aircraft and the stability pattern involved. After this the control axes will be studied along with stability around control axes. It is essential to know how an aircraft maintains ...

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Engineering Failures Mianus River Bridge Collapse Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,354 )

Information in this report was gathered from Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology [CPIT]s website relevant to Civil Engineering, government webpage and Google Scholar. In order to explain the reasons for the collapse of the Mianus River Bridge, some relevant data and graphs are attached as well. Findings 3.1 The Failure of Pin and Hanger Assembly Design The Mianus river bridge was a pin and hanger assembly design. ...

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Comparison Of Building Vulnerability Assessment Methods Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,711 )

A review of vulnerability assessment methods for buildings is conducted out with a view to evaluate their appropriateness for use in seismic risk assessment. A ranking scheme has been developed to 'score' each vulnerability assessment method. The ranking considers general description of vulnerability, building response factors, variance in output, applicability and ease of use, which are the major characteristics for vulnerability assessment tools used in seismic risk ...

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Petrochemical Industry And Chemical Engineering Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,427 )

Petrochemical industry is being chosen as our main topic for the introduction to Chemical Engineering assignment. Petrochemical is the second level products being derived from crude oil after several refining processes. These chemicals are typically extracted during the refining process as crude oil and gas are distilled or cracked, and they can be utilized in a wide variety of ways. Petrochemical can be used to manufacture PVC. PVC is ...

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Mass And Energy Balances Over Oil Fired Boiler Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

19 (7,583 )

In engineering industry, boilers play an important role. They are widely used to generate steam with a pressure above the atmospheric pressure; the steam produced is used in various processes, mostly in heating applications such as a heat source in heat exchangers. There are many different types of boilers which are used in different applications. One type of boilers is the Oil-fired steam boilers, generally known as ...

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Material Selection For Drive Shaft Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,149 )

The drive shaft is a rod or tube used to carry rotational force from the engine to the four bladed fans to provide sufficient airflow to reduce the temperature of the pump and the generator to a sufficient level when they both are working at maximum output and operating in an ambient temperature of up to 50°C. In this selection of the three different materials, there are ...

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Effects Of Heat Treatment On The Mechanical Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,082 )

Steel can be considered as a cheap material and have been used almost in every engineering application. It is very versatile material with a wide range of attractive properties which can be produced at a very competitive production cost (Sinha, 1989, Bello, al, 2007). Applications of steels for engineering components require a complete understanding of material properties and design requirement. Iron carbon alloys containing carbon from ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,596 )

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are a class of device which make conversion of electrochemical fuel to electricity with negligible pollution[1]. SOFCs have two major configurations: flat planar and tubular and the SOFCs system consists of a stack that is made of many unit cells. Each unit cell is composed of two porous electrodes, a solid ceramic electrolyte and interconnects. Unlike other fuel cells, the SOFCs conduct ...

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Distortion effect for electric guitar

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,972 )

Distortion Effect For Electric Guitar Using FPGA Introduction Project Goals And Objectives The goal of the project is to implement distortion effects for electric guitar on an FPGA board. The algorithm that is going to be used is The Extended Karplus Strong Algorithm (Jaffe & Smith, 1983). The analog audio signal from the electric guitar is captured by the analog to digital converter (ADC) module of the ...

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Different Power Factor Correction Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,818 )

Different power-factor correction methods are reviewed, as well as the back ground to the power-factor. Problem is arising in modern electrical distribution systems due to the connection of rapidly increasing numbers of non-linear electronic loads. The basic principles of harmonic generation and limitation in power systems are first discussed. The main part presents a critical review of commonly used power-factor correction techniques that have been identified in ...

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Green Telecommunications Reducing Opex And Capex Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,831 )

In the last 10 years, mobile and wireless communications have seen tremendous growth. The growth in the networks along with fierce competition has led the telecom operators to focus on logistics, security and costs. Since each operator competes to provide the customer the best service possible at minimum price, reducing operating costs is of prime importance. In addition, environment has also become a major issue worldwide affecting ...

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Gravity Concentration By Jigs Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,082 )

Gravity concentration methods separate minerals of different specific gravity. They are used to treat a great variaty of materials [ranging from Au ( sp. gr. 19.3 ) to coal ( sp. gr. 1.3 ) ]. Gravity concentration methods remained, however the main concentrating methods for iron , tungsten, tin ores and coal. This methods are usually preferred to flotation due to its low cost . Minerals liberated ...

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A Major Application Area Of Thermodynamics Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,017 )

A major application area of thermodynamics is refrigeration, which is the transfer of heat from lower temperature region to a higher temperature one. The devices that produce refrigeration are called refrigerators, and the cycles on which they operate are called refrigeration cycles. The most frequently used refrigeration cycle is a vapour-compression refrigeration cycle in which the refrigerant is vaporized and compressed alternatively and is compressed in the ...

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The Safety Of Seafarers Going To Sea Engineering Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,979 )

This report aims to educate readers about the safety of seafarers going to sea and the possible dangers that they face. The report will also elaborate about the ongoing issues and measures taken to ensure the safety of the seafarers. Marine Industry has been a major platform for investment and income since the ancient times. Seafarers face possible dangers from collision of ships, fire and weather conditions. ...

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