Annual Demand Of Bunker Fuel


02 Nov 2017

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(University of Petroleum and Energy Studies)


This is to acknowledge with sincere thanks for the assistance, guidance and support that I have received during the dissertation. I place on record my deep sense of gratitude to the Oil & Gas department for giving me immense support to pursue my final year dissertation.

My deepest gratitude to Prof. S. K. Pokhriyal (HOD) for having spent his valuable time in helping me conceptualizes this project. I wish to make a special mention of Mr. Rao, his deep involvement and support. He has been of immense assistance.

I extend my deep appreciation to Dr. P. C. Bahuguna course co-coordinator for his help and support.

Ankit Dubey R020211008

[UPES, Dehradun]


This is to certify that Mr. AnkitDubey student of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, pursuing MBA in Oil and Gas Management, has successfully completed his final year dissertation.

As part of the curriculum, the project report entitled ―"A study to find LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) a Next Bunker Fuel", submitted by the student to the undersigned is approved and is an authentic record of his original work, which he has carried out under my supervision and guidance.

I wish him all the best.

[DTAED]: Prof. S.K. Pokhriyal

HOD (MBA – Oil & Gas) University of Petroleum & Energy Studies


International Marine Organization (IMO) has introduced restrictions on emissions that will come into force in 2015 in the Emission Control Areas and 2020 for the rest of the world. In order to be compliant with these restrictions, business as usual is no longer an option for the ship-owners.

Several solutions are being evaluated, however, LNG has the possibility of remaining the leading candidate in order to retain a substantial share of the world bunker market: proven technology (around 40 ships running on LNG), more than meeting the new emissions requirements and less CO2 emissions. In addition, economics are in many cases in favor of LNG. However, several uncertainties need to be further evaluated and solutions found in order to have LNG become the preferred choice also in this segment.

Longer term volume commitment from both suppliers and ship-owners that can justify the investments required. The solution will probably be a longer term ramp-up of supply and demand in line with progressive infrastructure investments. Development of regulations, codes and standards has to be made to balance carefully the excellent safety records of the LNG industry without too constraining barriers for the development of new LNG infrastructure required to supply the marine fleet.

The world's potential bunker market is equal to the world's LNG production. Consequently, the questions of LNG availability and value/pricing have to be further evaluated. Bunker LNG has a realistic potential to represent around 45 Mtpa by 2030, which is equal to 9 LNG classic trains dedicated. In the future, with an expected even tighter energy market, LNG for bunker will naturally be in competition with other LNG markets.

Table of Contents

S. No.

Chapter No.


Page No.





Chapter 1


Types of Fuel Oil




Bunker Fuel




Specification of Fuel Oil




Uses of Bunker Fuel




Annual Demand of Bunker Fuel




Fuel Prices




India scenario of Fuel Oil




Major Player in India




The Global Bunker Market



Chapter 2

Environmental Threats of Bunker Fuel



Chapter 3

Liquefied Natural Gas




Production of LNG




Commercial aspects of LNG




LNG Liquefaction capacity




LNG Market




Why LNG as a Ship Fuel




LNG Bunkering




LNG price Advantage




LNG Asia Market




Risk and Challenges of LNG



Chapter 4

Cost and Benefits of LNG as ship fuel for Container Vessels


Chapter 5




LNG slower to develop






Capital costs



Fuel Oil scrubbers






Operating Cost



Sailing Speed



Regional Fuel Price Assumptions


Chapter 6



Chapter 7


List of Tables

S. No.

Chapter No.


Table Description

Page No.


Chapter 1

Table 1.1

Specification of Fuel Oil


Table 1.2

Production and consumption of Fuel Oil


Table 1.3

Import and Export of Fuel Oil


Table 1.4

Major Supplier of Fuel Oil

List of Figures

S. No.

Chapter No.


Figure Description

Page No.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.1

Annual Demand of Bunker Fuel


Figure 1.2

Residual fuel and distillate fuel used by domestic ships


Figure 1.3

List of top 10 bunker ports


Chapter 3

Figure 3.1

LNG Ports all over the world


Figure 3.2

Emission of Gases from different Bunkering Fuel


Figure 3.3

Fuel Price Projections of various Fuel


Figure 3.4

Comparison of Fuel Oil and LNG Prices


Chapter 4

Figure 4.1

Amount of Cox and Nox are released by different Bunkering Fuel





American Petroleum Institute




barrel per day


British Safety Council


Billion Cubic Meters


billion cubic meters per year


Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited


Benzene Toluene Xylene




Compound Annual Growth Rate


Coalbed Methane


Cracked Gas


City Gas Distribution


City Gas Pipeline


Compressed Natural Gas


Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.


Central Processing Unit


Credit Rating and Information Services of India




Dilution Steam Stripper


Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing


Exploration & Production


Ethylene Dicloride


Gas Authority India Limited


GAIL Telecommunication


Gas Cracking Unit


Gross Domestic Product


Great Eastern Energy Corporation


Gasoline Hydrogenation Unit


Gas Processing Plant




High-density polyethylene

HP nitrogen

High Pressure nitrogen


Former Soviet Union


Financial Year


International Energy Agency


International Oil Companies


Indian Oil Corporation


Joint Venture Company


Thousand Barrel per Day


Thousands Barrel of Oil Equivalent per Day


Kilo octets


Kilowatt hour/ metric tone


Liquid Hydrocarbons


Linear Low Density Polyethylene

LLP steam

Very Low Pressure Steam


Liquefied Natural Gas


Liquefied Petroleum Gas


million barrel oil equivalent/day


Million cubic feet or Thousand cubic feet


Mono Ethylene Glycol


Mixed Fuel Oil

MJ/cubic meters

Mega Joule/ cubic meters


Memorandum of Understanding


Million Metric Standard Cubic Meter


Million Metric Ton Per Annum


Million Metric Ton


Medium-Term Oil Market Report


Million Ton


Natural Gas Liquids


Net Present Values


Numaligarh Refinery Limited (India)


Nitrogen Rejection Units


Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development


Optical Fiber Communications


Oil India Limited


Oil & Natural gas Industry Safety Directorate


Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited

OMR figures

Optical Mark Reader


Organisation of Petroleum Exporing Countries


ONGC Petro additions Limited






Pipeline Natural Gas


Pressure Swing Adsorption


Purified Terephthalic Acid


Quenching Water


Reliance India Limited


Special Boiling Point Solvent


Styrene Butadiene Rubber


Synthetic Crude Oil


Tripura Natural Gas Company Limited


Tons Per Annum


Thousand Metric Tonns


Ultra Selective Conversion


United States Dollar


The bunker business—fuel for ships—is large both in volume and value terms. The global bunker fuel market is currently estimated at approximately 4 million barrels per day (mbd).As a comparison, this is the energy equivalent of 22 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas or 160 million metric tons (mt) per year of liquefied natural gas (LNG)—70 percent of the current global LNG market. The business has a value of upward of $100 billion per year. A change in fuel specification regulations in this market will have a major impact on many players: ship owners, refiners, marketers, and ports.

Ship owners currently use high-sulfur fuel oil (fuel oil) or marine diesel oil (MDO, the marine-equivalent of gasoil) as ship bunkers. Unlike gasoil and gasoline for land transport, these fuels have until recently been exempt from tightening environmental specifications. However, new and tougher environmental regulations now require adjustments. At the end of2008 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced that all ships must drastically reduce their sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions between 2015 and2025 at the latest.

The new regulations state that emissions cannot exceed those of bunker fuel with 0.5% sulfur content (currently the bunker fuel oil sulfur level is 3.5%) by 2020, with an option to extend the date to 2025. Earlier and tighter restrictions will apply to certain Emission Controlled Areas (ECAs) from 2015—i.e., initially the Baltic, North Sea, and North American coasts, representing around 0.8 mbd of bunker fuel oil demand—with other regions possibly added later. This was widely interpreted as a requirement that MDO (which has a lower sulfur level) would eventually replace all bunker fuel oil. Bunkers represent between one quarter and half of vessel operating costs. Since 2000, higher oil prices have resulted in higher operating costs. Additionally a growing price difference between diesel and fuel oil has made switching to diesel even more expensive.

These two factors have led to technology advances in alternative solutions. One option, exhaust gas cleaning systems (usually called smoke scrubbers), allows the continuing use of fuel oil as a bunker. The IMO sulfur regulation is based on engine emissions, not the content of the fuel itself, so ships can continue to use higher sulfur bunkers provided that actual SO2emissions are at the same level as those of low-sulfur fuels


Chapter 1

Bunker Fuel

Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the generation of heat or used in an engine for the generation of power, except oils having a flash point of approximately 40 °C (104 °F) and oils burned in cotton or wool-wick burners. In this sense, diesel is a type of fuel oil. Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics. The term fuel oil is also used in a stricter sense to refer only to the heaviest commercial fuel that can be obtained from crude oil i.e. heavier than gasoline and naphtha.

1.1 Types of Fuel:

Number 1 fuel oil is volatile distillate oil intended for vaporizing pot-type burners. It is the kerosene refinery cut that boils off right after the heavy naphtha cut used for gasoline. Older names include coal oil, stove oil and range oil.

Number 2 fuel oil is a distillate home heating oil. Trucks and some cars use similar diesel fuel with a cetane number limit describing the ignition quality of the fuel. Both are typically obtained from the light gas oil cut.

Number 3 fuel oil was distillate oil for burners requiring low-viscosity fuel. ASTM merged this grade into the number 2 specification, and the term has been rarely used since the mid-20th century.

Number 4 fuel oil is commercial heating oil for burner installations not equipped with preheaters. It may be obtained from the heavy gas oil cut.

Number 5 fuel oil is a residual-type industrial heating oil requiring preheating to 170 – 220 °F (77 – 104 °C) for proper atomization at the burners. This fuel is sometimes known as Bunker B. It may be obtained from the heavy gas oil cut, or it may be a blend of residual oil with enough number 2 oil to adjust viscosity until it can be pumped without preheating.

Number 6 fuel oil is a high-viscosity residual oil requiring preheating to 220 – 260 °F (104 – 127 °C). Residual means the material remaining after the more valuable cuts of crude oil have boiled off.

1.2 Bunker Fuel:

It is type of fuel oil used aboard ships. It gets its name from the containers on ships and in ports that it is stored in; in the days of steam they were coal bunkers but now they are bunker fuel tanks. The high viscosity requires heating, usually by a re-circulated low pressure steam system, before the oil can be pumped from a bunker tank. In the context of shipping, the labeling of bunkers as previously described is rarely used in modern practice. Known names of Fuel Oil and its Blend in the market:-

No. 2 Fuel Oil is known as Bunker A,

No. 4 & 5 Fuel Oil is known as Bunker B,

No. 6 Fuel Oil is known as Bunker Fuel,

Bunker fuel is the end product of refining process and is the liquid residue from crude oil fractionation and it is also known as bottom of the barrel. The residue is comprised of large molecules such as asphaltenes, waxes and contaminants from the crude that become concentrated in the residue. After removal of the heavy insoluble materials, the remaining liquid may be cut back with lighter fractions, (often high value kerosene or diesel fractions) in order to meet relevant specifications such as sulfur and viscosity. The solids removed from the residue commonly go to road and roof tar.

1.2.1 Specification of Fuel Oil:




Grade MV2

Test Method 

[P:] of IS:1448


Ash, % wt. Max


[P:4] Method A


Gross calorific value, Cal/ gm

(typical 10000)

[P:6 or 7]


Density at 15OC

To be reported



Flash point (PMCC) OC. Min




Kinematic viscosity, cSt at 50OC




Sediment, % wt. Max




Sulphur, total % wt. Max


[P:33 or 35]


Water content, % v/v, Max




*Pour Point, OC, Max.



Table 1.1 Source: wikipedia

1.3 Uses of Bunker Fuel:

Residual fuel oil is less useful because it is so viscous that it has to be heated with a special heating system before use and it contains relatively high amounts of pollutants, particularly sulfur, which forms sulfur dioxide upon combustion. However, its undesirable properties make it very cheap. In fact, it is the cheapest liquid fuel available. Since it requires heating before use, residual fuel oil cannot be used in road vehicles, boats or small ships, as the heating equipment takes up valuable space and makes the vehicle heavier. Heating the oil is also a delicate procedure, which is inappropriate to do on small, fast moving vehicles. However, power plants and large ships are able to use residual fuel oil.

Large buyer of Bunker fuel is the shipping Industry and few power plants. Residual fuel oil was used more frequently in the past. It powered boilers, rail road steam locomotives and steamships.


Flexibility of intermittent usage according to requirement of heat/energy.

Oil requires more sophisticated burner systems than gas does to be fired efficiently.

No need of extra infrastructure like pipelines hence capital cost of using is low. Switching cost for furnace oil is low compared to Gas.


Furnace oil being a blend of residues contains some quantity of sediments. These have adverse effect on the burners and cause blockage of filters etc.

Ash content in the furnace oil has erosive effect on the burner tips, causes damage to the refractories at high temperatures and gives rise to high temperature corrosion and fouling of equipment.

Costlier than natural gases.

More polluting.

1.4 Annual Demand of Bunker Fuel:

Figure 1.1 source: Borrison Report

Figure 1.2 source: Borrison report

1.5 Fuel Prices

Fuel costs for burners switching from No. 6 to No. 4 will rise due to the introduction of ULSD into their fuel supply. Since 15 ppm ULSD in 2007 became the legally established on-road diesel fuel, it has sold for a premium of as much as $1.80 per gallon over No. 6 fuel oil and never less than $0.50 more per gallon. From January 2007 through November 2010 the ULSD premium averaged $0.92/gallon. The U.S. currently consumes about 3.3 million barrels per day (mm b/d) of ULSD but only 0.5 mm b/d of No. 6 fuel oil. U.S. refiners have already attempted to minimize production of No. 6 fuel oil as it is a niche product limited mostly to northeastern heating oil, power generation, industrial, and maritime use. It currently accounts for about 4% of average U.S. refinery yields. It generally sells below the cost of crude oil, meaning refiners lose money on every gallon sold. However, due to the composition of crude oil it cannot simply be eliminated from refiners’ product slates and will remain a marketed fuel.

The gasoil–fuel oil price differential also increased from $2 to $5 per MMBtu in that period. This gasoil–fuel oil price differential even reached $10 per MMBtu in 2008, before the financial crisis hit gasoil demand harder than fuel oil.

1.5.1 India Scenario of Fuel Oil:

Table 1.2 Source : MoPNG

Production and consumption of Fuel Oil in India, as it obvious that the production rate of Fuel oil is going up is inversely proportional to its consumption.

Table 1.3 Source: MoPNG

Prices of Furnace Oil were under the ambit of Administered Price mechanism (APM) till 1998 after which the Oil companies were given the permission to price Furnace Oil and other heavy ends such as LSHS, RFO and Bitumen on import parity basis. As a result a lot of private importers have begun to source Furnace Oil from international markets.

1.5.2 Major Player in India:

Competitive Analysis


Uniform Density

Low Sulphur Content


Refinery Location





















Table 1.4 Source: MoPNG

IOCL is market leader in Furnace oil market due to its superior quality of low sulphur content & uniform density. Essar is price leader offering large discounts to bulk buyer.


The global maritime bunker industry is estimated to be between 300-375 million tones’s and be worth around US$250 billion. On an energy equivalent basis, this is the same as 220-275 million tones’ of LNG, as big as today’s total global LNG production. The largest bunker suppliers are listed adjacent.

The current bunker market is characterized by high volumes and low margins. Frequent quality issues are a challenge, especially with heavier residual bunker grades.

Conventional bunkers derive from refined crude oil and fall into four broad categories. Residual fuels or Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) include High Sulfur Fuel Oil (HSFO) <3.5% S and Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO) <1% S. A range of viscosities is available and heavier grades require heating prior to use. Distillate fuels include Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Marine Diesel Oil (MDO). MDO can also be blended with residual elements. Distillate fuels do not require pre-heating.

Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas (~ 95% methane), chilled to around -162°C, at which point it contracts by a factor of 600:1 to form a liquid. This makes it space efficient to transport or store. LNG is regasified before burning in engines or boilers.

Table 1.6.1 source: BP Review

Chapter 2

Environmental Threats of Bunker Fuel

In addition to the regulation of sulfur emissions, we expect a future tightening of other emissions specifications which are also likely to support dual-fuel engines and the use of LNG as bunkers.

• NOX regulations are scheduled to become more stringent in ECAs in 2016, and LNG would enable compliance without additional investment. Scrubbers reduceNOX emissions, but not enough to obviate the need to invest in SCR.

• Last July IMO adopted "mandatory design and operational measures" to reduce greenhouse gases from international shipping. LNG provides a 20 percent reductionof CO2 emissions from bunker combustion compared with fuel oil (reductions acrossthe full LNG life cycle are disputed).

• Tighter particulates regulations are likely and are being discussed locally. Scrubbers do reduce particulates emissions by about 80 percent.

• General environmental issues are bound to be raised for the disposal of a growing amount of sludge, the toxic waste generated by scrubbing, as the use of scrubbers expands.

Chapter 3

Liquefied Natural Gas

Liquefied natural gas or LNG is natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. Liquefied natural gas takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas in the gaseous state. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Hazards include flammability, freezing and asphyxia.

The liquefaction process involves removal of certain components, such as dust, acid gases, helium, water, and heavy hydrocarbons, which could cause difficulty downstream. The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure (maximum transport pressure set at around 25 kPa (3.6 psi)) by cooling it to approximately −162 °C (−260 °F).

LNG achieves a higher reduction in volume than compressed natural gas (CNG) so that the energy density of LNG is 2.4 times greater than that of CNG or 60% of that of diesel fuel. This makes LNG cost efficient to transport over long distances where pipelines do not exist. Specially designed cryogenic sea vessels (LNG carriers) or cryogenic road tankers are used for its transport. LNG is principally used for transporting natural gas to markets, where it is regasified and distributed as pipeline natural gas. It can be used in natural gas vehicles, although it is more common to design vehicles to use compressed natural gas. Its relatively high cost of production and the need to store it in expensive cryogenic tanks have hindered widespread commercial use.

3.1 Production of LNG:

First natural gas is fed into the LNG plant will be treated to remove water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other components that will freeze (e.g., benzene) under the low temperatures needed for storage or be destructive to the liquefaction facility. LNG typically contains more than 90% methane. It also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, some heavier alkanes, and Nitrogen.

The most important infrastructure needed for LNG production and transportation is an LNG plant consisting of one or more LNG trains, each of which is an independent unit for gas liquefaction. The largest LNG train now in operation is in Qatar. Until recently it was the Train 4 of Atlantic LNG in Trinidad and Tobago with a production capacity of 5.2 million metric ton per annum (mmtpa), followed by the SEGAS LNG plant in Egypt with a capacity of 5 mmtpa. The Qatar gas II plant has a production capacity of 7.8 mmtpa for each of its two trains. LNG is loaded onto ships and delivered to a regasification terminal, where the LNG is allowed to expand and reconvert into gas.

3.2 Commercial Aspects of LNG:

LNG is shipped around the world in specially constructed seagoing vessels. The trade of LNG is completed by signing a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) between a supplier and receiving terminal, and by signing a gas sale agreement (GSA) between a receiving terminal and end-users. Most of the contract terms used to be ex ship, holding the seller responsible for the transport of the gas. With low shipbuilding costs, and the buyers preferring to ensure reliable and stable supply, however, contract with the term of FOB increased. Under such term, the buyer, who often owns a vessel or signs a long-term charter agreement with independent carriers, is responsible for the transport.

LNG purchasing agreements used to be for a long term with relatively little flexibility both in price and volume. If the annual contract quantity is confirmed, the buyer is obliged to take and pay for the product or pay for it even if not taken, in what is referred to as the obligation of take-or-pay contract (TOP).

In the mid-1990s, LNG was a buyer's market. At the request of buyers, the SPAs began to adopt some flexibility on volume and price. The buyers had more upward and downward flexibilities in TOP, and short-term SPAs less than 16 years came into effect. At the same time, alternative destinations for cargo and arbitrage were also allowed. By the turn of the 21st century, the market was again in favor of sellers.

3.3 LNG liquefaction capacity

Beginning with the first commercial-scale liquefaction plant at Arzew in Algeria in 1964, global liquefaction capacity grew slowly if not steadily, reaching about 100 mtpa in the early 1990s and about 140 mtpa by 2000. But between 2000 and 2012, liquefaction capacity more than doubled, driven primarily by the series of massive LNG developments in Qatar and the early Australian developments.

Over the industries last have decades; we have seen a progressive broadening of the LNG supply base, with three waves of suppliers. The First wave was dominated by Algeria, Malaysia and Indonesia, which still collectively accounted for more than 60% of total LNG capacity as recently as 10 years ago, but which are expected to drop to about 20% of total capacity by 2020. The second wave has been dominated by Qatar and Australia, which have been rising rapidly from about 20% of global LNG capacity in 2000 and are expected to account for about 50% of total global capacity by 2020.

A huge wave of Australian LNG projects are slated for the second half of this decade. In the three years from late 2009, Australian operators have sanctioned more than 60 mtpa of Greenfield LNG projects — equivalent to about 25% of current global LNG demand. But the plethora of proposed but unsanctioned projects, are unlikely to proceed without secure off-take commitments. There are increasing development risks for operators, and even with oil indexation, operators cannot assume that oil price increases will outpace cost increases.

The third wave could come from as many as 25 other countries, many of which currently have little or no capacity, but by 2020, these countries could provide as much as 30% of the world’s LNG capacity. Importantly, with the third wave, smaller operators are becoming increasingly involved with what used to be the exclusive domain of the major IOCs and NOCs. While there were 19 LNG exporting countries in 2012, many of the new potential suppliers have substantial resource bases and potentially generally lower costs.


Gas has been the big story in energy over the past decade. With new unconventional gas discoveries being regularly announced and already 250 years of estimated supply, gas as a primary fuel is projected to continue growing. The fastest growing area has been LNG. Global liquefaction capacity has expanded rapidly from 167 million tonnes in 2005 to 280 million tonnes today. The diagram below shows the broad span of LNG infrastructure planned and in place, which is growing rapidly and would be well positioned to support the introduction of LNG bunkers. However no new liquefaction capacity came on stream in 2011, while potential demand is projected to continue to grow well ahead of supply capability. Even in the most optimistic scenario for planned new production capacity, the future LNG supply balance will remain very tight. Insufficient new liquefaction capacity is coming on stream over the next several years. Based on what is under construction plus projects recently sanctioned, liquefaction capacity would reach only 340 million tonnes by 2018, whilst potential demand is expected to rise to more than 450 million tonnes, and that is without factoring in LNG bunker demand .

Adoption of LNG in the maritime sector will drive the need for significant further LNG liquefaction capacity.

Figure 3.4 source: BP

3.5 Why LNG as Ship Fuel?

Using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel has recently gained more attention in Europe, but also in Asia and the USA. There are three drivers visible which, taken together, make LNG as ship fuel one of the most promising new technologies for shipping

Using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel has recently gained more attention not only in Europe, but also in Asia and the USA. There are three drivers visible which make LNG as ship fuel one of the most promising new technologies for shipping:

• First, using LNG as ship fuel will reduce sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions, which are created when using fuel with a highsulphur content, by between 90% and 95%. This reduction level will become mandatory within the so-called Emission Control Areas (ECAs) from 2015. A similar reduction will be enforced for worldwide shipping from 2020 on, pending a review at the IMO which may shift the introduction

• In addition, the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions to comply with IMO Tier III limits, applicable in ECAs from 2016, can be achieved for both pure gas engines and four-stroke dual-fuel engines, which are typically used on board ships, engaged in short sea and coastal shipping.

• Second, due to the lower carbon content of LNG compared to traditional ship fuels, a 20% - 25% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is possible. The actual reduction depends on engine type and the range of possible measures for reducing the unwanted release of unused methane.

• Third, current LNG prices in Europe and the USA suggest that LNG could be offered at a price comparable to heavy fuel oil (HFO), taking into account its energy content and the costs of small-scale LNG distribution (not yet available). This means that LNG will certainly look commercially attractive compared with the low-sulphur marine gas oil (MGO) which will be required to be used within the ECAs if no other technical measures are implemented to reduce SOx emissions.

3.6 LNG Bunkering

If LNG bunkering cannot be implemented in a similar way to HFO bunkering, LNG as ship fuel will rapidly see a decline in commercial interest.

Little attention has been paid to LNG bunkering recently and only now is research being performed to look into the key points related to this. It needs to be emphasized that, if LNG bunkering cannot be implemented in a similar way to HFO bunkering, LNG as ship fuel will rapidly see a decline in commercial interest. The reason for this is that the current scheduling of ferries, ro-ro vessels and container ships does not allow for extra stops to take bunker fuel, and it is these vessels that are seen as the most promising potential adopters of this new technology.


At –163 °C, it is capable of crippling steel structures if spilled, after which it will rapidly evaporate. Furthermore, this evaporation would produce a highly inflammable cloud of gas, which any nearby sources of ignition could cause to catch fire. The main focus of current research is, therefore, on measures to avoid/reduce any LNG spillage during bunkering. This includes technical measures as well as procedures and training for the personnel involved.

Figure 3.6 source: MIT Lemkau Report


With new conventional and unconventional (e.g. shale gas and coal bed methane) gas discoveries being announced both onshore and offshore on a regular basis and with already 250 years of estimated supply identified, LNG is projected to maintain its considerable price advantage and to grow in importance as a transportation fuel of choice.

There are regional energy price differences, as illustrated in the charts for NW Europe and Korea above. But the price advantage of LNG over HFO and especially over diesel remains consistent. Diesel is the market to watch here, as it is the only qualifying alternative to LNG to achieve sulfur levels post 2020. LNG’s price advantage ranging from US$7-15/MMBtu shown above is a significant attraction for ship operators facing pressure on earnings, or charterers seeking competitive rates. This translates into significant anticipated annualized cost savings of US$12-20 million for large container vessels and US$6-12 million for VLCCs.

Figure 3.7 source: MIT Lemkau Report

3.8 LNG Asia Market

Long-term LNG contracts in Asia have historically been linked to prevailing crude oil prices, and while the concept is relatively simple, the actual derivation of the LNG price can be somewhat confusing. There are typically three pieces to the contract calculation: the oil price, the slope and the constant.

The calculation starts with an oil price reference benchmark; the one most commonly used is known as the Japan customs-cleared crude (JCC) price (also known as the Japanese Crude Cocktail). The JCC represents the average monthly price of a basket of various crude oils imported into Japan. The JCC typically moves in line with other global crude benchmarks. The second contractual piece in the LNG price derivation is the negotiated factor, which is known as the "price slope." Slope essentially defines the relationship between oil and gas prices, and is then multiplied by the JCC. On average, one million BTUs of gas has about 16.67% of the energy content of a barrel of oil (i.e., the 6-to-1 heat-equivalent parity).

Contract slope is typically expressed in percentage terms; thus, if the heat-equivalent parity were used, the slope would be 16.67%. Contract slopes are typically slightly less than 16.67%, usually around 14% to 15%, but they could be higher if the buyer were willing to pay a premium over the heat-equivalent oil price. As slope decreases, the resulting LNG price for a given oil price will be lower. To further add complexity, some contracts will have varying slope percentages used at different oil price levels. Broadly speaking, there can be four basic forms: the simplest is a straight-line constant slope that exposes both the buyer and seller to adverse price movements.

A second type is the so-called "S-curve," which will have flatter slope at low oil prices to protect sellers and a flatter slope at high oil prices to protect buyers. The other two types are variations on the S-curve, where either only the seller has some protection (an oil-linked contract with a floor) or only the buyer has protection (an oil-linked contract with a ceiling).

Figure 3.8 source: IMO Report

The final piece is the constant term, which generally represents a fixed price element that is independent of oil price movements. Most LNG contracts will include a modest constant, typically less than US$1 per million BTUs, which generally bears some implicit relationship to shipping costs.

The last few years have seen a record divergence in regional gas prices, driven by both supply and demand factors, e.g., the US shale gas boom, the European financial crisis and the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

The advent of diverse new supply sources is challenging the LNG status quo, with Asian buyers presumably looking to modify or possibly replace their long-standing and relatively expensive pricing model of gas prices tied explicitly to oil prices.

3.9 Risk and challenges of LNG

Beyond the cost and pricing issues, there are a number of other risks and challenges that companies have to consider and address:

Price volatility — as noted earlier, spot prices, such as those in the US, can be very volatile, often affected by local supply/demand factors, abnormal weather or accidents.

Political risk (exports) — particularly in the US, there may be domestic energy cost implications as a result of LNG exports. Gas-intensive industries that have recently gained competitive international advantage with low US gas prices are adamantly opposed to LNG exports. The recent study by NERA Economic Consultants for the US Department of Energy found that LNG exports would produce net economic benefits for the country despite somewhat higher domestic gas prices, and that these benefits would increase with export volumes. While the findings of the report were welcomed by the LNG community, the report itself does not settle the politically charged issue.

Political risk (environmental) — in Canada, these risks center around rising environmental opposition, particularly with regard to potential pipeline and/or shipping spills, and around First Nations’ land issues with the export facilities and the associated pipeline infrastructure.

Calorific concerns with "lean" or dry gas such as from the US — Asian customers typically prefer "richer" gas. Technical workarounds may be effective, e.g., "spiking" dry cargos with natural gas liquids (NGLs).

Transfer pricing — pricing is complicated by relatively liquid markets with few participants and a paucity of comparable data. There are challenges in allocating or apportioning value and risk to the various functions along the supply chain in a long-dated contract. These issues can be magnified in the cases of cargo diversion.

Skilled labor shortages — labor demands for the surge of Australian LNG projects have been a major factor in the cost inflation the industry has suffered. Even with much of the fabrication work done outside of Australia, labor demand is expected to remain extremely high through the end of the decade. In Canada, where skilled labor markets are already tightly stretched with oil sands construction activity, the knock on effects of aggressive LNG development could substantially aggravate the problems and result in significant cost increases.

Supply technology — two areas in particular could impact the future of LNG: methane hydrates and Floating LNG (FLNG). Over the long term, methane hydrates could potentially double the world’s natural gas resources. With a disproportionately large volume of methane hydrates located near Japan and Korea, both countries are ramping up R&D activities. Successful development could significantly reduce demand for LNG. FLNG may in some cases be an attractive, cost-effective alternative to land-based liquefaction, with potentially lower development costs, lower environmental impacts and the ability to monetize remote or smaller gas fields. At present, there are no operational FLNG facilities — Shell’s Prelude FLNG project, currently being developed in Australia, is slated to come online in 2017–2018.

Immature fiscal/legal regimes in emerging gas markets —with East Africa emerging as one of the most promising new gas provinces, governments will be pressed to establish fair, transparent, and effective fiscal and legal systems. Failure to do so will likely slow LNG development.

Potential LNG tanker capacity issues — industry will need one additional LNG tanker for ~1.5 to 2 mtpa of new capacity; this will depend on tanker size, with the biggest new tankers (Q-max tankers) holding up to 260,000 cubic meters, with the typical tanker size ~175,000 cubic meters. Tanker tightness could slow spot market liquidity growth.

Checkered industry record in terms of schedule delays and cost overruns — Deutsche Bank notes that only 2 of the last 12 LNG projects have been delivered on time and budget, and it appears to be more difficult to do so. Projects are challenged by sheer train sizes, increasing technological complexity, labor issues and environmental issues, while upstream supply regions have also become more complex.2 Analysts at J.P. Morgan similarly estimate that, since 2000, about one-third of all LNG projects have been delayed or over budget.

Chapter 4

Costs and Benefits of LNG as Ship Fuel for Container Vessels

The use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel has recently gained more attention in Europe, but also in Asia and the USA. There are three visible drivers which, taken together, make LNG as ship fuel one of the most promising new technologies for shipping.

The use of LNG as ship fuel will reduce sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions by 90-95%. This reduction level will also be mandated within the so- called Emission Control Areas (ECAs) by 2015. A similar reduction will be enforced for worldwide shipping by 2020.

A lower carbon content of LNG compared to traditional ship fuels enables a 20-25% reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Any slip of methane during bunkering or usage needs to be avoided to maintain this advantage.

LNG is expected to be less costly than marine gas oil (MGO) which will be required to be used within the ECAs if no other technical measures are implemented to reduce the Sox emissions.

Current low LNG prices in Europe and the USA suggest that a price – based on energy content – comparable to heavy fuel oil (HFO) seems possible, even when taking into account the small scale distribution of the LNG.

Figure 4.1 source : Clean skies Report

Chapter 5


Changing legislation on SO2 emissions from ships means that ship owners must either switch to using gasoil or invest in scrubbers or dual-fuel oil-LNG engines by 2020 or 2025at the latest.

Scrubbers: The Short-term Solution

Scrubbers are currently economically attractive because fuel oil is much cheaper than gasoil. Study expects that in the short term—technical and legal drawbacks aside—scrubbers are likely to be chosen for most existing ships that sail through an ECA, even part time. As there are only a small number of manufacturers of scrubbers, the limited production capacity could result in temporary bottlenecks and force late movers to run on more expensive gasoil initially

For ship owners, an early commitment to scrubbers could provide a competitive advantage as gasoil prices strengthen. Refiners could benefit for a time from higher gasoil prices during the uneven transition to scrubbers. The gasoil-crude price differential should peak temporarily around 2020 or 2025 supporting refinery margins. The later opportunities for refiners could be in upgrading investment, as fuel oil demand—and its price—eventually declines with the switchover of the shipping industry to LNG bunkers.

5.1 LNG: Slower to Develop

LNG is attractive as a shipping fuel, but the number of ports equipped to retail LNG is limited, and the development of a global retail network will require time and investment. It is also clear that retrofitting for LNG use is more complex and expensive than for scrubbers.

Dual-fuel engines will be chosen preferentially for new ships and not as retrofits. Hence the development of dual-fuel engines is contingent on the rate of renewal and expansion of the fleet, a slow process over at least a 30-year cycle. We expect these factors to make LNG bunkering a slow development, except for ships that have a guaranteed supply of LNG (i.e., LNG tankers or ships operating only between ports equipped with LNG bunkering, such as ferries or container ships). This volume is greater than the expected LNG demand growth of even China, the quickest-growing user of LNG. Retailers have a window of opportunity to develop LNG distribution in ports.

5.2 Costs

5.2.1 Capital Costs

Capital costs depend on the size and type of ships and engines.

5.2.2 Fuel oil scrubbers

Based on a figure of $210 per kilowatt (kW), a new scrubber would cost around $3 million. In addition, an SCR unit would have to be added to comply with 2015 ECA NOX limits, at a cost around $0.5 million, which can be avoided by fueling exclusively with LNG.

5.2.3 LNG

The extra cost of a new dual-fuel engine installation—including the extra tanks needed to store the segregated LNG—is estimated at around $5 million.

Although these incremental capex costs are only a small percentage of the cost of the ships, the shipping industry is still very short of cash following the 2009 recession, and the total cost of fleet upgrades means a substantial financial commitment for ship owners. Still, the new regulations require this investment.

5.2.4 Operating Costs

Fuel costs are the primary driver of opex across the different alternatives. Additional operating costs—scrubber energy and waste removal, engine maintenance (with downtime losses), fuel delivery, and storage costs aboard and ashore—all are smaller in comparison.

Fuel costs hinge on many ship parameters. Speed and regional fuel price assumptions are the most crucial ones, but size, type, and relative sailing/port time also matter.

5.2.4 Sailing speed

The amount of bunker consumed on a voyage depends on the speed of the ship, which is influenced by the cost of the fuel and the charter rate of the ship. In the case of an oversupply of ships, charter rates decrease and ship operators usually elect to go slower. A speed reduction of 20 percent below the maximum cuts fuel consumption nearly by half, a reduction similar to the fuel cost savings from LNG use.

5.2.5 Regional fuel price assumptions

Compared with European prices, LNG is expected to be cheaper in the United States and more expensive in Asia. Fuel oil is marginally more expensive in the United States and in Asia than in Europe.

Economics depend strongly on these fuel price assumptions. However, a small investment combined with large annual bunker consumption means that even a small price difference will suffice to guarantee an acceptable payback period—say, five years. With the $5 million investment of our example, this is achieved with a price difference between LNG and fuel oil of just $0.3 per MMBtu, or, for a ship shuttling between Asia and another region, by a combination of "no difference" in Asia and $0.6 per MMBtu in Europe or the United States.


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